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© Copyright 2012 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.U.S. commander: N Korean situation 'very dangerous'
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is it me or is the rocket launch being blown totally out of proportion? :)
Its been taking them weeks to get this thing to the pad and make preparations for a launch -- not exactly ICBMs in silos.
This is part of the reason active duty military personnel should obey curfew, avoid consuming alcohol past 2200 and be vigilant!
Nicer try but Japan's annexation (not invasion) of Korea in 1910 has nothing to do with North Korea. North Korea was created by the Soviet Union and supported by China AFTER Japan was defeated and out of the picture.
Rather the definition of fear-mongering. The US only loses in Asia if Japan and S Korea figure out that the US military is more of a deterrent to peace in the region than the protector of it. And Okinawans need a reminder about the value of all the troops stationed there what with all of the alcoholism and assaults and curfews that have taken over the headlines there. Of course, those troops would be the target if N Korea really intended to bomb Japan.
The pollyannas out there do need to be reminded.
NK can already rain missiles on Japan. This is a test to help design a better ICBM and to scare the locals. NK wants to be able to threaten the U.S. directly with ICBMs so their blackmail efforts are more effective. To do that, they must show capacity. The prospect of a nuclear exchange between the U.S. and NK is very remote.
Anyone see the article about the new fearless leader being declared the sexiest man alive for 2012? (by the Onion) It was a joke that was picked up as the real thing by Chinese gov. media. Some people can be so gullible.
You guys act the world is a safe place and no wrong happens, you are satisfied to talk crap about the USA and its military until something happens and then its all get on the bandwagon time. Since most or all of of you are not intelligence officials or have anymore concrete evidence of anything you say than what Google gives you I find your complacent attitude laughable. Its all flowers and peace signs until bombs are landing on your doorstep. Seriously NK is one dangerous element, but have you seen what is going on in the rest of the world as well? And as far as NK's failures, you will be sorry you said that when they finally get one right, after all practice makes perfect. And its only a matter of time. Its easy to sit here and call the US a war monger. The only reason the US is a far extended outside of its borders as it is today is because it was forced into that position by other war mongers in Europe and Asia twice and since then there hasn't been another World War.
First if any missiles are launched successfully I sincerely hope that they land in YOUR backyard and not mine. Oh btw it isnt JUST the US that is against the regime in NK gaining nukes and missile technology, there are plenty of other countries in the world that dont want to see a totally unreliable regime having the capability that they are after.
Doesn't sound to harsh. They've still got 187 years to pound the beers.... : )
Japan is my back yard. So what are you saying, Japan is merely a beachhead for US warmongering since N Korea does not threaten YOUR backyard? Then we agree.
There are a lot of Asian nations which, like Japan, suffer from Stockholm Syndrome. Left to their own or collective devices, they would either mount their own defenses or seek to negotiate with N Korea and bring them into the family of Asian nations. The economic potential of opening N Korea is massive. Reunification would be good for all Koreans. Unfortunately, it would not fit into US plans, evidenced by the fact that the US has effectively rejected all efforts to talk with N Korea, much like it has treated Iran and much like it treated Japan pre-Pacific War. The plain truth is that the US uses the tension in Asia as leverage against its hostages.
Dont try to blame or implicate the countries allied against NK for the starving of it's people. That belittles any other comments that you make. The "rest" of Asia? Not even worth commenting about.
Don't even try to make it sound like China's goals are altrustic, thats furthest from the truth. All China wants is to avoid having to feed and take care of all the refugees that would overflow it's borders from NK if things went to hell.
Maybe the Mayans were right after all. :)
No they wouldnt, not by a long shot. The NK's if they are so stupid as to even try to launch a missile against Japan, would be aiming, like a shot gun blast most likely, for the air bases in Japan first, those project power and could within a matter of hours, be flying over NK.
The movement and deployment of troops takes time and the US troops in SK are a hell of a lot closer and a larger threat.
Nonsense. nKorea conducts two nuclear tests, over four long range missile tests, fires artillery at a sKorean island, attacks and sinks a sKorean ship and routinely threatens to turn Seoul and LA into a “sea of fire”, and the US is fear mongering – that’s laughable………
Your opinion and you’re certainly entitled to it - but it is not shared by the Governments of Japan, SKorea, the Philippines, Vietnam, Thailand, Singapore, Taiwan, Indonesia and Australia. It might be shared by nKorea and China – so you’re in somewhat of a minority…….and by the way, in those two countries, you are also not entitled to an opinion……..
Not really – they know China has for the past three months stationed a minimum of seven patrol boats in close vicinity of the Senkakus, which you probably are aware fall under administrative control of Okinawa prefecture…
I see you have access to classified nKorea war plans, please enlighten us with what other secrets they hold – inquiring minds want to know…….
It's dangerous because they can't even predictably aim those damn stone age misses they've got!
Look out!
stone age missiles, that is.
Nice. Demagogue the person you are debating. It is sure to help you win your point.
To be sure, China wants to see this issue resolved through debate and negotiations. Who doesn't, except the US? After over a decade of nothing but threats and sanctions, it must seem obvious that this strategy has only succeeded in making matters worse, both for the starving N Koreans and the rest of Asia. And, like is building in Iran, the likely end game will be some kind of attack on N Korea. We will see where China stands as that timetable quickens. This is clearly the same tactic that was used against Iraq, Libya, Syria, and pre-war Japan and will probably result in the deaths of even more innocents at the hands of the US or its surrogates.
Piotr Gierszewski
I remember reading an article about North Korea's long range missiles once. It said that they are able to reach even part of Europe.
Sounds like another mess launched into the sea...North Korea will get it right ...eventually...
You write:
Spot on.
Back them into a corner and when they snap at you, yell blue murder, "See how dangerous they are!"
It's the excuse to start yet another war.
The Pentagon shall never let the people in asia alone when they see the decline of America is inevitable! Sure the yankees wont go away from north east asia, there is where they can kicking around! The North Koreans has fabricated no threats but defiance against a hegamony!
Maybe the Navy intel knows something ...there's no rhyme or reason to the way NK behaves so its probably best that they are letting everyone know that vigilance is at a high level.
... military intel couldn't find their posterior with both hands and a map! If you want to know what's going on, ask a Sergeant!!
Thomas Anderson
Freaking North Korea... well, it's kind of ironic that it's the Japanese invasion that paved the way for North Korea and the Chinese Communists to hold onto power. And now they have to deal with them.
@Matthew Simon
Man, really sorry to see you've bought into the Big Lie. From some of your previous posts, I had the (wrong) impression you were hipper/smarter than that.
really ben? Seems to me Europeans and Asians started both World Wars. Also seems to me it took US invlovement to end both of them as well.
Matt, old boy, time to throw away your junior high history textbooks and find out what's really going on. Yeah right, America to the rescue.
... what precisely is the U.S. military doing here? Those are JAPANESE destroyers in the ocean ready to intercept the missile if it comes this way.
The U.S. troops in Japan are mostly in Okinawa, the wrong end of the country to do anything by arrive several hours later in their new Ospreys and hand out condolence cards (sorry, but not enough space in an Osprey anything useful like enough medical supplies!).
The U.S. is doing nothing, has done nothing, and will continue to do nothing because it's so afraid that China will get irritated and slow down the rate at which it is buying up U.S. government debt. China doesn't even have to stop, it just has to slow down a little and the U.S. economy would be back in the toilet.
Pick up a newspaper anywhere outside of your home in Pyongyang and read it. It's not the U.S. that's opposing this launch, it's the entire U.N. The U.N. passed a resolution back in 2009 (Security Council Resolution 1874) after NK detonated a nuclear weapon test and that resolution demanded that NK cease all further nuclear weapon and ballistic missile development. That was a UNANIMOUS resolution - including China.
International sources have identified the launch vehicle that was used in April to be a Taepodong-2 using a "Musudan-1" medium ranged ballistic missile as the first stage. They're expecting the impending launch to use the same type of launch vehicle. This is a ballistic missile test no matter WHAT is mounted at the top.
Charles M Burns
You are welcome Japan for protecting your xxxx
What you are talking about saying "until something happens" ? Another dirty aggression of the USA in some ME country under completely false peretexts? "Freedom and Democracy" enforced by guided bombs and Tomohawks, huh? :-))))))
Europe, nothing! Those things can go to the Moon and back.
That's why we're so lucky to have the mighty forces of the U.S.A. to protect us.
U.S. commander tries to save face of American military forces after recent infamous incidents on Okinawa.
Open Minded
USA justifying its presence in Japan. PR!
Nk situation "very....." wmd failure still fresh in our minds !
The US commander says that the North Korean situation is, and I quote, "Very Dangerous." (emphasis added)
I wonder why he said this:
a) he is following an agenda, saying what he is told to say
b) operating on totally false and misleading "intelligence"
c) totally paranoid
d) trying to come up with some kind of reason for his 50,000 troops being "hosted" in Japan
e) completely correct and NK is about to blast Japan out of the water
Any other ideas?
Yubaru Dec. 06, 2012 - 05:18PM JST
Yes, well, Kadena is in Okinawa and the last I heard, it was an airbase. Forgive me for using the broader term "troops" to mean American forces which include air bases. Of course, the whole thing is specious fear-mongering.
On a larger point, what gives the US the right to limit the technological growth of any nation, especially when the US is the reason that there is no dialogue with N Korea and NKs will continue to do what the Chinese allow it to do anyway? You are simply buying the hype that the US is justified to punish thought crimes around the world.