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© KYODOTokyo reports 23 new coronavirus cases; number below 100 for 5th day in row
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Yeah, this is a very good sign. I mean with the exception of people disregarding the police orders to not sit on park benches, these are all very good signs.
Kitchener Leslie
“Good for them, proves the haters wrong”
You know they do hardly any testing on holidays right? You see the numbers every Monday don’t you?
"23 new cases" for Tokyo right?
Just a simple check on the Ministry of Health official website, numbers for 7 May are as below:
. PCR tested: 697
. PCR tested positive: 108
15.5% of the people tested positive (considering they are of the same batch as the 697 tests), putting the ridiculous number of tests for a day aside.
A little bit of context would be useful instead of just regurgitating some numbers, Japan Today.
Link here:
To put as positive a spin on this as possible..
It's good news that the number of new patients - who had a fever of 37.5 for four days or more and who had been in contact with a COVID-19 patient, during a period where people are being turned away by hospitals for being suspected of having the virus, and testing is lower due to the Golden Week holiday - is only 23, and under 100 for the 5th day in a row.
About the small numbers of PCR test in Japan, doctors are strong here and they opposed to it for the reasons they are not prepared and they do not have enough people to handle the test and do not have enough beds to accept them. Also, the government was afraid of the panic. Well, the deaths are about 600 by now. It is extremely small compared with other countries though confinement is prolonging as a result of the way Japan took.
Good for them, proves that Japan has been doing it right all along, social distancing as well as staying at home.
If it were any other country but Japan that reported lowering coronavirus infection rates, there would be loud cheers that the coronavirus infection was under control and that the people and government were doing a fantastic job of testing and adhering to social distancing/staying at home orders.
Never have I had more of a reason to say we are having the wool pulled over our eyes. The number of PCR tests are below 1000. Why are so many forgetting this! We are being deceived into thinking the numbers are great, but in reality are not great given the number of tests done. I am absolutely flabbergasted.
Most other countries say how many were rested on any given day as a way to prove the numbers are good. Japanese media(Japan Today included) have never listed both numbers together in the same article.
Based on the fact that 690 were tested on the 7th when there was 108 people confirmed, if 3000 people(still a very small number) were tested, 550 of them would be positive. Not great numbers.
First was exponential growth, (haven't heard this recently), now is
Have you considered the number of people who are sick is low ?
@Blowzen - Thanks for the context. 697 tests is pitiful, but a positive test rate of about 15% tells a different story.
Testing 3,000 people, (which Id contend would still be low for a city the size of Tokyo) would mean 450 positives @ 15%. If that was the case, and that indeed happened, then the reaction would be significantly different. 450 positive cases sounds more of a problem.
It’s the rate that’s important as a lot of us have been saying all along. You have to test MORE people to properly understand the prevalence of the virus.
Charlie Uoeh
To be expected. Minimal testing on holidays. Look at the results for Monday each week. Looks like Japan is already bored of covid19 though, the pachinko stores are all open again in my neighborhood. I hope the cases really are decreasing, but I highly doubt it.
Without testing, how can they be sure about how many people have died of the coronavirus?
In Mexico they're just marking all deaths that may be coronavirus related as death by pneumonia, so nobody really knows how many people are dying there from the coronavirus.
Maybe the same thing is happening here.
Do the hustle
Or, does it have more to do with decreased testing?
Michael Machida
Golden Week Holiday: Thats why tests numbers are low. Weekends: Test numbers are low.
Look at the other days that people work Monday - Friday when there are no holidays.
@Oldman_13 - If this article ‘proves’ anything it’s that the government IS trying to fudge the numbers to keep them low.
The government announce 23 new cases, while their own Dept. Health website states 108 new positives.
The important context is the 108 positives are only from 697 tests. If you extrapolate a 15% positive rate to all of Tokyo, then things aren’t looking so rosy are they? (10 million people @ 15% = 1.5 million potentially positive).
108 is the whole of Japan
23 in Tokyo
15% positive according to he official site, but what were their symptoms? Possibly if one of a family of four had symptoms, and the whole family checked and showed positive, but no symptoms, then we really are clueless about the severity of this virus. Know what I’m saying?
Once the new way of administration test is implemented the numbers will go up and the government and media will blame the public's carelessness.
How many people where tested? On Okinawa we have had no new cases for a week, but they are testing less than 50 people per day.
John Beara
Cool beans... but how many tested? 60? 600? I wanna back to work.
If you don't test there will be no covid 19 that's what the government wants. Could you imagine if schools did that, no testing and everyone passes! How ridiculas and irresponsible of the government.
I do not believe the numbers represent the actual number of infections but I am willing to listen to those who say things might be improving.
I think, based on the studies done in Santa Clara County in California and by the City of Kobe that the number of infections is probably much higher. The ratio of of positive tests to tests taken (as pointed out by @Blowzen above) may also lead to this conclusion.
I have seen fairly good improvements in social distancing (at least where I am) and behaviors that would reduce transmission but what I saw on the news in the morning however was worrisome (crowded trains).
It is possible the trend is flattening or moving downward however stating that there are only 23 infections for the day does not seem realistic. Also it is likely there are many people with no or mild symptoms who are not tested (not only in Japan for that matter).
From a purely scientific viewpoint I am more concerned that Japan just does not have enough data (sample sizes are way too small) and I am a bit worried about what may be seen two weeks from now.
Personally I am lucky as I can work at home and when it is necessary to go to the office I can ride my bike there. I plan to avoid public transportation for a while.
@carpslidy - Then 697 tests for the whole of Japan is more than just pitiful, it’s negligent.
You cant accurately extrapolate such a small sample size for the whole 120m in Japan (it would be 18m @ 15%) - that’s why testing more people is important.
So the conclusion of doing just 697 tests for the whole country is: Nobody can accurately know what is going on.
According to, on May 6th 65 people were tested in Tokyo, of which 38 were found positive.
That's more than 50% which is really high and way above the 10% that the WHO recommends to target to ensure the testing coverage is sufficient.
JapanToday/Kyodo: publishing numbers without context is counter-productive as it leads people to believe it is safe when it's not.
I’d be more convinced if the government was more transparent and they would do aggressive testing to see who “had” it, who “HAS” it, who built antibodies nothing. No one knows exactly where we are at, the percentage of how many elderly suffered and died of this virus. It’s just no new outbreaks, everything is ok, go back to your normal lives, that’s it, no further “detailed” details?
I laughed at this. OMG! That's insane. 65 were tested throughout all of Tokyo, yet 38 were tested positive!!!! That's insane. I am so glad I don't live in Tokyo.
HOW many did you test? This is great news IF you tested 10,000 people, if you tested 500, not at all!
I should have mentioned that these numbers are for whole Japan...which is not really good news.
I am really surprised that so many posters here are always negative about Good news about numbers of infection.
I think many posters here are some kind of ~End of the World Junkies~, waiting every day for the big Apocalypse to come.
I dont understand why these people are never happy about good news.
The number of case seems low because the number of tests was low.
The ratio of confirmed to tested number of people in Tokyo had decreased during the past weeks approximately from 60% to 30%, but during the past few days, it rebounded to more than 40%, according to the chart I made for myself: (by May 7)
The ratio (blue) and the number of tested people (red) in a 7-day moving average compiled from I took the moving averages because of the delays between test and confirmation.
Above all, the Japanese government has done their best to suppress the official number of deaths by various statistical manipulations, and few people except some Japanese would believe the numbers: (in Japanese)
The thing is, this isn't good news! How can you not see that! If the tests were in the thousands, with only 35 positives, that's good news! 35 positives out of roughly 68 tests is NOT good news.
as for the benches in the photo, they dont need to make them ALL off limits. Just instruct the public one person per bench,etc. or whatever keeps people 2 meters or more apart. It seems that awareness and knowledge in Japan about covid is still incomplete.
Mirai Hayashi
lets see what the numbers are 2 weeks from now, when the GW pachinko goers, surfers, pic-nickers, etc start getting sick
Elon Musk was on Rogan today. Such a straightforward and logical explanation of how this virus is not nearly as deadly as how people are reacting.
They get to in-depth talk of Covid at the 59 minute mark.
He briefly touches on Japan and how well the people look after themselves.
Of course he runs businesses that he wants to get rolling again but this great mind brings a lot of facts to the conversation that media and the panicked people are ignoring.
Judge for yourself.
Keep suppressing the number of infected by doing fewer and fewer tests! If any other country did that then there would be an outcry but it’s acceptable in Japan. Eight of my coworkers were refused testing despite showing symptoms and the fact that they worked with one coworker who had tested positive. I was also refused testing despite showing symptoms. Self isolating now but feel guilty that I might have infected many others on my way back from work a few days ago! The real number of infected people in Japan are 80 to 90 times more than the recorded numbers. Many have mild symptoms and don’t bother about trying to get tested. Others such as me try to get tested but are refused.
Check this link of the meeting of the LDP on measures against covid-19
the total lack of awareness is mind boggling and this has been the general pattern throughout Japan from the onset, and to think Japan has been spared is nothing but being in complete denial.
this is arisugawa isn't it ! 23 positive out of 65 symptomatic. this really is a good indicator.
the non covid19 colds are dropping down and as a consequence we will see lot faster covid19 recoveries now and less death of course.
I for one see the end.
These are recycled comments from February, March and early April. People weren't even social distancing then. This virus has been in Japan since January and you doomsayers are just itching to see more serious illness and death to try to prove some point. Into the 5th month and we are not seeing serious wide-spread problems...mainly just clusters.
This has become hype and the low mortality rate does not justify further lock-downs. Time to start opening up the economy again.
@Miray Hyashi
You are saying same what many posters here say since 4 months...wait for another 2 weeks...wait for another 2 weeks...
Dont you think it is a little bit paranoid?
100% agree!
Monty, not testing is "not" good news!
Here you go @carpslidy.
65 tests in Tokyo.
38 positive.
What would happen if they tested 100,000 people?
It’s inconceivable that these official numbers are an accurate reflection of the current situation.
Why not just ramp up testing to 50,000 a day nationwide (approx 1,000 per prefecture), just to be sure? Let’s be absolutely sure that the numbers are as low as they are being reported. I mean, to quote a stable genius - what do we have to lose?
Because they only tested 109 people. Look. The data is here.
2 weeks from now, 2 more weeks from now.....
Just because they test more people wouldnt mean the same percentage of positives. Obviously most people who are being tested now have a reason to think they may have coronavirus.
if you tested 1000 random people on the street, it would be a much lower percentage that those seeking out testing because they feel sick already. Or you might even find a certain % of people already had it and didnt even notice.
The downward trend is obvious despite some technical issues (under-reporting, time lags, etc.). At least Japan has gotten away with the worse case scenario (800,000 new cases; 420,000 deaths within a single month) on which the state emergency was based.
Most remarkably, many rural areas outside major cities such as Tokyo, Osaka and Nagoya are showing a record low both in new cases and death toll. My hometown (a midsize city of over 1 million residents) and neighboring prefectures have reported zero case for days. Considering the virus incubation period, the current number must reflect sometime the early GW or active homecoming mobility underway (despite state's call for restraints) which could have widespread the virus "imported" from Tokyo. I see it as a good, relieving sign.
Incredible news and congrats! Just shows that Japan has properly learnt from the US and Europe on how not to handle a pandemic! What a catastrophic and moral failure we have seen in Europe and the US, absolute disgrace!
Random on the street testing is the key.
Posting stats of testing people showing some kind of flu symptom is absurd.
If 100 people went to doctors showing abnormal skin lesions and 15% showed positive for melanoma does that mean 15% of the population also have melanoma?
if you test 100.000 people you will find 2000 of them positive. mostly because the PCR tests are oversensitive.
collapse of the medical system and lots of unemployed , oh and what ever may follow as a result of that.
If testing makes sense for a country fine please test and do it on a weekly basis for everyone for the next 2-3 years if you want to do bussiness with the world that financially matters.
Excessive testing isn't very smart in Japan. Because Japan can't follow up with the results. The health care system here is just simply not designed to handle epidemics. There is lack of PPE, there are no Hospitals no staff well no educated enough staff. Finally it would create legal issues around the health insurance too right , paying soo much money and not being able to get help doesn't make any sense.
And all that to basically runaway from the problem into isolation and economical unrest. No Thank You.
Government protection plan for elderly and sickly + Work on treatment and vaccine + Do absolutely nothing else no lockdowns no nonsense because it is impossible = should result herd immunity and quick
the numbers from May 1st onwards are not the total amount as tests conducted at medical facilities have not been added
Whatever alarmists say or commiserate, Japan has stayed in good shape, an undeniable fact. Or pure theoretically, from now on Japan would have to produce 100 times more of new cases within a single week, should the country catch up or copycat "common" trends in Europe and the US. On what (scientific) ground is such a doomsday scenario made possible? A fact is, Japan has continued to be further outpaced by virus-hit countries (well, the most recent competitor is Russia... sorry, "competition" is not a sensible analogy...)
What exactly did Japan do?
66% of the new cases in New York are from people staying at home. Only 4% take public transportation.
I realized Japan is not New York, but the lockdown measures were mostly based on NY, so why cant the recovery be partially based on what has been learned from NY data too?
I certainly hope it's true and not just the result of low testing.
If it is true, then Japan has lucked out and dodged a really big bullet. I hope it's true...I really do.
Guys why do some advocate for everyone getting tested, it makes no sense to me, if you are sick you should know where to go for your test by now just like other diseases, those tested were low because those who called or warranted test were low, you can whin all you want but deaths in Japan aren’t abnormal the data by end of year can be compared to other countries then you will all get the true picture
That's not how they see it @finto.
They believe there's a quota for every day and when the quota is reached then all the remaining requests for tests will be ignored or rejected
I said it all along myriad times: Japan would do a good job in tackling the transmission of this virulent SARS-CoV-2. Impressive, to say the least.
From Kenya to the great people of Japan, keep on with the great work, just don't let your guard down. Kudos!
Japan health care is fantastic. I offered to buy 15,000 test kits but was rejected. At least I tried.
Japan Today would like to follow up on this. Who did you approach about buying the test kits and what did you plan to do with them? It may make for an interesting story.
Just to clarify for the people throwing numbers around.
108 is the number of "confirmed" cases on May 6th in all of Japan.
93 is the number of "confirmed" cases on May 7th in all of Japan.
23 is the number of "confirmed" cases on May 7th in Tokyo alone.
*notice how I put number in parentheses.
I agree 100%, Japan needs to ramp up testing immediately to get a more accurate figure.
My 75 year old mother in law was extremely sick in late January after a flight. So sick she couldn't leave her apartment for 3 weeks. When she could finally get out to see a doctor she asked for a covid test the doctor refused and told her she only had the flu. How does he come up with that without a test? That's why Japan's numbers are low, lack of testing.
I wouldn’t rely on the claims of anonymous fabulists who post on this site.
Back on topic please.
When you don't test, you don't find anything, plain and simple. Japan is not testing, and they most certainly have NOT been testing over the holidays, when most hospitals and clinics are closed to seeing new patients, since said places are largely private businesses here. How about we wait a week or so before celebrating?
And anyway, no surprise to see people in the pic blatantly ignoring the rules and morays of society -- happens here all the time. While the US has been the leader in the world of what NOT to do in a pandemic, and as such leads in infection and death, at least they enforce laws, and where they don't, there is public shaming. I'm willing to bet you could walk up to the people sitting on these benches where you are not supposed to sit and ask them if they think Japan is a law-abiding society, and they would say "Yes", not even realizing what you're asking them.
The govt is ramping up testing in the sense that they relaxed/amended the guidelines to accommodate more cases.
They cannot just raise the testing to an arbitrary number
Tom Doley
When this report doesn't tell the full picture, you just know it's feelgood propaganda by j-gov.
Real news is like what Forbes Japan reported several days ago which reported that Japan had asked South Korea to assist them with the outbreak, and Japan insisted that South Korea remain anonymous. More proof of Abe trying to save face after his botched economic attack on Korea, and more proof that he is no different to a communist dictator.
Don't believe these numbers. Hospitals and clinics closed for Golden Week. And suspected cases are being kept away.
How can this government be providing numbers when suspected cases are told to stay at home with no access to testing?!
It is very difficult not to believe for the average folk since the TV emphasizes that the numbers have been continously going down for the past 5 days and never mention the number of test, and the invited expert attributing the low numbers to the citizens sacrificing staying home and reducing person to person interaction.
Do with them? Donate them to my city of course! What else would I do with them? Duh
Most companies were closed until yesterday (Golden Week holiday in Japan), so fewer people riding trains, subways = fewer cases. Starting today the number of people riding the trains, subways have increased more than before the GW holiday, so the cases will go up again on the next two or three weeks
Mirai Hayashi
I wish that this site would post not only the number found positive, but the pecentage of people found to be postive in relation to the number tested. This would give clearer numbers as to whether or not the numbers are really coming down/
There are two possibilities; either you save the Economy, or peoples lives. Both have equally terrifying consequences.
The WHO, (bless their CCP tainted "Souls"), did say "Test, Test, Test" .... but in reality what for ? Providing work for the Bean counters ?
Testing is pointless here in Japan. Anyone can go out and about, wander around and be oblivious to the fact that they're just spreading or contracting the virus. Getting a test done today, doesn't mean that you're safe - you may catch the virus even whilst waiting inline for that very same test and go on to spread it around you afterwards with that false confidence of a negative test. And, nowhere Globally, has the capacity to test you on a daily basis !
The "Test, Test, Test" advice will only work, if people are forced to be confined to small locations - such as their homes. Then after a period of time, if no one tests positive in that area, that area can have relaxed restrictions - though travel into neighbouring areas unless also relaxed too, should be restricted.... this is what China did. They basically boarded people up within their homes and wouldn't let them out! However that draconian measure can't currently be carried out here, nor in other "Democratic" locations around the World.
Instead Japan, relies upon Social Responsibility... which means this virus is going to drag on for a long time - possibly even years - No short sharp shock treatment, we will continue to see spikes of outbreaks here and there, and possibly forced into perpetual wearing of protective gear - facemasks, etc... as a consequence, which in consideration, albeit a bit late in the day, Japan should be preparing for that - and self-manufacturing what they need in order to be prepared for the future... face-masks, ventilators, PPE, etc.
Currently there is no Cure. You get sick, and either recover having had a mild to bad cold, or you need to be hospitalized - in which case depending upon your prior health history, you may or may not, come out alive, period sadly. No amount of Statistics is going to help cure you, indeed those from the UK are going to make you even more worried, especially if you are associated with one of those vulnerable groupings.
I walk at least 20,000 steps a day on all unique different routes. In the last seventeen days, my count of masks on the ground has reach 116. Most I think fall out of pockets, and fly out of bike baskets. Most can be found along train tracks. Yesterday I spotted a bag, although open, it had 6 brand new masks in sealed plastic within the bag. Tempting.
doh! ;)
1) It has turned out that testing after screening by CT scan is correct answer rather than testing all comers.
Japanese strong point that there are the most CT scanners in the world has been useful.
2) By above, Japan hasn't wasted not only medical man-powers but also medical armaments.
PCR tester cannot avoid around 20% of pseud-positive or pseud negative and judging whether the corona virus is Wuhan type or ordinary type is more difficult.
average infection rate for first week of May was 7.5% in Tokyo.
Their official site says the rate is more than 40%.
What's wrong?
Jonathan Prin
I don't care about testing. WHO says it shall be done as much as possible, so no point in debating.
What about comparison of fatality rate compare to previous years averages ?
As long as this information is not communicated (and should have been by now 2 months ago to validate the real situation), I need to consider the authorities fudge numbers by precaution.
I know that being healthy under 60 makes you a no risk of dying (less chance than being overrun by a car).
I think I had coronavirus early in the pandemy (had to go to hospitals and get some oxygen for a few hours but doctors could not find the reason I was suffering) and one shall rather look at the long term effects of this illness, since I lost a bit of breathing capacity due to that illness in my opinion (I run 10kms often at fast pace so I can compare performance easily...).
Maybe this is far far more important than just the death rate.
I will ask to get tested but I am not among the one needing a test so I have waited so far, being still under lockdown.
Out of how many tested? 100? 200? Is the media allowed to know how many tests were done and report on that?
Meaningless, how many did you test? It's like saying I got 50 on a test... Out of what?
What is especially important about knowing the number of tests as opposed to just the number of positives? Anyone care to explain?
But they do release the number of people tested.
The figures for Fukuoka-ken are
183 today (2 positive), 687 yesterday (6 positive).
Surely these stats are available elsewhere?
The 687 that you quoted above is the weekly figure may 3 to may 9.
Thanks, lucifer.
You’re quite right : )
Glad Japan seems to be handling it better.
Must be doing something right. And at least Abe has enough sense to not tweet his fan base to go out in public in front of Precinct capitals and terrorize and make jerks of themselves, exposing more people.
I still don’t understand why many of you are being negative and comparing the % of tests that turns positive with those from other countries to make up your assumptions, Japan has made it clear of its testing approach right from the beginning, they will do contact tracing and test all possible contacts and also those who fall sick or feel they have symptoms who contact the authorities and those who get referrals from their doctors, this means there will be a higher percentage of tests being positive as compared to just mass testing everyone, the contagiousness of this virus isn’t something you can hide with data manipulation, it’s been 4 months now since most of you predicted the apocalypse happening in Japan due to less testing, I’m still yet to see it, solution to this problem is not in unnecessary and unwarranted testing, it’s in how we can all play our part in preventing it’s rapid spread, that’s where Japan has been good at so far as compared to other developed countries even without a total lockdown, I go to work everyday riding on yamanote line, I haven’t ever had a test yet but I haven’t been sick too, I wear my mask and practice whatever is being asked of me everyday, yet I am positive we are doing it right
a good picture will be comparing the total no. of people who died in Japan this year as compared to the previous years and if something was being hidden it will be made bare,
I don’t expect NewZealand to be testing tens of thousands per day now that they haven’t reported any case for the past days, mass testing only becomes necessary when you can no longer contact trace and have a very high no. of cases per day, having the capability doesn’t mean you must waste them where not necessary those countries who followed WHO and USA CDC advice on wearing of masks in public by all now regret it, something has been done right in Japan to avoid the catastrophe we’ve seen in other countries, if anything, we must be looking at what is being done right instead of just looking for ways to criticise and always praying dooms day will come tomorrow
I will advocate for mass testing if that can be done on a daily basis for the entire population