Japan Today

Tokyo reports 533 new coronavirus cases; nationwide tally 2,518


The Tokyo metropolitan government on Thursday reported 533 new cases of the coronavirus, up 33 from Wednesday. The number is the result of 9,074 tests conducted on Nov 30.

The tally brought Tokyo's cumulative total to 42,344.

By age group, the highest number of cases were people in their 20s (114), followed by 93 in their 30s, 89 in their 40s and 81 in their 50s.

The number of infected people hospitalized with severe symptoms in Tokyo is 54, down five from Wednesday, health officials said.

Nationwide, the number of infected cases was 2,518. After Tokyo, the prefectures with the most cases were Osaka (386), Hokkaido (206), Kanagawa (197), Aichi (195), Hyogo (172), Saitama (151), Chiba (82), Shizuoka (64), Okinawa (49), Gifu (42), Hiroshima (39) and Ibaraki (37).

Thirty-six deaths were reported.

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Still going up, hopefully we won't have an explosion of cases

5 ( +10 / -5 )

Well, I guess we should be glad its not at 35% today.

3 ( +10 / -7 )

In Osaka, the severely ill people beds are already 63.6% full, approaching the 70%. The governor may chose tonight at 6pm to ask people to refrain from going out until the 15th:


15 ( +16 / -1 )

So we are expected to believe that an almost 7 fold increase in tests compared to the previous day, results in only 7 percent increase in positive results? Statistically that is almost impossible.

7 ( +11 / -4 )

Statistically that is almost impossible.


-6 ( +3 / -9 )

Shut it all down.

0 ( +7 / -7 )


Imagine you were to stand on the street, and as 100 people walked past you, 35 of them were female.

Then someone said to you, if another 600 people walk by, only 3 of then would be female, would you think that almost impossible?

I would.

The numbers are clearly being fudged.

10 ( +16 / -6 )


-6 ( +3 / -9 )

Covid-19 re-epidemic in winter had been warned from over half years before.

But previous Abe government and present Suga govt neglected to reinforce medical services including poor PCR test.

Japan's medical services are reaching to limit by new cases of only about 10% of European countries.

10 ( +12 / -2 )

Statistically that is almost impossible.


Are you serious?

So why is it statistically almost impossible

-4 ( +5 / -9 )


Imagine there are 500 people with the Rona in a pop. 5 Million city. You test 5000 people who show symptoms, and you get 500 positives.

You test 50000 people and still only get 500 positives.

Go figure.

-7 ( +2 / -9 )

All interesting debate about stats, but surely the point is that if there are many unrecorded cases but no one knows - not the authorities, not the infected people, then so what?

Chances are this is the same as we are now learning that the virus may have been around for as lot longer than previously thought but no one knew. 

Anyway, my lock it down comment notwithstanding, still seems to me the virus has been far less harmful here - in many ways - than in other countries, especially ikn Europe and Americas.

-5 ( +3 / -8 )

haha magic numbers...

1500 tests 500

9000 tests 500

time for the story about the 3little pigs...

10 ( +14 / -4 )


it's impossible because if you test 4times more you should have more cases not 4times more cases but you won't get similar number when testing 1500 and 9000 it can not be for the logic: more you test, more you will find.

8 ( +10 / -2 )

The number of infected people hospitalized with severe symptoms in Tokyo is 54, down five from Wednesday, health officials said.

Great news! In recent days the number of infected people hospitalized with severe symptoms in Tokyo has steadily gone down.

-6 ( +4 / -10 )

Thumbs down?!!! Some people want more hospitalized people with severe symptoms?

-7 ( +5 / -12 )

TakaraToday 05:47 pm JST

it's impossible because if you test 4times more you should have more cases not 4times more cases but you won't get similar number when testing 1500 and 9000 it can not be for the logic: more you test, more you will find.

They are not doing random testing. The people are screened either showing symptoms or had prior close contact with a known patient of COVD-19 or people asking to be tested.

Basically if you have a test group that has high probability rate that would test positive then results will naturally be also high skewing the stats.

Japanese doctors had also announced that wearing masks will lower the risk of becoming contagious based on actually counting the number of particles will penetrate the masks. Another group also announced that consuming Catechin (Epigallocatechin gallate), abundantly found in tea, will decrease the chances of contracting COVD-19 since Catechin attaches itself to the COVD-19 virus rending it to not be able to attach itself to human cells.

Two probable reasons why Japan has a lower contraction rate.

Khan, Mohammad Faheem, et al. "Identification of Dietary Molecules as Therapeutic Agents to Combat COVID-19 Using Molecular Docking Studies." (2020)

-4 ( +4 / -8 )

Great news! In recent days the number of infected people hospitalized with severe symptoms in Tokyo has steadily gone down.

But how many have been removed from the critical list because they died?

4 ( +9 / -5 )

Great news! In recent days the number of infected people hospitalized with severe symptoms in Tokyo has steadily gone down.

But how many have been removed from the critical list because they died?

If you click on the link in the above article and then click on "Click here to see a running total of deaths over time", you will get your answer.

-7 ( +2 / -9 )


your looooong coment has got no argument. People who are sick and are having symptoms are getting tested. That means the number of covid should be higher because it's not random testing. If you test 1500 people with possible symptoms and 9000 with possible symptoms you won't get similar number. Impossible! Healthy people are not definitely getting tested.

9 ( +10 / -1 )

They are not doing random testing. The people are screened either showing symptoms or had prior close contact with a known patient of COVD-19 or people asking to be tested.

If you accept that the 1450 people reported yesterday are similar (exhibiting symptoms, close contact, men and woman, young and old) to the 9000 people reported today, why does one group have a positivity rate of 35% and the other just 6%?

You don' have to be a statistician to see these number look odd.

1 ( +6 / -5 )

The number is the result of 9,074 tests conducted on Nov 30.??

3 ( +3 / -0 )

Of course not...Tokyo test numbers will be dutifully kept under 10,000 as usual. J-govt promised 60,000 to 200,000 tests per day months ago....

To fair the number of tests nationally has significantly increased. Personally, I agree the number is insufficient.

Great news! In recent days the number of infected people hospitalized with severe symptoms in Tokyo has steadily gone down.

Unfortunately, nationally severe cases are still steadily rising.

2 ( +7 / -5 )

So we are expected to believe that an almost 7 fold increase in tests compared to the previous day, results in only 7 percent increase in positive results? Statistically that is almost impossible.

If you accept that the 1450 people reported yesterday are similar (exhibiting symptoms, close contact, men and woman, young and old) to the 9000 people reported today, why does one group have a positivity rate of 35% and the other just 6%?

You don' have to be a statistician to see these number look odd.

The numbers don't look odd if you understand the breakdown.

Yes, the previous day's tests were from Sunday. So I assume ONLY people seriously ill were tested at Sunday/holiday hospitals.

Today's results from from Monday's tests, so a far larger number of tests from all clinics are included - close-contact contact tests, follow-up tests of people who were previously positive, and testing of people who were sick over the weekend - but not serious enough to consider a visit to a Sunday/holiday hospital (mostly like influenza and not COVID).

The BBC More or Less podcast does a great job in explaining test results and the stats behind them - https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b006qshd

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Just wondering. Anybody has any idea how many % full were hospitals last year same month? Not that I really care, but do you really think this covid is our enemy right now? what a joke, people freaking out with their yahoo news figures and checking how many beds left in hospitals whitout any knowledge whatsoever about pcr test accuracy (those 2 words shouldnt be in the same sentence) or what the vaccines are looking like this time...Is that what 2 decades of internet did to us? not being able to rationalize anymore and act out of fear and fear alone. Hey seriously 2200deaths in a year? average 80yo? how can people talk about "waves"...or..yes it's a miracle due to the efficiency of masks all day long^^and Japan being an island certainly helped. so long

-6 ( +1 / -7 )

But what is being done with a positive case?

0 ( +0 / -0 )

More people in the US died in one day yesterday from Covid-19 than all of the people who have died from Covid -19 in Japan.

Don't be stupid like they are in the US. Take it seriously. Stay home, stay away from others, wear a mask and stop going to restaurants and izakayas.

-6 ( +0 / -6 )


It makes the irrational, fear loving safetyists feel better about themselves.

The more I read the comments on these articles, the more I realize that the regulars and majority of commenters, are honestly, fear loving and fear mongering cynics.

They disagree and downvote anyone that has anything positive to say. It’s all bad and making fun of the Japanese government, anything else and you get a big downvote.

0 ( +2 / -2 )

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