Japan Today

Thousands of Chinese protesters besiege Japanese embassy


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Chinese turn up to demonstrate on cue. They are very well brainwashed and controlled.

31 ( +40 / -8 )

Nationalist dropkicks. Fortunately, all the Chinese people I know could not give a rats about these worthless piles of rocks in the sea - they are too busy working to try and get ahead than to worry about trivial matters. China and Japan have hundreds of MASSIVE (and probably unsolvable) crises with their nations more important than some junk rocks.

4 ( +9 / -5 )

The Red Guards are at it again. Someone needs to re-issue them the little red book of Mao's thoughts.

13 ( +16 / -3 )

Look at them.

To say something else?

-3 ( +3 / -6 )

"“For the respect of the motherland, we must go to war with Japan.”

These ere some really stupid, and ignoirant people.

18 ( +25 / -6 )

They are a bunch of brain-washed neanderthals out of control and getting ready to spill blood for a bunch of rocks in the middle of the sea. Just to prove what point? Their government is sitting on the side lines laughing their butts off and knowing that if this continues, their country will lose so much so fast for so little. Keep it up China, that is what America wants. If you continue this way, it will open way for official use of the Ospreys and who knows what else. Hoora.....

19 ( +24 / -4 )

Japan irresponsibly stirred up the crisis and then blame Chinese people rational, those Japanese are so self -centered.

-20 ( +15 / -35 )

Here it comes folks! Get ready for war!

They are a bunch of brain-washed neanderthals

I guess you are talking about both sides, right?

-5 ( +15 / -20 )

The Chinese seems to be a country saying China where after all have neither the discipline nor the manner nor the human rights which is a dog of the rabies without geek reason I am extremely insane

-1 ( +3 / -4 )

“Return our islands! Japanese devils get out!” some of the protesters shouted. One of them held up a sign reading: “For the respect of the motherland, we must go to war with Japan.”

It has to happen sometime and it's just delaying the inevitable. China, as a collective, has been biting on the bit for decades to give Japan a bit of payback and the Japanese have hardly helped the situation by offensively ignoring their dreadful past crimes against their Asian neighbours. The Japanese ultimately have to learn that if they want to talk the talk, they alone, have to walk the walk.

Spill the bad blood and then learn what the Europeans learnt in 1945. Senkaku is the Alsace Lorraine of the early 21st Century.

America and the rest should just stay out of the way and let them fight it out. With luck it will cull the numbers of the extremists on both sides and they'll be less black vans cruising the streets of Tokyo.

-3 ( +11 / -14 )

I watched the live broadcasting from the J embassy in BJ, I like the move. Japan's foolish move successfully diverted internal issues in China. Waiting to see some skirmish.

-12 ( +3 / -15 )

I am so surprised that why you Japanese guys seem so surprised about Chinese reactions to the issue? It's pretty natural to do this for all Chinese!

3 ( +11 / -8 )

It's also natural for Japanese to not hold grudges when apologies have been made and overtures presented. Both sides think they are being civil about it, and the other side is being barbaric.

2 ( +6 / -4 )

It's pretty natural to do this for all Chinese!

Yes, screaming hysterically, throwing rocks, running amok and attacking foreigners (with the encouragement of their own government) is what they do best. Reminds me of the Yi He Tuan "movement" of 1900 (a.k.a. the Boxer Rebellion in some history books).

13 ( +18 / -5 )

And to think , Ishihara started all this. Maybe he's a happy man now. Did he ever stop to think about about all those Japanese living in China and all those Chinese who are living in japan, I doubt it. The political and economic consequences. The sanity of those in political office have to questioned.

8 ( +16 / -8 )

I bet the Chinese government will let this run for as long as it's a convenient political distraction and then they'll crack down, my only concern is that they may have unleashed something that they haven't got complete control over.

6 ( +9 / -3 )

Protest and violence against anything related to Japan -> Endorsed by govenment as long as it does not turn into anti-rpc protest.

Protest against their own government -> Dare not as they'll get killed by Tanks running over them like in tiananmen square protest in 1985.

9 ( +10 / -1 )


1 ( +3 / -2 )

And they still feel that now is a good time for a new election? New election means talks go on pause. So no action on these island, no action the other islands (Korea and Russia), and no action on the US military relocation and Osprey situation. Awesome.

0 ( +2 / -2 )

People still want to tell me its just the 'minority'?

5 ( +10 / -5 )

A genuine question for you all here, are you actually concerned that this is going to escalate to a point where we find the second and third biggest economies in the world go to war?

3 ( +5 / -2 )

Nope not at all.

0 ( +2 / -2 )

A genuine question for you all here, are you actually concerned that this is going to escalate to a point where we find the second and third biggest economies in the world go to war?

I'm confidently going to say no they wouldn't go to war over this. Purely for the reason that they wouldn't want to lose business with other countries and companies around the world.

6 ( +7 / -1 )

I have visions of Ishihara standing in front of the mirror in full military garb. This very nasty nationalism he helped stir up has infuriated Chinese of a similar idiotic mindset. @Burakumin Exactly. All of my Chinese colleagues are sick and tired of this nonsense and couldn't care less about these rocks. They are very embarrassed that these idiots are being seen as typical of China.

-2 ( +4 / -6 )

Thumbs down? just a question, rather than thumbs down ,answer the question.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

"And to think , Ishihara started all this. Maybe he's a happy man now. Did he ever stop to think about about all those Japanese living in China and all those Chinese who are living in japan, I doubt it. The political and economic consequences. The sanity of those in political office have to questioned."

Totally disagree. China has been stiring the waters for ten years now. They have been testing the worlds patience on all levels. Asia and the west. See how most humans rights thery can take away. Okay too much. Just enough to calm Amnisty international down. Building up their military. Meetings with the north Koreans. China has been pushing and pushing and pushing. It was only a matter of time untl somebody pushed back

6 ( +14 / -8 )

NZ2011Sep. 15, 2012 - 04:54PM JST

A genuine question for you all here, are you actually concerned that this is going to escalate to a point where we find the second and third biggest economies in the world go to war?

I'm getting there but more worrying is that when Japan is forced to back down on this issue, which inevitably they will, then there will be a very extreme and possibly violent lurch to the extreme right within Japan.

1 ( +8 / -7 )

Minello, exactly what I was thinking. When is the Japanese public going to hold Ishihara accountable for this?? Had he kept his trap shut about buying these islands, this wouldn't be happening.

Jimizo, I snickered because I can just see him dressed up in the outfit with those little hats trying to relive the "glory" days - before Japan was smashed to bits by its own leaders and then the US.

-6 ( +9 / -15 )

efisherSep. 15, 2012 - 03:18PM JST Japan irresponsibly stirred up the crisis and then blame Chinese people rational, those Japanese are so self ->centered.

The entire wotrld does;t buy that nonsense.

1 ( +8 / -7 )

if the government wanted to, they could easily have the police squash any protests like this. they're obviously allowing this to happen (might even be encouraging it). it's funny how a little thing like some rocks that have no effect on these people's daily lives has set these people into a rage. must've had some anti-Japanese sentiment building for a LONG time. you'd never see Japanese people doing stuff like this.

7 ( +7 / -1 )

DogSep. 15, 2012 - 03:36PM JST

It has to happen sometime and it's just delaying the inevitable. China, as a collective, has been biting on the bit for >decades to give Japan a bit of payback and the Japanese have hardly helped the situation by offensively ignoring >their dreadful past crimes against their Asian neighbours. The Japanese ultimately have to learn that if they want to >talk the talk, they alone, have to walk the walk.

No I think you;re totrally wrong. There is absolutely nothing that Japan could do or say to cpunter the effects of geberations raised on Japan-Hating forced Patriotic Education in he Chinese schools. Apolgies galore and a Treaty of friendship signed in 1978 and reaffirmed in 1978, over a decade of ecomonic cooperation and trade, all means nothing. Japan-hating in China today has no tyrue benefit other than to servbe as an ecuse for military and territorial expansion in Asia.

America and the rest should just stay out of the way and let them fight it out. With luck it will cull the numbers of the >extremists on both sides and they'll be less black vans cruising the streets of Tokyo.

The United States, contrary to the "official" image is deep into it already and China is already complaining about it. China would love for the U.S, to "stay out of it" to give them a freee hand at bullying all of it's Asian neighboirs. Worrying about the black truck idiots in Japan when the world's most populatede country is a militaristic nationalist threat to all of asia is ridiculous. .

0 ( +9 / -9 )

DisillusionedSep. 15, 2012 - 03:27PM JST "Here it comes folks! Get ready for war! They are a bunch of brain-washed neanderthals

I guess you are talking about both sides, right?

The Japanese are the most war adverse people on the planet. They even have a constitution prohibiting war.

-4 ( +7 / -11 )

The Chinese picked a great time to attack the Japanese embassy. People around the world see Muslims protesting and attacking US embassies. Then they see the Chinese acting in the same way against Japan. Many news outlets have the news stories/images appearing next to each other. It wouldn't surprise me if people around the world were to view two different peoples acting in a similarly destructive fashion as being mentally similar.

7 ( +8 / -1 )

Japan don't back down. We've got your back

-1 ( +7 / -8 )

This looks bad.

0 ( +3 / -3 )

What a stupid comment. The Japanese are the most war adverse people on the planet. They even have a constitution prohibiting war. Get a whiff of reality mate.

Actually, that's a pretty stupid comment. Yes land, the land of "heiwa". Japan is only this way because Japan was forced into it. You've got leaders like Hashimoto who is popular because he wants to get rid of this whole constitution prohibiting war because plenty of people would love to return to the "glory days" of Japan fighting with the Koreans and Chinese because some still think they are the best damn country in the world and want to use war to prove it.

-7 ( +9 / -16 )

The Japanese are the most war adverse people on the planet

Currently yes, in the past? mmm not so much...

Still, I hope the Japanese government keeps their cool and does not make an already delicate situation worse.

1 ( +2 / -1 )

Sorry Ossan but Dog is right, this stuff has been coming to a head for a few decades now, seems both Dog & I & other have seen it coming, note seeing it coming DONT mean I want it to be happening, but here we are & IT IS HAPPENING.

So for anyone looking at this objectively we can see BOTH Japan & China string this crap up, BOTH are to blame & a certain A-Hole in TYO has kicked BOTH of these hornet nests!

Some Chinese are clearly going way off the deepend, but Osaan sorry the reason China & Korea teach "history" the way they do all these years is DIRECTLY related to Japan white washing denials, I hate to trot this one out again, but Japan is reaping what she has sewn. There has NEVER been a single solitary OFFICIAL opology by any Japan govt or political party, BUT plenty of denial.

The yanks will NOT want to send their sons/daughters out to deal with this CRAP, its patently obvious now the US is NOT happy with Japan about all this, stay tuned

1 ( +6 / -5 )

We hate Japan. We've always hated Japan. Japan invaded China and killed a lot of Chinese. We will never forget.

And yet you forget (or just blindly ignorant) that your own commie government killed millions of your own countrymen during the Chinese Civil War. It was so atrocious that the Yangtze river turned red with blood. Stupid nationalistic drone.

7 ( +13 / -6 )

i don't think human acting sort of like ''For the respect of the motherland, we must go to war with Japan.” is headless, i mean even in malaya at ww2, the japan imperial troops also make their thoughts on the chinese people as if they're the people who faught war during the war, claiming that the chinese we're to make trouble to the goal in response to the related war on their mainland china!!...that's very indecent u know... if it happens to your race, u should really be pissed off...

-3 ( +1 / -4 )

sorry japan, we got our own war with the muslims to deal with, you on your own on this.

2 ( +9 / -7 )

They even have a constitution prohibiting war.

They have a self defense force......they think these islands are Japan so to the Japanese it's not a "war" it;s self defense.

5 ( +8 / -3 )

If it wasn't for the presence of the US in the pacific I am sure the Chinese would today be crashing around east Asia in a way that would make the Japanese in the 30's and 40's look like they were organising a birthday party.

However, going off the numerous other recent crisis in the region, it will all blow over and be forgotten about again soon enough. The North Koreans have brought the region to the brink of war countless times in the last couple of years by sinking ships and shelling islands and launching ICBM tests but nothing ever happens because they all know it ain't worth it.

3 ( +4 / -1 )

**** who knows if China is getting warmed up to invade Taiwan?

2 ( +5 / -3 )

@Darren Brannan "

Japan earned the hate, but having said that, the Chinese need look no further than the number of Chinese killed in the war between the Communists and the people's army, which gave Japan an early footing, and then the Chinese killed during Mao and the Gang of four's heyday. Tianenmen Square also happened. The Laobaixing are easily mobilised, when the Chinese govt want them to be. They suffered most before the Japanese even set foot in China."

Just on a historical note, Japan had sizeable toeholds in China (including Taiwan) from the 1890s, long before the 1911 Republic and the outbreak of the Guomindang-CCP conflict.

4 ( +4 / -0 )

This could easily blow out into war.

You've already got the fuel and the flames, you just need to fan it a little bit.

-6 ( +0 / -6 )

OssanAmerica:The entire wotrld does;t buy that nonsense.

The entire wotrld doesn't buy the unilateral sovereignty claim by Japan, even US doesn't recognize it. The Japanese people would fall into the trap setup by the politician.

-4 ( +3 / -7 )

If war is declared, make sure somebody win and somebody loose so that the issue is settled once and for all.

-2 ( +1 / -3 )

Chinese are brainwashed slaves, this is no surprise! The Chinese Communist leaders are looking for a new LEADER, but they are infighting and they all can not agree on a new leader, so ??? Sure, use JAPAN, as a SCAPEGOAT for all of the problems of CHINA?? Sorry Chinese but your problems, no freedom, crappy wages, only 1 child per family are all MADE IN CHINA!!! Keep using the Japanese as scapegoats, keep up the BS about the stupid rocks in the sea called the Senkakus etc..and when the AMERICAN navy gets called in, forget about taking on Japan, the USA will never allow JAPAN to be touched by CHINA, and China is a big country but millions of minorities etc..hate BEIJING, the communists know this, even regular Chinese have lots of hate against their own government.

6 ( +9 / -3 )

Hope that the Japanese people would not do what the Chinese people have been doing. Keep your COOL and do NOT do what they are doing to the Japanese Embassy, Japanese businesses and its people.

8 ( +9 / -1 )

KariHarukaSep. 15, 2012 - 04:59PM JST A genuine question for you all here, are you actually concerned that this is going to escalate to a point where we find the second and third biggest economies in the world go to war?

I don't know... the U.S. is losing ground to the Chinese economy and is deeply worried about being supplanted as the world's biggest economy. I think they might just be desperate enough to goad Japan and China into a war and then (at Japan's request) come riding in as the cavalry. It would save the U.S. from appearing as an invader, but rather they'd come off as white-hatted saviours. It would all work out VERY well for the U.S. ... but maybe not so well for Japan.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

If one knows the Japanese war crime in WWII, he won't be surprised to see the chaos.

-1 ( +5 / -6 )

Most Japanese are not as stupid and brainwashed as our amigos on the mainland of red China, like I said most but sadly enough here in Japan we do have idiots, racists, right wing fools going around in those big black trucks screaming racist propaganda against Korea, against China, against the religions that actually strive to bring peace and happiness to our world, etc..which for us living here in Japan, should be that some Japanese are also knuckleheads, but China is a bigger country so it is easy math, the more people you have, the higher % of that certain population that turn out to be fools, idiots, trouble makers etc..if CHINA wants to mess with Japan, and entire world BOYCOTTS everything CHINESE, yes boycott all things made in china, see how quick the Chinese will change their tune. The Chinese love $$$$, hit them where it hurts and surprise surprise, see how many Chinese will quickly forget about the love for their motherland and go back to their real LOVE for $$$$.

3 ( +9 / -6 )

If only Chinese and Muslims could limit expresses their rage to commenting on internet news sites.

6 ( +8 / -2 )

Looks no more different from Japanese people protesting in front of TV stations and protesting Kpop, or those Japanese attacking in groups, and assualting Korean tourists to Japan fresh off the boat. Different sides to the same coin. lol..

-7 ( +5 / -12 )

Hawaiianboy, sorry japan, we got our own war with the muslims to deal with, you on your own on this.

The people feel this way need to vote any president who is willing to terminate US.Japan treaty. Japan has a lot of obligations to US as well as US has obligations to Japan. This is a mutual agreement. Once it is ended, I may subscribe to Hawaiianboy`s point of view.

America just sent a bill of $7,200,000,000 to Japan for a moving cost for the US Marine to Guam. Because Japan has promulgated the article 9 as renunciation of war, japan relatively can keep lower budget for defense, so that Japan can financially has an obligation to support the US defense budget. At the gulf war, Japan and Kuwait paid the same amount because we could not send troops from Japan because the article 9. Japan has supported US for long time.

But it might be about time to reconsider the shape of deal since it was established in 1960 and the article 9 as well. The US Japan treaty and Article 9 has a crystal kind of balance in order to not intimidate other Asian countries. The world has changed a lot since the first promulgation of it. But since still the treaty exists and covers Okinawa prefecture, in case of any preemptive strike occurs in Senkaku, the US has no choice but to defend Okinawa prefecture. I am not expecting this. But I am talking about the condition that many people might not think about.

The US knows that Okinawa prefecture Senkaku islands are Japan because the US used to ruled there till 1972 before it was returned to Japan. No one did not have an idea that America occupied Chinese islands till 72. Today, even though politically the US made a statement as a neutral position for this issue, but the treaty contained the islands. I am curious if really a war happens in Okinawa prefecture, the US will act based on the treaty or not.

6 ( +6 / -0 )

efisherSep. 15, 2012 - 08:40PM JST "OssanAmerica:The entire wotrld does;t buy that nonsense. The entire wotrld doesn't buy the unilateral sovereignty claim by Japan, even US doesn't recognize it. The Japanese >people would fall into the trap setup by the politician.

No the entire world other than dispute claimants do. And don't think that te United Stats which has the Chinese military and territorial exansion as a priority and is moving 60% of it' naval power to the pacfic is really "neutral" about China's advances into the East and South China Seas.

1 ( +4 / -3 )

Before everyone express your biased opinions against the Japanese or Chinese while taking full advantage of the so called "shortcomings" of the Japanese, living off of their kindnesses and their ignorance, try finding a solution to help those who have sponsored you and cared for you and paid for your stay in Japan.

What is important is that the common people in BOTH countries do not get taken advantage of by those in power. For now let's find ways to help calm the Chinese populace and find ways to get the Japanese back to Japan safely before it becomes uncontrollable.

In other words, there is enough conjecture and outright unneeded biased opinions with limited basis and justification. The time now is to help find solutions. Talk is cheap, good action is what is needed.

Suggest ways to help...... BEFORE we are involved in actual "conflict" where we all may not see tomorrow.

0 ( +2 / -2 )

Anyone else notice the similarities between the "uproar" across the Middle East over a film and this "uproar" against Japan? I don't want to think we live in a world full of stupid people, but the evidence is difficult to argue against. I just have to remind myself that, in reality (despite the media), these people are actually a very small minority. It's not as bad as we are sometimes lead to believe...

3 ( +3 / -0 )

You must also look at what is happening to the rest of the world in the perspective it should be. They are ALL related.

When there is "unchecked" violence in other parts of the world, others like the Chinese and the Koreans may feel it is "ripe" and "right" to be doing it and getting away with it.

When a country's leadership do not try to contain and control such violence it certainly indicates collaboration or that such action is condoned and accepted for what ever reason and purpose. When that happens, it is time to leave and protect your people.

3 ( +3 / -0 )

This is going worst everyday!! Will see how long Japanese sit back before they start kicking Chinese butts here in Japan!! This is not looking good and will surely hurt everyone involved! Regardless of Senkakus, Chinese are powerful now and have been waiting long to take revenge from Japan!!! Now is the time....welcome the next world war!!!

-3 ( +1 / -4 )

China would not start war with Japan but military might want war. If China started war, then it means that China would lose a biggest business partner and also diplomatic relation with Japan. China's economy is now at 8% growth and in the middle of higher inflation. If war happened, China's economy would get much worse as its economy growth would stop, then bankruptcy, unemployment rate, inflation would increase rapidly all over China. After all people would criticize and protest their government from enormous dissatisfaction, anxiety, frustration of one billion people. That's reason China does not want war with Japan and also riots against their own government.

5 ( +5 / -0 )

GWSep. 15, 2012 - 06:53PM JST Sorry Ossan but Dog is right, this stuff has been coming to a head for a few decades now, seems both Dog & I & >other have seen it coming, note seeing it coming DONT mean I want it to be happening, but here we are & IT IS >HAPPENING.

Sorry GW but both you and the dog are wrong. China is on an expansion program, they have been for years now, and it has been such a concern over hte least several years that the United States is moving 60% of it's global naval forces to the Pacific. The anti-Japan Pastriotic Edcation generation is simply fuel for this purpose. The Senkkues are justrocks, of nonuse or consequence to the average Chinese person whatsoever. But it wold be a valuable point of control for the Chinese PLA Navy, close to Okinawa, close to the US bases.

So for anyone looking at this objectively we can see BOTH Japan & China string this crap up, BOTH are to blame & >a certain A-Hole in TYO has kicked BOTH of these hornet nests!

Yea, one "nationalist" mayor is really equal to the hordes of "nationalist" Chinese. Intersting perspective of numbers you got there.

Some Chinese are clearly going way off the deepend, but Osaan sorry the reason China & Korea teach "history" the >way they do all these years is DIRECTLY related to Japan white washing denials, I hate to trot this one out again, >but Japan is reaping what she has sewn. There has NEVER been a single solitary OFFICIAL opology by any Japan >govt or political party, BUT plenty of denial.

Here we go again. CNN reports Japan has apologized over 17 times. Japan has signed treaties with both China and S.Korea (which incidentaslly was never invaded and hrey wer part of Japan during WWII) in 1972 and 165 respectively putting an end to WWII issues. Claimi9ng that any apoogfy is "not official" or "not sincere" is a way of rejecting the fact that sany apologywas made thereby allowing for thje continued use of anti-J sentiment to be used for social and politivcal purposes.

The yanks will NOT want to send their sons/daughters out to deal with this CRAP, its patently obvious now the US is >NOT happy with Japan about all this, stay tuned

You know nothing of which you speak. As a Yank I can tell you that we are very aware and concerned over Chinese territorial and military expansion in the EAst and South China Seas. This is hardly new, it;s beemn going on for years now. Best to get a clue. http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2010/sep/15/inside-the-ring-145889960/

-2 ( +5 / -7 )

China keeps pushing. One Chinese protester said the Chinese government is promoting this. He said they are taught to hate Japan in school, and for the government to stop the protesters now would be like slapping themselves in the mouth. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-asia-china-19609945

I have no time for nationalists of any kind. They are warmongers in times of peace. BUT...

...if China keeps pushing, maybe even allows the protesters to breach the Japanese embassy, there will come a time for Japan's wider population to awake. China is inadvertantly pushing Japanese public sentiment to the right.

An eye for an eye may make everyone blind, but it's perhaps better to be blind than to hold your sovereignty cheap.

4 ( +6 / -2 )

hawaiianboySep. 15, 2012 - 06:59PM JST sorry japan, we got our own war with the muslims to deal with, you on your own on this.

No, we aren't about to let our word become worthless. Unlike China which signed a "friendship" treaty with Japan in 1972, and reaffirmed it in 1978, but continued to run their anti-Japan forced "Patriotic Education" in their schools. The consequence of which you're seeing now, The United States has stated that keeping the East and China Seas free for naviugation (read; free of Chinese control) is an Amercan "core interest". The only ones "alone" on this is China.

3 ( +9 / -6 )

The thing is that even if Japan were to cave in and give those crummy islands to the Chinese, the Chinese will still find some reason to hate Japan and still continue their violent ways. It's one thing to fight for your rights peacefully for a good cause, but to aimlessly incite violence to the point where they're even hurting their own Chinese brothers and sisters (e.g. destroying Japanese restaurants owned by Chinese and Japanese cars owned by Chinese people and hurting the Chinese people in them) is purely barbaric.

9 ( +9 / -0 )

Agree with freakashow.

Today they showed the demonstrators attacking and turning over a Police-Car(their own police) It was a Mitsubishi most likely assembled in China with Chinese labour parts made there.

I can see many international companies moving manufacturing to India, Philippines, Vietnam, etc if this keeps up. And the winners won't be the chinese workers who will be out of a Job.

Patriotism is all and fine but this isn't this is just pure senseless violence and madness. Only a short step from patriotism to jingoism and everyone hates a fanatic.

5 ( +5 / -0 )

Ahhh, the little people and their pastimes. Does China get American Idol or does the Govt just bypass all that and go straight to the War bit?

3 ( +3 / -0 )

ah the civilised Chinese. There's no hope even with the help of the outside world their economy has dragged them into the top 100 GDP per person, "they" are still so uncivilized and uneducated/brainwashed from poor text books. There are better ways than this to carry on. Start learning, develop your culture, otherwise I cant see any hope any time soon for too much of the population there as to warrant the generalization. Only the lowest forms of life communicate in violence, then to boot can't listen when when their wrong like a spoilt child.

3 ( +4 / -1 )

OssanAmericaSep. 15, 2012 - 09:57PM JST

No, we aren't about to let our word become worthless.

America's word in Asia has been worthless since Vietnam in 1973.

Get real

-5 ( +3 / -8 )

kwattSep. 15, 2012 - 09:50PM JST

China would not start war with Japan but military might want war. If China started war, then it means that China would lose a biggest business partner and also diplomatic relation with Japan.

Can people not even research the basics, before they opine?


However China is Japan's biggest trading partner, with 25% of Japanese exports going to China.

Who needs who the most? Oh yeah, but that's right, the world needs Japan more than Japan needs the world..

3 ( +6 / -3 )

These ere some really stupid, and ignoirant people.

Ossan - as opposed to all the Japanese people who support Hashimoto because he promises to return the "Glorious Japan". I don't think the Chinese have a monopoly on having "stupid and ignoirant people".

8 ( +11 / -3 )

"efisherSEP. 15, 2012 - 09:05PM JST If one knows the Japanese war crime in WWII, he won't be surprised to see the chaos."

oh so that explains all the crimes by China since WWII

Japan is a much more peaceful and culturally developed country in mean time by contrast and has done alot more for the world hence all the help even from very poor countries recently during the recent tsunami.

5 ( +6 / -1 )

It"S MESep. 15, 2012 - 10:09PM JST

I can see many international companies moving manufacturing to India, Philippines, Vietnam, etc if this keeps up. And the winners won't be the chinese workers who will be out of a Job.

Why, I don't see the Germans trying to steal Chinese land under the justification of colonial legacy, or the Germans denying that the suppression of the Boxer rebellion never happened?

BMW, Porsche and Audi are doing fine thank you very much.

The japanese brought this on themselves by first electing a nationalist maverick like Ishihara and then allowing him a free financial hand on the whole islands debacle.

The only Japanese to have come out this fiasco with any credibility was Niwa and he lost his job because he dared to correctly opine that Ishihara was letting the genie out of the box.

-3 ( +5 / -8 )

Dog, the Chinese have been brainwashed to hating Japanese. If it would not be this issue it would be another. Even if Japan did everything China wanted they would still hate Japan.

-3 ( +4 / -7 )

The government has taught us to be anti-Japanese at school, so if they want us to stop it would be like slapping their own mouths,” he added.

Curious what Japanese schools teach on the subject (if anything). Anyone?

1 ( +1 / -0 )

China just is BUYING TIME! They make their sheep look angry and rowdy at Japan, so as to DIVERT the REAL ATTENTION from the COMMUNIST PARTY in BEIJING that cannot come up with the next leader, because they are all corrupt and TOO many different interests are fighting for POWER and $$$$$$!! So the natural thing to do is to look tough against poor Japan??

4 ( +5 / -1 )

Elbuda Mexicano Chinese are brainwashed slaves, this is no surprise!

Why ? Because they have courage and ability to protect national interests ?

It's great !

The Chinese Communist leaders are looking for a new LEADER, but they are infighting and they all can not agree on a new leader, so ???

Luckily it's not Japanese or other foreign country problem. Chinese themselves chose their new leader. Without any help from Washington. Unlike many other " FREE " country . ...

Sure, use JAPAN, as a SCAPEGOAT for all of the problems of CHINA?? Sorry Chinese but your problems, no freedom, crappy wages, only 1 child per family are all MADE IN CHINA!!!

Chinese responce...

The Japanese government has to know that China has chosen peaceful development as its strategy, but it's never been the case that we have to choose between defending our soverign territory and peaceful development. The era in which the Chinese people could be bullied has already passed and will never return. Japan should not forget the lessons it learned after ultimately being defeated in a war it began when it invaded China more than half a century ago. Based on our shared history, Japan must be well aware of the strong will of the Chinese people who love peace but will not be bullied. From People's Daily

-1 ( +3 / -4 )

“I don’t mean war, but tougher action like sanctions. You can see how much Japan depends on our economy. Then don’t sell them any rare earths,” he said, referring to elements mined in China and key to advanced technologies for the defense, electronics and renewable-energy industries.

I find this statement humorous. What they don't realize is that is the world wants to bring China to its knees they only need to cease buying products from there. Seriously its high time we stop pandering to these radicals. Chinese have a terrible human rights record yet we look the other way because we get cheap products from there. No free speech, a totalitarian government, and these most recent events with the embassy wre probably organized by the Chinese government itself.

4 ( +6 / -2 )

Li Baodong, China's Permanent Representative to the UN, has submitted China's official baselines of the territorial waters of the Diaoyu Islands and their affiliated islets.

Li Baodong presented the document during his meeting with UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon at the United Nations headquarters on Thursday afternoon. He's also stressed China's stance on the issue.

Li said, "I stressed to the UN Secretary-General, Ban Ki-moon, that the Diaoyu Islands have been an inalienable part of China's territory since ancient times. The Chinese people and government are determined and fully capable of defending our country's sovereignty and territorial integrity."

briefly and clearly

And this is not a joke...

1 ( +2 / -1 )

@Matthew Simon 'Chinese have a terrible human rights record yet we look the other way because we get cheap products from there' Substitute 'Chinese' for 'Saudis' and 'products' for 'oil' and you may have the ghost of a point.

-1 ( +1 / -2 )

DogSep. 15, 2012 - 10:46PM JST However China is Japan's biggest trading partner, with 25% of Japanese exports going to China. Who needs who the most? Oh yeah, but that's right, the world needs Japan more than Japan needs the world..

I do not know if you're a Chinese dissident, but his hatred of Japanese people is unfounded. Japan possess state of the art technologys, such as semiconductors, polymers and components that utilize nanoteclogia that only the Japanese can do. What Japan gain to partner with Korean companies and Chinese? Absolutely nothing! The china has much more to lose than Japan. You can bet on it!

-4 ( +2 / -6 )

I feel this crisis is escalating.

What Japan needs now is to ensure that the chinese people living in Japan are well threated and respected, build a plan for self defense and make it clear that Japan will cooperate with China so everything ends well.

China is going totally nuts. They yet didnt forget what happened in WW2 and it does not make sense because today Japan is a big country and majority of its people are very very sane.

Japanese people have to observe it wisely and try to understand what is really happening, because everything, all this misunderstanding could've be avoided.

In the past Japan was wrong and the US helped the country opening its eyes to the truth. Now, maybe, Japan needs to help China.

-1 ( +5 / -6 )

YuriOtani: "Dog, the Chinese have been brainwashed to hating Japanese."

And the Japanese have been brainwashed into thinking they've done nothing wrong historically and are the victims of everything. A lot of knee-jerk reactions and wish for war by you and others on this site are pretty indicative Japanese are just as brainwashed into hating others as you claim others are of hating Japan. Fortunately most of us just know that is simply the massive insecurity the nation suffers from on the whole.

3 ( +6 / -3 )

Matthew Simon . What they don't realize is that is the world wants to bring China to its knees they only need to cease buying products from there.

World - do you means US&allies ?

It's NOT whole world !

need to cease buying products from there.

Is it possible ?

-1 ( +1 / -2 )

need to cease buying products from there.

Is it possible ?

I would say so.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

And the Japanese have been brainwashed into thinking they've done nothing wrong historically and are the victims of everything.

Most average people think and understand that the war and the invasion to China and Korea long time ago is absolutely wrong historically whatever, but except some politicians. Japanese have not been brainwashed anything because they don't have patriotic education at all in school. As you see, People seldom put the national flag on the houses and sing a national anthem on national holidays or events as they don't want nationalism for doing it and pledged no more war.

0 ( +3 / -3 )

At first, I agreed with the idea that China should never get involved into this rock issue, since I am a stock investor in China. I am 120% dislike the war ruining my profit. However, after two days tough behavior by the marine surveillance ship of Chines Government, my position is changed. I felt pleased, and I also felt that right here in China 95% people felt pleased except those who is working in Japanese Corporations. The reason I changed my mind is that I believed now that democracy is not given for granted and democracy is based on the balance power of every participants in the society. Therefore, if you don't have some gut to say no to another one, that one will become your dictator some day. I think this rule can be applied to everyone in the world including U.S. Right now, let's pray this conflict ends smoothly with both China and the Japan-US-Alliance, though this is not up to me. But as I realized, both side have enough nuke and ballistic missiles to destroy the civilization back to 50 years ago.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

OlegekSep. 15, 2012 - 11:45PM JST Li Baodong, China's Permanent Representative to the UN, has submitted China's official baselines of the territorial >waters of the Diaoyu Islands and their affiliated islets. briefly and clearly And this is not a joke...

It's customary practice to provide a link when you copy & paste a secgmenht of an article from another site. Please post.

-1 ( +2 / -3 )

smithinjapanSep. 16, 2012 - 12:18AM JST "YuriOtani: "Dog, the Chinese have been brainwashed to hating Japanese."

And the Japanese have been brainwashed into thinking they've done nothing wrong historically and are the victims >of everything. A lot of knee-jerk reactions and wish for war by you and others on this site are pretty indicative >Japanese are just as brainwashed into hating others as you claim others are of hating Japan. Fortunately most of >us just know that is simply the massive insecurity the nation suffers from on the whole.

Nobody has been brainashed as much as South Koreans who are in complete denial of their respnsibility in WWII and suffers the biggest insecurity complex in East Asia. The Brainwashing in the school education system in China and South Korea makes anything in Japan utterly insignificant in comparison.

1 ( +5 / -4 )

Fernando:They yet didnt forget what happened in WW2 and it does not make sense because today Japan is a big country

Korean, Taiwanese, Southeastern Asian as well as the US also didn't forget it. So the US keeps bases in JP not only protect JP from outside threat but also to watch JP from developing military power to intrude others again. And big country? yeah, big enough to bully Chinese nuts~

0 ( +0 / -0 )

I'm sick of what I'm seeing. Our world is becoming more and more crazy! The meaning of our existence on earth as human beings able to think and discern between good and evil is completely messed up. Seems that the evil is taking over, because we [our dear leaders] have not been able or didn't want to stop it in time, for political and economical reasons. And now we're paying the price. The oppressors of the past should have been drastically punished and the history juged and recognized, for at least not to leave the modern times' oppressors, nor the hope of perpetuating the work begun by their ancestors, nor the sense of impunity that they think they can get again and again. A nod's as good as a wink.

2 ( +2 / -0 )

I hope China comes to its scenses realizes that Japan is and has been farming goats on that island for many yeasts and will continue to do so.

0 ( +2 / -2 )

Nobody disagrees with the fact that Japan-hatred is taught in China. It is also abundantly clear that China views Japan as an enemy. The barbaric behavior of the Chinese citizens, and their attacks on innocent Japanese residents in China prove this beyond any doubt. You can read comments on this very comment thread that prove many Chinese are proud of their hatred of Japanese people.

Therefore, Japan must finally wake up to the fact that China will always be her enemy, in the same way China has been Vietnam's virulent enemy for the last 1000 years. Japan must abandon her nuclear-weapons free stance. It is well known in that Japan can turn on her nuclear weapons production at will.

Japanese nuclear weapons will be of the highest quality, just like every other Japanese-made product, and their delivery systems will the same. China will have absolutely ZERO military advantage over a nuclear armed Japan.

There is no choice for Japan on this matter - She must rearm with a robust nuclear deterrent - her fate will be the same as Tibet otherwise.

1 ( +5 / -4 )

The Japanese have finally found a way to piss of the Chinese in a real rude way. Now what will Japan do to clam all of this down??? I bet Mr. Noda has another stupid plan to piss of the the Chinese people even more.

-1 ( +2 / -3 )

there is nothing to think about why chinese people are reacting about islands cause its already well planed by chinese communist party, if u see the record history of protest in china in the regime of currently ruling communist party its very cruel and thinkable, cause for the matter of china whenever chiense people protest the govt. they take action them against strictly even they have no prob to killed thair own citizen but now when japan bought that islands they are protesting like a democratic country people why??? and why the govt is shut up its a big thing to understand and second i read some chinese newspaper and find out that they are already preparing for war with day-night practice of aircarfts various places on chinese airbase, also i saw the peoples daily of Chinese govt newspaper saying that japan is playing with fire that means they are trying to say china can now can control bunch of countries military alone, they think Japanese is far advanced in technology but now declining in economy so they can take advantage of that so now they first trying to make make fearful or angry to Japanese govt and they when it will not work its sure thing they will attack on japan as Chinese nature , in other hand they also saying that if war will happens japan will more affect cause china is japans biggest importer . there is lots of things to think but its sure thing now china is become much more aggressive and trying to push Chinese presence everywhere starting clash with japan and next target is India, so now its time for Asia pacific to wake up and start counter and cool the big monster by Chinese game, the Chinese is game is very clear as they saying also and showing that if clash will happen with japan then japan will loose not china economically, its reality but not 100% true cause after japan war lots of countries will withdraw business with china at first india will do that cause same prob china have with india. currently now Russia is also supporting china so its really tough that usa will interfere in that. well at last i can say one thing defiantly that there is one thing sure chinese communist party is now much cleaver to showing the attitude of lizard. so its time for japan to think about the prob created by chiense govt and try to play the game with chiense govt as they are playing inside preparing for war. i think we need to follow the peace path instead of war cause its destroy not only the empire, country person but also the generation but if someone do excess then try to teach them lesson so they will not bark again.

1 ( +2 / -1 )

Japanese Government must take bitter pill at once. That kind of problems with Communist China is not last. It'll happen as long as they hanging on the past. Build the permanent coastal guard post on furthest Island and station soldiers on the Island. Send more modernized patrol ships for to patrol 24/7. American can’t help if Communist Chinese troop occupied Senkaku Islands.

2 ( +3 / -1 )

The war crime committed by Japan was serious. The Japanese army was the cruelest in the world, even worse than Nazi. Some Japanese movie and TV have mentioned the WWII, they all condemned the Allies for the Japanese people's suffering in WWII, but never condemned the Japanese government for waging the War.

-1 ( +4 / -5 )

Yes Japan needs to put people on these islands. If China gets these islands it will encourage them to grab more.

1 ( +5 / -4 )

What will happen if China takes the islands by force? I would not put in past them and would Japan respond likewise...?

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

Anti-Japan brainwashed education coupled with rising unemployment and this what you get. As a civilization, China hasn't really progressed at all.

2 ( +7 / -5 )

smithinjapan. Japanese Government had compensated and apologized for what previous war time Japanese Government done in the past. If Chinese and Korean peoples want to hang on the past and then that is their problem. You can not tell them moving on. It’s their free of choice. Japanese peoples do not hate any one. The problem with Communist China and South Korea is their President and leaders want to score for short term their political gain. Japan had invaded South Asia countries during the WWII and other countries are moving on but China and Korea is still hanging on past. Obviously, Japanese businesses must avoid investing in Communist China and South Korea. Moving investment from Communist China to somewhere in Asia is inevitable for Japanese Companies in future because hatred toward Japanese by Government and its peoples.

0 ( +2 / -2 )

Chinese government is doing a great job to try to relax people in case of hating Japanese(in general) but,, it is hard.

especially nowadays, Japanese politicos goes right-wing.

I really hope Asian countries not fighting each other someday.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

The US knows that Okinawa prefecture Senkaku islands are Japan

I don't think so. China did propose to the US a joint occupation/ administration of the Ryukyus with an eye for future independence from Japan during the Cairo Conference in 1943. And President Roosevelt didn't oppose the idea then.

From US disclosed document:

"During a private dinner with the Chiangs on the evening of November 23, President Roosevelt asked Chiang China's intentions regarding the Ryukyu Islands. According to the memorandum written by the Chinese side (Roosevelt's special assistant Harry Hopkins was present but did not apparently take notes), "The President referred to the question of the Ryukyu Islands and enquired more than once whether China would want the Ryukyus." To this, Chiang reportedly replied that "China would be agreeable to joint occupation of the Ryukyus by China and the United States and, eventually, joint administration by the two countries under the trusteeship of an international organization.""

-1 ( +2 / -3 )

japan is hated by s. korea, china, russia, taiwan, n. korea, because of what hsppenes in wwII and its greediness of these stupid islands. I see a major payback coming to japan, there might even be a ganging up and japan wont have any power to fight back. Japan is n real trouble now. they wanna kick out US millitary, and have no real allies on this. China on the other hand has a humongous army compared to japan and can crush them if they want. the only question is china willing to sacrifice their economic ties? i think china is rich enough now and will take that risk if provoked enough.

1 ( +4 / -3 )

this article, for those of you who have heard of the Financial Times has plenty of comments from Chinese extremists. they don't mention 'the American Imperialists' too much, but they do recommend China settle the blood feud with Japan and kick it's ass. i think some of them actually work for the government. there's no American perspective on this issue. would be interesting to read.... http://www.ft.com/intl/cms/s/0/9dc65f62-fe11-11e1-9901-00144feabdc0.html#axzz26A9WIvCt

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

Japanese Government had compensated and apologized for what previous war time Japanese Government done in the past. If Chinese and Korean peoples want to hang on the past and then that is their problem.

I don't think so. What war crimes have Japan really admitted? Japan did provide some ODA or low interest loans to China and S Korea but insisted that they were not indemnity. The reason being that they did not see any need to pay indemnity since Japan did not do any wrong in the 50 years of invasion/ looting of China and Korea in the first place.

As to the reason why Japan found it so hard to admit its war crimes, let me ask you just one simple question. Do you think Germany would have admitted the war crimes committed by the Germans if Hitler or his right hand men got to regain control over Germany after WWII and get themselves jailed? Unlikely right? Now, that is exactly what had happened in Japan. Shortly after the war, the war criminals and the people who were in control of pre-war Japan regained control over Japan through the LDP, a political party founded by the fascists, WWII criminals and Yakuza with the money that they looted from China and Korea.

If you are interested to know more about this issue, I will recommend you to read the following articles.


America's Favorite War Criminal: Kishi Nobusuke and the Transformation of U.S.-Japan Relations


Yakuza: The Warlords of Japanese Organized Crime

Pg 13-14

4 ( +7 / -3 )

Japan needs to diversify its economy out of China. Pick countries with democracies. It will cost more though and I don't know if companies would care to pay employees more than Chinese. But it would be worth it to not effectively be paying for your own problems

2 ( +3 / -1 )

Smith most people in Japan know about Japans past. It is just that we do not think about it all of the time. It is the crimes of our ancestors and not our crimes.

3 ( +7 / -3 )

Like I said before, all excuser for hate

4 ( +5 / -1 )

Japan needs to:

Give up the rights to the islands back to Taiwan. Sincerely apologize and compensate for the atrocities and war crimes committed during its invasion of China. Educate the Japanese people about the correct, full, and truthful history behind WWII.

Then these kinds of things wouldn't happen. And China couldn't say anything more.

And please stop saying that the Chinese are brainwashed. They are aware of more truths to WWII history than the Japanese. Just because it's a communist government doesn't mean the PEOPLE aren't allowed to protest against Japan's actions!

-5 ( +3 / -8 )

@Kobuta Chan: The difference between China/Korea and Southeast Asia is that...

China and Korea have thousands of years of history, longer than even Japan's history. Their civilizations were advanced, more so than Japan's. Much of Southeast Asia, on the other hand, have shorter civilizations and were less advanced.

China and Korea were mostly independent throughout their histories. But when Japan invaded Southeast Asia, the region was under Western colonial rule. Some thought the Japanese would be their liberators (as the Japanese Empire claimed).

The Japanese occupation of Southeast Asia was relatively short. Only a few years at most. Even so many people in Southeast Asia are still angry about the occupation. The occupation of China and South Korea, on the other hand, was longer and there were more sinister happenings like human experimentation and sexual slavery.

And also Southeast Asians are in a warmer climate and are generally more easy-going than their northern neighbors.

-8 ( +2 / -10 )

Also, those of you who are suggesting China and Korea "just forget the past and let it go" then why is Japan still holding onto the atomic bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki? Some Japanese still harbor anger towards the United States about this. Go to Yasukuni Shrine. They blame the United States for WWII.

-5 ( +3 / -8 )

Sir_EdgarSep. 16, 2012 - 05:59AM JST Japan needs to:

Give up the rights to the islands back to Taiwan.

If Taiwan were a sovereign country and nopt a "runaway privince of China" that might' even be in he cards.

Sincerely apologize and compensate for the atrocities and war crimes committed during its invasion of China.

Already did over 17 times according to CNN. China even signed a Treaty with Japan in 1972 and reaffirmed it again in 1978 puttingall pre 1845 issues to rest. Do agreements negotaited and concluded between the Japanese PM and Mao Tse Tuing and Chou En Lai mean nothing? Does China have any credibilty?

Educate the Japanese people about the correct, full, and truthful history behind WWII.

They aready are. Go into any Japanese bookstore and you weill see volumes of books covering every facet of WWII includiung Unit 731. Japanes textbopoks already make it clkear that Japan was the aggressor and many Asian nations suffered asa result., But if your definition of "truthful" is the "exact wording that China wants", well you can forget it.

Then these kinds of things wouldn't happen. And China couldn't say anything more.

Totally wrong. Every demand by the anti-J Chinese could be met and they would still come up with more reasons to hate Japan. Actually the damands could never be met since everything is rejected as "not si8ncere" or "not official".

And please stop saying that the Chinese are brainwashed. They are aware of more truths to WWII history than the >Japanese.

Why? Theyt ARE brainwashed. Even the people opf Hong Kong say so and they are resisting having the same "Patriotic Education" forced up on their schools.

Just because it's a communist government doesn't mean the PEOPLE aren't allowed to protest against >Japan's >actions!

The people are allowed tp protest what the CCP government allows them to protest. Try protesting against the government and see what happens. Besies, the protesters are giving the world thge image the China is a barbaric uncivilized country with out of control monkeys demonstrating and causing damage.

2 ( +5 / -3 )

And please stop saying that the Chinese are brainwashed. They are aware of more truths to WWII history than the Japanese. Just because it's a communist government doesn't mean the PEOPLE aren't allowed to protest against Japan's actions!

Well. They are.

First of all, the teachers manual which was disclosed in 2006 revealed that they are specifically instructed to stir up hate towards Japan. Second, they mention very little about their own corrupt history pre-war as well as post war fior everything that they had to "overcome" were because if the fault of others. In order to achieve this, the brutality of Japan is grossly exaggerated by making up stuff like the three uls, Tanaka memo, and using photographs of Chinese soldiers brutality over her citizens, while the death toll from the war increased to tenfolds with no study to vack it up. And of course, nothing is mentioned about the post war contributions and efforts made by Japan to China.

In this incident, there was a blog written by a Chinese national who indicated thar the territories belong to Japan by citing maps from China during the 1960's. Of course, this was taken down immediately. And as I alluded earlier, these brainwashed people are under the false assumption that China does in fact administers the island so of course, when it was announced that the Japanese government was going to purchase the islands, the went ape$hit.

To conclude, they are by-products of what the government has fed them fir all these years.

0 ( +5 / -4 )

I don't think so. China did propose to the US a joint occupation/ administration of the Ryukyus with an eye for future independence from Japan during the Cairo Conference in 1943. And President Roosevelt didn't oppose the idea then.

Yes, in the process, before San Francisco treaty, Japan only had 4 main lands. I know the Ciro decoration but it became a preparatory to SF treaty by allies which Japan said no opinion. After Cairo declaration, the all other islands became the under control of allies. Then SF treaty was promulgated in 1951,the details were introduced.

Which islands were separated from Japan, returned to the original country, that are listed in the article 2. which would be remaining as Japan or ruled allies are listed in the article 3. Okinawa and its islands became under US occupation. Then US poseesed a sovereignty of all Okinawa prefecture till 1972. I remember those days. We needed a passport going to Okinawa from main land of Japan. When it was returned to Japan, its sovereignty was returned. The US did not put any condition about Okinawa prefecture when it was returned to Japan about Senkaku, China said nothing when it became America or during the occupation, and when it was returned in 72. Since Senkaku has been recognized as Okinawa Japan since 1895 till today. China`s unilateral declaration of their domestic law of Senkaku has no meaning under the internatinal law.

China is having unbelievable reaction after JPN Government purchased from a private owner of island who is Japaneses.This has nothing to do with sovereighty. If the US gov buy a land in Hawaii from any private American owner, which has no affect for anything to do with sovereighty. Technically,that is a just between the owner and the gov. Of course, I can sympathize how Chinese people who have been brain washed and planted a lot of hate toward to Japan with anti Japan text books, especially after Tiananmen Sq incident as a scape goat, Japan is used. I know some manual and guide lines for teachers exist.

This is the fact.

The Jiang Zemin Administration enacted the "patriotism educational implementation guideline" in 1994, and promoted the thorough anti-Japanese education from 1995 which will hit "the 50th anniversary of an anti-Japanese war victory." Directions were taken out with the meeting in which the diplomatic authorities, such as an ambassador extraordinary and plenipotentiary who resides "that a history issue is emphasized from beginning to end, and saying it moreover while continuing telling Japan the Taiwan problem thoroughly must be continued forever", and at a foreign country, were gathered in August, 1998. anti-Japan sentiment increases by Jiang Zemin's anti-Japanese policy in China, and simultaneously disagreeable also in Japan -- inside consciousness became strong.

What is going on is all engineered.

6 ( +6 / -0 )

nigelboySep. 16, 2012 - 06:38AM JST

Well. They are.

First of all, the teachers manual which was disclosed in 2006 revealed that they are specifically instructed to stir up hate towards


-3 ( +2 / -5 )

stupid chinese... they just only think about what they want , they dont even know the laws and hat japan did a lot of good things for their country ... poor people..

2 ( +5 / -4 )

Sir_EdgarSep. 16, 2012 - 06:08AM JST Also, those of you who are suggesting China and Korea "just forget the past and let it go" then why is Japan still >holding onto the atomic bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki? Some Japanese still harbor anger towards the >United States about this. Go to Yasukuni Shrine. They blame the United States for WWII.

Let me clue you in. I havbe been to the memorial in Hiroshima and Nagasaki. The atomic bombs are a big deal in Japan foir sure but heir significance is that it is remembered in the hopes that MAN will nevre use sucxh weapons on MAN again. It is a global issue. Why do you think the Hiroshima memorial date in honored with ceremonbies all around the world mostly by people who are not Japanese at all? If it;s just a "we hate the USA" thing why is it attended by represebntatives from numerous governments around the world including the U.S. Ambassador to Japan? No, it;s not the same thing as the Chinese/SKorean "victim" thing at all because it doesb';t promote hatred towards anyone, only towards war and nuclear weapons.

3 ( +5 / -2 )

its hard to know , people are lling or being force by communist of china , lol , there is none that china is ashamed and shy to do with , stfu idiot china !

0 ( +1 / -1 )

This anger is coming from working at Apple factory. China goverment does not care for its people. They just want face.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

the teachers manual which was disclosed in 2006 revealed that they are specifically instructed to stir up hate towards Japan.

This is true. Those official manual books are easily got by media journalists and they showed on TV that the manuals say that teachers must teach as much hatred of Japan as possible to children. This is no doubt a patriotic education there whole world already know.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

i think right wingers on both countries are intentionally cooperating to make these happen in order to come back to power

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Here we go again. CNN reports Japan has apologized over 17 times. Japan has signed treaties with both China and S.Korea (which incidentaslly was never invaded and hrey wer part of Japan during WWII) in 1972 and 165 respectively putting an end to WWII issues

And not a single one official! All are only statements from individuals, most are so vague & mention regret but regret for what is clearly open to the reader to interpet as they wish, ie the "apologies are as clear as mud. True there are a few in there that I wud say are sincere, but again AINT official. The by Murayama-san was good(for an idividual) but you may recall the LDP at the time didnt want one of there own doing the deed on the 50th anniversary so since they had a coalition they USED Muryama as a pawn!

As for China's expansion, come on all that is common knowledge, I think you will be hard pressed to find a non-Chinese who wud disagree! And of course the yanks are concerned, again common knowledge, no disagreement there.

But come on Japan has some seriously nasty history with the far east, china & asia, one it doesnt really admit, severely down plays, has "apologised" for is so vague & insincere ways as to be meaningless, politicians OPENLY deny many aspects of Japans brutal savage reign, etc etc.

So yeah China teaches its own about it, promotes hatred even, BUT Japan has played a VERY important part in all this, hence my usual reap what you sew line, its simply, true & whats happening now bears that own, as much as I truly wish my predictions wont come true, but here we are.

Both Japan & China have danced together thru all this, & you of course know this isnt just about territory, China is itching for pay back(again note I DONT want this! But I can see it possibly coming).

And being a long time resident with deep roots put down it thoroughly ticks me off that Japan has openly led itself down this path, Japan shares in the blame, simple as that!

1 ( +3 / -2 )

Smith most people in Japan know about Japans past. It is just that we do not think about it all of the time. It is the crimes of our ancestors and not our crimes.

And yet you rant about the US in Japan when it suits you - and then expect them to defend you when you guys play with fire. You can't have it both ways.

And perhaps your countrymen SHOULD think about it a little more? You make actually be friends with your neighbours if that happened.

0 ( +2 / -2 )

OssanAmerica to Sir-edgir "Japan needs to: Give up the rights to the islands back to Taiwan."If Taiwan were a sovereign country and nopt a "runaway privince of China" that might' even be in he cards.

Taiwan, ROC, IS a sovereign country whose land includes whole China. But unfortunately, the US, it's past ally, betrayed him to set up diplomatic relationship with COMMIE ' the PRC'. So who is 2-faces man? it's really understandable why more than 30 muslin counties protest against this 2-faces man today. It seems the US play 2-face again in this islets dispute AGAIN.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

Hope everyone "wakes up" and depart from rationalizations using "past" history and idealism. The facts which are "actions" and NOT words that has meaning. Opinions and logical and rational rationalizations to emotional moral and ethical outburst DO NOT address the current situation.

What is "happening", not just small or huge numbers, but The "kinds" of actions being "allowed" to take place by the governments or people in power "speaks" and "shows" the true colors and intent of what is wanted and expected.

Both China and S, Korea WANTS "CONFLICT" using what ever "excuse" they can get people to believe and take action upon. The "rhetoric" is "hurt" and "harm" and "fight". The target is JAPAN.

We are all here as foreigners or citizens in Japan and whether you like it or not, we are faced with a "dire" and possibly "catastrophic" situation. The USA even if they wanted to, probably cannot come to the aid of Japan in time and with enough support. That is unless they are "saving" their forces from commitment to the Middle East for Asia.

One reason why, S. Korea, even if they feel otherwise must side with China indirectly by offending Japan, to "save" their own country. They know China is capable of taking their country very easily, any time. They know USA is incapable of assisting them, especially now with the current administration.

That is the reason why China wants the conflict to occur NOW.

So Japan should recall all Japanese form China before they become "hostages". China has enough population to overwhelm any attempt by Japan to "save" them later. Even if many Chinese oppose those in power, as long as the military sides with those in power, they have NO say. They too will lose.

Once hostage, the only way out is "ransom". If not, all the Japanese factories and technology in China to be left there and all Japanese extradited.

That is the more likely scenario.

-1 ( +1 / -2 )

Almost forgot...

The saddest thing is the very people in possible danger, the vast majority of the Japanese people are still in a "dream" world and NOT fully aware of how important and critical these problems with China are.

At least in this writer's perspective, the situation will escalate to a point of actual injuries and deaths in a very short period of time. The "dare" will soon become "action" unless stopped by "firm" action such as bringing the entire Pacific fleet which has been practicing in the Pacific basin to Japan within the next week. (Or hopefully, may be without our knowledge they may already be close by.)

And everyone knows economic aid or bribery DO NOT work with China any more. It is China that is doing most of the bribery in the world today.

2 ( +2 / -0 )

You can thank people like Ishihara for igniting the fire. Good job, people.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

All you nationalists can feel smug about it pretend that you're so "mature" and "rational", but you're causing all sorts of problems to Japanese owned businesses in China and all the people people who have connections to China.

I hope that you're happy when Chinese soldiers actually start to invade and attack Japanese soil. You talk big but run away when Chinese soldiers start attacking you.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

People are no longer buying Japanese car due to 1) boycotting and 2) Japanese cars get smashed by the protesters. Do you even realize what you're doing, nationalists? The financial damage done to Japanese businesses will be catastrophic. All in the name of nationalism.

1 ( +2 / -1 )

Only the stupid would take a fight at home, what is the benefits for Chinese and Japanese if Asia is in chaos? Don't be fooled by US, US just want to fish in the troubled water in Asia.

-1 ( +1 / -2 )

Both China and S, Korea WANTS "CONFLICT" using what ever "excuse" they can get people to believe and take action upon. The "rhetoric" is "hurt" and "harm" and "fight".

You think Ishihara and his little merry band of idiots don't want a conflict? HE created this issue so why not point some fingers at him? Oh right, Japan and all that heiwa crap I am so sick of hearing. Look at Yuri on here going on and on about going to war, look at Hashimoto wanting to change the constitution so Japan can go to war... Yep, no sense of wanting to go to conflict from the locals.

-1 ( +3 / -4 )

The financial damage done to Japanese businesses will be catastrophic. All in the name of nationalism.

All while these companies relocate to China as its easier to business there, not to mention cheaper.

-2 ( +2 / -4 )

People are no longer buying Japanese car due to 1) boycotting and 2) Japanese cars get smashed by the protesters. Do you even realize what you're doing, nationalists? The financial damage done to Japanese businesses will be catastrophic. All in the name of nationalism.

The Chinese market was always illusory. The only thing Japanese businesses succeeded in accomplishing was the transfer of their technology to the Chinese for short term profit. Just ask Kawasaki how their high speed rail business is doing in China. Or how about Fellowes. How's their Chinese shredder business doing? The sooner these businesses pull out of China, the less technology they'll be transferring. I hope these protests serve as a wake up call to these businesses. US companies like KEEN and Master Lock have already left China. It's only a matter of time before the Japanese do the same.

3 ( +3 / -0 )

House, that is wrong. Tokyo, Nissan, Honda... all have factories in China, all have cars/bikes in the marking or already made for the Chinese markets.

-5 ( +0 / -5 )

Ossan It's customary practice to provide a link when you copy & paste a secgmenht of an article from another site. Please post.

Sorry - I don't not - is it allowed to put such link in JT

So - Chinese official position can be VERY easy found in Internet ... http://english.cntv.cn/program/china24/20120911/107124.shtml http://english.cntv.cn/program/china24/20120916/101340.shtml http://www.eeo.com.cn/ens/2012/0816/231992.shtml


and hear


a lot of info and all in english ..nice photoes of Diaoyu Islands...

-3 ( +0 / -3 )

Thomas Anderson People are no longer buying Japanese car due to 1) boycotting and 2) Japanese cars get smashed by the protesters. Do you even realize what you're doing, nationalists? The financial damage done to Japanese businesses will be catastrophic. All in the name of nationalism.

Yes , but situation much more serious.. for Japan

-3 ( +0 / -3 )

kazetsukai Hope everyone "wakes up" and depart from rationalizations using "past" history and idealism

People in Far East have excellent memory They never forget&forgive anything...

What is "happening", not just small or huge numbers, but The "kinds" of actions being "allowed" to take place by the governments or people in power "speaks" and "shows" the true colors and intent of what is wanted and expected. Both China and S, Korea WANTS "CONFLICT" using what ever "excuse" they can get people to believe and take action upon. The "rhetoric" is "hurt" and "harm" and "fight". The target is JAPAN.

Sorry - you forget Russia for some reasons... Why?

May be you think that Russia support Japan in this conflict ?


We are all here as foreigners or citizens in Japan and whether you like it or not, we are faced with a "dire" and possibly "catastrophic" situation.

Exactly !!! Why it is a secret for Japanese politicians ?

The USA even if they wanted to, probably cannot come to the aid of Japan in time and with enough support. That is unless they are "saving" their forces from commitment to the Middle East for Asia.

Yes US has a lot to do in whole world... Iran Syria Libya and so on and so on

Far east people (Chinese&Koreans) have chosen the best time ? ?

One reason why, S. Korea, even if they feel otherwise must side with China indirectly by offending Japan, to "save" their own country. They know China is capable of taking their country very easily, any time. They know USA is incapable of assisting them, especially now with the current administration.

Koreans HATE Japan (and not China) - the main reason WHY...

That is the reason why China wants the conflict to occur NOW.

And not forget about Russia - which is now ally of China... It's old idea (very old) of Russian dipomacy - good people : Korean&Chinese&Russian must unite...and teach a good lesson to one island state

Japan has NO friends in Far East....

So Japan should recall all Japanese form China before they become "hostages". China has enough population to overwhelm any attempt by Japan to "save" them later.

Sorry - China is a civilized state , so it will stop any assaults on Japanese inside China...

-3 ( +0 / -3 )

Foreign companies that want to do business in China must take on a Chinese "partner" if they want to establish a business in China. Take Nissan's Dalian plant for example. Nissan has "partnered" with Dongfeng Motor Group. What ultimately happens is that once enough technology has been transferred the Chinese partner will start producing clones of your product at cheaper prices and your product will be locked out of the Chinese market. If these protests don't serve as a wake up call to pull out of China, these companies are all going to end up like Kawasaki.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

Sorry - China is a civilized state , so it will stop any assaults on Japanese inside China...

Did I seriously just read this? The same country which lacks human rights, same country which preaches hatred against Japan. Same country which in the past few days has had attacks against the Japanese embassy, Japanese people and any products to do with Japan.

2 ( +5 / -3 )

Kari, Japan lacks human rights for foreigners. Japan has people that preach hatred for China - and they're in office such as Ishihara. Japan has a history of attacking Koreans when things go wrong - Kanto earthquake for example and Ishihara's call to attack Chinese and Koreans if there is another. Perhaps you could look at Japan and their issues before pointing out the faults of others? It might help solve some of the issues Japan has with all of its neighbours.

This isn't to say that I think China is Lalaland or innocent. They certainly have a lot of folks who really haven't a clue who their enemy is but I see the same issues in Japan that I see in China.

-4 ( +1 / -5 )

Sorry - China is a civilized state , so it will stop any assaults on Japanese inside China...

Oh how civilized of them...

4 ( +4 / -0 )

KariHaruka Sorry - China is a civilized state , so it will stop any assaults on Japanese inside China... Did I seriously just read this?

Yes I really think so.

1 Remember from WHAT country Korea and Japan took civilization... It's NOT pleasant but just remember...

2 China has a strong&effective and clever administration (it's not so easy to administrate 1,5 billion country) ((the only ONE country administration has admired in Russia and that is not Japanese or US or German))

3 The work will be done by Army&Navy&diplomats and not by angry mobs (chinese are NOT so stupide) (chinese are NOT so stupide)

China is the oldest civilisation on this poor planet...

Suprise ?

The same country which lacks human rights,

Tell this fairy tail about human rights to Iraqui people...

-5 ( +1 / -6 )

Remember from WHAT country Korea and Japan took civilization... It's NOT pleasant but just remember.

What's your point exactly olegek? that since Japanese and Korean civilization has roots in China, somehow excuse's their behavior?

1 ( +1 / -0 )

Kari, Japan lacks human rights for foreigners. Japan has people that preach hatred for China - and they're in office such as Ishihara. Japan has a history of attacking Koreans when things go wrong - Kanto earthquake for example and Ishihara's call to attack Chinese and Koreans if there is another. Perhaps you could look at Japan and their issues before pointing out the faults of others? It might help solve some of the issues Japan has with all of its neighbours.

Both countries do have people that preach hatred towards one another (same as any other country) However only 1 is attacking embassies, only 1 is attacking products made from the other country, only 1 is has been attacking the other countries citizens over the past few days and only one brainwashes the children from a young age to hate the other country.

You are using the Kanto earthquake as an example? We are in the 21st century now not 1923. Look at the Japanese response to natural disasters in modern times like last year when everything was done in a calm and orderly fashion.

1 ( +3 / -2 )

And by calm and orderly I mean the citizens in Japan when it came to getting supplies etc.

JT you really need to add a edit feature.

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

Nothing but state sponsored thuggery and violence.

3 ( +3 / -0 )

Daffy_Duck Remember from WHAT country Korea and Japan took civilization... It's NOT pleasant but just remember. What's your point exactly olegek? that since Japanese and Korean civilization has roots in China, somehow excuse's their behavior?

Some people here have doubts about the civilization of China ....so

-3 ( +0 / -3 )


However only 1 is attacking embassies, only 1 is attacking products made from the other country,

Sorry but Japan was not occupied buy China... otherwise ...

-3 ( +0 / -3 )

I don't think anyone would seriously deny that both Japanese & Korean civilization are heavily based on ancient Chinese culture, but what's that got to do with the price of onions?

3 ( +3 / -0 )

Do you have your own opinion's? or do you just attack others? I would like to read your soul oppinion...Japan is Naval Supieority over China, hand's down, then, in the Edo period, and now...

1 ( +2 / -1 )

@Thomas Anderson : I hope that you're happy when Chinese soldiers actually start to invade and attack Japanese soil. You talk big but run away when Chinese soldiers start attacking you.

Maybe YOU talk big. This ignorant comment about china invading japan bla bla bla cracks me up. You should know that SDF's weaponry is selected, designed and built for protection and not for attacking, it has no ability to attack china's mainland but they sure will send most of PLA-navy's invasion force to bottom of the sea even before reaching japanese shore.

If you still believe china can invade japan, do some googling about current PLA and SDF before talking nonsense.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

I'm neither Chinese nor Japanese, but while there seems to be efforts to drum up public support on both sides, the Chinese side seems much more threatening and violent than the Japanese one. I believe the dictatorial state of the PRC is either supporting this and encouraging it, or is content that it is going on.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

The unemployed have nothing to do, so the government lets them protest. It is "divide and conquer." If the government can divert the Chinese from protesting about their economy, then it has succeeded.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

If the SDF are so superior then maybe you should join the SDF so you can protect Japan against China.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

Note - Pearl Harbor and Senkaku are synonymous - both woke up sleeping tigers. The USA took Japan to the cleaners; especially with "The Bomb." Now it is China's turn and again it will probably end when China drops thier Bomb.

I don't want to see this as everyone is aspiring toward nuclear bombs and this could mean the end of the world as we know it today. A good leader would lead both China and Japan away from any further confrontation -but where will we find a good leader - certainly not in the USA - but how about the aged Masahide Ota of Okinawa ?

-1 ( +1 / -2 )

Okinawa is very quiet now. No more anti-Osprey protests or base protests. The country is ripe with fear.

Japanese really think low of Americans. One minute they want us gone, the next minute they are claiming we will fight for them. You shouldn't treat people like that. Especially your ally if you really believe that.

If conflict does erupt Japan will ask for help and I pray that the U.S Congress says NO.

Treat Japan like they treated us in the Iraq war. We'll send fuel and rice but for the most part we'll hang out in the back away from the front line.

This is NOT America's beef and it's actually an act of aggression on Japan's part. They want to be free of their Constitution and that would breaking an agreement with The U.S.

-3 ( +1 / -4 )

efisherSEP. 15, 2012 - 09:05PM JST If one knows the Japanese war crime in WWII, he won't be surprised to see the chaos.

i know, i heard it. my country was invaded by japan during WW 2 and nasty stuff happened. but i believe that history exists for us to learn that hatred leads to never ending violence. i dont learn history to justify war. its the opposite. War for whatever reason, is death itself. Nobody wants their lives to be taken away by someone else. War justifies the concept of self-righteousness into the most extreme.

Most of the people i know in Japan only cared about living their lives peacefully. Honestly, to get by day by day is already a struggle to most people. To be burdened by sin that they have never thought of doing is way too much to carry. The criminals who did the crime are mostly dead or deterioted by age. If new criminals arise, then let the justice fall on them. Just because we are on the same boat as the criminals, doesnt mean you have to sunk all of us in it...

And stop hating someone just because you hate their parents.

2 ( +2 / -0 )

Basically China is the aggressor trying to steal islands that are internationally agreed as Japan's. The ROC signed the Treaty of San Francisco, even though they did not like it, they agreed to it.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

The Japanese Empire Will Born Again,Another Meiji will Come AND Defeat THE PRC! A THIRD Sino-Japanese war IS Coming

0 ( +0 / -0 )

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