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© KYODOTokyo eyes basically banning indoor smoking at restaurants, hotels
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Nippori Nick
Just do it, and the sooner the better.
Oh and just to lay all my cards on the table....forget about exemptions for any small bar or restaurant.
In country after country around the world people howled that the world would end if smoking were banned in restaurants/bars/casinos or what have you. Then they banned the smoking, and life continued on. Now many people can't even recall a time when smoking was allowed.
Smokers to be punished, I think the restaurant should be punished for allowing it.
About time Japan stepped into the 90s and caught up with the rest of the developed World. And agree with the above comment, forget about exemptions.
"Smoking would be allowed if all employees agree with such policy" really means agree with the smoking owner or loose your job
Fine the business, and they'll make damn sure that their customers don't smoke indoors, and will create an outdoor / hallway area for them.
And how will they enforce the ban? By putting police officers in every establishment?
For smokers, it is very difficult to quit so long as the products are available. It would rather be easier to quit if they are all gotten rid of from the earth.
Just a user
stop whining for petes sake you lot on here, this what you're getting so just get on with it.
Ban all smoking in public buildings. Get with the times Japan.
If the employees agree? What a flipping joke! If the employees disagree they'll be looking for another job!
Won't this just lead to more people smoking on the street?
Raymond Mark Spencer
Japan remains a smokers paradise. You can smoke indoors but it is banned on the streets (where people still smoke as they would never be fined). Only 20% of people smoke in Japan so 80% of people need to inhale the cancer causing secondhand smoke. It seems strange that all employees would need to agree that smoking is allowed in establishments smaller than 30 meters square. These people usually don't have a choice. I say ban smoking in all restaurants and allow people to smoke outside in designated areas. If people have more choices of not smoking restaurants that means they don't need to go to smoking restaurants and my guess is at the end of the day many smoking restaurants will go out of business.
This is long overdue.
Nippori Nick
Same way as you enforce most laws. By putting them in as rules or law, people generally obey them. You see a lot of people smoking on the Yamanote line? No, of course not. Why do you think that is?
PS-in my home country no smoking in any restaurant, bar, public building etc. And no, they don't put policemen in every establishment.
Dan Lewis
How about bounties on smokers that anybody can collect?
I am not a habitual smoker and totally agree with smoking bans in restaurants and most other public places, but I do occasionally enjoy a fine cigar while drinking in a bar with the right ambiance, so do not support a total 100% ban. Why can't there be provisions in the law for a cigar bar to exist legally? Why can't non-smokers or people who would be bothered by smoke simply exercise their right to choose not to patronize places like cigar bars while allowing them to exist for people who do. Smoking tobacco itself is legal, so I believe that a proprietor has the right to operate an establishment where it's permitted.
Toasted Heretic
The nanny state strikes again.
Sure; it's a bad habit but it's our choice as smokers. If you're going to ban harmful products; just go full throttle at it and ban alcohol and fast food.
Nippori Nick
You are forgetting a few differences. When someone eats fast food they don't spray grease on my clothes, unlike smokers whose puffing affects anyone nearby.
Toasted Heretic
Nick; as I've stated here previously; if someone objects to my smoking I will happily take it outside.
My point is there are many pollutants in every day life and less fuss is made about them.
If there is a total ban on ciggies; I will abide. I just want that ban to be far reaching when it comes to other harmful substances/food stuffs/emissions.
It's about time... (Too late actually)
Add cologne and perfume of which I am highly allergic to and get instant headaches from. Try adding that to the new law and brown bag sales will skyrocket.
It's not other people's choice when your cancer-causing smoke drifts into their lungs or the lungs of their children.
Great move, Exempt the potentially most dangerous places of all in terms of second-hand smoke. Another Japanese public policy that puts image and vested interests before human health.
Can't you simply choose not to go into a bar where smoking is permitted? That would be the easiest way for you not to have to suffer tobacco smoke while allowing those who choose to enjoy tobacco consumption a place to do so legally no? Or can you personally not condone the existence of an establishment where people can choose to go precisely because smoking is permitted there?
If you're going to ban harmful products; just go full throttle at it and ban alcohol and fast food. ah the old smokers excuse has been used for decades, alcohol and fast food doesnt harn the health of anybody other than the people consuming them. Non smokers are in the majority, smokers rights dont trump the rights on non smokers to clean safe air, smoking bans isnt meant to punish smokers, nobodys telling smokers you cant smoke anymore, only you cant smoke in enclosed spaces putting the health of others at risk. Plenty of scientific evidence at the dangers of passive smoking.
Yeah but that's only you. Unfortunately about 90% of the rest will most likely tell us to p¡$$ off.
Seriously Japan, just do it! Stop talking about it and running studies. Do it already! Anyway, chances are that when they propose the ordinance "next" year it gets denied because blah blah restaurants will go out of business blah, denied, back to the 20th century.
The only way a smoker would have the tiniest argument would be if a majority of the population smoked. There is no reason smoking should be allowed in any public area where non-smokers invade.
every cigarette smoked indoors with children present is harming those children, scientific fact. Which is why smokers need to smoke outside. Also of note majority of smokers are drinkers also. Look smokers can use every excuse in the book that has been used before, fact remains smoking in enclosed spaces is harmful to non smokers which is why most first world countries have banned the practice, based of scientific facts.
Just a user
don't friggin go there then and smokers won't go where they cannot smoke, simple. Trouble is with you lot is you want it ALL your own way.
I was walking down a wide, tree-lined residential street in Palo Alto, CA with my sister when I lit up, and she barked, "Put that out! The only place in Palo Alto where smoking is legal is inside private residences."
Talk about draconian.
Do, Koike-san, just do it.
"The Tokyo metropolitan government said Friday it plans to basically ban indoor smoking at restaurants and other buildings ahead of the 2020 Tokyo Olympics and Paralympics, with smokers expected to be punished if they break the rule."
Key words being "basically" and "expected to be". The first means it'll be business as normal: the government will pass a ban making it "illegal to smoke in said places", but it will be non-binding and up to business owners if they wish to implement it". It also means that some bars, restaurants, and buildings will be made into smoking buildings, and of course anywhere and everyone OUTSIDE will become smoking zones. The latter key word means that the government will pat themselves on the back and proclaim to the world that they've implemented such laws, but will then leave it to the city on how to enforce it, with the city leaving it up to the government.
In other words, NOTHING will get done, and this is all just lip-service as usual. Even if they ACTUALLY pass it, instead of just discussing it, no one, and I mean NO ONE, will be punished unless they basically show up at police stations and admit to it and agree to paying a fine. And it CERTAINLY will not be upheld after the Games are done. Japan will always be behind the times on this and a myriad of other things.
This charade is not a ban it is cynical political posturing.
Without any recourse to funding for enforcement. Tokyo Gov Yuriko Koike expediency, appropriacy, has been Yuriko Koike agenda from the onset.
Reactive rather than commitment to promise a viable replacement to established governance. There is a deficit of policy, over the willingness to present necessity over substance.
So nothing will change. JT, owned by Japan govt will win. The term "basically" translates to a grey area.
Well thats kind of a no-brainer. Better late than never.
Brian Wheway
Its a good idea to ban smoking from all buildings, as a non smoker when you walk into a building where smoking is allowed it has a stale horrible smell, this use to be the case, here in the UK some years ago, so I just walked out of that building or shop and took my business else where, Another way of combating smoking is to up the price of a packet of cig's, here in the UK they are about £7-11 0r 1000-1500 yen for a pack of 20 I don't know how much they are in Japan, if they were to raise the price of cig's some people might stop altogether, In the UK "vaping" has become popular with smokers its an electronic gadget that burns oils that are flavoured, these I don't mind as they don't create a horrid smell that clings to your clothes,
Toasted Heretic
Keep smoking areas and non-smoking areas. Or non smokers could opt for the many restaurants that don't permit smokers?
Or more of those smoking rooms they have in shopping centres/airports/supermarkets?
I was reading this study years back-
Yes, many hate the smell of smoke but to go as far as you will get lung cancer from sitting for 30 minutes in a restaurant with a smoker across the way is ridiculous. If you lived for decades with a person that blows smoke in your face, I'd understand your concern.
I hate the smell of smoke too and welcome the ban but I'm not going to start writing my will because I walked by a smoker last Tuesday.
I really wish they just pass this law, seriously long over due. For those of you who think this won't get enforced.. please wake up. I think enough of us are tired of smoking in restaurants that it will be enforced by people like you and I who are tired of this crap. If this law passes and the guy next to me lights up.. I will give the guy 2 options. Put it out or i'll call the cops.
Nippori Nick
Any you want it your way.
Fact is smokers will go where they cannot smoke. How do they get on planes, for example?
Many countries in the world ban smoking in (among other things) airports, hotels, bars, restaurants, etc and yes, smokers still go to those places.
Just a user
Can you read? I'm not the one saying smokers should smoke anywhere, get your facts right
What are you talking about?
blah blah so what, we are not in those countries (you might be, hopefully). Anyway what are are crying about did you read the article? Its in favour of people like you (the whingers), but I suppose that's not good enough for some people, if not I can give you directions to Narita
Nice theory, but life doesn't work that way. I never go to bars to drink alone, I go with groups of people as a social activity. And in those cases, democracy rules. The destination is chosen by the majority, not by me alone. And nearly all the bars in Japan are smoking.
The alternative is that I stay home. But why should I and millions (the majority, actually) be deprived an essential cultural activity because of a selfish minority and a government that cares more about public image than the health of its citizens?
All the other advanced countries realize this. Do you seriously believe they're all wrong and Japan is the only one that's right?
Just a user
if you believe that then you aren't looking very hard. Certainly in Tokyo there are plenty of non-smoking places, in some areas its really hard to find a place where you can smoke (like Marunouchi for example)
Been hearing this type of thing for decades, its an all too familiar attitude, in other Asian countries too. In Singapore I heard someone describe it as "we are from the west we know best"
Concur there should be no "exceptions".
Both should be punished.
Singapore has some of the toughest anti-smoking rules in the world, tougher than many Western countries, and they've been banning smoking for nearly half a century.
It's totally your choice if the groups of people you socialize with don't mind tobacco smoke or are smokers themselves and choose to patronize a smoking establishment. If it's so important for you to be completely smoke-free, you should place that as a priority over feeling obligated to accompany these people to an establishment where smoking is permitted. Again, if being smoke-free is a critical issue to you, shouldn't the people you socialize with accept that about you and choose a smoke-free place to accommodate your values? If not, sounds like you're hanging with the wrong crowd, from your perspective anyway.
You, and others advocating a 100% ban on indoor smoking, would not only ban smoking in restaurants, hospitals, and other obvious public places ( which I'm all for) but would also make it impossible for niche establishments like cigar bars to exist for the small minority of people who actually want a place to be social with like-minded people while smoking tobacco products. How ironic that you decry majority rule above when being "forced" to go to a smoke-permitted establishment (when all you have to do is refuse) while you willingly wield it when wanting the will of the non-smoking majority applied absolutely so that no smoker has a place to go. What's it to you if a small number of bars that cater exclusively to smokers exist? Just. Don't. Go. To. Them.
So non-smokers are the majority but somehow they're all forced to go to smoking establishments at the insistence of a minority? And the only way to fix this problem is to ban smoking indoors across the board in all facilities/establishments leaving smokers no place of their own to poison themselves? And the alternative is that you are deprived totally of a social life? Really?
Just a user
Duh really oh didn't know that! Once again you are missing the point. As I said try reading comments before responding, makes life simpler
Sounds a bit like the opium dens of the 19th century. Why stop at inhaling tobacco fumes? You could have comprehensive 'drugs and narcotics' bars where folk with that inclination could gather to dose themselves up into oblivion.
Yes. Go home and poison yourself in private. please.
In Singapore I heard someone describe it as "we are from the west we know best" what many smoker refuse to understand is smoking bans arnet implemented to take away their rights, its implemented for the health of non smokers (and also decrease the chance of passive smoking lawsuits against governments) there is decades of scientific evidence of the dangers of passive smoking in enclosed spaces, smoking bans in these places is both justified and based on scientific facts. Smokers rights to smoke isnt being taken away from them, just non smokers right to clean air in enclosed spaces is finally being enforced. As many courts in many countries have stated, "Smokers rights to smoke in an enclosed public space doesnt automatically trump non smokers rights to clean air in that same public space"
Just a user
Never said anything like that. Anyway how the hell would you know what "many smokers refuse to understand". My issue is that many of you on here are still moaning and complaining and whining even though this is in your favor. You people have what you want with these new rules so why not just not shut up and enjoy it. Some of you are just happy unless you have something to whine and moan about.
I admit I do find them a rather sad concept - for those poor souls who do not have animals in their lives (for whatever reason) yet still crave their company. In that sense I suppose they are a bit like the opium dens, except that wanting to be with animals is perfectly normal and understandable. Wanting to poison yourself is not.
The bond between human and domestic animal is something that has developed to our mutual benefit over the course of our evolution. Not enjoying pets is the exception, not the norm. This can be seen in the way the Internet has come to be made of kittens.
There is nothing normal or understandable about people deliberately burning money in order to subject themselves to a slow, unpleasant and often far too early death, at the same time as they poison the air around them and subject their families and friends to the pain and sorrow of watching them kill themselves.
The amount of really foul smelling cigarettes my Neighbours smoke, is rather troubling - it often forces me to close the windows, and put on the expensive AirCon, and the smell that their smoke leaves upon my Washing... is well, unpleasant. And there's absolutely nothing, that I can do about it... except burn incense to make their pungent smell less troubling. Perhaps I should buy them quality Cigars ?
My issue is that many of you on here are still moaning and complaining and whining even though this is in your favor and why wouldn't we be complaining, this is Japan nothing has changed yet, even if Tokyo bans smoking what about the rest of the country! Its complaining and demanding a better deal for the majority of the population is what changed laws in other countries. Japan is still a smokers paradise and until laws change to benefit the majority of the population of non smokers then we will continue to complain and moan. My issue is with smokers like yourself, demanding that they be allowed to continue to smoke in enclosed spaces and non smokers just have to suck it up or go someplace else. Well guess what your days are numbered, eventually the only place youll be able to smoke is outdoors or in your own home, I suggest you suck up the non smokers criticism or quit smoking. The day all smoking is banned in enclosed spaces over all of Japan is the day most of us non smokers will stop complaining, I certainly will.
Nippori Nick
That's quite a whine and moan you are having yourself.
And the only way to fix this problem is to ban smoking indoors across the board in all facilities/establishments leaving smokers no place of their own to poison themselves? And the alternative is that you are deprived totally of a social life? Really? no smoking outdoors and in your own home I think is totally acceptable, if some smokers think that not being able to smoke will deprive them of a social life then I truly pity their existence. Heres an idea , how about you do your health , the health of those around you a favor and quit smoking, the recalcitrant attitude of many smokers ironically is hurting themselves the most.
I'll believe when I see it.
Basically, the way I see it is, if people want to kill themselves with lung cancer and a host of other illnesses, then go ahead, be my guest. Helps to keep the population down. Just don't drag other people into it.
There are many unsociable behaviors - Loud noises late at night, garbage issues, abusive persons, etc... and also the smell of pungent smoke effecting your own home. Sure, smokers should have their own right to smoke, of that I am supportive, though I would prefer that there be a way in which they can do so without effecting others - and if they do so, for some sort of actionable complaint process that can be followed.... which at present there ins't. We live in a modern day society, so we need to understand how what we do may impact others around us, and we should at least try to avoid causing trouble as such.
I guess, the same thing could be said of North Korea too...
Toasted heretic, I agree completely.
Just a user
That's not what I have been saying or demanding, get your facts right pal. I certainly have no issue with the proposed changes. as I have said my issue is with people still complaining when the rules are in their favor.
So which is it then? "Days are numbered"? or are you saying the rules will never happen?
because you'd have nothing else to do otherwise
Good enough. Just accept the rules with some grace.. for once
Talking and talking over and over again.
They've been talking about doing this since 2009.
put up or shut up as the saying goes
Excellent news! Roll it out nationwide.
And double the price of cigarettes while you are at it – they are way too cheap here.
A pack of cigarettes should cost no less than the hourly minimum wage.
Put THAT in your pipe and smoke it. (Just make sure you do it outside.)
as I have said my issue is with people still complaining when the rules are in their favor. but thats what you dont get, the rules / laws arent in non smokers favor, they're still discussing changes. You should know in the J Government discussing something and actually implementing them are vastly different things. So we non smokers will continue to complain until the laws have been changed.
They've been talking about doing this since 2009. yep tell @Just a user, this , he seems to think that we non smokers should stop complaining since the rules are in our favor, even though the laws haven't been changed yet LOL
Just a user
Nah I don't think so, I think people like you just like to hear the sound of their own voice and always need to moan about something in a country they chose to live. The J-gov may be slow (I am sure where you come from they jump at your every demand) but as I have said there are already many places that do not allow smoking. You just need to be patient.
Readers, please stop bickering.
Just ban it... it works. Smokers get used to the restrictions. We've had indoor smoking (except at the smoker's home) in Scotland for years. Makes places much more pleasant. It's also now against the law to smoke in a car with any children in it.
Just a user
So what we are not in Scotland, you get used to it
but as I have said there are already many places that do not allow smoking. You just need to be patient. firstly I know of no restaurants that are totally smoke free, secondly in the country Im from and many others smoking has been banned in all enclosed spaces for over 20yrs some closer to 30yrs. I worked in a bar as one of my first J jobs and the smoke was almost unbearable. I dream of the day when smokers will have no choice but to make that little bit of effort and get up from their seats to smoke outside, Im plenty patient believe me, In the meanwhile many other non smokers will continue to complain until the laws change and smokers will just have to be patient and put up with our complaining until they do. Just of note statistics in the US and UK show that lifetime smokers on average die about 14yrs earlier than non smokers. If that alone isnt enough to make people quit then im afraid nothing will. have a nice day
Just a user
then you must live in the forest
Irrelevant what is done in your country.
You picked that job, don't cry about it now
Plenty of restaurants where this is in place already. I go to them all the time.
blah blah
I wonder how that will be enforced within Restaurants - especially if the restaurant owner themselves smokes within their own restaurant ?
And as for Bars - well, if you as an employee don't agree to the Bar being a Smoking Zone, you may as well start looking for a new Job. That rule, is clearly a no-brainer towards that attitude arising. For example, do you think Roppongi's various Cigar bar's would continue to employ anyone who disagreed with allowing smoking under these new rules ?
Many cities around the world including my own banned smoking in restaurants and bars in the 90's or earlier. Crying and complaining from businesses resulted in more people going out not less. We now have a vibrant restaurant scene and now they're crying all the way to the bank.
You picked that job, don't cry about it now thats exactly what non smokers are getting at. at the time I couldnt afford not to take the job but naturally I did even though I didnt like the passive smoking and the bad effects it had on my health. In situation exactly like its non smokers are at a disadvantage to smokers as smokers will happily take the job over a non smoker. By banning smoking in buildings it makes it fair for smokers and non smoker alike, they can both work in this clean air enviroment and smokers can still take their smoke breaks outside. Irrelevant what is done in your country. actually it is relevant my country like Japan is both part of the UN, Olympic movement and WHO, its just my country has already changed its laws to suit these movements and the healthier lifestyle they promote. blah blah and thats the exact blase attitude that non smoker have come to expect from many smokers. Guess what when the laws eventually do change, non smokers will have the last laugh as they look out of the window at the smokers puffing their lives away. My mother was a spokes person for the non smoking movement in my country during the 80s/90s theres no excuse, statement, insult , false statistic or sarcastic remark you can say in this thread that I havent already read or heard during that time. Recalcitrant attitudes of many smokers have never stop the inevitable.
Why is it taking so long. We shouldn't have to wait another two years. It is so dirty here - they need to fix this problem.
We now have a vibrant restaurant scene and now they're crying all the way to the bank. yes in my country bars/grills were once smokey smelly establishments where mostly men hung out, now bars/grills allow families to come, the air is clear, kids cant order alcohol naturally, smokers go outside when they need to smoke. Its become a real family orientated, kids and family can dance on the dance floors to the live bands that play and have a meal together . These establishments profits have risen as their customer base has now grown.
Every day in Japan I smell somebody smoking, it doesn't matter where you are, indoors or outdoors a whiff of somebody's filthy habit invading my space. Smokers have got to be the most inconsiderate people on earth regarding other peoples personal space.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but they have been talking about doing it at a national level.
The Tokyo governor saw that won't happen, so now they are talking about making the laws just for Tokyo to prevent them from being an embarrassment during the Olympics.
Singapore has some of the toughest anti-smoking rules in the world, tougher than many Western countries, and they've been banning smoking for nearly half a century
Only indoor Smoking is banned, Smoking as such is not banned in Singapore, those toughest rules apply to smokers only smoking cigarettes with the singapore duty paid cigarette (SDPC) mark.