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© KYODOPrincess Mako's parents told boyfriend, mother to solve financial issue: source
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It's not surprising that this is happening, but it is sad. I feel sorry for them both - I hope they survive the separation.
Coming from the royal family I don't blame them for wanting everything to be in order. I feel sorry for the young couple themselves and hope the idiot parents can get their shite together fast and not destroy the relationship their son has!
The Imperial Household Agency are the worst thing for Japan. They go against everything and put themselves first
Wallace Fred
They should just elope.
Or he can do as my kids did, pay for his own education. I mean he is working and able.
Confirms that money is apparantly still the most important thing a lot of the time.
Oh, come on ! And why not pay her weight in gold also ?
Princess Mako leaves to be a commoner and she’ll receive over a hundred million yen!
How’s that for a ‘life plan’ !
Two issues with that plan:
1) Japan does not honour (nor does anyone else that I know of) American state legal certification. He'd have to redo the bar.
2) The US is a common law country; Japan is a civil law country. The law degree would be all but useless. He'd need a new one in Japan, or at the very least several extra classes.
Head to Vegas and get it over with already.
Im surprised the IHA could not have found a few million yen down the back of the sofa, stuffed it in an envelope, and gave it to whoever to shut this story down. If his mother looks a loose cannon, a condition about her staying silent could have been slipped in there too.
As image management goes, its very poor.
It seems like Ms. Komuro was also trying to marry into money or take advantage of someone with money. She was able to con most likely an older gentleman into paying for her son's education then she bailed on him, and he wants all of that investment back. If she isnt willing to discuss it publicly then maybe she has something to hide about the nature of their relationship.
Is it any of their business?
Another case of Japanese people being told what to do and this one comes from the top. I had to do a similar thing when I married my ex 20 odd years ago although, she was not a princess, but her father definitely thought he was king.
There’s something fishy about Mr Komuro and his mother. I wish Princess Mako had had more discretion in choosing her future husband.
Some of these comments are reminiscent or those back in the UK, at the moment....
Wow so the financial situation of the male's parents is the whole basis of marriage? So after all these "highness" they are still this shallow after all?
Isn't it ironic that this advise is coming from people who never worked a real job before and were born with silver spoon ? Seriously what is the point of keeping royal families when they don't have power in government anymore? Their purpose is more of like just for entertainment already.
Well said!
If the Royal family truly believes that Children should experience the consequences of their families / parents' mistakes, then Princess Kiko should also be blamed and face the consequences of her great grandfather's atrocities during WW2.
An old American friend who passed the bar in the US, was able to practice law here after receiving special certification to do so. However, he ultimately quit practicing in Japan, citing illogical laws, procedures and being limited to petty crimes for foreigners only.
The bar option was made available to him here, but he declined on the grounds that he'd be required to study Japanese Law, in Japanese.
Don't see the point of a Japanese non-lawyer getting US law degree.
He won't be able to do much with it in Japan.
If he practiced as a lawyer for three years in the US after passing, I suppose he could qualify as a gaiben, but the rewards aren't worth it.
He should just go to Japanese law school. He can get the US qualification later.
While we're at it, also include a 12 page essay explaining his life choices
Anything "New York" gets "the eeeeeeh" in Japan. Like most things in Japan, its about the surface level impression and image.
Mr. Komuro doesn't have to practice law in Japan. He can represent his Japanese clients in the US. If later wants to take the bar in Japan then that would make him even more marketable. His firm probably has clients that does business in the States. I have friend who is an American lawyer certified in NYU. She was hired in the States and brought to Japan to assist with the cases the Japanese car manufacturer has in the US. She can also read and speak Japanese.
There is a lot about the Japanese legal system by Western standards that would be considered illogical. The lack of critical thinking skills by some politicians, judges, lawyers and police is amazing. That is why they use bully and nefarious tactics to get wins in the courtroom.
Maybe the path to becoming a lawyer is the same for some men as it is to go to medical school in Japan: family, money, and cheating.
Poor guy, would hate to be in his shoes.....It:s all about saving face for the 'Royal Family'. Such an outdated system.
Unless you are footing the bill for their wedding, why does it matter who she chooses as her partner?
ffs, what life plan? let them love freely, goodness!
Chico, agree with you 100%. If I were the parents of the dude, I would say to Mako's parents, "Oh yeah? Please tell me your daugther's life plan, other than smiling and waving."
Jonathan Prin
Money talks.
Where is love ?
I praise my mother in law for accepting me to become her son-in-law while I had just started to work, with no money.
Now I have nice house and she has come several times to enjoy it altogether.
Alex Einz
life plan? simple:
1.marry a princes
2.make sure she gets tons of moneys + extra ( hence semi legal) away ( hence US bar study )
4.Profit doing nothing
tbh, I donno if the hassle of having a princess wife worth it, especially with control and image obsessed parents. Maybe during his US study he will meet a nice American girl and that will be it...
Who cares?
Can't the Imperial household just lend them the money?
Robert pearce
Yeah, fix up your finances first ...
So where's that $50. You owe me !
JalapenoToday 01:51 pm JST
Chico, agree with you 100%. If I were the parents of the dude, I would say to Mako's parents, "Oh yeah? Please tell me your daugther's life plan, other than smiling and waving."
I actually posted the 2nd paragraph. I apologize for this. Anyway, marriage works both ways. It doesn't matter that Mako is royalty. A marriage is a marriage. Now, that plan doesn't always have to stick. However, this plan shows each person's values and direction of marriage. Kind of having two different road maps to the same destination. I just think that if one person is asked to provide this kind of documentation, so should the other person.
WolfpackToday 08:26 am JST
Head to Vegas and get it over with already.
Viva Las Vegas! Either that or go south of the border to Tijuana.
Postponed and he left the country ? Of course, there was no pressure or help to find a university in new york instead of California.
“What’s in a name? That which we call a rose by any other name would smell as sweet”..........
Has the intimacy of matrominal warmth and tenderness, romance and endearment, boil down to presenting a career building future life plan?.....
Pretty silly if you ask me. If they are really in love as the article claims why cant the royal family just clear the so called debts and move on.
" Confirms that money is apparantly still the most important thing a lot of the time."
" Wow so the financial situation of the male's parents is the whole basis of marriage?"
It's the mother's unsavory actions, borrowing the money then refusing to pay it back, claiming it was a gift, the kind of thing you see on Judge Judy....the royals are very very careful of who they marry. That she asked if the royal family could pay it for her is another indicator of the mindset of this family. They are well advised to be cautious and make sure no other problems are hidden.
Why can't just the royal family decline if the mother indeed asked them to pay for her debt? First of all the daughter is marrying the Son and not the mother. The parent's financial problem has nothing to do with their son and this kind of problem is very common to many normal people. My parents had debts before too and they sorted out that by themsleves. They also borrowed money from me and I helped them finish and complete their payments and my wife didn't divorce me because of that. She totally understood and I will never hesitate doing the same thing to her parents. Will help anyways I can.
The princess has to decide for her own life, her faith should not be up to the decisions of Royal Agency Advisers! This is why I am not a fan of this Royal Family as they are showing to the people that social status is the main basis for marriage and not love. Public image is more important than decision making, totally not a good example. They strongly made a point that people will never be equal. They should promote and show that families should help each other in times of difficulties as life will never be perfect. The Royal Family is living in a fantasy world, it's like the movie The Truman Show. They should serve a purpose by being a role model to the society not just a sort of entertainment.
Aaaaaand they called it, puuuupy lurrrrrrrrvvvv,
This IS Not A puppyyyyyy......Luuurrrvvvvvvv.
That said, the probable issue here is that the Japanese bar exam is notoriously difficult to pass. Even after Japan reformulated the exam about a dozen years ago, the pass rate hovers around 25 percent. (Before that, it was 2 or 3 percent.) Japan keeps a tight cap on the number of lawyers in the country because there is barely enough demand for legal services as is. Komuro is probably facing up to the reality that he doesn't have much future in the legal profession in Japan if he goes the Japanese bar exam route. He's unlikely to pass. Even if he did, he'd struggle to make money. I wouldn't be at all surprised if he's failed the bar exam repeatedly already, which might be why the parents are demanding to hear some career plans from Komuro before formalizing the engagement. Passing the bar in the U.S. would be easier, and Komuro might still be able to find enough Japanese clients needing representation in the U.S. that he could make a living.
That said, "Will you marry me? Great! By the way, I'm running off to New York for three years," is not a promising start to an engagement.