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© KYODOSurvey shows many seniors undecided about vaccination
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The last time I looked, we still have the right to choose, and that includes not taking a vaccination.
And @virusex, I have not stated that anyone should follow what I say, these opinions are of my own, and anyone can choose to either agree of disagree with them. And, within this Country, I can still voice my opinions - under the watchful eye of course, of the JT Moderators, just as anyone else can.
If you have a lot of money, you can ask Ron DeSantis.
Maria 'Bing' Velasquez Reid
I had my 2nd and last jab of Pfizer 15 days ago. I am good to go. Like any flu shot, you get sore on the arm you had the jab but move your arms like nothing happened and it goes away in 2 days after. The second jab made me tired the next day. I slept at 5PM and had dinner at 10PM. Went back to bed at 1AM after reading and woke up at 8AM the next day. I have been great since. I keep my proof of vaccination because they say it may be proof to enter theaters and restaurants and travel. They also suggest to eat with people with vaccines. The vaccine is for us not to die. It prevents us from dying. So if we catch COVID, it won't need hospitalization. But you must follow the rules: wear a mask, practice social distancing and wash your hands.
Low death rates do not come for free, and lots of people are suffering from the conditions that make this relative success possible. It is perfectly valid to criticize a free decision for being irrational when it is not supported by a logical process, Ir is the same as when people reject blood or antibiotics, except that in this case it can cost the job and business of other people to protect that decision.
Japanese people (specially experts and primary care professionals) also complain about Japanese people being irrationally scared of vaccines, where are they supposed to move?
Scotland is also reporting huge positive results from the vaccine, especially in regard to hospitalizations.
Lack of ICU beds and the personnel trained in ICU care to treat serious Covid infections is a major problem here in Japan. So, the vaccines should be a boon for Japan, as well.
Diabetes 1 and acute asthma here, so we are traveling and want to see GoToTravel back up and running.
Bjorn Tomention
Living will kill ya
Bjorn Tomention
Yup question everything , especialy if coming from the govt and especially in todays world, we dont want your vaccination , teacher leave them kids alone, wasnt that a song ? floyd pink ?
But now its leave them old folks Alone...................we dont want your vaccination.........
Sven Asai
It doesn’t play any so big role. You all die even without existence of any corona virus or with all the best vaccines you could ever grab. And now, considering this fact, it doesn’t play a role for high aged people in relation even more, as they now can or cannot buy only a very few remaining or extra time with a vaccination. Btw., some countries have thought that over, Indonesia for example, and they vaccinate the young people first. Sounds hard and is quite not-corresponding to our western culture and modern philosophy or ethics, but the time loss for the young if not earlier vaccinated is indeed higher than the time win of very old seniors in their last months or years. You see, there is no absolute wrong or right when discussing this topic.
I’ll take theirs then.
Then don't listen to the media or the politicians, go to get the opinion directly from the professionals and experts in their public pages, blogs, scientific articles, etc. They still say care is necessary, and that a vaccine is a terribly good thing to have against the pandemic.
But still taking a huge lot of other measures that are very taxing to the population, being able to ease on that for a safe and effective vaccine is the obvious choice.
There is no evidence this will be ever necessary. Up until now the immunity from vaccination or heavily symptomatic infection is considered to be very likely to be protective for years.
vaccinated people, because they reduce the risk they are exposed to, and those that cannot be vaccinated, because if transmission is interrupted they will also be at a much lower risk of infection.
The government do as if has done with the vaccines that are already available. If someone is not vaccinated after listening to your invalid arguments, who is accountable? will you accept that responsibility?
The thing is that science can prove you are, everybody does, if you are human you have the receptors that lets the virus infect your cells.
I have never had a FLU jab.
I have also as far as I can recall, have ever had the Flu.
Yet people around me see to want to get one yearly.
Now with Covid, we are all being asked to take a Jab, and take one yearly ad-infinitum.... Some Countries even now, force you to pay for that, and others will *name & (supposedly) shame you" if you don't... Flu-jab (part 2)
Who benefits ?
And if the jab causes you problems, who is accountable ? ( I bet the Government will worm itself out of any responsibility )
Personally, I don't see myself as at risk of contracting this virus. And, I suspect my lifestyle is pretty much similar to the majority here in Japan - which, may explain why, there is such a low infection rate here, within this Country.
All I ask for, from this Government, is to stop the influx of other non-residents who maybe carrying the Virus and whom may thereafter spread it unknowingly amongst the local population.
The Olympics will sadly go ahead, and we will undoubtably pay the price thereafter.
"You can always recover from a virus, but..."
Over half a million people in the US didn't. In addition to those, well over a million have long term covid "side effects" (sequellae) in some cases going on 10 months. These "side effects" include presistant fatique, damaged lung capacity brain fog and more.
The emphasis upon everyone getting a vaccination is troubling... and in the UK they want to link this to being able to go abroad on Holiday...??!! During a Global Pandemic!???? .. .It seems back there, people only care about going on Holiday, outside of their own Country than anything else!
I think this highlights the dumb-nuts intelligence of those within the UK. Yes, you may have a vaccination against the more severe effects of the virus, but you can still be a carrier of it, and go where you will to spread it...
The whole inoculation passport thing is a Global disaster in the making. And, I am seriously wondering whether some of those "Conspiracy Theories" I've read, are actually true!!!
My view, is that the Media, is as always sensationalist, thats simply how they get readership number increases.
The more stupid Governments react to these Media organisations and follow the predictable path... such as is happening within the UK. And. yes, the current UK Government is full of Stupid ... "but well connected"... people - that's how Politics works in the UK.
COVID is a bad virus, but ask yourself... why is it, that here in Japan, its not as bad as elsewhere ? And... we haven't been (contrary to CNN) going out an inoculating the whole population ?
englisc aspyrgend
423 people is not a sufficient number and as apparently the survey was filled out by other people “on their behalf” it invalidates the results anyway.
Had my first shot yesterday, slight ache in the arm at the injection site, that’s it. This I can live with, death from the virus I am not so sure of!!!
Perhaps the elderly in Japan need to be made aware just how vulnerable they are to the virus. Obvious case for a comprehensive public education programme to counter the lies, distortions and misinformation.
Not just the hazard of death but the impact of long COVID which can impact even the young and the mild cases.
Richard Burgan
@Luddite is right. The government should be doing a full-on public education campaign to assure people that vaccination is safe. After more than one year of daily news coverage, a large number of people have a low understanding of the pandemic and how it will be overcome.
Burning Bush:
500,000 Americans beg to differ.
On the subject of whether there really are a lot of seniors who do not want to get vaccinated, I can say that I have personally talked to a lot of them, here in South Cal, who do not intend to get the shot. I wish them well, but I think they are foolish.
I will be getting my second shot this coming Monday. It will give me a lot of peace of mind.
I wonder if people who don't want to get vaccinated think they are more or less likely to be alive a year from now?
Mr Kipling
Not a problem... We can save on health care and pension payments.
I say...great. That means other people can get the vaccine earlier. No problem here.
40% of 423 is 169 what a pointless article
@daniel-san 6:11p: Your post: ‘Suga-sama & co., o-saki ni, douzo!” at the top of the “National” section led us here. Not going to even bother reading the ‘survey’ results (423 people in 1 nursing home; stopped there!) reported (?) above. It’s all pointless, right? After reading so much murder-suicide-murder news, Your comments really ‘cracked Us up’! -Thanks! Btw: Romaji is the best! -
Lets ask these seniors and and anti-vaxxers then what THEIR solution is. More lockdowns? More isolation? More businesses being closed? Herd immunity?
If they've got nothing to offer, then they shouldn't expect society to cater to their demands.
Japan hasn't had a full lockdown. People haven't had their freedom restricted. There's no incentive to take the vaccine.
The UK has undergone some heavy lockdowns and the vaccine is seen as the only way out. Over 90% of care home residents and over-75-year-olds in England have chosen to receive their first dose of the vaccine. In their eyes, the consequences of not taking the vaccine far outweigh the consequences of taking it.
Seriously, only 423 people were surveyed and the result is used to represent the whole elderly population of Japan. At least get 1,000 people or are the people doing the study just too lazy.
Suga sama & co saki ni dozo!
After living decades on a country that uses irrational fears on any medical intervention as a mean to get easy votes? hardly surprising.
These problems are not new, doctors have to deal too frequently with baseless anxieties easily disproved by science but promoted endlessly so people are grateful to politicians that make terribly difficult to consider anything safe.
The government should be doing a full on public health campaign across all media encouraging people to have the vaccine.
No leadership and no education. Leaders of other countries took the initiative to show their country that it was safe, and had their vaccinations. Not so for the LDP geezers. There has also been a lack of transparency and a history of suspect immunizations and court rulings that only reinforces the population's suspicions. If Suga, Kato and the health minister showed the population that it was safe, and received the vaccination first, I think a lot of the issues would dissipate.
The lockdown is to protect the elderly isn't it? They may not want vaccine but you stay in lockdown forever, tourism needs to restart.
The Avenger
According to the police, the number of frauds and economic crimes related to vaccination has drastically increased. Most victims are senior citizens. It suggests that many people are more willing to take jabs sooner.
The level of vax availability and responsiveness for rollout is more urgent and significant. Focus on the supply side for now.
Brian Wheway
personaly i think its no brainer, you weigh up the slight discomfort from the vaccine against getting covid, yes we all know that most cases its a bad flue symptoms to the extream of its terminal. I would rather put up with a bit of discomfort for a short while.
The most vulnerable in Japan are opposed to getting a vaccine. Fair enough. The Japanese elders are entitled to make their own decisions too. The final casualty total will reflect the decisions made by everyone. And after one year in, Japan has fared very well. With general public vaccines just around the corner, the situation should only get better. Western scorn won't change a thing.
Comment, he wrote
*You can always recover from a virus**, but once you take that shot there's no going back. Those chemicals will be floating in your body for the rest of your life*.
That’s what no one ever said about polio.
I feel bad that they've been misinformed about the vaccine. But I hope their hesitancy doesn't mean it will take longer for me to get my shot.
Burning Bush, what are your talking about? 530,000 Americans have not recovered from the virus. So far 2.5 million have died worldwide from the virus you think they can recover from somehow. Are they going to come back to life perhaps? Have you been vaccinated against reality?
Haaa Nemui
No, this is not even close to the reality.
So actually 58% of seniors are negative about the vaccine?
Government's own fault. For some reason they keep going on about risks and side effects, rather than emphasizing the benefits. Add to that the endless mindless wide shows focusing on side effects for 4 hours a day and it's hardly surprising.
Side effects of vaccine: a slight fever. Side effects of virus: Death.
If they are in care homes, why aren't the doctors coming to them?
Past couple of months, I saw several segments on the morning news showing people suffering side effects from the vaccine. You can't blame people for people being a bit hesitant.
@Michael. What is the definition of a survey?
Michael Machida
Don't need a survey for this. Just ask around to find out what seniors think. Easy.