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© 2016 AFPSea Shepherd unveils new high-speed ship against Japanese whalers
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© 2016 AFP
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Japan should realize that if people go to such an effort to protect whales in the whale reserve, the negitive impact on Japan will increase.
Congratulations on the awesome new ship! Best wishes to Sea Shepherd!
The only negative impact will be on Sea Shepherd themselves. Only a matter of time before there is a legal injunction against Sea Shepherd Global as well.
Robbie Castle
At first it was a good cause to protect the whales, I'm not so sure anymore. What Sea Shepherd is doing right now is not so different from being a terroris. As an Aussie, I think they going about it the wrong way!
Hold on, let me get the popcorn.
Spoken like a true stalker.
When have whalers tried to board Sea Shepherd ships?
Give em hell boys.
It surely shows how belligerent they are. It seems he loves fights whatever.
These idiots will not be satisfied until they kill someone.
"These idiots will not be satisfied until they kill someone.".... which is why its good that SS is going to try and stop them
Jeremy Rigby
If Japan respected the lnternational Court of Justice and their ruling that Japan's scientific whaling program was a sham that should be halted Sea Shepherd would not need to be there. If Japan respected the International Whaling Commission (IWC) who said the Japanese whaling reseach plan was not justified Sea Shepherd would not need to be there. If Australia had the spine to deffend the rulling of the International Court Sea Shepherd would not need to be there. If Japan listened to Japanese peoples they would not need to be there and neither would Sea Shepherd. Sea Shepherd you are fighting the good fight, keep it up!
A.N. Other
Eco-terrorists ahoy!
Very very few people around the world support Japanese whale hunting.
Hiro Ueda
...quite amenable of the efforts of these guys but sure does seem to concentrated in their efforts obit on the Japanese...there are other European countries and ethnic groups that hunt whales and they get a free pass?...sounds pretty racist to me.
These kinds of comments are so naive. Japan has been poaching whales in an international whale sanctuary, which they chose to ignore, for over 30 and you call the ones that try to stop eco-terrorists? You have totally ass-backwards.
Per Christer Lund
Harvesting from a sustainable natural resource such as minke whale in the Antarctica is justifiable, just as Iceland and Norway is harvesting these resources in the Arctic. The population is estimated to 500,000 in the Antarctic and a bit less in the Arctic. So this is all about emotions, and how urbanised humans are detached from reality of nature. Large mammals are "cute", "cuddly", "intelligent" and thus more valuable than say cockroaches and leeches. Sea Shepard is driven by greed for fame and attention. .
Tommy Ogren
Leave the whales alone. All of the whales. My hat's off to The Sea Shepherd!
No, it isn't justifiable at all! Japan's antarctic whale hunt of minke whales is just a precursor to a much broader slaughter that will include humpback and southern right whales, which they were previously hunting. There is no market for whale meat in Japan. Thousands of tons of the whale meat they have already accumulated still sits in freezers around the country because nobody wants it. They will give it away or sell it cheaply to schools. This glut has come about from the few whales they slaughter at present. If the slaughter is to be increased it is not harvesting of a sustainable resource. It is abuse of a resource. The label of 'greed and fame' should be on the Japanese, not SS.
Bought at a cost of 8.3 million euros ($9.3 million) funded by public lotteries in Britain, The Netherlands and Sweden, just shows SS can get it funding from many sources outside US, the whalers efforts have failed once again.
These idiots will not be satisfied until they kill someone.
the only deaths (2 of them) have been whalers at the hands of the incompetent J whaling industry.
If the stocks are at a sustainable level, then it would be ok to hunt those as well.
That's a market issue, not a sustainability or a moral issue.
there are other European countries and ethnic groups that hunt whales and they get a free pass?...sounds pretty racist to me. first no other country takes huge factory ships 1000s km across the world to hunt hundreds of whales and then say its scientific research and Japanese culture. The other countries that do hunt whales do it in much smaller numbers and in their own waters. It wouldnt matter what nationality the whalers were SS would still be there to stop them. Oh and Japanese arnt a race there a nationailty The racist & cultural excuse is as morally bankrupt as the whalers themselves.
Large mammals are "cute", "cuddly", "intelligent" and thus more valuable than say cockroaches and leeches. Sea Shepard is driven by greed for fame and attention. . wrong again, whales are one of the slowest breed mamals on earth, history has shown that theyve been hunted to near extinction and taken many decades to recover. Add to thats Japans pee poor efforts in ocean conservation (aka blue fin tuna) you can understand why other countries dont trust Japans whaling stance. The only greed is the whalers billions yen of wasted J taxpayer money to keep their dying industry afloat in the name of lies and culture.
Stephan Lawarie
Instead of spending that much money on "piracy", that money should be used for orphanages and schools in countries that need it.
Only a matter of time before there is a legal injunction against Sea Shepherd Global as well. SS Global is based in Australia, the same courts that the whalers are in contempt of, good luck with that. LOL
Jay Tee
Breaking News! International Pirates develop new weapons and find way to circumvent court orders by moving their headquarters elsewhere!
Definitely these idiots are going at stopping whaling in the wrong way. Their activities have made them legally pirates for years. If the Japanese ships should kill some of them in self-defense in international waters, I won't cry.
Minke whales are not endangered, they are just cute, and that is why most people defend them. Many spiders (an essential species) are endangered, and I haven's seen a "Save the Spiders" campaign yet!
Whale meat does sell in Japan. I've seen it here myself in Kobe. Although most Japanese don't eat it, it forms an important part of a regional subculture here in Japan, just like for Iceland, or eating seals for Canadian Inuits. (But I suppose they are next on the list.) The government could cut the whaling, though, as they harvest too much meat for that subculture, IMO, and there is no reason to try and spread it.
Piracy is part of the heritage of the Sea Shepherds, too! We should allow them to mount heavy weapons and tell the Japanese fishing boats to bring a navy along to protect them.
Which is the next step, if these Sea Shepherd idiots keep ratcheting things up. Because of their threats and new weapons (tools, if you prefer), the Japanese government will now be able to legally justify sending "protective patrols" along in international waters. Happy now? Just the kind of thing to get Abe-san's juices flowing. And armed Japanese vessels sailing near Australia ought to make Aussies happy, too, right?
Im going to the SS global site right now and donate cash to help fuel this bad boy, lets see the whalers try and outrun SS now. give em hell SS LOL
Dennis Bauer
Ocean warrior? i don't see any guns or torpedoes :P
'Valuable' has nothing to do with it. if you cannot kill an animal quickly, painlessly and without inflicting fear and suffering, then you should not be killing it at all.
Roaches are neither cute nor cuddly nor intelligent and they carry filth and germs wherever they go. If I find one in my kitchen, I will happily stamp it instantly into a two-dimensional existence. What I will not do is jab a needle into it and wait while it dies a slow and painful death.
Not even a dirty, germ-ridden roach threatening to bring illness to my family deserves that. Much less an intelligent mammal that does humans no harm and poses no threat.
"And for 30 years they have been playing cat-and-mouse on the high seas with determined and at times ruthless whaling fleets." Only proofs what a bunch of hopeless losers SS are. 30 years of clowning around , endangering lives with nothing to show for.
Go Japan.
Whales are sentient. They sing songs that change with seasons and geographic location. We do not need to kill them for any reason. They are soon to be extinct anyway. Our pollution is killing them. Our sonar is making them deaf.
I feel so sorry for them.
Michael D. ßolton
Unnecessary killing of whales (which I don’t condone, by the way) aside…it’s all fun and games until firearms are whipped out and shooting starts.
This will end in tragedy.
Only proofs what a bunch of hopeless losers SS are. 30 years of clowning around , endangering lives with nothing to show for. theyve saved 1000s of whales from slaughter. if you think ocean conservation is a waste of time then I truely pitty the human species and the planets future.
It's all about firearms and shooting; explosive harpoons are not 'fun and games'.
Hold on, let me get the popcorn. thats the irony of the whole thing, the whale wars TV show is priceless publicity for SS and all because the whalers refuse stop whaling. The whalers are the primary cause of creating the "Kaiju" that is now SS. give em hell SS!!
Thomas Ryu
Most of the people in the world are brainwashed by Western mainstream media claiming whales and dolphins, and for that matter, tigers, monkeys, elephants, etc, are "endangered". Let's face it, scientists say sooner or later, all these creatures will go extinct. Instead of "protecting" these soon to be extinct creatures, why can't we eat their meat and enjoy the taste of it while we still could. When they go extinct, we would not be able to eat it.
Humans are born to be hunters. we cannot be too choosy for what meat we eat. I love eat whale meat, dolphin meat, and any other so-called "endangered" species. You don't need to hide it if you want to eat bush meat. It is pathetic that people such as sea shepherd try to stop Japanese fishermen from hunting whale meat. This is a Japanese tradition worth keeping and it should not be violated. That's why I had a hard time to find delicious whale meat when I was in Japan. Can these environmental terrorists get a real job instead of harassing fishman? Or another thing, the people who try to deprive us from eating good tasty meat are themselves "endangered" species meat eaters.
darkmanvOCT. 03, 2016 - 12:10PM JST
Crickets and cicadas sing songs, actually love songs, too.
Jeremy RigbyOCT. 03, 2016 - 09:31AM JST
I think the opposite it true.
The catch-at-age data is essential in estimating the sustainable whaling limit. The Committee recommends the data from Japanese research whaling.
The japanese whalers and the politicians who back them are the exco terrorists.
Dom Palmer
And why would they make it secret? The regulations that allow their whaling requires the meat to be processes.
It is hardly 'saying'. The activists' own TV show clearly showed them doing all of those things.
The ICJ's ruling has been followed, so there hasn't been any need for anyone to enforce it.
Nope. It would be nice if the activists would tell the truth. They have ALWAYS had a speed advantage over the processing ship.
Australia has no authority to defend the ruling, besides the fact that the ruling is being followed so there is nothing about it that needs defending.
Polls have consistently show >50% support for whaling.
No poaching involved. Also that sanctuary was established in violation of the IWC's own regulations, so legally it doesn't exists. But even if you ignore that simple fact, the IWC's own regulations (Article V) allow any member country to object to any new regulation and if they do so then that regulation doesn't apply to them. Japan objected to the sanctuary and thus it DOESN'T apply.
If there is no market then why would this be a "precursor to a much broader slaughter that will include humpback and southern right whales"?
Instead of spending that much money on "piracy", that money should be used for orphanages and schools in countries that need it. I agree the annual 2.5billion+ taxpayer yen that the whalers waste on their futile endeavors should be spent on healthcare, daycare centers, you know things that are important for Japans future , not the recalcitrant pride of those in the J-government.
Too late there have been multiple deaths on the Japanese ships already. Doesn't make good publicity so the press hardly get a chance to report it. SS even offered to help and look for a missing sailor once but the Japanese government said NO!
Virtually no-one recognized the so-called whale sanctuary, as it contravenes intentional law. My bathtub is a whale sanctuary. There. See how easy it is.
Virtually no-one recognized the so-called whale sanctuary, as it contravenes intentional law. My bathtub is a whale sanctuary. There. See how easy it is. I hope your not referring to your weight!?
Other nations most certainly do not get a free pass. Check Google and you will find that whether or not you agree with their methods, SS is currently involved in active campaigns all over the globe, notably in the Faroe Islands, Canada and the Caribbean in defense of, amongst other things, Bluefin Tuna, Dolphins, Reefs, Sea Lions, Seals, Sharks and turtles as well as whales. Japan may be the highest profile campaign in the Japanese press, but to suggest SS only targets Japan, well that sounds pretty Nationalist to me
marcelitoOCT. 03, 2016 - 02:07PM JST
How many years would be satisfactory to you? They have been whaling in the Antarctic for decades and one can easily argue it is long enough.
Even if you think Japan is in the wrong with whaling, vigilante justice is not the solution. It sets a bad precedent and potentially puts people in harm's way. These guys should be arrested as pirates, because that is what they are. It doesn't matter if they are pirating for 'morally justifiable' reasons or not, what they are doing is still illegal.
These people are dangerous and should be considered pirates.
" Bought at a cost of 8.3 million euros ($9.3 million) funded by public lotteries in Britain, The Netherlands and Sweden, Sea Shepherd Global "
THESE UNEMPLOYED PEOPLE " Sea Shepard " rob money taken as donation from general public and roam around the world in the name of protecting Wales
The biggest problem the world is facing now is Global Warming If the start doing work on that they won't get money and cannot roam around the world for free .
Thomas Ryu
Commercial whaling must be resumed as soon as possible. Due to over protecting of whales (all species, not just minke whales) and dolphins, we are destroying our eco-balance by allowing them to multiply. Instead of protecting these so-called "endangered" species, we are in fact killing them by allowing them to multiply out of control. Soon, all the fishes in our ocean will be consumed by these grossly over-populated whales and dolphins, sea lions, seals, etc. They will all starve to death, hence accelerate their declines. We must start to hunt them as soon as possible and as much as possible to protect our ecosystem. Remember, anyone who says they want to "protect" these whales are in fact whale meat lovers. How many people could say they don't want eat these delicious whale meat?
Mike O'Brien
So what if whales are slow breeding. That fact is used in the scientific method for establishing sustainable hunting levels.
You seem to agree that the populations have recovered. Although Minke whales were never near extinction and did not require any recovery.
Whales and tuna are different creatures. And Japan offered to allow neutral observers on their whaling vessels to monitor and verify all the whales taken. They also proposed a dna sample be taken from each whale they caught and then neutral scientists would take random samples from whale meat offered for sale to verify it was from a whale with dna on file thus allowing a check on any potential poaching. The offer was rejected.
A resource? A sentient being is a resource to be hunted down and killed? The sooner whaling is banned across the globe the better... I wholeheartedly support Sea Shepherd, but yes they need to also thwart the Scandanavian whalers too.
Probably as long as Australians have been fishing outside their territorial waters. Why do you ask?
Probably as long as Australians have been fishing outside their territorial waters. Why do you ask? yet Australians dont claim huge factory ships operating 1000s km outside their territorial waters as scientific research and part of their culture
Mike O'Brien
But no they haven't done anything in decades to thwart the Scandinavian whalers. Probably because they know if they tried they would be arrested and have their ships seized.
Many whale species were exploited to near extinction. Japan can even sustain the bluefin tuna population, how in the world would they sustain the hunting of slow breeding mammals like whales. Whaling starts with human consumption, then it the oil, then it pet food, as long as there is a buck to be made whales have and will continue to be exploited for profit.
The question boils down to whether whaling is sustainable, which it is. history has shown it isnt, its only sustainable if the demand is low. Look at bluefin Tuna and eel. Japan consumes 70% of the world supply and these are species that can be farmed. But their numbers are nearly in the endangered species list. Now imagine in whale meat had a similar appeal, do you think Japan could sustain its hunting then, history has shown Japan ocean conservation is pathetic if it gets in the way of profits.
nfijapanOCT. 03, 2016 - 06:30PM JST
"Low" is an adjective that can be used to point any amount. How low does it need to be for whaling to be sustainable? Anyway, you agree the whaling is sustainable if the demand is "low".
I doubt. I have yet to see any credible data that Japan consumes 70% of world supply of tuna or eel.
marcelitoOCT. 03, 2016 - 07:28PM JST
Typical straw-man argument. Don't put your words in our mouth, please.
And why don't you answer my question how long is long enough? You cannot, can you, because your point is actually irrelevant to the discussion. So, rather than proclaiming victory over irrelevant point to the issue, why do not you make a real point as to the whaling?
Mike O'Brien
You mean when there was no real regulation, the quotas were not science based and there were a dozen or more countries hunting whales. Now there are regulations (and ways they can be checked), the quotas are based on science and there are only 3 countries with any significant hunting (but even if more countries decided to start, the total quotas would not change).
And the demand is low, so you agree whaling is sustainable. Great!
But Japan does not catch anywhere near 70% of the world catch. So shouldn't you be complaining to all the countries that catch tuna to sell to Japan? I mean it isn't like Japan forces those countries to catch tuna or forces them to sell what they do catch to Japan.
Really? Bam! Harpoon... whale struggling, panicking, bleeding to death, in pain, afraid... is that the way to treat whales?
Domestic animals, bred by humans to be the way they are... are killed instantly. Slaughterhouses are checked, animal welfare is monitored. Whales are wild animals, and are not there so mankind can kill them. They aren't a big fish. Whales (toothed and baleen) are as important to the world as elephants, great apes... or would you sanction the slaughter of elephants and apes? All three are classified as sentient, same as us.
But Japan does not catch anywhere near 70% of the world catch. So shouldn't you be complaining to all the countries that catch tuna to sell to Japan? yes we should complain to anybody that overfishes the worlds fish stocks,, but the overfishing is only there because of the demand for it. If Japan said overnight we will stop buying or drastically cut how much they purchase the demand would disappear and so would the overfishing. Exactly the same thing happened to whaling in the early 1900s. For all its so called research Japan has shown absolutely no proof or set any clear laws that would forbid them from over hunting whales, the state of bluefin tuna and eel stocks is perfect proof. Whaling would only become economically viable if they are hunted in large numbers, eg human consumption, whale blubber, canned pet food, its this hunting in large numbers which whales are susceptible too due to their slow birth rates.
Breaking News! International Pirates develop new weapons and find way to circumvent court orders by moving their headquarters elsewhere! change the word pirates with corporations, certainly not NEW news and not illegal in the countries their headquarters are in. US and Japanese laws have no jurisdiction outside their borders and the same for any other country. If Japan isnt satisfied they're more than welcome to take it to the ICJ, ooops sorry already been done.
Mike O'Brien
Yes, really.
You might want to look at any of a number of videos by animal welfare NGOs. And what about non-domestic animals like wild fish, lobster, crab, etc.?
Someone already posted this but obviously it requires repeating.
Having sense perception; conscious: Experiencing sensation or feeling.That would include creatures all the way down to simple worms and insects.
Depends. Are they endangered? And elephants are regularly 'slaughter' when the herds exceed the ability of their habitat to sustain them.
Nope, sorry doesn't work that way. Just because there is a demand doesn't force anybody to meet it. The supplier is the problem.
Yes they have. They are signatories to the ICRW and thus are bound by its regulations, including quotas on whales. But as many people here have told us over and over, there is only a very small demand for whale meat. So by your own argument about tuna, that low demand would stop any over hunting. Or was the explanation about tuna wrong?
Again I point to your explanation about tuna. Without a commensurate large demand, hunting in large numbers would NOT be economically viable.
Which is why birth rate is figured into the scientifically determined quotas.
Ooops sorry the Sea Shepherds aren't a country, so no Japan can't take it to the ICJ. And what was taken to the ICJ was JARPA II, which no longer exists.
YIPPPEEEE!!! Give them hell down there. Go Sea Shepherd! And good luck!!!
I'm torn.
Cultures that have been doing something for thousands of years should be allowed to keep doing it provided it doesn't endanger extinction of a species. If the hunters were in small boats, using hand-thrown harpoons in the North Pacific - I could easily get behind it.
After all, what is different between whales and pigs and goats and dolphins? They are each intelligent. I like goat and pigs, tasty. Not all whales are endangered species. The type hunted by Japan is not. Over a million are believed to exist.
Hunting and fishing is a family thing were I'm from. It is part of my culture - deer, boar, walleye, pike, bass, trout. Grandma and grandpa would take us out hunting a few times a year, but we weren't shooting endangered species or traveling to the ends of the Earth to kill stuff. It was a 3 hr drive, inside our country. Dad like to hunt birds. - ducks, geese, grouse. We'd also target shoot. Part of our culture. Doesn't harm anyone else or any endangered species. We eat the meat/fish.
Norwegian whalers hunt the same type of whales and kill about 1.3x more than Japan. Minke whales are not endangered.
I'd rather see people protect the bluefin tuna - which is endangered.
Am I wrong here?
Out come the SS supporters with their false information. Anyone can go look these up but nobody bothers. it's much more fun to rant and rave against whaling by using lies.
IWC Article VIII which authorizes the Scientific Research Whaling in first place specifically excludes recognizing Moratoriums and Sanctuaries. So the Research Whalers are hardly eco-terrorists. Whereas as far back as 1977 the FBI labeled Sea Shepherd Conservation Society as "eco-terrorists".
But even the news sources are biased as this indicates: "But the hunt resumed in late 2015, with the fleet returning to Japan in March this year after having killed some 333 Minke whales."
The ICJ shut down the Jarpa II program. Japan ended it and started the Jarpa III program which met the ICJ's requirements. Yet AFP writes to give the false impression that Japan violated the ICJ ruling. It didn't. This kimnd of yellow journalism fuels misdirected comments like:
Anti-Whale people will never make any progress until they start dealing with the issue with accurate information, rather than lies that simply raise the "emotional" level. But then, with he exception of Australian nationalism, it's an "emotional" argument for them. No one stops to think, hey, Minkes are NOT endangered. Nobody is hunting down endangered species or breaking any laws or violating any moratoriums or sanctuaries. Thumb this down all you like but it won't change the facts. Sea Shepherd is acting outside of normal conservationist activity.
Please point to any annual Japanese fishing expeditions into internationally recognized marine sanctuaries.
Brian Wheway
The cost of buying a new ship is expensive, the cost of running the ship is expensive, IE, fuel, man power, insurance, to say that most of this money comes from public donations, It just goes to show how strong peoples feeling are towards saving the whales, good luck to the sea shepherd, keep being a pain in the butt to the whalers, and governments hopefully they will take note of your actions.
Mike O'Brien
Actually almost all the manpower pays their own way, there is essentially ZERO manpower cost.
Except it doesn't. Most of the money came from lotteries that distribute money to NGO's. And most of their other vessels were paid for by single large donations. So no it doesn't go to show how strong peoples feelings are. It goes to show how strong a small group of rich people's feelings are.
Go get 'em, boys and girls! 'Good' to see the Japanese govt's apologist network finally start to earn their pay again. So ironic that Japan complains when Chinese fishing boats strip the Japanese seabeds of red coral for jewellry that Japanese tourists buy, but give the world the middle finger when comes to whaling, a pointless industry that literally feeds blinkered oyaji nostalgia and Chiba parking area drivers chowing on whale croquettes. Maybe Sea Shepherd will lend them their new boat if they ask nicely.
Mike O'Brien
Go get 'em, boys and girls! 'Good' to see the Sea Shepherd pirate's apologist network finally start to earn their pay again.