Japan Today

Police question university student, others over plan to join Islamic State


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Well i guess this provides somewhat of an answer to the article posted the other day of the possibility of an Islamic State attack within Japanese borders.....scary:O.

4 ( +8 / -4 )

Scary, given postwar Japan's rich history of terrorism, from the Red Army to Aum Shinrikyo.

-6 ( +11 / -17 )

The story sounds a bit like hoax. Posters offering "work" in Syria are hardly an ISIS recruiting tool.

9 ( +14 / -5 )

The appear to have been more naive idiots than wannabe jihadis...but this particular kind of idiocy can be dangerous. Im glad the police had a word with them.

7 ( +10 / -3 )

How did the police know that he was preparing to go to Syria? I doubt he had purchased a one way ticket to Damascus. So how did they learn of him plans? That is what I would like to know. Unless he was an idiot, spouting off what he was going to do!

9 ( +10 / -2 )

Let them go to Syria! See how long they last without their rice....

5 ( +12 / -7 )

"Let them go to Syria! See how long they last without their rice...."

They'd probably miss their alcohol and chasing after young women more.

9 ( +11 / -2 )

Boys, do a bit of study and go on a few protest marches if you're looking for a cause ( there are plenty of problems here in Japan to get upset about ). Secondly, have a few beers and most importantly of all, get yourselves laid.

5 ( +7 / -2 )

These days one have to watch out for knife wielding man. It makes me feel like go shopping for electric shocker.

-9 ( +2 / -11 )

I say let them go and once they get there and crap their their pants as reality sets in and they realize mommy is not there to whip there nose ........

6 ( +8 / -2 )

Anyone found dealing with IS should be given the most harsh penalties possible.

If they become better funded, and gain momentum it could well be the most dangerous threat world peace, and the advancement of human rights and equality the human race has encountered since the dark ages.. make no mistaken any unquestionable dogma can be extremely dangerous, no one should ever make excuses or allowances for the disgusting treatment of humans both within and victims of these kinds of groups.

3 ( +7 / -4 )

"...Unless he was an idiot, spouting off what he was going to do!"

Well, you have to ask yourself how smart someone is who decides to leave Japan and join the people chopping off heads in Syria. I doubt they attract many of the best and brightest.

0 ( +2 / -2 )

More importantly, how is it legal for a store to place illegal IS work posters on their store windows and WHO is responsible for making those posters here in Japan? Some how, I doubt either of those questions will ever be addressed.

2 ( +3 / -1 )

Just shoot them now to save on the expense of bombing them later.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

I wonder if they want to go to Syria/Iraq because they agree with IS politics, or if they just want to "disect" someone like that whackjob teenage girl. Let them go. Send them over draped in an American flag, or something equally offensive to ISIS, take away their passport, so they can't come back and let them figure it out for themselves.

2 ( +4 / -2 )

Was the man questioned a Japanese citizen? Was the poster in Japanese?, English?, Arabic? Who put up the poster and did they put up only one? Only one poster was put in a hole in the wall used book store in Hokkaido and already there were takers? Stranger and stranger.

3 ( +4 / -1 )

Madness that these kids perhaps wanted to volunteer as cannon-fodder with this death-cult - especially in light of what likely happened to the Japanese self-described "New-Half"mercenary, Haruna Yukawa.

1 ( +3 / -2 )

Let the idiot go to Syria. He'll soon find out that it's not like the movies.

No military training, probably doesn't even speak English, let alone Persian. Certainly won't have read and understood the Quran. One less moron in this country would be a good thing. ISIS would eat him alive; or he'd end up like that other loser, Yukawa. Other than being dressed in orange, kneeling while reading a statement, he'd be of zero use to them.

0 ( +7 / -7 )

Islamic State is owning cyberspace and cyberspace knows no borders or language barriers. You can't put restrictions on the net to stop them, you have to go after the group itself.

1 ( +3 / -2 )

These idiots go for various reasons, some think they are going to help those affected and want to donate their time, others go for adventure because it would be cool to go and take a look. Few realise how dangerous it is and what could happen. just look at the last british guy who went to help in a convoy.

Any one who foolishly goes to this are is likely to just become another headless corpse used to further assist the IS propaganda and fear machine.

Anyone who wants to go to this area should first get mental help and counselling if they still want to go then take their passport on departure so they cannot return.

1 ( +2 / -1 )

@Probie Thanks for your deep analysis of the situation obviously based on a wealth of experience.....

Just a couple of minor points:

ISIS is to be found in Syria and Iraq, its members are mostly Arabs. On the other hand, Persian is the language of Iran, a country inhabited by Iranians who definitely are not Arabs.

ISIS is extremist Sunni, the dominant Islamic sect in many Arab countries. Sunni extremists hate the Shiites, the Islamic sect dominant in Iran. Thus, if this chap spoke Persian he would probably; (a) not be getting involved with an extremist Sunni group and (b) not advertising the fact.

But hey, lets not let the facts get in the way...

4 ( +8 / -4 )

WilliBOct. 07, 2014 - 06:51AM JST The story sounds a bit like hoax. Posters offering "work" in Syria are hardly an ISIS recruiting tool.

I agree. Normally the publish the individual's name (and he's 26 so he's not a minor), and this vague reference to "several men"... this story looks very thin on the normal details and very long on tenuous connections.

2 ( +4 / -2 )

Secondly, have a few beers and most importantly of all, get yourselves laid.

Joining the state prevents him from drinking alcohol. The getting laid part though is a free-for-all. Light bulb goes on Now I understand why he wants to join.........

-1 ( +2 / -3 )

In Japan, the penalty for someone convicted of preparing for private combat is up to five years in jail.

That's what I find more troubling. I can see somewhat if they were going to go to war domestically, but if one leaves to go fight, how is that breaking Japanese law? So you are saying that Japan laws travel world wide? If that is the case, then why are so many in Japan upset when a military member does something wrong in Japan and they want to try the person under US law?

If the kids had any sense, they would have just booked travel to Italy or Greece, and gone through to Turkey from their outside the Japanese authorities. Something tells me these guys are probably not too bright, and don't really understand what they may be getting into. If they do understand, like others have asked, are they Muslim converts or from that part of the world origninally.

Lesson learned, never post what you plan on doing on the internet.

-1 ( +2 / -3 )

"Lesson learned, never post what you plan on doing on the internet."

I plan to be a good citizen.

I think others are looking for something bigger than themselves of which to be a part. Instant "meaning" to one's life, perhaps.

0 ( +1 / -1 )


I can see somewhat if they were going to go to war domestically, but if one leaves to go fight, how is that breaking Japanese law?

Agree that Japanese laws shouldn't apply outside Japan, but The offence is "preparing for private combat", with no reference to where that combat might take place.

And merely by buying a ticket and going to the airport he'd be technically breaking the law.

-2 ( +0 / -2 )

Most of the posters are assuming that the arrested guy was Japanese.

26-year-old male Hokkaido University student and several men who shared a house with him

At the risk of stereotyping it does sound like a group of foreign students studying in Japan.

The radicalization has affected young Moslems from all over the world and there is no reason that the ones in Japan will be immune from it.

Fundamentalists prey on the alienated and it is very easy for that to happen here.

4 ( +6 / -2 )

Agree that Japanese laws shouldn't apply outside Japan, but The offence is "preparing for private combat", with no reference to where that combat might take place. And merely by buying a ticket and going to the airport he'd be technically breaking the law.

So I guess technically if one does push ups and extra physical fitness training and runs an obstacle course before he travels overseas, could that be considered as "preparing for private combat?" If he bought a ticket to Syria, though it may be silly if one doesn't have any relatives there, I don't see why that woud be a violation of Japanese law, since Japan has not declared war against any of the parties, nor have the declared them off limits.

-1 ( +1 / -2 )


Most of the posters are assuming that the arrested guy was Japanese.

Sorry, if you want to talk sense and use logic, there's other websites available for that kind of behaviour.

1 ( +5 / -4 )

I get the impression that there is a surprsing amount of latent anti-Americanism in Japan.

Could also be Anti-Japan if they are from Hokkaido. Native populations that are discriminated against... Could be any number of motives.

0 ( +0 / -0 )


" Let the idiot go to Syria. He'll soon find out that it's not like the movies. No military training, probably doesn't even speak English, let alone Persian. "

And "speaking Persian" would help him Syria how, exactly?

3 ( +4 / -1 )


@Probie Thanks for your deep analysis of the situation obviously based on a wealth of experience.....

I spent almost 20 years in the marines, so yeah. What is your background?

ISIS is to be found in Syria and Iraq, its members are mostly Arabs. On the other hand, Persian is the language of Iran, a country inhabited by Iranians who definitely are not Arabs.

Sorry, my mistake. Used to saying Persian. Long time over there does that to you.

ISIS is extremist Sunni, the dominant Islamic sect in many Arab countries. Sunni extremists hate the Shiites, the Islamic sect dominant in Iran. Thus, if this chap spoke Persian he would probably; (a) not be getting involved with an extremist Sunni group and (b) not advertising the fact. But hey, lets not let the facts get in the way...

So, your main point is correcting me on the use of one word? Well done.

-4 ( +1 / -5 )

A few of the British idiots who went or threatened to go claimed to be going to help "defend" their "Muslim Brothers", even though a six year old could see that ISIS has been the agressor against other Muslims. These are simply deluded, stupid, easily-manipulated people, who cannot tell right from wrong. There are a few cases where innocent people seem to have been sucked in, and I have no doubt that the majority of Westerners who've gone have bitterly regretted their decision once they've experienced the brutal reality of life there. They perhaps don't realise it's a one way ticket to hell, until it's too late.

3 ( +3 / -0 )

Sorry, if you want to talk sense and use logic, there's other websites available for that kind of behaviour.

I recommend that you go to Mecca and look at the people going to the Haji (oops you can't enter Mecca if you are not Muslim).

You will see not only "Arabic" or Middle Eastern looking people, but people of every race and creed. Muslims are not an ethnic group. So could they be Japanese natives, possibly. There are Japanese who are Christian, Catholic, and other religons so it is not too far a stretch to say that these guys may be Japanese.

0 ( +2 / -2 )

How many % Japanese muslim? I think it's definitely few if any, am I wrong? So what's the background of these youngsters who try to join ISIS? they would be discriminated by others over there(ISIS) even if they successfully go there!

-1 ( +1 / -2 )

26 year old college student? I wonder if Mom and Dad know about his intentions.

-3 ( +0 / -3 )

tideofiron=They see Americans bombing IS and identify with them as a shared victimhoon mentality= Ougust 7,2014 2:20 P.M<giving special Given the current on-going shift to the far right in the political climate in Japan since the coming back to power by Mr. Abe, I would not be surprised if not a small number of youngish people in their up to early 50s who graduated from school with hardly any accurate konwledege of modern Japnese history got to identify emotionally with IS troops as a shared victimhood mentality. If my description of the Japanese university student and others should not be too wide off the mark, then I am afraid we would be paying the price for promoting the whitewashed version of the Japanese history put on the put the lid on the foul-smelling aspects of it in the name of giving special consideration to the "uniquel Japanese cultural trdition".

-2 ( +0 / -2 )

Reading the J news today and according to a journalist who interviewed him he said he will commit suicide if the authorities stop him going. He wants to die anyway, but thinks that it will be more interesting to go and fight and die for a completely different culture and religion.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

How many % Japanese muslim? I think it's definitely few if any, am I wrong?

Should we Google that for you?

-3 ( +0 / -3 )

Why stop them, if that what they want to go the government should give that person a one-way ticket out of Japan and immediately cancel the passport and the government must do whatever it take not to let them return to Japan. If your heart is not in Japan then off you go. Let keep thing simple there is nothing to talk about. Sayonara!

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Warning. In Japanese. FNN, reported on J Yahoo, for the link to news three posts above:


0 ( +0 / -0 )

Reading the J news today and according to a journalist who interviewed him he said he will commit suicide if the authorities stop him going. He wants to die anyway, but thinks that it will be more interesting to go and fight and die for a completely different culture and religion.

If he has a death wish, then I say let him go. Better for him to die from 500lb laser guided bomb deliverd via the US than to jump off a building in Tokyo and kill an innocent bystander.

BTW, he should see who ISIS has next up for the "ISIS haircut." A former US Army soldier, who went to Syria to "find himself" so to speak and actually converted to Islam. Still I guess that wasn't good enough for them so he is due to get the scalp treatment. The thing with these guys who come from places like Japan and other First world, they think that with their backgrounds, they will be seen as some sort of reverse "Charisma Man" to borrow an expression and wil be reverred. But in actuality, these people hate anyone who is different from them. They even have divisions among themselves, some of the so called leaders of ISIS are living it up, while those who are not in on the inner circle are the ones out getting shot at.

Let him go, one less person who will cause a train delay or some other collateral death due to his wanting to exit the gene pool.

2 ( +2 / -0 )

Last week I commented in another article that there will be Japanese outsiders who are attracted to exotic groups liked this, and I was roundly condemned as mistaken. Well, here it is.

0 ( +2 / -2 )

Please let them go to war. They are dangerous in Japan. Get rid of them!

0 ( +1 / -1 )

Now they are saying this this student, (not actually actively attending classes) has recently become a follower of Islam and has been learning to speak Arabic.


1 ( +2 / -1 )

There are Japanese who are Christian, Catholic, and other religons so it is not too far a stretch to say that these guys may be Japanese.

And neither is it too far a stretch to say that the guys may not be Japanese.

There is a significant foreign Moslem student population here and a few of them getting radicalized will not be too big a surprise.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

There is a big price every country must pay for opening to Muslim. hope Japan can resist a little bit more, ganbatte.

0 ( +3 / -3 )

AlphaapeOct. 07, 2014 - 10:07AM JST

but if one leaves to go fight, how is that breaking Japanese law? So you are saying that Japan laws travel world wide? If that is the case, then why are so many in Japan upset when a military member does something wrong in Japan and they want to try the person under US law?

Japanese Criminal Code classifies crimes into four categories.

1 crimes punishable if committed in Japan: any crime.

2 crimes punishable if committed outside of Japan: conspiracy against Japanese Government, counterfeit of Japanese currency

3 crimes punishable if committed by a Japanese national outside of Japan: murder, rape, etc.

4 crimes punishable if committed against a Japanese national outside of Japan: murder, rape, etc.

But Japanese criminal code is enforceable only in Japan. So, what it means is that, if a foreigner kills a Japanese outside of Japan and comes to Japan, Japanese government will press murder charges against him.

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

Stupid impressionable idiots!...All that will happen is that they get captured and beheaded like the others who take pleasure cruises to the middle east.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

These kids are just losers, in every sense of the word. They are probably socially awkward and feel alienated, and this is their way of 'being known' and lashing out. If they were to go, they'd crap their pants and regret it immediately, and likely get caught in some kind of hostage situation or be used as pawns for something else. The 'danger' they pose is that once caught and used by ISIS, or enemies of ISIS, the government would be pressured to step in and help them out. In THAT respect, these kids are dangerous. Not in anything else. My guess is that at least in some if not all of the cases, this being published and them now being somewhat infamous will be enough to satisfy their egos for a short time. You don't advertise that you're going if you are truly sincere about it -- you just go. These guys just want attention. If they still want to go later, let them, but first let them know there'll be no help if they run into trouble and have them sign a document releasing the government from any responsibility towards such.

0 ( +2 / -2 )

Rather than hearing more trivia details about this young fool, I would like to know which mosque and preacher in Hokkaido taught him about islam. Or did he get all his information from the internet? Also, I would like to know who paid for these "work offered" posters in the bookshop. I hope th J-constabulary is looking into that.

-1 ( +1 / -2 )

This is just an exaggeration, there are more idiots around who do not know what they are doing or talking about.

3 ( +3 / -0 )

How did the police know that he was preparing to go to Syria? I doubt he had purchased a one way ticket to Damascus. So how did they learn of him plans? That is what I would like to know. Unless he was an idiot, spouting off what he was going to do!

Did you read the story? "The student told police he “was planning to travel to Syria so as to join Islamic State to work as a fighter”, the Mainichi Shimbun and other media reported."

Personally, I say good on the police for catching him, and keeping another radical from feeding the fire over there.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

There are a few cases where innocent people seem to have been sucked in, and I have no doubt that the majority of Westerners who've gone have bitterly regretted their decision once they've experienced the brutal reality of life there. They perhaps don't realise it's a one way ticket to hell, until it's too late.

They do - have you heard on the British news that since the authorities know who many of these guys are now and are theatening to take their passports away on their return to the UK that they are all over there panicking now at not being able to return home and offering deals with the UK government including being subjected to monitoring (which of course tax payers would have to foot the bill for) in return for amnesty? I say leave them there - they made their choice.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

I saw TV this morning that shows some young people were interviewed about the student. Surprisingly, about half of the people interviewed answered, "He has the freedom to choose whether he joins Islamic State. you should admit individual rights" or the same kind. I was shocked to hear their comment! Japanese young people don't know how they are dangerous and what they have been doing or what influences the would would suffer. I think Japanese young people seem to be extremely vulnerable.

1 ( +2 / -1 )

How did the police know that he was preparing to go to Syria? I doubt he had purchased a one way ticket to Damascus. So how did they learn of him plans?

Did you read the story? "The student told police he “was planning to travel to Syria so as to join Islamic State to work as a fighter”, the Mainichi Shimbun and other media reported."

He told the police that after they picked him up. That doesn't explain how the police knew he was preparing to go to Syria in the first place.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

Well i guess this provides somewhat of an answer to the article posted the other day of the possibility of an Islamic State attack within Japanese borders.....scary:O.

I think those living in Japan should be much more worried about mosquitoes than terrorist attacks. Next summer might be tough for those prone to mosquito bites.

2 ( +2 / -0 )

There is a big price every country must pay for opening to Muslim. hope Japan can resist a little bit more, ganbatte. !!!!!!

Mr/Ms jhagen or waterer your title is, I think people like you are the one who is realy dangerous and shouldn't be let to walk freely because you have the same mind set as the terrorist of ISIS. for your info, the one who killed hundred of thousand in a brutal way using nuclear bombs as if they were experiments mice are Christians, and the one who killed millions of people in world war 1&2 most of them were Christians such as Adolph Hitler, Czar Nicholas, Kaiser Wilhelm,Franco, Mussolini, Gen. Pinochet, and in the 21st century we have George w bush, and so many others. That was the Christians list and now for the jews killers list: Shimon Peres, Benjamin Netanyah, Ehud Barak, Ariel Sharon, Benjamin Netanyahu and there are thousands more. For the Buddhist killers list: Bao Dai, Chiang Kai shel, Chun Doo Hwan,Rakhine Organization. For Islam list: Muammar Qadafi, Hussni Mubarak, Abulfatah Al-sisi, Bashar Al-Assad, Nori Al-Maliki, Talat Pasha,Ruhollah Khomeini, Idi Amin. As you can see from the list, the world most brutal cold blood killers are from all religions which means they use the religion to cover their crimes. From what I see and hear from the media I had a bad image about Islam but when I thoroughly searched and read about the real Islam I found that It's really nice and peaceful religion, you can even tell from the name itself (Islam) which means in arabic peace and the greeting of Islam is "peace be upon you", I read also in Islam textbooks that it's prohibited to kill even an animal without reason and if you kill only one human regardless of his/her religion or belief it's considered as you have killed all mankind and you will go to hell, and I think the media is being controlled to give a bad image about Islam and make people believe that it's violent religion which in reality it's the opposite. Regarding ISIS they are killing mainly Muslims in Syria & Iraq and all muslim religious leaders declared them non muslims not only that they even considered them wolves in human shape and the one who is really fighting them are the muslims from Syria, Iraq, Turkey, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Jordan, UAE, Kuwait ..etc . In regard to their power and support they have gained power and support from the people in Iraq, Syria & the rest of the world because they claim that they came to help the Syrian & Iraqi people in their revolution against the dictators: Bashar Al-Assad in Syria & Nori Al Maliki in Iraq whom are killing their people to stay in power. Most of people who are joining ISIS have lost their trust in and the UN, US and western countries because they are only watching and doing nothing to stop those dictator, and also the gain support because of the US military continuous intervention in Iraq, Afghanistan, Somalia, Pakistan. I think the Muslim people feel that they are being targeted by the US and their allies, Not to forget that they have bad history with western countries which occupied their land, killed millions of them, stole their resources, divided their countries, appointed dictators to rule them so they can secure their interests, and also the hate USA because of its unlimited support to Israel which is considered to them the world number one terrorist nation. It is the same anytime and everywere if feel that you existence or beliefs are being targeted you will fight to protect it, so the solution for this problem is first by stopping the killing innocent people in middle east that is being carried by the US and western countries for decades, second to force Bashar Al Assad to step down, third establish democratic governments in Syria & Iraq forth stop Iran interventions in Arab countries, if that happen those terrorist will not find anyone to support, believe or provide shelter for them and no one will get infected by their poisonous ideology.

2 ( +4 / -2 )

It is estimated that around 15,000 "foreign fighters" went to Syria, of which 2,000 came from Western countries. It is unknown how many of those joined ISIS. They are all Muslims and no doubt most of them have an abiding hate of the West, or Japan, or any other country that is not Muslim,.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

It is fight between two group of terrorist one group is throwing bombs from the sky using F16 and one group in the ground using tanks and rifles and both groups are killing innocent people and destroying whole nation. and both of them are using fake titles to cover their crimes, one is using the name of "religion" which they don't know anything about, and the other group using the name of "democracy and freedom" which they don't want it for the middle east countries so that they can keep their interests protected.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

I doubt any of them would last a week without a beer and a bit of fried pork.

2 ( +3 / -1 )

They seem to be responding to a common summons. In today's paper there was an almost identical story about a 19-year-old Muslim from Chicago who was arrested at the airport after he left his parents a farewell letter. He was arrested for providing material support to terrorists.


0 ( +1 / -1 )

Police question university student, others over plan to join Islamic State

I was wrong and WilliB and bass4funk were right.

I actually believed that the Muslims of Japan were different than the Muslims of the rest of the world. I really thought that ISIS' hatred and fanaticism wouldn't infect the Muslims of Japan. But, now I see I was mistaken and can now say that.

I wonder how many Muslims from Japan have already taken up the black flag of ISIS? I wonder how many are here waiting to either take up their war to Syria/Iraq or carry it out here?

Again, I was wrong when I actually believed that the Muslims here were any different than the Muslims from around the world.

1 ( +3 / -2 )

I checked internet which say there 're only thousands to few tens of thousands muslim ( means 0.0001%) in Japan and 80-90% of these muslin were born in other countries. Clearly muslim world issue is nothing to do with Japanese.

-2 ( +0 / -2 )


" I actually believed that the Muslims of Japan were different than the Muslims of the rest of the world. "

Why would you believe that?? A "muslim" is simply somebody who believes that Allah is god and Mohammed his prophet. You can become a muslim yourself any time, by simply declaring so.

There are no "different muslims" anywhere. Geography is irrelevant. The question is to what degree the believers take the words of the Koran and Haddith literally, and that largely depends on what they are taught by their imams.

And last time I looked, nobody is monitoring the imams here, as the moderate muslim countries do routinely. So we just don´t know what is going on in the various heads.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

dear Sakae,

Mr/Ms jhagen or waterer your title is, I think people like you are the one who is realy dangerous and shouldn't be let to walk freely because you have the same mind set as the terrorist of ISIS...

I never use violence to anyone, I always listen different opinions without firing, so why shouldn't I be let to walk free?

I read also in Islam textbooks that it's prohibited to kill even an animal without reason

that "without a reason" you're talking about does not make me feel safe at all.

Regarding ISIS they are killing mainly Muslims in Syria & Iraq

so if they kill only muslims it is not a big issue. wow.

on few other points I agree with you about usa and western slave countries that are killing innocent people in middle east for decades. I can't find any fast solution but violence call violence does not seem a real good solution to me.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

It appears the student and a journalist were being set up by a visiting professor at Doshisha U. to travel to Syria, with the idea that the journalist would write a story about the students adventure. The student was not so keen on fighting with ISIL, but didn't mind being killed in combat because he was planning to commit suicide within a year anyway. (source hint - another jt) All three were Japanese. The professor is somehow acquainted with a ISIL commander.

Naivety and an absence of human compassion combined with a sadistic twist.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

According to this article he has told police that he was unable to find a job, and wanted to 「戦闘員になって人殺す」参加計画、衝撃の理由 "to become a fighter and kill people".


0 ( +0 / -0 )

This is mega creepy.

Second hand book shop has a poster that advertises that you can make 2400 / month fighting in China and you can also speak to the clerk about going to fight with crazy Islamic extremists

I'm imagining some shadowy rich and powerful financing body... with a secret agenda....

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Dear jhagen,

"I never use violence to anyone, I always listen different opinions without firing, so why shouldn't I be let to walk free?" "((There is a big price every country must pay for opening to Muslim. hope Japan can resist a little bit more, ganbatte)).".

you are using a hate speech against muslims and judge them as if they were "terrorist" and that is 100% violence. just to let you know every person of five persons in the world is a muslim, which means muslims population is more than 25% of the world population and it is the second largest religion in the world, if muslims are terrorist neither me nor you will be alive today to write a comment. If you really read about islam before you request countries to band muslims from entering their land, you will find that it's started more than 1400 years ago, so why only now they became "terrorists"!!!????. And in muslim's holy book Quran stated that no one have the write to force someone else to accept his faith or opinion, muslims became muslims by their own will & Arabs only 20% of muslims population, and the content of Quran is a copy of the original Bible and Torah, "Abrahamic religions", and If you make muslims terrorist because of their belief then you are making all "Abrahamic religions" believers terrorist and they consist of more than 60% of world population.!!!!!!!.. I do understand you because I had the same opinion and image about Islam when I saw in the media & internet how those monsters from ISIS and AlQaida groups kill innocent people in a brutal way without mercy, but the problem is that there are people who are controlling what we see and want us to have that image about Islam and they want us to hate muslims so when they kill a muslim regardless of his crime they want us to watch & say no problem he is a "muslim" he deserved to be killed & they want us to have "Islam-O-phobia', and they never show us the ordinary muslims and they don't show us their struggle in Palestine, Myanmar, China, Somalia, Libya, Nigeria, Syria, Iraq, Chechnya and everywhere. That is why I don't want anyone to get to their trap, you must search for the truth and see what the others are doing also. Al Qaida ISIS & all terrorist groups don't represent any religion and they don't represent even humans. so let us stop blaming religions, bad people are everywhere and from all beliefs.

that "without a reason" you're talking about does not make me feel safe at all.

The only reason in Islam to take someone's life is if that person killed another person and only the government is allowed to carry out death sentence.

so if they kill only muslims it is not a big issue. wow.

that question is for you!! if you are implying that muslims are terrorists or supporting terrorism then you are mistaken because they are the main target and victims of those terrorists groups.

Dear I suggest you know more about islam so you can have clear picture and understanding.. this is one of the websites I found to know about Islam: http://www.islamtomorrow.com

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

And in muslim's holy book Quran stated that no one have the write to force someone else to accept his faith or opinion, muslims became muslims by their own will

Discriminatory taxation is part of the early history of Islam, the intent being to coerce conversions. Better than conversion on pain of death, but hardly conversion of one's own free will.

The only reason in Islam to take someone's life is if that person killed another person

False. There is the death penalty for non-violent "crimes" such as apostasy and sex outside of marriage.

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Dear Sakae, if you read carefully my posts I never used the word "terrorist". just to take one example over many, the Jyllands-Posten Muhammad cartoons controversy say a lot to me thus my words "There is a big price every country must pay for opening to Muslim. hope Japan can resist a little bit more, ganbatte" is 100% confirmed. have a good weekend of peace, I don't hate anyone, my only concern is about my freedom.

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just to take one example over many, the Jyllands-Posten Muhammad cartoons controversy say a lot to me

You don't have to go as far as Denmark; Rushdie's Japanese translator was assassinate by a Muslin fanatic.

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""Discriminatory taxation is part of the early history of Islam, the intent being to coerce conversions. Better than conversion on pain of death, but hardly conversion of one's own free will""

I disagree with you in this point,it is impossible that 1.5 billion people converted because of that, if it was correct then why we see thousands of people in the US and the EU & other places in the world are converting to islam nonetheless there is no Discriminatory taxation.. I searched about that point & found that the taxation is same for muslims & non muslims the only difference is the name, for non-muslims it is called Jeziah & for muslims it's called zakah and it's given to support the poor and that was a long time ago. There is big Christian population in Lebanon, Syria, Iraq, Egypt and there are jews in Yemen and they have the same right & responsibilities like their muslims counterparts, and they have been living their for thousand years & no one forced them to convert or pay extra taxis.

Jyllands-Posten Muhammad cartoons

those cartoons insulted Muhammad and Islam and that had offended them. Islam & Judaism have a strong tradition of aniconism. In many of EU & other countries laws the expressions of blasphemous act is considered a crime. If someone depicts Jesus in a funny cartoon I will be extremely outraged,. the one who made that cartoon is wrong & ignorance & Muslims have the right to feel angry and to deplore. freedom of speech doesn't give anyone the right to offend others in anyway & it does not mean that religious feelings should be made fun of at any price,, In many of our countries if you deny holocaust it's a big crime!!!! why there is no freedom of speech in this matter... It's double standard issue my friend. as we want them to respect our beliefs we should respect theirs...

""False. There is the death penalty for non-violent "crimes" such as apostasy and sex outside of marriage""..

All "Abrahamic" religions have a Capital punishment for adultry. Bible & Torah Leviticus 20:10 (ESV) Leviticus 20:13 (ESV) John 8:3-11 (ESV) even non Abrahamic religions consider adultery a major crime and deserve extreme punishment.

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You don't have to go as far as Denmark; Rushdie's Japanese translator was assassinate by a Muslin fanatic.


RIP Hitoshi Igarashi, your life has been taken because of a book.

Sorry Sakae, but can really a cartoon or a book insult a god? can you please open your eyes?

looks at "Saint and young men" anime, no one is going to be killed for that. who is narrow minded? I leave the answer to you.

reference links: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Saint_Young_Men


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Dear Jhagen I'm sure there is no instructions in muslims holy book that orders them to kill those who made that cartoon or who had associated with Salman Rushdie novel, and it is the same the bible didn't instruct christians (operation rescue organization ) to assassin doctors nurses and innocent people who are working in apportion centres USA and other countries and hindu books didn't instruct the assassin of Mahatma Ghandi by a hindu extremist because he had meeting with Pakistani muslim official... so the problem is not with religion it's with people.... let's live in world without hatred without racism...with all respect.

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