Japan Today

Thousands flock to walk-in youth vaccination site in Tokyo


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So, that crowd of young Japanese willing to get vaccinated is a proof of shameless hipocrisy of Tokyo government to conceal vaccine shortage and attempt to place the blame on public group?

«Unwillingness» to get vaccinated amidst pandemic Mrs Koike shamelessly spoke about in frnt of media 2-3 weeks ago is ... blatant manipulation, no?

49 ( +56 / -7 )

I am dumbfounded. In Itabashi, the vaccine info was sent out with a list of hospitals and clinics in the area offering the vaccine. Just call and make an appointment. Simple. I don't know why thousands of people need to line up in Shibuya.

-24 ( +14 / -38 )

So 2,226 people gather and wait for 354 tickets. No problem they are wearing masks ! Well done koike

incidentally one has grey hair

27 ( +35 / -8 )

herding dogs shoving the youngsters into the vaccine pot! Good job! But why only Shibuya? Jgov has forgeten tokyo is a little city of Japan? What about the rest of Japan? They all flying into shibuya to get a jab?

-10 ( +9 / -19 )

Just call and make an appointment. Simple

Are you sure about that? One guy there interviewed by NHK said he would need to wait until at least October if he took that route.

Compare this with the US, where anyone can walk into a drug store and get the shot there and then -- and yet so many can't be bothered.

34 ( +43 / -9 )

16 year old getting this vaccine??? Yikes! Sciene dont know what the long term effect of this vaccine has on children.

-36 ( +15 / -51 )

“1000’s flock for 300 shots” … and 100’s turned away.

-4 ( +6 / -10 )

Congratulations!”(?) to the NEXT lucky ‘winners(?)’ …IF they can return for the doses.

*- “354 people won vaccination tickets” *

Schedule that time off from work to wait fir nothing!! To use someone’s term: “Pathetic!!

-1 ( +7 / -8 )

300 shots? my town hall has been doing 3 batches of 10 or 12 people per hour each day, which amounts to close to the same daily rate. but boy, I bet the Shibuya/youth plan looked good on paper (⌒▽⌒). it's perhaps what comes of focussing on brownie points rather than vaccinating folk.

16 ( +18 / -2 )

P.S. I live in a small town....

1 ( +6 / -5 )

Thousands flock to shuffle-in youth vaccination site in Tokyo.... (^_-)

-2 ( +5 / -7 )

Too obviously this was some kind of effort to "test the waters" to see if the shots would be in demand.

Which makes as much sense as announcing you may get a free car if you lined up there instead, people were obviously going to be rushing there since there is no real system where they can get the shots that soon.

9 ( +20 / -11 )

first-served basis to those aged 16 to 39

There is one guy in the crowd who doesn't look like he belongs to that age range.

What kind of vaccine did they get?

First dose of Moderna, Pfizer, or AZ or JJ?

-13 ( +1 / -14 )

Reports of vaccine deaths and injuries all round the world and NOW in Japan and all these people are clamoring to get jabbed with an experimental and unapproved vaccine. The shame of it all is that the main stream media withholds this important information. And before anyone claims that what I say is false, the information is available on government and other vaccine deaths and injuries data bases.

-34 ( +12 / -46 )

Glad to see that the woke youth of Tokyo don't want to wait any longer for the LDP's idea of a Covid "natural disaster".

-6 ( +8 / -14 )

Out of 2,226 only 354 got the vaccin… When you think that Japan donated 1,000,000 doses to Taiwan.(no hard feelings towards Taiwan)

5 ( +8 / -3 )

i hope no casualties out of the 300

-13 ( +9 / -22 )

Reports of vaccine deaths and injuries all round the world and NOW in Japan and all these people are clamoring to get jabbed with an experimental and unapproved vaccine. The shame of it all is that the main stream media withholds this important information. And before anyone claims that what I say is false, the information is available on government and other vaccine deaths and injuries data bases.

What is false is your over exaggerating. Yes, some people have died after getting the vaccine. A very very small number that is statistically within the range of people dying after ANY vaccine.

Cries of a mainstream media cover up are false.

17 ( +31 / -14 )

vic.MToday 07:33 am JST

Reports of vaccine deaths and injuries all round the world and NOW in Japan and all these people are clamoring to get jabbed with an experimental and unapproved vaccine. The shame of it all is that the main stream media withholds this important information. And before anyone claims that what I say is false, the information is available on government and other vaccine deaths and injuries data bases.

100% on spot and I agree

-22 ( +11 / -33 )

We are repeatedly told there is vaccine reluctance amongst Japanese, that young people are the worst group for this and that they are to blame for spreading covid. Someone has been telling porkies.

15 ( +28 / -13 )

GaijinjlandToday  06:28 am JST

I am dumbfounded. In Itabashi, the vaccine info was sent out with a list of hospitals and clinics in the area offering the vaccine. Just call and make an appointment. Simple. I don't know why thousands of people need to line up in Shibuya

I have been pointing this out to those that keep saying this stuff.

Your ward/city, town, prefecture has nothing to do with how another place possible the ward right next to yours is doing.

Most of the Vaccination centres will not take outside their ward/city.

If they do, what times are available for appointments?

Notice the crowd, do they look like people that are not working?

As I said the weekend was going to be a mad house of those trying to get vaccinated, why? Because so many employers will not give time off to get vaccinated and even less time of if any side effects like fever occur in the following days.

Think if all the companies that refused to let their employees work from home insisting they travel everyday by train to work.

This applies to some of the big ones.

A close friend works as telephone customer service for a big telecom, contract through an outsourcing company, not telework, everyone have to go to the big telecom office daily, when she asked for time off to go for her vaccine the answer was NO she had to book a date far later and use vacation days, when she got a fever after her second dose, she was told to go into work anyway. ( Those saying No are the telecom giant's direct employees who manage the customer service centre not the the outsourcing company).

I know literally hundreds in similar situations including my sister in law, most of my adult Children's friends all basically recent or near recent university graduates.

So even if your ward/city has vaccine, even if they are vaccinating the younger age groups, unless they have tens of thousands of spots open on Saturday and Sunday, or open late night, most of these people cannot go or make an appointment.

8 ( +20 / -12 )

*first-served basis to those aged 16 to *39

There is one guy in the crowd who doesn't look like he belongs to that age range.

So because he has grey hair and doesn't show polish it black he has to be over 39?

My sister in law back home went grey before 40 as did her mother and sister.

My brother went 80% bald before 35.

Visual judgment isn't a very accurate method.

2 ( +11 / -9 )

I’ve been here long enough to know I should not have been surprised about this.

How did no one organising the walk in vaccination centre not understand that 200 or 300 injections a day would not be enough.

Going forward, giving out lottery tickets daily is crazy as well. They have been asking the population not to go out on unnecessary trips. People want the vaccination whatever there age group. So offer it to them in a safe way.

14 ( +17 / -3 )

How hard is it to do just simple walk-ins without a ticket system? They should have cut the line off at 300 people and told the rest to go home. Seriously, if Japan just allowed pharmacists to vaccinate people at the local pharmacies and utilized mobile clinics that drove around neighborhoods giving shots, more people would have been vaccinated by now. This is pure lunacy and really poor planning on the government's part.

8 ( +11 / -3 )

Here is chaos and the LDP's civil irresponsibility in a nutshell: "Thousands of people on Saturday morning swarmed a walk-in COVID-19 vaccination site newly set up in central Tokyo for young people, ironically creating dense crowds at risk of spreading the virus as they lined up to get tickets for about 300 shots offered for the day."

The Olympics are everything and the people are nothing. The hospitals are beyond capacity, Moderna is contaminated and the vast majority in Tokyo must fend for themselves like so many starving stray dogs.

6 ( +10 / -4 )

Meanwhile in my city in Chiba, not a single dose available from one of 34 clinics on the list, for my wife. Apparently kids can get it though. Well organised Japan

9 ( +11 / -2 )

Japan would go over 70% of vaccination until end of this year. Japan is one jab 54.5% now. Most countries have a wall that they can't break through 70%.

-13 ( +1 / -14 )

Good God. It shouldn't have to be this hard.

12 ( +17 / -5 )

utilized mobile clinics that drove around neighborhoods giving shots

The head offices and parking lots of 2 large Tokyo mobile clinic companies are located in my ward.

These are those clinics that go around to company offices doing influenza vaccine and health checks.

Due to covid they sat idle for months.

The presidents of both companies offered our ward and others their devices offering to set up in parks, parking areas school yards, etc...and this was under the original low payment fee of just over ¥2,000 a shot ( now the government is offering private clinics over ¥4,000) not a single ward took them up on the offer all saying they were not needed.

Once vaccine was given to large corporations, these two companies rolled out vaccinating these company's employees in record time.

I actually know the presidents of both these mobile clinic companies ( one lives across the street from me, the other several houses down, they are presently the president and VP of our "Chome" association).

That is why I kept saying this phony excuse that the government couldn't find enough doctors and nurses was all lies.

One of these mobile clinic presidents said they would vaccinate over a thousand factory workers every year for influenza in a single day, so doing the same with covid wasn't a problem.

5 ( +11 / -6 )

This is the kind of picture I was hoping to see back in Feb and March when the vaccines first arrived. It's only 7 months later that we see urgency of this all by the govt.

4 ( +7 / -3 )

Tokyo has around 13 million people but most old people have done vaccination. Younger people start to get vaccinated now.

-5 ( +1 / -6 )

Let's hope it they aren't offering Moderna or AZ!!

-18 ( +2 / -20 )

These people probably have their vaccine forms months ago but cannot get an appointment or too far down the line that they can no longer wait and wanted to get the vaccines asap so they try their luck on this walk-in vaccination lottery.

In the TV news it was reported that some have booked a hotel near the site to get there earlier and some have started falling in line the night before. Reminds you of the long lines on Apple stores when a new iPhone is about to be released in the market.

Speaks volumes on Japans maze of paper works and beaureucracy just to get one simple thing done. State of emergency requires emergency measures, the time to think out of the box was months ago.

6 ( +9 / -3 )

Luddite 07:50 am JST

Someone has been telling porkies.

They've been lying through their teeth since January 2020:

“The chances are slim that the infection will spread (in Japan),” a health ministry official said.


Lies, lies and more lies.

5 ( +13 / -8 )

LovecraftingToday 07:47 am JST

And before anyone claims that what I say is false, the information is available on government and other vaccine deaths and injuries data bases.

Links then ?

I just told you. You have a computer don't you ? Just do a search.

-4 ( +6 / -10 )

There is clearly demand, which is great to see. In the US you basically have to pay and create incentives for young people. Japan needs to step up operations to meet demand.

2 ( +6 / -4 )

Bob FosseToday 07:46 am JST

What is false is your over exaggerating. Yes, some people have died after getting the vaccine. A very very small number that is statistically within the range of people dying after ANY vaccine.

Tell that to the families who's loved ones have died or are seriously injured from the "so called " vaccines. One death is too many. I guess that as long as it doesn't statistically apply to your family it should be ok.

-7 ( +7 / -14 )

300 shots offered for the day….

wow, a whole whopping 300?

Where do they think they were? Some small village in Shikoku?

what is wrong with the govt?

they starting to believe their own lies.

they REALLY believe that young people don’t want the vax?

morons. All over the place in the govt

1 ( +4 / -3 )

Seems that in Japan the only vaccine reluctance is that of those in charge of efficiently getting the job done ASAP.

0 ( +5 / -5 )

Reports of vaccine deaths and injuries all round the world and NOW in Japan and all these people are clamoring to get jabbed with an experimental and unapproved vaccine. The shame of it all is that the main stream media withholds this important information. And before anyone claims that what I say is false, the information is available on government and other vaccine deaths and injuries data bases.

What is false is your over exaggerating. Yes, some people have died after getting the vaccine. A very very small number that is statistically within the range of people dying after ANY vaccine.

No, in the US there have been more deaths from a few months of covid vaccinations than all other vaccines together over the past 31 years. The serious vaccine adverse reactions and deaths are through the roof in North America and Europe, but they are unfortunately summarily dismissed and ignored by the MSM media.

-10 ( +6 / -16 )

But……but…… what about social distancing? If one person in that crowd has the virus, hundreds have it now.

0 ( +6 / -6 )

To a politician, the fact that they set up a vaccination site is all that is important. Whether they have enough vaccine or not is not their immediate concern, someone else can take care of that.

3 ( +4 / -1 )

Koike is running these vaccination sites like a ramen shop. Offer only a few seats resulting in a noticeable line that will create a buzz. This is all optics to appear to be doing something.

There is obviously a shortage!

12 ( +13 / -1 )

kwattToday  09:17 am JST

Tokyo has around 13 million people but most old people have done vaccination. Younger people start to get vaccinated now.

We know from numerous reports that Tokyo is one of the worst performers of the 47 prefectures in the top 3 along with Osaka.

Tokyo has a far lower percentage of its population vaccinated than every other except Osaka.

Contrary to popular belief Tokyo does not have a high percentage of elderly compared to most other prefectures. While bthe nation's elderly make up about 28% Tokyo is only 18% with prefectures like Yamanashi, Aomori Akita having 25% to 35%.

The reality is many wards in Tokyo not only are slow, disorganised but also still not even finished vaccinating those over 50 some not even open to booking an appointment for under 50.

Our ward finally opened to under 30 and was fully booked on the same day all the way into late October.

Because of the complicated nature of the booking system our ward delayed opening for under 65 because so few over 65 could navigate the messy booking system.

The ward hade to go around with loudspeakers telling people if they couldn't get through on the phone to go to XYZ community centre and volunteers would help them book an appointment, this was well over a month or 2 after Vaccination started.

I am under 60 got my voucher late June, couldn't book an appointment at all. I called each vaccination location and said I was available with just 15 minutes notice if someone cancelled.

This was how both my wife and I got vaccinated.

Never was able to actually book an appointment via the ward system.

We could do the 15 minutes notice if someone cancelled because I work from home and for myself and my wife does telework and can just grab her phone and laptop and go!

-1 ( +5 / -6 )

You may have something there @Numan 10:23am. - A discount ramen coupon for those turned away and a FREE (?) bowl for those vaccinated.

*@Numan 10:23am: ***Koike is running these vaccination sites like a ramen shop*. Offer only a few seats resulting in a noticeable line that will create a buzz. This is all optics to appear to be doing something*.” -

Both the participating vendors AND Koike (a savior of the people?) win!

-5 ( +0 / -5 )

As said on another thread I had a field trip last night. The night life is very much reduced. People on the trains were spaced apart all wearing masks and only one person was wearing it wrong by not covering his nose. Although many places were shut I was able to have drink-all-you-can that extended well after 20.00 and could have moved on to another bar if time had permitted.

I got the giggles because the street life was mainly desperate massage ladies trying to share slim pickings. There were more of them than possible customers as most people were out as couples. I was most definitely the oldest person around by decades and I managed to just get the last train home.

I would say bars and customers were all behaving in a covid safe way and just bending the rules rather than completely ignoring them. I did not feel the night life is the reason for the recent spreading,

These young people getting the jab I think want to feel safe to go out with friends so the more of them that get it the more of them will venture out and enjoy life again. The world needs young people to enjoy life.

3 ( +5 / -2 )

This is absurd! They are literally spreading the virus!!!

-3 ( +8 / -11 )

If this is big news, why does no one talk about baseball stadiums being open with thousands linings up to enter the stadiums? I watched a game on TV that was being played at Tokyo Dome. Their idea of social distancing was having an empty seat between people though the seats are like 10cm wide.

-1 ( +3 / -4 )

Online polls” do work @Numan 10:23am. Tokyo was begging for ideas such as yours:

- “Koike is running these vaccination sites like a ramen shop. Offer only a few seats resulting in a noticeable line that will create a buzz.”

In Japan, governments are offering cash, gift coupons and other incentives to encourage people who are reluctant to be vaccinated against the coronavirus to do so.” - Aug. 23, 2021


We aim to promote vaccinations by giving incentives”. Aug. 15, 2021


-3 ( +0 / -3 )

No, in the US there have been more deaths from a few months of covid vaccinations than all other vaccines together over the past 31 years.

That is still disinformation that have been disproved in your previous comments. There has never been a vaccination effort, so closely followed, in people specially vulnerable to death by any cause as for the COVID vaccination. That explains completely why more reports of deaths come, in the same rates, both for vaccinated and unvaccinated people.

Pretending the COVID vaccines magically increase the death of unvaccinated people is obviously irrational and requires a complete lack of common sense.

Tell that to the families who's loved ones have died or are seriously injured from the "so called " vaccines. One death is too many. I guess that as long as it doesn't statistically apply to your family it should be ok.

Thank for proving yourself wrong, if COVID produces hugely more quantities of dead people than the vaccines are even suspected from it means not vaccinating is unjustified, after all even one death in excess is too many, right?

The vaccine is not experimental, it has not been rushed, it is much safer than getting COVID according to every institution of science or medicine in the world, somehow you contradicting them does not hold the same weight.

8 ( +15 / -7 )

Tell that to the families who's loved ones have died or are seriously injured from the "so called " vaccines. One death is too many. I guess that as long as it doesn't statistically apply to your family it should be ok.

You can’t stop death, just limit it as much as possible. Antivaxxers are doing the opposite under the guise of knowledge and a public service when they are the polar opposite of anything useful or informed.

-3 ( +5 / -8 )

@Ashley Shiba

Why Shibuya, one of the busiest areas of Tokyo?? Why not pick an area like Kashiwa and or another area where there is more space and not so crowded??? I don't understand the governments thought process it is just madness.

Anyone who is really in Japan knows Kashiwa is in Chiba. Koike is not the governor of Chiba!

3 ( +6 / -3 )

The words “vaccine lottery”

sum up just what has been the ‘circus’ that is the Japanese government’s response to this pandemic.

And waiting in a densely packed queue in scorching weather is surely deleterious for health on several levels…

0 ( +4 / -4 )

All the propaganda claiming Japan having access to vaccines finally exposed.

Also remember people are limited by their vouchers, they can only get appointments in their ward/city. Even if there are availabilities in elite area such as Itabashi, the common folks cannot take it. Not to mention the clinics that says they have availability usually only forgot to update their status on website. I would be shocked if more than 25% of the 20s-30s can get access to vaccines by end of this year. Assuming 350 can be vaccinated a day and 126 days left, only 44,100 will be able to get vaccinated by end of the year for an area of several million youth population.

-3 ( +3 / -6 )

My doctor friend (also my doctor) offered to give the vaccine in his ward ( my previous ward).

He has the staff, the available space and has a wide range of clients as his micro hospital has Saturday Sunday and late night normal clinic hours. 4 nights a month he is open until 23:30 as many in this working class neighbourhood cannot get time off or work in jobs that do not give time off during most clinics standard hour ( yes a lot of construction and bar workers).

His offer included late night Vaccination.

But the ward said they didn't need his service and that ward and the one Iive in now say they will not use private clinics only ward run vaccination centres. Both are far behind in vaccination and out of appointments.

As opposed to the other neighbouring ward that went nearly entirely with private clinics where Vaccination percentage is far higher with many offering walk in service to already registered regular patients.

My physiotherapy clinic in that ward will vaccinate any patient being treated there or that has been treated there without appointment but only if they have the vouchers and live in the ward.

The difference between one ward and another is incredible.

-1 ( +5 / -6 )

Lottery is the solution to every problem created by LDP and their beloved bureaucrats.

5 ( +8 / -3 )

Just call and make an appointment

Maybe in America, but definitely not in Tokyo.

I had to call 10 doctors before one agreed to put me on wait list, in case someone cancelled.

It is great to see the enthusiasm amongst the youngsters. If we get the supply right, then Japan is on track for get 70% vaccination goal.

2 ( +5 / -3 )

Japan should start issuing those Vaccine Passports.

It won't get everybody vaccinated, but it's a start.

-4 ( +3 / -7 )

 And before anyone claims that what I say is false, the information is available on government and other vaccine deaths and injuries data bases.

and the deaths related to the vaccines are minimal that theyre almost statistically insignificant,

500 million vaccines less than 10000 deaths,

208 million infected worldwide 4.3 million deaths, once again the stats and science prove the anti vaxxers wrong again.

according to the CDC website around 1000 people have died after vaccination 162million vaccinated,

compared to 630000 deaths from unvaccinated individuals. 600 times more likely to die from being infected with covid compared to being vaccinated and being infected. youve got a computer look it up

6 ( +12 / -6 )

This fiasco is probably also attributable to decision making processes here that, even in normal times, don’t consider “making large numbers of people pointlessly spend hours waiting in line” a negative outcome that their planning should somehow try to avoid.

4 ( +6 / -2 )

"No, in the US there have been more deaths from a few months of covid vaccinations than all other vaccines together over the past 31 years. The serious vaccine adverse reactions and deaths are through the roof in North America and Europe, but they are unfortunately summarily dismissed and ignored by the MSM media."

Always love anti-vaxxers using the bogeyman "mainstream media". The FACT is, according to the Centers for Disease Control (in the US) is that; "More than 363 million doses of COVID-19 vaccines were administered in the United States from December 14, 2020, through August 23, 2021. During this time, VAERS received 6,968 reports of death (0.0019%) among people who received a COVID-19 vaccine."

Those numbers, while tragic for the families who lost loved ones, is tiny compared to the doses administered (this would include the two-dose Moderna and Pfizer (Pfizer has been officially approved in the US by the FDA), and the one-dose J&J vaccine).

99% of those who are hospitalized and/or died in the US are from the unvaccinated.

It's peoples' choice in the US whether or not they get the shots. It's extremely easy to get them; in many places you can just walk in and get them. But unfortunately many listen to so-called "experts" like that failed optometrist in KY, or conspiracy theorists (I mean, what person in their right mind would believe they are being "microchipped" with the shot?).

But at the end of the day, it's their choice whether they have a proven safe solution with a .00019 death rate, or take their chances with COVID. I made my choice several months ago, with Moderna.

4 ( +8 / -4 )

It is patently obvious that barriers and rules are more important than protecting the people of Japan…

5 ( +6 / -1 )

joffyToday  12:50 pm JST

You should take a better look at the latest information including several peer reviewed studies the latest coming out of Singapore.

Delta is now suspected to be far more dangerous including severe cases, deaths and long term effects than previous variants including the original variant.

It is also having a far greater impact on younger people with the very young and those between 30 and 50 now making up the majority of severe cases.

This matched Tokyo's information released on July 28th which showed at the time 47 out of the 80 severely ill with covid were between the ages of 39 and 59 and the trend was heading towards those even younger getting severely ill.

0 ( +7 / -7 )

Taking the vaccine GUARANTEES there is a very small chance of getting seriously ill or dying.

As does driving a car, walking down steps or eating a sandwich.

The chance of getting seriously ill or dying from the virus is far far far far far far greater than from taking a vaccine.

This is not difficult to understand for most people.

5 ( +13 / -8 )

Wearing a mask and being outside is very low risk for spreading Covid.

Follow the facts people, not your agenda.

4 ( +5 / -1 )

Do that again by age group. Young and healthy people "statistically" don't die from Covid. Besides, they have to get Covid first...it is not even close to a guarantee they will get it.

Taking the vaccine GUARANTEES there is a very small chance of getting seriously ill or dying.

why should it matter, only the healthy and the young are worthy of life?, the old and unhealthy should just die for the rest of us?

the young and healthy should be allowed to continue with their lives even if it means they can become asymptomatic and infect/ kill the more vulnerable in the population?.

The elderly built the countries that they are today, no ignorant or selfish younger generation has a right to

put their lives over them .

Young and health always seems to forget that theyll be old and likely far less healthy one day

-2 ( +4 / -6 )

Bob FosseToday  01:06 pm JST

Why the obsession with trying to convince/fake information frighten other into not getting vaccinated?

You don't want to fine, then don't but why come here spreading false information most of which you have repeated before and been debunked multiple times on.

What is the obsession of having to stop others from getting vaccinated?

-5 ( +4 / -9 )

I live in Nara. A list of clinics was provided. An appointment easily scheduled. That was in July. Am fully & completely vaccinated. Checked in, sat down, within five minutes was inoculated.

Near Kintetsu Osaka Namba (on my way to the bank), noticed a vaccination center - a long line waiting to be inoculated - everyone socially distanced, wearing masks - quick and efficient.

7 ( +10 / -3 )

Bob FosseToday  01:06 pm JST

Why the obsession with trying to convince/fake information frighten other into not getting vaccinated?

You don't want to fine, then don't but why come here spreading false information most of which you have repeated before and been debunked multiple times on.

What is the obsession of having to stop others from getting vaccinated?

You clearly have me confused with somebody else.

3 ( +6 / -3 )

Bob FosseToday  01:06 pm JST

Sorry guess the starting part of your comment gave a strange impression.

It looked like you were saying something else.

My apologies.

-4 ( +4 / -8 )

I got my jabs about a month ago at Shinjuku, Tokyo Yamate Medical Center. It appeared as if 2 nurses were giving jabs. And about 25 personnel total. Was fairly efficient. Not too crowded. In and out in about 30 minutes. I believe appointments were set on the quarter hour. Was only 5-6 people in line to get the shot. They were cycling them through. About 30 people being observed after their shot. I wasn’t comfortable taking the elevator up to the 4th floor. I took the stairs.

I think this Shibuya Center could have been set up better. Par for the course here.

Access not allowed.

Try to log in again

1 ( +3 / -2 )

Mind boggling incompetence. Don't people in Japan have brains?

2 ( +5 / -3 )


16 year old getting this vaccine??? 

Yes, shocking. What is next? Injecting babies and pregnant mothers with the mRNA concoction? Inexcusable.

-3 ( +6 / -9 )

.... According to the Japan Today anti vaxxer gang there is no appetite for Vaccines here. Only earlier in the week they were promoting the 'supply is greater than demand' mantra.

Goes to prove, even with the contaminated Moderna Batch this week that most people, fortunately, do recognize that getting vaccinated is a good thing and won't have their minds swayed by the conspiracy theorists.

3 ( +9 / -6 )

16 year old getting this vaccine??? 

Yes, shocking. What is next? Injecting babies and pregnant mothers with the mRNA concoction? Inexcusable.

Indeed. There is a small segment of the US population that prefers they be injected with HCQ, horse dewormer, or Clorox...

And a portion of those think the only real protection (from the COVID-causing 5G network towers) is a tin foil-lined MAGA cap....

0 ( +7 / -7 )

Yes, the Recommendation is that Pregnant Mothers do have the Vaccine now. Proven to protect them and their unborn child from becoming seriously sick or from death if infected with the Virus.

-3 ( +4 / -7 )

The entire pandemic is exactly like the movie "Contagion". Quite strange.

-1 ( +3 / -4 )

NOMINATIONToday  10:35 am JST

Their idea of social distancing was having an empty seat between people though the seats are like 10cm wide.

10cm wide. Are you trying not to be taken seriously or making a lame attempt at humour?

-2 ( +2 / -4 )

Japanese love a good queue.

3 ( +6 / -3 )

It beats my why the J goverment or the town take over a sports hall or arena like the Tokyo dome, you walk in at one entrence, there is crowd control barrier dividing up into multiple lanes leading to a row of individual booths that are stretched out across the width of the building, arena, these could be maned 24/7 with doctors or nurses and the SDF medicle team giving out injections, why do you have to que for a ticket? and then go and que for an injection, why over complicate a situation? also people area standing very close to each other they could be carriers and are helping to spread the virus......will these 200 tickets require a hanko stamp? more queuing haha!

2 ( +3 / -1 )

I'm sorry, but am I missing something here? 2,226 people line up and only 354 get the shot. Why create a possible super spreader in public, instead of an online lottery? Crazy crazy crazy people not thinking, is my guess.

Rant over

9 ( +9 / -0 )

Very high coverage rates for the over 65s in Japan, hopefully the youth take up the vaccine in the same numbers.

2 ( +4 / -2 )

I'm sorry, but am I missing something here? 2,226 people line up and only 354 get the shot. Why create a possible super spreader in public, instead of an online lottery? Crazy crazy crazy people not thinking, is my guess.

They tried an online reservation system and it crashed within the first few hours, so they gave up. "Someone" who is friends with "someone" in the gov't made billions of yen off that abandoned project. The app in the app store they "made" is 4+ years only so that is a sign it was made for something else and the dev tried to change it. The gov't also made a contract tracing app for smartphones and that failed as well. In both situations "someone" who is friends with "someone" in the gov't made billions of yen off that abandoned project as well.

5 ( +6 / -1 )

just more evidence we can't improve on God...

Your reference do not support your flawed conclusion.

Risking important complications or death to get better protection from asymptomatic infections in the future is not exactly a "better" option. Nothing protects completely from reinfection, so if you are still going to have a small risk of getting a new variant it is still much safer to get the immunity from a vaccine with it seriously reduced risks for the health. Specially when the most important risk you get from the next variant is asymtomatic infection or mild symptoms.

The virus can't endlessly "improve" on the spike protein, and precisely because it is at the same time the driving force of infectivity AND the antigen that mediates neutralization it means that sooner or later it will have to sacrifice infectivity to avoid being neutralized, the alarmist predictions of endless boosters have no basis on reality.

1 ( +5 / -4 )

The capital's effort to accelerate the pace of vaccinating younger people

Accelerate? With 300 more shots per day? Seriously?

1 ( +1 / -0 )

Leighton Rutt:

Your absolutely correct.

Even though the national statistics report that Japanese IQ is rising among the younger generation it would appear it has recently plummeted.

This situation reminds me of Lemmings.

I do hope the vaccine situation gets better and is able to be efficiently received by anyone that wants or needs it.

3 ( +4 / -1 )

A thousand youngsters gather to get a vaccine and not a SINGLE anti-vaxxer among them!!! Youngsters have more balls than the paranoid adults LLLOOOOOLLL!!!

2 ( +5 / -3 )

It's the ''Get your shot and a free donut'' bandwagon currently prevalent in the US and Europe. How else are you to intice youngsters ?

-2 ( +0 / -2 )

I mean ''entice''.

-2 ( +0 / -2 )

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