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© Thomson Reuters 2022.Tokyo June heatwave worst since 1875 as power supply creaks under strain
By Sakura Murakami and Elaine Lies TOKYO©2025 GPlusMedia Inc.
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Mr Kipling
Time to start those nuclear power stations shut in a panic?
Derek Grebe
I'm just waiting for the two perennial tragic news stories in the summertime.
1) Unemployed couple or single parent leaves baby/ toddler in roasting car for six hours while they play pachinko.
2) A senior citizen 80+ years old found dead after insisting on tending their rice field at the hottest time of the day.
Every single year we get these stories. Every single year.
Ego Sum Lux Mundi
I'm in Kansai, it ain't quite as bad down here. Tokyo: You bring it on yourselves with all that damn concrete.
26℃ works just fine for the A/C.
We found a Kanto beachside car park to car camp alone in on Friday night. There was no one around, so we indulged in some midnight skinny dipping and other al fresco fun, but got burnt to a crisp on Saturday. Ouch!
It’s hot, I’m using my AC defiantly 21 degrees, 28 that’s hot not going to do that. Crack a window for a minute it’s 28. No AC. Might be a good opportunity to talk about power supply, but that’s probably difficult due to the vested interests. Old men getting their cut trumps citizens life style, comfort.
Kev James
What a depressing picture…..can’t they work from home? Dark and sweaty room with masks on, little cool air and few lights on. Is this meant to inspire me to follow suit???
finally rich
More please! Its awesome taking a quick shower and getting ready to leave the house in 3-5 minutes. Much better than winter when you spend 15 min. sat in the shower and realize you haven't even rinsed yet, + 20 minutes min. wasted just to cover every inch of skin for a quick motor ride.
Doesn't bode well for the future...
finally rich
Besides I dont get all the fuss, it's still not THAT hot, just unusual for June. My fridge is still making ice and I can open my windows without getting satan's breath. Just a shame most pools only open by mid July :/
We have to have the aircon on 24/7 as well, or we will die. Because we are on the top floor of an old mansion; no isulation and the concrete heats up like an oven. The aircon has a readout for the ambient room temperature, and we're still at a steady 29 degrees. Great place for autumn winter and spring...but summer sucks! Hahaha!
OK, so it's not global warming.
Shonan Girl
I hope these people in the picture can sue METI when their eyesight screws up. Is this a first world country? Well, one that is bought by printing lots of yen... brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr goes the printer. Off goes the lights. Why aren't there fans on the floor as well? This is a sweat shop. Come down the beach. It's much cooler.
And it's still only June!
The Avenger
Never leave infants, children, older adults, individuals with disabilities or pets in a vehicle unattended. Cars can quickly heat up to dangerous temperatures, even with a window cracked open.
21 set for an ac running 24/7 is a bit an overkill. Given the heat so high outdoors, 26 would be very comfortable for us indoors.
How about reducing lighting in shops and on trains. The trains seemed more relaxing with every third light removed and you didn't feel you needed sunglasses when you walked into the chemists.
Luis David Yanez
That would require rational thinking, proper risk assessment and politicians willing to push forward and withstand the heat for the good of the country.
If anything, these 11 Years have shown us just how far Japan is from that.
Japan lives in its own dream land, in which political theater, fear mongering, overreacting and lack of political will to do what is right is the norm.
I mean, the Japanese reaction to nuclear power is just one of many panic/scandal/opportunistic reactions this country ALWAYS shows.
Turning back on the nuclear power stations would solve a big chunk of this problem, which was never resolved in these 11 years, since they just kept on pretending there was no problem without facing reality, and now that they have to face reality, lets, once again like 11 years ago, tell people to turn down their air-conditioning in an extremely warm summer and turn off their lights at night, which is really not solving any problem, but it games people the illusion of "doing something", just like border control, just like masking, just like most things that makes absolutely no sense in this country.
Better fire up the coal plants then
Every little bit help. Let all endure it and help with the energy shortage and try to make do with what is available. We waste a lot of energy and this actually might help teach people how to conserve energy. But i do recommend seniors don't overdo it and turn their ac on if they cannot handle the heat.
So, does this mean that global warming is a hoax?
Our local power station was closed 2 months ago. It was not damaged by earthquake, or in need of repair for any reason. It was oil and coal powered and was closed to help reduce the countries environment / carbon output numbers.
while in the long term this maybe a good move for the environment. Maybe not the best time when during the last winter there were supply concerns. It is going to be a long summer with the heat and possible water shortage due to the very short rain season.
Lord Dartmouth
Take your masks off, folks!
Derek GrebeToday 05:21 pm JST
I'm just waiting for the two perennial tragic news stories in the summertime.
1) Unemployed couple or single parent leaves baby/ toddler in roasting car for six hours while they play pachinko.
2) A senior citizen 80+ years old found dead after insisting on tending their rice field at the hottest time of the day.
Every single year we get these stories. Every single year.
Don't forget the ones of elderly dying of heatstroke because they still think they can tolerate it like "the good old days" or thinking a glass windchime, barley tea, a paper fan and muttering 'atsui des ne' 1000x is going to do the trick.
Folks (young AND old) need to hydrate, hydrate, hydrate (with WATER, not tea) and avoid as much activity in the worst part of the day. Heat stroke ain't a joke!
… and we still need to go through July, August and September.
“ He's experienced about as much pain and suffering as anyone I've encountered, give or take.….. and he still has Hell to look forward to. “
Not a single mention of Global Warming in this article. Heads in the sand as usual.
We are waiting for a new high efficiency air-conditioner to be installed.
Our old one is a power beast in comparison to the new one.
We are part of a project to reduce waste, my whole store and workshop are built using recycled stuff from demolition wood to old tatami, etc..
One aspect is free water refill to avoid plastic bottles, (app for this) we refill with filtered tap water (yes cold).
But because we are in a lower income shitamachi, we let people just come in sit down, cool off have free water.
We regularly get a few elderly people that just come in to cool off on their way home from the store.
We have the space, the air-conditioning is on because I have to work, so it cost us nothing other than the water.
We are not a cafe or restaurant we are an antique repair place but we know many in the area cannot afford the power cost and it is dangerous for them to be outside too long.
If you have a business and the space, just provide water and a place for people to cool down, you are running your air-conditioning anyway.
My wife and I installed a couple of 200v Hitachi’s last weekend. Running good and will use them when needed.
Funny when Covid hit, governments had no problem categorizing and later harming the average with their essential/nonessential work rules. So why can’t they do the same with power use? Essential = Air conditioner. Nonessential = lights, signs, etc after hours.
Yep. I concur. It is hot.
If they had me working like that I would leave and tell them I'm working from home. Working in front of a computer in the darkness? No thank you. I wouldn't have to wear a suit and I could just work in a tank top with my windows open, fans, and not having to buy a cold beverage every now and then but use my good ol fridge with ice.
How dare you think for yourself and critically analyse the situation sir! Don't you know there is only room for group think here.
I was literally just talking to my wife about how there were very little repercussions for all the big wigs at tepco for fukushima and how it made the goverment actually have to be accountable for keeping many of the nuclear plants up to code as far as safety standards go.
Now we are in a situation where they claim its to expensive to bring a lot of them up to code or improve them, and some recommendations have been made to make newer safer reactors of even small modular reactors, but rather than actually take action in any way we are still sitting here with most of the reactors inactive and very little in regards to having them brought back online.
Again why do we have such a bloated goverment, full of useless corrupt beaurcrats who spend most of there time drinking with under-age girls instead of actually doing anything.
Smaller governments, less tax and more action please!
Drink a lot of water, you will be fine.
with a lack of power Japan will be behind when it comes time to power electric cars.
Between walking to the train and from train to the office, I am literally melting down. I'm going to disappear this way, anytime now.
Someone with money to burn! But it's not just money but the environmental waste too.
I sleep terribly when it's above 28C but I let it go as high as I can comfortably.
That picture is depressing and cannot be healthy for the employees' eyesight. Why not let them work from home?
Larr FlintToday 05:19 pm JST
Australians are used to even hotter temperatures every summer. You can save a lot of electricity by setting your AC to 24 C and find it cool and comfortable. At 21 C your AC struggles to keep it at that temp and the electricity use is very much higher. Take the tip from a nation used to the heat, your wallet will thank you if you do.
Tokyo will get hotter and hotter as the vast swathes of concrete absorb the heat-if you don’t need to be there then now is the time to move out...
That's too cold. Turn on the dehumidifier function if it has that, and take temperature higher to 24 degrees.
Dehumidifying feels more comfortable than just lowering the temperature.
it is dark in the office only for the picture.
Otherwise, it was over 30 in my flat today, but did not need any aircon. Just the fan. Sitting to work did not rise my body temperature. The coffee and hot food did.
They keep asking individuals to do power saving at home and yet all big malls, offices and companies consume so much power without any consideration! The amount of power saving done by individuals at home will be to no avail to fight the lack of energy! The larger corporations need to make more effort. It’s high time to turn off the big LCD displays used for advertising! And those summer lights decorations on trees in many areas especially in downtown Tokyo!
"As of 9 a.m. local time, 13 people had been taken to hospital in the capital with suspected heatstroke, Fuji News Network said. At least two people are believed to have died from heatstroke"
Whaaat? Why didn't they "just toughen up" like tooheysnew's said they should?
Why not turning off all the vending machines. It is just million of fridges in the middle of the heat
In other news, France and Germany have powered up their coal plants because solar, wind, and hydro has not been able to fuel those countries needs. Who would have thought that solar, wind, and hydro energy was inefficient at fueling the demands of the 80% fossil fuel world. The reality is that solar, wind, and hydro energy is just not efficient enough and/or logistically viable options in many cases especially dense major metropolitan areas where the majority of the populations live.
If you think this is hot, don't ever consider going to Dubai or Doha. This is a cool summer day, in those places
Oh, and here in NE Florida, we hit 40*C last week....and you think it's hot.
I hope those guys at METI were calling the pachinko parlors I passed today...
No, records started in 1875, and this is the hottest June on record.
Frank Ellis
What is it with Japanese and "face mask paranoia"? I guess they would rather suffer in this extreme heat muzzled up rather than take the mask off and free themselves from all the agony. Unbelievable.
Jonathan Prin
What about real green parks, insulated dwellings with light colors and some plants on the sides of roads ?
Weather is not necessarily warmer by itself, it is concentration of energy in city, low emissivity of surfaces (think about lime walls) and reduced energy exchanges with atmosphere (wind flow) that create the stress in cities.
Have you ever been so damned hot in a forest ?
The more A/C you use, the worst it´ll become because there is accumulation of energy in limited spaces. Tepco is happy.
And the worst factor by far is high humidity rate : 35°C in dry ambiance is rather very nice if you just drink regularly.
Septim Dynasty
If power outages become regular, Japan should not be considered as a developed country anymore.
Now ‘reimagine’ no fossil fuel and only battery powered vehicles…and all powered by renewables!
The Green New Deal has no future in the face of reality!
Because so many want to save money, despite the permanent work from home system office size cut to 1/4 previously ( long planned but moved up 2 years due to covid) my wife's coworkers are using every and any reason to go to the office.
The train is paid, the office is air-conditioned, so it cost them nothing.
If they work from home no one is offering to pay for the extra cost of cooling all day.
My wife now moved much of her work stuff into my workshop so we don't use the air-conditioning in what was our bedroom/office.
Derek Grebe
Perfect picture to illustrate the insistence of J-Inc to make sure the workforce is kept as miserable as possible.
Blinds must be closed at all times. Exposure to natural daylight could run the risk of the drones starting to wonder if there might be more to life than sitting in silence in the dark, looking earnest and not rocking the boat.
Of course, close the blinds at the windows facing the sun. But every Japanese office I have ever worked in for the last 25 years has had all blinds closed, all the time.
Then, because it's too dark, turn on the stark, soulless fluorescent lights to demoralise the drones even more.
I remember opening the blinds once in Green Tower in Nishi-Shinjuku to see if Fuji-san was visible on a crisp winter morning.
The way people looked at me, you'd have thought I had removed my trousers.
Face it: J-Inc loves keeping Japan miserable and compliant.
Wow you sure don't know how to pick your work places.
When I was an employee nearly every place I worked had the blinds open unless the sun was blaring in.
Reason was exactly the opposite of what you say. They didn't turn on the lights if possible to save money.
Japan really should get serious about insulating their homes, otherwise just suffer in the heat and don't complain about it.
You know what, they have! Have you been in a modern house? one built in the past 20 years? They are very well insulated many with double glazing. Perhaps you move should to one?
Why are the blinds completely shut while the lights are off?
Are they trying to learn how to type in Braille?
Jonathan Prin
I remember on a day with a colleague we had removed my shirt and was bare-chested in front of our computers.
When our boss came back from a few offices away, I should have video recorded his face. He tried to say something, then nodded and moved away. He just knew we were right to do that and I felt sorry for him to keep his own shirt. It was only something like 40°C inside, but dry.
Jonathan Prin
By the way, working in the shade does not affect your eyesight in any way.
Only harsh continuous visual contrast could provoke some consequence.
I know that because A. My ophtalmologist confirmed it, contrary to what always said my grandma, B. because I have been doing that forever and being 45 with still very good eyesight, I can physically confirm it by myself.
Working in low luminosity is by the way resting my eyes so I think it is rather good the way Japanese work on the photo. I had to endure artificial light and gets you depressed in the long run (illegal in France to work at office without natural lighting)
Global Warming! I worry abou Fuji erupting or Yellowstone!
A little heat, snow, or rain in Tokyo and they act like the media acts like the sky is falling.
Tom San
Nothing like a nice cold brew to combat a heatwave.