Japan Today

Thousands march in Tokyo for LGBT awareness


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In April 2015, Tokyo's Shibuya Ward became the first municipality in the country to recognize same-sex partnerships as equivalent to marriage, passing an ordinance for the issuance of ward certificates to such couples. Several municipalities have since followed suit.

It was a step in the right direction, but the ward certification process itself is still discriminatory and needs to be changed!

-4 ( +6 / -10 )

I think wearing fancy dress rather trivialises the matter.

-7 ( +11 / -18 )


-22 ( +9 / -31 )

Looks like they had fun. Nothing wrong there.

8 ( +13 / -5 )

It's long past time LGBTI people were afforded exactly the same rights as anyone else in Japan - and everywhere else on Earth.

Dango bong - just because you don't like us doesn't mean we should suffer discrmination. Who does it harm? I don't like homophobic idiots who make comments like yours, but that doesn't mean I think you should be discriminated against.

The costumes make it a celebration, instead of just another protest, though the media always focus on the most outrageous costumes; I'm sure there were plenty of people there dressed in regular clothes.

LGBTI people are law-abiding, tax-paying, voting citizens - why should we be treated any differently to all other law-abiding, tax-paying, voting citizens?

21 ( +28 / -7 )

Thousands march in Tokyo for LGBT awareness

Is there anyone out there who is NOT aware that there are gays, lesbians, and transgender people?

-9 ( +11 / -20 )

Good for them, and great that while there is a still much to be achieved we are at least living in a place where this is possible.

If you have a real issue with something like this, you really have to ask yourself how does this effect me in anyway, and is forcing your point of view on other people more important and justified than the happiness and freedom of others?

We should be affording as many rights as we can to as many people to live their lives as maximally free, happy and peacefully as possible.

13 ( +17 / -4 )

Yes, no, no, are you kidding?

1 ( +5 / -4 )

Rather see these costumes than have to deal with the black trucks and the right-wing ultra-nationalist noise!

9 ( +15 / -6 )

"If people have perverse ideas about sexuality and gender, I would quite prefer it if that fact never came to my attention. I would like to “mind my business.” But when they’re literally parading those ideas through the street, the ideas, much to my chagrin, have become my business. I didn’t choose to make them my business. I didn’t break into their home at night to conduct an investigation into their sexual preferences or “gender identity.” I was just minding my own business when suddenly this perversity was put in front of my face, intentionally, loudly, with confetti and trumpets. I have three options at that point: Obey and applaud, keep my mouth shut and wait for them to go away, or voice my objection."

I choose the third option.

~~Blaze Magazine Jan2017

-8 ( +14 / -22 )

Give me,

Go for a walk or turn on your TV, count the number of times couples engage in sexual behavior of some sort within five minutes. All you are complaining about is who is dressing up, not the fact that such behavior is

in the public. Really, this is your problem and not the LGBT folks who are just having fun.

8 ( +17 / -9 )

@sensei258 - It's not for awareness about their mere existence but for awareness regarding the myriad of social and legal issues they face. LGBTQ people have to jump through hoops that straight/cis people can't even imagine just to try and have a vaguely similar lifestyle to our own.

Keeping their orientation secret from their family or workplace or even landlords because of discrimination, lack of "normalization" in the media, the high expenses and long waiting list for gender reassignment surgery, lack of job opportunities or available housing for openly gay/lesbian/bi/trans individuals, marriage rights, the high rates of trans women and gay/bi men pressured into the sex industry (likely due to lack of other opportunities as a result of discrimination in the workplace), the way trans men are almost treated as invisible, health issues and barriers faced when seeking medical treatment, the objectification of lesbian relationships for hetero male pleasure, etc are some of the many problems that LGBTQ individuals face in Japan. Not to mention, a show of solidarity for LGBTQ people around the world who suffer much worse, more violent fates in other countries. From the high murder rate of trans women in America to the systematic torture and murder of gay men in Chechnya to the practice of "corrective rape" to "fix" lesbianism (which occurs around the world from the UK to South Africa and India and many more places), there are very few safe havens for LGBTQ people in the world where they are afforded the same rights and protections as everyone else.

And I think the "entertainment" aspect of these parades should also serve as a reminder to us all about how much of our entertainment industries we also owe to the LGBTQ community. The disco boom, the creation and development of house music, and some of the greatest rock musicians of all time, for starters. All the things the fashion industry has "borrowed" from LGBTQ forms of expression and marketed for mass consumption. For some people it may also be celebrating the relative freedom they have to express themselves in Japan compared to some other countries (this doesn't mean Japan is free of problems, but there very well may be some participants who come from countries where "coming out" could get them assaulted or killed, and they may have not had the opportunity to claim their identity with pride in such places).

I don't think there are many people in Japan who are unaware of the existence of LGBTQ people, but there are plenty who are unaware of the daily struggles they face.

8 ( +14 / -6 )

Tolerance goes both ways. We all have traits that others might not like so much. Live and let live. Looks like some fun people having a good time!

Judge not, lest you be judged.
10 ( +15 / -5 )

When anyone denies equal rights to anyone without just cause and due process, then it dilutes that right for everyone else. Racists and other haters don't get it, mostly because they view the world through a distorted and cloudy lens. If you want to keep the rights you have then you must support the rights of others. It's not complicated at all.

12 ( +17 / -5 )


Is there anyone out there who is NOT aware that there are gays, lesbians, and transgender people?

After they're discriminated in the workplace or anywhere else, no, there won't be anyone who is not aware there are LGBT people. Thank god physical violence against them is absolutely nowhere near that of most other countries.

I hope everyone had a good time. My only problem is that everything has to be turned into cosplay - witness Halloween. Just waiting for St Patrick's Day and carnival parades to be turned into the same thing very soon.


I find bigotry one of the greatest perversions in this world. But don't worry, you won't ever be thrown off buildings or have to suffer gay-bashing.

8 ( +12 / -4 )

The most basic thing to be expressed by this parade is that you are not alone. Being alone and not knowing that there are people like you (i.e., gay) has been the main problem. We all deserve to have a little happiness during this short life.

10 ( +14 / -4 )

Some good people here. It is a relief to read more informed and reasonable comments of support here than unthinking, shallow ones.

I especially feel like keeping DickTaterTots' post and passing it off as my own, but that would be wrong.

5 ( +9 / -4 )

sensei258Today  07:31 am JST

Thousands march in Tokyo for LGBT awareness

Is there anyone out there who is NOT aware that there are gays, lesbians, and transgender people?

But how many people are aware of transracial people?

I have a transracial friend whom people - including alphabet people (sorry, can't keep it straight) ridicule. Pot and kettle, no? In this "novus ordo saeculorum" (apologies to Latin students on this last word, but the macron is in France now) shouldn't people who feel they were incorrectly assigned a race at birth be treated with respect, too?

-10 ( +2 / -12 )

Liberté, égalité, fraternité for all!

-1 ( +4 / -5 )

We are very aware of LGBT already. Their sexual habits, which we have no interest into, is rubbed on your face all the time now a days. It doesn't need to be a "march" to announce your sexual preference.

-14 ( +6 / -20 )

LGBT is fine and discrimination in workplace and society should be a thing of the past.  wearing stupid carnival costumes trivializes the whole issue and makes these folks seem ridiculous.

-7 ( +5 / -12 )

@Howaitosan I have nothing against homosexuality, but men in women's clothing makes me barf. Just like seeing a teenage heterosexual couple licking each other's necks in public makes me barf.

-14 ( +4 / -18 )

Sad, there are still even people here who just don't get it!

If these people in the pic is what you want to "get" then go for it. Makes me barf though

-16 ( +3 / -19 )

It was crazy packed this year. I swear I've never seen so many people in the years I've been to this event in Yoyogi.

2 ( +5 / -3 )

Im really confused. Maybe someone here can clear something up. Is being gay or trans-whatever a mental issue? I mean, I dont think I have ever seen a gay animal before and Im pretty sure that you cant make children (at least between a gay couple). Or is being gay a genetic defect? Or is reincarnation a real thing and male and female souls get trapped in the wrong gender?

I don`t see what the big deal is anyway. Seems like a segment of the population wants to have fun. Good for them!

-9 ( +2 / -11 )

Cherrytime: homosexuality in the animal kingdom exists. You just didn't bother searching...


Used to be thought as a mental issue but hormones, beatings and exclusion didn't change anything.

8 ( +11 / -3 )

Cherrytime: homosexuality in the animal kingdom exists. 

Homosexual animals nor humans can reproduce though, which makes homosexuality a non-natural phenomenon

-14 ( +5 / -19 )

I thought the picture was from an anime convention or something.

5 ( +5 / -0 )

10% of humans are either gay or bisexual. Predudice and discrimination against 800million people worldwide has no place in the 21st century. Let's except everybody.

3 ( +8 / -5 )

@Dango bong - Homosexual animals nor humans can reproduce though, which makes homosexuality a non-natural phenomenon

So that makes any sexual acts for pleasure (not procreation) unnatural.

8 ( +11 / -3 )

Homosexual animals nor humans can reproduce though, which makes homosexuality a non-natural phenomenon

Is heterosexual sex using contraception 'non-natural'? Wow! That makes it even more exciting.

6 ( +9 / -3 )

"I have nothing against homosexuality" but I've used the word "barf" a half dozen times when referring to them in this thread. Sorry to break it to you but your reaction to the picture says a lot more about you than them.

Do you have any gay friends or family? Let's say you went out this weekend with 3 guys from the office and some of you were talking about all the girls you've gotten lucky with recently, while the odd guy out takes the plunge and says he's gotten lucky a few times of late too, with other hot Japanese guys. Would you say barf, would it affect your relationship with him going FWD? Would you guys not invite him the next time? Then, my friend, you certainly have something against homosexuals. The idea that men who work together don't advertise their extracurricular activities on a daily basis is absolute rot. You just don't want to hear about a certain type of activity.

People who make these declarations, that what gays do hidden away in special districts doesn't bother them but when they come out in the open, are homophobes, full stop. They like to couch their prejudice but it is what it is.

I'd add that I always find it ironic that the folks who have problem with gays also seem like the biggest critics of China and the Arab world, where the most medieval repression continues to be practiced.

6 ( +10 / -4 )


A large number of heterosexual couples cannot reproduce either. Is the ability to reproduce the key to a 'natural' life? May be time to give it all a bit more thought and then comment.

7 ( +10 / -3 )

A growing number of heterosexual couples capable of reproducing decide against it.

A lot of gay people do have kids with other sex partners.

Things are not that black and white.

3 ( +7 / -4 )

Dango seems to harken back to a time about 20 years ago where some claimed reproductive ability was the sole consideration for 'acceptable' sexual behavior. Old time religious leaders would be proud of Dango for keeping that flame alive.

Dango is also offended by heterosexual sexual displays in public. I think he or she is telling us more about him or her than he or she wants us to know.

On topic, a demonstration for equal rights for all humans. And it's offensive to some humans. Wow. What's next? A day devoted to saving the earth from human destruction?

3 ( +3 / -0 )

Always makes me laugh when ppl bring reproduction and 'it's unnatural' excuses on lgbt articles! Is everything they do in life about either reproduction or 'doing things the natural way!!?

Religious extremists are such a boring, ignorant bunch of ppl!

5 ( +9 / -4 )

Do you have any gay friends or family? 

my sister, and a lot of comments about being with the times etc. I do not see why accepting homosexuality is some kind of new wave thing.

In any case, I accept homosexuality I just do not need to see people looking like freaks of nature in public

-10 ( +6 / -16 )

Although I'm not LGBT, I do have one gay and one lesbian friend. Before knowing them, I never realized about the societal discrimination against them. It just never occurred to me. Japanese society is not diverse, and that is one major reason for the difficulties faced by LGBT people in Japan.

So in general I think it is good to have more awareness about LGBT issues in Japan. However, I also think there's a right way and a wrong way to do this. Having a march is good and is a brave thing to do. But wearing costumes that make some people very uncomfortable may not be the best way at this time to engage with the public on this very serious issue.

Some interesting videos on LGBT issue in Japan:

1 - Story about activist Higashi Koyuki: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CKCgDAV16b4

2 - VICELAND: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xKUlte3lDaY

3 - VICELAND: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EkkLQGUfuW8

2 ( +3 / -1 )

...or Hallowe'en, or weddings, carnivale, or anime conventions...

Or beaches (woman in bikini) or weddings (woman in wedding dress) or cosplay events or maid cafes (woman in that nifty waitress number) or pantomime, takarazuka, kabuki, or Jaden Smith (happy man in black).

7 ( +8 / -1 )

"Japanese society is not diverse, and that is one major reason for the difficulties faced by LGBT people in Japan."

I'd say it's the principal reason for the difficulties faced by anyone who is different in Japan. If you accept gays, I guarantee a mixed-race child or a Zainichi co-worker, or (gasp) a refugee family isn't going to freak you out either. Nor will a more empowered woman, a stay-at-home dad, or an artist who trenchantly criticizes the status quo.

You got a problem with gays, circa 2017, and I daresay you probably have a problem with a lot of folks who are different, which again I find ironic considering most of us are quite different than the locals and let's be honest--many of them look at us with the same incredulous wonder.

BTW, how many folks would be LOL-ing if these costumes were being worn on Halloween? But a pride parade once year, the horror!

6 ( +7 / -1 )

No offense - I don't mind anyone to search for their rights.

But I'm still confused - do in their right mind they think provocative and perverse outfit is their best advocate?

How do teachers would explain to pupils reproduction of humans of their kind?

Well, how about starting being more humble, accepting the fact they are not normal and trying to gain understanding for wide support to their human rights they fully deserve!

-14 ( +3 / -17 )

I guess it will be OK to have a "Heterosexual" awareness parade too.

-9 ( +5 / -14 )


Who's to say someone is or isn't a 'freak of nature' as you put it? We're all freaks of nature because we're all unique, aren't we? Please explain why dressing in the clothes you wear is any less 'freaky' or more 'natural' than the clothes others may wear.

9 ( +12 / -3 )

I guess it will be OK to have a "Heterosexual" awareness parade too

I don't know about a parade but I used to live near a military base and the boneheads in the local bar wearing skin-tight shirts in winter while mouthing off and annoying the customers, particularly the women, was a pathetic display. A few punch-ups also established their masculinity. I suppose that's not all men but not all LGBT people are into this kind of thing either.

Overall, I'd take this crowd over the 'real men' crowd every time.

4 ( +7 / -3 )


Freaks of nature? Do you really think nature dictates what shapes of fabric men and women should wear? We arbitrarily decided it as a society and honestly it's old news now. Letting what is or isn't between your legs decide your fabric of choice seems really outdated and pointless, it's about time we moved on from that.

3 ( +8 / -5 )

Remember that Japan did not have any problems with homosexuality until we began importing Western ideas. Now we are just starting the return to our roots.

10 ( +10 / -0 )

And for people complaining about their outfits: Take a look at these pictures, notice how most of them by far are dressed 'normally.'

5 ( +7 / -2 )

Guess you don't like the Matsuri then?

Since when has being gay been associated with dressing like a clown? Sorry, I am not "hip" to the gay thing I guess

-8 ( +2 / -10 )

"Since when has being gay been associated with dressing like a clown? Sorry, I am not 'hip' to the gay thing I guess

I'm sure your sister misses you a lot. In a just world, your daughter would grow up gay or transgender. That'd jolt you out of the dark ages.

6 ( +8 / -2 )


First of all... homosexuality is normal in most animal species, mammals a lot.. your logic of Reproduction = Natural is plainly wrong.

There are ways that living thing reproduce that are totally "unnatural" as there are livings things that it is in their nature not to reproduce.

What is natural to you? to follow the "order" and what is the "norm" that is usually imposed by others (the will or the dictator, or the dictatorship of the people)? or to follow what you think, what your want to reach in order to get a little closer to what is your happiness?

3 ( +5 / -2 )

@zichi I am talking about taking "rights" too far tot he point where men can use the ladies room because they "identify" with women. I do not think that happens at Onsens.

And I am not religious, I am agnostic. Gays have rights like anybody else, they should not be taken too far though. Teaching kids gay principles in school is taking it too far. Telling them you can be what you want to be is fine.

If dressing like clowns is acceptable, then do it at your next job interview.... Be gay but not in my face..

-8 ( +4 / -12 )

Teaching kids gay principles in school is taking it too far.

What do you mean by gay principles and where are they being taught?

I've never heard of gay principles before. I'm honestly interested in what that means. Are there heterosexual principles too?

9 ( +11 / -2 )

I tend to agree with the points made about the freak factor here. For the gay community, it's a step backwards from acceptance

-4 ( +7 / -11 )

10% of humans are either gay or bisexual. Predudice and discrimination against 800million people worldwide has no place in the 21st century. Let's except everybody.


@goodlucktoyou - the 10% myth was debunked years ago. The more accurate numbers are somewhere between 1 and 3% of the population.

-5 ( +4 / -9 )

Judging by the negative comments on this post the education on LGBTQ still have a long way to go even here in Japan. Guess they need a parade at least twice a year.

Haha well said zichi! Amazing how a simple photo of ppl having a laugh brings out the worst in ppl! I mean, I would (sort of) get "look at these clowns", "silly" etc comments but to call those harmless ppl who just happen to be gay "freaks", "perversity", 'unnatural" etc is pretty pathetic.

6 ( +9 / -3 )

It is over-reaching equal rights.

What does that mean?

I think it's a good thing to try educate children not to think as bigots. Bullying of homosexual students can lead to suicide as can other forms of bullying. Bullying kids because of their parents is also something we can do without.

Don't you think stopping this kind of thing is a good idea?

You attack ideas, not people for something they can't do anything about such as the genders of their parents.

9 ( +11 / -2 )

Spartans were known homosexual. Most of the army were homosexual. Plus they wore about the same getup as the three blokes up front in the image above. Fancy shiny helmets, Leather webbing and sandals. I can't see much has change. Only when Spartans got together it mean a war. Today when they mass together it mean a parade.

0 ( +3 / -3 )

"Spartans were known homosexual. Most of the army were homosexual."

John-san: Aren't you mistaking the Spartans for the Theban Band? Or was that "300" depiction of Xerxes historically correct?

I don't suppose it matters if it was historically correct or not as the gay contributors to entertainment- as another post suggested - will continue reshaping social consciousness.

And to address another post: unless a homosexual is sterile, he or she has the option to "reproduce" as "having children" was once called. That they choose not to is their concern, not mine.

2 ( +3 / -1 )

John-San/Bill Murphy: I would say bi more than anything else. This behavior would create a special bound between warriors. It wasn't a nation of homosexuals.

Different time, different ideas.

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

TumbleDry The Spartans was a world power and lasted for only decades. Taken up a partner was encourage in the army. When one has their Partner, their lover, their family by side in battle you don,t turn and run. Bi in definition is homosexual and heterosexual. You can not be bi without being both. Yes they were a nation of homosexual and hetrosexuals and this cause their early calapse has a power in the Mediterranean.

-3 ( +0 / -3 )


I guess it will be OK to have a "Heterosexual" awareness parade too.

Sure, of course it's ok. When the day comes that people fear for their lives when their heterosexuality is exposed or when they're discriminated in the workplace because of their sexuality or when they're bashed in the streets for just holding hands with someone of the opposite sex, then sure, a parade will be a wonderful idea. Hell, I'll even help you organize one.

6 ( +7 / -1 )


The biggest critics of gays are also China and Arab bashers? That one made me laugh!

Dude stop mixing your politics with your coffee.

-2 ( +2 / -4 )

The biggest critics of gays are also China and Arab bashers? That one made me laugh!

Yep. Ask the patriotic rightists what makes their societies better than those they attack often cite very liberal values.

Hypocritical virtue signaling is truly funny.

Even funnier is watching the same people turn on a sixpence when the fascistic libs infringe on their right to discriminate.

Hypocritical virtue signaling jellyfish.

1 ( +3 / -2 )

Looks like some fun people having a good time!

That about sums it up for me.

On the other hand, a gay couple I know, of a similar age to me, would probably find this display tacky. Which makes me smile when I think of it. (They certainly wouldn't barf. More likely to hand out advice, which they do to my son occasionally. Generally along the line that he should take his studies more seriously. A couple of fuddy duddies basically.)

However, I suspect there are still lots of people who remain confused about their sexuality and are unable to confront it. I'm thinking of men I've known who are vocally adamant - almost violent - in their views that homosexuality is "unnatural" and yet never seem to maintain a stable and loving relationship with a woman. Why's that?

By the way, what's with the white gloves in the second photo? Is there a message I'm missing?

-1 ( +1 / -2 )

At least here in Japan, they are allowed to express themselves publicly, regardless as to how we as individuals feel towards them. And that should be allowed, so long as they dont interfere with our own way of Life.

1 ( +3 / -2 )

If you're into that kind of thing, that's your business. What bothers me (and has nothing to do with the LGBT lifestyle) is being told what I must accept.

-2 ( +7 / -9 )

What bothers me (and has nothing to do with the LGBT lifestyle) is being told what I must accept.

Exactly. I'm sick and tired of people telling me I have to accept Japanese people or black people. I can look at them but why must I accept them? I have Chinese friends too but I don't agree with their lifestyles. I also worry that same sex marriage means that straight people will be forced to marry people of their own sex. Blah blah blah.

5 ( +7 / -2 )

Pesky human rights and civil liberties, eh. tsk.

3 ( +5 / -2 )

We Japanese are very conservative and do not like change. I'm afraid it will take a very long time for us Japanese to adopt the same open attitudes that exist in countries such as Holland. Personally, I have a wife so this does not affect me.

-3 ( +3 / -6 )

We Japanese...

Sorry, but that phrase tells me you think you can speak for all Japanese. My experience with people who use that phrase is that they often know very little about Japan outside their immediate work and social circle. There are 120 million people in Japan, and they are not all alike.

1 ( +4 / -3 )

Sorry, but that phrase tells me you think you can speak for all Japanese. My experience with people who use that phrase is that they often know very little about Japan outside their immediate work and social circle. There are 120 million people in Japan, and they are not all alike.

I talk for the majority of the Japanese. I think it would be hard for anyone to disagree that Japan has a conservative society and that we do not like change, don't you agree? I have only ever once in my whole lifetime as a Japanese seen a gay couple holding hands and that was in a park in central Tokyo very late in the evening. Also, I have no friends and know of no Japanese in Japan who are openly gay. On the other hand, when I studied in the UK as a student many years ago I was surprised to meet many openly gay people.

-4 ( +4 / -8 )

No, you do not speak for the majority of Japanese. You may only speak for yourself on this or any other thread, just as other readers may only speak for themselves.

tiger_tanaka and others when you deride people who have been expose to bigotry most of their Adult life, really make some feel useless. Your statement is not meant to offend but can implies "look their no gay here in Japan" We Japanese can't except gays" This can isolate a person who is having a hard time coming to term with there sexuality. The result is not good for the person and the relative that had to come to term with his or her death. because a statement that has isolated that person once too often. So really think about comment and I hope next time you only make such a statement on your behalf, not the all of Japanese society.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

Looks amazing! Sorry I missed it.

0 ( +1 / -1 )


If you're into that kind of thing, that's your business. What bothers me (and has nothing to do with the LGBT lifestyle) is being told what I must accept.

Wait; who's telling you to accept it? Names, we must have names.

1 ( +2 / -1 )

I have to confess that I am a little confused about why the GLBT crowd choose to do this, in this manner.


And I say that because, primarily what I understand they are pushing for is acceptance by the broader community, right? Which I entirely support. I support homosexual marriage, I support equality.


But last week I attended a 3 day seminar. It was run by a man who was middle aged, extremely well kept, well dressed and groomed, intelligent, witty engaging, with a high EQ, who delivered a really great, engaging course. He was brilliant. My guess is he was gay. I work with other gay people, have friends who are gay, have family members who are gay. They never dress like this when I see them


So, why the dress ups?


Why not dress in their everyday get up? Stuff they wear to work, stuff they go shopping in, stuff they hang out in the coffee shop in? Wouldn’t it be a far more pertinent message? If they are pushing for inclusivity and acceptance, wouldn’t you benefit from highlighting the similarities we all have?

-4 ( +3 / -7 )

If they aren't hurting anyone, who honestly cares? Live and let live! I just cannot understand this mentality across the entire world where others feel justified telling other people how to live their lives and wanting to control what others do. Whether it's in the bedroom, what people put in their own bodies, etc.

If you aren't harming another human being (physically, mentally, or otherwise), then you're doing nothing wrong in my opinion.

2 ( +3 / -1 )

Why not dress in their everyday get up? Stuff they wear to work, stuff they go shopping in, stuff they hang out in the coffee shop in? Wouldn’t it be a far more pertinent message? If they are pushing for inclusivity and acceptance, wouldn’t you benefit from highlighting the similarities we all have?

It's a parade. People put on their glad rags to celebrate their differences and similarities. I doubt any of them turn up on a Monday morning at the 9-5 looking like that. Not that it should matter what attire a person wears...

0 ( +1 / -1 )

Dango bong May 8 11:13 am JST

Cherrytime: homosexuality in the animal kingdom exists. 

Homosexual animals nor humans can reproduce though, which makes homosexuality a non-natural phenomenon

Is driving a car natural? Come to think of it; using a pc, wearing clothes, cycling, ice skating, watching baseball on telly - are these all natural?

Gays have rights like anybody else, they should not be taken too far though. Teaching kids gay principles in school is taking it too far. Telling them you can be what you want to be is fine. If dressing like clowns is acceptable, then do it at your next job interview.... Be gay but not in my face..

Rights but not too many rights, eh, caller?

Teaching kids that equality and respect is a good thing is taking it too far?

Have you never dressed up for a party or parade? And why would you wear said costume to an interview? Unless you're going for a circus gig...

Who's being gay in your face and how much does that cost? Answers to the usual address on a postcard in red crayon, please...

1 ( +2 / -1 )

Apologies; not sure if you can edit posts but the hilighted "Rights but not too many rights, eh, caller?" is not a quote from Db - it's my question to the poster. Cheers.

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

Why is the "Q" not there?

3 ( +3 / -0 )

To each their own, none of my business what someone does in their own home with another adult. But i dont support special rights for people. If I dont like something i change the channel, dont look at or completely ignore the behavior.

-2 ( +0 / -2 )

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