Japan Today

Tokyo reports 239 new cases of coronavirus infection


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These numbers will continue until a vaccine is available so we just have to live with it like the flu and protect the vulnerable. If you are really worried about getting infected then just stay home as life and business must go on and lock downs are too costly.

-2 ( +13 / -15 )

When presented with a gaggle of people, I wear a mask, supermarket etc etc

I wear one because the mask gives my fellow shoppers comfort.

However, I notice that sometimes a mask subconsciously negates the requirement to socially distance.

I tested this theory, I took my mask off, shoppers instantly gave me a wide berth.

Like typhoid itsonlyrocknroll.

14 ( +16 / -2 )

This is kind of high for a holiday weekend. What will the magical number be come Tuesday? over 400.

11 ( +13 / -2 )

Getting bored of that news.

It is exactly like Fiddlers said:

These numbers will continue until a vaccine is available so we just have to live with it

1 ( +13 / -12 )

As I said before, people should focus on keeping their body healthy in order to build a strong immunity system so that they can fight against this virus. There is no way to get rid of this thing until a vaccine is available.

5 ( +11 / -6 )

Mitsuo how do we build our immunity system? what are you doing to stay healthy. Share please .

5 ( +7 / -2 )

Be as healthy as you can, pass a carrier you are stuffed. The virus only wants to live. If you become a host not much you can do. Just try to live. It's a living adapting life form. And it's here to stay.

3 ( +5 / -2 )

how do we build our immunity system?

ohh that's easy, no smoking, no hard drinking, and a vegetarian diet, for further specifics look at the immunity boosting measures here.


-6 ( +6 / -12 )

It is possible to ward off viral infections by keeping the immune system strong.

How to do that?

Saunas and cold showers which stimulate the body.

Vitamin C, ginger and garlic.

Plenty of sleep and exercise with sunlight.

My basic steps for health.

1 ( +8 / -7 )

Yep... no one cares.

-5 ( +0 / -5 )

These numbers will continue until a vaccine is available so we just have to live with it like the flu and protect the vulnerable.

Or until enough of us recover from it. The vaccine might never come, and if it does come might be worst than the disease.

Lockdowns will only delay the inevitable. So as Mitsuo said, people should focus on staying healthy and strengthen their immunity, so that when we do catch it, it will only be a minor inconvenience.

Sleep well, exercise, eat well, avoid stress. The important point is to avoid inflammation, so I disagree with mrtinjp about the vegetarian diet. I would reduce carbs as much as possible. Ketogenic diet is good, carnivore diet is promising too, vegies (leafy greens) are good but I would avoid a strict vegetarian diet.

And as I mentioned elsewhere, make sure your levels of vitamin D are high through diet, supplements, or (ideally) sun exposure.

-1 ( +8 / -9 )

so kurisipu you guarantee you will not get the virus because you are so healthy?

0 ( +2 / -2 )

Despite the growing number of infections, Prime Minister Shinzo Abe has said the current situation does not warrant a re-imposition of a state of emergency.

Yeah?? Then what does it take to warrant one? Let it keep comming with infections (Herd Immunity(Darwinism Natural selection), or Really LET the test case confirmed numbers be 1000 if thats what it takes to warrant a state of emergency if that number is not satisfactory for ABE-san then let that number sky rocket. Do what ever it takes to get an SOE in place please. Abe-san you are aware of whats happening and if you say there is no warrant for an SOE that means we can party like it never existed.

0 ( +4 / -4 )

@Raw Beer

So as Mitsuo said, people should focus on staying healthy and strengthen their immunity, so that when we do catch it, it will only be a minor inconvenience.Sleep well, exercise, eat well, avoid stress. The important point is to avoid inflammation

I wish that means i would have have to quit my job as im sooo busy and understaff and no one wants to work and I have to pull 16+ hours daily until I have to ask a cardiologist to inspect my heart. Most people are working crazy hours and no way to get time for relaxation, and gym time. Your immune system is key as you say but when a company cracks the whips on you like a slave and expects you to work you have no choice but to drink booze if that is your way to wind down from hell. Booze will destroy your immune system Raw Beer.

1 ( +3 / -2 )

The SOE we had in April/May seems like a joke now. The numbers are much higher and no one really seems to care anymore.

4 ( +6 / -2 )

mrtinjpToday 06:51 pm JST

how do we build our immunity system?

ohh that's easy, no smoking, no hard drinking, and a vegetarian diet, for further specifics look at the immunity boosting measures here.


To have a sucessful imune system it to have a healthy LIVER that means no fatty liver and no diabetes.

The root cause of all health issue is high carb diet and cooking food in vegitable base oils including corn oil, SOY oil, hydrogenated oil. The best way to increase your imune system is through a ketogenic diet or a a form of 16 hour intermittent fasting with an 8 hour feeding window but on a keto diet. Don't take my words as Im not a Medical Doctor. Please consult with a real doctor who is willing to treat you sincerely.

-3 ( +3 / -6 )

@Mirai Hayashi

Nobody in the world cares anymore, because the people understand that we have no choice except to live with the virus.

All my friends and coworkers in Japan and in my Home country stopped already to watch news and to check numbers of cases and tests.

Only the media wants to keep that topic alive, because they need it to survive in business.

Look at the amount of posters here. In the beginning they were always more than 100 posters according that topic. And now only about 30 ~ 40.

People are loosing interest and start to understand that they have to live with the virus.

-2 ( +7 / -9 )

“The SOE we had in April/May seems like a joke now. The numbers are much higher and no one really seems to care anymore.”

The gov’t played their only hand and it failed miserably. The SOE in April/May was exactly that, a joke. The fact that they declared victory over the virus is disgusting.

1 ( +6 / -5 )

The SOE we had in April/May seems like a joke now.

The SOE we had in Aprli/May was always a joke; then, now and from many different perspectives.

It was a paranoia driven single biggest mistake ever. We should have started Sweden-ing it back then.

0 ( +5 / -5 )

so kurisipu you guarantee you will not get the virus because you are so healthy?

You could get the virus, but as long your immune system is healthy you will auto recover.. just self isolate for 1-2 weeks.

2 ( +4 / -2 )

numbers of infections down, people without wearing face masks up...

0 ( +2 / -2 )

its all going to end soon with a war with China's CCP - apparently a couple of 100 Chinese are going to march upon the Tokyo Chinese Embassy tomorrow to protest against the CCP... could be interesting to watch....

1 ( +2 / -1 )

Wow, I am shocked at how many write as this is a joke at the cost of peoples' lives. If people would suck it up, stay home and only go out for shopping and work this virus would subside and hopefully disappear. 

Nah, the only thing that is ajoke is people thinking the virus will disappear, anf all we have to do is hide until it does.

The root cause of all health issue is high carb diet and cooking food in vegitable base oils including corn oil, SOY oil, hydrogenated oil. The best way to increase your imune system is through a ketogenic diet or a a form of 16 hour intermittent fasting with an 8 hour feeding window but on a keto diet. 

Ah yes, I forgot to mention intermittent fasting, that is also very good. Also occasional 2-3 day fasts, to clean up tne system and stimulate the production of new immune cells.

0 ( +3 / -3 )

In fact, due to all the fear and destruction to our economies: you are far more likely to lose your job than even catch COVID-19! And if you do catch COVID-19, you have more than 99% chance of survival...

3 ( +4 / -1 )

Don't take my words as Im not a Medical Doctor.

You obviously aren’t, and I won’t.

A ketogenic diet leads to constipation, elevated cholesterol levels, acidosis and kidney stones. No thanks.

4 ( +6 / -2 )


I for one still do care. On a small island with a mostly elderly population of about 5000 in the middle of the ocean. A nurse had friends from the main land here and had a party. She was feeling unwell the next day and took a few days off. Went back to work at the hospital only to develop a fewer again. She was tested positive. Since then 34 people have tested positive. Many are elderly in patients of the hospital. The local post office closed and the city hall is closed because staff members fell sick with the virus. Almost everything is closed now and people are very worried. Why is the government pushing the Go To campaign in the middle of a pandemic? People want answers and an explanation.

5 ( +6 / -1 )

Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, May 25: "We have been able to bring the outbreak under control in only one and a half months through Japan's unique approach. The effectiveness of the Japan model has been shown."

3 ( +5 / -2 )

Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, May 25: "We have been able to bring the outbreak under control in only one and a half months through Japan's unique approach. The effectiveness of the Japan model has been shown."

He's been awfully quiet these past few weeks.


I would avoid a strict vegetarian diet.

Well, I've been a vegan for many many years and I haven't had any problems - feeling great for a not-so-young person. I exercise regularly and my regular blood tests show great results, especially cholesterol levels. Great bowel movement. See Cleo's comment on constipation. Granted, some people may not have the willpower to stick with a plant-based diet - some people are just too weak, mentally and/or physically, so they should stick with what they're comfortable with. Yes, I do consume carbs. You NEED them. I just avoid useless carbs like the typical Japanese bread and rice. Instead of the morning fry-up, I'll go for porridge, All-Bran or muesli. And I eat......wait for it......fresh fruit. Yeah, all those dreaded carbs! My BMI - the lower end of normal.

The UK is now advising its people to shift that fat because obesity really ups the risk of death for those infected. But a warning to the Japanese - heart disease and diabetes can also affect those who don't look as fat as Trump. The useless carbs again.

1 ( +2 / -1 )

tamanegiToday  09:19 pm JST

Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, May 25: "We have been able to bring the outbreak under control in only one and a half months through Japan's unique approach. The effectiveness of the Japan model has been shown."

India's Prime Minister Narendra Modi has said the country's response to the pandemic has defied global expectations.

"The way Indians came together to fight against coronavirus in the last few months, we have proved the world wrong," he said Sunday, delivering his monthly radio address to the nation.

India has the third-highest number of virus cases worldwide, with more than 1.3 million recoded instances of Covid-19 and 32,060 deaths.

Is this type of verbiage some prewritten script that’s sent out to all world leaders?

0 ( +1 / -1 )

Is this type of verbiage some prewritten script that’s sent out to all world leaders?

There's a reason why US, Brazil, India and Russia are right there at the top. UK was in that top group too once, but BoJo's very close brush with death has even gotten him to do press-ups now!

-1 ( +1 / -2 )

"It would appear Shinzo Abe has essentially given up on any serious effort to control spread of the virus in Japan. We are now in the "jeder fuer sich und Gott gegen alle" ("each for himself and God against all") phase of the pandemic. You do what you need to do to protect yourself and the health and lives of those close to you.The Japanese government is AWOL"

0 ( +1 / -1 )

A billion may die indirectly or directly of this, but more likely hundreds of millions, most directly i fear.

I fear, and hate this sickness, but i understand that these things do happen from time to time. I don't want to risk it, so we all wear a mask all the time while out near others. If i survive without locking down thats great, because we do need to eat, but im just glad we know ways to flatten the curve and sometimes use them in some places, so if i can get food in lockdown i don't mind.

-5 ( +0 / -5 )

The virus was under control in June due to the s.o.e and travel restrictions.

Now its widespread throughout japan, the question is,

is this going to result in a large number of deaths. The answer as of today would be it isn't but only next month will we know definitively the answer.

If the death rate remains below ten a day it can be said in Japan we need not be overly concerned and instead should gradually open up further.

If the death rate increases dramatically we need to reevaluate the situation and as limited movement between prefectures proved successful look at reimplementing it.

Widespread testing from the beginning would have answered this already but it is what it is.

-1 ( +1 / -2 )

India has the third-highest number of virus cases worldwide, with more than 1.3 million recoded instances of Covid-19 and 32,060 deaths.

Is this type of verbiage some prewritten script that’s sent out to all world leaders?

Well out of those 1.38 million recorded instances, 0.9 million are already recovered, the recovery rate is currently at 96%.

The strategy is to Test, Track and Treat, this aggressive testing will show high daily positive cases, but this will start coming down, so the issue is not with countries like US, India which are very aggressively testing, but with countries which are not..

0 ( +1 / -1 )

239 cases on roughly 2200 tests versus 138 cases on 30,000 tests. Which one do you think has a handle on the crisis?

The belief that Tokyo or Japan has any idea of its true case load remains utterly preposterous

2 ( +2 / -0 )

239 cases on a weekend, when hospitals are closed and even less people than the lowest amount in the world usual are getting tested. It's probably at least quadruple.

2 ( +3 / -1 )

wakame salad and white button mushrooms are proven flu fighters and immunity boosters. NutritionFacts.org

-2 ( +0 / -2 )

Is there news about the night life districts? I hope there is no particularly bad reason why they're not being mentioned now.

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

Hey everyone,

Given this is the most recent 'daily positives for Tokyo' thread, I thought it the best place to share a recent clarification I have found regarding statistics reported at:


The table at the top lists hospitalized (入院) and Hospitalization / Medical treatment, etc. (入院・療養等調整中). I noted on another article that I was unclear as to the difference. After reading another article which referred to people awaiting hospitalization, and consulting with a Japanese friend, I have learnt that the second figure is cases currently awaiting hospitalization. While this doesn't necessarily mean they are all in need of hospitalization, it does show that while reported hospitalizations are only 1165, there are an additional 966 potential hospitalizations. I don't proffer this as evidence one way or the other with regard to the severity of the virus, it is good to know in the interest of getting the accurate data.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Wow, I am shocked at how many write as this is a joke at the cost of peoples' lives. If people would suck it up,


Please don't misunderstand me. I am not saying that we shouldn't have had a SOE, I am saying how ridiculous it was how we all panicked when we saw 3 digits for the first time, and yet now that the numbers are much higher, we are encouraging people to travel, shop, cluster up, etc. Had we had a REAL lock down back then, and the government didn't do this stupid "I beg you to please stay at home" nonsense, we might be where NZ is now.

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

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