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© 2017 AFPSilicone Sally: Japanese men find true love with sex dolls
By Alastair HIMMER TOKYO©2025 GPlusMedia Inc.
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One of the saddest articles I have ever read.
Slow news day? This is some seriously sick guano here.
There are so many facets of Japanese society that come together to facilitate this perversion. The hyper-sexualisation of young girls, the preference for robotic subservience even in human interactions, the inability of women and older workers to find meaningful employment after a certain age making it difficult for the wives and children of these creeps to leave them and build a new life for themselves, etc.
At the first, that made me smile but this is pretty sad.
Adultery is a national sport here. What happened?
If you have 60万円 for giant doll, well, go for it but expect me to laugh at you.
this stuff goes out to the world. and its true.
japanese society - scratch the surface and whoa!
Alistair Carnell
Probably one of the most creepiest lines I've ever read on this site. What wartime fantasies, I wonder.... Nanjing perhaps ?
Yeah, it's super creepy! Most of these men would be receiving counselling in other countries, some of them would be institutionalised, but not in Japan. And, it should be no surprise these dolls are designed to look like 16-18 year old girls.
Aly Rustom
seriously messed up. I feel sorry for the children of these little man-boys. What kind of example are these fathers setting for their children in future relationships?
Invent one that laughs when you take your pants off for the masochist market.
Alfie Noakes
Not really. The US is the world leader in this field
Child sex dolls are made in Hong Kong
This is clearly not only in Japan!
Mike L
I feel sorry all the people involved in this - the kids, the wives and the guys themselves.
I'm married and like all couples with have our ups and downs, but I would never insult my wife with behavior like this or embarrass my kids.
Sam Watters
That picture I could have gone without seeing.....
Baloney! Like many Japanese women you through your husband out of the bedroom the minute you had a child and are so selfish you cannot stand the idea of him enjoying himself with someone (or in this case "something") other than you.
Strange article but sad. Next you will see the Yaks move into this territory by opening up host bars with nothing but these dolls in them for the ones who don't want to drop the money on a doll.
What intrigues me is how do these grown men, feel comfortable walking around in public with a doll that everyone sees them with and knows that they have a sexual relationship with but don't seem to care, and yet are too timid to actually talk to their wives, or interact with another female in real life.
I think you'll find examples of single men, especially socially awkward ones, disabled/widowed ones, and the odd fetishist buying them in other countries. What is remarkable in the story is the married men buying them in Japan. Loveless marriages are very common here, as are divorces that leave fathers with no access at all to their children, so I hesitate to judge any man stuck in an unhappy marriage. I would instead question why it is socially acceptable for married women to show no affection to their husbands. There will be plenty of men out there who do not deserve it.
The Womp
"Its more about connecting on an emotional level for me".
Best quote in the article
Not even close, at least with a Lambo it will get a decent price when you sell it used!
ok so 2,000 dolls that's 1000-2000 J men who buy these dolls each year in a country of 130M. Haven't reached epidemic proportions yet have we?
Having said that I do feel sorry for these men & their family. There is a bit of 'hikikomori' in them i.e social withdrawal with a 'dash' (a big dash that is) of fetish. (mix of hikomori & cosplay too).
Hebephilia, hephebophilia, zoophilia, homosexuals and this dollphilia all together are like 30% of population. Should all be respected
Ricky Kaminski
Is there not a point where these fellas stop themselves, take pause and realize that they are talking to a frickin blow up doll?
NIght night darling.
It should surprise non one living in Japan that this is taking off here, and as other have said starting to elsewhere as well. I predict men will buy most but that women will also by dolls as well!!
There are growing trends for various reasons worldwide that are resulting in marrying late or not at all.
As for this woman:
So while I hope I never gone down this doll road, I can see why some do, this phenomenon WILL increase, just sayin!
Pretty weird. I's say "sick" but it might be deemed offensive. At least its better than sheep. I guess.
The husband blaming his wife for their marital problems, but he never indicates in the interview that he sees his wife as a person.
Mike L
I guess unlike some USB or DVD these dolls are tough to hide away, so you just have to be honest about it?
Yes. They would. They can't talk or have opinions, because they're not real.
Oh dear dear.
Being a yaramiso for too long:(
Kobe White Bar Owner
Its a giant tenga they are only a few thousand yen, if J men had more money these freaky creations would be in every household.
if a woman or man in a marriage suddenly decides that they dont want sex anymore, then it shouldn't come as a surprise if the partner that still wants it finds it someplace else, either in an affair, prostitute or doll/toy
As sad as this is, for some reason, I don't think it's as bad as guys with waifu pillows. But having those 3 mirrors is disturbing.
Mirai Hayashi
I was okay with this until I saw this picture...Now I am completely weirded out...
Yes, very hard to put a price on a high-mileage silicone sex doll but I'm sure there will be a market for them, somewhere.
Michael Jackson
I wonder how many of these men put any effort into repairing their relationships. Or did they run down to the doll store as soon as their wives played hard to get.
Michael Jackson
I think it's sad that getting their jollies was more important to them than their families.
No one has seen the movie "Lars and the Real Girl"?
And of course sex dolls for ladies don' t exist. ;)
Love the hanami & surf pics though, priceless ;)
On the plus side, she won't drown.
If I were married and my wife stopped having intimate relations with me, I'd probably go this route too, but not emotionally. Problem lies with both the men and the women in this kind of marriage. One can't have good marriage without intimacy, which re-affirms the bond between them. Women whose husbands ask to get it on should admire the fact that their husband (who married them and vice versa) find them physically attractive even after xx years together.. And men should treat their wives as more than just maids and sex outlets. Lack of sex in a marriage= lack of love. Men still want to feel wanted just like women do especially if they put a ring on it.
Disturbing on so many levels.
"Japanese women are cold-hearted,"
Thats true! I have experienced that cold hearted and I shall never forget!
I've seen people say sexless marriages and even marriages without any physical contact can work. It's not what I want personally, but it may for other people. What I think is necessary is warmth, and it is clear that a lot of Japanese marriages don't even have that. The man ends up as just a pay packet and the woman as a maid. The man in the story finds himself moaning about his job to his rubber doll. Why isn't the wife prepared to even just listen to him, the man providing for her family? That marriage doesn't just lack sex, it lacks love, support and empathy.
I'm a home husband who also works freelance and has three elementary and younger kids. I can tell you right now that cleaning, washing and cooking alone are not sufficiently taxing for a marriage partner to put no other effort into their relationship. Millions of people working full-time do childrearing and household chores on top of their full time hours, possibly for the worst boss in the world. Any Japanese housewife thinking a bit of cleaning and cooking is a hard life and sleep is more important than their family's happiness is selfish in the extreme.
Platonic relationships can be fullfilling.
Luciano Yamada
I believe Natural Selection is at work here.
Unfortunately, some of the men mentioned in this article already had kids, too bad, but most Japanese men live a sexless life and are going down the same path. Dramatic declining on childbirths proves that.
And since Japan still have a big problem with racism, or at least skepticism against us foreigners, this declining will still go on for a while.
But - and here is the good news! - as time goes by, Japanese women will get more and more comfortable with us and we will take care of them.
So Japan will become a land of mixed people (just like everywhere else, but for different reasons) and these creeps will die out eventually.
So thank you Japanese men for turning Japan into a "Candyland" for us, actual real men. Thank you very much.
So many married men find themselves in a situation where they have to find intimacy outside of their marriage because of a Japanese wife who does not want to have sexual relations anymore that I am not surprised that this silicon affair is a thing. I still don't understand why some Japanese women think a dead bedroom is good for a relationship. Some men wait years before finally realizing that there will never be any intimate relations in their marriage. Hopefully they can find someone to love at that particular stage in their lives.
Hectic. Although I think these dolls are creepy, I think this is more alluding to the incompatibility of marriage in modern life and having some way to deal with it.
Once life-like robots who can interact become widely available, I think stories like these will become so much more common and widespread and perhaps even the norm
Kiwi in Okinawa
No one has seen the movie "Lars and the Real Girl"?
That was exactly my first thought when read this too.. I still don't know what was funner in that movie, the situation with his doll, or the totally awesome selection of horrible sweaters he wore..
I can see weirdness like in that movie play out for these people too.
If a woman enjoys sex with her partner, she will eventually want to return to having an active sex life, after she recovers from the physical effects of carrying and then ejecting a baby, and the following months/years of babycare. (That recovery time varies from woman to woman of course.)
If she does not want to return to having an active sex life, doesn't that suggest she was not enjoying it that much before? And if she wasn't, why not?
One thing men like the ones in this article have in common when they complain about why their partner no longer wants to have sex, ix they never wonder why she doesn't.
Brian Wheway
"My wife was furious when I first brought Mayu home". why does this not surprise me? what do you expect, your wife (to be ex) invites her in to have a up of tea? "When my daughter realised it wasn't a giant Barbie doll, she freaked out and said it was gross" yep she's right. "But now she's old enough to share Mayu's clothes." ok this is freaky, so who buys the clothes? dad? so does that mean he buys sex lingerie for he is daughter? and well as possibly sexy hot pants or clothes for Mayu san?. I can understand the allure to silicone san but only if you single, windowed or disabled in some way, but to buy one whilst your still married and you wife lives very close to you, WTF this is a shrinks nightmare! why didn't he just not spend the money on silicons san and take his wife out for romantic dinners or weekend aways? or even pay for marriage counselling?
I don't know the Lars... movie but I've seen the Stepford Wives and Her.
Maybe that should be the "incompatibility of standard Japanese marriage with its old fashioned gender roles and 50% chance of becoming sexless" in modern life. Remember that by the Japanese definition, sex once a month is not "sexless" (!)
They're working on ones with robotics and AI already. There was a feature I saw on the Guardian website. There's lots of talk of people being replaced by robots in the workplace, but there may be just as much money to be made from relationships. Of course, the lower the bar set by real people in real-life relationships, the sooner we will see people turning to these techno alternatives.
Anders Blenstrup-Pedersen
@Maria - I would agree, until I got a gf thats of traditional japanese style. Basically Sex is bad, you dont talk about it, you "don't" have it, and for girls when having it "you should not like it".
Also for a guy, i actually like talking and hugging/cuddeling watching a movie. But even at home, that needs to have a little separation, and not laying too close (according to her because its just not proper).
I know a lot of girls here thats the same so basically, many of the woman here are making the problem. I agree she sometimes has some needs like talking being with friends and family, go shopping etc, that's all fair. Looking at a womans brain it makes sense why she needs those kinda things, as it produces hormones that makes you feel good and safe, plus lowering stress levels.
But looking at the a man and his brain, sex and intimacy, (like touch and kissing, etc) is mainly responsible for lowering a males stress levels and relieves bad productions of stress hormones.
I could easily imagine the problem, and why they choose to buy a doll. Though i would choose to break up instead is the stress, and no love getting to me. I have one life, why should i live in pain/sadness?
Don't knock it until you tried it. My partner who is older than me hasn't had been so tentpole laterly. I have needs. I still love him, but would never have an affair.
Age could be a factor here. I and my partner are in our mid-forties and I think if either of us played hard to get, I'd probably shrug my shoulders and go to a bar and my partner would probably shrug hers and switch the TV on.
My advice is to get more and more depraved as you age. Give me a few years and I'll be suggesting a foursome with Silicone Sally and a Roomba.
A been-round-the-block fortysomething really shouldn't be playing hard to get.
Bill Murphy
His wife should buy a mannequin and arrange for him to be in a compromising position with Sally to be "caught" by her husband when he returns from work.
Well, it's better than molesting kids or assaulting women.
She never says no, or has a headache!
englisc aspyrgend
kiyoshiMukai: "Hebephilia, hephebophilia, zoophilia, homosexuals and this dollphilia all together are like 30% of population. Should all be respected"
Where did you get 30% from? And why do we need to respect having sex with dolls, and zoophilia of all things? Don't just pull a number out of a hat; if you're going to give stats, back them up.
Only in Japan will you find grown men who PLAY with Dolls!
The men and dolls in the picture simply look like prostitutes and her customers. It is sick when I think of dolls as human replacements, but fuzoku workers were already here who aren't different from future advanced AI dolls.
Dango bong
this is a serious social mental illness. I feel sorry for the families, these men need counsling
Researched the author and saw that he's experienced in trashing Japan with exaggeration and tabloid-style things like this.
Dango bong
Dude it does not matter, look at the pics of these guys pic-nicking and sleeping with dolls. Its a mental illness
All jokes aside, this should serve a serious warning to guys thinking of long term relationships with Japanese women.
The story these guys tell is just all too common, and honestly, all they're after is love. Who can blame them? That's what a lot of people want. But they don't get it from their wives, so they use alternate means.
I know a LOT of western guys in a sexless relationship with their Japanese wife, and some of them aren't very old.
Be very, very careful.
Sam Watters
@Tamarama. Possibly off-topic but would love Japan Today to put out a survey/poll along the lines of "What has been your experience with Japanese women? Generally positive. Generally negative. " The board might explode!
The mental healthcare system in Japan needs a serious reboot.
Really? It seems to me this is a warning to women thinking of long term relationships with Japanese men.
Having lived here for over thirty years nothing surprises me any more. These guys are a bit sad and I have to say twisted. However, they are dealing with their loneliness/fetish in a way that hurts no-one (it is a given that their families are not dealing with it so well). BUT (sorry for shouting) the tone and attitude of the article is disgraceful. These people opened their homes and allowed themselves/family to be interviewed. Yes, it is a sub-culture not to be encouraged, I think, but the reporting of it could have been handled with some respect and journalistic objectivity. Our comments are moderated. The JT editors could have done better on their side with this one. I suggested this online newspaper to my students. I regret that now.
Niki Wonoto
whether you view this as 'disgusting' or not, there are actually some real truths in the article about Humans / Human beings. people are most often disappointing. that's why I don't blame them for thinking like this, & even coming up with such decisions.
Joe Duncan
WOW that is very disgusting behavior and sounds like some Japanese men need some therapy.
So, apart from numerous conversations with Western guys I know who have told me that as soon as the kids come, the bedroom action disappears completely, my wife came home just the other day from a mothers group of Japanese women married to foreigners ('bout a dozen ladies), and as it happens the conversation of sex came up. So she told me what was said, and in every case except one they all said they either don't have sex with their husband, or try to do it as little as possible. Some of them hadn't had sex for several years, and the range is from mid 20's to late 30's.
Now, I know several of the husbands, so it just confirms what they have already told me, which for them is that kids equals the death of your sex life, and the start of your wife turning you into a family member/housemate, whether you like it or not.
Be very, very careful, if having an intimate relationship with your wife is important to you.....
Sam Watters
@Tamarama. The difference between what you are saying and what Educator60 is saying can be summed up in the follow two sentence fragments.
Educator60: I wonder if.....
Tamara: I know....
You and I both know lots and lots of men who have been booted from the bedroom once the kid has been born. Nothing wrong with wondering and Educator60 is correct that there are a lot of zeros in this country but ask why the women stay with them. The answer is simple; if the hubby can occupy himself with a barbie doll then wifey can continue to control money and not have to work.
Bill Murphy, excellent idea!
Silicone Sally could be caught inflagranto delecto with sally utterly destroying her japanese guys image of her as a worthy of rape chinese peasant girl in Nanking.
Did any of them say why?
sally got a taste of real good sex with the mannequin and after that lost her desire for intimacy with Tsuyoshi.
Bill Murphy
I hear that Sally dumped mannequin when she found out he was a trans-mannequin!
Then sally started questioning her own gender identity. "Am I a girl just because that loser Tsuyoshi wants me that way? Actually, today I feel like a boy and I want a wang. Gonna call the silicone company and have one made specially. Hmmm, I dont want Extra-Small like Tsuyoshi...
The topic of sex has not come up the when my missus has been to a "gaijin-tsuma mama lunch", but we've had parties at our place where women have come out with "atarimae de yatte nai!" and all the other women agreed with them. My and my missus are down to about two or three times a month, and even that takes setting up. My wife works full time and we have three kids, but the main thing I'm fighting is the culture.
The thing people need to understand is that a Japanese woman can say "we don't do it!" in front of other Japanese women they barely know because (going back to my first post) it is socially acceptable. I can guarantee you that none of the women at these gatherings make a point of discussing how much their husband's earn or how much they spent on building or buying their house.
If anything I'm dealing with the opposite issue. I'll come home from work, dead tired some nights, and my wife will be a little more 'eager' than me. The tap definitely was never turned off.
That said, she's been out with the moms from the kindergarten, and half of them said that they were grossed out when their husbands touched them. They were envious of my wife for still having a sex life.
Old news! "Guys and Dolls" was a Broadway hit in 1950.
This 'sillicone sally' item came to mind when I saw that poll about whether AI is going to make people better.
Some people clearly do not need or want the intelligence:
But then again:
Appears to be a variety of reasons. They don't like it, they don't want to, they are too tired, she sees him now a Daddy and not a lover, etc, etc. Stuff like that.
Kohaku, you are certainly right and I have wondered about this previously, but the thing is that these girls are good friends and have known each other for several years. Some of them are very straight shooters. My wife said the conversation was genuine and honest, so in this case I'm just transferring what she shared with me.
Sam W
Had a conversation with a 30 Year old Aussie guy just last weekend at a kid's birthday party who was bemoaning that very fact. I think he was trying to get a bead on how 'normal' that is, poor bloke. He had a semi-panicked look in his eye after gobbling half a dozen Tim Tams in a stellar display of binge eating.
Has to get his pleasure somewhere, I suppose.
The sexless marriages one is not an issue of outright incompatibility but of women rejecting physical advances once they have had children. Living together before marriage is largely irrelevant if there are no kids around.
In the West, sexless or at least intimacy-free marriages are seen as failed marriages, so couples will work at their relationship and things may improve.
In Japan, sexless marriages are the norm, so couples do not work at their relationship. I have never seen any Japanese article on sexless marriages suggest people work on it or go to counseling. A sexless marriage is almost something you can be proud of.
Everyone knows women go through physical changes with childbirth, so there will be plenty of loving, affectionate, and understanding men being patient with their wives. However, it is all too common for this sexless pattern to take hold and for the men to be shunned by their wives even after the hormones are back to normal. The solution in the West may be divorce, but in Japan, any father divorcing his wife will get no visitation rights over his kids. He will lose everything.
The cost in lost happiness of loveless marriages is huge. Being a warm supportive partner doesn't cost anything moneywise, so its something people should strive for and demand. All other things being equal, I personally believe any woman in a happy marriage will be a better mother than one in an unhappy marriage. Kids do not want to grow up hearing how "kusai" or "kimochi warui" their dad is. Kids who grow up in unloving homes are more likely to end up in the same pattern themselves.
Brian Wheway
If his wife files for divorce, on what grounds could it be? adultery? is this possible ref mannequin?,
I actually bought one of these dolls when my marriage broke down several years ago. However, I eventually found out that when I went to work she was having an affair with my microwave. She's now living with a paraffin heater in Sendai and we never communicate.
Bill Murphy
No, not adultery. Maybe Idolatry or Adollatry.
Bill Murohy, HAHA!
Steve Martin
Oh yeah ... remembering that great Monkees song ... 'I'm Gonna Buy Me a Doll' ... ;-)
No the Japanese are not the gold medalists here it's the US,
I don't know a single marriage involving a foreigner and Japanese partner (all women in the cases I can think of) where when the sex has stopped they haven't gotten a divorce. Of course, some could be lying and it is the case that the marriage has become sexless, and I think in nearly all cases sex has decreased as the couples grow older and children are born, but again, I can't think of one that hasn't ended in divorce. While I don't at all applaud divorce, I'd rather see unhappy couples part and strive for happiness then 'gaman' and grow to resent and even hate each other, especially if kids are involved. And partners should not have to nor expect THEIR partners to stay in a relationship where one or both are unhappy, but it is the norm here for Japanese couples.
What's more, of the aforementioned couples I know one or both partners of, I also know many who have had, or are having love affairs, ESPECIALLY the couples where both partners are Japanese but they endure a sex-less relationship. So, the tap may be turned of for you guys, boys and girls, but it does not mean the women (or men) no longer crave sexual intimacy. In the case of this article, one man found it with a doll, as no doubt do many. However, I think there is good reason the love hotel industry thrives, my friends, and it's not just because young people have nowhere to go besides. Most couples I know do not share the same circle of friends at all, and in fact scoff at the idea of it. They have no idea where their partners are, or what they are doing.
I try not and judge people, so in this case I can only say, better they buy a doll than go out and kidnap a young girl, I am not saying most of these people are capable of that, but I am a sure a few are.
Mike L
I'd describe these dolls as ten-pinters.
Bill Murphy
Don't blame yourself, Sid. Your Sally just wanted some hot romance. Just playing the field. Maybe she's just an airhead. Maybe unstable. If the paraffin heater tries to get too close she might blow up.
How's the new model by the way?
Whilst I often disagree with Smith, he is right here.
The level of infidelity in Japan is pretty wild in my opinion. It's just part of the socio-economic (love hotels) landscape in Japan.
You can see why though. Perfectly understandable.
Alfie Noakes
Turns out a Japanese company, owned by a paedophile, is making dolls for paedophiles.
It's super creepy, so be warned.
Better a robot than a real kid.
In the last pic the dude has at least 3 alarm clocks that I can see. Is he having trouble "getting up" in the morning. Pun intended.
I find this story to be beyond weird. Do they not know it is considered to be masubating at best? I can only suppose this is one of the reasons for a declining population on the mainland. Then the men do not look at themselves for the reason for martial diffuculty.
It's the male equivalent of a vibrator.
Japan needs real-life Human Reproduction rather than mass-production of plastic look-alikes in order to survive.
There's an opportunity here. Japan needs to create a Double-Secret organization to infiltrate homes of Silicone Sally owners, surgically implant a baby ready "test tube" egg in Sally, sneak out, sneak back in the next day, remove the test tube, and raise the child at a triple-secret institution. WAHLAH! Population problem solved, after they figure out how to manipulate DNA that is.
This is truly pathetic.
Am I the only guy married to a loving and beautiful Japanese woman who is happy? Somehow I sense it cannot be. The doll lovers have got to be a weird cult. Or are they?
Hey guys, hang out at Starbucks. You are sure to meet the woman of your dreams who out performs any plastic doll that can be invented.
well isn't that a 180 from your usual gripe that Japanese wives turn off the sex tap after marriage
I've never made that gripe.
so many times in the past year I've lost track. Here's one from about 11 hours ago;
Ahh, I see the source of your confusion. You don't know what the word gripe means! as that clearly wasn't a gripe.
You're not alone...LOL
strange, some non-gentleman, not you, get the urge to publicly boast about it though.
Weird but I don't blame the men, I blame the fact the father can't divorce the wife because he would lose access to his child. The woman also shut up shop after having the baby which I see alot in Japan. Japanese woman turn into "mothers" and never want sex again.
I like the way Yuri Otani refers to "the mainland".
I guess the manly Okinawan man would never do that!
What I want to know is what happens when kids in the street want to ask about the doll.
Spain is well ahead of Japan in this area. Search on "Barcelona sex robots brothel" for details.
The outfit that opened the sex doll brothel in Barcelona is apparently going to open one in Britain as well.
For those of you who might prefer something more northern European, search on "German sex dolls." Various on-vendors offer them including Alibaba.
While not the ideal, robotic sex may well be the savior of humanity.
In China and India there are much larger male populations than female.
However, access to prostitutes may not be possible or morally reprehensible.
Millions of 'angry' young men
don't make for a civil society.
Where making love (even with a machine) may prevent war then I know which alternative is preferable......,
Bill Murphy
Neither do millions of young men on "sex meds" make for a civil society.
Fun with Sally is just the latest method of male self-medication for growing social isolation. It is social self-obliteration and an understandable adjunct of rampant self-isolation facilitated by Internet voyeurism.
kurisupisu, hilarious. Or Are you serious?
As other people already said, this isn't only in Japan, but it's a worldwide phenomenon, and it's old news. But what apparently some people didn't say yet, is that sexless marriages are a lot common also in the West, way more than some people could think. And it's not true that in the West the problem usually brings to divorce. It simply brings to infidelity. In Europe, specially in Countries like Germany and Italy, we have the same low birthrate as Japan (immigrants help a bit our demographic growth, but not so much). This happens for many reasons: there are always more people, both males and females, who don't want to marry and they prefer to remain singles for ever; people get married always later, when they are over 30, so fertility rate is low; and finally, because most of the marriages end up to be sexless really soon. This is why while marriages and birthrate is always lower, prostitution and sex industries remain rampant. People continue to have sex, but not inside marriage. I think the same it is happening in Japan, that shares many trends with some European Countries. Maybe in the US it's a bit different, indeed they don't have any demographic crises. So, I don't believe it's right speaking generically about "West", like it's all the same. Europe is way more similar to Japan than to the US under many points of view, and this is one of them.
Do l understand correctly - there are little girl dolls for the pedophiles and the rest look like charracateurs of high school girls. And this is healthy?
Bill Murphy
Perhaps not healthy, but apparently very profitable.
As usual the women have a better deal. Vibrators are easily concealed.
Danny Bloom
I'm late to this article chat but isn't anyone here aware that this is an afp news agency fake pretend article written by a UK tabloid reporter who knows how to tell a tall tale. Most of this article is fake news.
Bill Murphy
Aren't you aware of irony?