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© 2012 AFPTokyo Disney Resort eases rules on same-sex weddings
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For long I thought it is a matter of America. It happens only in America since women there are not very womenly. I believed it would never happen in Japan. I may be wrong. Is it happening in Japan also? It is a human right thing and has to be considered.
Since Minnie and Mickey have been dating for about 80 years and Daisy and Donald have been dating for about 60 years (where did those nephews come from? Are they nephews?), I guess it is safe to assume no wedding or any wedding is okay at the happiest place in the universe.
Here are all of Jesus' words about homosexuality: " ."
Eh? If it's not discussed, how does the writer know that it's widely accepted or not?
are you freakin' serious!!!
SchopenhauerMAY. 16, 2012 - 07:45AM JST For long I thought it is a matter of America. It happens only in America since women there are not very womenly. I believed it would never happen in Japan. I may be wrong. Is it happening in Japan also? It is a human right thing and has to be considered.
just how do YOU define womanly?
did you really never consider that a woman could love a woman in japan imagine that! a japanese woman loving a japanese woman you need to open your mind
yes, it is happening in japan too in fact, it is happening everywhere has been for centuries
and yes! it is a human right thing
patty cake ... right on!
But fake priests (played out by blue-eyed part-time English language teachers) are ok, I suppose, according to Christian teaching! Ha ha ha! Since when has Japan given a hoot about Christianity?
Sure, as long as you're in the tarento business, play it really camp, act like the stereotypical oneechan and not mention the G.A.Y. word. Yes, is sure is accepted here.
Fabulous! Actually I would think gay couples would have the good taste and dignity to not even consider Dizzyland for their wedding. I've been invited to weddings there and declined as they weren't close friends and I know that I would've been thinking of snide comments the whole time. Figured to them enjoy their special day without my dose of sarcasm. The pix my wife shows afterwards confirm the full-on retardedness of the whole Disney branded wedding - yuck.
i've never been a fan of disneyland, but this article actually made me respect the company a hell of a lot now. the happiest place on earth can be that for people of all races, religion and sexual preference.
on another note...7.5 million yen to get married there? fuggedabowdit!
Herve Nmn L'Eisa
As Disney is all about maximizing profit by maximizing make-believe, this should be no surprise. Nor are the "weddings" legally recognized. Bottom line - who cares. Zippadeedoodah.
Finally, Huey, Louis, and Dewey can come out of the duck-closet!
So, does that mean same sex marriage in Japan is accepted as long as no one talks about it? First I've heard of it.
Everybody: Zippidee-ay. My-oh-my what a wonderful day...
OMG gay or not, getting married at Disney shows a lack of "savoir-vivre" and 7.5M!!! dafuq....???. Then I would agree with the fact that homosexuality is widely accepted in Japan when more than 100,000 people will show up for the LGBT pride in Tokyo.
@ Pukey2: Spot on! I had to explain to some Japanese why the song "Amazing Grace" is not really a wedding song. No idea of the concepts of Christianity, but yet want the trappings of a Christian church wedding. Japan never ceases to amaze.
Back on topic please. The subject is same-sex weddings at Tokyo Disney Resort.
Y'know, one of the strangest conversations I have ever had in my life was based around this. Let me explain. A guy I worked with in Japan was openly gay, and he was a very effeminate, dramatic gay man. Very charming, very funny and immensely popular. He lived with his J-boyfriend and eventually they moved back to his home country. He asked me if I would teach his private students on his departure, which happened to be a trio of middle aged ladies and I agreed. So, I met them a couple of times, did my thing, and after skirting around the issue they eventually got to the conversation they were dying to have, which was about Steve's sexuality. "Did you know Steve is gay?" "Yes, said I, that is about the most plainly obvious gay man I know. Everyone knows he is gay." Much tittering and carry-on. "He lives with his Japanese boyfriend." Says I, and here the story takes a turn. The women suddenly become quite serious and stern faced and stare at me quite intently. "Yes, well, that man just lives with Steve because he feels sorry for him. He isn't gay." "Ahh, ladies, I know for a fact he is gay and that they met in a gay club and that he is certainly homosexual." "No, that is impossible. He is just being nice to Steve. He cannot be gay, because he is Japanese" I just about fell off my chair. What followed was a quite animated discussion about the fact that only foreigners can be gay and that there aren't any real homosexuals (sounds like Wolfpack, now I think of it) in Japan. I was floored. They were adament. It was the last time I saw them. I was just too exhasperated to bare facing them again.
A disney wedding with the fairies.
Oh great, next thing you know we will be seeing people marrying mice or ducks or anthropomorphic dogs...
Oh great, just what I want my kids to be exposed to while at Disney. I think that people need to start speaking up now before it gets out of control like it has in the states.
What? Two people celebraring their love for each other and making a commitment to be together forever? That's exactly the kind of thing I want my kids "exposed to", as you put it....
Disneyland should be a place just for kids/families... maybe young couples. It shouldn't be a place for gay marriage... Why anyone (hetero/homosexuals) would want to get married there is beyond me. None of those characters are real. They are people in suits. I guess this is just another example of Japan wanting to exist in an animated fantasy world and perpetuate its propensity for behaving like a bunch of children.
Congratulations to all who wish to take Disney up on the offer. And in a nice twist on generally socially conservative Japan, they've certainly outpaced a number of far more 'liberal' states in this respect, although am I right in assuming that same sex marriage is not legally binding in Japan?
Franchesca Miyara Yang
lucabrasiMAY. 16, 2012 - 11:03AM JST
Well said. This is not a christian nation and it will never be! ;-)
Really? I'm devastated; are you going to tell me next that there is no Santa Claus and no Tooth Fairy?
If homosexuals want to get "married" at Disneyland and Disneyland wants to do this no doubt profitable business then let them get on with it. Live and let live.
Civil unions have been recognized since I can remember in Canada and same sex since 2005.What is the big deal? I feel proud to come from such a sophisticated society.
Homosexuality is accepted in Japan? Oh, I didn't get THAT memo... being, you know, a gay person in Japan. If it's so accepted, why is it shoved and locked in the closet? Why are so many gay people terrified of coming out, and they don't use their real names when they go to Ni-chome?
That rant aside... awesome! I think getting married at Disneyland is a little campy, but I guess it's kind of cute for some people. Maybe President Obama's proclamation will encourage Japan to take the steps to allowing gay marriage, too.
So Christian Teaching cannot be breached, but Japanese Laws can? Good for them! Well, it's not against the law, really. They just don't accept it.
I really don't know what to think about gay marriages, but I think it would look kind of cute if both ladies wore wedding dresses.
Hmmm, but they are open on Sundays and wear clothes made from different natural materials...
Disney's long been at the forefront of gay rights. In the states, they've long given benefits to partners of employees. Disneyland in the states is also a popular place for gay couples.
my kids never going there again
Kids go to Disney? I thought it was just single women over 35...
So, what do they do there? Get their photos taken and talk about how faaaabulous the place is?
Mickey is a businessman.
So the headline is rather misleading, isn't it? Because the text states that
meaning they have been "supporting" same-sex marriages for some years but don't brag about it, because it might offend some other would-be customers as the comments above show. It's all about the money, sure, but that so happens in every other place that is involved in the wedding business. At least at Disney they have "real" fairies to support the show and I am sure most of the guests would be thrilled to attend a party there!
@garomakaikishi What happens if one of your kids is gay? What happens if another child in their class is gay, or one of their teachers? You feel they should be discriminated against by Disney and everyone else just because of their sexuality, because of something they have no control over?
I was impressed until I read about the conditions.
So they can have a gay wedding, but only a "certain kind" of gay wedding.
Exactly Probie. Some people have opened their minds...but only half way. Lame, just not as lame as usual.
We are looking forward to the shorter lines. Thank you. Good luck enduring your children's complaints over your decision though.
Oh gee. As if kids understand much of anything about adult life. I hear so much misconception from kids already, I wonder if their parents ever bother explaining anything at all. In fact, so many adults don't even seem to have even fixed those misconception in their own heads yet!
But I am positive my mother would have an explanation, just as she always did. What the hell is wrong with so many people out there that they cannot think of a nice, harmonious explanation is beyond me. Break free of your little straight-jacket and teach your kids something about the birds and the bees today please. Do it tomorrow too. And the next day. In a month your kids should be ready for Disneyland. Ignorant kids grow into ignorant adults. Roll up your sleeves parents, and get to work.
Interesting story. I dont think Id wanna be bothered with these ladies anyway. Outrageous!
Garomakaikishi. Why punish your kids for your Homophobia.It is going away,but rather becoming more and more acceptable everyday.Get with the program!
Bartholomew Harte
That Sucks! The END!
jonobugsMay. 16, 2012 - 09:45AM JST
Homosexuality in Japan is widely accepted but not openly discussed.So, does that mean same sex marriage in Japan is accepted as long as no one talks about it? First I've heard of it.
Shhh.... don:t talk about it
And having a dude walking around in make-up and a wedding dress wouldn't create repercussions? Really well thought out, bro.
OK, I got nothing, so going for clown points.
So are sallary-men. Not sure what that has to do with anything, but it seemed important to get that out there.
He sure is. And now he will be able to make a buck when Chip and Dale are finally let out of the closet.
Bartholomew Harte
Anything for a buck! - I suppose Goofy will be the Maid of Honor! Uncle Walt is rollin'in his grave about now !
That slippery slope began when a man first married a woman. At the ceremony, some guy whined "Oh great, next thing you know some guy will be marrying my daughter, then some guy will marry my son, another my donkey, another my oxcart.
Some people are just negative chicken-littles who swear every action will lead to disaster, including doing nothing!
Interesting story. I dont think Id wanna be bothered with these ladies anyway. Outrageous!
No, well I felt quite awful for Steve actually - evidently he was viewed as somewhat of a freak by these women whom he taught and he was a source of the curious and bizarre to them. Their bigotry was jaw-droppingly amazing.
Thomas Anderson
Do Japanese people really believe that there are no homosexuals in Japan? I though homosexuality was explored in ancient Japan...
Thank you for the explanation Farmboy!
But still, considering the fetid sea of transgressions against capitalism and freedom committed by the many tentacled Walt Disney Corporation, this drop of clean, fresh water hardly changes my opinion of them.
DERP!!! I'm sorry I had to be the bearer of bad news Harry... I never refuted their existence, there IS Santa Claus, there IS Tooth Fairy, there IS Mickey Mouse, but they are just characters, not real sentient beings. So, to say "Look we had our picture taken with Mickey / we got married with Mickey!" is stupid cause it's just someone in a costume.
Oh Bert! you know what I mean COSTUMES. Glad you got it out there and off your chest. derp
The whole point of my comment is the last sentence... Do you have anything to say about that or would you rather just be a smart alec and make nitpicking meaningless comments?
Every-one loves a smart-Alec, so I think I'll go with that.
But if there was some deeper meaning hidden deep within that comment, I guess it would be that it seems a bit unnecessary to point out that the Characters at Tokyo Disney Land are not real. Any fool would know that all the real characters are at the the real Disney Land in Paris/France.
Actually you can't, nobody can. Likes and dislikes are beyond our control. Your prejudice is a result of your life experience. So while nobody can really blame you for what you think, they can blame you for articulating it in such an insensitive way.
Im utterly perplexed by their request that the participants dress one as a man, and one as a women! So, a gay male couple would have to have one man in a dress, and one in a tux...and a lesbian couple would have to have one cross dressing partner? Are they insane? Whilst this may be some peoples thing, forcing it on people who just dont do that is beyond insane.
Im glad they relaxed their bizarre rules, and hope Higashi and Hiroko have a truely lovely wedding and a fantastic life together.
Newsweek's next cover: The First Gay Mouse
Kids go to Disneyland.
Young children.
Surely they do not need to be subjected to the dramatization of same sex "marriages" with or without wedding vows.
Come to think of it, I wonder how they would do the wedding vows anyway ...
"Reg, do you take Albert to be your lawful wedded ... um ... husband ... er ... wife ... whatever.
To live together in what the Bible describes as an abomination ..."
Oh no, the trauma of children seeing two adults in love. Children are innocent without any biases unless learnt from family. I suggest the only ones who will find offence are adult bigots and homophobes.
So what?! Now Disney has to build another land called "fairy land" to accommodate all the same sex weddings? Sheesh!!
well said. Some years ago I heard a 10 year old girl asking her uncle if he was married - he said "Yes, I'm married to John" - she burst into tears and wailed "But you didn't ask me to be a bridesmaid!"
Maybe the gays in Japan don't have anywhere else to have a ceremony so they're stuck with Disney, poor people.
gay sailbreeze retired navy homo
Gay weddings at Disney should be fun. But when I hear the homophobes, bashers and right wingers want to boycott or stay away or whatever, that's when I want to know that formula. Wouldn't it be great to apply that formula to every decent event, activity or recreation?
Innocence slowly dieing
The whole "A is impossible because B is Japanese"-thing must be one of the most frustrating things people say. I'm not even gonna sugarcoat it; it's flaming stinking racism, and if you're a Japanese person reading this and not understanding what I'm talking about, look the word up in Merriam-Webster (there are actually a lot of people who don't fully understand the definition of racism).
I beg all you young wonderful children of Japan to shake off the ignorance of your elders and prove that Japan is the wonderful country I always loved!
Thomas Anderson
I'm really getting tired of the conservatives saying "It's wrong because it's against the tradition aka It's wrong because it's something that I'm not used to and I can't deal with change". I mean that's no argument at all, it's called a circular argument as well as an appeal to tradition. You're basically saying "It's wrong because it's wrong" which is circular. Saying "it's wrong because it says so in the Bible or it's wrong because straight marriages have been the norm for thousands of years" is an appeal to tradition.
Thomas, it's neither right nor wrong.
It's neither conservative nor radical.
This is the point.
The word "marriage" means the union of a man and a woman.
Sure, definitions change.
But good or bad, the vast majority of people uphold the fact that marriage is just this, the union of a man and a woman.
I don't understand why gay men or women are so keen on the idea of "marriage"?
So that they can have the same "rights" as heterosexually married couples?
If one partner plays around, they can sue for divorce?
Give me a break!
gonna have to stop you there.
The vast majority of people I know uphold the fact that marriage is just this, the union of two people in love
nothing more, nothing less.
The definition of marriage that you provided is the definition of marriage in many countries' (including Japan's) laws.
But that's all it is - the definition according to the law.
In Christian teaching, marriage is an institution where two people come to live together and make a family. Many Christian/Catholics believe that homosexuality is excluded from this institution, due to their interpretation of the bible.
For the non-religious layman, however, marriage simply means making a family. For heterosexual people, this obviously means man-and-woman, like you described. But for homosexuals, this means someone of the same gender. For homosexuals, the definition of a marriage is to live with their loved one and make a family.
Now here's the clincher - because marriage as an institution has come to be tied to a person's legal status in society (for citizenship laws etc etc) homosexuals are disbarred from being legally recognized because their union does not fit in the legal definition that you provided. However, that doesn't make the ceremony, the act of becoming "married" any less important for homosexuals. This is especially true since the union defines a couple's status in society in reality as well as in law. Many US states allow (or turn a blind eye to) "civil partnerships" - which is basically marriage under a different name. But the actual union, whatever you may choose to call it, "civil partnership" or "marriage", is still important to the couple involved because it defines their status as a family to people around them.
This is why homosexuals are so keen on becoming legally recognized if possible. They believe they have a right (and they do, actually) to the same institution which will define their status as a family to the people around them, as well as for cases of law.
Walt Disney always loved people who were happy. This is really good news for the gays.
Matthew Vetrini
I'm offended by the price tag! Does no on e consider eloping and saving the cash for better, funnier or more important things?!
Thomas Michael Lewis
Widely accepted in Japan? Ha.. in the right place at the right time, like any other discriminated practise. Look at Tokyos governor trying to remove Tokyos gay district. And as for widely discussed, Ignoring something is not accepting it.
As to what marriage is, why is it between a man and woman, because the Abrahamic religions say so, well they also say you can stone a woman to death if shes not a virgin when shes married and that one is entitled to slaves. Doesnt make it right.
Franchesca Miyara Yang
Some people (conveniently?) forget that besides having basic human and civil rights, freedom of speech and choice of religion, no one in this world has the right to discriminate someone based on their SKIN COLOR or SEXUAL PREFERENCE.
That said, Gays don't hurt me in any way. They have my full support! :-)
It's semantics nothing more, nothing less, it's a union of two people in love. Whether or not they are of the same sex, or not doesn't matter to ANYONE but them.
If they want to say they were married, who on the planet has a right to tell them otherwise?
That's what FREEDOM is all about.
I don't know how else you can make a family.
Two people of the same sex can ADOPT a child made by heterosexual means.
But they can't make a family.
How could they?
I really, really have NOTHING against people with any genital preference, male-female, male-male, or female-female.
Who cares?
This is a private thing and up to the individuals to decide.
What I balk at is calling it "MARRIAGE."
That's ridiculous.
I had to check my currency converter. 7,500,000 yen is US$93,295.19! Wow. I wonder what the wedding at the Cinderella Castle includes... rides in the carriage, photos, minister, flowers? A co-worker got married at one of the hotels on the Strip in Vegas for a few thousand dollars and it was an amazingly great deal (digital photos, video, cake, champagne, meals, flowers, minister, I've forgotten what else),
Think outside of the box. Making a family is not dictated by the joining of a sperm and egg, there is more to it than that. There are plenty of folks who procreate and "make" a family who have no business doing so in the first place.
Family's are made with love and caring, and it doesnt matter if that family has two Dad's or two Mom's either. Love, nurturing, and care are all that matter.
What difference does it matter if you "balk" at the use of the word marriage? It's the people who get married that it counts not you, not me, nor anyone else.
One has to give credit where credit is due to Disney for coming out in the open and acknowledging what has been "hidden" due to Judeo-Christian ideas for centuries! Oh that an pure stupidity and ignorance.
Innocence? Hardly.......
About time people had the scales blasted from their eyes.
If Mickey and Donald got married,which surname would they take.Mickey Duck or Donald Mouse doesn't sound right. I guess Mickey Mc Donald has a nice ring to it.
Japan has actually progressed farther in learning to accept Gays and Lesbians more than America has. Good on you Japan! if anything else, we can count on you learn from the mistakes of others and better from it
cough amendment one cough cough
while i am not saying Japan is perfect, you have to admit that in some areas they beat out all others.
Minnie mouse was going to mary mickey mouse but she decided not you as she thought he was fcukin goofy.
A lot of hate on here for people who dont think it is a good idea. So sad.
Thats the idea behind people who want "diversity" as long as their "diversity" doesnt include those who dont share their point of view.
Well you have your circuit parties without any interruption - what else do you want? What other events would be ruined by conservatives?
I'm not sure about that, I think it depends on where in America you're talking about. Japan isn't very open and accepting of gay people, even if there's no active persecution, and Japan doesn't have gay marriage or much for the rights of gay couples either. Lots of Japanese people don't even think gay people exist. On the other hand, it's nice to live somewhere with less religious bigotry.
I reckon there's more chance of peace in the Middle East. than resolving this can of worms.
in the article is states that Japan widely accepts homosexuality, but it is not openly discussed, but this is completely opposite to america where many of the higher ups dislike homosexuality and won't stop battering it long enough to get anything productive done.
Man, this is such a non-issue.
Who cares which orifice a person wishes to stick his appendage into?
The vast majority of the planet defines the word marriage as the union of a MAN and a WOMAN.
It's got NOTHING to do with "forward progress," homosexuality has been around for millennia.
NOTHING new there.
Greece, Egypt - these places had gays wall to wall, but still marriage was MAN + WOMAN.
Why the complaining about the price. Mickey and Minnie greet the couples, take photos with them and also sign the wedding certificate. So, they are like your best man and bridesmaid. How can you put a price on that?
Imagine that. Mickey Mouse signs your wedding certificate. The bride is probably so excited she won't sleep all night...
Who sleeps on their wedding night?
Can I celebrate my divorce at Disney too ?
It's good for gay people to get a married. Good Luck !!!!!!! Peace be with you !!!!!
Will Disney have " Divorce " parties & celebration too ?
It's great for divorce lawyers and Disney !!!!!!
@ Erik I meant dying! typed the message from my android, silly word replacement..
I think the fact someone considers THIS to be progression in accepting gays in japanese society just about explains how "widely accepted" it really is.
and i'm sure disney land will work something out if you really wanted to celebrate your homesexual divorce there.
Thomas Anderson
You're just proving my point, so it's basically an appeal to tradition.
Thomas Anderson
Which is an appeal to popularity, nothing more. Yawn... Just because the majority says something doesn't mean that it's right.
The only people who don't think, in Japan that is, that gay people exist are the people without television sets and those that live with their heads in the sand.
"same-sex weddings"
Homosexuality is not widely condemned. Its not the same thing.
Much, much better than the sentence before it.
for 7.5 mill yen...i'll marry whomever wants to get married lol
The Munya Times
Same sex marriage is not about love but about the right and privileges that the gays can acquire trough marriage. Nothing seems to be enough for them. No one ever cared about them until they started parading in an attempt to draw attention in a sick way in the 20th century. Now they are even aiming Disney Resort. That's it.
They are homosexuals but this is not their worst problem, rather they sick aggressive attention seeking as they feel an irresistible constraint to cause scandal wherever they can. Gays are growing very aggressive, not enough they are pretending that they live in natural and healthy relationship, and can get married , they are aiming even Disney.
I have never liked their sick and aggressive attention seeking behavior, but as they invade even Disney, they are nothing more than noxious pests in my view. Go home guys, love your same sex partner blue, keep it for yourself and don't infect the healthy society. Leave at least Disney alone.
"Trough marriage," that's a new one.
Do the pigs vacate the premises prior to the ceremony or do they take part?
The Munya Times
johninnahaMay. 17, 2012 - 12:47PM JST
Yes, you are right and witty, gonna be "through". Fast typing.
Jonathan Prin
I am open and tolerant person, but yes, marriage was defined for the fact to create a family. Since when same sex partner does that? I don't care about same rights, this is human rights. But you won't change nature! Keep the word marriage for hetero, and be clever to create one for homo. I love most women and sure would like to and possibly be able to make me loved by, by dozens. Am i strugglingg to get marriage recognized by authorities? No, because this leading against general progress for understanding one another in society. History shows that listing man-woman weddings is best for a relevant follow-up of individuals. Nothing against gay here... Still, one thing gay should accept : if they were only them left on a planet, their "mankind" would disappear, no reproduction is a bane in that case. You don't buy kids at supermarket...yet. Disney marriage FOR FUN, why not? Kiss to all
What privileges does a Mickey Mouse marriage bring ?
Would you mind explaining how that applies to here in Japan?
Oh and FYI there are plenty of hetero-sexual marriages that are not about "love" either. Please expound on your (mis) statement here.
One other thing, did you happen to notice too that the article was not about "guys" but females?
Me thinks that someone here is homophobic.
I guess the saddest part of this article is the fact that something that shouldn't even WARRANT an article has drawn 107 comments so far. (Now, 108 comments.) A couple deciding to get married at Tokyo Disney shouldn't merit a news article. Maybe one day in the future we will get to that point but obviously not right now.
Thomas Anderson
Jonathan Prin:
A lot of straight couples are unable to create a family or choose not to.
"Their" reproductive organs function the same way as anybody else's, you know... And technically, without the females the mankind would disappear, so I guess you should start saying the same about the male species? Should our rights be severely restricted?
You know I can never recall ever hearing a gay person talking about exterminating all heterosexual people and they always seemed to be very tolerant of those people who were homophobic.
Yet, to me at least, it's the heterosexual types that have a problem with people who aren't like them.
Go figure huh? Which one would be better suited to guiding mankind?
Jonathan Prin
Many are misunderstanding (or wish so) ... nature is beautiful. Ignoring it is an awful judgment. This applies for us all : homo, hetero.
Jonathan Prin
But not for Mickey fortunately!
You think money has anything to do with the decision??
Let's have gay Disney characters now.
Destroy any and all moral standards in the world.
So that gay people can be viewed as normal.
News flash, having sex with the same sex is not normal.
But we should not think this way in 2012, anything goes.
Thomas Anderson
Newsflash, sexuality has nothing to do with morality. Homosexuality hurts no one so your pseudo moral righteousness is ridiculous.
What is obviously clear to most people in the world, you don't understand. Which is what I and many are saying about gay peoples thinking that there is nothing wrong with it and everyone who does not think the same way, we have the problem now.
sexuality has nothing to do with morals, ha, ha, this reenforces what I just wrote above. Having sex with the same sex is immoral, it goes against human nature. The natural process of reproduction in all creatures. It goes against most major religions. Most people think it is immoral. You and the others like you want to force this concept onto the majority.
It hurts many people in many different ways. First, most parents of gay people. It hurts young impressionable children which can lead to abuse physically and mentality.
Your saying that gays should be looked at on the whole as normal. And next is we look at men being with boys as normal because they want to be with them and marry them to make it legal and so on and so on.
You want to have sex with a man, go ahead and live together and whatever. Don't ask us to say it is normal and okay. To grant you full status as a normal citizen of society, because your not.
Thomas Anderson
bokuwamo, you clearly have no idea how to make an argument. All of your arguments basically boil down to "It's not what everybody else is doing! Therefore, it is wrong!" Lol...
This is a circular argument, you haven't explained why it is immoral other than saying that it just is immoral. Again, if the act hurts no one then I would not consider it immoral, as simple as that.
So does using a computer, so does driving a car, so does sitting on a chair, so does taking medicine. Why don't you stop doing all of those since they are so clearly against human nature?
This is an appeal to popularity. Hint: Just because the majority says something doesn't mean that it's right. 1000 years ago "most people" believed that the Earth was flat.
LOL, yet another circular argument... You really have no idea to form a logical argument, do you...
This is a ridiculous, slippery slope argument. Homosexuality does NOT equal pedophilia. And children CAN NOT give consent, so your argument is 100% ridiculous.
Man, you know nothing. You're mixing same-sex marriage with paedophilia. Only misinformed people associate one with the other.
I've read some very ridiculous comments here.
We know that Disney is a place where dreams do come true (with a price of course) and their target is family and their children. But Disney throughout the years has been more open to the fact of having gay employees and customers in their parks. From what I know (because i worked in Orlando), there are some days where the park is exclusively opened for gay couples (because that way they wont interfere with close minded heterosexual couples and children) and also if you are an employee they have a lot of support and clubs (the majority of people working in Disney, specially men are gay).
So, why the friggin hate? Can't people live their lives and forget about other peoples business? There is a lot of discrimination for gay people,but they dont realize that they are good hardworking people like most of us,they just want to love and live their life happy. People should be worried of heterosexual people in charge of crime (killing,raping,robbing ,etc)****
"why is it between a man and woman, because the Abrahamic religions say so"
Japanese, chinese, etc etc don't care about Abrahamic religion. Why are gay gaijin raving on about Abraham in Japan? Are all you people ex-priests or something? Maybe you should try therapy.