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© 2015 AFPU.N. envoy calls on Japan to ban extreme child manga porn
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Drawings are not children... There is no victim. Start banning one type of artistic expression and it's a slippery slope.
How about ALL sexualized images of CHILDREN!
Is there no shame? This is abhorrent and freedom of expression is no argument for such trash.
Ok, to get around the artistic expression and freedom or rights issues, how about just banning them from being published or sold to the general public.
If there is no one able to purchase them the market would dry up fast.
There is a major victim: society's boundaries between what's acceptable and what's depraved.
Japan is a law-abiding country with a low crime-rate!! ;-)
Joshua Degreiff
So for the concept of persons who says is artist freedom seen a child been rape and torture is good? Is like Nazis torture Jews in cartoon or manga will be good right? For the concept of persons everything drawing in a paper is good and is not effect on people can't be influenced by the drawing artist so why this such kind of person Otakus is so influences by manga or anime fictional character? So Whose said is "artist freedom" they need a soon as possible going to a psychiatric evaluation, even in a cartoon is just sick seen that a child be rape or torture.
Why only extreme child porn? It should be any material depicting abuse of children.
Jonathan Prin
I must admit that I hate the existence of child porn. Of course, any real pictures to be banned without a doubt (child below 13 because it is sexual maturity here). Then about artificial pictures, it is only a matter of culture... Why would it be worse to watch a crime made as a cool scene like in hundreds of movies, and say that watching child porn hand made pictures leads to anything more wrong. Like everything, only accidents and already mentally wrong people will cause trouble because of that.
No-one is saying that. What they're saying is, depraved as this stuff may be, there shouldn't be thought crimes.
Aly Rustom
This is a major embarrassment to Japan. To have the UN call on you to ban this just lets the cat out of the bag. Now everyone knows about this.
In every prison, in every town, in every country in the world, there are a group of prisoners who must be kept separate for their own safety. All the other prisoners, no matter what their own crimes, hate and despise these individuals.
Japan is hated and despised by every other country in the world.
Shame on Japan!! :-(
Can you share an example of when a child was raped by accident?
Disillusioned Yeah, because child abuse doesn't exist. We should ban novels including child abuse as well. We should burn all of the bad books we don't like the topic of. At the temperature of 451°F.
Although there are no immediate victims, there are a lot of potential victims as a result of psychological stimuli caused from the interaction with these abominations. Consider, just depicting a caricature of the so called "prophet" Muhammad caused a lot of mental distress to many of its followers that it turned them into murder, arson and other crimes. I suppose these child depictions will also invite a change in behavior in those who consume these products. My two cents worth.
These things exists in Japan because the socity has a high tolerance of sexually provocative materials of underaged girls. 'Freedom of expression' is just a red herring. This is just like in the old days arranged marriage of underage girsl was very common. When the attitude of socity changed it had become illegal. However, this practise still exists in some countries where people believe there is nothing wrong with it.
I made a post about this when this topic was being discussed a bit more this summer so I will be quoting myself as I still stand by the statement.
"So after we start thought policing people reading sexually explicit acts involving children in comic book form, what media is next? Movies and drama that depict drug dealing, murder, rape or perhaps theft? Are these things and themes just as wrong? Yet many of us consume them on a daily basis. So where do we draw the line?"
Child abuse is wrong. However pushing into this realm we run the risk of thought policing people for their opinions and ideas.
As the article mentions we then need to consider how we define what is and what is not depiction of child abuse in cartoon form, let alone define what is "extreme" child abuse or porn. I do appreciate that Maud de Boer-Buquicchio acknowledges that there is a need to balance out freedom and protection of children.
Again child abuse is wrong, but as stated:
There are still real lives, real children being harmed out there. I strongly feel we should be channeling our time, energy and resources to helping real children and stopping groups and individuals that would readily abuse them. Once we have punished those responsible and saved those who have been hurt we can discuss what to do about depiction of images and how we define them.
Sergio Piery II
It's interesting that this "special envoy" is running about in little circles waving her arms, screaming about cartoons, when HER OWN COUNTRY IS THE HUB IN EUROPE FOR CHILD PROSTITUTION AND SEX SLAVERY!! Why doesn't she work on what is happening in her own backyard first---where the VICTIMS ARE REAL!, ignore the real problem, and divert everyone's attention by trying to blow smoke up their posteriors.....
Ban this smut now! I hope TPP actually puts a stop to this.
Do these people not realize that these manga are targeted to and read by kids, not by adults? That is how we learned about sexuaity, since our parents didn't want to talk about it. And who do you think paid for it? Back in the 80s when I was a kid, many of our favorite TV shows dealt quite explicitly with childhood sexuality. You will remember that back then, the age of consent for boys was 13 and for girls was 16 (at least in Tokyo, because that was determined by prefecture). Even today, go to the public bath (sento) and there are little girls in the man's bath (along witih their fathers) and little boys in the woman's bath (along with their mothers). You can buy any of this stuff at reputable book stores anywhere in Tokyo. It is not an underground perversion.
Alec Savard
This is something I don't have any opinion settled. There is no victims with it, but what about it gives some freaks ideas? Also, it gives a bad reputation to Japan. I would need to read some studies about its effects first.
For me the disturbing aspect is treating children as objects of sexual desire esp by adults. Whether or not the depiction is real, drawn or otherwise is besides the point. The fact that a sizable proportion of Japanese society see fit to exploit childhood by sexualization for their own gratification, surely is a comment on society itself.
The freedom of expression argument is lame. Laws exist everywhere curbing my right to say & depict what I want. Try walking around town with a T-shirt emblazoned with the "C" word or "M" word in Japanese. A victimless crime? I doubt the police would view it that way. And re "M" the case of the female artist who made a canoe resembling a (her) vagina was remanded in custody for how long? That plastic, colorful object was depicted as an affront to societies morals - but sexual exploiitation of childhood isn't. Go Figure!!!
And the argument re Japan is safe - safe for who? Child abuse (sexual, physical, mental, deprivation etc) has only recently been awarded newsworthy status. As reported cases increase rapidly, we can be sure that the tip of the proverbial iceberg has just appeared.
Adults exploiting adults is one thing - just leave the kids - real or otherwise - alone.
Kazuaki Shimazaki
The most dangerous thing for freedom of expression is to allow your SUBJECTIVE perferences to rationalize away banning some stuff. As happens all too often, the West is throwing away its own principles for "ick". I think people that advocate restricting freedom of expression under any subjective pretext are far more abominable and icky.
The photo of the perv inside that manga shop featured in this story says a thousand words. All of wich are ugly.
Agree with yoshisan88. Got to any conbibi- high tolerance there too.
Looks like the UN has the upper hand on japan. Especially after that whole UNSECO fallout.
Yes, of course they do. The adults are GROOMING the kids to think it's normal because kids don't know any different... Until now!! ;-)
Nothing further to add!!
The only question that matters is whether or not these drawings increase or decrease actual incidences of child porn/molestation/etc.
Theory1: These drawings create more pedophiles who are willing to act out on their urges, thus increasing crime. Theory2: These drawings provide an outlet for pedophiles that doesn't actually harm real children, thus reducing crime. Theory3: These drawings have no effect on real crime.
The only reason to ban drawings is if Theory1 is correct. Any other reason given is just subjective opinion. I don't believe banning something just because you don't like it is viable anymore. Otherwise you're just arguing against free speech for things you don't like, thus defeating the entire purpose of free speech. Free speech is to protect things people DON'T like.
These manga all have warning sign saying they are for adults R18+ (or 21 in Japan).
Ture. But there are something called ADULT PORNS widely and legally available.
A father and daughter family time in a public bath and child porn are completely 2 different matters.
You said 'back then'. That was in the past. Kings used to chop off people's heads whenever they want. So you believe the Emperor of Japan can do it now?
This is what the envoy is arguing about cause they are actual legal in Japan and not in many countries.
It is amazing how people try to defend this under "censorship". There should be some censorship in life. Adults can make all of the depraved decisions they want, but having a market for this stuff that involves people not yet able to make mature decisions is abhorrent. They see it, are influenced by the adults they make happy, and are potentially led down a path that they don't realize is ruinous for them. We are not talking about movies, and guns and such that we all see. This is the stuff that peopl keep "secret". Twisting young minds with"don't tell". Sickos buy this and there will always be those that can't control the urge to really do it. Why help them out? If you see it, burn it. Do all you can to stop its proliferation. And yes there is a limit to freedom of expression publicly, or at least there should be. People seem to think 'freedom' is do whatever you want. Damned the others you hurt or offend.
For adults that may be viable. Defending this tells us all something about you.
Kaori Georges
More fundamentally, they should urge Japan to stop industrializing JK and idol businesses. In Japanese manga style, it's tough to draw a line which manga character is "child" or not especially when a lot of Japanese girls look like children to begin with. I'd like to see the actual images of what the UN envoy calls "“extreme” sexualised images of children".
When you begin policing people's fantasies you are entering dangerous territory. What is "smut" exactly, and where do you draw the line?
I am old enough to remember when homosexual sex was still illegal in my home country. "Smut" was anything that eroticised the male form in ways obviously intended to appeal to other men. Our homes and businesses were raided frequently, our families and employers could be informed of our "crime" resulting in lives being devastated and sometimes ended in suicide.
I abhor the sexual exploitation of children and I admit I find even drawings to be deeply disturbing. But when you start trying to criminalise people's thoughts, you are getting into a terrible quagmire of potential legal abuse.
Where I live now, it is legal for me to engage in sex with someone over the age of 16. However the child pornography laws are so poorly written that even having a book mentioning sex where one person is under 18 is illegal. That means that I could legally have sex with a 16 year old, but if I recorded the event in my diary I would be guilty of "producing child pornography". I could even technically be convicted of that offense for having a picture of a 25 year old woman in a school girl's uniform. As you can see, this is madness.
The legal control of sexual fantasies is a mine-field, and any laws that seek to enter it must be very carefully considered.
well actually Grungmasters comments have already occurred in the US to some extent, the 3 stooges are not aired because they are considered too violent. slapstick comedy it may be- yet we continue to show other forms of violence on screen as long as there is no blood and the Victim miraculously survives
the recent group think surrounding the confederate battle flag has removed the dukes of hazard from the television screen- even though the show never pushed a White Power thought process
i doubt seriously if Archie Bunker will ever be back on even as a remake- as the idea of someone using so many stereotypes on TV_ even though the show was teaching people that the use of those names was wrong- would never get past these same Thought Police that wish to police manga
Jenny Holt
Manga may just be pictures, but even so, they are damaging because they normalize pedophilia. Pedophilia should be taboo - it should be regarded as an unspeakable, undrawable horror, because that is the only way to bring about an acceptance in society that it is unequivocally unacceptable.
Japanese official atttudes towards sexualty are very contradictory, and have a lot to do with enforcing power structures. The artist who was arrested for making a model of her private parts was attempting to subvert the system in which women exist exclusively for the benefit of men, and this was deemed unacceptable and obscene. However, when sexually explicit images help to reinforce the status quo - when they depict men controlling women and children - they are deemed acceptable. As long as girls and women continue to be degraded in porn, whether in manga or elsewhere, they will be demeaned in real life. This country has a real problem with equality. It needs to get a grip.
@Kaori. Well for starters, the images are usually featured wearing a "school uniform" or attire resembling school uniform. Wouldn't that, in and of itself, suggests they're children or minors?
@Howaitosan, we aren't quite at the stage of criminalizing thoughts yet fortunately! The UN are seeking to criminalize the graphic sexual & violent depiction of children in magazines that are available for sale over the counter. The difference between thoughts and widespread publication isn't even subtle. The arguement as to whether or not those images are offensive and damaging is another matter. Personally I don't read them or am affected by them. But then again I'm not a weirdo, unlike half the male adults on this island
Black Sabbath
I'm sure you would....
This is definitely a tricky one - I guess it's impossible to say that something is completely victimless, however I'm firmly against censorship without a very, very good reason. Look what's happening in Iceland where they are trying to ban all porn as they see the actors as victims. A slippery slope indeed
I totally agree that child porn should be banned in any form. However, how do you judge the age of a "drawn" person? Children are defined based on age. It could be under 15. When it is a person, the industry finds adults with childish looks! With drawings, how can one say for sure? Well, they may be stupid enough to mention an age in the story of the manga or draw a kindergarten as the place. But they may simply continue drawing childish looks for college girls! Does anyone know how the law can be implemented in such conditions?
Black Sabbath
Good luck with that.
The internet makes all of that rather pointless.
Such an embarrassment for Japan!
This is the tu quoque fallacy, or in this poster's case THE TU QUOQUE FALLACY!!
Agreed, but not for thought crimes.
Black Sabbath
Thoughts are not being censored here. Cartoon images are.
I think I understand what you are getting at. Is it that the idea of interacting with a particular material or as you said, stimuli creates a potential case? So one consuming media depicting child pornography and or child abuse is a potential abuser or could become one as a result?
Correct me if I am wrong of course. I am not trying to put words in your mouth.
As I said before. There is a wide variety of media depicting acts and activities that illegal. theft, drug abuse, drug abuse, violence, murder, rape and the list goes on. Still many of us consume this sort of media in a variety of novels, TV shows, dramas, film and more.
I am not so sure we can start doling out prison sentences based on simply consuming a thought or idea we saw in an episode of Breaking Bad or something. So why should it be any different here? Watching or reading about a crime does not make someone a criminal.
I like the example that you gave discussing the nature of radical Muslims. While I cannot say whether it was the stimuli that caused people like that to turn to such extreme "solution" to their problem. I can say that when radical Muslims resort to such acts when people express their opinion on Muhammad, that is them dishing out their own brand of thought policing. They are controlling and manipulating the way people think about, interpret and express things which is one of the core components of this entire debate.
John Michael White
USA, the world police, at it again. Won't leave ANYONE alone.
The supposition is that the existence of these manga leads to an increase in child abuse. Therefore, if the manga is banned incidents of child abuse will decrease. But is there any evidence to back this up? The case should be made based on facts rather than emotions.
The people who read and produce this stuff are perverts, but if it is banned for the above reason then, logically, all depictions of illegal acts should also be banned. That should put the manga industry out of business.
Similarly, no crimes of any sort should be allowed to be shown on TV. No murders, killings, robberies, dangerous driving etc. Say goodbye to the film and TV industry. We will be able to watch kittens playing with balls of string and that's about it.
But if the only reason for banning this stuff is that somebody finds it offensive, that is not good enough. I don't want other people telling me what should be banned, particularly unelected busybodies like this U.N. envoy.
“When it comes to particular, extreme child pornographic content, manga should be banned,” Maud de Boer-Buquicchio said. He continued, "Normal child porn, though - hey, I'm cool with that."
WHAT IS WRONG WITH SOME PEOPLE?! I thought we all learned this in elementary school: Don't hit girls, and child porn of all kinds is bad.
Anyone who defends the images of children being gang raped and forced into sex, even in cartoons, is sick, plain and simple. That it is even a question shows how diseased some societies are.
Magazines produced for dirty old men, and defended by dirty old men. One common denominator here. If anyone thinks that getting your rocks off looking at explicit pictures of kids is normal, then I would have no hesitation in naming you a pedo.
Completely incorrect. The people pushing for this UN and otherwise are the ones having a hard time distinguishing between reality and fiction. Many religious, and non-religious groups that think they have the right to make everyone do things the way they themselves believe people should behave, always make these kinds of complaints (aka busybodies). These people are worldwide regardless of culture.
Japan still has it's own crazy censorship laws that many "Westerners" find equally bizarre.
There are many real things in the world I don't like, but saying fictional illustrations should be banned because they are depraved, disgusting, sick, or any other way offensive is no better than having a blasphemy law. It is offensive to only a group but not everyone in the world. I don't like "lolicon", I don't like "guro" and I don't like "rape" manga. But just because I don't like it doesn't mean it should be banned as long as it is only an illustration that does not involve actual living human beings and children involved in them.
This is a slippery slope. And I already know this will go to far in a decade if they do pass it on to fictional illustrations.
Peter Payne
Boy, the "think of the children!" brigade is out in force.
I'm a fan of a manga called Higurashi no Naku Koro Ni. It's not CP or sexual at all, but it is the most violent thing I've ever seen. If one area of Japanese pop culture is banned, then everything will start to go, and where will Japan be then? All this wouldn't matter to Pixiv and 2ch, where the more extreme pictures are being shared for free anyway (there's no economic model to attack).
I am very much against paedophilia. I believe children should be protected from being raped by adults that they have no maturity for "consensual" sex.
That being said. Banning hand drawn images is too close to banning expression in art that very soon the UN could demand that all virtual images of a sensual nature should be banned. We must be very careful in what we ban and what we allow. Bear in mind the first act of tyranny is to ban what is "immoral and denigrating to social cohesion". Napoleon, Lenin, Mao, Hitler, Pinochet, Ghadaffi, and other tyrants did this to the ruin of freedom.
Jenny Holt - agree entirely. The normalization of childhood sexual exploitation is just another plus for certain adults to gain profit and or gratification at the expense of children. Depicting them as objects of predominantly adult mens desires does little for the betterment of women in society. It's not about "a drawn girl can't be a victim" it's the whole ideology of power and control over vulnerable elements of society (children) and half of society (women).
I don't follow the argued line by some that kiddie porn necessarily increases sexual predation - the same as my mentioned "F" t-shirt encourages fornication - but it is demeaning to those who can't fight back - the children.
For those who believe it's ok - and freely available even at the local conbini - then ask the kids, show examples and discuss it with your children and make sure to point out that they shouldn't be worried by all of this because it's just someones scratching of ink on paper - no victims.
In Japan, the specific word for child explicit manga is 'Hentai'. It is completely different from the mainstream Japanese culture 'Anime'. Banning one will not lead to a complete crumble of another.
Violence in manga is another controversial subject. It is too big to debate it here now.
Nicholas Tee
Can someone tell me why on earth Japanese people all love Manga porn so much.
It is the only country in the world where people get excited about cartoon sex. it really is very strange. ... weird, in fact.
Every time I am in Japan I see Manga comics all over the place and I never could understand how anyone can get excited by something like this. I have even been told that the Emporer has one of the biggest collections!!!!
Is it because there are so many pedophiles in Japan.
Comments like this and similar ones by others here are a bit on the hysterical side. Every other developed country in the world except Japan bans this sort of stuff outright yet they all manage to have functioning democracies with flourishing arts and open exchange of ideas, etc. To suggest that banning sexual images of children in manga - for reasons that pretty much everybody except for pedophiles are in complete agreement with - is somehow going to lead us down a slippery slope towards a fascist dictatorship is just ludicrous.
No matter what country we are talking about, freedom of speech is always a qualified right that can have reasonable limits placed upon it. For the same reason you cant falsely yell FIRE in a crowded theatre, you also cant produce child pornography in any form - because it has negative consequences for society. So long as those limitations are introduced through a democratic process and are subject to judicial review to ensure they comply with constitutional norms in a given country, it is very hard to see what the harm is in banning this garbage.
Porn is the most circulated material on the internet. It is not just Japanese. Humans love them.
A little google and you can find lots of western comic (in English and other languages) depictes cartoon sex. Japan is not the only country.
Meanstream manga and adult explicit managa are different from child explicit manga 'Hentai'. I do not think the adult ones are all over the place unless you go to some particular outlets.
Whether Emperor of Japan has one of the biggest collections of mangas and what they are is beyond my ability to comment.
Pedophiles are everywhere, not just in Japan.
@TheGodfather I wonder if that is true in Japan. According to auto-translation, it seems that in Japanese prisons sex criminals are the though "the worst" by other inmates and called "bean thieves" (I have no idea why) and pedophiles are termed "unforgivable rogues" and as a result they keep quiet and to themselves but they are not kept separately for their own safety it would seem. The overall jist of what you are saying does seem to be common to Japan. But that may be because the victims of such sex offenders are unable to defend themselves.
As a victim of REAL child sex abuse, with REAL criminals involved with REAL cameras and videos, I would rather the authorities spent their time, money and effort on REAL victims and criminals. PERSONALLY.
It's ironic that the case for allowing the depiction of the sexual exploitation of children would rest on the grounds of freedom of speech in a country that is famous for curbing the freedom of expression of its media, censorship of textbooks and films, and the difficulty of speaking the truth about recent and ot-so-recent historical events... something isn' right. Occams razor says follow the money, thats got to be the reason politicians are loathe to act.
whatever the target for selling out child porn manga is, i think that is not an issue, in japan it seems virtually free. and that is the problem. it should be discouraged or fully restricted.
i wonder what kind of "education" or new invention is that to society in general if they are going to read such stuff, whether young or adults? cultivating pervert minds is the obvious aim.
A.N. Other
Smith, that is 100% straw man and you know it. The issue here is whether we should have the right to produce something which others might find objectionable and offensive. Do we really want to live in 1984?
since our parents didn't want to talk about it. so your parents didnt want to explain to you about your sexuality, so you had to learn if from child porn manga! perfect example why child porn is such a problem in Japan. thank god underage marriage is banned in Japan.
The question is not who's a pedo, but what should be prosecuted. If you get off on farm catalogs, I'd have no hesitation in naming you a bestialist. Still not illegal, and shouldn't be.
This is just plain false.
"Why only extreme child porn? It should be any material depicting abuse of children."
I'm guessing a lot of people around the world would be quite upset if they were told that they were breaking the law and being immoral for reading/liking Dragonball, Naruto, etc
Hell aren't the Power Rangers all highschool students?
I think the last word is suppose to be illegal. Please check JT. Thanks
These books and videos feature underaged girls in swimsuit, bikini, lingerie or some skimpy outfit in sexually provocative poses (not every single photo) and they are widely available and legal in Japan. They are called the 'U15' market (name may be wrong please correct me).
Alex Einz
lets also burn all the art that has half naked children while we are at it? enough of this american induce semi righteous crap shoved down people throats. explicit sexual photography as in naked or in act with anyone proven underage in Japan, yes and prosecute heavily, anything else leave alone..
Those affirming the "slippery slide into the death of democracy" view point, probably also assume other countries which have stricter laws on child pornography (including images) - such as Holland, Sweden, Finland, Canada etc - are places where freedom and human rights are trampled on.
And yet strangely enough this isn't the case. I wonder why?
The main issue I have with banning drawings of child sexuality, is that he artist is being punished for a victimless crime. No one has been hurt in the creation of the images. Sure they are disgusting, but so are lots of things.
A culture that advocates human indecency like this (child porn magna) as art expression only reflects the immorality, shamelessness and warped mindness of that culture. Simply put, it's a sign of defective and inferior culture.
This is just plain false.
Sorry, what other developed countries allow this? Mere possession of a lot of these manga would land you in prison in a lot of countries.
That doesn't mean that these other countries are right.
As I said earlier - it's punishing someone when there is no victim. No one has been hurt, so it's pretty hard to justify that someone should be punished.
With child pornography we don't ban it solely to protect direct victims (though that is obviously the main concern) but also because it may indirectly victimize people by creating a social norm which suggests that it is OK for adults to sexually prey on children. Even without a direct victim,the behavior itself is detrimental to society at large and I think it's perfectly reasonable to ban it on those grounds.
it is about time, unless this is classified too as another cultural exception....
1) May shouldn't be enough to make something illegal. We need to show an actual existing connection if we are going to start policing people for their thoughts.
2) There is an opposite argument that says that providing potential child molesters with an outlet for their fantasizes - ie manga - lessens the risk to children.
I don't know which of there hypothesis, if either, is true. But making laws based on assumption is not appropriate. So if child porn manga actually does lead to an increase in child molestation, then there is a good reason to make it illegal. But I've never once read of a study that showed this connection.
Is it? Please show some studies to back up this supposition, because at the moment that sounds more like opinion than fact to me.
The focus needs to be on eradicating all forms of actual child abuse and exploitation. It is disgusting that children being put into very skimpy clothing is legal just because they're not fully naked. If you are sexualizing actual children, that needs to be illegal.
As far as manga, I'm not going to fight for child manga porn to stay legal. However, I don't have a problem with it. It is simply fiction. We allow movies that show murders and countless other crimes. No one ever says lets get rid of murder in movies because it could make people more likely to kill. Most people can tell the difference between fiction and reality.
A.N.Other: "Smith, that is 100% straw man and you know it."
No, taking a specific example of something that is abhorrent and putting it under 'freedom of speech' in order to protect it is what is vapid and transparent. You're right it's not 1984, but it's also not the middle ages, when men with power could rape little boys and were free to imagine it all the time with no punishment. The pictures themselves are not real people, of course, but the idea that people are depicting real children in these situations is sick, and anyone defending them is too. Bottom line.
Stranger - as I and others have intimated, the victim of childhood sexploitation, whether it be real or virtual, is the state of childhood itself. Just another avenue for adults to squeeze money and titilation out of. And as mentioned more often than not it is girlhood that is demeaned, objectifying females as blobs to be fantasized over.
Individual girls may well not be victimized by virtual child porn, but their status as equal beings sure takes a beating.
As I said if this is all so innocent stuff - you know freely available unrestricted at the conbini like an onigiri - why not share it around with your family, or your friends families or kids you know - coz there are no victims right?
Strangereland - I agree with your point that we should have evidence of some actual harm to justify banning something. Admittedly I don't know what any academic studies have found, these are just thoughts off the top of my head. The fact that it has been banned in so many other countries can be interpreted two ways. Either it suggests there is some known harm to be avoided and they have legislated accordingly or there isn't any and they have banned it basically because it was politically expedient to do so. It may also be a bit of both. I do suspect that Japan's lenience is mainly explained by industry influence on politics rather than any evidence showing there is no harm or out of free speech concerns.
Regardless though this isn't really an issue that I see the benefit of making the anti-ban argument for. The "this is a slippery slope to fascism" argument is just hysterics and there seems to be no benefit to having this stuff around, so worst case scenario is this just puts some perry manga artists out of work.
'Childhood' is not a person, or even a legal entity. So while your feelings are nice, they do not form a legal basis that would justify persecution based on one's thoughts.
This argument makes no sense. Would you be on with your friends, family, and kids knowing every single detail of your life, right down to the intimates? Just because someone wants to keep certain things private, does not mean that there is a victim, not that it's wrong.
Not really. Banning thoughts is a very dangerous slope. There is no hysteria about it. Hysteria is persecuting someone for drawing something others find distasteful.
Strangereland - it isn't banning thoughts, it is banning physical representation of those thoughts. As such it isn't controversial at all - stuff like this is banned in most countries and none of them, to my knowledge, have turned into fascist dictatorships as a result. Look at the comments above bringing up Hitler, etc - THAT is hysteria (not you making those comments I know).
It amounts to the same thing.
Just because other countries have done it does not mean it's the right thing to do. Again, the images are distasteful, but no one is hurt in their creation. As such, there isn't a moral justification behind banning them. Or if you think there is a justifiable reason, then how can you not promote the banning of depiction of murder in movies? It's exactly the same thing.
Stranger - that childhood is not a person is clearly evident - so what? And that it's not a legal entity - so what? I never mentioned anything re legalisms. And democracy is not a person either. And who has mentioned persecution - not me.
And the sharing it around bit becomes hard, because it might be private, is a duck for cover. Sure, sure - we all have our little bits of retreat - but my point was - if this stuff - child porn - is as easily available, unrestricted as an onigiri - it can't be all that bad. It isn't sold in no name brown paper bags, in adult only areas or places where proof of age is required, so I just assumed then it must be quite innocuous.
Altho one manga I perused a while back while waiting for the washing in the local coin laundry kind of checked my thick skinned resilience.The graphic depiction of a pre-pubescent girl being violently raped in an apartment elevator by a guy in an animal mask (who also made animal sounds) was not particularly to my liking and I wondered why such material (albeit skillfully drawn genitalia) was in a public place. Now I know - its because there are no victims. So it would be fine if the kids come in with mum and spend an hour reading such.There was a pile of similar material freely available for all to read. Go for it I say - coz victimhood is not a person or a legal entity.
Are you not proposing a ban on child sexuality in manga? If not, then what exactly are you arguing for?
Shame on Japan!!! :-(
Making Pedophilia pictures illegal is bad for children- making taboo means they can't draw what they experienced and also compels people leaning that way to only choose real children not pure fantasies.
Yes....about time.
Jumin Rhee
"Do we really want to live in 1984?"
let me go crimp my mullet and break out my acid washed jeans.“I accept that the freedom of expression argument should outweigh, should prevail when it comes to adult pornography,” she added."
Was watching a new law and order SVU episode and they had a guy trying to prevent his mom from releasing pix of him as a child (naked). Child porn wasn't even mentioned til the end where he was asked if he wanted to file criminal charges (it had been a civil suit in which he lost). This makes me wonder if merely displaying anybody (real or drawings) including children is not porn unless posed in a s@xual position. Anybody know how that fits in?
why? Women (usually) are being exploited, regardless of being paid. Get rid of adult porn too. Make men find 3d/in-person women and not awgle a magazine.Leenabean
Freedom of expression my arse. Who on Earth wants to draw a child sexually or one performing sexual acts! That "artist" has some perversions that need to be addressed. In fact, I think they are just as sick as a purchaser and need to have the same punishment. Drawing or taking a photograph of a child in any sexual context is not natural and should not be tolerated by any society.
I think this is a great idea. Japan should really catch up with the rest of the developed world on this particularly troubling subject.
Also...anyone who thinks it is completely rational and reasonable to comment here in defense of child pornography in any form...Well, your comments speak for themselves. YES, the world is judging you.
This slippery slope argument is nonsense. Child pornography is the end of the slippery slope, you're officially off the deep end and in hell at that point. Some arguments that we read/watch/enjoy stories about theft, revenge, murder etc and that child sex falls into that same category - taboo and illegal, but okay to visualize in a fantasy world. Wrong. I could never see myself ever engaging or seeing a need to engage is anything sexual with a child or rape for that matter. Could I see myself stealing? Yes, if I needed it to survive. What about revenge and murder? If you try to harm my child, draw him sexually, yes I can see myself doing all of those things. There is never a sitation where a child needs to be displayed sexually- in real life or in fantasy. There can be situations where murder revenge theft vandalizism, whatever can be justified. That is why the "slippery slope" argument is null and void.
Are these children that are drawing, finding a publisher, negotiating a contract and distributing these pictures for other children??? I think not. Your argument doesn't hold water.
The problem is bigger then sought:
The reality of child porn leading to pedophile agression against children up to child sex slavery murder is very tight linked in japan, tighter then in europe or the US.
The freedom of artistic expression can only be preserved if it is only found in a hidden niche, with no relation to the outside world.
In japan that is not possible as the cute-ification and therefore domination of women is part of the japanese general culture. You may see super young girls dress super sexy in near any given situation on TV, commercials, merchanising, events . . . . 10years old go super mini too in order to fit the Lolita image j-male society likes.
This goes down in popular illustrations of girl characters in child shows, posters and commercial characters . . . which are all borderline. EVANGELION is the prove of the pedo-lolita complex: How is it possible that a Si-fi series 14-16 year old female charchter line up is systhematic put in to sexual posing, exposing genital outlines in very tight EVA uniforms?? GAINAX charcter design was borderline and pedo-lolita in some sense from the beginning . . . . more scary however is the fact that EVA Pachinko is the most popular machine in japan, mostly consumed by old and middle aged men, who have never seen any Evangelion animation in first place . . .?? Rei Ayanami is the abused, tortured lolita charcter per-se.
The hard core pedo mangas are much more tough and let the howl EVA thing look like adult porn . . . however does mainstream lolita perversion in every niche and none-niche make consumers access hard pedo content easy and guilt free, given the range of levels of lolita porn down to out right 3 year old rape scènes in mangas.
As kakikaki piots out.
. . . But, but . . Some might argue that it's JUST a si-fi series. K, but what's up with this inappropriate "image" of this (obviously a CHILD) little girl wearking skimpy panties?
peter payne:
I'm not surprised you're so laissez-faire about these images considering the type of magazines you sell on your business website.
Shame on Japan!!! :-(
THIS. I'm sorry for what you have gone through when you were younger. I also have some relatives that were sexually abused by their own parents and relatives. These busybodies only want to focus on miniscule pointless battles they think they can win instead of real world problems that actually affect living people.
In addition to the kiddie porn aspect of doujinshi, I see a huge amount of rape doujinshi - either overt rape or through the use of drugs. Invariably, the victim is portrayed as succumbing to the pleasures of the man/men violating her and ultimately begging for more. This just feeds the rapist/artist's fantasies that they are what the woman has needed all along and you can't help but guess that the artist/author of the piece thinks along the same lines. Imagine the anger of a rapist exposed to this "art" who finds out that in the real world, a victim doesn't beg for more.
Personally, I don't think those artists have earned the right to distribute their "speech" of pain and loss.
Agreed, but they'll never get it. For some reason they just can't wrap their heads around the fact that freedom of expression is a mental state that can be expressed in any fictional illustration, writing, or film etc that does not involve physical harm to actual living human beings. They just can't understand that sick people are going to do sick things to other people in real life regardless... because they're SICK in the first place.
According to the whiner's logic, we're all going to murder, steal, rape, etc just because we saw an anime, or read a manga, or watched a TV show/movie , played a video game, etc. Guess I'd better go buy a sword and start chopping off peoples heads because I watch Game of Thrones. I doubt ISIS and Boko Haram members watch the program, or read a lot of lolicon manga and yet look at what they've already done. Nope, it doesn't encourage what's already there. Its all in their own little heads, it's just they've happened to act on it on other living individuals.
Cortes Elijah
While drawing pictures of anime characters who look like children in sexual acts is...... disturbing to say the least... what separates this from anime where kids and people get murdered? Just a thought for the thinking.
As for these magazines with children in bikini's which I've noticed at combinis here... I think these are just sick, and the parents who let their children do this should be held and charged, as well as the people behind the camera.
I am honestly and sadly surprised to see in the comments many people that I considered rational and intelligent openly behaving like religious fanatics only to freely hate something they find disgusting. I see now in a completely different light their participation in other topics knowing now that their supposed preference for logical and objective arguments can be discarded so easily.
How hard is to accept that hating something is not enough to ban it? there is need to prove damage, victims (and no, "the innocence of childhood" is not a victim, is a concept) for some of them I have read several times criticizing other people when they use opinions as facts but in the topic of drawings of naked children suddenly they do the same and argue how it brings down civilization and makes everybody a pedophile with the briefest exposure, all without a single reference to prove it.
I do find repulsing the idea of children in sexual situations, I do think that the world would be better if nobody would read that kind of material, BUT without having clear victims I am still capable of accepting that I have no ground to stand and say that stories or images of imaginary people should be prohibited. I even found worrying that some people think that someone could so easily become tolerant of pedophiles by reading manga, reading the comments I get the impression that at least a couple of people using that argument are actually not so disgusted by the material and reflect their fear of becoming attracted to it by assuming that everybody is the same.
I am totally out of my field on the topic but at least I gave economic support to one small study dealing with this. Unfortunately the results were never published, I suspect because they did not found the clear relationship of the material and change of preferences that they were looking for. Maybe that is part of the reasons why nobody is using facts to attack their object of hate.
I hate war and violence but enjoy shooting games because I shoot only imaginary people. I despise murder and rape but still enjoy a good mystery novel with a criminal hard to catch because there is no actual victim (and part of the reason I don't like books "based on a real story"). I can then (barely) accept the possibility that someone can find attractive stories about raping imaginary children but be disgusted by the real thing. Sick people will find pleasure even on a child's clothes catalog and maybe even get aroused into trying a crime themselves, is that reason enough to ban all pictures of children? I mean, for some even the possibility of causing damage is enough to do it.
And I haven't even mentioned the can of worms that is opened when trying to deal with imaginary people as if they were real, how old they have to look to be forbidden? if the author says the characters are 18 then does is matter how they look? which is to be banned from having sex in a story, the magical fairy with a 10yo body but that is actually several centuries old or the 40 years old mother of 6 that got cursed into having an underage teenager mind? Once you stop caring if the "victims" are real or not this kind of waste of time becomes necessary, specially in a country like Japan when the details of the law become more important than the intended meaning all the time.
Until real damage and victims are proven I will consider every minute and every yen used to enforce a ban on violence on imaginary children a huge waste, there is not enough resources to deal with violence on real children so diluting them even more so the police can catch people for being disgusting should actually be forbidden.
watch for japan to push to register manga child porn as a unique cultural heritage.
Nice insight. I couldn't agree more. There are a ton of people here with varying opinions here on how to approach this issue but I think all can agree to your last point.
More time, energy and resources should be spent protecting real people here and now. Not images.
stranger - thanks for your comments.
I think you'll not find anywhere where I have called for a persecution of childporners let alone a ban on child manga. I You read what you want to read into my posts.
I have questioned though the necessity and social implications for that mysterious entity (non legal according to you) called childhood and womens status.
And I have questioned the free availability of such material in unrestricted areas and not adult zones.
Pleas read.
SmithinJapan...we agree on this one.
And why would someone want to draw children..(And I don't mean young looking women or late teens)...we are talking pre pubescent kids. drawn in sex acts...for someone's private touching himself pleasure...
Why in hell would you even WANT to provide that to an audience???!! What kind of problems have you not told your therapist about...cuz you are not "right" in the head,
A.N. Other
Why in hell would you even WANT to provide that to an audience???!! What kind of problems have you not told your therapist about...cuz you are not "right" in the head,
I believe something similar was said right before the Charlie Hebdo offices where shot to pieces.
There is no right to not be offended.
Kazuaki Shimazaki
@rainydayOCT. 27, 2015 - 12:52PM JST
Did you notice that many of those countries you insist are just fine are also being oppressors versus other, outnumbered countries on issues like whale hunting? They also participate in violence as a State act against other nations on various pretexts. They hadn't united on a new internal minority to oppress yet, but these external acts are also symptoms of intolerance.
What is "extreme child manga porn"? Evidently what I was talking about is not the same. What is an example? I'm sceptical that there is such a thing.
But you've been arguing how it's bad throughout this thread. So to clarify, you are saying it's bad, but you feel that its legal status should remain as-is?
There is no necessity about it. But we have many things in this world for which there is no necessity.
You'd have to take that up with the people who are providing it in such areas.
chikv, eloquently put. I applaud you. ????????????
I don't care for the stuff, but the arguments laid out make no sense. Drawings are not children, so there are no victims there. And when the natural issue of how such portrayals affect real child sexual abuse, we hear about poverty.
As distasteful as this artwork sounds, remember that there are a lot, A LOT! of anti-sex campaigners that want everyone else to adhere to their mores, and they will exaggerate and deflect to get their way. Force them to at least cogently articulate argument before you consider joining forces with them. For all I know, Japan's kiddie erotica manga/anime just results in presumably unhealthy fantasies that are never acted out. Prove me wrong before trying to outlaw a whole artistic enterprise.
stranger - thanks again. Just a final note from me re this topic
Please understand the meaning of persecution vs making comment about whether someting is bad.
Please understand I (that's me, not you) have questioned the necessity of childporn and dragging other "many things in this world for which there is no necessity" has no bearing on the discussion at hand. Full of Straw.
I'm still not clear though, are you saying that it's bad, but that the legal status should remain as-is.
@Strangerland - "The main issue I have with banning drawings of CHILD SEXUALITY"
But that's the point. Children DON'T HAVE a sexuality. This problem is caused by perverted adults with "hentaisei" who misdirect their own sexuality.
And the fact that you used the phrase CHILD SEXUALITY has been noted...
Black Sabbath
Sure they do.
The dictionary definition of sexuality is "someone's ability to experience or express sexual feelings"
Your comment has also been noted...
UK already does this. They sentenced an old painter who was a pedo and the court also ordered to destroy all of his works, none of which were explicit or even suggestive, as well as some XIX century photographs, which would normally be placed in a museum in any normal country.
@gokai_wo_maneku Well, maybe they meant those heavily stylised works where penises the size of trains enter little girls and distort them into weird shapes? Usually due to the artstyle you can barely tell what you're looking at, but I guess that UN envoy has some curious interests.
I had lots of thoughts of sex when I was a child. I'm not sure why you think children don't have a sexuality.
But that all said, we are still faced with the fact that no one is hurt in the creation of these drawings. Some people are offended (and rightly so - the whole idea is disgusting), but without a victim, persecution creates a victim of the artist.
If you don't like the manga, then petition the stores you visit to not sell them. 7-11 in the US does not sell pornography for this reason. It didn't require making pornography illegal.
Aaron Lloyd Brummett
I know many Japanese men. None of them look at such smut.
It should be banned altogether.
Hayate Kurogami
Normally I wouldn't even comment on stuff like this, but in the end it's still ridiculous. The largest issue with child pornography is exploitation of children - No one is exploited by manga or anime-related artistic works. If the issue is to remove a threat of fostering pedophilia, then by the same logic, to reduce the number of budding psychopaths or serial killers, strictly ban tv shows like Dexter or Hannibal, but you don't see America doing that or other countries calling for them to do that. It's a line that doesn't need to be drawn because it hurts no one. If people act on it, it is the fault of the person, not the alleged influence. Loli or Shota related works are just artisiic works, not child pornography.
I have problem with groups who call for banning every thing they don't like.
This. And Im pretty horrified by some of the commenters here.
And who / what is it that you are HORRIFIED by?
Interesting. No minors were harmed in production of a comic book, no matter how warped. Are we postulating that reading such material provokes harm? Or might it give the pervs something to do other than become predators. I guess that's the real question. And even then, would banning comics somehow stop the predators? Hasn't stopped drugs, child abuse, etc. etc. If people want something badly enough they are going to get it. The only sure way to stop that is to lock them all up forever, somehow.
Michael Craig
Ironically, as this UN "special envoy" calls for banning manga with ARTIFICIAL kids in it, UN Peacekeepers around the World have been reported sexual violating REAL kids!