Japan Today

TEPCO to release video conference footage of disaster aftermath


Tokyo Electric Power Co plans to release footage of video conferences that took place between its head office in Tokyo and the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant in the days following the earthquake and tsunami of March 11, 2011.

TEPCO is to show around 150 hours of teleconference video footage to journalists and media organizations at its head office from Aug 6-10, TBS reported Saturday. However, the company has said it will not allow reproduction of the footage, which has reportedly been edited by the utility. It also added that 100 hours of the footage, that taken at the Fukushima plant, does not include audio.

The footage was taken between March 11 and 15. TEPCO said journalists will be permitted to take notes, but audio and video recordings will be strictly forbidden. The utility has so far ignored calls from journalists for it to make the footage available on DVD so that it can be viewed at any time.

Although employee names and other information have been edited out of the footage for reasons of personal privacy, some media outlets have been speculating as to whether or not the footage will confirm rumors that TEPCO planned a full pullout from the crippled plant, TBS reported.

According to a TEPCO spokesperson, the footage includes shots of former Prime Minister Naoto Kan, who joined the video conference at TEPCO's head office to rebuke staff for taking insufficient safety measures, as well as footage of staff discussing the use of seawater to cool the overheating fuel rods.

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after all the histrionics, weeping, yelling, complete lack of expertise, bumbling, pussyfooting, fear, confusion and other assorted embarrassing details have been edited out, it should leave us with about 45 seconds of soundbites.

4 ( +6 / -2 )

This has been reported by oversaes media months ago, TEPCO does not want to release it and claims that PM Kans audio is missing. TEPCO do not want to release what the process was that delivered such a Disaster.

3 ( +5 / -2 )

No audio? So what the use is it? Editted as well... Can not reproduce it... no way to check if it is actually real or not.

4 ( +5 / -1 )

Staged conferences, no doubt, with Edano talking about how nothing is harmful. The real videos have been on YouTube for a while now, though no doubt the Japanese government is doing their best to have them taken off.

6 ( +7 / -1 )

Sorry, but I just can't let this rest.... they won't release the audio, and have chosen to edit what has been released? Keep in mind this in on TOP of the sudden 'disappearance' of minute meetings, forgotten memos, and when it came to collusion with the government (what's that? the TEPCO head asks), they pretend nothing exists. Bring in an international body NOW!

7 ( +8 / -1 )

TEPCO said journalists will be permitted to take notes, but audio and video recordings will be strictly forbidden. The utility has so far ignored calls from journalists for it to make the footage available on DVD so that it can be viewed at any time.

Tragic & shamefully. Very unfortunate that TEPCO has decided to take this position. Here is a chance for TEPCO to renew lost confidence and they choose to smear it with disgrace.

8 ( +8 / -0 )

employee names and other information have been edited out of the footage for reasons of personal privacy

Spineless and weak - but then again, what else would we expect from TEPCO staff? Name and shame these gutless wonders and hound them out of their communities I say. Heck - I wouldnt be surprised if they pixellate these grubs faces ala Japanese porn.

100 hours of the footage, that taken at the Fukushima plant, does not include audio.

So, the part where the cowards say "let's get out of here, who cares about the kids, I'm bricking myself..." will be dubbed to "We have to gambarre and fight for Japan, comrades!"

3 ( +3 / -0 )

It shouldn't be a privacy issue if TEPCO has nothing to hide.

4 ( +4 / -0 )

some media outlets have been speculating as to whether or not the footage will confirm rumors that TEPCO planned a full pullout from the crippled plant

Of course it won't. See below:

the footage, which has reportedly been edited by the utility.

And just to make sure:

100 hours of the footage, that taken at the Fukushima plant, does not include audio

But you can bet the TEPCO press monkeys will try to put a damned good spin on it: "There is no audio here but if you could lip read - sorry for the blurry picture, by the way - you would see that this is our president telling the PM we will keep all our staff on site and react swiftly and transparently to any other problems that arise..."

Or something like that.

3 ( +3 / -0 )

What a joke. They edited the video themselves and the video includes no audio. To top it off they will not release the video to the public and have pretty much censored the media. Police and prosecutors should collect it before August and use it as evidence to arrest all TEPCO executives.

4 ( +4 / -0 )

It breaks my heart to say that, but if you want to kill the worldwide N-village, the immunity must be given to all stakeholders of the Fukushima disaster that would agree to cooperate in understanding deeply what has really happened in the past 40 years in this industry. Like Italy or US is doing with the mafia. Ethically challengeable, but when you want to look for a better future you need to look at the roots IMAO.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

The utilities have experience and a past record of editing video to suit their own purposes. Look at the deletions made after the sodium leak and fire at the Monju experimental fast-breeder reactor, that led to a bureaucrat committing suicide, resignations and a short-lasting temporary shame for the JAEA.

Whatever TEPCO distribute, you can bet any incriminating evidence will have been deleted...

2 ( +2 / -0 )

Bad deal. This is awful, how is this 'editing' allowed?

1 ( +1 / -0 )

Why bother if it's not the whole truth and nothin but, Its just a Wskt Disney production

0 ( +0 / -0 )

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