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Thunberg keen to visit Japan in 2020


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I want Swedish teen environmental activist Greta Thunberg to visit Asian countries such as Japan and China in 2020.

-11 ( +20 / -31 )

Personally speaking, I would like to see her grow up a bit more!

Maybe for some it's her age along with her message that is appealing, yet she comes across as an angry petulant child too often.

20 ( +40 / -20 )

Burning Bush; I think she should swim as building sailboats also has a negative impact in the environment as well as everything she owns.

12 ( +28 / -16 )

To have any credibility, Greta will have to avoid airplane travel in her journey from Sweden to Japan. So how to do it? Stockholm to Vladivostok by train, then a ferry from Vladivostok to Sakaiminato in Tottori Prefecture via Donghae, South Korea. Good luck to her!

10 ( +21 / -11 )

we need to come together and stand in solidarity in this crisis," she said.

One doesn't usually bring people together by blaming half of them for the problem with words such as "how dare you - you have stolen my childhood!" That's not the start of solidarity, but he start of blame.

12 ( +30 / -18 )

Here we have a young person facing the truth of the climate emergency and acting when too many adults, including some of the commentators here, do far too little or even participate in denialism. Yet she is scrutinized by the likes of Burning Bush and held to standards far beyond what is expected of political leaders, corporate heads, the media... Give Greta a break and either cheer her on or just keep all the hating to yourself.

-3 ( +31 / -34 )

Sweden to Tokyo is going to an interesting trip given the standards she has set for herself. Also I can expect she won't visit Mt. Fuji for fear of over tourism or buy any souvenirs due their heavy reliance on one time use plastics.

-1 ( +15 / -16 )

The standard I expect of public figures is tolerance and acceptance of different views. 

Then why support Trump?

-4 ( +15 / -19 )

The standard I expect of public figures is tolerance and acceptance of different views. That's what being an adult means.

It's telling that you show little tolerance and acceptance of Greta's views and actions.

-1 ( +18 / -19 )

What does she know about the science? She's only 17, is not a scientist and reads from a script. And she gets 24/7 media coverage for it.

But someone like Judith Curry who is a climatologist, has published over 140 scientific books and papers, and who says it's a hoax gets no media coverage. Nor any of the other 10's of thousands of other scientists in related fields who say it's a hoax.

Why does a teenager get nominated as one of the top ten influential people in science for 2019? Or Time magazine's Person of the Year? Who arranged that?

Greta Thunberg is named one of the top ten most influential people in science in 2019 for 'channelling the rage of a generation' - www.dailymail.co.uk

She talks about "putting pressure on people in power" but they are the very same ones who are using her to push their agenda, without her being aware of it no doubt.

3 ( +29 / -26 )

Her style is intolerance and a closed mind and she doesn't accept different opinions.

No, after 30 years of debating, ACTION is needed. That's all she's pointing out. There should no longer be debate about climate change.

Reading many of the posts above, and the attitude of many others who still don't accept there is a crisis to be dealt with - no wonder she's angry.

3 ( +20 / -17 )

Nor any of the other 10's of thousands of other scientists in related fields who say it's a hoax.

Link, please.

8 ( +16 / -8 )

How can Swedish teen environmental activist Greta Thunberg comprehend the science of climate change, let alone the complex underlying politics that encompasses the subject matter, if Greta Thunberg neglects to achieve a basic education.

Skipping school is a fool’s paradise, a pretence, that reflects poor standard of parenting.

-7 ( +15 / -22 )

How can Swedish teen environmental activist Greta Thunberg comprehend the science of climate change, let alone the complex underlying politics that encompasses the subject matter, if Greta Thunberg neglects to achieve a basic education.

She is on the side of the majority of climate scientists.

A high school education will not equip her with the knowledge needed to do her own research on this.

2 ( +14 / -12 )

The first building blocks of forming opinion, exchanging views, research and investigation, the very structure of judgement/ astuteness, originate from how one interacts in early learning.  

Skip school, and that

7 ( +9 / -2 )


Link, please.

When the narrative is controlled you're not going to get all the scientists who disagree in one link. But here are a couple of petitions to show that there is no consensus. There never is in science.



On the other hand there are thousands of links to articles showing that pro-warming scientists have fudged data and committed outright fraud (Climategate etc). You don't have to look very hard to see it's a hoax, although cognitive dissonance is a hard thing to break.

-4 ( +10 / -14 )

I admire her guts and conviction to fight for what she believes in in spite of the heavy criticism she gets from many. But unfortunately she's been led astray by phony science, misguided activists and the dishonest media. It would be great to see her put her energy into real problems like poverty.

-3 ( +12 / -15 )

Link, please.

When the narrative is controlled you're not going to get all the scientists who disagree in one link. But here are a couple of petitions to show that there is no consensus. There never is in science.



You said tens of thousands of scientists in various fields. Links, please.

Why did you say various fields? I have a background in science but I have no training in climate science, molecular biology and uncountable other areas.

What’s your background?

6 ( +12 / -6 )

God speed to Greta. Her advocacy for this issue will bear fruit in the future.

I feel sorry for all of insecure little men who feel the need to disparage her any chance they get.

6 ( +17 / -11 )

She is probably very busy about environment activity. I wonder she can finish up high school if she does not go? She always seems using sailboat for days to go overseas. Maybe she thinks activity is more important than diploma.

-3 ( +8 / -11 )

Challenging the whole Greta Thunberg media circus, that justifies school children, students skipping school, does in no way instigate/insinuate a personal grievance against Greta Thunberg.

4 ( +10 / -6 )

So many bitter and angry messages from middle aged men over a 17 young woman trying to save the planet. Amazing.

3 ( +17 / -14 )

But unfortunately she's been led astray by phony science

Another expert.

What’s your background?

0 ( +15 / -15 )

So what did you guys and gals do when you were 16 / 17 years old?

10 ( +15 / -5 )

Why did you say various fields?

Before climatology came along it was geologists who were the climatologists as they researched Earth's climate in the distant past. Various fields means, meteorology, geology, oceanography, paleogeophysics and geodynamics, the study of ice cores or tree rings (dendroclimatology), the study of ocean currents, paleoclimatology and so on. There are something like 40 fields related to the science of climatology.

I have a background in science but I have no training in climate science, molecular biology and uncountable other areas.

So? Without a willingness to look at the other side of the story without bias that just makes you more susceptible to indoctrination and prejudice.

What’s your background?

Does it matter? Research with an open mind if you must know.

-7 ( +3 / -10 )

Hope she makes it there soon, she's an inspiration compared to the tired old world leaders and their status quo.

0 ( +13 / -13 )

All of us have taken the younger generation’s future from them.

What to do?

I feel anxious...

-1 ( +8 / -9 )

whether people agree with her or not, support her or not, there,s just one thing that we all need to say about this (and i don,t dislike her) ... i mean, instead of traveling around the world (nice huh) with this “end of the world global warming” excuse, she should be going to school...

-5 ( +8 / -13 )

Funny how many education specialists out there believe she should be in school.

As if education is this monolithic "thing" that can be only carried out in an institutions.

Examples abound where people achieved incredibly in many spheres - to world significance - by essentially by-passing the later years of formal education. Steve Jobs, Richard Branson, Keanu Reeves, David Karp, James Clark, Quentin Tarantino, even Einstein - "Education is what remains after one has forgotten what one has learned in school," all quit school.

Some early leavers returned later to study, but millions of successful people exist with nothing but basic education. Some even have "conditions" such as Branson yet were able to achieve enormous respect and success.

And Greta has every right to miss school if she pleases, as schooling is only compulsory to the age of 15 in Sweden. Obviously her school accepts her situation.

So if critics out there have some rationally based grievances, please put them up for discussion, but pleeeease leave off on the tired diatribe - the little girl should be in school.

2 ( +11 / -9 )

There really is no ethical solution to the climate issue except waiting for new technologies to hopefully emerge. To achieve the targets Greta and others are proposing would require destroying industrialised living standards (which have lifted millions out of poverty) and a neo-colonial global government to police the third world to ensure they never take steps to achieve even a fraction of the fossil fuel driven industrialised lifestyle we have enjoyed for decades.

0 ( +8 / -8 )

You said tens of thousands of scientists in various fields. Links, please.

Tou said links to tens of thousands of scientists.

Please provide evidence supporting your claim of tens of thousands m of scientists. I’m also interested in the credentials of these scientists.

0 ( +7 / -7 )

my previous comment was a simple one. don,t you think that a 16 year old girl should be going to school instead of being manipulated and traveling all over the world talking about the impossible? and we know, even if we don,t want to admit it, that things won,t change, and they won,t change because of her. yet i got all those thumbs down. let me tell ya i know that we really don,t need educational institutions as much as the old folks think we need (im from the young side btw), but this is different, they,re taking advantage of a young girl and if we think about it, we,ll see that she,s wasting her time. when people say that she should be going to school, most of them are not saying that she needs school, what they mean is that all of this might be a waste of her time (and she probably doesn,t even realize it, again, she,s 16, she doesn,t realize many things), that she,s being used, and that going to school, especially at 16, is not a waste of time at all. remember when we were kids and we wanted to miss school, it is what we wanted but we knew it wasn,t the right thing to do. missing school to go on a boat in the middle of the ocean(s), traveling (which is always nice, right?) and to talk about the end of the world and that we,re gonna die unless we stop doing everything we do everyday - that,s not normal.

-5 ( +4 / -9 )

Tou said links to tens of thousands of scientists.

Please provide evidence supporting your claim of tens of thousands m of scientists. I’m also interested in the credentials of these scientists.

I gave you 2 urls and you responded within 6 minutes of my comment asking me to do the same again.

Here's a list with some of the scientists and experts related to the field from the first link. Other than that you're free to do your own research.


There is no climate emergency, say 500 experts

AS THE LATEST U.N. climate summit begins in New York, a new, high-level global network of 500 prominent climate scientists and professionals has submitted a declaration that there is no “climate emergency”. The group has sent a European Climate Declaration with a registered letter to António Guterres, Secretary-General of the United Nations. Professor Guus Berkhout of The Netherlands, who organized the Declaration, said: “So popular is the Declaration with scientists and researchers worldwide that signatories are flooding in not only from within Europe but also from other countries such as the United States and Canada, Australia and New Zealand.


-6 ( +5 / -11 )

They also wrote this in their letter and other things like climate policy relying on inadequate models.

The geological archive reveals that Earth’s climate has varied as long as the planet has existed, with natural cold and warm phases. The Little Ice Age ended as recently as 1850. Therefore, it is no surprise that we now are experiencing a period of warming.


-5 ( +4 / -9 )

Here's a list with some of the scientists and experts related to the field from the first link. Other than that you're free to do your own research.

You said tens of thousands. Did you just make that up?

5 ( +10 / -5 )

You said tens of thousands. Did you just make that up?

The second url I pasted was the Global Warming Petition Project. This petition was for American scientists only, yet 31,487 of them have signed to date including 9,029 with PhDs. The site lists their names and qualifications. Then there are all the skeptical scientists in other countries as well so no, I didn't make that number up.


-3 ( +7 / -10 )

The second url I pasted was the Global Warming Petition Project. This petition was for American scientists only, yet 31,487 of them have signed to date including 9,029 with PhDs. The site lists their names and qualifications. 

This does not support your claim. The petition does not verify what their fields are. Nor does it tell us the credentials of those who signed this petition. Some of these PhDs could be from degree mills or something like Trump University.

Post something with links to verified experts in this field.

Very poor effort.

-5 ( +4 / -9 )

Asking "climate scientists" about the validity of the Global Warming theory is like asking Catholic priests about the validity of the Bible.

Conspiracy theories again? The flat Earthers say the same thing.

I’m just surprised you didn’t use the expression ‘bought and paid for’.

Poor effort on your part. Your New Year bonus isn’t looking good.

-1 ( +6 / -7 )


you said tens of thousands of scientists in various fields. Links, please.

There were links in the message you responded to. May reading before posting?

-3 ( +3 / -6 )

"9 out of 10 scientists who don't want to get fired agree: You do not question the 'consensus' on climate change."

-3 ( +5 / -8 )

you said tens of thousands of scientists in various fields. Links, please.

There were links in the message you responded to. May reading before posting?

The link didn’t support the claim made.

I want links to verified scientists in this field.

The link was useless.

2 ( +6 / -4 )

She is managed by dad.

My dad showed me to be curious.

The fear due to high average temperatures on Earth come from the rate of temperature rise, not the level of temperature itself.

By the way, if there are countries suffering from the change, some are obtaining new livable lands (Russia, Canada, Greenland ..).

There is no risk that Earth became a Venus like planet since it self regulates.

People living in deserts see no change.

It is just more people get involved and see the difficulties to feed the whole human population with changing climate.

No millions people die from climate change, fact. Wars kill way more...

-7 ( +2 / -9 )

Green Peas references Judith Curry as some sort of rebuttal to the IPCC and climate science.

Here's what an article in "Nature " said about her.

"Nothing she has encountered led her to question the science , she still has no doubt the planet is warming, that human generated greenhouse gases are a large part to blame or that the plausible worse case scenario could be catastrophic ."https://www.nature.com/news/2010/101101/full/news.2010.577.html

Curry takes issue with some "institutional issues " with organisations like the IPCC describing a "fortress mentality " etc

She is not a global warming skeptic at all apparently.

I like it when people reference individuals who actually dispute the claims the person makes.

7 ( +10 / -3 )

Does she offer solutions? I've K lye ever hear her talk about the problems.

1 ( +6 / -5 )


From her own blog referencing an article about her.

*5 skeptical scientists: Lennaert Bengtsson, John Christy, Judith Curry, Richard Lindzen, Nir Shaviv*

I am very impressed by this article, and very thoughtful biosketches for each are included.-- Judith Curry



*Dr. Judith Curry is a climatologist, former chair of the School of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences at the Georgia Institute of Technology and president of Climate Forecast Applications Network. She is in the forefront of the climate skeptic movement, often drawing fire from others in the scientific community. Dr. Curry and Anthony Watts discuss her experience within the scientific community, changes in sea-level and how climate change is not a clear and present danger.*


-5 ( +3 / -8 )


1 ( +4 / -3 )

Judith Curry

Is she one of the ‘tens of thousands’ of climate change scientists you are talking about?

-3 ( +3 / -6 )

Whether it is agreeable or not what she is saying,  her acts makes not only controversies, but also actions in the world. 

She is now really social influencer.

3 ( +4 / -1 )

The second url I pasted was the Global Warming Petition Project. This petition was for American scientists only, yet 31,487 of them have signed to date including 9,029 with PhDs. The site lists their names and qualifications. Then there are all the skeptical scientists in other countries as well so no, I didn't make that number up.

Almost nobody on that list is a climate scientist or doing any research in a related field. Its a totally useless piece of evidence to be basing any opinion on.

2 ( +6 / -4 )

Happy to get warming change personally. Less cold in winter = less combustible gas consumption (so less CO2 ;))))

For many here, self regulation by feedback loop is not even a concept they can imagine.

If you have wisdom, you'd know every generation speaks of some doomsday.

-6 ( +1 / -7 )

Go Greta Go!

2 ( +6 / -4 )

Almost nobody on that list is a climate scientist or doing any research in a related field.

My original comment was "Nor any of the other 10's of thousands of other scientists in related fields..."

Aren't the following related fields? You think these guys would have no idea about the role that CO2 plays?

1. Atmospheric, environmental, and Earth sciences includes 3,805 scientists trained in specialties directly related to the physical environment of the Earth and the past and current phenomena that affect that environment.

2. Computer and mathematical sciences includes 935 scientists trained in computer and mathematical methods. Since the human-caused global warming hypothesis rests entirely upon mathematical computer projections and not upon experimental observations, these sciences are especially important in evaluating this hypothesis.

3. Physics and aerospace sciences include 5,812 scientists trained in the fundamental physical and molecular properties of gases, liquids, and solids, which are essential to understanding the physical properties of the atmosphere and Earth.

4. Chemistry includes 4,822 scientists trained in the molecular interactions and behaviors of the substances of which the atmosphere and Earth are composed.



As I said before, this is only a sampling of scientists from one petition. Anyway, it doesn't matter. The CO2 causes runaway global warming crowd can go on believing what they believe but that doesn't make it true.

1 ( +5 / -4 )


She is on the side of the majority of climate scientists.

Science is decided on the basis of a majority vote?? Tell us more.

-3 ( +3 / -6 )

She is on the side of the majority of climate scientists.

Science is decided on the basis of a majority vote?? Tell us more.

I’m talking about the opinion of the majority of scientists working in this area and not the random list of ‘scientists’ which was pathetically offered earlier. I tend to go with this kind of majority view. The posters here are clearly not climate scientists and their views can basically be used to wipe your backside or be spouted by idiots like the US president.

*This post has nothing to do with CNN or globalists.

2 ( +4 / -2 )

Rather than pointing to dubious popularist climate skeptic blogs, stick to the scientific consensus which overwhelmingly points to Mankind’s contribution to climate change.

Im no fan of Thunberg’s delivery but there’s no doubt she has the demonstrated facts on her side. Scientists that are climate change deniers are on the fringe with the number of published papers achingly small in comparison to those that support the consensus. The price to pay for ignoring the science is a very high one.

”Consensus on consensus: a synthesis of consensus estimates on human-caused global warming Environ," J. Cook et al., Res. Lett. 11 (2016).”

"The climate change consensus extends beyond climate scientists," J.S. Carlton et al., Environ. Res. Lett. 10 (2015)”

“Quantifying the consensus on anthropogenic global warming in the scientific literature,” J. Cook et al., Environ. Res. Lett., 8 024024 (2013).“

3 ( +4 / -1 )

@ Jonhatan

Happy to get warming change personally. Less cold in winter = less combustible gas consumption (so less CO2 ;))))

More people on the planet use already A/C all year long than heating for a few months...

4 ( +4 / -0 )

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