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© KYODONonprescription drug abuse highest among teens: Japan gov't study
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OTC painkillers are so weak in Japan I'm amazed they can be considered addictive.
I really hope the j-gov won't get any wild ideas such as requiring prescription over OTC medicines. Like things in this world, restrict the public of one substance, they'll just find something else to get high on. Before you know it, you're in a nanny state and everything is under lock and key. If they really want to cure this substance abuse, they should interview experts and people who abuse them and ask why they resort to these things. I know that doctors can't make laws, but lawmakers can if they just listen.
Trying to work out what OTC drugs in Japan are strong enough to do anything!? Definitely not the pain killers...The barely get rid of a headache!
Tylenol painkiller works for us. I still have strong painkillers from my cancer treatment but don't use them.
Yes, if "mind altering" is the goal, it seems a bit weird people paying 1000 yen for some weak cough medicine when 150 yen gets you a tall can of 9% Strong Zero chu hai.
I wonder how much of this is "misuse" more than "abuse". A 50 year old carpenter taking three Eve Ibruprofen tablets rather than two when his back hurts is bad, but is not going to kill him.
or. Maybe eliminate more of these useless tests they take every month, let them actually have real vacation time, and maybe even explore getting part time jobs, and you know, free time with their friends?
maybe then, they won’t be concerned with weak “pain” OTC deals?
OTC meds in Japan are little more than expensive, bitter candy. How exactly are they OD'ing on this weak stuff when and average OTC painkiller can't even make a simple headache go away?
How many teens die from ODs?
Figures please…
How's the abuse of alcohol and smoking going.?
Some of the cold and flu meds and pain killers in Japan really knock you around. I’m not surprised people are misusing them.
They say OTC cold medicine are useless according to the FDA Google FDA OTC Cold Medicine
We mostly use OTC Chinese remedies which we find always work.
I developed a dental abscess shortly after moving to Japan, and ended up guzzling a dozen Eve tablets with no relief.
Japanese lean, ask for "Bron"