The Tokyo Metropolitan Government on Thursday reported 393 new cases of the coronavirus, up 76 from Wednesday. The number is the result of 7,056 tests conducted on Nov 9.
The tally brought Tokyo's cumulative total to 33,770.
By age group, the most number of cases were people in their 20s (94), followed by 89 in their 30s and 70 in their 40s.
The number of infected people in Tokyo with severe symptoms is 39, up one from Wednesday, health officials said.
Nationwide, the number of reported cases was 1,634. After Tokyo, the prefectures with the most cases were Hokkaido (236), Osaka (231), Kanagawa (147), Aichi (143), Hyogo (81), Saitama (75), Chiba (74) and Okinawa (24).
Six deaths were reported nationwide.
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Someone told me, and of course this is hearsay, it is predicted to be 600/day next week as the GoTo Campaign infection spreading officially kicks in.
Time to shut down.
Or make sure I am wearing my Jo Baiden mask.
Aly Rustom
Well actually that's 1 out of 18 people, so that's actually a smaller margin than yesterday. They just tested ALOT more people and that's why they're finding more cases really.
You are the only one here who understand it!
They never conducted 7056 tests.
More tests, more cases.
And Aly, you are correct, it is a smaller margin than yesterday.
I believe that linking the results to tests done 3 days before is not valid anymore.
Tests are lower on Sundays, and positive results lower on Monday. A 1 day gap is a valid assumption for their announcements.
Taking a 3 day time frame led to a 30% positive rate yesterday, which is impossible.
And, not all hospitals or clinics can exactly get the results in the same time frame, and report it adequately within the same period.
Aly Rustom
Thank you for your kind words Monty. Very kind. But I do think many of the posters here get it, and have been saying exactly what you very wisely said
"More tests, more cases."
Once we test more earnestly, we might be able to understand the actual situation here (regardless of whether it is as good as many right wingers say or MUCH worse than we were led to believe) and find a way to deal with it going forward. Hopefully.
To add to my previous post, I read articles from the Japanese press, NHK and Asahi, that do not report the number of tests The above article is a JT’s made article, isn’t it ?
Important to keep track of the 7 day average, which gives a more accurate view of the trend. As it gets colder, the number of infections will increase, but it is critical that the number serious cases and deaths remains low. Things will stay this way as long as a viable vaccine is not available. This is life for the foreseeable future...
@didou they probably have the same source, you can follow the link if you want to scrutinize the data
Hideomi Kuze
This is Covid-19 3rd wave in Japan clearly.
But obedient mainstream media of Japan avoid even using the word "3rd wave" with consideration to authorities.
Suga government prioritizes economy than safety or health of people, seemed to have thought nothing about 3rd wave, has no plan except depending on people's self-help.
Japan where caused most Covid-19 infected people in eastern Asia increase it day by day.
That is why they report the results 3 days after. If they report it nxt day many tests still won't have results at time of reporting
k, bye
Only Japan Today does report the number of tests, Not the Japanese press. Because this 3 days gap is not valid anymore. Otherwise, figures of positive tests will surge on Monday for tests done on Friday, but that’s not the case
You're confusing the reporting dates. JT only reports that the results are of tests conducted on a particular day. Even if they release the report a week after it would still be the same
Enjoy your flight and enjoy Florida.
I dont know if it is warm weather in Florida now, but anyway enjoy.
People have been saying that Japan isn't testing enough, here they are testing 7,000 (seems more than in recent times?).
No doubt numbers have gone up due to things like the ridiculous subsidies for people travelling and eating out, but given that numbers are going up, it makes me more convinced that Japan isn't hiding numbers for a lack of testing, blah blah blah.
The pattern so far has been that high numbers lead to more caution and numbers coming down again, so hopefully this occurs again this time.
By the way, I saw that New Zealand has more cases of coronavirus again today.
Say hi for me to our mate Biden
Hope you have a good one and safe travels.
Mr Kipling
How is it that some on here still don’t understand Japan’s testing procedure?
They test those with symptoms and those who are known to been in contact with those infected. They are not “random’ testing as this is pointless. In the same way random testing isn’t done for other viruses.
They tested more because more people had symptoms therefore more people were in contact.
Again, I ask without expecting an answer from the test test test crowd....
Where are all the serious cases and dead being hidden?
they got 319 from over 1000tests and now 393 from 7000 tests.
why one day they test 1000 and the other day 7000. And if they have more tests they should have more cases but the number is pretty similar. It's strange and hard to believe it.
they got 319 from over 1000tests and now 393 from 7000 tests.
why one day they test 1000 and the other day 7000. And if they have more tests they should have more cases but the number is pretty similar. It's strange and hard to believe it.
Mr Kipling
Zoroto.... anyone with symptoms or who has been in contact CAN easily get a test...for free!
Some governments are semi random testing.... the smarter health experts don’t think much of this idea. Just a waste of resources and health workers time.
Again.... If there are so many hidden cases, there would be so many serious cases and deaths.... Where are they?
I never really quite understood why it takes 3 days to publish the results here in Japan.
In Italy (not exactly a country you would call punctual or efficient) my mother got the results of her PCR in 4 hours, and I’m not talking about the organized North, but the slow-paced and disorganized south.
ah, and Italy is testing between 200000 thousand and 300000 people a day.
*without the thousand. 200000 to 300000
Regarding the : "The number is the result of [...] tests conducted [3 days prior]". In the past, people must have complained that the testing number and result did not work out, so the government decided to make something easy to understand like a fixed time gap. They most likely choose the 3days as they ask foreigners coming to Japan to get a negative PCR test result without 72h of flying.
A 7 days period should be accurate as several tested the same day will not all have their result the same day. People will have a different waiting time, some could get their result the same day, other 5 days after and all in between and perhaps even longer.
@Mr Kipling
I think you do not understand the procedure, contact case are not tested as a whole. Some are, some are not except if they show symptoms. And showing symptoms is not sufficient enough to get tested, you need to fall in the scope of criteria to be tested in the place you are requesting a test, which could include being a contact case.
And why do you want government to physically or even just actively hide people ? It is not like people bother thinking in 4D.
So how soon are the results of these daily tests published in italy?
Flute, the argument that the government wouldn’t benefit from hiding numbers cannot be done as the same could be said for the nuclear disaster in 2011, which happens to be a major cover-up in Japan’s history.
Number and news must be questioned with data and appropriate reasoning.
Coverups are as damaging as fake news and conspiracy theories.
Encouraging people to move around the country during a pandemic defies belief. The reported numbers are lower than what the actual numbers because of limited testing, vetted numbers and delayed results. The system testing centers must use to report numbers is still largely analog and complicated and is passed through the government. How are we to know if they provide the public with real statistics? This is how the government attempts to make Japan seems safe for the Olympics. The economy is of course important but not at the cost of the health of the population.
Keep going to travel and the spread of the virus will rise-not rocket science!
And I have it on medical advice that the test of a PCR test is around 6 hours
Can you explain what random testing is and one country doing random testing.?
Can you explain what random testing is and one country doing random testing.?
Now is the era of emergency. The J-government should tighten the restrictions slightly and call for voluntary donations from the rich people for those who have struggled with money. Thanks to recent soaring of share prices, the rich people have become much more rich and I think they are willing to donate.
Aly Rustom
The Numbers are not similar. The numbers increase as the tests increase. What I do every time they announce the number of virus cases is simply divide the number of positive cases by the number of tests. That gives you The Percent of positive cases to all cases.
I do not understand at all what you are talking about. If you think the government is physically hiding people in some place, fell free to answer Mr. Kipling about where.
Because that is what was the point of the exchange. Everyone know hiding 100 deaths as a number is pretty easy (and when you have 3400deaths a day, that is barely a noticeable rise needing hiding), it is hiding 100 deaths as people which is a pain.
Well, during a historical event such as this, a pandemic, don't you think those labs should extend their working hours?
Do the hustle
Just for comparison, they tested over 23,000 people in Melbourne yesterday with less than ten new community infections. Perhaps lockdowns and curfews are what is required in Tokyo to control the spread and cluster outbreaks. Winter is fast approaching and major Japanese cities are gonna be in some deep doo doo unless they get on top of controlling this virus.
if you have 300 from 1000 you got almost one third people sick.
if you have 390 from 7000 it's way less. Your logic is failing here. "More tests=more covid case" doesn't seems to work here. I mean there should be way more cases from 7000cases. I do think they do manipulate the tests numbers. Always when less testing shows big number the next day they get similar number from 5-6times bigger amount of test.
logic: test more and you will find more should work but in Japan is not working and I don't simple believe, that there are not sick people but someone manipulates with number in purpose not to spread panic.
Aly Rustom
maybe they are manipulating the numbers. i don't know. I'm not a part of the government. But it is A FACT that the more you test, the more cases you will find. That's it.
Oh I don't disagree with that. It certainly looks suspicious. But the fact remains true that if you test more, you will find more cases. That's a fact Now what the gov does or doesn't do with that info is another story...
Like you, I am VERY skeptical of the J Gov and their handling of this pandemic, but all I can do is simply punch in the numbers that I see. I have no way of delving deeper.