The Tokyo metropolitan government on Wednesday reported 4,228 new coronavirus cases, up eight from Tuesday and 1,158 down from last Wednesday.
The average for Tokyo over the past seven days stands at 4,471.4
People in their 20s (1,179 cases), their 30s (890) and their 40s (663) accounted for the highest numbers, while 725 cases were aged under 19.
The number of infected people hospitalized with severe symptoms in Tokyo was 277, up nine from Tuesday, health officials said. The nationwide figure was 1,964, up 29 from Tuesday.
Nationwide, the number of reported cases as of 6:30 p.m. was 24,321. After Tokyo, the prefectures with the most cases were Osaka (2,808), Kanagawa (2,304), Aichi (1,815), Saitama (1,614), Chiba (1,452), Fukuoka (1,094), Hyogo (1,088), Okinawa (809), Shizuoka (638), Hokkaido (568), Kyoto (531), Mie (431), Gifu (382), Hiroshima (354), Okayama (302), Miyagi (301), Ibaraki (275), Gunma (254), Kagoshima (240), Kumamoto (226), Tochigi (220), Shiga (220), Oita (186), Nara (184), Niigata (159), Nagano (125), Saga (124), Toyama (120), Kochi (111) and Aomori (104).
The number of coronavirus-related deaths reported nationwide was 44.
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Up only 8 cases today? That's nothing.
BIG drop in cases compared to last week. Now 5 out of 6 days with less numbers compared to the week before. This rapid drop of the Delta variant isn't unprecedented actually. it's following the same trend as the UK and India. Look for the other areas of Japan to have the same drop soon.
Sotetsu Yokohama line now, jammed packed.
Should I show the people next to me hacking with a cough the numbers?
Kev James
Can’t understand why so many prefectures are hitting new highs but Tokyo is getting lower? Is Obon figures hitting other prefectures now?
I hope this really means Tokyo is slowly getting on top of the virus, but I have doubts. Let’s test 60,000 one day like Koike promised before and see what happens!
You are not working and you seem like the type of person liking 10 km walk, so what are you doing in a train at rush time ?
Almost no restrictions on people movement anywhere in the entire country. Huge numbers of people out and about, 99% of them masked (and then only because it’s the done thing!) Nobody dropping dead on the sidewalk (like Wuhan footage from last year). Most people, if they were to admit it, fed up with the constant panic stations overkill and simply waiting for the green light to resume normal operations.
Michael Machida
I just wish and pray the virus gets sucked away into space. Sick of numbers controlling our lives.
Japan has now administered 122M vaccine doses now with 54M people fully vaccinated.
Infection numbers are high however they will start dropping soon, like a stone.
Agreed. And by this stage, it really shouldn't be the only case numbers dictating the emergency measures. Alongside these daily updates, we should also be getting the increases in the number of people who are fully vaccinated. That's 46.8% of the population fully vaccinated with 60.1% having received their first dose as of today by the way.
By September 12th, Japan will have reached vaccine parity with the US. That's only a couple of weeks away and you should start to see these emergency restrictions loosened accordingly.
I was on the Sotetsu Line last night and it was way more crowded than the Tokaido from Tokyo to Yokohama. Fortunately, no one was hacking near me.
As I said yesterday only in Japan does testing drop before the number of cases drop.
Yesterday's adjusted testing is just around 2,500 fewer than the same day last week.
Today's testing at this point 5,000 fewer tests than the same day last week and once adjusted tomorrow with the miracle forgotten tests will be around 3,000 fewer.
Every other country the reduction in testing usually follows 1 to 2 weeks if not more after cases start dropping.
Not Japan testing always drops before cases drop.
I wonder why?
Have you seen the UK figures over the last few weeks?
There isn’t a rapid drop in cases, hospitalizations or deaths. All have been slightly rising.
What rapid drop are you talking about?
Just another day in Tokyo. Nothing new to see here.
My apologies. You're quite right - that should be 42.6% fully vaccinated and 53.6% on their first vaccination.
My script takes data from this page:
The most important figures are the number hospitalized and those with severe symptoms who can’t get the treatment they need and I’d say deserved.
These are the key figures when talking about emergency measures. Hopefully the vaccination rollout will reduce these figures.
Get vaccinated when you can.
Can anyone provide any evidence that the government is concealing case numbers please?
I think the idea is the government isn’t testing as many as some think they should. Test less, find less.
Talking about evidence, can you provide evidence to back up your claim that long Covid is a trivial matter over in a few weeks and affecting very few?
I like evidence as much as you do.
As you are the first one talking about concealing case numbers in that thread, I think that fall on you. Do not hesitate also to follow the devil and give any evidence that the government is not concealing case numbers when you are at it.
If you prefer you can provide evidence that the numbers are a accurate or inaccurate count of the actual number of cases.
If need be :
Thank you for the charts. However the Delta spike I was referring to was the 55,000 case spike in mid July. You can reference your own link.
I don't think I've seen anyone suggesting the government are concealing numbers. There are plenty suggesting manipulation of testing availability. Very different things, similar results.
I asked this question of another poster the other day, but the thread got shut down right after...
Do you honestly believe that the numbers are not manipulated in any way? That all symptomatic people that are potentially infected receive a test, and therefore the reported numbers are an accurate reflection of at least symptomatic cases?
If your answer is yes, what is your explanation for the drop in cases each and every weekend?
falseflagsteveToday 06:18 pm JST
Can anyone provide any evidence that the government is concealing case numbers please?
You don't seem to understand the criticism. The lack of testing and tracing IS the evidence of the Government concealing the reality of the Pandemic.
Did anyone suggest that?
So give a logical (remember logical) explanation as to how testing in Tokyo goes from around 20,000 on a Monday (already a joke in a prefecture of 14 million) down to barely 4,000 on Sundays?
Do people not get sick on weekends? Does the virus take the weekend off?
You explain the reason logically why testing drops every day from a high on Monday to a crazy low on Sunday.
While your at it also explain why testing in Japan drops before cases drop the opposite of most every other country?
The majority of these tests are conducted by medical institutions, not the government itself. There have been less tests at medical institutions this week. Whether that's because the institutions are declining to test people,, or there are less patients presenting with symptoms, who knows. It may depend on the ward, but from personal experience, inspectors seem reluctant to determine people as close contacts. That may be a reason why some of the testing is down. The rolling average is only down by a few hundred, so it's not a huge drop off in cases.
Please remember that these figures are the newly reported cases, not the number of people who tested positive yesterday. The testing figures are adjusted depending on when the reported cases are filed. It takes a few days for the figures to be finalized. If you have been tested for COVID, you'll know that you don't receive your result until the next day and then the result is included in the newly reported cases for the following day.
I believe these are results only include tests that were covered by National Health Care insurance as well. They also include antigen tests, IIRC, which may lead to quicker results and reporting.
OJToday 06:46 pm JST
Well not exactly!
For the medical institution to be able to test you for "Free" under the government plan, you must meet the government guidelines, which are so high that even have a member of your family living with you that has covid, isn't enough to get you test until you start showing multiple signs of being infected.
My daughter works with a team of 10 in a small room on a super computer.
2 members got covid and they refused to test any of the other 8.
The company had everyone tested by a private clinics and found 2 more positive for covid. ( Cost ¥30,000 each test)
Had the company not taken the initiative and gone private the other 2 would have spread the virus more.
This is how it goes in Japan right now.
You keep saying this but only one very strange problem with your explanation.
Look a yesterday's PDF and Today's PDF from the Tokyo government ( link in the article)
Notice how the number of tests gets adjusted the following day sometimes for a few days.
Now note that not once has a single positive cases been added.
That is a statistical impossibility.
Only negative tests results get adjusted up but never ever a single positive test result.
No statistician, no medical research, etc.. would accept such an unlikely possibility.
you’re on the wrong site here then.
Take a look - numbers control the lives of most of the people on here !
Only anecdotal evidence of incompetence, but this week I know of:
A doctor who refused to test a symptomatic one year old child, whose mother and three year old sister both teated positive, on the basis that one year olds could not contract covid, and;
A 保健所 (government health office) which advised the preschool of that 3 year old that none of the teachers nor students she had spent 8+ hours a day with last week are close contacts, do not need testing, and that the parents of other students should not be told of the positive result.
My original post was drawing similarities between the Delta spikes. We are seeing a decline now in Tokyo similar to Delta spikes all over the world. Bringing up a singular countries rising cases after the spike would be irrelevant, however.
India has not seen a rebound in cases, so there's no reason to suggest that.
If that example is true, then it is an example of incompetence. However there is no evidence that the government in league with prefectures and medical institutes is concealing case numbers or deaths as claimed multiple times by various posters here .
I am aware of the difficulty in getting a test with healthcare insurance, although personally I was able to get one with moderate symptoms and no close contacts (it depends on the physician.) I don't agree with the way they define close contacts in Japan, either, and agree that your daughter's colleagues should have qualified for free testing under healthcare insurance. My point is that the majority of these reported cases are people seeking testing through medical institutions or being tested as close contacts. If the government had opened testing centers and were testing anyone who wanted to be tested, then I could understand the skepticism of reduced testing. But we know the way testing works in Japan. We know that the government makes it difficult for people to get free tests. Is the government telling medical institutions to test less? Possibly. Up unto a few months ago, they weren't even including data from medical institutions, so we were getting even less data.
My understanding about the adjusted figures is that they are reports that are received after the daily cutoff (which I believe is 9am.) If there are positive results, they will be included in the next press release, but the test itself will be included as the day the sample was taken. I could be wrong about that, but that's how I understand it.
After an analysis of the last 10 weeks on open data in Tokyo, here is the breakdown of the tests carried out in a week :
Mon 20,00% Tue 17,00% Wed 16,00% Thu 15,00% Fri 16,00% Sat 11,00% Sun 5,00%
Last 10 weeks on open data from Tokyo :
Week# / Tests / Positives / Ratio
24 / 54 430 / 2 638 / 4,85%
25 / 56 941 / 3 381 / 5,94%
26 / 60 749 / 4 114 / 6,77%
27 / 65 508 / 5 334 / 8,14%
28 / 68 795 / 7 911 / 11,50%
29 / 64 636 / 11 318 / 17,51%
30 / 96 916 / 23 490 / 24,24%
31 / 111 743 / 29 373 / 26,29%
32 / 99 944 / 29 832 / 29,85%
33 / 112 874 / 31 690 / 28,08%
Absolutely. I agree that these is unlikely to be any widespread conspiracies, on either end of the spectrum, at play in this pandemic. However, the compound effect of gross incompetence such as those examples, along with these further examples:
The father of the 3 year old was advised by the same doctor that as he was no symptomatic, he did not need a test. The father insisted he be tested, and the doctor actually told him he would be negative. He was confirmed positive this evening.
I am a teacher who had close contact with the 3 year old, and sought to be tested. I was unable to contact my local 保健所 (government health office) - twice the line was engaged, the third time they simple did not pick up. I was eventually tested by directly contacting a local clinic with a competent doctor.
It adds up.
If you go to the stopcovid site, you can find a breakdown of confirmed cases by day on the other indexes page.
These numbers don’t bother me anymore. I won’t believe that’s all . Very simple
I've said it often - they test until a certain number threshold is hit and then just stop. That's why the number of tests always vary, but the positives seem to always be just barely contained. It's a performance.
Burning BushToday 08:12 pm JST
Wow after over 18 months you still don't understand how it works and that only designated hospitals accept covid patients.
Why do you think Tokyo government website says 5967 beds with 4,124 now occupied.
He understands. He's selectively picking statistics to support his narrative. He and falsflagsetve are cut from the same cloth. Neither will answer simple questions challenging their views, because they don't have good answers. Deflect or ignore is all they know.
For Those Seeking Vaccination Sites in Japan,
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When looking at a trend you look at all the variables, how many tests was the UK performing and how many positives were there. I am sure the number of test and positives wasn't capped like it is in Japan.
Your understanding may or may not be correct, there may be an altogether different actual explanation.
But many people here are not interested in understanding, and most of them frankly are incapable.
But we're in the middle of a pandemic I guess you're not really wasting any time trying to explain
Even with the fantastic job Japan is doing, hacking on trains is troubling.
Many people here assert that no one is actually saying the govt is deliberately, directly manipulating numbers.
Talking to those people are a waste of time.
I don't think twice when something like that happens, I just try to put as much distance as soon as possible
I don't think it is, but the experts think it is, never heard any of them call for more testing.
You are wasting your time, mitigating the virus has nevet been the objective from the start, releasing low numbers has been as it helps shore up national pride.