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© KYODOTransport, postal industry workers suffer most from brain, heart disorders: white paper
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Well, that just about covers everybody, doesn't it? So, tell me Japan, how are you going with that labor reform? Bwahahahaha!
Postal services are end of life, but the transport workers do have a future (still) - though the latter do get encouraged to work longer hours in order to make a measly wage.
If I could claim for near Death by overwork, then I'd be a super rich person - I've worked 120 Hours weekly in my younger days (not monthly, but weekly), but I got paid. Self-Employed people work crazy hours too, but don't die.
What really, causes Death by overwork, is the "pressure" placed upon the individual from their "Management" - people who shouldn't be worthy of the title "Management" but instead ass kissers, since that's how they got there. They take the enjoyment out of working for those who really love their jobs, and is akin to a having a blood sucking Vampire on your desk daily.
And when you break... you loose your job.
Oh, by the way, this isn't speaking from the perspective of a Japanese Company in Japan.
The Death by Overwork issue - is barking up the wrong tree. Its death through abusive management, and someone needs to be held accountable and penalised, maybe akin to 2nd degree murder.
urgent? After only 50+ years of people dying because of the job, peer pressure, management pressure or all three?
But Abe has just raised the limit on monthly overtime hours.
death by overwork could also be a convenient way to cover other causes, like japan govt half owned JT, high caffeine drinks, encouraging tohoku food products, chemicals in combini food...