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© 2012 AFPSpecial glasses sell out as Japan readies for annular solar eclipse
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© 2012 AFP
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"...which had sent an expedition to the top of Mount Fuji to film the phenomenon using solar-powered equipment."
Wouldn't the power go out at the peak of the eclipse? kidding! A nice idea. I have a bad feeling, though, that for a change the weather forecast might be right and it won't be viewable. Already, as we speak, it is cloud and getting moreso throughout the day. I hope at least if it's cloudy we can see something through the clouds -- we'll obviously see it get darker, but I hope that's not all. My only complaint through this whole thing, besides the faulty glasses sold here and there, is the price gouging with some glasses. My friend bought a pair yesterday and had to pay more than 1000 yen at a shop in Osaka. Ah well.
Read the whole article, they are taking re-chargeable batteries, no doubt with solar panel chargers. Hopefully the summit of Fuji-san will be above the cloud level.
I`m in Kagoshima at the moment. Cloudy and raining and to top things off Sakurajima blasted off yesterday sending ash across the city. Still, a once in a life time experience to look forward to tomorrow.
Smithinjapan, your friend wasted his ¥1000. No one should look directly at the sun, even in eclipse. If anyone ignores that advice eye damage is likely. The safest way to view the sun is to aim a telescope toward it (do not look through the telescope!) and project an image of the eclipse onto a sheet of card held below the eyepiece. Won't see anything if it's cloudy though.
Just got back from Odaiba where every possible shop has sold out. Not too fussed though - heard it is going to be cloudy anyway!
Somebody has made a shedload of cash out of this eclipse!
Hope this weather clears up! Tried to buy a pair of those special glasses, but, forgetting that this was Japan where everybody plans to do the same thing weeks ahead of time, they were all sold out. You can also use level 14 grade welding goggles, if anybody has them. The local hardware shop had some welding goggles, but no specification as to what grade they were. Not something to risk as retinal damage is pretty much irreversible. Oh well, looks like I'll be going old-school and making a cardboard camera obscura tonight!
It's better to watch the results around you. Listen to birds quieting down thinking its night again, the lights going on automatically and the horizons to each corner. It's the most beautiful experience to see especially in ones lifetime. If y can't witness the actual eclipse, it's just nice to go outside and feel the magic around you. A free celestial show.
Mike Hunt
The hype about not looking directly at the sun has been blown up beyond all proportion and this being Japan the sheep like public follow orders and line the pockets of the glasses makers. That's the most depressing thing about living here, a once brave, innovative nation now a bunch of conformist sheep. I've seen many, many eclipses over the years, never ever used any of the dodgy glasses that were on sale. Never ever had a problem, 20-20 vision and I'm nearly 80.
Just spoke with my ex and she managed to get the last pair of special glasses in her local opticians where she picks up her contacts every week. She said that it might be cloudy in her part of Chiba prefecture... I hope not.
As for not looking directly at the sun, well that's common sense isn't it? When we had one here some years ago we got the same warnings. I used five SLR camera tinted filters to watch the last one here... dimmed it a lot but it was still amazingly bright.
I plan to be up and outside tomorrow morning, but I have no goggle and interesting staring at the sun. Just want experience the moment when it gets suddenly dark and then light again. Will be interesting.
Harry_Gatto: "Read the whole article, they are taking re-chargeable batteries, no doubt with solar panel chargers."
I have a cousin as well who for whatever reason takes everything literally. Did you miss my 'kidding' after what I said?
MikeHunt: I think there's a bit of confusion between looking at the sun and staring. Every human being in the world who is not born and until death lives underground occasionally looks up at the sun. It leaves an immediate image after effect because it's so bright. STARING is of course another matter, which I think you are getting at. Taking a quick glimpse at the sun during the eclipse (if we can see it) isn't going to hurt you on bit, same as trying to take a quick peek at the sun regularly.
all that watches this eclipse will be cursed according to a hindu guru
I remember the full solar eclipse a few years ago in the UK. The weather was lovely and it was such a sight!
Dont throw out the special sunglasses as you can use them again for the transit across the sun of Venus on June 6th.This will last for around 6 hours and will be visible from Japan.
There was some king of solar eclipse a couple of years ago in Kyushu. My son was at junior high basketball practice. All of the second and third year students could look with the teacher's glasses but the teacher did not let any of the first year students look and ordered them to stand quietly. My son learned an important lesson; his teacher was a miserable XXXXX.
Thomas Anderson
Mike Hunt
Uhh, looking directly at the sun can obviously damage your retina. It may be slightly exaggerated but this isn't an urban legend.
Sorry but saying that it won't damage your eyes is just unscientific and irresponsible.
Elbuda Mexicano
Top of Mt.Fuji is ALWAYS above the clouds, basically from above the 7th or 8th station of Fuji san you are way above the clouds this is why Panasonic is taking the team up there, to be above the clouds and to film live this eclipse so as not to have to worry about any pesky clouds, rain etc..from the top of Mt.Fuji you have only 2 choices, to look up the sun or moon or down at clouds and once in a while at either Shizuoka or Yamanashi, all breath taking! I can not wait to see the lovely images from Panasonic!
5:11 a.m. in Tokyo. Skies are mostly clear. We might be in for the big show!
My girlfriend took some good photos from Kita-Ku :-)
Got to see it using a couple of pairs of sunglasses for a few seconds.......
i gave up buying the glasses since the weather news says there's a steep chance on seeing the eclipse... but i when i woke up this morning i was like HOLY MOTHER OF ### ITS FRIGGIN SUNNY!!! so i rushed near edogawa river and many people are like clapping and in awe... there was a sudden change in temperature and the place is kinda darker. i managed to take good photos and video using my digicam and its kinda good (i think partly thanks to the dimming effect of the clouds). weird thing is many people around just dont care at all like somebody is doing laundry, taking out the trash etc... like what is happening on these people??? hahah!