Japan Today

Russian sumo wrestler banned for life


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is the last sentence here to anger foreigners on this website !?

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Wakanoho told police he had received the marijuana from a foreigner in Roppongi

better round up all the foreigners in roppongi for questioning!

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It was unclear how prosecutors planned to proceed with the case

As a taxpayer in this country I say throw the bum in jail for the maximum time. It will show him and all foreigner drug fiends living in Japan that only dopes do dope.


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Ok, that was quick...what was the punishment for the Sumo Stable Master who supervised the murder, by bully beating with beer bottles, of a teenage wannabe wrestler earlier this year? Is he still on trial??? Was he banned for life???

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TokyoVP: this was an accident.

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RR - If you're really concerned with how your tax money is spent, you should say "Give the younster a sharp rap on the knuckles and a warning that if you ever smoke dope again, you're outta here!" It would save the taxpayers a BUNDLE of money, and the youngster would most likely never smoke dope again.

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a Russian-made cigarette containing 0.368 gram of dried plant matter including cannabis

Talk about an over reaction. If this happened in the west then any half-decent lawyer and half-decent judge would have thrown it out immediately on the grounds that he was not in possession of the wallet or the cigarette when it was handed to the police by a third party. Anything could have happened to the contents of that wallet when it was discovered and taken to the police station. It sounds like a typical framing job to get him sacked for something else that happened. Why on earth did he plead guilty to the possession ?

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People who smoke pot and read this thread should realize how their criminal act can have devastating consequences. It is against the law in Japan and you risk a great deal of trouble should you decide to break that law. Take a lesson from this guy. Then again if you are the type of criminal who buys and smokes illicit substances, you probably enjoy breaking the law just as much as the high pot gives you and would learn nothing.

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It will show him and all foreigner drug fiends living in Japan that only dopes do dope

Romeo, unfortunately you sound more of a dope than the dope dopes. Also as a taxpayer in Japan I say stop wasting taxpayers money on such trivial matters and concentrate on the yakuza and corrupt politicians and corrupt business instead. It was 0.368 grammes of a dried plant matter mixed with cannabis. These young idiots walking around with pocket knives are more of a threat to society in Japan pal.

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As a taxpayer in this country I say throw the bum in jail for the maximum time. It will show him and all foreigner drug fiends living in Japan that only dopes do dope.


you and your failure to understand what's going on again. As a tax payer i demand that pot is legalized in this country as i see my taxes go away on bobbies salaries as they snoop around and harass people that don't do anything wrong.

I also think the Russian guy should sue the association as their act is illegal, given the fact that he is not convicted yet.

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romulus3: sanctimonious pontification is obviously your bag

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should sue the association as their act is illegal, given the fact that he is not convicted yet.

Spot on. In any humane country you would do so. Who on earth advised him to plead guilty to the possession ? The wallet was handed around until it ended up with the police.

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Jesus, just because he's a non-japanese they do this.Smoking a bit of dope, big deal! We all do it sometimes, cops too.As other people have rightly said, who's to say that the stuff wasn't planted in his wallet. Just deny everything. And again, how come this verdict is so quick when they took months over the rikishi who was killed at the heya? Talk about double standards.

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I don't disagree with the legalization of dope if a sovereign company chooses. I choose to live in japan and must abide by their laws. Its a simple truth. Breaking the law in any country is playing with fire and you eventually get burned. In Holland they can smoke all they like, I don't say its wrong but Its wrong in Japan. So one should not endulge in criminal behavioir, especially not in a foreign country.

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i have the same question as one of the other posters - yeah - what about the stablemaster and the "senior" riski(s) who "hazing" resulted in the death of a young man. have they been banned for life??? have they been arrested??? have they been tried????

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so what is self righteous about being a law abiding citizen? Your post is warped.

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Other news-sources got the answers:


I come to JT for the drama NOT the news.

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arresting someone for a simple possession charge is a lot less complicated than murder. Especially in Japan and it annoys me too. How about the doctor acquitted 4 years after the act on another thread. They really take a long time in Japan to process high profile crime. Something as simple as a person doing dope is easy to process as they get a lot of practice like any other country.

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Earlier this year, a 17 year old wrestler died (was killed) when beat by his stablemates and stablemaster. He reportedly wanted out. Was anyone kicked out because of this? Not that I have heard of.

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Why the harsh suspension from Sumo? A lifetime ban? Isn't that a bit harsh? After all, Toki killed someone (albeit by accident, allegedly), and he was only banned for a single tourney. Why is Wakanoho being banned for life? Yes, its an illegal substance, and yes, he was wrong to have it in possession.....but a lifetime ban? Harsh. Could it be because he's a foreigner and a decent rikishi all at the same tme?

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are you using this as an excuse to justify the illegal actions of a Russian wrestler? That heaps more misery on that poor dead boys soul.

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In no way can you compare this to the death of trainee Takashi Saito of traumatic shock after repeated beatings with a metal baseball bat and being struck in the head with a beer bottle. The guilty in that case were Japanese so the fact that a far less severe punishment was given by the sumo board should not come as a surprise.

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I know the guy broke the law and because he did, well he just has to live with the consequences of getting caught. When I hear stories like this it always makes me wonder why in God's green earth is marijuana illegal in the first place?

I've never seen anyone strike out violently against another person when enjoying a little buzz but I have seen people turn into complete a$$holes on alcohol. Sure it will zap you of your ambition if you do too much but people miss work all the time because of the brown bottle flu.

If you are against it, that's alright, but why take issue with it if somebody else is doing it? If that's how some want to pursue happiness, is it really necessary for the government and a bunch of do-gooders to get in the way?

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Come on Romulus, this is the first time time this punishment has been meted out to any Sumo wrestler. Then what happened to those sumo wrestlers who aided and abetted in the death of the young kiddie sumo wrestler?

The NHK news made a point of saying this was the third incident involving a non-Japanese sumo wrestler, without mentioning the manslaughter of the young man last year....

Something stinks and it stinks in a very north east asian way...

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Ah I maybe one of the few, but he had an illegal substance in his wallet and he fessed up to it. Weeeell, he hung himself and he gave Sumo a black eye. I say that the JSA did the right thing by booting him out.

This will make anyone else rethink if they really want to smoke some pot. He did it, he got booted, life goes on. This was his fault and no one else to blame.

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I am with JoeBigs but I don't think he got booted only for smoking the weed.

How about his outburst after loosing a fight and destroying a shelf in the toilet or the sneaky punches, etc he did during bouts.

For a newcomer to the upper rank his behaviour/conduct record was not good.

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Forgot to add the JSA might have been more lenient if they hadn't found a pipe and other stuff at the stable too.

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VOR, who can disagree with such a post but the law of the land is that its a criminal offense to smoke weed. so you do not do it or you are engaging in criminal activity. A lot of posters are using an argument that pits murderers and yakuza against police but also smoking dope is illegal in Japan. This is a very simple way to justify their criminal behavior. you cannot compare hazing murder and dope smoking. This is a different world indeed. Unless you are not that far removed from it because you are acting outside of the law already by doing dope. There is no way that a person can use a huge crime to justify a semi harmless crime to justify their own beliefs without trying to justify their own criminal activity. Its a damn disgrace.

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It was a bit harsh and saw the final drama on the news. Having been in Roppongi a thousand times and living here...now married and settled. Its easy to get caught up in, that Roppongi scene. I myself knew tons of pot smoking Japanese in 11 years, you see the pot leaf on tons of t-shirts here too or earings. I knew of K1 guys doing the white stuff, all sorts, Iranian and Nigerian dealers dont help the gaijin image either. Moreover if he was Japanese, I think it would been squashed and the stable would of got a call, slap on the bum. I had a buddy who tried to send himself a few joints from Thailand in 2005. Dog sniffed it out from a a commercial flight (the regular airmail). Anyway they showed up at his place at 9am with camera dudes, interpreter, 5 cops but no cuffs. Like a hardened murder scene. Thats for 2 joints in a DVD. They drilled him with questions for 5 days and he literally went home and came back every day (customs office) to tell his life story every day at 10am. In the end it was a 170000 yen fine, fingerprints, mug shots and no blacklist. Guess the top Osaka customs cop liked him and gave him a stick of gum his last day of interview and made jokes, laughing with him. Guess it was old school, the chainsmoking, the 1970 green rotary phone on the steel desk and they reaked of booze from the night before. Even the greentea chick at 330pm. On another note, the US military has a zero tolerance and those cats get kicked out and disgraced over a joint too. Anyway boys this is an opinion thing and to each his own. But mary jane...Yea I know its Japan.. but on the lighter side can you imagine this country and how cool it would be if it was taken off that evil shelf, and other things were sorted. I think they should of fined this kid/man, gave him probation and a suspension. But thats my 2 cents. Not a fan of hard drugs (hate them) but also had a good buddy use medical THC in his last days with lymphoma. Was the sumo dude in pain, bored or just partying laidback at 400 lbs in Roppongi, or just a 20 yr old dude who made a mistake. Lost his career and now back to the grind in Russia, ouch. Honestly think the stuff is seen as pure evil here. I kinda think about the 60 million heavy smokers in Japan... and does that kill? Kinda a 1970ish thing still goes on. anyway...Im the New England Yankee Democrat guy, just my 2 cents. Guess it could be worse if in Singapore but then again they dont smoke anywhere they want, read 711 smut mags and piss on the street.


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This stinks of Japanese racilism. Japanese Sumo murderers were not banned for life. Another disgusting racist incident by Japanese big wigs.

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Japanese Sumo murderers were not banned for life. Another disgusting racist incident by Japanese big wigs.

the case is not finished. what does this have to do with a dope smoking gaijin?

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romulus3; The Russians case is not finished yet either. "dope smoking Gaijin", is a very derogratary term to use to a foreigner.

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romulus is a gaijin.

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romulus3; Obviously you have low self esteem. You do not nsme your country, only that you are n "outsider". No surprise then your attitude towards this wrestler.

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This stinks of Japanese racilism.

The guy broke the law, sure he has not been convicted yet but he confessed. The guy gets caught with an illegal substance and you yell out that this was all racist?

Come on everyone knows that if you play, some day you will have to pay.

Iranian and Nigerian dealers, funny how they can sell and dont get busted huh....

BTW I myself will not go to Roppongi, I hate the smell and I hate all the shady bs that goes on there.

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this is just another witch hunt against Japan. at the end of the day, you cannot break the law in the country you are living in or there will be consequences. especially, if you are a gaijin, especially if you are a GAIJIN. All counties are the same. Gaijin in that country or this country will get done over way before nationals do. Of course. What do you expect? Equality? Been smoking too much hooch me suspects.

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romulus32 especially if you are a GAIJIN". So you admit japanese authorities are biased against foreigners?

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This country should decriminalize marijuana possession of 5g and below, and follow a saner path like Holland and Canada's BC province. The riot act applied against a herb is like killing a mosquito with a nuclear weapon. That only makes sense in Amerikan logik.

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seems like we have yet another paranoid, self indulgent, escapist, criminal gaijin here in Japan just waiting to get arrested for breaking the no dope law.

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it must be a gaijin's fault. no way any japanese would ever do anything wrong. thats why there are no prisons or police here in japan. because japanese never make mistakes. just blame the foreigners

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thats why there are no prisons or police here in japan. because japanese never make mistakes

Yet another disillusioned paranoid gaijin. No prisons and no cops? what a stupid thing to say.

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romulus3, You comments are obviously intended to bait other posters , or you are seriously deluded in your Japanese utopia> The Russian would not be banned if he were Japanese. BTW Romulus , the article states he is Russian not gaijin, get the point?

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again with the poor me gaijin in Japan feel sorry for myself rhetoric. No wonder we get hard done by coz the place is filled with dope smoking, gang together Gaijin should rule type megalomaniacs. You think I love this place? No way. I wish I was home but my hand is tied, But while here I will abide by the law of my adopted country. He is Russian right? so he is gaijin. He should have obeyed the law of Japan while here. The law. If you cannot obey the law, expect the consequences, especially as an immigrant, or worker, Of course they will make a harder example of you. You cannot have even more criminals turning up on your doorstep considering what you have to deal with in your own house.

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Where did i state that bi reside in Japan? I believe in equality for all and anti racism laws. The Russian should have been treated the same as anyone else in Japan. FYI , some words to descibe foreigners in many countries have subtle rcist overtones, and are best avoided by those with conideration.

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oh get off your soap box. The Russian committed a crime in a foreign country. If he was home he would have been subject to more leniency. Is not an outsider in your world exactly that? If not you are Ghandi or most probably a lier. Every population on this earth expects harder penalty's for criminal behaviour done by gaijins than nationals, and each prefers deportation after jail. show me the difference. You cannot because its impossible. Because of the way the Japanese Government is, this Russian contributed towards more anti gaijin sentiment. He should get your wrath, not your support.

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A criminal is a criminal regardless of ntionality. If you read any of my previous posts, you would see that i m against any discrimination in any country due to race.

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It is a pity he will not participate in sumo competitions in Japan anymore. He was one very strong sumo player able to rise in the ranks...it was a pleasure to watch him. the number of excellent, watchable sumo players is reduced by one.

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you know whats really bizarre in all this


are cops analyzing turned in wallets for drugs, they found like what..........a tiny fraction of a gram inside regular smokes.......................wtf!

I wonder if young Japanese who get caught are banned from a normal Japanese way of life............dont think so

I DO NOT condone drug use, but this case is simply nuts, instead of educating its alieanating(familiar huh)

meanwhile murderers are still allowed onto the doyo........

Jpn yr going down slowwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww

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A criminal is a criminal in deed. If he was caught, and it was properly proven to be his and what not, then good riddance. However, it still amazes me the lengths the JSA will take to protect the murderers of a child, beaten to death with steel poles for 'training', and the utter simplicity with which they'll ban a foreign wrestler for life for such a petty crime as having some marijuana. Anyone who says there're no discrepancies in the way they decide things is foolish. But again he was a criminal, so he should 'do the time'. Meanwhile, the Japanese underlings who can't do half as well as this wrestler can thank their lucky stars for moving up a rank... it's about the only way they're going to win.

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of course and the thing that Japan wants most is to infect its country with gaijin criminals as it does not have enough criminals already. He broke Japans law as a sovereign country,and as an outsider. He gets what he deserves. what they do with internal problems is their choice. your talk stinks of the acid trips and smoking binges of the 60s. CANT WE ALL GET ALONG? where in history has that ever proved a realistic request? Lets get real. He broke the law as a foreigner living in a foreign land. He must suffer the consequences. This is not racist. Its self defense.

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Romulus: I understand your point and I don't disagree entirely with your position. The law is the law and if you break the law you have to be ready to pay a price for it. I think most folks see a lifetime suspension as being way too harsh for something as minuscule as a marijuana laced cigarette. Being that this is Japan and they do have strict drug laws, I would think any athlete in Japan would be facing the same time of punishment and do not think they took this action just because Wakanoho is a gaijin sumo.

My argument is really along the lines of government control and violation of basic human freedom. Outlawing marijuana just does not make sense no matter how you look at it. In fact governments that outlaw pot are just plain stupid. They miss the opportunity to generate tons of tax revenue, alleviate the need to spend tax dollars in both law enforcement and incarcerating non violent people and even more important ignore the fact that weed is your best chance for a peaceful and civil society.

I betcha if every country legalized marijuana there would be fewer a$$holes on these blogs trying to one up another.

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Outlawing marijuana just does not make sense no matter how you look at it. In fact governments that outlaw pot are just plain stupid. They miss the opportunity to generate tons of tax revenue

do you hate it when people smoke tobacco?

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I will not deny the fact that Wakanoho broke the law, but I really, really, reallllllllllly do wonder if this punishment was fair, seeing how the killers of the 17-year-old basically got away with it, their names never surfacing in the papers. Yes, their stablemaster got hit hard, as did the stable itself, but what of the perpetrators? Why the silence about them? Did they get their day in court, or was their deed covered up, swept under the rug, and dismissed without so much as a "by your leave" from the JSA, all the while, a Russian Rikishi who happens to be pretty decent, gets caught and admits to his crime, and suffers a lifetime ban. I agree wth a lot of others: this smackso f subtle racism. If the JSA and the media hadn't been out to nail Asashoryu for so long, I'd pass it off as a minor incident, deserved on Wakanoho's part. However, seeing the level of disdain and biased treatment that Asashoryu has received, and the fact that the Japanese rikishi who literally got away with murder, the J-media sweeping it away, and no criminal charges pressed against the perps, I do, at the very least, wonder if this isn't all racially motivated. Had this happened to a baseball player, a lot of people would likely say, "What's the big deal? It's only marijuana. Why the lifetime ban?"

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no not really. its their business. i don't smoke tobacco products but thats my choice, if others choose to, as long as they ain't blowing it in my face, I don't care nor have a right to force them to stop.

I can live with the risk of inhaling second hand smoke if that is where this line of questioning is going.

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up to 5 years in prison with forced labor, or deportation. sounds like they are being rather kind to foreigners .

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anyone out there who wouldn't take deportation over forced labor for 5 years ??

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he is "russian", get it. need i say more. sumo is going down, the hawaiians open up the doors for these foreigners, and look at what they are doing....its a shame..

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Another note, race will ALWAYS play a part in ANY country in which the accused is not a "native " of that country. That is just the way it is here. No matter how long a non^japanese live,contribute,to this society.,he or she will ALWAYS be a "gaijin". Wakanoho is just a pawn. Besides, one of my very good friend was a sekitori in that Magaki beya, TRUST me you dont want to know the background on that Beya anf its stablemaster..beside recently that stablemaster was remanded for hitting a rikishi, this was AFTER that death incident..wakanoho maybe was stressed out of the FACT, that his stablemaster wasnt giving him the ACTUALLY money he earned and deserved.....he is gaijin, he will never know the money he is supposed to get......get it!

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"meanwhile murderers are still allowed onto the dohyo"

Incredible, isn't it?

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Factors influencing decision of the police, et. al.:

1)Dude is a foreigner 2)Dude admitted guilt. 3)Dude had a bad temper. 4)Dude most likely didn't play along when he was supposed to. (Read Freakonomics for a conclusion based on statistical analysis that SUMO is largely fixed).

Bottom line, is that he was a wrestler that those in power didn't like, and he gave them a perfect reason to boot him. Life is not fair. Life will never be fair. not for him, not for the dead sumo dude, not for you. Know the situation you are in, and plan your actions accordingly. This dude didn't. See ya.

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This is just a joke. He's arrested, and so he's banned. God help him if he'd actually done something serious. What would they have done then? Killed him?

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Well, the point here is that he got caught. He has toabide by the rules.

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maybe he should have killed someone then he wouldnt have got the lifetime ban!

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Anyway, these drugs should be considered doping. The ban for doping in any sport, if you use it for the first time, is two years, usually. So I think banning for two years is appropriate. I think also doping control should be introduced in sumo. I am sure many more wrestlers have to be banned.

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he allegedly did this is what everyone seems to forget. allegedly is the key here.

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he allegedly did this is what everyone seems to forget. allegedly is the key here.

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Romulus is allright. Even though I often disagree with his opinion (such as this story), he ain't no Japan lover. He is just upfront and speaks his mind when he believes in something.

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No disrespect to you, but anyone who only calls foreigners gaijins, in the manner of a Japanese right winger is not alright. It is tht type of atitude that allows this wrestler to be treated unfairly, and some fell prejudice is fine, i disagree entirley.

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No matter what the facts are, it is always about "foreigners". Race has to come in nearly every conversation with the Japanese. Forget the fact that it was only one person who might have done a crime, that doesn't matter, it was a foreigner and that has to be sung loud and long. Doesn't matter who sold him the drugs, just as long as we know it was a FOREIGNER.

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if he weren't such a lardarse there could have been the military

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I'll also say that Japan is really full of **it sometimes. Salarymen reading pornographic manga depicting the abuse of girls on the train to work/ the right wing allowed to drive around Tokyo shouting abuse about Russia and China/ no anti-racism laws implemented ever despite Japan's application for the UN/ stores still not checking ID when selling knives to young men/ Iranian and Nigerian guys blatantly selling coke and smack on behalf of the yakuza in Shibuya and Roppongi (does anyone seriously believe that these pushers are selling for their own profits without working for the yakuza ?)/ anti-sexism employment laws clearly not being put into effect. And then they sack this guy and put it all over the news for a tiny bit of grass in a cigarette. Things really are upside down in Japan.

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I'll stand up for Romulus because he has the balls to disagree with all of us and stick with his opinion. Whether we like his opinion or not, we have to respect him standing by his comments. And I'll also say that despite the blatant racism and prejudice in this story, you just don't even think about smoking dope in Japan ever.

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I thought he confessed, no?

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This is complete Bullsh!t! He's a foreigner and the Jcops and prosecutors are trying to save face in the fact of many other criminal case failures, by making him an example and highlighting the case so much that it makes them seem like angels!

Screw you Japan! You are on the decline and refuse to accept it! So you blame foreigners for the bad things that happen here!

Bullsh!t! This post will be deleted by the moron at JT...no doubt!

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KitsuneYoukai at 11:17 PM JST - 21st August

Well, the point here is that he got caught. He has toabide by the rules.

Yeah, and you're the typical role model reason why Japan is on the decline, because you fail to see the reasons why things happen outside of bureaucratic bullsh!t!

Come back when you have something useful to say that doesn't just depict Japanese standards, instead, it should depict WORLDWIDE standards and understanding!

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I agree with Youdontknow. Japan wants to be recognised internationally, yet has no anti racism laws to protect arrested people like this guy.

Anyone who thinks Japanese should have more rights than foreigners is a racist.

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There is no way this case would have come to light if it was a local wrestler. Story would have finished with the gear disposed of (in one way or another) by the head useless person at the police box, and with him having a quiet word with the local boy and his stable master, and it's not unreasonable to say this hasn't happened before.

Having said that and sorry to say this, but Wakanoho is an idiot for not foreseeing the consequences of a foreigner (not to mention wrestler) being caught smoking marijuana in Japan.

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I don't have sympathy for anyone who comes here and breaks Japan's drug laws. Put my tax money to good use and throw this dope fiend in jail where he belongs. It will send a proper signal to all foreigner drug addicts residing here in Japan: Do the crime. Do the time.


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How about Japanese drug addicts residing in Japan, should your tax money be put to good use putting them into jail where they belong?

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Come on RomeoRamenll... breaks Japan's drug laws as if one joint of pot/reef/marijuana is the same as speed or heroin is complete ignorance....Why drug addicts how about the sake drinkers? more addicted and worse for ones health...I saw some old J guys on NHK saying how awlful the use of DRUGS were...as if marijuana were some totally addicting drug....what nonsense...grow up! One joint you stupid F___in' idiot!

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Not just one stupid joint.

What about the pipes, etc found at his home and in his "private" room at the stable?

Don't know many employers that would be happy if their workers smoked the stuff on their premises. Do you?

Of course I forget the pipes like the joint were planted. How stupid of me.

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Another Japanaphile posts about this subject, yawn....

He hasn`t dealt in child porn or assaulted anyone, just an alledged possesion of a small amount of dope.

How do you know things werent planted by Japanese, wouldnt put it past them?

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And another JP-Hater doing an ad-homimem attack. Double-yawn.

FYI, I am NOT a japanophile just read more than JT news. ;)

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FYI, i am NOT a JP-Hater, i am married to a Japanese. I hate double standards and racist attitudes. I do not expect this Russian to be dealt with as fairly than a Japanese would. Discrimintion is vile, but rife in Japan.

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Could have fooled me with all your anti-japan posts. ;)

But all is good.

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Well, apparantly from what I've read on this subject and some of the statements made from other posters, this guy got what he worked for. It is more likely that he was permanantly banned because of his other behaviour and this was the last straw so to speak.

BTW Vor, about second hand smoke, there is a saying, "your rights end at the end of your nose" which specifically implies that if you're doing something that intrudes further than your own body and passes harmful affects someone elses body, you're violating their rights. The laws are their to protect our own rights and those around us, not just one person at a time.

And for the rest of the smokers, not everyone does it. Thats old fashioned peer pressure you seem to have fallen for. Mammy says, "If youre best friend tells you to jump off a cliff because they're going to, will you do it too?"

I guess we kinda know where you're choices went.

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He hasn't been convicted of the offense yet so a life time ban is very fast in coming particularly as it only just happened.

If he isn't convicted in a court of law he could very easily appeal the ban at the court of arbitration for sport in Switzerland (CAS), which the JSA is obligated to follow as a IOC recognized sporting body.

CAS would likely toss the life time ban out pronto.

Has he even been drug tested by a WADA sanctioned agency? The JSA would appear to be particularly harsh on foreigners in this matter.

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If he tests positive, it could just be secondhand smoke. From his wallet.

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USNinJapan2 at 12:38 AM JST - 22nd August


I thought he confessed, no?

Lots of people "confess". doesn't mean he actually did anything.

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Wakanoho banned for life for smoking weed. Yet former sumo wrestler Toki, who KILLED a man by hitting him with his car, which he wasn't supposed to be driving, is still coaching sumo. Incredible...

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sarge; Great post. There are no doubt different rules for locals and foreigners. Japan has over strict rules regarding narcotics, in almost all other first world country he would get a slap on the wrist.

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Only users lose drugs.

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Hmm, why does everybody say Toki is still around.

Newsflash Toki got banned too some time ago(it is in all the newspaper artcles). Wakanohana is just the first "active" Rikishi to get banned, JSA banned 3 people in the last year.

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Got carried away wakanoho I meant.

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Only users lose drugs.

Well done Nessie!

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"Only users lose drugs"

Duh! If you don't use 'em, you can't lose 'em!

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THanks, Sean.

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Well thats it! Good luck Wakamama...

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moderator please delete these multiple comments, my computer is insane. ---Thank you

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The only thing that bugs me is thet the offence happened when he was still a minor, normally then you get a mild sentence. I find this rulling very harsh. so what is next for wakanoho K-1? or (Hustle) wrestling together with Makebono?

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