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© 2014 AFPTropical storm skirts past Fukushima and heads out to sea
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© 2014 AFP
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The "China Syndrome" couldn't ever happen in reality. It'd take forever to explain... just look up "corium" on Wikipedia.
Really? My weather app shows it's already passed by this time
The ones that turn out to be nothing are the best kind. Okinawa and Kyushu got it bad this time, but those of us in Kanto were lucky to have a non-event.
By that logic Katrina and Sandy were also nonevents as they didn't affect ME.
But agree best ones are ones that do the smallest damage countrywide.
Typhoons are like hurricanes and which area takes the brunt is how hits the landmass.
For the people that say it was a non-event and boring, pls, go to the hardest affected areas and repeat those statements to people who lost property, life's, etc.
Everytime a typhoon hits we get posters here claiming it was nothing. Let the down voting begin.
We fear that it might do some damage to the fuel rods cooling pools, which are located above ground. C'mon, I thought that there is no one who would'n know this by now.
Yeah, it's passed. I guess the report is a few hours late. They were very lucky this time. I shudder to think what would happen if Fukushima was hit with the same intensity as Okinawa.
Mirai Hayashi
Magnus Roe - Have you ever heard of The China Syndrome? If the damaged reactor building is hit by a severe storm and collapses in on itself and stops the cooling with no way to get coolant to it, the China Syndrome could very well become a reality in stead of just sci-fi.
Reno J. Tibke