Japan Today

Princess Aiko hospitalized with cold symptoms


The Imperial Household Agency said Tuesday that Princess Aiko, the daughter of Crown Prince Naruhito and Crown Princess Masako, and granddaughter of the emperor and empress, was hospitalized Tuesday.

Aiko, 9, was admitted to the University of Tokyo Hospital, after suffering from a fever and persistent cough, the IHA said in a statement.

The princess attends Gakushuin Primary School and only recently started going back to school by herself after 18 months. She stayed away from school for some time after being frightened by rowdy behavior by boys in her class last year. When she resumed attendance, she had to be accompanied to school by her mother.

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Sorry to hear this and hope for speed recovery to the little Princess! (^_^)

8 ( +13 / -4 )

I have never understood why people go to the hospital for the common cold...

She stayed away from school for some time after being frightened by rowdy behavior by boys in her class last year. When she resumed attendance, she had to be accompanied to school by her mother.

boo hoo.. poor little spoiled granddaughter of the emperor. tough living such a sheltered and rich life...

why is this news?

2 ( +11 / -10 )

Blech! "Why is this news", indeed. I even mad at myself for spending a precious minute of my day to post a comment.

-3 ( +9 / -12 )

Whilst the rest of the country has (is expected) to show up for work/school with just a cold. Don't get me wrong, I hope she is fine, but going to hospital for just a cold?

5 ( +9 / -4 )

I expect they'll get the 'royal discount' on the hospital fees then. Get well soon (so you don't continue to waste even more hospital resources!)

1 ( +6 / -5 )

Hospitalised for a cold??

Why can't she just rest at home with a hot drink and over-the-counter cold remedy, like all the folk who have to work to pay their health insurance premiums have to?

If she's really ill then fair enough, I hope she gets better soon.....but Mummy has to take her to school and hold her hand because the boys are boisterous, and now hospitalised for a cold? Anyone else think what the little princess needs more than anything is a taste of the real world?

I don't go in for all that spare the rod~ nonsense, but too much mollycoddling isn't good for any child.

5 ( +12 / -6 )

I have never understood why people go to the hospital for the common cold

I go to the hospital for a cold in this country, because it's cheaper. I can get drugs that work from the doctor for only 30% of the price, or I could go to Matsukiyo and pay a lot more money for medicine that doesn't work. Besides, I'm paying over $400 a month for national health insurance so I might as well use it!

9 ( +10 / -1 )

cold symptoms...such as high fever...? perhaps an understatement since it comes from IHA.

-2 ( +2 / -4 )

Ironically enough, going to a hospital for a common cold is probably more dangerous than just staying home. People sneezing and coughing all over one another with heaven's knows what? I wouldn't go to a hospital here unless absolutely necessary.

1 ( +3 / -2 )

Im no royal apologist or fan, but people getting unpleasant over a little girl who is not well is a little pathetic.

9 ( +16 / -7 )

hospitalized with cold symptoms

and they wonder why the national health care system is in the red!

-1 ( +5 / -6 )

Sad to see people posting mean comments about a 9 year old girl.

10 ( +13 / -5 )

Nine year old girls are almost indestructible. If she can be allowed to live a normal life she'll be fine.

1 ( +6 / -5 )

The 18 months away from school is a sign that Aiko is well on her way to having stunted social growth. I hope not, but I can see her spending the majority of her adult years out of public view and basically too useless to even show up for ribbon-cutting ceremonies.

-3 ( +7 / -10 )


I`m with you...

4 ( +8 / -4 )

Not often I say this Cleo but I 100% agree with you. They've ruined that that child.

-6 ( +6 / -12 )

Get well soon little one

4 ( +5 / -1 )

Well, I kind of agree the mollycoddling of princess Aiko is a bit much but.....Im not a doctor but a high fever and a persistent cough smacks to me less of a cold and more of bronchitis or possibly even pneumonia.

I think this is the IHA downplaying things. It could be simply a cold and an overprotective family in which case I will happily eat my words but knowing the IHA and their "adjustment disorder" BS - i suspect there is more to this. She is probably on IV antibiotics for a bacterial infection and will be out within 1-4 days.

-1 ( +6 / -7 )

The 18 months away from school is a sign that Aiko is well on her way to having stunted social growth.

She wasn't away for 18 months, she just didn't go to and from nursery by 'herself', i.e. her mother took her as opposed to the nanny/SP. Not a bad mother, right?

5 ( +5 / -0 )

That would be great if we could all send our kids and colleagues to hospitals when they had colds... Keep the germs away from us, let the nurse's pamper them, let them have their rest. its a win/win deal!

-2 ( +1 / -3 )

39C temp

1 ( +2 / -1 )

She was thrown in the hospital because the big bad mean Kunaicho didn't want to take the responsibility in case anything goes wrong. The little girl was bullied because all the media all over the nation encouraged citizens to to do so because these media think her mother Masako love western culture more than she does Japanese.

-4 ( +5 / -8 )

Get well soon kid. There have been some real nasty colds going around and it not even close to winter yet.

4 ( +4 / -0 )

fukushima cold....

3 ( +5 / -2 )

Gyoza. her mom didn't just "take her" to school. Mom stayed at the school with her. The kid is weak and spoiled. A few boys run around her and she has a breakdown and refuses to attend classes. Pathetic. Takes after her mom it seems.

-3 ( +8 / -11 )

You sound so lovely, empathic and caring Marie.

8 ( +10 / -2 )

Gyoza. her mom didn't just "take her" to school. Mom stayed at the school with her. The kid is weak and spoiled. A few boys run around her and she has a breakdown and refuses to attend classes. Pathetic. Takes after her mom it seems.

Point is, she wasn't away from nursery.

Have you no pity whatsoever? She is 9 yrs old for heavens sake, and hasn't had the luxury of a regular upbringing like many people. Mother was deprived of her freedom, and really was not keen on marrying in.

2 ( +3 / -1 )

for all of you shocked and outraged at the criticism, I think I can safely assume it is directed at the over-protective shell being placed around her by her parents and probably more so the IHA, not at the girl herself. Get a grip.

-1 ( +5 / -6 )

I feel sorry for this little girl and her cold, but I feel worse for her mother, Masako sama, who is being bullied by the rest of this royal family because she could not produce A MALE CHILD, to give a new prince?? New emperor for Japan but the younger brother and his wife did, so there must be a lot of in fighting, not just this cold, this is only the tip of the ice berg.

3 ( +6 / -3 )

I think I can safely assume it is directed at the over-protective shell being placed around her by her parents and probably more so the IHA, not at the girl herself.

I would hope so, but...

but I can see her spending the majority of her adult years out of public view and basically too useless to even show up for ribbon-cutting ceremonies

that does sound a bit personal.

I get where you are coming from - but you have to admit, some of the commenst being posted are just plain unkind, and not much she can do about it.

2 ( +3 / -1 )

I really can't think of any other royal family in the world whose lives are dictated as much as the Japanese. I don't know how Princess Masako manages to smile all the time - and I mean all the time, in public. Her child needs to grow up and learn to survive as an independent person - or is the agency doing this on purpose. BTW good on the UK monarchy for going toward having women as heir apparent. However, if this ever happens in Japan (it most likely won't), I don't think Aiko would ever be up to the job mentally at this rate.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Pathetic. Takes after her mom it seems.

Masako is an incredibly smart woman ordered against her will to marry into the royal family out of duty to her parents and particularly her father who was told it would be very good for his career if she were to accept the princes proposal. Once there, she was cut off from friends and family and forced into a life of seclusion, becoming nothing more than a puppet for the IHA. The empress had promised her mother she would protect her but failed to do so. Then Aiko was born and she was lambasted again for not having produced a son, obviously by people ignorant of the fact that the MALE sperm denotes gender, not the ovum.

When prince Hisahito was born, the people were saying that she was a terrible mother, that Aiko should be taken away from her and given to princess Kiko to be raised.

She could have provided the face for a modern Japan and used her considerable skills and talents for the good of the country, as originally she had intended. Instead she was locked into a gilded cage and allowed no freedom at all. Personally, I dont blame her for cracking up.

5 ( +10 / -5 )

I hope she gets better soon. Does she have kokumin kenko hoken?

1 ( +1 / -0 )

Sweet lord! hospitalized FOR A COLD? I can only imagine the sack of medicine and month's worth of drugs she'll get as a result.

1 ( +3 / -2 )

Glad its not my tax money paying for such insanity any more. Bad enough to support a worthless Imperial household of spoiled , isolated weaklings, but, also a health-care structure where folks run to hospitals for a cold. Insane.

-5 ( +3 / -8 )

My wife takes my kids to the clinic for medicine when they get a cold, without fail. Then overdoses them til they get better. Seems to be the standard way of dealing with a simple cold. As for being admitted to hospital, shouldn't the cold be considered more serious,like a potential case of pneumonia?

2 ( +3 / -1 )

@ Pukey2 " I don't know how Princess Masako manages to smile all the time - and I mean all the time, in public."

Listen to this: ---Unlike her smile in Japan, her smiles in Spain was REAL SMILES. You can see how happy she was when she's outside the country. ---Anyone would not only smile but laugh for a long long time if allowed to get out of the torture cell even just for a few days.

2 ( +2 / -0 )


Glad its not my tax money paying for such insanity any more.

You sure like to post repeatedly about how happy you aren't in Japan anymore. Why do you care about these issues then?

1 ( +3 / -2 )

They have a hospital on the palace grounds. Maybe her mom doesn't trust the staff of imperial physicians.

2 ( +2 / -0 )

Hokay she's got the the cold, Next!!

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Leave the princess alone!

7 ( +10 / -3 )

@ herefornow---"why it is necessary to support an instutution that brings the country absolutely no benefit".

In a away that's Japanese religion. Compared to the money America spends on its religious activities, it's negligible. You might have your reason for being against it, which is: few royal members feel comfortable, or are willing to be in such positions, especially Princess Masako. Those are one of the hardest jobs on earth----anything human is a big NO NO. A natural smile or laugh is a disgrace.

1 ( +2 / -1 )

who...? wha...? News much?

0 ( +1 / -1 )

Nicky, everyone claims she is an intelligent women yet, she married into the family. She turned down his proposals twice and gave in - doesn't matter if it was her father's career. Was it worth it? Don't think so. I don't have much sympathy for her in that regards. No idea why she is allowed to play the martyr or why foreigners think of her as such. She should have known full well what she was getting into and told everyone to piss off with the pressure. She had a career, was well respected and now she's just pitied. Sorry, but I reckon it is like a women who stays in an abusive relationship. Is it easy to get out? Nope. However, many do. She could as well.

As for being bullied, why is it that the other wives are fine? Why is it that other members of the royal family have had their kids study abroad and not have all the illnesses and issues that this family seems to have? She's raised Aiko to pretty much be helpless and weak. Boys running around and she's unable to go to school? My mother would have smacked me up the head and told me to get on with it. Aiko? Nope. She gets taken out of school and then mommy goes with her. I feel for the kid because she doesn't have a hope in hell at becoming a normal adult.

I still have hope that Masako will get a divorce. That would be a "face of moderation". Leave a marriage that you're not happy in. Doubt it will happen but I have hopes.

-2 ( +6 / -8 )

An heir in line to the imperial throne (and the beloved child of parent who will have no other shildren) is sick - of course she's going to be taken to hospital.

1 ( +3 / -2 )

@tmarie: you or I as strong foreign women may have been able to tell them to piss off, but she was raised Japanese in a traditional Japanese family, and you must know from living here how strong parental influence over children can be. Many many many Japanese women still marry from parental pressure - or not. I heard of a couple just yesterday who have cancelled their wedding next month because her future mother in law is insisting she give up her job and her future husband is not supporting her at all on the issue.

She was also told she would be protected - the empress made a special trip to their hosue to tell them so. And I think she really does love her husband. He was never the issue, the lifestyle was but she was persuaded she would be able to carve out a role for herself. She was duped into that.

Im guessing Aiko hasnt studied abroad yet because she is only 9! I dont know about Kiko (although putting up with that husband of hers is probably tough enough) but the empress also had a tough time, was bullied and called a "commoner" when she was first married too.

In this environment where she has been totally unprotected she is probably transferring her own protection on to her daughter. Not saying it is right, and I agree with you that Aiko is being overprotected. I also agree to a point that Masako could be stronger if she chose to be (I was half hoping she would defect whilst in Spain but I dont think she took Aiko with her, did she?! They probably suspected it and so wouldnt let her go!) BUT I can see why she is the way she is and why Aiko is so overprotected, and I do feel sorry for them. I think her husband should also grow a pair and put his foot down. He managed to get up in front of reporters a few years ago and make vague references to his wifes "treatment" but it is his duty to go much further than that. Oh no, wait, it isnt. Company comes first, right?

0 ( +5 / -5 )

She managed to tell them all no twice. Shame she didn't continue. I don't think she has an easy life but I don't pity her. I don't see how she has been "unprotected". She doesn't go out in the public, she doesn't do visits as is protocol. She has been allowed to stay in and wallow - and take her child down with her.

Aiko won't be able to study abroad because if things go they way they atre, she'll be too mentally unstable. Heck, she can't handle a few boys playing with each other. It isn't normal. You don't raise kids to think they'll break. You raise them to be strong. Both parents have failed in this but I blame mostly mom for catering to Aiko's "needs". I agree, hubby needs to get some balls - and like you, I hoped she was going to do a runner in Spain. I keep hoping she'll do a runner. Thing is, while I tihnk she can bounce back, I think Aiko is gone for good.

-8 ( +1 / -9 )

My mother would have smacked me up the head and told me to get on with it TMarie, cold, unsympathetic mothers raise cold umsympathetic daughters. Perhaps with a caring mother who does her best to protect her daughter, Aiko stands a good chance of being a warm, decent young lady.

1 ( +7 / -6 )

It is a shame she didnt continue to say no, but the fact is, for whatever reason she didnt. She genuinely thought she could carve out a role for herself, she thought her husband and mother in law would help her.

I don't see how she has been "unprotected". She doesn't go out in the public, she doesn't do visits as is protocol. She has been allowed to stay in and wallow - and take her child down with her.

Thats the whole problem! She is not allowed to do visits and has been forced to stay in and "wallow" - it wasnt her choice. The IHA were scared of what she might do or say. She was too intelligent and free-thinking, too much of a loose cannon for them to control. So they kept her on a tight rein, and she got worse, to the point that she then couldnt handle things anymore. Instead of working out with her what her role should be, they just confined her. I wouldnt mind betting they locked her up at night so she couldnt "escape"!

As a mother I can also understand Masakos protectiveness of her daughter. I think she is a little extreme, but I understand it. My daughter is the littlest in her year at school - her birthday is March so she is one of the youngest in her year, and she is tiny anyway. She has been kicked and bruised, knocked about at school. Once time she nearly fell down the stairs. Not from bullying, just from kids running around and being rough and aggressive near her. It didnt upset her too much, but it upset me! Even if she had been upset by it, I certainly wouldnt have slapped her round the head and told her to get on with it.

I dont honestly know what went down with the boys at school - was it really just a few boys playing with each other near her? Something happened that freaked her out enough to have to take her out of school for a while and - as always with the IHA - I suspect there was more to it than that. If she really was OTT with her she would have had her homeschooled and kept well away from everyone. I applaud them for putting her into a "real" school (as real as a school like that gets anyway! I know someone whose kids go to the same school, and EVERY time I meet her she reminds me of that fact!)

-2 ( +3 / -5 )

I have seen some overprotected kids, and they are having hard/miserable life now and in the future. There is one girl in my neighborhood, she is a middle school student. She is one of those Toko-kyohi kid. She was just fine a few years ago, but one day she got flu and was absent from school for a week. After she recovered, she started refusing to go to school because she said she could not catch up the study. Her mother sometimes takes her to school on special occasions, like sports festival, graduation ceremony... I was so shocked when I saw her with her mother. She looked like 5-year-old girl sticking to her mother the whole time at school. Maybe she goes to homeschooling or having private tutor or so. But I wonder if she will be able to go to high school, college, and eventually go out in the world to get a job??? Right now, she seems like she has to be with her mother for the rest of her life. There are many those kinds of kids in Japan. I don't know about Aiko if she is overprotected or not. If she had 39C fever for a few days and taken to a hospital, I don't think she is overprotected. But she will be one of an important figure representing Japan. She should be raised to be stronger than average kids. If I was a mother of Aiko and she was bullied by boys at school, I would say to her, "Punch him back and tell them 'I AM the PRINCESS!!!'

0 ( +3 / -3 )

Ive seen some terribly underprotected kids in Japan. We hear about them here almost every day - run over by buses, committing suicide through bullying issues, abducted, abused, dumped in toilets. A parent takes their sick daughter to hospital and supports her through a tough time at school, they should be congratulated, not ridiculed, royal or not.

-1 ( +4 / -5 )

Hmmm, maybe the boys at the school acted like a lot of the Japanese men....groping, morphing images, taking pics up girls required sailor uniform skirts....if some of the people who've posted evil comments on here had children in the little girls class, I could easily see something mean happening to her.

-1 ( +3 / -4 )

TMarie, cold, unsympathetic mothers raise cold umsympathetic daughters. Perhaps with a caring mother who does her best to protect her daughter, Aiko stands a good chance of being a warm, decent young lady.

My mother obviously did a damn good job as I have a good job, a wonderful husband, amazing friends... Will Aiko be able to say the same in the future? Don't think so.

From accounts, the boys were playing around and running. Aiko got upset about it. Whatever. Kids play, kids roughhouse. If she had been bullied I am sure we would have heard about it. "Regular" school? Ha! Do you have any idea the screening that go on to get into that school let alone get in the same class with any of the royals? The kids are pretty much hand picked so the royals are surrounded by the "right" people.

I am certainly not arguing about taking a sick kid to the hospital but if it is just a cold, get over it. Nothing to be done for one anyway.

As for Masako, we'll have to agree to disagree Nicky as I really don't feel for her. If she was as clever as everyone makes her out to be, she should have known better and continued to say no. If she was that much of a loose cannon, I don't think she would have been asked to join the family. Perhaps they just haven't given her enough of the royal kool-aid?

-6 ( +2 / -8 )


Gyoza. her mom didn't just "take her" to school. Mom stayed at the school with her. The kid is weak and spoiled. A few boys run around her and she has a breakdown and refuses to attend classes. Pathetic. Takes after her mom it seems.

My mother obviously did a damn good job

Obviously not. You sound unsympathetic, cold and merciless towards a 9 year old girl with a cold bad enough to call for her hospitalization.

1 ( +7 / -6 )

You want to think that, feel free. The debate is pretty much whether the cold IS bad enough to have to go the hospital. The little princess has been spoiled to beyond normal means and seems to have weaker than most. Guess we'll see what kind of an adult she turns into in a few years. I am betting weak - in both physical nature and mental.

-7 ( +2 / -9 )

I totally agree with you ebisen. For a grown female to be so unsympathetic, heartless, hyper critical and cold towards a 9 year old little girl who is unwell, is beyond pathetic and shows very little emotional maturity. Im actually disgusted. Aiko's mother loves her enough to make sure she gets good medical care, something which you clearly cannot fathom, Marie.

0 ( +4 / -4 )

ebisen (and everyone else screaming blue murder for “picking on a 9-year-old”) , the criticisms here aren't aimed at Aiko – it’s the blatantly obvious over-reaction and mollycoddling shown by the girl’s parents in taking her to hospital for having a cold, among other things.

1 ( +3 / -2 )

As for Masako, we'll have to agree to disagree Nicky as I really don't feel for her. If she was as clever as everyone makes her out to be, she should have known better and continued to say no. If she was that much of a loose cannon, I don't think she would have been asked to join the family. Perhaps they just haven't given her enough of the royal kool-aid?

Fair enough :). Id quite like to try some of the royal cool-aid - I need to be drugged to stop me bouncing around!

"Regular" school? Ha! Do you have any idea the screening that go on to get into that school let alone get in the same class with any of the royals?

Yes, I do actually! You should see the woman I know whose kids got in there! Would love to tell all, but the mods will surely censor me!

-4 ( +0 / -4 )

tmarie, You have not (I suppose) personally diagnosed the girl,s conditions, how to DEBATE if the cold is bad enough or not. Usually when the "cold" turned bronchitis or pneumonia, it's serious. Being spiled causes that? Again it needs personal diagnosis for evajuation.

0 ( +5 / -5 )

Give her tea with lemon and some chafed garlic on bread. Damn, I feel normally at -25C°, how can others get sick from it...

0 ( +1 / -1 )

tmtmsnb, what would say if Obama's kids were taken to hospital with a cold?

3 ( +3 / -0 )

I should say it's probably worrisome, (don't take it for granted if you have little kids BoratLikeBarry, many things develope from common cold, same with adults), and hope they recover soon.

-2 ( +0 / -2 )

tmtmsnb - If the headline says she was taken to the hosp. for a cold, then she was taken to the hosp. for a cold. tmarie is correct in saying Aiko needs some tough love that will help her to become a well-adjusted adult, and not grow up to be an anal bag of nerves scared of her own shadow.

-2 ( +2 / -4 )

Get well soon Princess Aiko!

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Leave it to the judgement of the parents. There is the issue of Constitution Amendment, there could be intrigue going on; none of us know what kind of bullies there are, none of us know exactly what are behind the bullies. The parents might know a lot more than we do, so leave it to the judgement of the parents, including how to protect her, shall we?

-2 ( +1 / -3 )

the little girl could be future head of Japan

When/if she marries she becomes a commoner. If they change the law so that she ascends the Chrysanthemum Throne instead of her little cousin, she would still not be the 'head' of Japan except in a purely symbolic way; the Japanese royal family have no political power at all and Japan has a democratically-elected government.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

Bullies??? No one said anything about bullies at all. Give me a break.

Cleo, that's juts it, she won't survive as a commoner the way they are raising her.

Nicky, would love to hear the stories! I know someone who went there and he's told me all about it. Certainly not a reg school!

-3 ( +0 / -3 )

It seems she's got pneumonia.....glad that her parents were smart & caring enough to take her to the hospital

0 ( +0 / -0 )

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