Japan Today

Pro-Korean, anti-Korean forces face off in Shin-Okubo

By Philip Kendall

Despite the enormous popularity of K-Pop, Korean food and beauty products, relations between Japan and South Korea have been strained for quite some time. In recent months, however, rightwing groups have become increasingly vocal, with anti-Korean protests occurring more and more frequently, especially in areas where many Koreans congregate and live.

Last Sunday in Shin-Okubo — just a couple of minutes away from Shinjuku on Tokyo’s Yamanote line and the location of a large Korean ethnic neighborhood — hundreds of anti-Korean protesters marched through the streets carrying signs reading “Go back to Korea!” and labeling Koreans in Japan “cockroaches.” Thankfully, equally large numbers of liberally-minded Japanese also showed up to protest the protest.

“You are the shame of this country!” “You’re the ones who need to go home!” “Get back to the Internet where you belong!” These were just some of the anti-anti-Korean slogans shouted and written on placards by the people lining the streets of Shin-Okubo amid the protests, hoping to protect and show support for the Koreans living there.

On numerous occasions, tempers frayed as pro-Koreans gave middle-finger salutes to anti-Korean protesters, who were often seen to lunge as if to intending to throw punches, with police struggling to keep the groups apart. The streets of the town — ordinary a place that attracts thousands of tourists and Japanese seeking delicious Korean food — quickly became a sea of people and angry voices, with protesters, riot police and everyday people caught up in the chaos.

Nationalistic netouyo (coming from ネット netto meaning Internet and 右翼 uyoku meaning rightwing) groups are becoming increasingly dissatisfied with the Japanese government’s decisions and are known for making long, angry posts on Internet message boards. Often pointing to the failings of the government and the fact that Japan is losing what once made it a strong, proud nation thanks to the invasion of foreign culture and ideas, netouyo are often critical of Koreans in particular, suggesting that their presence in the country is harmful to Japan. For this reason, the anti-protesters seen on the streets of Shin-Okubo last weekend repeated the phrase “go home to the Internet” in between singing anti-racism songs.

Source: J-Cast News

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These anti-Korean groups are national disgraces. We will be regarded not much different from Korea and China.

17 ( +25 / -10 )

nippon ganbare

-16 ( +12 / -29 )

The police are just as much of a disgrace for not enforcing--through arrest of the perpetrators--any of the half-dozen or so laws against defamation, intimidation, terroristic threatening, etc. that exist in place of (or as an excuse for not establishing) clear anti-discrimination legislation. In a similar demonstration in February, ample eye-witness and video evidence was left of the hateful language and actions of these nationalistic protesters, and yet not a single arrest resulted...

16 ( +24 / -9 )

I remember when a few anti korean protesters turned up to the Sapporo Snow Festival..

0 ( +5 / -5 )

The last time I checked this is everyones earth.

2 ( +11 / -10 )

"You are the shame of this country! Get back to the Internet where you belong!"


8 ( +12 / -4 )

"You are the shame of this country! Get back to the Internet where you belong!"

Get off of the internet too and crawl back under the rocks you crawled from , netuyou worms !

5 ( +11 / -6 )

Let them face off on a soccer field instead, Shin-Okubu is a place for having fun, food, DonQuijote bargains... simple bad form, lads, take it elsewhere.

4 ( +7 / -3 )

One would think with all the craziness North Korea is causing there wouldn't be so much hostility between two nations that are supposedly North Korea's targets.

4 ( +4 / -0 )

Watch the videos on U-tube. The demonstrators speak Japanese like yakuza with only a first grade education. Completely racist. Shame on us.

13 ( +16 / -3 )

ANTI-KOREANS ARE “cockroaches".”“You are the shame of this country!” “You’re the ones who need to go home!” “Get back to the Internet where you belong!” Listen to your own words.

-3 ( +9 / -12 )

Its the same in every nation. Radicals make news. These guys don't represent Japan. I think the fact that the Japanese spirit is so tolerant to this kind of dramatic presentation is a better example of the country.

5 ( +14 / -9 )

Shin-Okubo has experienced a renaissance in the last few years, thanks to the Koreans. When I first went there in the mid-90s, the place was a dump, an overflow for adjacent Kabukicho.

But since all those Korean shops and restaurants popped up, the district is a lot more lively, friendly and cleaner than before. And more popular among the Japanese! (the non-yakuza, hostess types, that is)

5 ( +12 / -7 )

Why do not we have a look at what net-uyo says. This link is a call for participation in the demo on March 31 on ultra right wing Zaitokukai HP. http://calendar.zaitokukai.info/skantou/scheduler.cgi?mode=view&no=174

Korea, the stealer nation, should return Takeshima and the Buddhist statute.

Kick out 50,000 Korean prostitutes out of Japan.

Protect Senkaku from communist China.

North Korea must explode itself.

This demo is not for throwing anger at Koreans but for laughing. Please refrain from carrying signs like "Kill them all."

What do you think?

2 ( +7 / -5 )

If I were an anti-anti-Korea protestor, I might say things like:

"Japan, the stealer nation, should return the some 200,000 treasures and artifacts looted from Korea".

"50,000 prostitutes? IF that's true, it sounds pretty good compared to what that Japanese AV producer-director said about how one in 80 Japanese women work/have worked in porn".

And as for "This demo is not for throwing anger at Koreans but for laughing" -- So that girl calling for a Nanjing-style massacre of all Koreans was funny? Is mass murder funny?

What do you think?

-5 ( +12 / -17 )

Just like any other nation we do have racists and no, they do not represent the feelings and desires of the majority of the people!!! It is easy to blame one's shortcomings on other people, "if you can not get a job it has got to be because all the jobs are given to foreigners", "my kid bad behavior was picked up from gaijins that attend his school" for example.

The difficult part is to take a long hard look in the mirror and see that all those are of one's own making.

I am not saying a different culture is 100% good. But that is the whole point of experiencing a different culture in the first place. Learn the good and learn to deal with the bad. Even if Japan is an island you can NOT live your life like you are the only people that matter to you. No one can. May it be the internet, television or the economy. There is no way to be totally isolated. Most likely some of the people chanting anti-korean words were using Softbank, that is owned by a Korean descendant, if they work in the electronic business, a good chunk of is also Korean or Chinese. Most industries do sell or buy Korean and Chinese. What is the excuse then, "your money is welcome but you are not???" That makes no sense at all!

3 ( +7 / -4 )

racism = shameful

5 ( +9 / -4 )

it's so interesting that these right-wing groups (in every country) believe it is THEY who have the right to determine who can live in a country. and they aren't even targeting illigal immigrants. they are targeting people who are here legallyy, paying taxes and contributing to japanese society.

4 ( +6 / -2 )

The article would have been more helpful if it had focused on the Zaitoku-kai, which is the most active anti-Korean right wing group. (It attracted the attention of the NY Times about three years ago.) The group has been suspected of financial misconduct -- Makoto Sakurai, its shady leader, allegedly pocketed donations from supporters for his own use -- but the authorities don't appear to be inclined to take any action against him.

2 ( +5 / -3 )

This is surprising. I would have though these days slandering persons because of their ethnicity is not acceptable in a civilized society.

1 ( +4 / -3 )

...equally large numbers of liberally-minded Japanese also showed up to protest the protest.

I am pleasantly surprised to see that large numbers of Japanese citizens are taking a stand against racism and extremism in their country.

This positive activism restores my faith in this country and its people, and it leaves me feeling that there is hope for Japan after all.

2 ( +9 / -7 )

What do you think?

If their grievances are all political and immigration-related, why did they decide to march in a residential and amusement area, where Koreans live and work? What is a Korean restaurant worker going to do about a bilateral territorial dispute?

Surely, the Diet, Kasumigaseki, etc. would have been the appropriate places. Gimme a break, these goons were trying to stir up trouble.

2 ( +8 / -6 )

Japan & South Korea should stand together against the DPRK. Don't these 2 groups of people realize the danger of North Korea to East Asia?

1 ( +3 / -2 )

These guys are just bandwagoning on the back of the right wing party in power and online racists who don't take any action themselves at all. Those racists think they are doing the country a big favour, believing this is all patriotic. Trust me, they will tell you that you're a traitor, a Korean sympathiser or an ethnic Korean yourself, if you tell them this is all nonsense. Some of them go so far away as to suggest waging a war against Korea and put them down their knees so that ALL our historical as well as political problems would be solved. Refuting them, therefore, is easy: just ask them for their logic of it, and they'll be at a loss after two minutes and start accusing you of a traitor, a Korean sympathiser or an ethnic Korean yourself.

If that's not ignorance, I don't know what is.

4 ( +6 / -2 )

What really worries me about all this, is that if you read the related link about the Korean man getting beaten up at Yasukni shrine, the police moved to arrest him for making a peaceful protest. These right wing guys in Shin-Okubo are intimidating a community in their neighbourhood and the police appear to have done nothing!

5 ( +9 / -4 )

C'mon, do we really have time for this bigoted diatribe? There are far more relevant (ie. PRESSING) issues at hand, namely the North Korea situation...

1 ( +3 / -2 )

Sighclops....I'm mildly comforted by these dummies. It means our society is officially out of real problems.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

Police restraint is to be commended. Arresting the young woman in Osaka many of us saw on YouTube would give her and her neanderthal pals undeserved celebrity.

After all, the best Zaitokukai can do is to include the Senkakus on a manifesto for an anti-Korean demo.

This demo is not for throwing anger at Koreans but for laughing.

...more like being laughed at

1 ( +2 / -1 )

“You are the shame of this country!” “You’re the ones who need to go home!” “Get back to the Internet where you belong!” These were just some of the anti-anti-Korean slogans shouted and written on placards by the people lining the streets of Shin-Okubo....

Some mistake, surely?

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

Good to see some fightback against the right-wingers. Does anyone know if they have a FB page or a website?

2 ( +4 / -2 )

I mean the anti-right wingers of course...

2 ( +3 / -1 )


Japanese on Koreans living in Tsruhashi, Osaka and Japan in general:

"I want to kill them[Koreans] all now!"

"We will start Tsuruhashi massacre like Nanking Massacre!" [mass kiling Koreans like Japanese did in Nanking, China. Well, at least the speaker admits there was a Nanking Massacre. But she seem to be proud of it though.]

And supporters cheers and claps.


3 ( +8 / -5 )

Japan and SK need each other and they need to stop the chest pounding, 60 year old "it did this so the other did that," and get off the continual USA taxpayers' support. NK is a serious opponent because even USA "military intelligence" is just guessing what NK will do or not do. The USA has promised to defend both countries but if there is nothing left of either or both countries, it just won't matter anymore.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

I had a big laugh when I read someone write here that "Japanese are finally making a stand against hate", referring to the anti-anti Korean demonstrators. The Japanese media almost ignored the growing protests that started becoming more prominent since they began in 2011, with the anti-Kpop on Japan TV protests against Fuji station. Now there's one or two anti-anti Korean protest is seen, and the Japanese media (as they were desperately waiting), jumps to attention to point out to the foreign audience to say, "see? not all Japanese are racist flag waving loonies". I often read online, when the Japanese frequently comment, "I don't like Koreans too, but I also don't like Japanese people shaming Japan in front of the world, and making Japan acting like those barbaric Koreans". That's the type of comments that I frequently see. It's not the racism that bothers them, it's that the protests are making Japan look bad that is the crux of the problem. After all, Tokyo is trying to woo the Summer Olympics games, and stuff like this makes Japan look bad to foreigners, without showing some sort of distancing Tokyo from those racists.

-12 ( +5 / -17 )

at least the speaker admits there was a Nanking Massacre

Korean youtube poster found the one and only nationalist nut who believes there was a Nanking Massacre.

Ripleys believe it or not.

Definitely not.

-3 ( +3 / -6 )


The Tokyo Bar Association has labeled last Sunday's demonstration as hate speech and is calling for the J-police to shut them down.

13 ( +16 / -3 )

You have to consider the anti-Korea platform very carefully to understand their hatred of the Koreans. They blame them for everything from bad weather to smelly cheese. It is absolutely ridiculous! There was some right-wing whack job spouting his anti-Korea rhetoric at Chiba station yesterday. I gave him a big smile and a chuckle as I walked past him. Yes, Japan has a lot of bad history to atone for within Asia and many countries are still quite bitter about Japan's imperial rule in the first half of last century, but it seems Japan has its own enemies within that will destroy Asian relations. The only way for Japan to rebuild its economy is through trade with its Asian neighbors, but these kinds of stupid (yeah stupid) extremists are gonna push Japan's economy even further down the toilet. The US will not save Japan's economy. I've spoken to a few non-extremist 'Naoki Average' type people about the Korea issue and even they have very right-wing and negative views of the Korean people.it is disgraceful and Japan will only have itself to blame when the wheels fall off for allowing these kinds of nuts to destroy Asian relations.

3 ( +9 / -6 )

there is a much more important issue with north korea and its current threatening actions against its neighbours. japan and south korea will most probably play an important role if something ever happens. i think that japan with south korea can always cooperate to manage the security and prosperity of the region as well, but some small sensitive issues like these anti-korean groups, etc are also still complicating issues..sikataganai..:))

2 ( +3 / -1 )

@Ayesha 'I would have thought these days slandering persons because of their ethnicity is not acceptable in a civilized society'. Unfortunately, there is a certain high-profile politician here who engages in blatant racism and is hardly taken to task over it. Not an unequivocal affirmation of your statement.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

I thought the yayoi people of japan migrated from korea too... Although we are talking the korea 'now', but lets not hurt other people's feelings, there are many intermarriages between koreans and japanese, the half blood innocent children could become victims from these unnecessary misunderstandings. Lets not look at the bad sides and concentrate at the good sides of each other=)

4 ( +6 / -2 )

Just watched that clip on youtube of that stupid bint in Osaka, why do the police just stand there. If I stood with a mike or megaphone and directed hate speech towards the Japanese, how long do you think I'd be there before being bundled into a meatwaggon ? Clampdown on these people, YOU are shaming your nation. I hope the I.O.C see all this and deny you the olympics.

2 ( +6 / -4 )

People doesn't understand that there is a hidden force against a good relation between countries in Asia.

2 ( +2 / -0 )

These anti-Korean Japanese are the 'cockroaches' and are literally a national disgrace. Thank you to those brave Japanese who showed a true humanitarian side and protested and anti-Korean protests. It's simply baffling that the police will not allow more than a few people to participate in a parade, but they'll allow this kind of hate to go unchecked. Once again, the J-police also prove to be a great shame.

10 ( +14 / -4 )


You have to consider the anti-Korea platform very carefully to understand their hatred of the Koreans. They blame them for everything from bad weather to smelly cheese.

Do they? A demagogue like Disillusioned in not an innocent observer but a cause of bad relationship between the two countries. Blame where the blame is. Do not blame what they do not do. Stop fanning the flame, please.

-3 ( +3 / -6 )

I was at Shin Okubo about three years ago for a business trip. Where is all the hate stemming from.? When I was there, people were so friendly, the hospitality of the stores and resuarausnts was amazing. It's sad to see a story like this about that area.

7 ( +7 / -0 )

They all need to grow up and shut up.

7 ( +8 / -1 )

They were noticed on the general election of the House of Representatives at the end of the last year ,a few of them Supported candidates of DPJ, the former Government party uphold by the two large organizations of Korean residents, with raising the flags of South & N Korea and repeating to shout "Mang say-" cheering in Hangul.

-2 ( +1 / -3 )

Ewan Huzarmy, yeah, I watched that clip too, and it's disgraceful. Racial discrimination is not illegal in Japan though, whatever international treaties the country has signed, and neither is inciting racial hatred. The police can only "police" such hateful demos, because a succession of governments has refused to make racial discrimination illegal. No crime is being committed and most Japanese do not believe racial discrimination should be illegal. Worrying for the local Korean communities eh!

2 ( +5 / -3 )

Saxon Salute

Racial discrimination is not illegal in Japan though

Oh, really?

Constitution of Japan

Article 14. All citizens are equal under law and there shall be no discrimination in political, economic or social relations because of race, creed, sex, social status or family origin.

Criminalization of hate speech is not a simple issue, because that can be abused to oppress legitimate demo. For example, a demo against North Korea for its nuclear tests may incite hate against North Koreans and therefore could be banned. A demo against China for human right abuse in Tibet may incite hate against Chinese and therefore could be banned. On the other hand, a hate demo against South Koreans may be condoned if the demo has a surface of demo against occupation of Takeshima. I do not want to give the police the power to decide what a right demo is and what a wrong demo is. So, I pretty much hesitate to agreeing to the criminalization of hate speech.

2 ( +3 / -1 )

So, I pretty much hesitate to agreeing to the criminalization of hate speech.

I understand your concern about free speech. However, considering they went to Okubo, a Korean Neighborhood, to hold their demo, it seems to be a pretty clear case of harassment and racial discrimination.

I'm very disappointed the Authorities allow the anti-Korean group to demonstrate in the areas where Korean's are know to concentrate. I think they have to get a permit, and it could easily be refused.

4 ( +5 / -1 )

I have seen these racist idiots, right wing Japanese fools go and protest in front of the South Korean Embassy, here in Tokyo and then these sames fools go by Shinanomahi to also protest against the Soka Gakkai, so just goes to show how stupid these uyoku (Japanese Right Wings) really are. I also agree, the Japanese police need to get on the ball, arrest these fools, they are yelling racist things, taunting others, all of this must be ILLEGAL!! Why are these fools not arrested??

3 ( +4 / -1 )

CH3CHO: "So, I pretty much hesitate to agreeing to the criminalization of hate speech."

And yet, with all your examples of Japanese protesting others and hate speech, you leave out the fact that if it were another group protesting against... say.... visits to Yasukuni, they would be barred by the police from doing so. And they are. And that's not even hate speech.

0 ( +4 / -4 )

a major problem I think people are missing is that this lot are feeding off the fear of North Korea's decidedly cracked leadership vowing to nuke things. people will turn to this sort in times of stress for protection

1 ( +1 / -0 )

smithinjapan, Yasukuni Shrine is a private property. The shrine has the right to disallow protest in its private property.

"the pot calling the kettle black"

how Japan revises its textbooks to literally try and change actual history.

I am afraid you do not understand the meaning of the proverb, unless you think Korean textbooks change actual history.

4 ( +6 / -2 )

It's very telling that the most liked comment so far is "These anti-Korean groups are national disgraces. We will be regarded not much different from Korea and China." It sounds like most people aren't concerned about the racist chants being directed at the Koreans, but more about how Japan will be viewed by the world as a result.

-5 ( +0 / -5 )

Ch3CHO: "The shrine has the right to disallow protest in its private property."

But police do NOT have the right to stop public protests around said property, even though they do because uyoko trucks are doing the EXACT SAME THING they wish to. But they don't stop the uyoku at all.

"I am afraid you do not understand the meaning of the proverb, unless you think Korean textbooks change actual history."

I understand it far, far better than you, rest assured. The Korean government is just as bad about changing/modifying their text content as Japan -- the whole point was that the poster I criticized for his/her comment was merely looking at one side, when in that case they are two sides of the same coin. Hence, the pot calling the kettle black.

0 ( +5 / -5 )

Daniel Moore: "It sounds like most people aren't concerned about the racist chants being directed at the Koreans, but more about how Japan will be viewed by the world as a result."

Well, yes and no. Japan definitely has that problem -- this whole lack of confidence thing where they NEED to be seen as the good guys or the victims (and if not you are attacking their culture!), but in this case while it COULD sound like that I think it's more 'we are as bad as the things we criticize', ie. an admittance of the obvious hypocrisy.

0 ( +3 / -3 )

Daniel Moore, right on the ball. Just about the only comment here 100% right. SmithinJapan, I respectfully disagree. Japanese care more about their international image than anything else. Read the Japanese netizen comments, the picture is overwhelmingly more conscious of foreigner opinions than the actual racism. This news only started to hit the news stands when the foreigners began to twitter and started talking about it.

They arrested that one lone Korean who was protesting in front of Yasukuni, yet all these daily protestors can protest anywhere they like. Well that's because the Japanese police + Japanese right wing government + Japanese right wing organizations are in bed together. They depend on each other's financial and moral support. So naturally the police will do nothing, at least until they decide these protests are going to hurt Japan's international image so they may curtail these protests a little bit in the future.

-6 ( +4 / -10 )

Well that's because the Japanese police + Japanese right wing government + Japanese right wing organizations are in bed together

Unlike South Korea where, oh no, wait, that's exactly like it is in South Korea. You guys are more alike than either one of you would ever admit.

1 ( +3 / -2 )

Interesting point is that there are both side doing a demonstration. Have you ever seen this bi-polar demonstration in SK and/or PRC?

Don't think so.

0 ( +5 / -5 )

This was bound to happen. With the continued anti-Japan policy in South Korea, raised to the level of education and political tool, it was a matter of time before the Japanese would stop loving K-pop and Korean TV shows and celebrities. You can't keep loving someone who keeps hating you. Are these anti-Korean protesters garbage? Of course. But what created them? How does one interpret Lee Myung Bak's actions last year and totally unnecessary offensive remark towards to current Emperor who had nothing to do with Korean colonization or even WWII, and has personally been an advocate for better J-K relations? Until South Korea changes their attitude starting with honestly looking at their history and stop playing the "blame Japan for everything" and "we are the victim" card, this kind of thing will only continue or get worse.

-6 ( +4 / -10 )

Well done to the anti-right wing protesters. It's high time the fascists got a harder time on their marches.

3 ( +3 / -0 )

Despite the enormous popularity of K-Pop, Korean food and beauty products, relations between Japan and South Korea have been strained for quite some time.

In other words, 'Despite the superficiality of the japanese-korea relationship..."

0 ( +1 / -1 )

OssanAmerica, then shouldn't they be protesting in front of the South Korean embassy, rather than screaming racial obscenities in front of helpless Zainichis who can't change anything nor have any control over what South Korea does?

-4 ( +6 / -10 )

What are you talking about? Are there any South Koreans in Seoul, calling for massacre of Japanese, and demanding the Japanese get out of Korea, advocating racial cleansing? Don't think so.

Interesting point is that there are both side doing a demonstration. Have you ever seen this bi-polar >demonstration in SK and/or PRC?

-4 ( +6 / -10 )

And yet, with all your examples of Japanese protesting others and hate speech, you leave out the fact that if it were another group protesting against... say.... visits to Yasukuni, they would be barred by the police from doing so. And they are. And that's not even hate speech.


Funny you should mention that because anti-Yasukuni protestors (反天連) are in force every August 15th with FULL POLICE ESCORT.

-2 ( +7 / -8 )

They arrested that one lone Korean who was protesting in front of Yasukuni, yet all these daily protestors can protest anywhere they like.

No they did not. This was addressed previously including the link to the video of the entire incident where the guy was escorted by the National Police Agency staff and vehicle where he was about to be taken to the Korean Embassy. But the Korean Embassy was "closed" and no staff were available to take him.

-4 ( +5 / -8 )

Actually chucky3176, what are YOU talking about. SK has hated Japan for a long time and this video link is quite shocking. Amazing what you can find via google. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bBEXPjDLmRk

-1 ( +2 / -3 )

It appears during the last demonstration, the anti-anti-Korean demonstrators with their "let's be friends" placecards and while at the same time holding up their middle finger outnumbered Zaitokukai by 600 to 200.


0 ( +6 / -6 )

@SamuraiBlue - it's true that this type of 'bi-polar' protests have only been seen in Japan, but remember than protests in Korea were not directed at Japanese people passing by.

-3 ( +2 / -5 )

Nigelboy, the lone Korean protestor was arrested by police, then were beaten by the crowd.


Daniel Moore, correct. There may be some protests by some old people in front of the Japanese embassy in Seoul to protest to the Japanese government, but nobody ever direct obscenity and heap abuse on Japanese people visiting and living in South Korea, telling them to get out of Korea.

-3 ( +5 / -8 )

People act like this is something new......every since humankind has been a species we have always found a reason to hate one another....eye color...religion...race....poverty vs wealth, you name it.

Do you think society will ever change?
-2 ( +0 / -2 )

Why not the anti and the pro eat japanese and korean food together and have coffee and a good long chat.... Relax man !

1 ( +1 / -0 )

Daniel Moore

Korea also does not have a Japanese town nor a large population of Japanese 2nd/3rd generation Japanese immigrants who by the way refuses to naturalize to become Japanese citizens who continues to protest that they had been abducted (which there is no proof) who refuses to return to their homeland and continues to obtain welfare which is becoming a burden to the society as a whole.

If this was to happen in Europe there would have been a riot and mass lynches by the mob by now.

-4 ( +2 / -6 )

One issue that is not addressed here yet is the treatment of North Korean nationals in case of a possible war with North Korea.

The main issue with ultra right wing Zaitokukai is the "Special Permanent Resident Status". Zaitokukai stands for "Citizens Group that does not Allow Privilege of Zainichi". When they say privilege, they mean "Special Permanent Resident Status". Because of the status, certain Koreans can live in Japan for generations without applying for Japanese citizenship, keeping allegiance with South or North Korea. There are about 400,000 special permanent residents who are either South Korean nationals or North Korean nationals. The government does not disclose the numbers of South and North, but it is said that more than half is North Korean nationals. Japanese government has been promoting the naturalization of special permanent resident Koreans, but the remaining 400,000 are the ones who refuse Japanese citizenship.

In the US, a permanent resident must apply for naturalization within 5 years or face loss of legal protection in certain social activities.

What will happen, if a war breaks out between Japan and North Korea, with as many as 400,000 hard core North Korean nationals in Japan who pledge allegiance to North Korea? This situation is totally different from Japanese Americans during WW2 in that Japanese Americans are American citizens who pledge allegiance to the US.

1 ( +2 / -1 )

"...the fact that Japan is losing what once made it a strong, proud nation thanks to the invasion of foreign culture and ideas,..."

Japan borrowed extensively from foreigners. It was foreign ideas and culture from China and Korea that formed Japanese culture. Of course, the nationalistic elements will not admit this.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

SamuraiBlue: "Interesting point is that there are both side doing a demonstration. Have you ever seen this bi-polar demonstration in SK and/or PRC?"

Nope. Tells you something about the nature of the complaint, doesn't it? You're not going to find too many pro-sex slave people counter protesting South Koreans who are against politicians white-washing the textbooks. You're not going to find too many pro-Takeshima people in Seoul counter-protesting when South Koreans rightfully point out the land is administered and lived on by their people. Maybe if there were a protest against manga, or maid-cafes or something, yes.

Ossan: "You can't keep loving someone who keeps hating you."

Always the excuse of the haters.

-1 ( +1 / -2 )

"...the fact that Japan is losing what once made it a strong, proud nation thanks to the invasion of foreign culture and ideas,..."

There is nothing 'original' about Japan if you want to get down to it, save for the Ainu, but Japanese don't even want to admit THAT. I mean seriously.... this 'invasion' you speak of is largely the result of a) the Meiji Restoration trying to become as Western as it could, and (b) the post WWII Japan trying to become as Western as it could. There is no 'invasion' any more than the Beatles being invited to visit is an invasion. Japan CONSUMES foreign culture and in cases like these nutbag protesters BLAME them as though it's their fault Japan is not as good. These fools should be thinking about original ideas and making better programs instead of whining about coming in last.

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

ok well at least the japanese will never be mitaken for being original

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

Daniel Moore

It's very telling that the most liked comment so far is "These anti-Korean groups are national disgraces. We will be regarded not much different from Korea and China." It sounds like most people aren't concerned about the racist chants being directed at the Koreans, but more about how Japan will be viewed by the world as a result.

Oh. How many Japanese, do you think, visit this English language site? Almost none. The people who are more concerned about how Japan will be viewed by the world are the English speaking community here.

-1 ( +2 / -3 )


The Korean government is just as bad about changing/modifying their text content as Japan

It is just shocking that Koreans know that their textbook is untrue and yet demand Japan to conform Japanese textbooks to Koreans. I always wondered why Japan and Korea cannot agree on textbook issue. I thought fact finding would solve the dispute, but I was wrong. Thank you, smithinjapan. It is now clear to me that Koreans will not be satisfied unless Japan agrees to teach its children untruth as fabricated by Korea. I now understand that this issue should not be solved.

0 ( +2 / -2 )

CH3CHO: "It is just shocking that Koreans know that their textbook is untrue and yet demand Japan to conform Japanese textbooks to Koreans."

Well, now, that depends on how well they actually know, and WHAT is fudged. The Korean texts stating the islands belong to them is not that big a deal -- especially given that they have the better argument for it. If you're talking about sexual slavery, that's not a lie, nor are other atrocities they speak of (numbers may be exaggerated, but still). Both countries are mostly guilty of so-called lies of omission; Japan does not acknowledge its atrocities, even the forced suicides of Japanese in Okinawa, while South Korea supposedly does not acknowledge its own peoples' acts of aggression while a colony. The true problem is when politicians claim that certain things never happened, and this is where Japan takes the larger share of the blame. I mean, think about it -- Abe wants to rescind an apology because he claims certain things never happened when he was never around to see them, against even Japanese admissions of the facts! That's but one example.

"Thank you, smithinjapan."

My pleasure.

"I always wondered why Japan and Korea cannot agree on textbook issue."

Pretty easy answer, really -- both sides expect the 'agreement' to be the other side saying zero percent of what they want; in other words, a one-way street.

"It is now clear to me that Koreans will not be satisfied unless Japan agrees to teach its children untruth as fabricated by Korea."

And this is the part where your comment loses its credibility. You are, once again, stating that only one-side is doing wrong, and Japan as usual is the victim. Lest we forget this is a thread on Japanese right-wing nuts who are protesting not just the presence of South Koreans in Japan, but the fact that THEIR OWN PEOPLE prefer South Korean pop-culture to their own inferior and over-priced goods. The proof of how wrong this is is in the pudding -- some brave souls stood up and protested back. You talk about freedom of speech, but that's not what these right-wingers are engaging in -- they're promoting hate. Period.

-4 ( +0 / -4 )

Nigelboy, the lone Korean protestor was arrested by police, then were beaten by the crowd.

Like I said, we went over this in another article in which you participated.


If he was arrested as you say, what are the charges?

-2 ( +4 / -6 )

One way to win a war is to divide its enemies... So could NK be behind this?... Makes sense. I used to work in psychological warfare.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

Interesting point is that there are both side doing a demonstration. Have you ever seen this bi-polar demonstration in SK and/or PRC.

Good point SB. But again, your point is lost among the crowd here.

-1 ( +3 / -4 )

nigelboy, how many protests do you see in Korea that calls for Japanese pop culture to be banned, Japanese to be massacred and their women raped?

-4 ( +0 / -4 )


how many protests do you see in Korea that calls for Japanese pop culture to be banned, Japanese to be massacred and their women raped?

I don't know about the former but I had witnessed the later where there was an elementary school wide art contest something like that.

2 ( +2 / -0 )

nigelboy, how many protests do you see in Korea that calls for Japanese pop culture to be banned, Japanese to be massacred and their women raped?

I told you SB. They still don't get it.

-1 ( +3 / -4 )

chucky3176 i've been reading some of your comments about the japanese in general,its obvious that you 're being biased against them and want to portray to us readers a negative stereotype as if they are the only people who are being racist and anti-korean / gaijin. I have lived and worked in Japan and in Asia since the early 80's, and have visited Korea and China many times. I have seen some very ugly and violent demostrations in Seoul that was anti-Japanese with racsist chants whereby Japanese citizens, businesses, embassy were being targeted. Most recently back in September I saw thousands of Chinese marching in the streets outside of Shanghai with very anti-japanese slogans and rampent vandalism against anything that is Japanese. Both Korea and China had thousands of protesters on the streets and by far more militant and violent. It was truly ugly. The police were inaffective in controlling these protests or alowed them to continue. The magnitude of these protests in Shin Okubo doesnt anywhere compare to waht occurs outside of Japan. But I agree 100% these anit-korean protests are uncalled for, and very disturbing for a gainjin to see this in Japan. The Japanese shouldn't steep to low levels and imitate the kind of protest found in Korea and China. At the same time dont believe that all Japanese are like these "uyoku" , they comprise a very small percentage of the population, they're noisy , irritating, act like bullies, but not in any way represent the thinking of the japanese people. Your image of the Japanese is still pre-WW2, they 're not the same as back then.

4 ( +4 / -0 )

I would like to point out using “Pro-Korean” is NOT to appropriate for this case first, since almost people who express “Pro-Korean” is NOT Japanese, but Korean. Those Korean are children and grandchildren of smuggling themselves into Japan, although they have told lie they had been taken to Japan by force. In addition, this article does not report why the protest against Korea correctly, but it reports only negative emotion such like “Hate Korea” or “racism”. This is VERY UNACCEPTABLE. The reason why the protest against Korea occurred was the conclusion of Korean’s behavior and propaganda of lie of history more than 60 years. reasons:

Korean told a lot of lie related with history, for example, comfort women, being taken to Japan by force, order to change their name like Japanese, etc., etc. Korean has requested Japan to apologies and compensation repeatedly, although they had agreed about compensation in 1965. Telling false story being victim of Japan to worldwide is violation of Japanese human rights. In addition, Korean’s action like this is profaned all people in the world. Recently, Korean insists to ban Rising Sun flag since the flag is the symbol of colony memorial, slave. However, also Korean joined the World War II under the flag. In addition, “colony of Japan” is NOT correct – annexation is correct. They always tell lie to be victim. Korean attacked Takeshima then killed 44 and kidnapped 3929 of Japanese fishermen in 1952 though, Korean has told lie that Takeshima (Docto) is their territory. In addition, Korean proceeded agreement about compensation profitably with hostage in 1965. More, Koreans who live currently in Japan is the result of this compulsion. Koreans requested to live in Japan forever, some priorities in daily life then got it. However, Korean hides those truth and told lie they are victim, Takeshima is their territory. Insult The Emperor, The Imperial Family and Japanese national flag. They name false name like Japanese to hide they are Korean. About this, they told a lie again, they were discriminated by Korean name in Japan though, the truth is they tried to escape from Chinese’s revenge to name Japanese. As Korean ill-treated Chinese during Japan – Korea annexation, Chinese began to attack and kill Korean. In addition, Korean is on top position of crime rate per nationality in Japan. They name false name like Japanese to hide their crime - Japanese media tends to report false name like Japanese, although they are Korean. Korean also tell a lie they are Japanese even if in overseas. Go to city halls by large group and act violate to get welfares. Stole and destroy, setting on fire a lot of Japanese culture properties. Korean insists protect to Korea is discrimination though, they never acknowledged they discriminate and insult Japan as above mentioned.
-3 ( +0 / -3 )

Hereabove is yet another example of the type of prejudice and hatred that exists in China and Korea as well as Japan ... there is no going around the fact that some people won't stop digging for more reasons that are exceptions to the norm to prove that their version of reality is the correct one.

2 ( +2 / -0 )

I have seen some very ugly and violent demostrations in Seoul that was anti-Japanese with racsist chants >whereby Japanese citizens, businesses, embassy were being targeted.

When, and where? And I'm not talking about violent China, so don't even go there.

Where were these so called violent protests against Japanese, calling them racist chants against Japanese citizens? There have been protests against Japanese government in front of Japanese embassy, but I don't recall when there were such widespread violent hate campaigns against Japanese people in Korea that you falsely allege. The Japanese marches on Osaka, Shin Okubu, Shinjuku, and other places, would be likened to Koreans marching and shouting racist messages against Japanese to be massacred and raped, in Myongdong Seoul, where many Japanese congregate, WHICH HAS NEVER HAPPENED.

-1 ( +2 / -3 )

don't know about the former but I had witnessed the later where there was an elementary school wide art >contest something like that.

The best you can come up is what a few dozen kids did in 2005?

-1 ( +2 / -3 )

Ridiculous, racism clearly doesn't exist in Japan!

But seriously, it is a disgrace that the police always favor the racist right-wingers. If left-wingers made any protests like that then they would be arrested.

-1 ( +1 / -2 )

Japan's real enemy is the right-wingers. But it is clearly an uphill battle, as all the police, the judges, the juries, the bureaucrats, the lawmakers, etc, are right-wingers themselves or right-wing sympathizers. It's no secret that the Japanese police sympathize with and even encourage the right-wingers to act like that.


I would like to point out using “Pro-Korean” is NOT to appropriate for this case first, since almost people who express “Pro-Korean” is NOT Japanese, but Korean. Those Korean are children and grandchildren of smuggling themselves into Japan, although they have told lie they had been taken to Japan by force.

Typical racist Japanese right-wing comment... LOL.

-1 ( +1 / -2 )

But seriously, it is a disgrace that the police always favor the racist right-wingers. If left-wingers made any protests like that then they would be arrested.

We went over this. Google the following words. 反天連、終戦、YouTube. If you want a police escort, you simply apply the necessary paperwork, left or rightwing.

-3 ( +3 / -6 )

nigelboy, I'm not talking about whatever it is that you were talking about.

-2 ( +1 / -3 )


If you done what i told you to do, there are tons of videos showing where a left wing group is demonstrating with a FULL POLICE ESCORT.

-3 ( +3 / -6 )

nigelboy, I already told you that I'm not talking about what you were discussing. Please don't drag me into your own arguments. Not everything has to do with what you were saying. And no, I'm not going to "done what you told me to do". Good bye.

-2 ( +2 / -4 )

No bickering please.

0 ( +0 / -0 )


nigelboy, how many protests do you see in Korea that calls for Japanese pop culture to be banned,

South Korean Government prohibits Japanese dramas and Japanese songs on South Korean TV. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Censorship_of_Japanese_media_in_South_Korea

It is still illegal to broadcast Japanese music and television dramas over terrestrial signals in South Korea. In February 2011, the Korean censor indicated that he might consider lifting this ban in the future. In August 2011, a single Japanese song was broadcast in South Korea as part of a trial program.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

Haha, so you're saying it's illegal to play SMAP on the radio in Korea?

0 ( +1 / -1 )

CH3CHO, Japanese TV are all over the Korean cable channels, yet the ratings are not that high. Frankly I don't see any reason for Korea to ban them over the government owned terrestrial TV channels. I mean I too want to see AKAB48 performing in their under wears on KBS. Not.

-5 ( +0 / -5 )

There seems to be some indication that the Censor's office in SK might lift the ban on terrestrial tv signals with Japanese musical and dramatic content but it does not appear to have happened yet.

In any event ROK's legal bans against Japanese content have stopped being enforced in a number of categories from around the beginning of the new millennium. Still, the banning laws are in the books, though and the terrestrial signal one is still in effect. Which is kind of odd as it is directed against music and drama, two rather innocuous categories.

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

Ugh, from issues of base complaints to this, Japanese ultra-nationalists and isolationists have the shortest memories or are just plain uneducated. They clearly forget why the majority of the Koreans in Japan are here (i.e. forced labor during Japan's occupation of Korea). The issue of Zainichi and other treatments of Koreans really sends my blood boiling. @StephenKnight is right. Japan needs to get with the rest of the civilized world and put some clear, strong anti-discrimination legislation through. If they really want to do things like be on the U.N. Security Council, they have to actually learn how to deal with a global society.

2 ( +3 / -1 )

The fact remains that there are Koreans in Korea who do not recognize their warts and blame everything on the Japanese occupation and there are Japanese in Japan who do not recognize their warts and deny that there was anything wrong with what happened. From those positions, each side keeps a tally sheet of all the minutiae of the other sides wrongful acts and hold it up to show how virtuous their own relative position is supposed to be (with blinders kept on of course).

Japan's educational program certainly needs to be re-tooled with far more transparency about the ugly parts of the nation's historical past. Korea's does too, especially in regard to collaboration during the War.

And it should go without saying that China's education program has massive blind spots.

3 ( +3 / -0 )

The racism and open discrimination based on nationality are still too common in Japan, including law enforcement, work place, schools, health care establishments and housing. Japan should adopt specific legislation on the prevention and elimination of racial discrimination as current laws are not effective in doing so. But your talking about Japan, they rather starve than change. Most Japanese seems to believe that all foreigners including Koreans living in Japan are ignorant of Japanese customs and language, that they are all rude and guilty of some crime that will inevitably commit. Japanese people are one of the most inflexable people on the planet.

1 ( +2 / -1 )

lol, yes, I can. But since this is an English website, why don't you actually post English sources? Maybe you can't read them?

Why on god's earth would ANYONE create a database of JAPANESE NEWSPAPERS from 1900-1945, translating the titles of these countless articles, to ENGLISH??

-3 ( +3 / -6 )

Readers, enough of this please. You are just going around circles. Please focus your comments on what is in the story and not at each other.

0 ( +0 / -0 )


They clearly forget why the majority of the Koreans in Japan are here (i.e. forced labor during Japan's occupation of Korea).

"Forced labor" or labor draft occurred from 1942 to 1945 during WW2 to provide labor power to military related factories, mines and facilities. Both Japanese and Koreans were drafted for labor. After the WW2, the Koreans drafted for labor went back to Korea through Japanese government repatriation plan. The Korean population in Japan dropped to pre-war level. It is wrong to say as if forced labor occurred during the entire length of "Japan's occupation of Korea".

The Koreans stayed in Japan after the end of WW2 were Korean immigrants to Japan before the war during Japan Korea merger period. They came to Japan to seek better opportunity.

Actually, one of the objectives of the demo in Shin Okubo is to "correct" these myths about Koreans in Japan.

-2 ( +2 / -4 )

chucky3176APR. 04, 2013 - 10:53PM JST What are you talking about? Are there any South Koreans in Seoul, calling for massacre of Japanese, and >demanding the Japanese get out of Korea, advocating racial cleansing? Don't think so.

To answer your question you need to ask the following questions.

Why did so many Koreans not only preferred to stay in Japan after the war, but were also joined by many more who migrated to Japan after the war?

How many Japanese live in Korea?

How many Koreans live in Japan?

What was the standard of living / average income in Korea from 1945 to 1985?

It is all about economics. Koreans migrated all over the world in search of a better standard of living (Korea was an economic basket case for decades) and in the majority of cases they have become "Americans", "English" "Kiwi" "Canadian", just like all the other people who migrated to those countries.

Only in Japan, have they not assimilated, this is largely due to Japan belonging to the Japanese and the Japanese culture not accepting foreigners. Other foreigners accept this reality, Koreans take it personally.

But that said, I wonder if the same percentage of Vietnamese or Indians lived in Korea as Koreans live in Japan whether Koreans would be happy with that? I mean from my own person experiences, Korea is one of the most mono cultural societies / countries in the world.

Korea is far less accepting to foreigners living in Korea than the Japanese are to Foreigners living in Japan.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

More Koreans live in China than in Japan and Koreans in China have been granted Chinese citizenship. Most Koreans living in Japan don't have Japanese citizenship because nationality in Japan is defined by blood and not by place of birth. There are Korean families with many generations born in Japan who remain non-citizens.

Although naturalization was possible, until the 1980s, such a process required that the applicant give up his given name and to adopt a Japanese name, ergo, a loss of an aspect of one's personal self-identity was required.

But by the 1980s the practical value of naturalizing as a Japanese citizen undoubtedly was lost to most of the Zainichi.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

I am Korean-American so take what I say with a grain of salt.

Many Koreans in Japan haven't naturalized because doing so would require giving up their family names. Look up Son Masayoshi of Softbank, who naturalized by first changing his Japanese wife's family name to Son.

I know many Korean-Japanese. They are all 3rd, 4th gen and strike me as totally Japanese in their behavior. None of them speak any Korean. All of them come from families that have worked hard and achieved economic success in Japan (e.g. own a shoe factory, own a textile factory, etc). They seem like fine people.. and very Japanese.

I have no idea whether their families were forcibly brought to Japan or came as post-war immigrants, but as I said they were all 3rd and 4th generation. Most of the 3rd and 4th generation Asian-Americans that I know are Japanese-American and their families all came pre-WWII.

Koreans in Korea don't dislike Japanese. They admire and respect the Japanese. However, they are upset because unlike the Germans, who are broadly repentant about their actions during WWII (Holocaust memorials and museums, mandatory education, etc), the Japanese attitude seems to be "sh*t happens, let's move on." There is not the same self-flagellation in Japan about their wartime actions as in Germany.

That said, I agree that Koreans are too obsessed with history and are far more nationalistic than the Japanese. No question. But (1) that is changing with the younger generation -- Koreans in their 30s/20s and younger just doesn't care as much and (2) Korea is to Japan as Canada is to the US. Canada obsesses about the US and how it is perceived in the US; whereas in the US, hardly anyone thinks about Canada. Same situation.

Finally, there is not a large community of Japanese in Korea. However there used to be a large Chinese community in Korea. They were actively discriminated against during the dictatorship of Park Chung-hee. Most left Korea for Taiwan in the '70s/'80s. Many moved to the States (where they opened Chinese-Korean restaurants). Some remained in Korea. My understanding is that many have Taiwanese citizenship, and I don't know whether they are allowed to get Korean citizenship. The point here is that Koreans have their own issues with ethnic minorities and they weren't on their best behavior. That is of course changing now as there are large Southeast Asian communities in Korea that have come there to work in factories.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

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