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© KYODORecord 87% of Japanese 'do not feel friendly' toward China: survey
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With the appalling way Japan is treated by Communist China, can anyone blame Japanese people for disliking Chinese? Constant bullying, threatening and looking down on Japanese people will never create an atmosphere of trust.
Likewise, it is no shock to anyone that only 4 percent of Japanese people feel friendly to fascist Russia. Russians, through their warlike, bullying behaviour, are not worthy of Japanese respect.
Michael Machida
It's the Government of China. not necessarily the people of China.
Only 1,649 valid responses. I would say it is only enough data for a study in a perferture.
Hello Kitty 321
The power of propaganda
How do the Japanese feel about the USA & Europe? That would be an interesting addition to this article.
Will that be reflected in the tourists to Japan, who are bolstering moribund regional economies, which the government apparently wants ... or will the dinosaur mentality win out.
Build bridges and not mediocrity.
Then stop buying stuff made in China.
Not easy, right?
Why are Japanese people spending massive amounts of yen buying Chinese products if they don’t feel friendly towards China?
Quite well, thank you.
Pays to not be a corrupt dictatorship these days.
Perhaps the answers would be different if the question were "do you feel friendly toward our largest trading partner, China?"
China accounts for about 25% of Japanese overseas trade.
Why should they? The Chinese people and culture are remarkable. The CCP is downright repugnant. Collaborating with North Korea and Russia doesn't do them any good in the diplomacy world. One China. The Republic of China should be recognized as the one true China. Then everyone might be able to get along.
Record 87% of Japanese have never met Chinese people.
Stephen Chin
OMG! That's nearly 90%. I believe China has more than 90% who do not feel friendly towards Japan.
propaganda, as usual.
most of Japanese do not know Chinese and have no reason to hate them.
irrational made-up survey.
We love you Chinese and bankrupt Japanese hotels are waiting for you!
I am not at all surprised! China's CCP behavior is completely unacceptable!!!
Very true, and we must distinguish between the two.
Unfortunately, with the Chinese government having its malign tentacles in almost every facet of life, including CCP cells in every company of any size, it's very difficult to do. Still, we must try.
And I believe that's not the case.
Anecdotal evidence, of course, but I would say that the millions of Chinese who come to Japan on vacation, watch its anime, play its games, and enjoy its culture suggests that many regular people (not CCP zombies) actually like Japan. And that's despite the fact that the CCP tries to vilify Japan and other free countries through shameful directives like this:
How many can truly say that they were unaffected by the Xinjiang Police Files? Those documents and photos, obtained by investigators, painstakingly and methodically validated by international journalists, showing the utterly dire situation of the Uyghurs? The pictures and documents, dated over the space of years, revealing disgusting brutal police implementation of directives against these long suffering peoples, through inhuman orders from some of the top Party officials still in command today?
Frankly I am surprised it is only 87 percent.
Agree totally with all comments above, speaking that it's not the long-suffering people on the Mainland's fault that they have yet to shake-off the brutal Party that wears them down, and keeps them down. They deserve better.
Goes both ways. In China, 99% hates both the government and the people of Japan
How many countries look favorably on China?
this irrational article is just made to promote racism and war. nothing else.
Peter Neil
I think Chinese probably feel about the same way toward Japan.
You don’t have to feel friendly with someone to do business with them. Meta, Google, Apple, Microsoft, NTT, McDonald’s don’t feel friendly toward you, but they use you to make money or take your money.
About as friendly as a Fox in a Henhouse
Bad and sad events in a brutal war, granted.
Well, how many of those responsible are still in power? In top positions of the Party and the Mainland's military today? Ordering the brutal oppression of their people today, even as we speak?
So much news about China and Japan relationships are negative.
China doesn't like the Fukushima water releases and tries to make the rest of Eastern Asia boycott Japanese products over this.
Chinese Coast Guard and Navy ships bump and use water canons against Japanese fishing boats.
China blocks Japanese cultural events in China and Chinese people who enjoy Japanese culture are hassled. I've seen stories about this.
Many anti-Japan stories come out of China, there is a new one almost every day.
So of course, when the CCP anti-Japan propaganda is working overtime, some of that leaks out and Japanese are like all humans, we like people who like us.
As for the views of US and Japan, we have some disagreements, but I never think any would be sufficient to break up the band. The relationship is good for both sides, though I think Japan has a little better outcome than the US does. I always liked how Japanese companies were seeking a long term business relationship, not just a buy one-time deal. Through those long term relationships, we've learned many things from each other. 20 yrs ago, I couldn't walk into almost any grocery store and buy a sushi lunch box in the US. Today, I can. That says much about how Japanese culture and food and people have influenced the US.
Not surprising. Chinese (unless they’re from Taiwan or Hong Kong) are always rude, pushy and selfish. And that goes for anywhere else. That’s why the Europeans can’t stand them.
Love their money, hate their manners.
A record 86.7 percent of Japanese "do not feel friendly" toward China, a Japanese government poll showed Friday, as bilateral relations remain tense over a number of issues.
I suggest that "86.7 percent of Japanese" people, "do not feel friendly" towards the Government of China, not the countries people, victims to a despot dictatorship.
Privately the people of China are as despondent with the relationship as must as the people of Japan.
check about the massacre or the Rape of Nanjing made proudly by Japanese.
Victims: 20,000 to 80,000 women raped, 30,000 to 40,000 POWs executed.
Peter Neil
50 million Chinese murdered by Mao, who was Chinese.
Convenient to forget those “Details”, huh ?
The Japanese media is in lock step with the anti-China US media. The important difference is that Japan is a neighbor of China. Neighbors should talk and find areas of common interest and cooperation. Kishida has an open invitation to meet with DPRK's Kim but still has not met with Xi in a summit.
Such a situation pleases Washington DC.
There's no need to mention Taiwan here. Just about everyone there - as does the civilised world - refers to them as Taiwanese. And yes - they are well mannered, polite and nice - a million miles from the culture of their rude Chinese neighbours.
Sam Watters
I’m surprised the number is that low.
NCIS Reruns
In most cases, they are only "Chinese products" in the sense they are assembled or produced using Chinese labor. The materials, technology, design, flavoring, etc., are incorporated according to the specifications of the companies that market them to Japanese (or other foreign) customers.
@Michael racism against Chinese is Korea and Japan is sky high nonetheless.
Why is the figure so low?
It should be around 98 - 99 % !
Even the Chinese don't like the China-nese.
Just ask any Taiwanese or Kong Konger.
That can't be true. I get messages all the time from Meta literally saying "We care about your memories." They really care!
You want to talk about racism?
Find out how the China-nese treat Urgur Moslems and Tibetan Buddhists.
china has a history of trying to invade and kill it's neighbors ( eg Tibet, Bhutan, India).
china also bullies Vietnam by building dams to control and bully Vietnamese farmers.
I'm only surprised it's not higher. A Chinese high school cheering a re enactment of former PM Abe's assassination certainly wouldn't have helped.
All this shows is that the legacy media is still strong in Japan. Give Japan a few more years.
@stephen chin
You’ve never been to Japan clearly. Japan is one of the most popular countries to visit for Chinese tourists. Chinese love Japan.
And that is not reciprocal, almost zero tourists in China, it’s not an attractive place for non-Chinese to visit.
Only 87%?
Remaining 12% must be Chinese and North Korean descendants living in Japan.
What’s to feel friendly towards?
They’re low quality goods made with stolen technology?
Their xenophobic attitude toward anyone internal or external who isn’t Han?’
Theft, cheating, bribery and corruption as accepted practices?
Or their hegemonic authoritarian government?
And both government are doing a great job at keeping it that way.
Imagine if these two economical giants could work together towards the prosperity of their people, life will even get much better on both sides.
The US, Canada, New Zealand, Australia, UK, Europe, South Korea...and plenty of other places.
Some years ago, when I was in college, I made and met many Asian friends, among them many Chinese . . . if you are living outside of Japan where Japanese are minority, and are of Japanese race, then almost any Asian face appears friendly . . . .
Why are people writing about the dislike of the Chinese people when the title of the article says “Record 87% of Japanese 'do not feel friendly' toward China: survey” Why?
Only in Japan after all the propaganda from the media and Government will the Japanese people show so much dislike towards other foreigners including Chinese. When these same Japanese travel abroad they change themselves completely and never a single moment show any racist behavior towards any other race! But while in Japan they discriminate openly or in subtle ways!
Well, I'm not surprised. A country that steals intellectual property. Forces them to hand over technology or work with a Chinese company, copies patents, undercuts competition after reverse engineering said products,, Rude passengers on planes, and trains, threatens its neighbours, locks up people with a different political view, treats its Muslim community as a threat, locks them up, does dodgy deals with other countries to force them into a debt they can't pay, pretends its a victim. doesn't have a real judiciary, has illegal companies that sell tainted food...makes a promise to Hong Kong then suppresses them. Locks up people they don't like. Send fishing boats by the hundred to overfish on other countries' waters, and claim the WHOLE of the sea. Mm so yeah. what's to like? One caveat is, that the Chinese people aren't the Chinese government. So basically, we don't like or trust the Chinese government. A country that also hid its COVID problem. Please give me some reason to like the CCP.
Japanese media must abide by the "Three Political Principles" set by the Chinese side or else they will be unable to station reporters in China and report on the situation.
●“Do not view China as an enemy”
●“We will not participate in the conspiracy to create two Chinas”
●“Do not hinder the normalization of Japan-China diplomatic relations”
It is quite serious that the Japanese people hate China, even though all the media in Japan are as supportive of China as possible.
An act by the Imperial Japanese Army against the soldiers and civilians of the Republic of China in 1937.
Which today is Taiwan. And they do not hold the same WWII grudges towards Japan as the PRC, which did not even exist until 4 years after WWII ended. The people of the Republic of China seem to love Japan.
Japanese were jealous of losing the world no.2 economic power status to China since 2010 and she is paranoid about slipped to no.4 if Germany exceeded her in 2023. That was the cause of Japanese" unfriendly mania" towards China. Remember China was a backward 3rd world country in 1980s that rely on Japanese ODA . Pure jealousy and paranoid, was that simple!
Was at the Kuyakusho a couple of days ago, and a Chinese guy was sitting down watching a stream on his cellphone at full blast. As japanese tends to stereotype people based on origin, I'm guessing the Chinese hate was 100% at that specific spot.
He was watching his phone bothering nobody,so what's wrong about?
Japanese products need Chinese export market. The future of Japan rely on China. That was a fate that many Japanese cannot accept but Japan can only blame her own incompetent state policy leaded by LDP!
I know why Japan is so frustrating, China has exceeded Japan in every aspects. Back in 1980s Japanese was very friendly to China, at that time then Japanese P.M. Nakasone visiting China twice a year (1985). Why? Because in the 1980s China was so backwards and difficult to make a living and heavily rely on Japan's aid. Then the Japanese feels good and having some kind of superiority. Everything has gone, when the student(China) has exceeded the teacher (Japan). China learned alot of things from Japan through Deng's modernizations from 1979. But what is Japan now being? Just a vassal state of USA. The frustration of Japanese people can only blame her own and only her own!
Except for politics where China remains in the dark ages.
Going through the motions of democracy is 10x better than running a corrupt communist state. Japan continuing to allow the US to have a means to defend them means about as much as China's oversized military budget.