The Tokyo metropolitan government on Tuesday reported 925 new coronavirus cases, up 352 from Monday.
The average for Tokyo over the past seven days stands at 824.
People in their 20s (277 cases), their 30s (148) and their 40s (141) accounted for the highest numbers, while 149 cases were aged 60 and over.
The number of infected people hospitalized with severe symptoms in Tokyo is 81, up three from Monday, health officials said. The nationwide figure is a record-high 1,177, up 25 from Monday.
Aichi Prefecture reported a record 578 cases, while Osaka Prefecture logged 974 cases, and 55 deaths.
Nationwide, the number of reported cases as of 6:30 p.m. was 6,160. After Osaka, Tokyo and Aichi, the prefectures with the most cases were Hokkaido (421), Fukuoka (404), Hyogo (377), Saitama (278), Kanagawa (277), Okayama (133), Okinawa (132), Gifu (126), Hiroshima (122), Chiba (119), Kumamoto (117), Kyoto (116), Gunma (74), Ibaraki (73), Nara (70), Shizuoka (67), Oita (59), Niigata (55), Shiga (55), Miyazaki (53), Yamaguchi (49), Mie (45), Saga (45), Ishikawa (41) and Fukushima (38).
The number of coronavirus-related deaths reported nationwide was 109.
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Derek Grebe
Up from 609 last Tuesday.
This is only going to go one way - unless we just stop testing altogether.
as well as the J-Gov
Anyone wondering how Japan's expert advisers to the Prime Minister are responding to this, I remind you it is and I quote:
'Lol, Lol,'
@Simian Lane: No need to process these numbers. No need to make the same dull comments every day either.
If, after this long anybody is still questioning testing/infections/deaths in Japan, then you should take it up with your local Diet member. Winding the same old doom and gloom merchants up on 'Leftie Japan Today' really isn't going to help anyone. Tme to move on to Vaccines! Who cares what the numbers are, They are completely fiction and probably represent no better a number than many countries. For some reason the rate of death - which is the ONLY relevant number is quite low here.
Get the vaccines rolled out. Come September, if we keep the borders effectively closed, life could be returning to normal pretty quickly.
I see the J-media has resorted to putting up the weekly average in hopes to make the numbers seem less important or even decreasing.
Numbers are rising despite significant reductions in testing, with weekly average only at 6800 and trending downward.
Who wanna bet that Tokyo is going to move the testing numbers to around ~3000 weekly average by the time of Olympics? Playing around with testing numbers is pretty much the only concrete actions the JP government have been taking.
The population of Tokyo isn't 125 million, even the gaijin know this.
Keitai zombies !
Typical of the world we live in now - head down, looking at their phones
A pity that isn’t the case.
@dagon - Really?
@Jimizo: Correct.
@blahblah222: Seriously? Still whining about testing?
Osaka's reported death numbers is already higher mortality rate per capita than India last week.
And Japan also severely under-reports covid deaths. If you don't trust scientific article below, you just need to look at pneumonia death numbers 2020 vs. pneumonia death numbers 2018 and 2019 to figure that out.
Diet members? haha! Sorry Japan is not a democracy, politicians dont need to care about the voters, because they have permanent power, and their family will also enjoy permanent power for 100s of generations to come. Japan is have an democratic system but functions as a noble elective monarchy, because Japan is full of voters like you who only see the current politicians and their family line as your legitimate rulers. The majority of voters are immensely loyal to their regional political families, they will vote them no matter what happens. The majority of voters are loyal to the their politicians and political familes, not to the country.
oh..and @blahblah222 - You think I was being serious about contacting a Diet member?
GW was probably a super-seeder event that has distributed the virus to the rural areas that will be ill-equipped and vulnerable.
There is no way that there is the infrastructure or the human resources in place to do so even when the vaccine is here and supply is no longer an issue. That this could happen in a country known for being a world leader in logistics qualifies as criminal negligence.
The Medical System is remarkably brittle with very little willingness to deal with change. (This is merely an example meant to be an analogy.) Way back in the day, I took my very small daughter to the pediatrician because she had a fever and a sore throat. The Dr. couldn't find anything especially wrong and was about to write a prescription. My daughter had a history of middle ear infections (Every parent seems to have been there), so I asked the Dr. to look in her ears. She said "I am not an Ear, Nose, and Throat specialist.". I said "You did go to Medical School, correct? You did Study the structures of the inner-ear, correct? Give it to me, I know what to look for." It really should be illegal for any hospital to turn away patients, but many will.
And just to make things worse, the Olympics will both put further strains on our medical system while introducing people from countries where the virus is out of control and who will not have ALL been vaccinated. Think India. Think Brazil.
My point is that we are at the base of what could be a very steep curve, and without the medical resources to deal with it. Picture Italy or NYC last year when the sick overwhelmed the medical systems and people died awaiting treatment. Those who don't take this seriously are badly mis-informed.
I agree, we need a daily vaccine log.
but somehow I doubt that will be forthcoming
In 2020, deaths in Japan decreased by 7000. If covid deaths are 10 times under reported as it is suggested, how do you do the math to explain the annual decrease ?
They must be engrossed in our comments.
Texas A&M Aggie
More than a few hundred of the reported cases are undoubtedly linked to the super spreader event that took place Sunday to protest the Summer Olympics.
Bruce Chatwin
Not to worry; Suga's advisor Takahashi assures us it's just a ripple. /s
these lockdowns are killing more people than COVID19!!
What lockdowns? There hasn't been any lockdowns in Japan. Been desperately waiting for one for over a year now though...
Keeo the borders closed and do nothing to mitigate the spread of the virus and continue with the snail pace of the vaccine shots and the vaccine will magically vanish. Lets attribute all the ills to gaikoku.
Emergency declarations I mean.
Waiting for one?
How very maschochistic of you.
109 deaths = min 11000 actual cases actual 10days - 20 days ago. Reliable maths based on global clinical experiences. Worse to come from here given golden week I fear.
Richard Burgan
Japan Today should have a special section detailing the vaccination progress. It would make a popular story each day. How about charts and graphs showing the progress by age group, prefecture, etc. Your reporting will be a service that will help people.
So now over 100 deaths per day nationwide. Was half that quite recently. Not good.
Japan has a lot of excellent scientists. And a lot of money. They could turn things around if it were not for this one horrible cultural trait: shame. No one wants to admit that they made a mistake. And so, the doubling down on nonsense continues. Even the DPJ doesn't seem to want to seize the moment and offer new leadership.
Samit Basu
Soon to break 1000 daily cases in Tokyo.
Total shut down immediately for 60 days and no Olympics is a must.
the J-gov lied to us about the number of vaccines they received. they still refuse to give us the number of vaccines they have, the number we got, we got it from Pyzer itself.
can't trust the j-gov.
I think this wave will start subsiding soon. Vaccine rollout finally starting to gather some pace. They'll be up to 1 million a day in due course.
All will be well by the Olympics I think, but the Japanese government could have handled this a lot better.
I hate that feeling of things getting out of hand especially if it risks you, or your family’s well being. Nature can punish us in severe ways and then add human nature to the equation - what do you get? Your fate is not in your hands, but if you do get the chance to see it coming you could try running. You come to a crossroad and are lost. Whatever path you take will lead to a different outcome, but ultimately fate will catch you when it can.
Brian Pangburn
When will Japan (and the rest of the world) start demanding reparations from China? The WHO is impotent... someone needs to place blame where it belongs and be rightfully compensated.
I think these lazy half-measures that linger on, never letting us to fully return to normal life, are much, much more masochistic than one or two real lockdowns.
And how exactly will that help?