Nothing brings a nation together like a common enemy and the Olympics give us an excuse to degrade every other country on the planet world without it seeming xenophobic.
It was in the midst of this festive atmosphere that Gallup Korea published their annual poll showing the country’s opinion of the rest of the world. The results? South Korea hates Japan even more than North Korea and loves America the most.
Okay, so the Japanese and South Koreans don’t get along — what else is new? Japan hit the top of the same list back in 2002 and it shouldn’t be too hard to find a poll in Japan where Korea scores the same.
What is different about this year’s results is how much Korea seems to hate Japan: whereas 19.1% of South Koreans polled said they hold a unfavorable view of runner-up country China, a whopping 44.1% of respondents answered the same of Japan. While K-pop tops Japanese music charts and young Japanese women dream of bagging a Korean boy, nearly half of Korea is telling Japan to shove off.
Of course, the timing of the research was far from ideal: 1,500 male and female Korean adults were polled over 16 days from July 14 to July 29 — a month after right-wing Japanese activist Nobuyuki Suzuki enraged the entire country by setting up a sign reaffirming Japan’s claim disputed islands and denouncing comfort women as prostitutes next to a comfort women memorial statue in Seoul.
Here are the 2012 results compared with 2002 in parenthesis (translated from Japanese):
■ South Korea’s Top 5 Least Favorite Countries
- Japan – 44.1% (33.4% in 2002)
- China – 19.1% (4.6%)
- North Korea – 11.7% (17.3%)
- America – 4.8% (18%)
- Iraq – 0.7% (0.7%)
■ South Korea’s Top 5 Favorite Countries
- America – 21.5% (16.5% in 2002)
- Australia – 19% (12.5%)
- Switzerland – 8% (8.8%)
- Canada – 7.4% (6.6%)
- England – 5.1% (3%)
On the other hand, South Koreans seem to love Americans more than ever before. This was especially true of respondents over the age of 60, 32.8% of whom said they felt America was still one of the good guys. Interestingly enough, America also makes the list for top 5 most disliked countries, but looking at the drop from 18% in 2002 to 4.8% this year shows that South Korea has been warming up to the country over the past decade.
A step forward for America in the eyes of South Koreans but a step back for Japan…we here at RocketNews24 wonder why we just can’t all get along gangnam style.
Source: KRNews
© RocketNews24
Nothing surpring here. Until Japan starts to behave as a mature country, why would the neighboring countries like them? The land grabs, the white washing of history, the refusal to admit things... No shockers.
At least 55.9% of the Korean people do not "hate" Japan.
The feeling probably is mutual judging from the slow movement at the immigration desk when Koreans enter Japan. Does this mean Japan can cancel its foreign aid to both Koreas? Hatred only tears at the heart of the person who hates. It is time for these three countries to move out of the 1910-30's and join the 21st century. Nothing can be done to change history.
@CrazyJoe: I know right. So what this article is saying is that those 1500 S. Korean who voted, represent the other 49 million S. Korean? I don't think so.
Say what you may but I think South Korea behaves immaturely the most in all of Asia. North Koreans actually killed Soth Koreans, but they hate Japan more? They have a forced draft because technically a state of war still exists with North Korea but they hate Japan more? There are tons of South Koreans living in Japan and their own Prsident was born ther, but they hate Japan?
Korea is full of Haters....and I wonder why do they still struggle and try so hard to come to Japan even though they claim to hate it??
Ossan, don't getme wrong, certainly don't think either of the Koreas is mature. But two wrongs don't make a right.
I doubt Japanese care that much, do they? How pathetic. I noticed, when I visited the Gyeongbok Palace in Seoul in 2000, how many times the tour guide we were with went to great pains to distinguish features of the place as being distinctly different from Japanese style and architecture, clothes, weapons etc. I thought it very strange indeed. I'd say they might hate them, but they are also unnaturally obsessed with the Japanese as well.
Canada hates America
Korea hates Japan
Little Brother Big Brother
My numbers only reflect the result of this poll. Not the whole population of South Korea of course.
Why they hates Iraq??? When did the iraqi insurgents ever killing a south Korean soldier? Or they hates Iraq was because of brainwashed by their pro-America news media, I really cant get it!
I know CrazyJoe. The article had stated that 1500 voted, and I wanted to make it clear that there are still 49 million who didn't participate in this rubbish. And seriously, if they want to see ridiculous polling, come to America, where the north hate the south, east against west, mid west against the north east, Cali Vs. N. York, and so on and so forth.
Looking at the results of countries they "like", they seem pretty whitewashed, they like caucasian majority countries. Which is kind of sad really, to put caucasians above themselves. But is probably because of the Protestant brainwashing they got.
Well let's see how these figures turns if and when the Korean peninsula unites.
In a short/mid term effect Korea is going to be in debt not being able to support the north that they will come begging to Japan AGAIN or worse coerce Japan demanding that Japan had not fulfilled it's obligation in paying compensation to the North.
Herve Nmn L'Eisa
There's a big difference between disliking a government's politics and its people but this poll and article don't differentiate. Furthermore, such generalizations as used in this poll only serve to stir up hate and race-baiting, reminiscent of National Socialist Party of the 1930's.
We hate you! ... but please buy our k-pop CDs. And please send your obasans to spend their vacations in our country.
At the basic level of honesty...every one hates every one else but due to business/commerce and political wrangling they all act like were friends...except for N Korea and China they don't care what any other country thinks of them.
Okay, this is as good a time as any to yank in the welcome mat. I would invite Japanese railway companies to use this as an opportunity to start removing ugly hangul writing from the signs in their stations.
I know 80 yr old guys that still cant tell the difference in the hate and immaturity. Jesus just look at the resemblance of their flags. They're like two 15 yr olds yelling at each other across a swimming pool (ocean) with pop music blaring.
And yes Eric, S. Koreans are highly influenced by Americans and European cultures. I have seen many Korean dramas and read many post on their websites to realize that it wasn't a coincidence. It's sad really, they do have a beautiful culture they should be proud of. And yet, in their entertainment industry, it seems that it's more important for them to show how much they embrace a more caucasian lifestyle.
Ahh Japan and its awkward relations with every other country in the world.
Shar999Aug. 05, 2012 - 09:13AM JST
Here we go again with the usual Western arrogance and ignorance. While you're at it, why don't you add that every Japanese secretly wants to be an American?
Look, South Korea has not lost any of its culture and it's culture is probably stronger than it has been, since the last years of the 19th Century. Koreans, Chinese and Japanese have no desire to become Westerners and adopt a Western lifestyle, rather, because of the thyroid driven nationalism of north east Asia they thank the Gods each day thay they were born into the chosen people.
Yep they do want the trappings of a western lifestyle (although I don't see much of that these days in the West with their unemployed masses, homeless and poor) because these are the trappings of a modern affluent lifestyle and freedom to choose is a universal notion. But in a hundred years Asia will be the bastion of contemporary affluence and I'm sure you won't accusse all the Westerners who aspire for such material things as wanting to become Asians.
Get over yourselves... East is east and West is West, and never....... Koreans hate the Japanese because basically they have hated their neighbours throughout their history. The same goes for the Japanese and Chinese, and will always be the case, no matter where you are, when you have the narcissism of the minor differences
So this is really about politics then. What was the age demographic of the folks who were polled? the article only states that those over 60 liked America age wise. I thnk the younger generation may not have any hatred towards Japan's politics.
@shar999, good observation. Korean culture isn't strong at all, they do emulate every culture that is superior to Korean culture. It's a shame to see a culture disappear right before the world's eyes. Not to forget they copy anything that gives them more attention, hence, Samsung's need to copy American products. And of course Koreans are completely whitewashed and are the first ones to cut their eyes, and lighten their skin to look more white. Just calling it like I see it.
Michael Jun Sung Shim
I am sure there are plenty of Korea haters in Japan too!!! The Japanese right-wingers detest Koreans strongly.But count me out please!! I only hate Japan if a Japanese person hates me FIRST!! I don't feel the need to hate Japan even though I LOVE KOREA+U.S.A.!!!
Gee, I wonder if Korea entering into trade agreements with most of the countries on their "like" list has anything to do with it?
Memo to Japan:
Citizens of any country rarely hate countries that they have open trade agreements with. It's not rocket science.
What's even more hilarious is that Mexicans have more self-respect than the South Koreans, and with North Korea being extremely poor they still hold to their culture. Shame, shame, shame on SK.
I don't see it myself. The Korean flag has four I Ching symbols from the ancient Chinese Book of Changes. On the upper left side is Ch'ien which means force = heaven. The bottom left side is Li which means radiance = fire. The upper right side is K'an which means gorge = water. The bottom right side is K'un which means field = earth . In addition you have the Ying Yang symbol in the center. It's one of the most spiritual flags I have ever seen.
Michael Jun Sung Shim
Come on children.I use this opportunity to ask Koreans please stop hating Japan and Japanese..Korea has received more than one apology from Japan's PM both verbally and in written statement saying Japan offers "heartfelt apology" for the sufferings it wrought on Korean people during the colonial era (1910-!945). I actually like Japan a lot and I even have a small Japanese flag in my room just as when most Koreans abhor Hinomaru. But having a Japanese flag in my room doesn't mean I glorify Japanese Imperialism in Korea quite the opposite..Many times in the past did my grandparents remind & tell me how difficult life in Korea was under the Japanese iron fist rule!! I sympathize Koreans who suffered under Japan but now Korea is climbing up the economic ladder and is becoming more modern.The only thing I can hope for is to let time pass and the old generation who hold such bitter memories will pass away..We live in a very international world and Koreans should stop wasting their time lecturing others how badly Japanese behaved to Koreans.In fact,Korea and Japan plus the U.S.A. should join hands and jointly form a triangular alliance to deter & balance the military power of N Korea-China-Russia trilateral military alliance.
Korea should do away with its past and paranoia about Japan becoming more powerful because both Japan and the United States have asked Seoul to join their club to keep an eye on its opponents!! There isn't much I can do to alleviate Korean people's anti-Japan sentiment but I do see some hopeful signs from both Seoul and Tokyo that both countries are back on track to develop stronger bonds of bilateral friendships between them..When I see progress in Korea-Japan friendships I feel very happy and elated to see such improvements between S Korea and Japan.China will always back and prop up its N Korean regime and I don't see any breakthrough in inter-Koreas ties anytime soon so yes starting from scratch with U.S. at the epi-center,Korea and Japan declare new friendships between them and work towards more developing stronger partnerships!!
Say what you all wish, but there is cause for the strong dislike of Japan and the Japanese by the Koreans and the Chinese, for that matter. I teach a LOT of Chinese students, and they know well about what happened at Nanking and in the Second World War (which they state began for them when Japan invaded Manchuria in September of 1931). The Koreans as well, thanks to 50 years of occupation and attempts at annexation.
This sounds like pseudo-statistic rubbish. Small sample size.
Koreans do protest but mostly over legitimate issues. Unlike Japan who does so over the most asinine of reasons. Remember when Japan protested during the earthquake over too many Korean dramas? LOL.
Thomas Anderson
Australia and Switzerland... how random.
Thomas Anderson
Surprisingly a lot of people in Japan don't actually hate SK all that much (other than the crazy right wingers), although the majority seems to hate China.
Heres my personal take. I'm not surprised in the least with this list. Koreans don't have a favorable opinion of Japan. And there really is no reason for them to have favorable opinions in the first place. Japans constant territorial claims of islands controlled by Korea is annoying. The monthly denial by politicians white washing history is also annoying. The constant repetition of the "we already apologized" excuse right after denying something is pretentious and hypocritical. Their textbooks are annoying. Worshiping warcriminals is annoying.
The younger generation of Koreans dislike Japan just as much as the older generation. Not because of what happened +60 years ago but whats happening right now.
Chinese and south Korean bad mitton teams tells me everything about those countries and culture...enough said.
No matter what has transpired between SK and NK, SK still considers NK their brothers and sisters, and Japan will never, ever compete with that.
The question people should be asking is who likes Korea?
Ouch. Near the bottom feeders with nations like Iran, Pakistan, NK, Israel, Russia, and South Africa. And this is a slight improvement from last year. LOL.
I doubt the Gallup poll on the like-or-hate question. Koreans and Japanese are very ethnically similar race in many points. For Koreans, It seems that most Koreans don't feel to like Japan very much but it does NOT mean they dislike/hate Japan or Japanese. For Japanese, It seems that most Japanese don't feel to like Korea very much but it does NOT mean they dislike/hate Korea or Koreans. I think many Koreans rather dislike/hate the Government of Japan than present Japanese people because of the past colonization, sex slave, etc during the wartime ,and most don't have any feelings of "like or hate" about Japan except elderly Koreans.
Bob Sneider
at least Koreans are justified in hating Japan, due to decided of rape, torture, and territory theft. what gives Japan the right to hate Korea?
bicultural Stuff like this doesn't help improve relations
Just looking at the poll for the most-liked countries, I see a trend in Korea which I suspect will be the same for all East Asian countries - a warped sense of respect for the western white countries (this also relates to the way they sense beauty - a need to have nose and eye surgery and the need to constantly dye their hair a light shade of brown). When will the East Asians have a bit more pride and respect for themselves and for one another. Don't these people ever look at how the West Europeans have managed to get on fairly well with one another since the end of the war and wondered how they achieved that? The Asians are their own worst enemy.
A few years ago a South Korean primary school held a competition in which 10-year old students were assigned to draw derogatory pictures of Japan. The winning illustrations were posted in the local train station. So considering how children in that country are indoctrinated, as government policy, to hate Japan from the get-go, no one should be the least surprised by such survey results. Japan's Ministry of Foreign Affairs should noisily raise this issue before international organizations and the media instead of pretending that Koreans really want to be "friends."
Well, of course the Koreans still hate the Japanese, after all, it was only 67 years ago when the Japanese were mistreating the Koreans. It takes time to get over that.
And America wants it that way.
Well good for you!
Don't tell me, you're also a subscriber of the Sakura channel on youtube. You might as well say you're a proud black truck driver.
I think that Japan does not hate Korea or does not have any feelings about it, But it seems that they do not like permanent Koreans in Japan somehow because probably they try not get Japan national.
OssanAmerica: "Say what you may but I think South Korea behaves immaturely the most in all of Asia."
Well, coming from you, Ossan, I see that as a positive endorsement of South Korea. There are plenty of nations that behave more 'immaturely' than South Korea, and Japan is one of them on MANY issues (not all, I grant you). The island dispute is one in which Japan behaves FAR more immaturely than Korea, especially given that the reasons Japan claims Dokdo contradict their claims to other islands. And it's perfectly logical they would 'hate' (and let's keep in mind we're talking only those polled, I'm sure it's not the majority) Japan more than NK -- NK, though their biggest enemy by far, are still their brothers and there's still hope in the minds of many for a reunited Korea in the future. It's easier to hate a nation that has colonized, raped, and brutally savaged you in the past (both Koreas).
bicultural: "We hate you! ... but please buy our k-pop CDs. And please send your obasans to spend their vacations in our country."
The funny thing is they don't ask Japan to do these things, the sheeple here just do it despite being hated. A K-pop star could literally pee on the audience as an insult and the audience would just see it as a golden shower and a gift. Why do you think the black trucks get so worked up over K-pop sales surpassing J-pop?
bicultural: " Stuff like this doesn't help improve relations"
Stuff like this doesn't help your arguments, posting right-wing Japanese crap. You actually just justified the reason for a lot of the hatred.
Again... for those that get emotional about WWII, please read James Bradley's IMPERIAL CRUISE... BEFORE trying to give perspective on the right and wrongs of what happened.
The fact is WWII happened and with only 3 generations since then with those who actually experienced it still alive and influencing the "emotional" aspect of the war, it is difficult to to say which one is right or wrong. What can be said is that regardless of what people say they despise and dislike, the economies of both S. Korea and China were greatly influenced by the Japanese presence during and after the war. Both nations benefited greatly by the presence of Japan and not Russia or even the USA. Both Russia and the USA was and has been till very recently Europe orientated.
For S. Korea and China to dislike Japan may NOT necessarily be the result of WWII as much as an expression of "jealousy" and "self-pride". Those things are an essential part of every nation. Nothing wrong with that as long as they do not translate into negative action. That is the way a nation "grows" to become economically and culturally strong.
@thepersoniamnow wrote "Canada hates America"
I've never met a Canadian who came off as 'hating' america. I would for sure say muslims hate america or even Brits hate america.
I don't know what the "sakura channel" is. Someone posted a comment about how Koreans copy a lot of things. I remembered when a Korean friend was visiting and told me that kappa ebisen was a rip-off of a Korean snack. I believed at the time but then later discovered that it was the other way around. I did a google search of "kappa ebisen pakuri" and that's what came up. Sorry if it was right wing crap. I only looked at the pictures. Should've checked the writing.
Just a couple things: 1) I always liked this saying: "hatred is a poison you take, hoping the other person dies" and 2) what a useless poll.
So South Koreans don't like the Japanese...well, that is not news but I don't see how this is major news. In my experience traveling and working across various continents I've found that most people I ran across really don't like Koreans. In the past 15 years, a large (illegal) migration of South Koreans has and continues to descend in various South American countries, particularly Brazil. They are like leeches...even when the Brazilian govt stopped issuing visas to Korean citizens, they filtered in through neighbor countries. In Mexico, and also in the US, Koreans have the eye of law enforcement (do a wiki check on it for sources) for importing large numbers of Korean women to work as prostitutes. In Africa, South Koreans (mostly the Bible touting kind) are second in the rank of despised migrant groups; the Chinese are first, they are real parasites. So, my Japanese friends, don't feel so bad, nobody outside Korea likes Koreans anyway.
What was to be expected? Immature babies only capable of pointing fingers at each other and squabbling over two rocks in the middle of nowhere. A good solution would be for those two rocks to simply explode and sink, leaving nothing for both of them. Also, 1500? what a joke, a statistically insignificant number out of a population of 50 million.
I have encountered similar korean ignorance with, of all things, music. In this case i was in korea and i played a Kraftwerk tune to some people which was recorded in the late 1970's. Right away the koreans in ear shot of the song claimed that whoever i was playing on the cd player had ripped off a korean artist who apparently had the exact beat/melody riff. I showed them the CD recording date and they fell silent. Track was from Kraftwerk's Die mensch Maschine album.
The opening sentence of this article is a down right shame!
Japan's claim on the islands are legal incoporation without force. NEXT
Secondly, I could of swore that it's the Koreans all over the world advertising "Dokdo is our land" with their banners, ads, posters, condomns, T-shirts, license plates, etc. Let's not forget Korean HS students with their "Dokdo is ours" banners during their field trips to Japan. Did they get banned from visiting Japan with their acts? No. Suzuki does basically the same thing without banners and he is officially banned from entering Korea.
So who is more mature in this dispute?
So, my Japanese friends, don't feel so bad, nobody outside Korea likes Koreans anyway.*But they sure like Korea's mobile phones and other electrical goods!
Most everyone likes cheap stuff, particularly in times of economic crisis. At one time Taiwan produced this junk. It is not like Korea is developing the technology ...they are re-producing it at cheaper rates.
Thomas Anderson
And the Japanese just recently put an ad on NY Times claiming that Senkaku islands are "theirs" and in the past they have an ad that claimed the Nanking Massacre "never happened". Pot, meet kettle.
Well the beheading of a young Korean translator on video while he was begging for his life might be to blame (June 2004).
As for Japan, issues that keep the Koreans hateful of Japan:
The issue of "Comfort Women"
The Japanese disregard for Korean hibakusha
The Japanese school textbook issue regarding Japanese colonialism (this is pretty constant around Asia)
The Tsushima/Daemado territorial dispute.
Sea of Japan fishing rights conflicts.
These issues are not going to go away by themselves.
Thomas Anderson
Some Samsung products are even outselling domestic products in Japan like the Galaxy S3. And I'm sure most would say that Galaxy's are superior to domestic phones.
Thomas Anderson
No, you were talking about how they advertised their claims to the entire world. Please check what you yourself have wrote before you attack and blame somebody else.
And as if anything else doesn't matter? LOL.
Japan-South Korea relations are supposedly at their best in years so this poll is a bit of a surprise. Thanks to the large flow of individuals travelling between the countries, the 2002 Japan-Korea World Cup, music, art and food, I'd say things are generally looking very good for Japan-South Korea relations. People are learning that both countries are very interesting and the vast majority in both countries are hoping for relations to improve rather than decline. Historical differences will eventually go away, whether it's in 20 years, 100 years or 1,000 years. Time does heal wounds and it's a great thing that it does.
Readers, please keep the discussion civil. If you are not willing to be tolerant of opposing views, then don't post here.
Thomas Anderson
nigelboy, you and the other fellow were talking about island disputes. Please do check what you read.
The South Koreans hatred over Japanese was understandable, the history of how Japanese government back in 1910 sent assassins to slash the Korean late queen 'Lees' in her palace bedroom was savages! That brutality was beyond speech and until now still remembered by younger people! Japan's colonization of The Korean peninsula has lead to the dividend of Korean peninsu;a after her surrunder, Millions of Koreans has seperated was thanks to America waging cold war at the north!
Sorry Thomas. Dokdo/Takeshima dispute which is dispute between Japan and Korea. The article is about Japan and Korea. The article specifically points out "reaffirming Japan’s claim disputed islands" between Japan and Korea.
Anybody remember that old song "They're Rioting In Africa"? It listed the world's conflicts in three minutes of singing as of around 1960. Looks like there hasn't been too much change. Those "Irish" comments relate to about half of my ancestors. Drink and fight? OK. But, they are also some of the best friends you'll ever have, especially when things get tough. By the way, some Korean aircrews have held their weight in SW Asia, otherwise known as the "Sand Pit". Thanks, guys.
Thomas Anderson
And the Japanese are even protesting over Google Maps/Earth that Dokdo islands are named after the Korean name... lol. Go to Apple App Store's review of Google Earth and you'll see many immature comments.
Koreans sure do have a massive chip on their shoulders about their neighbors, especially Japan.
Get over it S Korea, about history, I'll bet all those guys (soldiers and politicians from that time) are already dead and Japan already apologize for "historical facts", none of the living Japanese guys participate on those facts, so be nice and good neighbors OK!!!
@thepersoniamnow: No, Canada doesn't hate America, nor do Canadians hate Americans. You're obviously not Canadian or are one of the small minority who does.
No surprise. If Japan formally apologizes for its savagely brutal past, the numbers go down. That's a no brainer. What I see is over time the dislike for China rising - by South Koreans, most of Asia in Japan of course, and the western world.
Meant "...-by South Koreans, most of Asia including Japan of course, and the western world." Note to self: preview first!
@Tamarama I've had similar experiences in Korea where people, after they knew I was staying in Japan, went to great lengths to tell me how Korean culture pre-dates and is distinct from Japanese culture ( which 'steals' from other cultures without acknowledging its origin ). I remember one man I met telling me the Japanese are so arrogant and ignorant that many believe mayonnaise originated in Japan. It was truly depressing to hear such resentment not from those who remembered the occupation, but from people younger than myself,
Hate and rivalry is synonymous with Asia and countries around the world.
Hate and rivalry are not synonymous, many rivals also have the greatest respect for each other.
nigelboy: "Japan's claim on the islands are legal incoporation without force."
Japan's claims on the islands are meaningless, given that they are owned, administered, and lived on by South Koreans. Isn't administration of the islands part of the claim on why Japan owns the Senkaku islands?
Hypocrisy was never your strong suit... errr... I mean not indulging in it.
There's good reason for South Korea to hate Japan, although hate is never good. There's no reason for Japan to hate South Korea except as a knee-jerk reaction, and as another knee-jerk reaction that Japanese like Korean products more than their own.
I noticed the sudden spike in down votes people are getting if they don't side with Japan. The right wing looney's are out in force. Do you guys feel so insecure that you need to spam ratings to make yourself feel better? And for the hundredth time, Koreans born after the war don't hate Japan for the crimes against humanity they committed +60 years ago. They dislike Japan for the warcrimes THEY STILL DENY. Get your facts straight and quit mixing the two.
What reason is there for Koreans to respect Japan? I can't think of any reason. Koreans arn't into Japanese culture nor do we have close buisness/military/political ties. The only news that comes out of Japan is either negative or weird stuff that makes fun of the maturity/intellectual ability of Japanese people. What positive aspect is there between the two countries?
Dave Chappelle said it the best..."The only Asian people beef with is other Asian people."
I agree, it doesn't help improve relations but for completely different reasons. Posting such lies is one way to cause even more animosity. A Korean might buy a license for a Japanese snack and suddenly Koreans are "stealing". A Japanese company might enter the Korean market and sell snacks using a different logo+Korean characters.Yet thats considered stealing even though Koreans arn't involved.
Pretty much anything Korea does is considered plagiarism according to people like you. Hyundai copied Honda because they both start with the letter H. Far fetched? Nope, Japanese make such claims all the time lol.
Your plagiarism and theft accusations are especially ironic considering Japans own long history of theft and copying. I noticed that one of the picture contains choco pie. I think Japanese people should google moon pie. What about pretz and pocky which are rip offs of europeon confectioneries? The hypocrisy is so blatant.
Michael Jun Sung Shim
Why does it matter so much as someone is Korean/Japanese and etc? Look all we want is friendships between these two Asian nations.I won't ask Korea to get over history but I will ask Koreans please genuinely forgive and reconcile with Japan.Shouldn't Korea be the one who should show mercy to Japan especially when the latter has issued several apologies to Korea and Korean people??.I don't like negative things just be positive and something good will come out between Korea-Japan tomodachi=친구(chingu)=friends in Korean.
vg688: "Your plagiarism and theft accusations are especially ironic considering Japans own long history of theft and copying. I noticed that one of the picture contains choco pie. I think Japanese people should google moon pie. What about pretz and pocky which are rip offs of europeon confectioneries? The hypocrisy is so blatant."
Actually, you'll notice a lot of 'confectionary' are Lotte products, a Korean company. They oft change the names of the products to suit local demand, but they still originated in Korea. Korea has likewise stolen a number of confectionary product ideas from Japan. There was a really interesting show on this a few years back in which they asked guests to guess which was which, and what the difference was. The Japanese guests in EVERY case said the product was Japanese (Hai-chu, etc.), but they were wrong in 70% of the cases. Fact is, Japan ripped off the product and changed the picture slightly to avoid penalties. Again, Korea has done the same in some cases, but far less, it seems.
Apologies are pointless if you deny wrongdoing in the first place. As I stated earlier, the younger generation of Koreans dislike Japan not because of what happened 60 years ago, but whats happening right now. Lies, denials, white washing, fabrication, territorial disputes and plain disrespect to Koreas elderly generation.
I also disagree with your statement about both countries working to be friends. Koreans would much rather Japan simply shut up and quit bothering them. Most Koreans don't want to be friends with Japan. They just want Japan to quit being a nuisance.
My message at Aug. 05, 2012 - 03:48PM JST was directed to Michael Jun.
Elbuda Mexicano
Both the Japanese and the Koreans must GROW UP, learn to get along, and hey, maybe one day, there will be REAL PEACE on the KOREAN PENINSULA, whether China and the USA it or not. IMHO.
Michael Jun Sung Shim
Mr.Ichiro Ozawa is one of many sanguine Japanese politician who is more flexible on issues like granting the "voting rights" to permanent Korean residents in Japan..S Korea already has allowed some Japanese residents in Korea to take part in local Korean elections(Not The Presidential Elections in Korea) giving the suffrage rights for international residents in Korea especially eyed for Chinese/Taiwanese residents in Korea.So Koreans have made some attempts with tangible results to allow non-Koreans to become a part of the Korean society.I am sure more Koreans will love Japan and Japanese if and only if Japan opens the door for Koreans in Japan to take more active roles that they can do something to make Japanese society a better place for all peoples!!
Wow, that's some interesting stuff. Thanks
Not surprised by the poll results btw.
There are waay too many overgeneralizations in this forum and not enough data in this poll to attribute to embody the mindset of an entire nation. So before anyone slings mud around, check your numbers. Keep in mind not everyone fits neatly into the checkmark box of prototypical Korean or Japanese...
Vernie Jefferies
Blood is thicker than water.
Nothing less than a hysterical hate-mongering poll designed to stir up xenophobic hatred. These sorts of polls should be ignored by the likes of Japan Today, not headlined.
Just about sums up what I said above.
Thomas Anderson
The culture and maturity of Korea and Japan are about the same... they really do deserve each other.
I once heard a very animated conversation between a Japanese and a Korean about which culture was 'the most unique'. I couldn't believe some of the nonsense they were spouting. Their similarities often cause as much friction as their differences.
Hahaha.......... So South Korea hates North Korea more than America, which it loves the most.............
Let's not forget that Korea rip offs anything Japanese. Not even subtle, but brazenly. To be fair Samsung and other Korean companies also rip offs Apple and other non-Japanese companies.
The only thing this list shows is that attitudes can change quickly...heh.
Thomas Anderson
It's so funny... Korea claims that Japan is being petty and they have better things to be worrying about, while Japan says the same about Korea. Yet they both go into great details with an impressive amount of studying about how the other culture copies, steals, is inferior, etc.
Basically they're both doing the same thing that they both accuse each other of.
The closer the neighbors are situated, the highest hatred scored-- seemed to be one of the angles to read the poll outcomes ?
The whole purpose of opinions polls is that you interview a small, yet statistically meaningful pool of people to get an idea of the views of the entire population. This saves time if you cannot interview 49 million people. Yes, the 1500 who were polled, probably do represent the entire population to a margin of +/-1%.
This is precisely one of the reasons why Koreans dislike Japan. So petty that they feel to make such a stupid video. Here are the highlights.
-Koreans copied apple because apple invented the rectangle???
-Hyundai copied Honda(even though Hyundai is the older company) because they both start with the letter H?
-A Korean television had a picture of a Japanese mountain on the screen. Therefore Korea is stealing Japanese mountains???
-Koreans copied Japanese snacks even though its nothing more than Japanese companies selling their products by giving away licenses to make such products.
-Japan supposedly invented strawberries.
-Koreans are stealing ninjas????
-Japan invented cherry blossoms, millions of years ago.
-The Korean language pronounces kendo and judo as kumdo and yudo. Therefore Koreans are stealing both styles? Yeah, makes perfect sense.
-Koreans are stealing samurai because they have a word that kinda sounds similar to it?
-Taekwondo originates from taekkyon.
-Koreans are slaves(literally what the video proclaims) and that it was always subjugated. Blatantly false of course to anyone who reads a history book.
Its videos like these which explain why Koreans don't have positive opinions towards Japan and why Japan has a reputation for fabricating facts. I can also tell the guy who made that video is a fan of anime. That explains his level of maturity.
genjuro: Perhaps the Japanese could copy something from Korea - selling smart phones and other technology to the entire world. I remember a time when this is the sort of thing Japan did well, but you will not find a Sharp or Panasonic phone anywhere outside of Japan.
However, I am not sure that I understand the relevance of your post. Playing rapid technological catch-up has always been the way in which second tier countries join the ranks of the first tier. Japan did this in both the pre and post-war eras. Korea is successfully doing the same. I expect Korean GDP per capita to surpass that of Japan in due course.
But this is nothing to do with the resentment around colonial era Japan and more importantly, the lack of apology and contrition since then.
The article states:
Lol. They worded it in such a hilariously cruel way. Anyways, its only normal that South Koreans dislike Japan more than North Korea. When South Koreans think of North Korea, they think of separated families, starving children, political prisoners, famished and demoralized people living under the most oppressive government in the world.
When South Koreans think of Japan, they think of of territorial disputes, politicians denying war crimes, yasukuni, white washed textbooks, natural disasters, fear of radiation contamination due to Japanese ineptitude, japanese culture(viewed incredibly negatively here).
Koreans view North Koreans as victim and Japan as a nuisance. Thats why the results arn't surprising. If you were to hold another poll and replace North Korea with Kim Jong Il/Kim Jong Un, then you would come out with Kim being on top for most hated.
Timing is everything, just do the polls after N.Korea shoots a missile into one of the Islands again. These kinds of polls mean nothing unless they are done over a very long period and you get an average. Just look at Presidential ratings which go up and down all year long depending on what news the media decides to blast the public.
Elbuda Mexicano
If it were not for Korea we would not have great yakiniku 焼肉 here in Japan!! God I live yakiniku!!!! Kam Sam ham ni da!!
jomon: "In other words not only is Japanese culture older than Korean culture, Japanese are the original inhabitants of the Korean peninsula."
What a crock of ....! The people who make this argument make it on the assumption that the current people who inhabit Japan are the descendants of those older than people in the Koreas, which is bogus. The Ainu people, yes -- but again, if you suggest to Japanese the notion that Ainu were here first they just zone out. If Japanese were the 'original inhabitants of the Korean peninsula' that could equally mean Japanese came from Korea. They didn't magically spawn on an island and sail over to the mainland.
Elbuda Mexicano
If it were not for Japan, Korea would not have Harajuku and Shibuya to learn about the latest fashion trends! Nihon, arigato!!!
Whatever the Gallup poll says, as far as I know, Koreans don't hate Japan that badly. Many Koreans who came to Japan are very nice gentle to Japanese, but I've heard from some Koreans that elderly Koreans really hate Japanese and don't even want to hear any Japanese word in Korea. It seems that most younger Koreans don't care about it except elderly.
****How pathetically demonstrative of festering traditional national hatred!
What happened when Japan colonized Taiwan? The Taiwanese adore their former colonial masters (like the Filipinos do the Americans; the Indonesians the Dutch; and the Indians and Sri Lankans the British.) Korea has always seemed culturally somewhat bleak compared with Japan, whose postwar protectionism, neo-mercantilism, quietly adversarial trade and cost free technology acquisition strategies Korea (and China) have shamelessly embraced. The behavior of the Korean badminton team displays an unacceptable dismissal of the very spirit of sports and an attitude Japanese also frown upon.
How much does the average Japanese disapprove of recently uppity and abrasive Korea?
I agree with you.
jomon: "The Ainu particularly in the southern half of Hokkaido and Japanese particularly in the central and eastern portions of the Tohoku regions have the highest frequencies of haplogroup D2. Around the time the Yayoi people were invading Japan from the south, a non Jomon people from the Okhotsk region invaded Hokkaido from the north."
So Japan is descended from ancient Russia? Let me just introduce a little speedbump into your arguments. Life did not start in Japan, and it only WENT to Japan from the mainland long, long, long after Pangea separated into continents. Even if people at that time floated off from the mainland on the islands of Japan, they still originated elsewhere.
"Jomon culture begins in the northern part of Japan around 14000 BC and spreads southward. It only arrives in Korea around 8000 BC AFTER arriving in Kyushu and then Tsushima."
Let me guess.... you got this from Japanese textbooks?
I am referig to our role with both Japan and South Korea with our defense treaties. South Korean anti-J sentioment which injected into South Korea by Deng Xio Ping of China in the early 80s is a thorn in our strategic arrangements. Of course yuou being Anti-Japan and Anti-USA cannot appreciate this wjich is understabable.
South Korea unilaterally placed coast guard personel on the disputed islands. Japan has tried to resolve issue by taking it before the ICJ twice, and twice, South Korea has refused. Which do you think is acting immaturely? If South Korea's claims are goodf and valid let them take it to the ICJ and settle it for good. That they refuse to do so suggests that they do not have any confidence in their claim.
How many South Koreans have been killed by North Korea since 1951? How many by Japan. No smith it's not logical at all.
Colonized and modernized, gavbe them citizenship, broght them out of a backwards society contrained by confucianism. Raped? Yes, 240,000 Korean troops making use of the comfort women system. Raping Chinese civilians as IJA soldeirs. Yea, really "savaged". No wonder the Chinese thing even less of Koreans than the Japanese.
South Koreans are immature for irratinally hating Japan. Japanedse are immature for warmly welcoming and even idolizing people who hate them.
Because the right wing nutjobs recognize exactly what I said above.
Oh my... someone who doesn't like the facts found the thumbs down button! And people wonder why SK might hate Japan.
Question: do you delete the cookie before you log in and thumb down in hate again or do you just use other user names?
No less immature than South Korea demanding that the Sea of Japan, a name recognized by the entire world be changewd to East SEa. East of whom? Where TF is that?? Let's no be too self centered.
OssanAmerica: "No less immature than South Korea demanding that the Sea of Japan, a name recognized by the entire world be changewd to East SEa. East of whom? Where TF is that?? Let's no be too self centered"
What does 'changewd' mean? And let's get this straight... you're saying SK is more immature than Myanmar? You DID say all of Asia, after all. Perhaps in your right-wing rants you meant only what is referred to as 'East Asia'?
I agree it's a cool flag. Except that conceptually it's entirely Chinese.
No. The main basis of the claim is how they attained the islands prior to administration. Don't know why you have a hard time understanding this.
As the BBC poll indicates, Japan is not alone in this regard with negative views on Korea.
Are you referring to the one bicultural linked?
I don't now what you're trying to tell us here but they guessed wrong because Korea was making very similar product? I know Hi-chu(Morinaga Seika) was sold in Japan starting in 1975 while Maijjyu(Crown) started in 2004.
Weird ain't it? We hate you very much but we like your products. It's like Jekyll/Hyde thought process going on there.
nigelboy: "Weird ain't it? We hate you very much but we like your products. It's like Jekyll/Hyde thought process going on there."
Other way around, if you check K-pop sales.
"I don't now what you're trying to tell us here but they guessed wrong because Korea was making very similar product? "
Not surprised you can't understand. No, it's because they are Korean products but the Japanese like them and so assume they are Japanese.
If Japan hadn't modernized in the 19th century and defeated a major European power in war and risen to be a League of Nations member, all of east asia would still be looked down upon as "sick men". Are you even aware that the Russo-Japanese War of 1904/05 was a responseby Japan over Russian goals of taking Manchuria and ultimately the Korean Penninsula? If Japan hadn't modernized Korea with infrastructure, Korea would still be either a backwards hole or more likely a part of China or Russia. Doesn't take a rocket scientist to see this. Japan, even with the WWII setback has served as an examnple for Soth Korean progess and growth. Do you honestly think that if Japan had not made their cars and electronics respected in the world markets since the 1960s, anyone would pay attention to a "Korean car"? or a "Korean TV"? There have been far more benefits gained by South Korea from Japan, both intentional ad unintentional than many South Koreans are willing to to realize. Modern South Korea is a copy of Modern Japan.
Except that it doesn't when you take a cumulative sales where K-pop is 圏外。 K-pop sales starts off being #1 since it's their own record company that buys them in masses to get the hype going.
Basically reaffirms my point that Koreans copy them. (like Hi-Chew). As genjuro stated " Not even subtle, but brazenly"
Thomas Anderson
Why even bother, both the Japanese and Korean camps are busy at work trying to justify their own nation in whatever ways possible. They can not arrive at a conclusion because they are both too biased and set in their own ways. It's too bad that they both can not realize this. They should both just admit that there is something wrong with BOTH of them instead of arguing over the same point ad infinitum.
Thomas Anderson
It's a kind of an interesting logical problem... They are BOTH saying that they are right and they are BOTH saying that the other is wrong. Well obviously that can't true since they can't both be right as well as wrong.
As long as the Japanese and the Koreans are too scared, too immature, too insecure, too stubborn, etc, to admit that they are wrong or that they can't be the bigger person and let the other have their way, then they will be arguing with each other ad infinitum. It's too bad that they can not see this...
nigelboy: "Except that it doesn't when you take a cumulative sales where K-pop is 圏外"
Wow, it really does bother you that Korean products are in higher demand in Japan than Japanese products. Bitter pill, I guess. Drive around in a black truck all you want, it doesn't change the facts.
I doubt it bothers the average Japanese anymore than it bothers the average American that 80% of the products sold at Walmart are made in China. Case in point, there was a recent scandal, as least the media in the US made it seem like a scandal, regarding the US Olympic uniforms being made in China. So even though most Americans aren't happy with buying Chinese products, they will gravitate towards the cheapest products without regard to the country of origin. It wouldn't surprise me if it was the same in Japan.
jomon: "Case in point, there was a recent scandal, as least the media in the US made it seem like a scandal, regarding the US Olympic uniforms being made in China. "
True that, though it's an interesting way of defending the point that people don't care where their products come from.
Thomas Anderson
Both the Koreans and the Japanese never really liked anyone, probably not even themselves. Both Korea and Japan were historically highly isolated countries. Maybe the problem is that there are too many far-right loons who MUST be in the superior position or who MUST always be right.
Michael Jun Sung Shim
I entreat Koreans to show more love and compassion to Japan.Koreans who show clemency for Japan's past sins committed in Korea during the colonial era will thus be blessed by God above who asks of us to continually forgive Those who wrong on us.If your brother who sins against you seeks your forgiveness then do forgive the sinner. Korea should forgive Japan and forget the past history and just move on!
Let's not forget that a reward of 2,000 yen was offered to each “fan” who greeted South Korean actor Jang Geun-suk at the Haneda airport. In the United States there have been numerous payola scandals. The music business is often a dirty business. There are a lot of unclean hands.
So true. This so-called 'Korean wave' is nothing more than a fabricated, korean gov't subsidized movement anyway, with paid fans to promote the hype. Koreans falsely think their pop culture is more popular than it really is. I guess anything to make them feel good about themselves.
It has been since 1950, that Chinese, Japanese, South Korean and Taiwanese peoples have been growing in population in South American. Visiting Brazil does not I repeat does not require people from the following countries to abtain a visa.
Citizens of the following countries DO NOT need a visa to travel to Brazil for tourism purposes.
Andorra- Argentina - Austria - Bahamas - Barbados - Belgium - Bermuda -Bolivia - Bulgaria - Chile- Colombia - Costa Rica - Czech Republic - Denmark - Ecuador- Finland - France -Germany - Great Britain - Greece - HKBNO - HKSAR - Hungary - Iceland -Ireland - Italy - Israel - Liechtenstein - Luxembourg - Macau SAR - Malaysia - Malta - Monaco - Morocco - Namibia - Netherlands - New Zealand - Norway - Paraguay - Peru -Philippines - Poland - Portugal - San Marino - Slovenia - South Africa - South Korea - Spain - Surinam - Sweden - Switzerland - Thailand - Trinidad & Tobago - Tunis - Turkey - Uruguay - Vatican
Notice how such claims always come from word of mouth, internet rumors or tabloid magazines. Nice trying in attempting to sound credible. The millions that Korean labels and artists are making from Japanese fans says it all.
I think you guys should quit being so bitter about how one sided the cultural exchange is. Its not Koreas fault that they don't like the low quality trash music that is jpop.
You see, this is exactly why Koreans dislike Japan.
You're basically saying that Japan had to colonize, brutalize and enslave the rest of asia in order to protect them from invading white nations. That makes no sense. "I'm going to protect you from slavery by enslaving you first". You're also lieing if you think Korea wasn't modernizing prior to Japanese colonization. I'm not going to go in detail, just google "Timeline of the Gwangmu Reform". Korea didn't need Japan to modernize.
If you also do some digging about the Russo-Japanese war, the only reason Japan won was due to financing by anti-Tsarist or pro-communist businessmen such as Jacob Schiff. Japan didn't protect asia, they tried to swallow it whole.
You're kidding right? Japanese products were not respected until the 80s. ANd only because of all the copying, stealing and infringement of western products that lead to the rise of Japanese corporations. And now you're claiming that Korea should somehow thank Japanese because of it
This is all ancient history 67 years ago in the past. The people of Japan today are innocent of the past crimes. The youngest "guilty" person is over 80 years old. I do not excuse these people. However we the people of today's Japan have done "nothing" to hurt China or Korea. Seeing something like this confirms the worst about today's Korea.
True but the whitewashing of history, territorial disputes, political confrontations, smear campaign by net uyoku, accusations of "copying" and yasukuni occur every month. The post war generation in Korea don't dislike Japan because of something that occurred 67 years ago. They dislike them for whats happening right now. Not a single bit of good news from across the pond.
Koreans would love nothing more then for Japan to simply shut up and get over it. Instead we get politicians like Nobuyuki Suzuki who come to Korea and vandalize comfort women statues while waving signs that state that Takeshima belongs to Japan. This is the equivalent of a Korean politician visiting a hiroshima/nagasaki memorial or fukushima disaster memorial and vandalizing the site while waving a giant Dokdo sign. And you still wonder why Koreans hate Japan?
Kpop is awesome right, Super Junior, TVXQ, JYJ, Big Bang etc. I love the boy bands. They are actors, singers, dancers and writers. All round talented
Most Koreans do not hate Japanese. They just don't like the Japanese government's actions regarding Dokdo and comfort women. They also don't like the arrogant attitude of Japan and Japanese denial of historical facts. For example, Japan acknowledges receiving a lot of culture from China, but not from Korea.
Anyhow, younger Koreans are more open to Japan and want to travel to Japan. Korea imports more from Japan than it exports. A lot of Koreans like Japanese culture like anime, comics, movies, books, and food. Just walk around Seoul and you'll see a hundred times more Japanese restaurants than you'll see Korean restaurants in Tokyo or Osaka.
Koreans may not like it or believe it but Japanese art did have an influence on European impressionist artists. If Koreans want to promote a historical view that Japonisme never had any influence on European artists they are certainly free to do so. However, the rest of the world will only see how Korean hatred of Japan has so warped their senses that they would attack historical European views of Japan to denigrate and belittle Japan. See for further information.
Thomas Anderson
I think the problem is that both the Koreans and Japanese are too brainwashed by their own countries. The East Asians who grew up in other countries such as the US have absolutely no problem.
Consume my pain
So much hatred, so evident by posts here. What is wrong with people, some here are branding a whole countries people as lower beings!
ahh yeah, and New York Yankees fans hate the Red Sox and Red Sox fans hate the New York Yankees. So what? Big deal, Korea/ Japan's the country across the water and happen to have weird customs and did some stupid things to Japan/Korea in the past, but the past is the past. Why not get over it and move on?
ThomasAnderson: No, you can't. Japanese people aren't prone to emotional, knee-jerk reactions unlike their Korean neighbors. If any, they tend to keep their emotions in check. Can't say the same for Koreans, who are known around the world for their demonstrations, among other things.
Thomas Anderson
LOL, this thread proves otherwise. Most Japanese people can't use logic to save their lives. You go on the internet and you have so many Japanese users saying the most ridiculous things in the most hostile way (i.e. on 2chan).
Or how about Ishihara, Hashimoto etc? LOL... They are about as illogical as they can get, and they're the leaders of Japan!! LOL!
Like I said, both the Japanese and the Koreans are completely unaware of themselves. It's hilarious, really...
Thomas Anderson
So how do you explain people like Ishihara and the childish island disputes? lol...
there is a reason why SKorean have to hate Japan is the SK gov needs to avert ppls eyes from the NK behavior. the SK and NK will unite sooner or later, until then the SK gov keeps giving anti japan education to the ppl to avoid resuming civil war.
Thomas Anderson
You are aware that you are doing the exact same thing with Korea?
genjuro: "No, you can't. Japanese people aren't prone to emotional, knee-jerk reactions unlike their Korean neighbors."
Actually, they do it all the time.
"LOL and this thread, 2-chan, Ishihara and Hashimoto represents Japanese people. How logical of you."
And yet you're willing to brand an entire nation of people based on the feelings of a few. Logical indeed.
"Well, read some more history books before going back to commenting, okay? LOL"
Japanese history books?
I would suggest the following: Hamel's Journal and a Description of the Kingdom of Korea, 1653-1666
You can read about Koreans bad mouthing Japan even during the Joseon period. The results of the Gallup poll just reveals the underlying deep seated hatred of Japan by Koreans that goes all the way back to the Jomon period.
Between the two Koreas they must hate just about every other country on the planet. Oh and the Olympic Committee.
It's been more than half a century since WWII and the two nations enjoy good relations but they seem to enjoy using Japan as the national boogeyman. Really, it's getting kind of old, it's time to move on.
No they didn't "colonize" the rest of Asia, Korea became part of the Japanese Empire through the 1910 annexation. Taiwan became colonized as it was one in the Sino-Japanese War of 1884. Koreans were given Japanese citizenship, over 240,000 of them joined the Japanese military ahnd they brutalized Allied POWs and Chinese civilians. Something that Koreans like to pretend never happened. But it did.
The Russians entered China along with all the other western powers in he 1900 Boxer Rebellion. All powers retreated except for Russia which remained in Manchuria with the goal of taking the Korean Penninsula.In the Russo-Japanese war of 1904, the Russians actually landed troops on the Korean Penninsula even before the Japanese. If you think for a moment that Korea's degree of "modernization" could have allowed it to protrect itself from Russia, you;re dreaming.
No they didn't. How does fighting Russia in Korea, Manchuria, China equal "swallowing Asia whole"?. You are mixing 1904 with 1940. Ani-tsarist support was just one thing on Japan's side. of greater value was the support of the United States and the Anglo-Japanese Alliance of 1902.That you can reduce a tiny just barely westernized county's victory over a huge European Empire to just help from the outside not only exposes your lack of familiarity with the details of the Russo-Japanese War but the typcal Korean envy and denial of Japanese accomplishments. When has Korea ever defeated a major western power? For that matter, when has it ever defeated any of the Chinbese Dynansties?
"Do you honestly think that if Japan had not made their cars and electronics respected in the world markets since the1960s, anyone would pay attention to a "Korean car"? or a "Korean TV"? There have been far more benefits gained by South Korea from Japan, both intentional ad unintentional than many South Koreans are willing to to realize. Modern South Korea is a copy of Modern Japan".
NASA was using Sony TV Monitors in the mid 1960s. By 1968 the Sony Trinitron was the global standard of TV technology.Japanese cars got their big push after the 1973 oil embargo. In 1976 Japan was bulding supertankers at the astoundsing speed of 90 days per vessel leading the world in shipbuilding technology. By the 1980s, Japanese preoducts were already considered "high-end high-tech".
The rise of Japanese Corporations based on stealing anmd copying? Yes we used to say that in the 1960s. Takle a look at these pages:: To learn something one does start by copying. What the Japanese have proved is that they can copy something then turn round as sell it back after improving it beyond what it was. In the same way, you need not be in denial about Soth Korea copying Japan, why not? It's a modern progressive democracy that should be emulated.
so if both Korea and Japan win or both loose on Tuesday, it should be an interesting following match between them.
Japan's economic miracle of the 1960's was fueled by the Korean War of the 1950's. Tokyo tower was made out of old tanks used in the "Korean Police Action". And I don't think Korea and China are alone in East Asia with their feelings toward Japan. With the shared history between the two populations, those living in Japan and Korea, I can see that they are most likely never going to be kissing cousins; especially since many are unless they have the Jomon subgroup DNA.
And the comparison about the States and Canada and Japan and Korea makes no sense.
@ Utrak:
Citizens of the following countries DO NOT need a visa to travel to Brazil for tourism purposes.
Not true. Do a google search with the following terms: "korean illegal immigration in Brazil" and let me know what you find.
The Brazilian govt has done several amnesties since the 1980's to legalize the bunch of Korean illegal immigrants. I worked in Brazil for the IMF at the height of the Asian Economic Crisis in 1997 and you could see the impact of the crisis in the number of Korean immigrants arriving daily. Brazil cancelled the visa program and also revoked Korean Airlines route to Brazil. It was recently that Brazil and Korea entered the visa program again, and Korean Airlines was allowed to fly to Brazil.
I'm just curious: What did Korea do to Japan that there are Japanese people who hate Korea? What?
Koreans brought civilization to Japan. And don't say "the Korean Peninsula" merely served as a bridge for Chinese culture to get to "Japan". The type of cultivation of rice and Buddhism was distinctly Korean. You may say "Korea" didn't exist at the time, but "Japan" or "China" didn't exist then either. However, they were all Korean, Japanese, and Chinese by this time. Anyhow, what I want to say is Korea contributed a lot to early Japanese civilization. Only good things, not the war and slavery and abuse that Japan later did to Korea.
So what if Koreans copied a lot of things in Japan? The Japanese copied everything Western, too. And now the Chinese are copying Korean things.
"I'm just curious: What did Korea do to Japan that there are Japanese people who hate Korea? What?"
Apart from the influx of Yaoi people into JapanI do see any other example.
How can you say that when both started from India and Southeast Asia, traveklled through China then to Korea then Japan?
Yes, Korea was several kingdoms, China went through many dynasties. But Japan actually was "Japan" because unlike the former two, the Imperial throne remained intact while ruling administrations changed. So I would say that "Japan" did exist.
Yes Korea certaibly contributed alot, such a working with iron, pottery and ceramics etc. However the most significant contrubutions came from China, either via Korea or diirectly.
The war? As ionn rhe one where over a quarter million Koreans served in the Japanese military? The slacery? Are you refering to the few wrongfully employed as manual labor? Or the comfort women whom the Korean troops made use of along along with the Japanese?
Nothing wrong with copying. Just admit it.
As an American, I have traveled to both Japan and South Korea extensively for business in the past 30 years, and I can say with confidence that South Koreans today don't hate the Japanese because they're "jealous" of Japan. Japan has had two decades of economic stagnation, and the energy within each country today feels dramatically different. One is rising, the other is waning. This may be part of the reason why there is such heated rhetoric between the two countries today than ever before. I remember back in the 80's when the average Japanese hardly thought much about Korea at all.
While Japan was stagnating for 20 years, Samsung has dwarfed Sony, Panasonic, Sharp, and every other Japanese electronics company combined. Hyundai/Kia has globally overtaken every Japanese auto manufacturer except Toyota. Korean pop culture is enjoying far more international popularity than Japanese pop culture is right now. Even in the current Olympics, South Korea has 11 gold medals and Japan has 2, although South Korea has less than half the population of Japan. The Japanese may find solace in that they have more total medals, but that's the root of the problem. Japan has become content being a bronze medal nation.
I personally am just shocked by how dramatically the trajectory of both countries have changed over the last 30 years, and how quickly it all happened.
Are there similar polls like this done in Japan??? I'd be interested to read how the Japanese might respond.
Will NEVER buy anything from Korea. Had to buy something from China though it was Japanese brand :p. Mine is based on experience which has been 100 percent bad with Korean people. We are all Japanese no goods and just looking at me they give a negative reaction. I resort to speaking Hogan when angry. It is my first language and not Japanese. They do not understand Japanese so they presume the Hogan is Japanese. It is not a dialect but its own language. Th pronunciation is very different. I have yet to meet a nice Korean person. I let my guy talk to them as if I talk to them, lose the good lords presence of mind. As for Korean pop language it is a fad in Japan. Most Japanese me including do not speak or read a word of Korean. Can read a lot of traditional or Mandarin Chinese and can speak a bit as well. The gentle posters are using this to bash Japan and Okinawa. I refuse to sit back and be insulted by anyone!
As an American myself I can smell Kimchee from a mile. I have done business with Hyundai Group since the 1970s when HHI shipbuilding got their skills from Japan's Kawasaki Heavy Industries and Hyundai Motors from Mitsubishi motors. Souith Korean industry was nowhere near entering the global arena then while Japan was both adored and hated by the west but always respected. Semms many Koreans either weren't around in those days or simply choose to ignore it.
Where's that? Because that's sure not here in the United States. Samsung and LGs growth is based entirely on pricing cheaper than the Japanese brands that have earned a reputation over the the past 50 years. And Samsungs LCD technology wouldn't exist without Sony.Nothing wrong with with getting technology from others who wre in the way before you.
Where? In Korea? The Japanese makers like Toyota and Nissan have been in the US since the 1960s.Honda, Mazda, Subaru are also firnly established since the 1980s. When the firest Korean cars showed up in the U.S. we laughed at them. Then they started copying Japanese car body designs. Now Korean car makers advertise thhemselves as "Asian Cars" and work to misguide American consumers into thinking they are buying Japanese cars. Pretty low if you ask me.
Again. where? In Korea? Kpop is popular in Japan but in the wetst it's unheard of whereas the entire Anime-Otaku bunch are heavily into Jpop.
LOL. Japan is a G8 member. It ranks among the leading developed nations and economies. South Korea is still playing catch up. South Korea's financial crises over the last decade have been saved by Japan. Your comments about "medals" is really childish and petty and reflects the immaturity of many Koreans that I believe hinders them from being respected by both the Chinese and Japanese.
As an American myself I can smell Kimchee from a mile. I have done business with Hyundai Group since the 1970s when HHI shipbuilding got their skills from Japan's Kawasaki Heavy Industries and Hyundai Motors from Mitsubishi motors. Souith Korean industry was nowhere near entering the global arena then while Japan was both adored and hated by the west but always respected. Semms many Koreans either weren't around in those days or simply choose to ignore it.
Where's that? Because that's sure not here in the United States. Samsung and LGs growth is based entirely on pricing cheaper than the Japanese brands that have earned a reputation over the the past 50 years. And Samsungs LCD technology wouldn't exist without Sony.Nothing wrong with with getting technology from others who wre in the way before you.
Where? In Korea? The Japanese makers like Toyota and Nissan have been in the US since the 1960s.Honda, Mazda, Subaru are also firnly established since the 1980s. When the firest Korean cars showed up in the U.S. we laughed at them. Then they started copying Japanese car body designs. Now Korean car makers advertise thhemselves as "Asian Cars" and work to misguide American consumers into thinking they are buying Japanese cars. Pretty low if you ask me.
Again. where? In Korea? Kpop is popular in Japan but in the wetst it's unheard of whereas the entire Anime-Otaku bunch are heavily into Jpop.
LOL. Japan is a G8 member. It ranks among the leading developed nations and economies. South Korea is still playing catch up. South Korea's financial crises over the last decade have been saved by Japan. Your comments about "medals" is really childish and petty and reflects the immaturity of many Koreans that I believe hinders them from being respected by both the Chinese and Japanese.
There is a difference between Chinese and Korean people. To the Korean person someone from Okinawa is a Japanese no good. It is not the same with Chinese people, not 100 percent but I have never had a bad experience with someone from Taiwan or mainland China. When they discover I am from Okinawa they become more friendly to me. They were not bad before but they understand the difference. Of course I do not look like a Japanese person. Korea and Okinawa are very similar but they got their freedom. Koreans accuse Japanese of whitewashing their past while they do the same. They were not wiling members of the Japanese Empire but victims. While the Okinawa people were war criminals being Japanese. Think the hatred of Japanese comes from their education and propaganda received from early youth.
OssanAmerica - I was just stating the facts. ALL of your points are based on outdated information.
You clearly have zero knowledge about what the electronics sector looks like GLOBALLY TODAY. Samsung makes more than double the revenues of the top 9 Japanese electronics companies COMBINED. The Japanese are technologically falling behind, as no Japanese manufacturer can even make OLED TV screens right now. Mobile phones is a sector which the Japanese don't even compete in internationally. Where is Sony's competitor to the iPhone and the Samsung Galaxy S3 in the US? Oh right, they don't have one. Again, this is a sign of tremendous STAGNATION.
Regarding Hyundai/Kia vs Japanese car brands, read this:
Again, as I'd noted before, Hyundai/Kia have higher GLOBAL sales than every other Japanese manufacturer except Toyota.
The G8 also includes countries like Italy that are on the verge of economic collapse, yet excludes the #2 and #6 economies of the world (China and Brazil respectively). It's an outdated, irrelevant organization. In 2012, the G20 is far more relevant than the G8, and of course Seoul has chaired the G20 whereas Japan has yet to do so. Again, these are all just facts.
My comment on medals was just to illustrate the new mentality I see in Japan and hardly a show of pettiness, as I personally don't care about Japan or Korea that way (Team USA all the way!). It's just that I see my Japanese colleagues being thrilled that Japan is winning all these bronzes, and I find that a little disturbing, since winners don't aim to settle for third place. If you mix that kind of mentality with zero leadership (6 prime ministers in 5 years!), it's no surprise that Japan is in this mess with no clear way to get out.
In short, this is 2012 and not 1982. My only point was that South Korea is rising and Japan was waning, which isn't an absurd observation given the above facts.
Also, Google is your friend.
Marion Wm Steele
I would like to see a poll on the relationship between Okinawa and Japan. Remember that Japan made okinawa the battlefield for WWII and Okinawa lost hundreds of thousands of thier populance in a war that Okinawa had nothing to do with.
Leadership is seriously lacking in every country in the world; must be the times. There isn't even a colorful/interesting head of state. Korea has a major handicap, it is still divided. The fact that North and South can't come together for the good of the country as Germany did some time ago, only confirms the lack of leadership in those 1/2 countries. North Korea is the riches part of Korea and yet it's a disaster. There are those who would not want a united Korea; China, Russia, US, and Japan. In football (soccer), the Japanese is women is much better than the men. But it looks like the 2 losers will face each other for the bronze (Japan vs Korea).. Don't like how they play but Korea looks like the better team.
As for Okinawa and Japan, the US should never have given Okinawa back to Japan but should have let Okinawa become independent as the Ryukyu kingdom speaking Hogen.
You are delusional. Hyundai/Kia cars are much cheaper and of lower quality. Their cars are the lowest priced autos at any price range and yet, they can't even make a dent in the market
Much like other Korean industries, they don't invest in development. They steal/borrow the design of other car makers. The Kia looks just like the Subaru Tribeca from 2009. The Elantra is a cheap version of a Nissan Maxima from 2007.
Korea makes the cheap stuff we used to buy from Taiwan years ago. They can't do that forever...they already have the lowest wages in the developing world. The so called economic recovery in Korea, previously known as the Economic (paper) Tiger, has been paved with low and oppressive working conditions. Why do you think Korea siphons much of their impoverished population out of the country?? How much longer can they hold it and remain competitive? 3-5 years max...China will crush them.
It appears that the two sectors you mention has just 2~3 players (Samsung, LG, Hyundai/Kia) while Japan has like 14. And while companies like Sharp, NEC, Sony, Panasonic had record losses there, the total sales of the top 8 electronic companies are over 43 trillion yen while Samsung is 11 trillion yen. Don't know how you got that "double the revenue" figure.
As for the OLED TV screens, Sony released it in 2007 but decided to quit after doing some math. (cost versus price) We'll see how consumers react to the highly priced LG one or how they can produce them at an efficient cost.
You missed Ossan point about actually collapsing (Korea in 1997). I believe one of the reasons why China and Brazil are excluded is because they are "developing" nations which Japan was back in the day.
So in essence, what you are really doing is comparing a nation that "did this, done that" to a nation that hasn't done it.
Websterhuron-Be it Samsung or LG electronics and appliances, Hyundai or Kia cars they all rely on undercutting price to gain market share. There are known as cheaper brands compared to Japanese brand names that have earned global respect over the last 50 years. This is normal and nothing wrong with it. But please don't try to convince us that somehow South Korea is "better" or "greater" than Japan. They are way ahead of you historically. I personally think it's this Korean tendency to ignore just how much of their success was made and still being made on the coat tails of Japan's prior success that annoys the Japanese and gives them the image of South Koreans as "ungrateful little brotthers". BTW, Apple is going to toast Samsung in court over yor precious GalaxyS3. You wre saying something about Japan copying? I haven't heard of Sony-Ericsson being sued. Anyway, be proud but please try not to get carried away with yourself.While you're going on about South Korea "overtaking Japan" as others have correctly pointed out, China is going to overtake South Korea in a matter of a few years.
nigelboy Aug. 08, 2012 - 06:14AM JST. It appears that the two sectors you mention has just 2~3 players (Samsung, LG, Hyundai/Kia) while Japan has like 14.
But the problem is almost all of the Japanese electronics companies are surviving by foreign investments. Taiwan's Hon Ha owns 11 percent of Sharp. Also, Hon Hai provides screen for Sharp. China's Lenovo controls NEC with direct investment. More than half of Sony is owned by Foreign source. Matsushita‘s appliance business sold to Chinese Haier Electronics.
nigelboy - I believe the double the total revenues figure was from the late 2000's, after Samsung had overtaken Sony in 2005. Regardless, my greater point was that the Koreans now dominate in a market that Japan owned 20 years ago. While Sony developed OLED in 2007 with an 11" screen, they didn't commercialize it and now find themselves behind.
ChessGM - Hyundai/Kia is the fastest growing automaker in both the US and the world:
Given the fierce competition in the US market, I think attaining ~10% market share counts as "making a dent" in the US market. Also, the Hyundai Elantra and Nissan Maxima are not even in the same class (compact vs mid-size/near luxury), so I don't know where you're going with that. Both the Japanese and Koreans cars copy designs from the European brands (see the current Hyundai Sonata and first-gen Mercedes CLS and the first Lexus LS400/Toyota Celsior and the W126 Mercedes S-Class), so I would say that this is a common shortcoming attributable to both cultures.
OssanAmerica - I am NOT Korean, but as an American I can just as easily argue that the Japanese have a tendency to ignore that everything they have accomplished has been made and is still being made on the coattails and generosity of the West, specifically the US and Europe. The US provided the know-how, national security, and the consumer market for Japan's rapid growth, while the Korean War was the primary revenue source with which Japan was able to fund its post-war recovery so quickly (at the expense of American and Korean lives). It's not like the Japanese invented transistors, the TV, or the automobile. I suppose the Japanese should be on their knees every day thanking us for their relative prosperity (even if it's waning).
I remember when Japanese products were known as cheap junk in the 70's, and they really didn't get any respect until the 80's. I don't know where you're getting this whole nonsense about Japanese companies commanding global respect for 50 years. Also, Sony/Ericsson isn't being sued by Apple because THEY AREN'T EVEN IN THE GAME. You do know that Apple's design patents include "a rectangular shape with rounded corners," right? Shameful.
I also want to point out that there's a difference between absolute comparisons and trends/trajectory. When I say South Korea is rising and Japan is waning, I'm not saying that South Korea has surpassed Japan. I'm just saying that the energy in each country is different. South Korea, like China, is still rising and I see evidence of that every time I visit, whereas I've felt that Japan has largely stayed the same for two decades.
It's like saying that China's global influence is rising and the US is waning. It doesn't mean that China has surpassed the US, but it's easy to see that China's rise is at the expense of the US.
I wonder how the South Koreans would feel as the atomic bombs from North Korea start to fall on their heads? Would they continue to hate Japan more than the North Koreans?
To ChessGM and nigelboy:
Isn't the internet great. It allows morons like yourself to say shit that would, in real life get your head cracked open.
Hopefully you'll suffer the same fate
Please turn to the loaded gun in your drawer, put it in your mouth, and pull the trigger, blowing your brains out. You'll be doing the whole world a favor.
I would love to smash your face in until it no longer resembled anything human
Can you please remove yourself from the gene pool? Preferably in the most painful and agonizing way possible? Retard
Die painfully okay? Prefearbly by getting crushed to death in a garbage compactor, by getting your face cut to ribbons with a pocketknife, your head cracked open with a baseball bat, your stomach sliced open and your entrails spilled out, and your eyeballs ripped out of their sockets.
I really hope that you get curb-stomped. It'd be hilarious to see you begging for help, and then someone stomps on the back of your head, leaving you to die in horrible, agonizing pain.
STFU, before you get your face bashed in and cut to ribbons, and your throat slit.
To ChessGM and nigelboy:
Isn't the internet great. It allows morons like yourself to say shit that would, in real life get your head cracked open.
Hopefully you'll suffer the same fate
Please turn to the loaded gun in your drawer, put it in your mouth, and pull the trigger, blowing your brains out. You'll be doing the whole world a favor.
I would love to smash your face in until it no longer resembled anything human
Can you please remove yourself from the gene pool? Preferably in the most painful and agonizing way possible? Retard
Die painfully okay? Prefearbly by getting crushed to death in a garbage compactor, by getting your face cut to ribbons with a pocketknife, your head cracked open with a baseball bat, your stomach sliced open and your entrails spilled out, and your eyeballs ripped out of their sockets.
I really hope that you get curb-stomped. It'd be hilarious to see you begging for help, and then someone stomps on the back of your head, leaving you to die in horrible, agonizing pain.
STFU, before you get your face bashed in and cut to ribbons, and your throat slit.....
My apologies. American of Korean descent no doubt since no other Americans would argue your viewpoint. Anf the Japanese dfo NOT ignore everything they got from the west,m in fact they always have CONTINUE to adore the west. But you really have to have spent time in Japan to know this fact.
That's absolutely correct. But please don't phrase it as if Koreans created the Korean War of their own will in order to help the Japanese economy. And as for Americans and Korean lives, and leavbing aside the British, Canadian, Australian, even Greek and Turkish lives and many many more did you know that Japan fought in the Korean War? Former Imperial Japanese Navy officers and crew using Japanese mine sweepers under US Navy command operated in Korea. In fact there were some Japanese casualities.
They never claimed to havedone so. But the world agrees that the Japanese could first copy something, then modify it, and ultimately improve it to the extent that they could sell it back to the west. I don't see South Korea having domne anything like that yet, at least on a large scale. And since you still didn't grasp it, Japan's prosperity is "waning": because they used to be the absolutely wealthiest economcailly powerful counytry in Asia, second only to the United States. South Korea has never come withinin a mile of such a position. Please impress us when South Korea becomes the second most powerful economy in the world, ok? Because honestly I don't think I'm, going to see it in my lifetime.
NASA was using Sony minitors in thje mid 60s. Ever hear of the Sony Trinitron? This was the most advanced and highly demanded (By Americans) TV in 1968/69. Your comments expose the fact that you simply weren't around to see this for yourself. Japan (IHI) built the first supertanker in 1966. South Korea (HHI) built their first in 1974 based entirely on help from KHI on design machinery and methods. In fact they even had the engines sent from Japan. I havbe seen gthe South Korean economy rise and I have seen how it did so. All power to them, they worked hard and did their best to catch up. Japan just lanmded a probe on an asteroid and brought back p[ieces. South Korea's rocket program is a failure. We could go on and on but it's pretty silly.
WebsterHuron's comments are spot on. I would like to point out though that nobody in Korea thinks that Koreans are "better" than the Japanese. Korea is, and always will be, an underdog. Japan is a large country with major industry in diverse fields. But in some industries, Korean companies are surging ahead of Japanese companies. And Samsung is now at the point where they are actually innovating. They have been for a while. It's true that Japanese companies still have far more original development though.
Some of the posters here seem to show that Japan is still largely in denial. Please read the book "Shutting Out the Sun: How Japan Created Its Own Lost Generation" by Michael Zielenziger and you can understand why.
By the way, I don't think anyone has answered my question yet: "What did Korea do to Japan that there are Japanese people who hate Korea? What?"
Repeatedly denying the fact Japan has formally apologized . Selective memory Yakuza and prostitution Trying to defame post war Japan's good will toward humanity by erecting korean monuments in the USA to make Americans dislike Japan. Their tactics to raise their reputation is to lower Japan's. Increasing amount of bullying by Korean kids against Japanese in schools with high Korean population in the united states no less, especially new jersey. Massage/sex parlors/restaurants with names that start with "tokyo" Extortion of trillions of yen in the form of economic aid, yet none goes to the people nor the surviving "comfort" women. Remember,many Japanese are descendants of the baekje driven out of the three kingdoms, so they are outcasts/refugees. Many of the imperial family's motives for invading Korea and china were based on that originating groups' political views from the three kingdoms era. Wakoku was the land of slave dogs in the eyes of china and Korea, always has, always will. Defacing/graffiti/etching into monuments, shrines and temples by Korean teens on field trips to Japan. Written in Korean saying "die Japanese" Teaching kids racism and who to hate through comics and school textbooks This is an answer to what Japan "hates" about Korea, in terms of what koreans are currently doing and saying about Japan. Ask an Ainu and they'll say for invading and taking over Japan.nigelboy
The figure that I gave were total sales from 2011. I don't know how you could claim that "Koreans now dominate in the market" when they only cover 1/3 of the total revenues generated by the Big 8.
Sony did commercials their OLED in 2007. They quit for the very reason I stated above in which the margin of price and the cost of production just didn't pan out to be commercially feasible.
And Samsung shares (common shares) are almost 50% owned by foreign entities.
OssanAmerica - I find it astounding that you would conclude only an American of Korean descent could make the fact-based observation that Samsung has overtaken Sony and Hyundai/Kia has overtaken every other Japanese automotive brand in global sales. I have invested in Asian companies for over 30 years, and to do my job successfully I have to be aware of these facts, trends and trajectories as they pertain to the market today, and I also must be aware of the history and culture of the countries I'm investing in. The simple truth is that Japan is losing on all fronts politically and economically today, and I see no reason why the Koreans would be jealous of the Japanese. If anything, the Koreans should take Japanese stagnation as a lesson for what they may face in the near future and adapt accordingly.
But to your point on how an American of European descent could possibly view the Japanese in less than a flattering light, my uncle was an American POW captured by the Japanese in 1942. He was imprisoned with Louis Zamperini at one point, who was the primary subject in the bestseller Unbroken by Laura Hillenbrand. I have heard first-hand accounts of the atrocities, brutality, and inhumane treatment that our POWs had to endure under the Japanese, going against all of the international conventions that Japan had agreed to abide by prior to the war. As such, I have a tendency to empathize with the Chinese and Koreans when it comes to Japan's unwillingness and inability to come to terms with its past. After all, the war criminals who tortured my uncle are still venerated in Yasukuni today. In that same vein, I am shocked that there are Americans who are cheerleaders for Japan like yourself, given this history.
I also question your assertion that the Japanese are ever-so-grateful to American generosity, as I've seen plenty of establishments in Japan that refuse to serve foreigners. I hardly consider that adoration or gratitude.
nigelboy - There are obviously shifts in annual revenues, and my previous comment was based on revenue comparisons from the late 2000's. However, here's a more recent comparison between the various electronics companies in the world based on market cap, which takes into account more factors to assess a company's value than simply revenues:
In 1999 the combined market cap of Sony, Panasonic, Hitachi, and Toshiba was about $256 billion. In 2011 their combined market cap had diminished to $79 billion, even though the yen has appreciated since 1999. Apple and Samsung in 1999 had a combined market cap of $51 billion. Today Apple has a market cap of $379 billion and Samsung has a market cap of $121 billion. Clearly American innovation is unrivaled in this comparison as illustrated by Apple's dominance. I think it's also fair to say that one company (Samsung) having a market cap of $121 billion is a clear sign that it's dominating their four Japanese competitors, who's combined market cap is only $79 billion. In that vein, Fitch recently downgraded Sony and Panasonic's debt to one notch above junk status. The trajectories are obvious to anyone who works in this space.
This recent Economist article also covers essentially the same analysis, explaining how the Japanese electronics companies have fallen off so quickly:
Your point that there are 14 companies in Japan versus 2 or 3 companies in Korea in the same space is the root of the problem. R&D is duplicated across the board and everyone basically makes the same thing, leading to inherent inefficiencies that compound their problems in the market. Japanese companies have also stopped innovating in meaningful ways. It is amazing that only Taiwanese, Korean, and Chinese companies are posing any threat to Apple's iPhone, whereas Japan doesn't have a single globally viable product in the smartphone space, keeping in mind that this is in one of the fastest growing sectors in the electronics market.
You clearly misunderstood my comment. Allow me to clarify; only an individual of Korean descent could pose a point of view that denies such a large portion of Korea's relationship with Japan and the benefits it gained from it.
Would you rather own Japanese Yen, US Dollars or Euros? Who in their right mind, other than a person living entirely within the South Korean economy, would want to own Won? Even when waning, Japan is in a different league than South Korea. As I said, please come back to impress us all when South Korea becomes the second most powerful economy in the world.
That's all very interesting. My late uncle was a Marine who fought on Guadalcanal at the age of 19. He never uttered one bad word about the Japanese as long as I knew him. So you are anti-Japan because of the POW iussue? That;s interesting because the guards at the IJA POW camps were predominantly Koreans, and they were known for brutalizing the allied POWs. In fact many of them were charged at the Tokyo War Crimes Trials are convicted as Class-B War Criminals. But you "sympathize" with the Koreans? Even though there were over 240,000 Koreans serving in the Japanese military? You are parrotting the standard Chinese-Korean anti-Japan line.The US has supported Japan since 1945 and is our most valuable ally in Asia. You are shocked that Americans suppport Japan? You expect us to support the PRC or North Korea?
You re using a small minority as an example. You can find similar places in South Korea and China as well. Anyway enjoy yourself, Korea just isn't important enough to be going on about ad infinitum.
OssanAmerica - The aggregate economic rankings of countries aren't as relevant as per-capita GDP at purchasing power parity (PPP). This is because some countries, like China, have a huge population and infrastructure that naturally will produce more aggregate value than a much smaller country like Singapore. However, it's obvious that the average Singaporean is far wealthier (and has greater purchasing power) than the average Chinese.
Towards that end, here you go:
Over the past twenty years, Singapore passed Japan in GDP PPP in 1993, Hong Kong passed Japan in 1997, Taiwan in 2010, and South Korea is projected to pass Japan within the next 5 years. Japan's economic decline isn't just some unimportant, theoretical construct. It has real, practical implications for the Japanese people, and the amount of denial I see in Japan on this front is troubling.
The simple fact that you wave off Japanese war crimes against American POWs so casually makes me suspect that YOU are simply parroting off the standard Japanese anti-Chinese anti-Korean line. There were over 6 million soldiers in the Japanese Imperial Army, yet 240,000 Korean volunteers and conscripts were responsible for the vast majority of Japanese wartime atrocities? Ridiculous. That only makes sense if all of the Koreans decided to go rogue against the benevolent orders of the strictly disciplined and hierarchical Japanese Imperial Army, which is obviously absurd. Also, 5,700 Japanese soldiers were convicted of Class B or Class C war crimes, of which only 148 were Koreans. That's actually less than the ratio of Koreans serving in the Japanese military at the end of the war (2.5% vs 4%).
My uncle's only debt of gratitude to the Japanese was that they didn't execute him on the spot, even though that was a common enough fate for many captured American POWs. The lifetime of suffering he endured because of the physical and mental torture under Japanese "care" plagued his health until the end of his days. He didn't like to talk much about these experiences either, but it doesn't mean that they didn't happen.
WebsterHuronAug. 09, 2012 - 01:37AM JST Good luck. Hope you get over it.
OssanAmerica - Good luck to you too. In the words of the great Jay-Z, "Men lie, women lie, numbers don't."
Rich K
Come on people, calm down. Polls like these should never be taken seriously because they are usually an over-estimation or under-estimation of what the true sentiment of the population is. Most people who take the time out of their day to respond to these polls are people who tend to have a very strong opinion on the matter. People who are neutral in the matter tend to not take the survey and thus the results end up being very biased one way or the other. Also, the article doesn't describe how "random" the sample is such as demographics, education level, age, etc., and the fact that the poll was taken a month after a perceived negative event by the Japanese takes away from the neutrality of the survey. There is also no mention of a confidence interval and margin of error which leads me to believe there is a large sampling error.
Webster Huron, there are accounts of Americans, Australians, British doing terrible things to captured Japanese. This assumes of course they took them. Reference cover Life imagine May 22, 1944. So few prisoners were taken because it was against policy to take them. So please stop with this nonsense on why Koreans hate Japanese. The true reason is because the government likes them to hate Japanese.
Consume my pain
@Yuri Otani
Please show any evidence that it was allied policy not to take prisoners, most interested in any evidence of this regarding Australian and British troops.
Also, you may wish to look up survival rates for prisoners in WWII and educate yourself with proof rather than bias and speculations.
YuriOtani - The mortality rate of captured Commonwealth and US POWs in Nazi Germany was under 4%, while it was over 27% for those captured by the Japanese (calculated by Japanese scholar Yuki Tanaka). This statistic only counts the POWs who were captured and not executed on the spot, otherwise this disparity would be even more severe. While I am sure that there were accounts of atrocities committed on all sides, these comparative numbers don't lie.
In short, the NAZIS were far more humane to captured POWs than the Japanese, but I don't see a Pearl Harbor Memorial, Nanking Memorial, or a Comfort Women Memorial in the heart of Tokyo (the way there's a Holocaust Memorial next to the Brandenburg Gate in Berlin).
Japan only got a pass after WWII because of its strategic importance to the US during the Cold War, so please stop this nonsense of whitewashing your history with euphemisms, willful ignorance, half truths, and dubious moral comparisons. Getting back to the point of this article, THIS is why the world hates Japan, not because everyone is jealous of Japan's crumbling economy and emasculated global standing.
To ChessGM and wasabizuki:
Isn't the internet great. It allows morons like yourself to say shit that would, in real life get your head cracked open.
Hopefully you'll suffer the same fate
Please turn to the loaded gun in your drawer, put it in your mouth, and pull the trigger, blowing your brains out. You'll be doing the whole world a favor.
I would love to smash your face in until it no longer resembled anything human
Can you please remove yourself from the gene pool? Preferably in the most painful and agonizing way possible? Retard
Die painfully okay? Prefearbly by getting crushed to death in a garbage compactor, by getting your face cut to ribbons with a pocketknife, your head cracked open with a baseball bat, your stomach sliced open and your entrails spilled out, and your eyeballs ripped out of their sockets.
I really hope that you get curb-stomped. It'd be hilarious to see you begging for help, and then someone stomps on the back of your head, leaving you to die in horrible, agonizing pain.
STFU, before you get your face bashed in and cut to ribbons, and your throat slit.
Thanks. Another poster wrote, frather brilliantly that; "Hate is a poison you take hoping that the other guy will die".
Therefore, according to Straus, "Senior officers opposed the taking of prisoners on the grounds that it needlessly exposed American troops to risks.." Ferguson, Niall (2004). "Prisoner Taking and Prisoner Killing in the Age of Total War: Towards a Political Economy of Military Defeat". War in History 11 (2): 148–92.
The above is one source of documentation so the question is why Japanese do not hate Americans. Japan killed 27 in 100, America 99 out of 100. So again why do Koreans hate Japanese?
Misleading headline, which moots some of the points made above.
The survey was not about which countries hate which other countries. I quote from the survey:
"The 2012 Country Ratings Poll, conducted by GlobeScan/PIPA among 24,090 people around the world, asks respondents to rate whether the influence of each of 16 countries and the EU is mostly positive or mostly negative.
@wasabizuki: Thank you for taking the time to answer my question. I was genuinely curious to know why some Japanese hate Koreans.
But honestly, don't you think your list seems a little petty and trivial compared to the horrible things Japan has done to Korea?
Hanazuka, located in Kyoto, is a "Mound of 200,000 Korean Noses and Ears" collected as trophies during Hideyoshi's invasions of Korea. During these invasions, anything of cultural value that couldn't be taken back to Japan was burned down. Whatever was left over was then stolen when Japan colonized Korea in 1905. Then, of course, there was the brutal colonization of Koreans, attempting to wipe out the Korean language and culture, comfort women, etc. You may say history is history, but Japan continues to whitewash its history through denial.
And history can be two years ago or two hundreds years ago. The time does not matter as long as it is acknowledged. Japan is not acknowledging history.
Sir_Edgar, that was oh 415 years ago! If you want to go that far back there is the Chinese and Korean invasions of 1274 and 1281 that started the entire cycle. What you fail to mention is the Japanese army limped back to Japan after Land and Naval defeat. This is really old stuff and Japan did the same to the Ryukyu Kingdom in 1872 as they did to Korea in 1912. The people of Okinawa have forgiven the Americans and Japanese, it is time for Korea to do the same.
That's because Okinawans are descended from Jomon people. It's a 3500 year old conflict that has continued into the present. That's why it doesn't matter when you poll the Koreans, they will always hate Japanese/Okinawan/Jomon descended people.
Japanese and European companies spend heavily in research and development, for this see the Financial Times from August 8, 2012. Korean companies, cars and electronics do not; instead, they clone the parts and then start selling it as their own.
Right. It couldn't possibly be because if it wasn't for 4 out of 5 of those 'favorite' countries getting involved in their civil war, they would be currently living under North Korean famine conditions, could it? Nope - it's because they've all been brain washed by the evil white man!
USA people are thankful that Japanese corporation in USA employ USA people. Japanese cars are very popular again, They say KIA remind them killed in action. maybe superstition. Some USA politicians claim Toyota, Honda, Nissan, Mazda, Sony, Toshiba, Mitsubishi, Mitsui, Maruxchan, Canon, Olympus are all American companies when they argue about unemployment problems in USA. Visir USA, What kind of cars on the streets and freeway. Watch TV and commercials. TV progrms are usually Sony-Coluymbia credited. Cartoons on TV, too. Pokemon, Ironman, people are familiar with Japanese programs than USA (even Sony is credited) Hollywood programs. Korean products, Made-in China products are popular, too. Beside that, they praise Chinese and Korean students in schools as top students. Come to Las Vegas. Vegas is surviving American culture. A long time Jpanaese in USA from Japan.
It's always easier to emphasize the negative even when that negative isn't representative of a majority.
It also is a pity that the uyoki dantai seem to be able to paint the rest the country's population in their especially anti-Korean colors with their antics.
And I also think that the Government could do more things to affirm the positive relationship between Japan and Korea, like adopt a more positive and affirmative support for reunification and to offer to join in the planning for it to see how Japan may be able to assist South Korea in accomplishing it. If such a gesture were to antagonize North Korea, that would be nothing new pretty much on par with North Korea's track record anyway.
Are you referring to this article?
It says the exact opposite of what you claimed - "Samsung labours hard at this. About a quarter of its 220,000 employees work in research and development, and it has been the second-biggest filer of tech patents in the US, behind IBM, for each of the past six years (take note, Apple)."
So while every 3 out of 5 smartphones sold in the world today are Samsung phones, exceeding even Apple's sales, I'm still waiting to hear what all that "heavy" R&D spending by the top Japanese companies has yielded for them in terms of revenues. Seems like the Japanese are making products today that nobody wants which may have been marginally relevant in the 90's, like that Casio electronic dictionary featured here yesterday:
I'm glad Casio spent all of that R&D money to create a device that can be replaced by a smartphone app that costs $1.
I apologize to all readers for being an ill-mannered jerk.
It's just not in the field of electronics. The difference between Korea and Japan can be seen in the difference between Hwang Woo-suk and Shinya Yamanaka. Both were hailed as great scientists in the field of stem cell research. One was eventually shown to be a fraud of limited value to the scientific community, the other a real innovator whose IPS cell tech is now being used around the world. In 2012 Yamanaka won the Millennium Technology Prize along with Linus Torvalds, the creator of Linux. In addition, if you look at the Millennium Technology Prize winners there are two Japanese that have won the prize but not one Korean. See
The history of East Asia overall is interesting and so are the interactions of the countries therein. Both Korea and Japan (as well Vietnam and other Asian countries to a lesser extent) were under the Middle Kingdom's sphere of influence for centuries but Japan was the first one to break away from China's shadow while Korea remained a vassal state for over a thousand years. Japan continued to develop its culture on its own during her period of isolation while Korea stagnated. Even Korea's form of neo-Confucianism failed to fully develop preventing socio-economic change. Korea only finally became industrialized after the Japanese annexation. So this hatred by Koreans toward Japanese that continues to this day stems from a long-standing cultural insecurity and is more or less an indirect admission that Japan has always been the superior and more accomplished nation throughout history.
Now, Koreans would do anything, even point to something mundane as the so-called korean wave of entertainment to say that Korean culture is more popular/interesting than Japan, as some posters here insist on. Well, to even use that as a yardstick to compare cultures show how they're grasping at straws and desperate to show supposed Korean superiority. In the first place, Koreans and their supporters should ask themselves why they're so hell-bent on proving they're better than the Japanese? It seems that they're not even aware of their own inferiority complex that is the root of all of this.
The average Korean worries how the world views Korea especially compared to Japan while the average Japanese worries more about what color of socks he'll wear than some half-commie divided country that happens to be their neighbor. See the difference? Unfortunately, with most Koreans they can't since it's almost always an emotional response rather than a rational one, like the ones you see in their countless sappy melodramas. You also see this a lot in message boards like this one where they resort to knee-jerk responses, spamming, etc. if they don't like what they read because they can't argue logically. Their behavior is allmost always predictable.
I apologize to all readers for being ill-mannered.