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© KYODOTsunami could kill 149,000 in Hokkaido in worst-case quake scenario
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Get ready and take all preventive measures, remember 3/11..
Well seeing as they have absolutely no idea where and when an earthquake might hit and the actual consequences of a major earthquake as evidenced by 3/11 which was apparently a once in a millennium occurrence, I would take their unbelievably specific estimate of 149000 dead with a massive pinch of salt.
I don't believe this estimate,
Let's hear your opinion. Do you believe the estimate? Yes? No? Why? Or, do you not believe it, and agree with me, and if so, why?
Much higher figure estimates along the Nankai Trough, over 300,000 I believe.
Obviously they are only an estimate, and cannot be ‘accurate’ but we should take them as a GIANT warning to be prepared on any level possible.
I went to a shelter during an earthquake , they (town hall staffs) say foreigners are not allowed, they even refused to give food and drinks. they asked me to go to buy at a not count on JGOV to survive, you will regret it!
BTW the shelter was so smelly that you prefer to stay outside!
149.000 life lost means less tax income for them, JGOV just cares if you pay your tax or not. that all!
Stop focusing so many of the population on these few cties and spread the population out throughout japan will solve the high casualty problem. Just repopulate the islands again. There are so many abandon towns and villages. So many different islands. Instead we are trying to cramp as many people as possible into high rise buildings isn't exactly what i call ideal.
More "sea walls " Ugghh.
Keeps the giant cement company profitable and well able to fund the LDP.
See Kerr's Lost Japan " for more info.
His estimate was that Japan laid more concrete than the US in some years.
This story is just fear mongering. Guestimating how many 'could' die as a result of a hypothetical tsunami. I mean, how does that help anyone?
MOD- Posting this kind of nonsense is detrimental to to the safety and welfare of the readers, and the credibility of JT as a news site.
Some trolls on JT have really gotten out of hand lately.
lucky they turned you away then! (^_-)
well, yes, 'if in doubt, lay concrete' seems to be a watchword.... what always puzzles me though, is why 'concrete' is pronounced 'pork'..... (^_-)
Studies and scenarios are necessary to see what prevention measures can be made. We had the 3/11 tsunami killing nearly 20,000.
New sea walls have been constructed along the coast destroying the natural environment and in some locations, the walls are blocking the view of the harbors and sea. This was a waste of tax money and unnecessary.
The government figure is 12,000 less than the Hokkaido figure of 149,000.
Tsunamis are not once in a 1,000-year event.
Japan is a disaster-prone country. It sits on four tectonic plates. Pacific, North American, Eurasian, and Filipino plates.
you give no reasons by you disagree with the report.
Indigo, I don't know where you live, but I am an American and a 防災士 (disaster relief specialist) after taking a course here in Japan. I am working with our local government to help foreigners in case of disaster. They would not turn away someone just because they are foreign.
During the immediate aftermath of 3/11 some foreigners, mainly other Asians did experience problems and difficulties especially obtaining information about what was happening and what they needed to do. In the panic and heat of the moment, things don't always go well. Improvements are needed in these areas.
wake up and stop your propaganda, even Japanese homesless are banned!! the JGOV policy is : no money/no address = no rescue!!
OssanAmericaToday wants to hide the truth and believe in Disney land!
In the 3/11 disaster, hundreds of thousands lost their ID, and bank stuff personal phones, but were not refused entry to centers. Tens of thousands of foreigners just left the country.
What disaster prevention have you prepared?
wallaceToday 10:36 am JST
I prepared my own shelter in safe place with more than 200kg of food , 200l of water, gold and knifes. I swear that during a disaster you can see the true discrimination.BTW even social help are refused to foreigners and has been judged at court.
Not sure what that means. Do you live in Japan? Near the sea or in the countryside/mountains? This safe place is away from your home?
That is excessive and more of a survivalist thing. How many people are in your household? What is the gold
I lived here for more than 30 years including Kobe and have never experienced any real discrimination. A couple of landlords didn't want to rent but plenty do. I also know foreigners who have had welfare and also loans during this covid including myself.
Oh well.
How many would a North Korean ICBM kill ?
Lets see some numbers about that.
Or our good buddy china ?
me too. Tokyo is estimated at 335,000 with a population of 26 million, millions and millions living 5-10 meters above sea level and with no real disaster awareness of residents.
Hokkaido has 5.3 million people spread over a large land mass, most coastal areas have high ground easily excessable, frequent earthquakes so a very good alert system.
Anyone who proclaims to have been "turned away from a shelter during an earthquake because they were a foreigner" does not and has not lived in Japan. Pretty obvious to anyone who has. It is a vicious racist claim with the intent of making Japan look rascist on a national level.
wallaceToday 11:04 am JST
in Japan, of course the safe place is away from home with garden to grow vegetables and potatoes, etc. gold is the international currency and insurance for exchange. when electricity stops, your phone, your bank account and paypay will be frozen or worse. I support more than 5people families. of course, there are nice Japanese. however, do not expect help from Japanese during war or disaster. Japanese will teach you out of context as usual their nonsense and selfish mind:
HERE IS JAPAN!!!! JAPANESE RULES!!!!!! I heard that expression more than 20 times!
so the "safe place" is in fact another home somewhere. I guess in the moment of an earthquake/tsunami you have a family plan to quickly meet up and have transport to reach your other home?
Are non of the people in your household Japanese?
If there is no electricity there are no banks so your gold will be useless.
Why do you live in Japan?
wallaceToday 11:26 am JST
of course, I have plans for transportation. I have more than needed! 90% of Japanese are in my household . no need phone, I have 2way radios.
physical gold does not require electricity. it has been used for centuries!
when I read your questions I guess you are an unprepared man. my Japanese household member knows they can count on me!
if the time were to come you would offer your gold for payments? How would they pay the change? I guess you must also keep your gold at home.
I am prepared for a disaster and there are local evacuation centers. Foreigners are more than welcome to use and stay. We have yearly training sessions on disasters. We are on the sea but tsunamis while possible is unlikely.
In the evacuation centers are foods and water. We also have evacuation routes and lists of older people who would need assistance.
We have emergency bags to go.
You seem to be trying to prepare for more like an end-of-world story.
And was that because they simply "were foreigners", or because there were not enough shelters? And did those people have problems because of language? I believe the J-Gov has recognized that issue and taken actions to resolve that.
wallaceToday 11:53 am JST
Sounds extra cautious of you as you are, what, 88 km from the nearest active volcano, and not in the range of tsunami.
All of Japan is earthquake prone though, so guess you have to watch out for that.
another of your snarly comments. You asked a question on another post about a different question that I answered. That is unrelated to where I live now. Previously I lived in a house like the one that post but I also informed you now I live in a western-style house. Stop trying to add confusion to the topic.
You did not answer why you disagree with the report. You answered my question with another question.
wallaceToday 11:53 am JST
yes then ask pity to city hall staff. I am wondering how many days you will stand.
remember there is a big difference between yearly training sessions and reality!
I do not think that your shelter will give you a CBRN Gas Mask and balanced food every day for a 100+kg massive guy. you will develop weakness, infection and disease in the smelly shelter.
even a squirrel seems more prepared than you!
I am trained in mountain rescue, first aid, firefighting, and disaster drills. Cooking and preparing food in field kitchens. Awarded several medals.
I do believe you have some serious issues. CBRN Gas Masks. What are you expecting son? End of the world?
You can expect just about anything, living that close to North Korea.
If anything happens, my advice is to just go outside and breath deep and get it over with quickly, unless you have many extra filters and a sterile environment to change them, you’re already doomed. 73