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© Copyright 2008/9 Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed.Tokyo police, rail authorities hope to scare Halloween pranksters
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Oh boy, let's see the furor here over the fact that signs are also in English, and the sad fact that "westerners" were in fact responsible for many of these questionable incidents. Fact is, parties on trains are definitely not a Japanese phenomenon. Not saying Jp people don't have their share of weird drunken freaks but definitely nothing along the lines of wild house parties on trains/train stations, so this is hardly xenophobic.
ok, so what else is there to do Friday?
i am from a western country and these shenanagins on the trains are NOT a part of my culture. i really dont think ive ever heard of it until i came to japan. it is just an excuse for the jerks to let off steam and that is sad.
Last thing I need is to get stuck or delayed by a group of people doing jackassery, I don't care if they are foreigners, Japanese, martians, whatever.
Want to hold a party and drink, go to a bar or something.
I wonder if they will be anywhere near the Metropolis Glitterball tonight.
Naked drunkeness? Sounds like a good time to me! How are the police going to cover this AND keep watch on all those ATMs at the same time?
The use of the term westerners is interesting, usually they just group us all together as "foreigners". Oh well, I don't see this as xenophobic given that there seems to be a history of us westerners getting a little carried away and making a mess.
I've got my Halloween costume all ready to go and this year I've selected one that is sure to terrify most Japanese! I'm dressing up as (drum roll) ... a foreigner! Happy Halloween Ya'll!
It's all a bit much for you isn't it. How about another game of go or shogi in the basement?
should be held in a house. Or some other equally non-public location. Holding one on a train or a train station is assinine and displays utter disregard for others as well as common sense.
No Trick, No Treat,
Me so bad Freakenese.
I Hope everybody parties hard and nobody gets hurt. Train Stations really don't seem to be the best place to have a Halloween Party.
Why this fear of naked people? Irrational, as they won't be carrying any hidden weapons and usually the weapon you can see isn't in it's dangerous setting. Ridiculous, distasteful sometimes, but never frightening, unless you have deep-seated psychological problems (the penny drops).
high jinks!? keep it dark boys.
The reason the cops are schitz about this I think is the infamous Yamanote Line party a number of years ago. Lots of people (many drunk and sometimes naked) decided to hold a let's change carriages party on the Yamanote Line. The rules were simple, at every station, you had to change carriages. Of course, the results were pandamoneum. There was also a lot of vomiting, etc.
every year, the bottom of the gaijin barrel attemp this lame Yamanote line party and set back respect for foreigners another couple of years.
I hope they just keep it under control and not arrest anyone with a costume on and a can of beer...
Where is Charles Bronson when we really need him?
Because americans speak English. So why does Japan celebrate halloween?
I haven't participated in the Yamanote line parte and I don't condone it this morning, but think twice before you throw that virtual anonymous stone about how, in different ways, you enjoy the absence of factors that bind you in your country of birth, or at least think back to your first years here before you got all serious and boring.
"...many of them Westerners," and many of them not!
They used to have a WICKED party in Osaka City called 'The Loop-Line Party' when people dressed up, rode the trains, and had a lot of fun. These included Japanese AND Westerners, and many people would bring their kids to see. True, some people went overboard and got sick and/or passed out on trains, but ride these same trains more or less any night of the week or on weekends, and in particular at Bou-nen-kai (Year-end party) season and you'll see just as many soussed Japanese business people as anything else. In other words, it's business as usual, save that the Loop-Line party was a good chance for people to have fun.
The only ones who didn't have fun were the old codgers and obachans who couldn't figure out what was going on and why on earth there were so many foreigners. The one time I was visiting Osaka during said party I heard one or two red-faced Ossan say, "Urusai!" while trying to sleep off the snack-bar whiskey, but beyond that everyone had a blast.
Alas, my friend in Osaka said that since two or three years ago they've had more than a few hundred officers around the main stations who won't allow you through the gates if you have a costume on EVEN IF YOU'RE JUST GOING SOMEWHERE ELSE! In other words, they've used this as an excuse, like they will in Tokyo, and they will indeed stop anyone wearing a costume and/or carrying a can of beer; well, unless you are an oyaji in a business suit, that is.
Its good to see they are finally going to crack down on the groping.
nisegaijin: "I hope they just keep it under control and not arrest anyone with a costume on and a can of beer..."
They won't, trust me. So long as you're noticeably foreign and donning anything unusual, they'll stop you... or try to, anyway.
It seems to me that the article is exaggerating the problems caused? I never attended one of those, but this is the first I have heard of actual problems. I thought it was just the suck-through-teeth ojisans that got rankled.
Lieutenant- Does being 23 or 24 allow you to make an ass out of yourself, or have no common sense, as opposed to 29 or 30? I also have to laugh at those who say "when I did it all the Japanese on the train were having a wonderful time and even joining us!" What we remember with our beer-goggles on and reality isn't always the same. I happened to be on the Yamanote line 2 years ago and witnessed pure annoyance and embarrassment by virtually ALL Japanese, who either shuffled off to another carriage or silently tolerated the boorish drunken behavior of several foreigners.
If the police really want to stop people being disturbed on trains, they will crack down on unnecessary and disturbing noise regardless of who causes it.
Most of the unnecessary and disturbing noise is created by JR with its unnecessary announcements and irritating music.
I am also willing to bet that on the night of the Halloween party most of the disturbance will be caused by the police excesses. They may even go as far as to stop a train.
It seems that they and JR have gone to a lot of trouble to publicise the event and make sure that everyone who travels on the Yamanote knows about it.
Just dress the girl up in Sailor Moon outfits and see the complaints go down and the chikan go up.
It makes it easier yes.
And thus it didn't happen.
You should have said all Japanese in that particular carriage that you happened to be boring on. And I hope you asked those in silence if that is how they behave on every train.
And for all your tough talk now, I bet you yourself at the time said, wait for it, nothing.
I'll be wearing my Bush mask.
Sarge, suggest you call the suicide hotline before engaging in such self-destructive behavior.
Beelze - Har!
Just wear a cute kawaii animal costume, like Kung Fu Panda, even the cops will be gathered around you taking photos. Screeching "eeeee kawaii ne"
"high jinks"
Who says that?
"Kung Fu Panda"
Hey, I like that! I just may ditch my Bush mask for a Kung Fu Panda costume!
hey guys..please take the Police warning seriously...we all could say what we like here (or sometimes could say)...but don't fool around with the Japanese Police....they are 'ISO book readers'
So then Lieutenant, I assume you feel it's ok to play up the cliche of the boorish foreigner in Japan, or anywhere else for that matter? And since you feel it's ok to be stupid, naive and ignorant at 23 or 24, I guess there's nothing more to be said. I just can't wait for the stories of police rightfully rounding up these nimrods and throwing them in the can for the nite.
My personal take on this is that any foreigner exposing themselves be given an automatic 3 month stint in jail and then deported upon their release!
I didn't come to this country only to be embarrassed, humiliated and put in the same category as these morons I left my home country to escape from!
Enjoy your crusade against it. You'll be defeated by the next planeload of foreigners anyway.
Funny you should use those words.
No matter how you cut it, this kind of behavior doesn't do any good for the image of foreigners in Japan.
hoserfella: "And since you feel it's ok to be stupid, naive and ignorant at 23 or 24, I guess there's nothing more to be said. I just can't wait for the stories of police rightfully rounding up these nimrods and throwing them in the can for the nite."
I would side with you except for one major fact: police don't do this on ANY other night, nor for ANY other groups of people. If they, say, increased the number of police at all stations around Enkai seasons to reduce the number of idiots that fall on tracks, molest young women, vomit on the trains/platforms, expose themselves, push others onto the tracks, punch people when it's crowded, rape people on shinkansens, scream and shout and talk to themselves, etc., I could side with you. But, alas, they only do so when there's an increased number of foreign revellers, and as a result plan to put a stop to ANY activity in such regard. Fine, you say? then ask them to do it at any other given time such drunken debauchery occurs... with JAPANESE! (and if you think it doesn't, your being naive). Or you can just sit back all the other times you notice this stuff and say nothing, and only be happy the police try to prevent tomfoolery on THIS day.
Another talking in absolutes. It depends who you talk to. Gramps or already-agitated over there is going to whinge about it sure. Try asking many of the millions stuck in the grey monotone every day. They've seen obnoxious employees and girls vomiting on the train before.
Now... do I agree that foreigners AND Japanese alike who engage in such acts are arses? Absolutely! Do they deserve to be charged in accordance with domestic laws? 100%, so long as the laws are not enforced any more strongly than usual.
But again, why only now? And I DON'T that agree that any foreigner who wants to get on a train and happens to be wearing a costume be stopped, which is what happens as a result of this.
I think one poster said it best when sarcastically commenting that if you put a bunch of young Japanese girls in sailor moon or maid outfits, the police would not only allow it, they would possibly be involved in the rise in Chikan offenses (which of course no one would happen to 'witness' because they were 'sleeping', etc.) themselves.
Because they know exactly what and when is coming! It's very easy to counter. Signs are already out. Cops at the Yamanote stations. Done.
The plan has to change. Change we need. I'm the Lieutenant, and I approve this message.
Its hard enough to live and travel in Japan. All we neeed is a few more idiots for example Brits, Aussies and Americans, to make us appear more distasteful than the vox populi already envision us.
If you've never done anything that could be considered distasteful in your time in Japan, then I feel sorry for you. And if you have, maybe you should withhold your preaching.
Its a shame that the actions of some stupid drunken gaijin give us all a bad name, because the Japanese are incapable of distinguishing between the two. I hope that those gaijin idiots who behave badly will indeeed be arrested and deported - we dont need those kind of people here.
Harmless fun is one thing, but when you are in a foreign country you must obey the general rules. Exposing yourself to others is a hentai offence, punishable by imprisonment. Having said that, I am wondering why the J police dont crack down on the Japanese salarimen whose drunken behaviour leaves much to be desired nearly every night of every week, and not just at the silly season of Hallowe`en.
A tip off? They do it every year for the past 5 or so, they just get on the yamanote train and go around the loop.
Then surely your beef is with Japan, and not these loveable larrikins.
Tell me you haven't broken one.
The difference between drunken salarymen and drunken foreign Halloween twits is that the salarymen dont plan on and then take up whole carriages, forcing their crap behavior on others. If you want to go out and have a good time, go to a club. At least boorish, drunken foreigners are expected there. Like it or not, you're a representative not only of your country in Japan, but foreigners in general.
To Lieutenant, How can the 'vox populi' 'envision' anything?
Nonsense to mrhog123 please.
Hello, hello everyone! let's behave ourselves tomorrow night...we are 'guests' of Japan...and we better know how to behave ourselves in the foreign land.....especially like J Land.....:)
Im gonna confuse the hell out of them and dress up as Japanese police officer
It's too bad the J police couldn't work with the foreigners planning the event to make sure it is safe and fun. I agree that drunk, naked, and vomiting people on a train is never an enjoyable experience for anyone, but I think they could easily keep it under control if they worked together. Just keep it confined to one car, make sure the party goers self police themselves, and set a definite time limit for the whole event. It might even become a yearly event that Japanese people look forward to seeing.
My advice to all those acting like idiots on trains at Halloween. "Dont act like an idiot". Youre looking for and causing a lot of negativity towards other foreign individuals who want a peaceful and happy life in Japan.
Lieutenant, your sorry belief in the "universal right to annoy others because that's how I am and others do it, too" ought to be balanced with, "just because I can do it or get away with it, doesn't it make it right." The line between free expression and antisocial behavior is not that fine.
Anyway, no one has banned partying on Halloween outright, it's just not forcing YOUR party on strangers on public transportation who are going about their own business.
Crazy posts. It's very simple. Police don't usually arrest drunken salarimen, or drunken gaijin. And there would be nothing wrong with the hypothetical group of sailor moon girls, or gaijin dressed in costumes. But, if a group of people cause a disturbance on a train at a level of causing destruction and exposing themselves, then they should be stopped. But personally, if a group of idiot gaijin do this, and plan to do this and caused damage to JR property, inconvenience others and do anything illegal, I hope they get arrested, whipped, and deported. I feel like going on the train and helping the J cops.
Your words not mine, 90210.
I can't really call it my party, since I won't be attending. And it sounds like the same old plan is destined to fail even quicker this year. But I hope they make their presence well known somewhere in Tokyo, just to stick it further up all those who have problems with Japanese attitudes re: foreigners and then take it out on the foreigners themselves (why can't you just be more quiet and more Japanese like me) all the while wishing they were having as much fun and had not secluded themselves into some private fantasy world, untouchable and unspeakable to their fellow ex-pat.
Do on the others as you want them to do on to you!
Not much of a rebuttal; how about these words? One person's "free spirit" is another's "a**hole." But I admit that's pretty judgmental according to my own cultural filter; let's stay on topic and recognize that we all share some responsibility for common courtesy in public areas, regardless of any filters.
BTW, wrong pop culture zip code.
There's nothing wrong with having a good time, but don't force other people to get involved in your party if they don't want to. If I saw and heard a big group of people on a train wearing horror masks, getting pissed, shouting, exposing themselves and being a general nuisance it wouldn't matter whether they were Japanese or gaijin, I'd be equally unhappy about it. "People can't take a joke" is the moron's way of trying to justify stupid behaviour.
In short, be sensible and don't be d**kheads tomorrow night.
Well I hope your third post and onwards are just as passionate about the 'courtesy' drunk Japanese extend.
Journalism opportunity here. I hope everyone takes a camera, preferable a video camera. I want to see footage of the coppers harassing westerners in costumes. And there will be some great printable stories about this. Maybe not as great as the Teletubby Briton in the moat, but....Hey! I just got a great costume idea!
Seriously, ready your cameras please.
Lieutenant、you are right – people just don’t know how to have fun – luckily you are around. Go out there and show them how it’s done. Don’t let anybody tell you there is anything wrong with vomiting or breaking other people stuff, – thank god you know better – you are a free thinker here, right?...
Moderator: All readers, please keep the discussion civil and do not snipe at each other.
Beat the cops at their own game everyone. Quietly enjoy yourselves. Cause no trouble. Tell all cops you are going to a party at a certain stop. Before the stop check your cell phone and say the party has been moved further down the line. Repeat as many times as necessary. Be calm. Let the cops get physical first. And definitely definitely, police the gaijin that act like drunken idiots.
As others, I suspect a lot of people innocently going to Halloween parties elsewhere are going to get harassed. -- Cirroc
There are parties on the Sapporo densha every year, usually for New Year's. By Japanese.
Fact is.
This is like special regulation for hate crimes. I oppose those regulations because there are already regulations that cover the problem. Enforce the nudity statutes. Problem solved.
The obvious loophole is to dress like uyoku. The cops will be bowing to you.
Dennis Bauer
i am selling streaker costumes never used!
I am looking forward to the news items about it
Dennis Bauer
I agree nessie Nude statues are an eye sore ;)
Well-done segue back to my original point about universal right to annoy. Like in, they do it so we can, too! Something about two wrongs making a right...
Nessie ( 3:07 PM ) - Har!
Lord..please save me from the boisterous crowd tomorrow night..I just wanna have fun...I've thrown away my cinderella costume and opted for a sophisticated halloween look for this year's Halloween....hey guys, come & join me at TGI Friday's..!!
I'm just going to go to witness. And I believe in policing my own. And I'm a real a.r. jerk.
When the police cracked down on drunken revelry in the London tubes a few months ago and banned open cans of beer, it was all over the news here. I think the J police have taken their cue from that...
Elbuda Mexicano
My dear gaijins, please do not forget, that when we gaijins act stupid in public (drunk, violent etc..)it not only gives us good gaijins a bad name, but all of us will be painted with the same brush. This is a sad fact here in Japan, so please be drunk and stupid in your favorite pub but try to remember we are not in our own countries, ok? Happy Holloween!
Pranksters are from evry nationality in evry country, big deal.
The only issue I take with elbudamexicano's post is the suggested idea that only Japan paints certain groups with the same brush. Its a sad fact everywhere, not just Japan.
Hallowen party on running trains with gaijins wearing different costumes. Well, its seems fun to me. Nothing wrong about it. Just dont get carried away and refrain from nudity.
Went to trunk or treat and there was no more candy. The natives had wiped out everything.
The worst type of behaviour i have encountered on trains has been by drunk Japanese.
Halloween is a time for a spot of harmless fun, if it is done legally, people should mind their own business.
Well drunk rowdy behavior by J-salarymen isn't going to affect the image of foreigners is it? Japan has plenty of places to get away from the "grey monotone" and if partying is to be done it can done in a non-public place. Just as it's done here in the USA. We have an annual Halloween Parade but nobody throws parties on public transportation. The NYPD would put it down in 20 minutes.
I can't decide whether to wear my Bush mask or to buy a Kung Fu Panda costume...
"While many anticipate the appearance of ghosts and ghouls..."
And the Great Pumpkin!
Halloween is NOT a Japanese custom. Nor is it popular like Christmas. It is only popular among foreigners and a few Japanese people pretending to be Westerners.
I hope any stupid foreigners taking part in this terrorism act will be deported from Japan immediately and banned re-entry forever! I hear some people will zoom in and take photos of those stupid guys' faces and upload on Youtube and other Japan-related websites!!
YutaYamada- The only acts of terrorism ever to occur in Japan were by japanese, so don't be scared of the nasty foreigners, you poor soul.
"Halloween is NOT a Japanese custom"
That must be why I see Halloween decorations in a BUNCH of places, including my gym and just about every flower shop...
Fun police are knocking on my window...
And will we see the shiny-suited, ciggie-and-whisky-breathed locals vilified by the Boys in Blue when they start hawking up their bonenkai goodies all over the station in six months?
Perhaps not.
As a "Westerner" I have never dressed in a Halloween costume or got drunk. Halloween is just another work day for me. However, I am always reminded of Halloween when my Japanese friends want to "party" and dress up on Oct 31.
To people who are thinking of participating in this public nuisance:
Don't forget to carry your Alien Registration Card! Every policeman has the right to ask you to produce the card. If you fail to show it, they can take you to the police station and hold you in custody..your embassy and your mom and dad will know your misbehavior. What will they think?
actually they DONT have the right....unless they have just cause...and in return I can ask for theirs....yes i have a Japanese lawyer and judge friend....again....know before you speak...
I never liked halloween anywhere I have lived.
"I never liked halloween"
You have never had candy corn, have you?
Bunch of idiot --North American-- adults doing what they do here because they 'aren't home'; do what they did at home here? They'd get mocked and asked what the hell they were doing ruining a CHILDREN'S Festival.
Last week's one.
Sarge - no I never did have candy corn and my parents would dress me up in ridiculous costumes. I'm traumatized for life!!
I didn't care for the new Halloween movie , but the original was brilliant.
Vandalism and anti-social behaviour aside, my problem with the Halloween Yama party was always that it was sh1te. A bit like a really, really bad office Christmas party - but in a smelly, crowded metal tube with no bar or bogs.
not my cup of tea for Halloween.
The hallowenn partiers if not behaving illegally have nothing to fear, whether on YouTube or not, even if some Japanese grassers (lowest of the low), report them to the law.
Round 'em up. Drug test them. Send them home.
I'll be there if they promise to play "Monster Mash" on a portable CD player. That song is a grave yard smash.
Here in Nagoya it's going to be fun in Kanayama Asunal, live music and cheap booze, and candy for the kids trick or treating from shop to shop. I have my Kung Fu Panda suit that my 9 year old wants me to wear, the cost of being a dad.
This is GREAT.
Hmmm. . . everytime I click the show all link the internet closes, frankly I blame the computer I'm on but. . .
Anyways Halloween is my favorite holiday EV-ER, nothing like getting away with stuff you couldn't do any other day and getting away with it, though of course everything needs limits. . .
i just saw some of the Yamanote Halloween Train vids on YouTube and it's alarming how violently many people react to this event. Granted, it can be annoying to many commuters, but on the other hand, it's only once a year, and then just an hour at that. throughout the world and throughout history there have been all kinds of events or performances (some impromptu, some officially sanctioned) designed both for fun and for shaking up the routine of daily life. i can't help but wonder if the extreme reaction to this event by some Japanese (and a few foreigners) is because it's done mostly by "gaijin." would there be such an uproar over it if it were done by japanese? well, japnaese wouldn't do it so it's a moot point, you say, but what about the right wing sound trucks, or protest marches, or avant-garde performance art in the streets and in front of train stations; or for that matter, all the amateur "musicians" making noise in front of those train stations? aren't those greater disturbances of the peace since they occur on a much more regular basis? by the way, i raise these questions as someone who has never participated in the Halloween Train.
it seems like it would be cheaper just to have a Halloween Train than to fight it.
-but then the ruffians would have nothing to rebel against.
Nessie speaks words of wisdom (as ever) - enforce the existing statutes. Public nudity is unacceptable (outside of onsen, anyway), as is vandalism, and there are laws in place to deal with these.
Stopping people on suspicion of having the intention of being in the general vicinity of potential troublemakers is a bit Big Brother-ish. There are plenty of people who know how to have fun without breaking the law.
In Niigata a few years ago, a friend of mine caused a certain amoun t of confusion among the locals by dressing up as Santa for Hallowe'en.
as long as they don't dress-up as ex-Nova Teachers I might be OK! with it.
The Nova Bunny is out of the question however.
That's it! I'm going as the Nova Bunny!
Just kidding! I'm going as a salaryman.
Elbuda Mexicano
I feel sorry for the rest of us who are trying our best to actually behave as responsible citizens, reprensenting our own countries here in Japan. How about dressing up not just the NOVA Bunny but also as the president of Nova too?
party at your homes, NOT IN PUBLIC. we dont celebrate halloween here, period
whateverize Are you Japanese? Hence the "we" in your comment? Sorry, but you cannot claim to represent the entire Japanese nation and people. There are many Japanese who do celebrate Halloween and enjoy it - just look around you at the increasing numbers of Halloween decorations, etc. I come from Britain and as a Christian I have nothing to do with the pagan festival of Halloween, but I do recognise the right of people to have a party and celebrate Halloween whatever way they want.
Who is "we"? I am from Germany, and I don't care so much about "Halloween". However, my little boy likes it very much - same like many other Japanese children at his age in Kindergarten. So my (japanese) wife will arrange with other Japanese parents that their children can play together and make a halloween party at home.
The point is, "Kabotcha" (Pumpkin) is famous in Japan.
I could supply you with the names of a couple of retailers and departmemt stores who might disagree with you.
The biggest reaction to this event takes place on the web by people who spend too much time on it, and are representative only of similar monitor magnets.
Halloween is just a commercial event here. Just party at your homes.
No. You can't pick and choose and massacre foreign culture and expect no consequence. You want the pumpkins and their cute accessories selling for months in the name of Halloween, then you feel the wrath of several hundred drunk loveable larrikins dominating you in ways you've never been dominated before. PARTY!! And something about chaos.
I hope you're prepared to vomit, urinate and sleep on the platform. Although not necessarily in that order.
"I hope you're prepared to vomit, urinate and sleep on the platform"
I've changed my mind. I think I'll go as the Nova Bunny after all.
Calm down...some comments here actually do not make sense. Those halloween people do need to know how they should behave themselves in public, that's all! I saw pictures on a site but actually it is terrible.
As long as some people act like that in public, they will be criticized (anywhere in this world, I believe).
People here shouldn't criticize each other finding faults which do not relate to the topic. That's meaningless.
It's not about if Japanese do or do not people enjoy Halloween. It's not about this happens only once a year. It is about people having party in public transport. Yamanote line, which millions of people use it everyday (Yes MILLIONS), is simply not a place to have a party. Last year, these people stopped a train, and this affected hundreds of thousand people (people using Yamanot line and others using lines connected to Yamanote line). What if someone gets hurt (due to emergency stop?). Can you still laugh about it? If you want to party, just go to club or bar, and party your brains out there. PLEASE DO NOT PARTY IN PUBLIC TRANSPORT.
Japanese children just love Halloween ! And how about the Halloween parades in Tokyo last week that garnered up more than 3,000 costumed participants ? This has to be one of the largest Halloween parades in the world I do believe !
The hundreds of thousands of Japanese who have gone to USJ this past month to see the Halloween parade and festivities would likely disagree with you.
I'm Japanese and I enjoyed Halloween parade helt in Kawasaki city last Sunday. It was very fun and peaceful. The point is not if you like or don't like having party, it is if it should be accepted to have party in poblic transportation. I'm very happy police did something about it this year. Some people seems to be planning this event tonight as well, but, if YOU are reading my text, please go to random clubs in Tokyo. Many of them do entrance free if you are fully costumed!! There are many appropriate places for you. So DO NOT HAVE PARTY IN TRAIN!! I don't like sounding like a mom...but NO PARTY IN PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION!!
Yeah, those secular Japanese have stripped it of its unholiness.
Don't forget to carry your Alien Registration Card! Every policeman has the right to ask you to produce the card. If you fail to show it, they can take you to the police station and hold you in custody.
actually they DONT have the right....unless they have just cause...and in return I can ask for theirs....yes i have a Japanese lawyer and judge friend....again....know before you speak...
* Actually, police CAN demand (legally) to see your ARC, under the The Foreign Registry Law.
外国人登録法 第十三条 第二項 外国人は、入国審査官、入国警備官(入管法に定 める入国警備官をいう)、警察官、海上保安官その他法務省令で定める国又は地方公共団体の職員がその職務の執行に当たり登録証明書の掲示を求めた場合には、これを提示しなければならない。
However, you can ask them for ID as well, to confirm that they are actual police.
外国人登録法 第十三条 第三項 前項に規定する職員は、その事務所以外の場所に おいて登録証明書の提示を求める場合には、その身分を示す証票を携帯し、請求があるときは、これを提示しなければならない。
SumoBob, you are right, but many of the police cannot be bothered to get the name of the card right. If they demand "passu-po-to, ...PASSU-PO-TO!" don't say no and try to head home for it. Everyone should be very careful to quietly show their Gaikokujin Toroku-shomeisho.
I didn't see any costumes
Nothing happened !!!! It's ok !!! I was there I was riding the Y line nothing happened !!!!
**Nothing happened !!!! It's ok !!!
Thanks to the crackdown, no doubt.
Well done to the Tokyo please, the idiots stayed away.
Samantha Ueno
I still think they should have extra police protection and give the same treatment to Japanese during the bounenkai season.
Hello !!! Nothing happened !!! Halloween is a fun activity. I am sorry for Nessie I guess he or she wasn't invited to any Halloween parties. Nothing happened !!! I need extra police protection riding my bicycle from crazy drunk drivers and people who drive wrecklessly. When large numbers of gajin gather together, someone always gets scared.
The news articles always make it a point to point out "Many of them westerners" type comments whenever they can distibguish non-Japanese people. However, by that mere comment you know that there were many Japanese as well. Next they will say "They've been corrupted by westerners." Like I hear many Asians say when their kids act unruly.