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© KYODORadiology professional suspended from work for stalking 4 male doctors
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Michael Jackson
Wow give her a 3-month paid vacation, that will stop her, just like the elementary school principal who grabbed one of his teachers.
Problem with stalkers is that many don't even realize the creeps that they can be. She 44, she is hearing her "body-clock" ticking, works at a hospital, sees a young doc, with money........
Yeah, I believe it.
Wow, stalking 4 other doctors? The lunchroom must have been uncomfortable to say the least
How to get her contact details?
It happens with both sexes. And she was stalking men younger than herself too. In America this type of activity would get you canned.
I can understand being in love with one workmate, but 4? She seems like a gold digger.
A nice change from the constant barrage of man bashing we get day in day out
f this was a man people would be calling this person a sleaze, a creep, crazy, a stalker but notice how nobody calls her a creep, or sleaze probably because of a Gender bias. Somehow, women get a pass, but god help you if you're a man. Sadly it is the same with domestic violence towards men from women.
It was just some light stalking. (Deadpool)
What kind of an ambush are we talking about? Out of the blue messages, BS crazy messages, involve a long trench coat, boiling rabbit.... Need more details, my imagination is going crazy.
Wow. Three months. Japan is sure taking stalking seriously now.
Civitas Sine Suffragio
Ah, the lesser-spotted female stalker, twice the crazy of the male version, but usually less of a direct physical threat...
Wonder why this is not in crime section.
Suzanne Starr
I don't know, maybe because she wasn't arrested...