Japan Today

Tokyo reports 591 new coronavirus cases; 747 in Osaka


The Tokyo metropolitan government on Thursday reported 591 new coronavirus cases, down 30 from Wednesday.

The average for Tokyo over the past seven days stands at 736.

People in their 20s (151 cases) and their 30s (122) accounted for the highest numbers, while 93 cases were aged 60 and over.

The number of infected people hospitalized with severe symptoms in Tokyo is 72, up three from Wednesday, health officials said. The nationwide figure is 1,098, down 16 from Wednesday.

Osaka reported 747 cases and 28 deaths.

Nationwide, the number of reported cases as of 6:30 p.m. was 4,372. After Osaka and Tokyo, the prefectures with the most cases were Hokkaido (320), Aichi (290), Hyogo (281), Fukuoka (259), Kanagawa (224), Saitama (179), Kyoto (130), Hiroshima (116), Okayama (114), Chiba (111), Gifu (77), Nara (70), Gunma (55), Kumamoto (54), Shiga (51), Oita (47), Kagoshima (45), Nagasaki (42), Okinawa (39), Aomori (38), Fukushima (38), Saga (37) and Ishikawa (37).

The number of coronavirus-related deaths reported nationwide was 60.

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down down! its CLEAR the approach of Tokyo and Japan has worked well. The numbers here do not lie

-38 ( +3 / -41 )

Still no mention of how many tests were carried out - we won't hear that until the link at the bottom of the article gets updated from yesterday's stats.

By the by - yesterday's tests were fewer than 3,000.

Gee I wonder why the new infection numbers are falling?

28 ( +29 / -1 )

The SOE is working!!!!!!

-24 ( +4 / -28 )

They changed the monitoring system.

Wont show the totals anymore, just variations from now on.


4 ( +5 / -1 )

Severe symptoms patients highest number since end of February!

Al the other "numbers" ..... once again unbelievable! (Of course, Golden Week count)

LOL at the above logic. Believe the numbers if they are bad-Severe"symptoms patients highest number since end of February!", but don't believe the numbers if they are good.

-17 ( +2 / -19 )

"The nationwide figure is 1,098, down 16 from Wednesday."

Good news.

-24 ( +3 / -27 )

Yesterday was the first day in a while when active cases actually dropped with more people recovering than getting the virus.

Numbers are lower which is positive - Japan needs to crack on with the vaccinations.

-16 ( +2 / -18 )

there are always a few places open to drink. thats the important thing - life goes on. now as for that cold one...

-9 ( +2 / -11 )

The daily numbers are dropping slightly, but there are still around 5,000 new cases just in Tokyo every week. There is nothing to rejoice about.

3 ( +5 / -2 )


I can't imagine why the S0E isnt having a stronger effect.

3 ( +4 / -1 )

The only reason the reported numbers are dropping is because the number of testing is significantly down, likely due to orders from the government.


Expect outright testing ban before the Olympics as Japan government is going to declare total victory over covid and call themselves the best of the best.

15 ( +15 / -0 )

Olympic torch volunteers on Twitter a couple of days ago:


I think that's proof positive that the Olympics are happening in an entirely different reality to the rest of Japan.

Cancel this boondoggle.

9 ( +9 / -0 )

Great stuff, lower cases without draconian lockdowns or evil laws to fine those going outside that discriminate against the poor. Covid will not last forever, humanity has dealt with this stuff in the past and now we handle far better.

Please remain vigilante and take adequate precautions, no need to become a hermit or be in fear, the risk is terribly small to all except the very vulnerable.

-15 ( +1 / -16 )

The number of cases by age groups is always reported, but NEVER the same type of data for either the "serious" cases or alleged deaths. Wonder why not...

2 ( +4 / -2 )

The only reason the reported numbers are dropping is because the number of testing is significantly down, likely due to orders from the government. 


Expect outright testing ban before the Olympics as Japan government is going to declare total victory over covid and call themselves the best of the best.

@blahblah222… you’ve nailed it! A really sensible comment based on reality!

6 ( +6 / -0 )

Conspiracy theorists banging on again about false numbers, low testing etc etc, usual twaddle. Mortuaries are not full, life goes on. Please stop scaring people with these doomsday scenarios, life goes on, please chill.

-18 ( +3 / -21 )

Now people are moving again, numbers will go up. Be very responsible, save yourself and all around you.

8 ( +8 / -0 )


It is indeed a conspiracy theory, claiming the government is hiding true figures so the Olympics can go ahead. No proof is given whatsoever

-15 ( +0 / -15 )

It is indeed a conspiracy theory, claiming the government is hiding true figures so the Olympics can go ahead.

Etymologically, yes it can be a conspiracy theory and a valid one.

Why not testing more if there's no problem to be found ?

Let's put cards on the table if there's no conspiracy to hide the true numbers and save the olympics as well as the J-gov members : do more testing, report better.

4 ( +6 / -2 )

591 is so low. Excellent Japanese people. Love you for making the Rising Sun so safe.

Try more like 4,372 cases and fewer than 7,000 tested pet day.

That is over 50% positivity rate.

Now compare that to just the province of Ontario Canada that does on average 50,000 test per day and had a positivity of around 3,500.

My Japanese friend have covid in Tokyo he is presently Inn hospital.

They government had refused to test him a few weeks ago when he learned a coworker had covid-19 now they are refusing to test his family members he lives with.

No testing unless one is seriously showing signs and clearly already very visibly sick.

Not to mention that well over 50% of the daily testing is actually being done by private businesses to protect their workers and not by the government.

Example: on May 4th the government only tested 3,500 people but private testing by individuals and companies paying for their own testing was 4,800

In that day 4,072 tested positive.

Do the math more positive than the total of government tests done, so without those paying for private testing on their own the government would again claim Japan is safe.

This is a total cover-up of what is really going on.

5 ( +6 / -1 )

@Antique: Hope your friend gets through it as most do. He/She will be ok. Stay positive.

It is a pharmeceutical and political money game here no dougbt. They want to use their own vaccine and it is a sad direction to take. Japan has lowered itself to the bottom rung of the third world. Used to be such a cool place. The people neeeeeed a backbone to stand up and fight actually.

-4 ( +2 / -6 )

It would be good if they started logging some more useful stats, like numbers of : requests for a test refused, confirmed cases deemed mild too mild to qualify to isolate in hotels, serious cases refused hospitalisation and directed to hotels, deaths attributed to pneumonia, heart failure or stroke. Then people who are better at number crunching than I am could map trends and compare with previous years, and we could maybe get a more accurate picture of the progression of this pandemic in Japan.

3 ( +4 / -1 )

Hope your friend gets through it as most do. He/She will be ok. Stay positive.

Tell that to my family that has lost 3 members to covid.

But let's just stick with Japan, if you believe the government numbers then based on the low positivity rate and deaths Japan would have one very high percentage of death.

Now lets look at testing trends at this time last year Japan was conducting 50 to 60 thousand tests daily, now around 7000 this includes over 4,000 done privately.

Add to that the fact no autopsies are required for those over 65 which we all know we're the main demographic with the highest deaths from covid-19 and it becomes clear many things do not add up.

Go ahead believe in the supremacy of the Japanese but remember the last times that happened the country had a couple of sad Awakenings.

I guess w 2 and the bubble crash didn't teach much to some.

3 ( +4 / -1 )

It would be good if they started logging some more useful stats, 

Some are trying but this is Japan and secrecy by the government goes back to the 1600s.

Road blocks are placed everywhere.

Tokyo Keizai has done a fairly good job following the numbers available but even they admit that there seems no way to get actually accurate information.

But at least they show how few test are being done by the government and that the majority are private companies and individuals paying for their own testing.

More than 50% of tests now being done are by non government with private individuals and companies requesting and paying for them.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

Please explain how the PCR tests work....

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Again, Tokyo not reporting the number of tests. Must be very low, below 5000.

It's all about Olympics.

1 ( +2 / -1 )

Why was Japan so late in distributing the vaccines? Definitely not smart.

1 ( +2 / -1 )

Are they saving all the tests for the olympics?

2 ( +3 / -1 )

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