The Tokyo metropolitan government on Thursday reported 831 new coronavirus cases, down 221 from Wednesday and 844 down from last Thursday. It is the 25th straight day that the daily figure has been lower than the same day of the previous week.
People in their 20s (213 cases) and their 40s (145) accounted for the highest numbers, while 138 cases were aged under 20.
The number of infected people hospitalized with severe symptoms in Tokyo was 182, down 16 from Wednesday, health officials said. The nationwide figure was 1,743, down 91 from Wednesday.
Nationwide, the number of reported cases as of 6:30 p.m. was 5,705. Osaka had the most cases with 858, followed by Tokyo, Aichi (595), Kanagawa (534), Saitama (360), Hyogo (301), Chiba (296), Fukuoka (234), Okinawa (229), Kyoto (151), Ibaraki (139), Shizuoka (129), Hokkaido (94) and Nara (90).
The number of coronavirus-relate deaths reported nationwide was 63.
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Sister Jane
Japan is not only doing great, "The number of deaths in the nation last year decreased by 9,373, or 0.7%, from a year earlier to 1,384,544, down for the first time in 11 years, preliminary health ministry data showed on Monday." So much for a Pandemic, Covid is sure not even in the top 5 for deaths, probably not even in the top 10, flu has almost been cured, and only covid remains.
Yeah @6:54p, the same post every other day. - Yet, a week ago, someone here had equal concern with some of the ‘doom sayers’ when the numbers about the “under 20’s” was increasing and faced with there was ‘no vaccine for children’.
Perhaps it may be best to cut the smugness and remain cautiously optimistic with ‘the sensible’ rather than to keep poking fun at the elderly to just be ‘one of the gang’. - (Continued ‘high school cliques’ and ‘frat boy’ attitudes are probably best left for some pints at the pub.) - Until this reaches a more, definitive turn toward a conclusion, wishing ALL ‘the best to you’, safety and ‘good health’.
Its extremely poor taste to infer that the deaths consequent on spikes 'don't make a difference'. I am sure you wouldn't say that regarding a severe flu season.
@ Jimizo Excellent post as usual. I agree wholeheartedly!
To paraphrase On Cinema’s Gregg Turkington, I give this “Five bags of pockycorn”.
Read what I posted. I posted the anti-vaxxers got their prediction about vaccine hesitancy in Japan wrong. I think they were hoping they wouldn’t be the only ones in the basements with the walls closing in but that’s just my opinion.
You flew off on a hysterical tangent about ‘numbers’.
A bit of advice. It’s best to specify what ‘numbers’ you are talking about in this area. It’s better to be clear here.
Do you mean cases, hospitalizations, deaths or other ‘numbers’?
I’m prepared to have the conversation.
@Roger: your responses are always controversial but I often agree and enjoy reading them.
Do you have any evidence or links to back up your claims regarding number manipulation please.
Very true False Flag. Your posts are always right on in my opinion!
Allan Meadows
no mention of how many tests? highly transmissible delta variant magically disappearing..vaccinations will have hopefully slowed numbers but the virus has been let rip in japan reported numbers have never been accurate..a mere fraction at best.
Liam Roberts
around 4 odd days and a few of the number crunchers , conspiracy theorists, general doom and gloom squad have been quiet. Where are you now we maybe turning the corner. Maybe still looking at this news feed judging on the downvotes you give to some positive posts
Very true @Bob Fosse
Bob Fosse
This has been true since the first human lived to be 85.
In other breaking news, there’s a light at the end of the tunnel for anyone who has been ignoring the virus and doing whatever they want from day one, whilst complaining about restrictions, on the way to the onsen or from a barstool in Osaka.
Japanese were very hesitant a few month back. Many news did report that after enquetes. Nothing related with the anti-vaxxers. I know some were waiting for the Japanese vaccine, but decided to change after being contact cases.
Nice. Edging down to the wonderful 500. The magicians can soon get their campaign into full swing and start shouting at me at 8:30 on a Sunday morn. Can't wait.
This has been happening in perhaps every country relying on the mRNA vaccines. Cases dip for a few weeks, start increasing and then explode. It'll happen in Japan just in time for winter.
Me. I never went into my bunker! Been living life the same as when everyone freaked out...I have been just fine.
A dim light at the end of a very long tunnel, let's hope the train keeps moving towards the light and not stall.
Jay Sol
it would have been around 10k. That’s how many there were the two days prior. Positivity rate around 8-9%. Check the municipal website for the latest.
Hopefully covid prevalence goes down enough again to indulge in some eating drinking and onsen time. Then on to the next wave and back here bickering again!
Of course it should be no surprise if they are, it's actually should be expected.
But to some it will be an affirmation of govt manipulation
Some people must be frantically checking now if the number of tests in the past 25 days are lower than the number of tests the same 25 days prior =)
These numbers are useless without knowing how many tests were done. Can someone please post the numbers since they never put this into the article?
Obviously, vaccinations have had a positive effect on case numbers. However, the sudden and huge change does seem a little odd. I'm not generally some conspiracy wackadoodle. But, this has been a huge decrease in a very short amount of time. And, it's right before an election, when the current party in power is getting horrible approval ratings, especially in regard to Covid.
It reminds me of when fuel prices go down right before an election in the US, when those who control the prices want the existing administration to remain in power. (Or, conversely, go up, when they want the one in power to lose.) Or, more appropriately, like the Covid numbers in FL recently found being manipulated to make that administration look better.
ScorpionToday 05:05 pm JST
Much less testing in Japan - and far fewer fatties.
Good news. Can finally see a little light. Reckon there will be less than 15 comments on this topic today.
A spike is a spike.
Yes, we might get another sudden increase ( aka a ‘spike’ ).
If this dramatic increase ( also known as a ‘spike’ ) comes, let’s hope it isn’t due to a nastier variant.
Yep, this 2 year long covid madness is finally coming to an end. Sure, maybe there'll be another "spike" in the future, but with everyone vaccinated, it really won't make a difference anymore. It seems like everyone in the world is finally coming out of their bunkers and getting back to normal.
Good low numbers, all falling, it’s going well. Important to open up very soon, small businesses and tourist spots need custom. Elderly vaccinated, hopefully those with underlying health issues. With the most vulnerable protected we will continue to see low numbers but boosters look likely soon for some.
we know lockdowns are no good and cause many mental health issues especially for the children and the elderly. Living with Covid is what we have to do but be prepared to implement measures if things don’t go to plan.
I really can't wait for the day that this isn't "news" anymore. Maybe an end-of-the-week blurb is all that will be needed. Until then, it's undeniable now that these figures are not manipulated, and that vaccinations are the reasons why. With over 63% of the population having at least one jab.
More encouraging news.
Our anti-vaxxers were predicting very high levels of vaccine hesitancy among the Japanese.
They were wrong. No surprise there.
This is good news.
Wow! Japan is doing great compared to US here in America...How? You have trains and live closer together..