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© KYODOSchoolteacher bullied by colleagues; curry rubbed against eyes
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They sound like an awful bunch and made everyone's life a misery. For the best that they get kicked out.
And these ‘teachers’ were in charge of children?
Lead by example.....if they're bullying each other, how are they going to stop students from doing the same?
Considering? This was an assault, and the guys should file a complaint with the cops!
I'm suspecting that this program was either entirely ineffective, or potentially quite the opposite (a crook knows how to deal with a crook).
Agree, file charges with the police. School and board should fire the teachers and revoke their teaching license. With all the children dying and being tortured by bullying these a-holes should not be near children.
When teachers are bullying each other, it’s no wonder that bullied students don’t get the help they need. These teachers should never work in education again.
Do the hustle
I’ve always said that bullying in Japanese schools starts with the teachers. It seems I was correct. Gawd only knows what kinds of treatment these goons were giving their students too.
that should be, soup ‘into’ his eyes.
What a bunch of juvenile 30-40 yo, and they are involved in the anti bullying program?
And the parents reaction....
The school briefed students' parents about the matter on Thursday night, and some expressed concern about the absence of five teachers and future management of the school.
Not oh my god these immature teachers are causing mental anguish and setting a destructive role model. The whole thing belongs in a perverse pantomime.
Seems nobody takes it as seriously as it should be taken. People kill themselves, withdraw from society because of stupidity like this.
Are these the same teachers who neglect the bullying among the students and fail to teach the real history of Japan and gloss over Japanese transgressions committed during World War II?
The irony. And somehow it doesn't surprise me as much. About 8 years ago I worked at this school where the one teacher in charge of the "zero bulling" campaign, the one teacher a student dedicated her speech contest to say how much she (this teacher) inspired her (student). This teacher would come back to the teachers' room and bully the heck of anyone else younger than her or foreigner (me) on a daily basis.
Bullying and outright abuse by “senpais” is pretty much Japanese work culture. This is a very common occurance in many Japanese work places.
The 4 will likely only get a light punishment, and whn they get back to work the bullying will only get worse, particularly for the guy who reported it.
Norman Goodman
When all forms of stress relief are effectively banned you get a die roll on what teachers in Japan are going to do next. If I were one of them living their lives, I probably would have done something far worse.
If there was physical assault the perpetrators should be arrested. Maybe they should be put into. substitute prison. They should in any event be fired and never be allowed to teach again.
I was bullied, along with others, at institution I worked for. One of the victims died from a stroke, others retired or accepted transfers. I was the only one who survived thanks to the colleagues who stood by me. Still, it was hell, but nothing compared to what went on at the elementary school reported on above. Finally, the bullies were outed. Several were forced to resign and one was demoted. I, on the other hand, was promoted. I owe a lot to those who stood by me and others.
While the bullying was going on at Higashisuma Elementary School apparently nothing was done to stop it. This is not only endemic to Japan. It is universal.
JJ Jetplane
@Yubaru said it best. This isn't bullying. This is clearly assault. Bullying is a top down thing. We can't fix the child bullying issue as well as suicide unless we start addressing it from the top as well.
Goodness knows what these deviants do to the children.
I taught in public schools for 20 years in the States and never heard of teachers bullying other teachers. There is a definite immaturity problem in Japan. Men and women acting like ill-disciplined children -- unbelievable. ALL cultures all over the world have their faults, and this is one of Japan's; the prolonging of adolescence.
Boy, do I hate to agree with on that, but you’re so right and the sad thing about it is, in the end, nothing will essentially be done about it. It will just be docked on the records if it comes up as, the matter was dealt with. Japanese don’t like to make long drawn out headaches of anything of this magnitude, too much pressure, too much focus, more fallout, more paperwork, give a light punishment and hope the problem goes away. I just hope this teacher has the guts and the fire in his belly to push on or fight back. I would and gladly, but I’m also not Japanese. This needs to change, but it’s going to be very slow as the wheels of change work in Japan.
So, a healthy young man in his 20's is being bullied by three people in their 30's and 40's, one a female?
And he let this happen on multiple occasions?
I can understand if it's a grade school kid being bullied by adults, but sorry this is ridiculous. When do adults start standing up for themselves, before having curry rubbed in their eyes?
Norman Goodman
Once you have lived here long enough you might be more objective. I see lots of examples of maturity in Japan I do not see so much in my home country, such as a pretty uniform rejection of militarism and violence where in my home country they are practically a virtue. Indeed I see a LOT of immaturity on this board every day.
That said, Japan used to be more mature regarding teacher's private lives, but is now expecting them to have zero vices which just isn't going to happen. Interestingly enough, the foreign community is also cheering every time a teacher is cracked down on for being human, which is just more immaturity.
I don't condone this behavior but I think I see how it gets started. Teachers are over-worked, under-paid and always facing a lot of public scrutiny from parents who expect too much in some areas, and far too little in others. From above they also get additional duties but the old duties remain the same. They can't really drink anymore because of zero tolerance drinking and driving. And they cannot really smoke anymore because they are not allowed to smoke during school hours and everyone knows you don't just wait 9 hours for your next cigarette. Casual dating causes scandals because the whole town knows who they are wherever they go. And a million other things off the table. Snapping has never been easier.
Normally, I would agree with your sentiments. It is important to stand up for yourself. But in a professional environment where the guy is just trying to get by and be one of the group, it's understandable that he might put up with some negative behavior, especially form more senior members of the staff. Not that that's how I would deal with it, but it's understandable. Maybe the guy has a meek character. Maybe the guy wanted to just focus on teaching, and was hoping if he ignored it it would go away. Maybe he didn't want to lose his job over this (yes, I know, but it can be a real fear in some situations).
Anyway, the guy obviously did end up standing up for himself, and the bullies will hopefully get what's coming to them.
Spot on.
Stewart Gale
Manchildren and womanchildren
Its a part of Japanese culture. The bullies were bullied by ones who were bullied and so on.
jiji Xx
does this imply they get to continue with other duties? such as "... the school's bully prevention program...."?
There is a very deep predisposition in the Japanese psyche toward sadomasochistic behaviour.
and the main reason it continues is people dont fight back they let it happen to themselves. Bullies dont prey on the strong only the weak, somebody assaults you , you assault them back, next time theyll think twice before they do it. Some people like assaulting others but they dont like it being done to them.
I was bullied during HS by some so called tough guy, it went on for about a yr mostly verbal and shoving. I let it slide until one day he punched me in the shoulder and a cracked, basically I beat the crap out of him. Guess what he and his friends never picked on me again.!
Joe Blow
Sadistic; sadomasochistic is when you do it to yourself.
JJ Jetplane
@Norman Goodman
I can agree with you on some fronts. Teachers here are drastically overworked. It's probably the hardest working profession in Japan. However, that isn't an excuse for dehumanizing, humiliating, and belittling your coworkers. Also, I don't know where you live (I would love to live there), but in the Kansai area regularly see teachers smoking just outside the school gates. When I worked part time as an ALT 2 days per week, the teachers popped open beers in the teachers room as soon as it turned 17:00. Because I know a lot of teachers in the organization I am a member of, their biggest gripe seems to be they are not allowed to have a dating life because they have to worry about if students and parents see them with a partner. That is ridiculous.
It starts from the top. Notice they still haven't fired these 4, just removed them from teaching positions.
Brian Wheway
senior teachers rubbed spicy ramen noodle soup against his eyes,
forced him to drink alcohol
text obscene messages to a female teacher
got on top of his car and spilled drinks in the vehicle,
and hit him on the bottom,
all of the above in the UK would be treated as 1: Assault 2: Criminal damage 3: Harassment
I don't know if Japan has similar charges,
I would like to know does the school have any policies on this sort of appalling behaviour?
if it does, have they been implemented? if not, why not?
If I was chair of governors or on the education board, I would not let any of these so called professional teachers any where near a child or other staff, they need to be arrested by the police, the school or individuals need to bring charges against them, IF they are found guilty they should loose there position, also in needs to go onto there work records what they have done, so that when they apply for other jobs it will come up as they are not fit to teach.
Completely unacceptable. I agree with some others that the police should be involved, although I suppose that's up to the victims. The staff should be investigated with a mind to dismissal.
Maybe not like this, but bullying within the workplace certainly happens. I'd be surprised if there's no bullying within the US school system between teachers.
The once victims who can't able to revenge their actual predators become bullies to other victims.
Question also raises, if such young modern teacher cannot stand up for himself, then he cannot do any help for his students who are also bullied. So, he shouldn't be a teacher as well.
I've seen this before. Rookie first or second year teachers getting harassed by their "sempais" I've spoken to so many Japanese that can't stand this part of Japanese culture. Just encourages bullying.
Names. We need names. Names are usually published when someone is accused of a crime. We need these accused bullies names made public.
Sh1mon M4sada
meh, happens everywhere...only difference is some countries pretend that's not how their country operate.
..... looks like they found the experts to run a bullying prevention program!
Assault and property damage. I'd sue for the price of a new car (to finally compromise at half including upholstery replacement) and pain and suffering (¥100m).
Norman Goodman
"Excuse" is a funny word. It makes it sound like a thing is okay when it isn't. But its often a label put on something that merely had its impetus if I made an excuse for water flowing downhill. No, I was just explaining how teachers lose their minds. Stress is going to go somewhere, like it or not.
They seem to want robots for teachers and they will get those second rate robots as well as the ones that snap. Its just how this will play out. Not making excuses. I am of the sentiment that if you don't like monsters, then stop making them.
Norman Goodman:
Teachers in the States and elsewhere used to just teach as well. Their duties have compounded over the years so that they must individualized their teaching style and depth to accommodate everything and everyone. And they must be parents and counsellors (and coaches in texas). Compounding duties is no excuse for bullying.
There are many talking about the teachers, but what about the head teacher, principal, and school board.
Rreading into the article, it seems that this has been going in long enough for them to know...
They should be on the cutting board as well!
Sadistic; sadomasochistic is when you do it to yourself.
true but when you dont stand up for yourself its fair to say that its at least partially self inflicted.
These morons continued to harass him because they knew there would be no repercussions. rubbing spicy soup in his eyes should be met with doing it back to them when they least expect it, funny how bullies change there ways really quickly when they know they being preyed on by the prey. My father said to me always stand up for yourself, yes you may get a beat down, you may win but youll do at least some damage back, they may come back to do it again and youll fight back harder, eventually theyll get find the effort required isnt worth the self satisfaction. A black eye or a painful swollen cheek does wonders for deflating bullies egos
Time for the Bullies to be put behind bars where they can enjoy some payback.
in any other country, people say that if you want respect, you gotta earn it. "you respect me, i respect you". it doesn,t matter if you,re older or the CEO of some company. but in Japan, things seem to be a bit different.
since a young age, Japanese people are ALWAYS reminded to respect older people or people in a higher position, no matter what. the whole senpai thing going on in Japan since forever is, imo, too extreme.
so, how can we expect children and students to be the best they can be if the adults are a bunch of big kids. the whole "i,m older / i,m your superior don,t disrespect me even if i disrespect you" thing is not healthy and is one of the reasons why there,s many hidden feelings in Japan. a person might become emotionally unstable because of that and that can lead to many other things.
no wonder bullying is a problem in Japan. there are millions of factors in Japanese society (all interconnected) that pave the way to bullying.
Not sure why anyone is surprised by this. In Japanese culture you are expected to do whatever your senior co-worker or boss tells you to - drinking with the boss, working unpaid overtime, whatever, so not surprising that teachers do this too. Also, bullying is part and parcel in school, the students pick it up from someone...
blue in green
Wow, it isn't enough the stress of a new teaching job, but to bear these
losers and their pathetic behavior when you are an otherwise a strong male adult?
No one should have to endure this kind of crap while being a student, or a teacher.
A job's security should be merit based, not how long you stay and harass others.
What is the Japan's teachers association and labour union going to do abt this case ???.
Tara Tan, I guess very little. One problem is that someone very influential will step forwards and point out the lack of available 'mature' teachers, and how these four actually are very good teachers with exemplary records, and it would be such a pity to lose so much talent from the classroom. There will be urging to be lenient, from powerful positions... in an attempt to smooth everything over.