Japan Today

Thousands in Japan, China rally over island claims


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Sell it to disney land and make some theme park or share the profit or make an Arena and let these lunatics fight like gladiator.

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I agree with globalwatcher 100% Great quote of JFK!

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@blobalwatcher That is a great JFK quote. Too bad George Bush didn't know about it. (sorry for being off topic)

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Senkaku belonged to the Ryukyuans, but Japan brought forth this phoney reversion to salve their greed. I am putting my money on China! Hopefully China wil bring this to a head and hopefully the USA will be long gone.

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I hear your anger. Stay calm while Japanese government is trying to open up a dialogue with China.

Please listen up what JFK had to say:

Finally, to those nations who would make themselves our adversary, we offer not a pledge, but request: that both sides begin anew the quest for peace, before the dark powers of destruction....

We dare not tempt them with weakness..... So let us begin anew remembering on both ides that civility is not a sign of weakness, and sincerity is always subject of proof. Let us never negotiate out of fear. But let us never fear to negotiate.

Thank you for reading.

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All of these protests, rallies etc..are just a bluff by China, to kind of set the tone before the APEC summit.

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Double double, toil and trouble; fire burn & cauldron bubble. ~The 3 Witches in William Shakespeare's MacBeth.

It appears that China & Japan are 2 antagonists grabbing at each other's throats. How will this saga -- which is all about natural resources -- play out? To be continued...

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Well said "shinjukuboy"! Glad to see I'm not alone.

"NOBODY cares about this except a few lunatics (both Chinese and Japanese) who have nothing and no future. Tomogami is also a lunatic."

But how do we stop these lunatics from taking over? He may be crazy but he's not stupid. He knows how to manipulate people and information.

And we really need to see those videos. The fact that they are being hidden is suspicious itself. Did the J captain exceed his mandate? Has he done something that would embarrass the gov't, weakening their case against China?

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Here's an interesting coincidence - Toshio Tamogami, a former Air Self-Defense Force chief does have the background to get at the truth. That would be interesting.

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I still find the timing of the fishing boat/Japanese Coast Guard highly suspicious. Just a few days before the DPJ election, and the PRC would be waiting to see if the DPJ can still be for an Asian Community. Lot of pressure on the DPJ to change there ways from former PM Hatoyama's policies. This is a headache for both countries, but that Capt. on the fishing boat and the Japanese Coast Guard have all the answers.

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@aj201, you obviously have never been to Japan. Do you realize how different each of the things you list is from Chinese ones? Japanese always take from anyone and make it better!

We need to emphasize what Ricardo45 says and what I said. Everyday Chinese are really nice people. I've been to China many times and I know. They are very nice to Japanese people. There are only a few lunatics who are anti-Japanese. It is only the government you have to worry about, and Chinese people have no control over the government.

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Chinese did not become the official language of Japan for the last 2000 years however heavily adopted from the language of the central glorious super power in East Asia. How will it become so in 40 years? People have to be agitated so that anger and anxiety may mount. China threat and anti-Japan sentiment have to be built one way or another. The reason why the Senkaku where nobody lives and which has never been a source of friction between the two countries historically has now to be an east end of Megiddo comes of course from greed for seabed gas and oil but at the same time it's also in line with some sort of scheme. Let land avarice be hammered out on the table or even under the table with charming Chinese people while let warmongers and affiliated profiteers do it somewhere else like up in the moon.

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Chinese will be the offical language of japan. Sorry to talk reality but it's true. 40 years from now, Chinese influence will dominate Japan.

It's several centuries too late, since Japan copied everything Chinese from art to zen 1000 years ago. If relations get any worse, Japan should purge all Chinese influence from their culture. No more kanji, gyoza, ramen, bonsai, etc.etc.

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I think china and japan should get together and do the one thing that will solve this problem easily, hassle free without any arguments. Janken.

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I am not Japanese, but I believe Japan owns Sentaku Island not China!!! Being part Japanese, I ask the Japanese public to think postive and not to hate the Chinese. If the Chinese people break or damage something they will have to pay for it. I think we ought to let the Chinese government take full responsibility. Because I believe action speaks more than words. So wake up China and apologize to Japan and be truthful.

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I think Chinese government should have serious talks with Japan about island claims. I think the Chinese people have no right to break into the stores own by the Japanese by breaking showcases and windows.

President Obama and Prime Minister Kan should sit down with the President Jintao and try to resolve this serious case or else it is going to be outright war. I think United States and Japan should put pressure on China and Chinese has no right to say that Japan's language will be Chinese. About culture and the way people think. If they want invade Japan and China wants to Japan, they might as well invade other countries as well. I am not blaming the Chinese people about this problem, but I think they have right to know what their government are doing and I hope their government will give freedom to express and think postively and not negatively.

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Isn't China so greedy with all the land they already have? I hope the 2 countries sort this matter out in a civilised way.

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whiskeysour: "How much islands do (japan) you need ?"

If you compare the mass of China's mainland and Japan you will notice that Japan has a land mass of roughly 6% to that of China. Adding to that is the fact that many areas in Japan are covered by mountains that are not economically feasible.

There your question sounds as if you confuse something here! It should naturally be asked: How much more land does China need?

Of course the land mass is irrelevant. The main reasons are gas and oil resources. And then there's of course China's big and stubborn complex they have about Japan.

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Did you see NHK news this afternoon? It showed loads of Chinese going into the Japanese department stores this morning. It also showed that not only Japanese businesses, but neighboring Chinese businesses were damaged. Those students don't throw stones very well.

NOBODY cares about this except a few lunatics (both Chinese and Japanese) who have nothing and no future. Tomogami is also a lunatic.

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If you check some14some's comments list you'll notice that he's some pro-Chinese goad. Best to just ignore his comments. He sounds like a 20 year old, naive student or a supporter of Japan's left-wing party.

Kwaabish put is exactly how it is. The violent demonstrations done by Chinese are a tool for their government.

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some14some said: "Once again Japan inciting disturbances and protests in China and no mention of Tokyo protests by J-tv channels."

What's the matter, the Chinese citizens, can't think and act on their own? Oh yeah, that's right, they can't.

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except for maybe oil

You forgot gas reserves. That comes in pretty handy.

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Maybe the protesters have forgotten the fact that they gave up those islands in 1895. Oh wait, they weren't alive back then. Education fail!

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I mostly agree with shinjukuboy there. Nobody really cares about the island. It is a side show to most people's lives.

I was speaking to one of my colleagues who was raised in the mainland, went to school in Hong Kong and then moved to Canada to do her master's and work. She is into Doraemon, some j-pop and what have you. Just a nice and friendly person in general. Is she a typical Chinese person? I don't know, but she certainly doesn't care too much about a couple of rocks.

In the short term this rivalry will just continue to simmer. I think it will come to a head one of these days, in the distant future. But for now it will simmer. It will be interesting to see what happens when the spoiled little fat boys of China's one child policy come into power though. If the politicians act like children now, wait until those spoon-feds take the reins. Can't wait!

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If china wants this island they will get it sooner or later. It's just a matter of time. Pretty soon the islands will be bought out. Just like chinese tourists are buying worthless material possessions at the Ginza.

Soon Chinese will be the offical language of japan. Sorry to talk reality but it's true. 40 years from now, Chinese influence will dominate Japan.

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It's a part of china!!!! I hope Japan will give up these islands. Japan has over 1000 islands. How much islands do (japan) you need ? The islands hold no tactical adavantage except for maybe oil. 1 cruise missle from mainland china could end any tactical offense that japan has stored for this island.

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Hmmm... could it be that the Japanese protests were relatively peaceful and non-destructive (as usual) as opposed to the government sanctioned mob-action in China

There is no government sanctioned mob-action. In reality the Chinese express their national character.

An old saying tells it all: Japan is a dragon, but each Japanese is a worm, China is a worm, but each Chinese is dragon.

(Nowadays though Japan becomes an international worm and China a dragon.)

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The Chinese reported that there were 2000 demonstrators. That's all? Just 2000? That is hardly a respectable number of demonstrators. Also, notice that the Japanese department stores attacked were full of Chinese customers, who had to be guided out the back for safety. There were more Chinese customers in the Japanese department stores than Chinese in the demonstration!!! Somebody forgot to tell these Chinese customers that they are supposed to hate Japan. Everyday Chinese don't care about the issue, just like everyday Japanese don't care about the issue.

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Any nationalism is propaganda of the government, whether the propagandists know it or not. Both of the anti-China and anti-Japan movements do not benefit the people of both countries, but they make the people blind. Japan is not the true enemy, China is not the true enemy of the people in both areas. But the true exploiter is very close to you each.

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UnagiDon: "So the protests in China and damage done were Japan's fault?"

Not exactly, although the protests in China were in response to the planned protest in Tokyo. The usual tit-for-tat of children. I see Tamogami is continuing to do his country proud. :)

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The protesters in China, as well as the rest of the Chinese people, are victims of the Chinese totalitarian government. If the protesters are allowed to attack Japanese shops, it means just that capitalism in China is just another version of mercantilism and imperialism. Such childish conducts won't benefit the people. What they are demonstrating is just the childish fallacy that they want to be a reincarnation of the atrocious Japan in the 1930s. I believe they can. But it won't benefit Chinese people, it will benefit the exploiting totalitarian government only.

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In Ginowan, Okinawa Prefecture, a rally was also held to protest intrusions and illegal fishing by foreign nationals in Japanese waters. Local governments and fishermen pleaded that they want to fish in a safe environment.

And who will provide this protection? Hmmmm.... Must be the undesirables that are "occupying" the island. And Yuri, the JMSDF Coast Guard can't do it. They had a tussle with Chinese fishing boats. Destroyers would decimate them.

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What's interesting is that these demonstrators are all students. Not one who could possibly have any direct personal experience with WWII. Not even their parents. If this is a repeat of the last similar demonstrations it will build to the point that the government will fear it turning anti-government and them come down on them in the usual fashion.

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Once again Japan inciting disturbances and protests in China and no mention of Tokyo protests by J-tv channels.

Hmmm... could it be that the Japanese protests were relatively peaceful and non-destructive (as usual) as opposed to the government sanctioned mob-action in China? The Chinese government does more to incite the mobs in China as a pressre release valve at convenient times. Especially in light of the increased international scruitny of the CCP reaction to the Senkaku incurrsion and childish protest of the Nobel peace prize...

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Once again Japan inciting disturbances and protests in China

So the protests in China and damage done were Japan's fault? JT logic at its finest.

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The Chinese demonstrations appeared to be in response to online reports about a planned protest in Tokyo.

Once again Japan inciting disturbances and protests in China and no mention of Tokyo protests by J-tv channels.

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