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© 2013 AFPU.S. early-warning radar system to be installed near Kyoto
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Great. All that's needed is collective defense so Japan can shoot down Nork missiles aimed at US targets. We will take care of the retaliation.
Cortes Elijah
Good good! New toys for us. We probably won't need to use them..I hope but it's for the greater good.
They are really getting crazy every day.
I am posting a threat from NK dated 2/23/2013
You had better bear in mind that those igniting a war are destined to meet a miserable destruction.
Eric Schneider
Hope the SDF has a link to the data and the batteries to shoot back.
Ricky Kaminski
Anyone else reckon North Korea is a handy irritation, used as a chance to develope new defence military capabilities to counter the real threat, China? The military industrial complex licking its chops once more. Bring on the cold Asian war. Muhahaaaaaaaa.
Bet this won't be protested against!
Japan buys Missle Defence System, with early warning Radar...Now Japan need's to develope early warning Sonar, with Fast Attack Submarine Predator Drone's...Take the ball and run with it...! Reverse's Engineer, and Create...Then sell it right back to the USA...... "Bingo"...!
"If you want peace prepare for war!"
North will not attack any country soon but accidentally a "wild missile" my fly towards Japan or Guam so the radar installation is important if such event happen.
T-Mack, Native Son, you made me cracked up.
Why doesn't Japan look into buying/adapting Israel's Iron Dome defense system? That worked wonders last year!!
Yes. China are probably livid at North Korea on this.
It is a defensive system only.
Tokyo-Star: Good idea except that Iron Dome is actually a variant of the PATRIOT anti-missile system the US used in the Gulf War. It's really good but short range compared to the ICBM threat from the crazies. Nobody mentioned what kind of interception tool is being considered; but it sure looks like Star Wars is coming true. 2020: Chances are you're right. This must be Beijing's #1 Excedrin Headache and all one needs to do is look at that night map of the earth to see why. They have more lights on in central Africa than North Korea, except for the Capitol. Talk about a failed state; but one possibly armed with nukes. When people flee TO China, you know there may be a problem. What to do???
T-Mack, you are channeling the VCR lifecycle. Japan is very capable of reverse engineering the tech. Of course, China could probably steal it quicker.
@ Cortes Elijah - I'm not too sure ゛we゛foreigners in Japan will get our hands on these ゛toys゛somehow!Unless you manage to join the JSDF ...
Tony Ew
North Korea is not that stupid to actually launch a missile at US or Japan unless attacked first by US stealth fighters. It makes more sense for them to target US forces in South Korea than sending missiles to US which will be suicidal for them.
N Korea nuke development is just a psychological warfare and it looks like US and Japan are forced to spend spend spend to build up more defense!
On the other hand, US and Japan could be planning to destroy N Korea's nuke facilities in the near future once all the radar systems are build up and prepare a stealth attack out from Okinawa and Guam! This is the other unspoken purpose of building up the defense system to eliminate the N Korean nuke threat once and for all.
Cortes Elijah
@burakumindes yes my name is non Japanese but don't jump to conclusions I don't hold Japanese citizenship. Haha. "We" as in the Japanese not gaijins :)
Tony Ew there is something very wrong with the minds of the Democratic Peoples Republic. As for a sneak attack the Americans do not need to use stealth aircraft. America will not attack their own investments in Mainland China. North Korea is so far behind the Americans would use something else.
Great decision by "military intelligence." Has anyone in the agency ever heard of Sapporo. It is just another way to keep the USA military in Japan for another 60 years. Yanks come home asap.
Tony Ew
@YuriOtaniFeb. 25, 2013 - 01:28PM JST
Human psychology. The weak wants to be treated as equals and don't want to be slighted. That perhaps explain the N Koreans mentality. Stealth is an absolute must to forestall a pre emptive attack from the North on S Korea. China or Russia radars/satellites may tip off the N Koreans of incoming long range missiles from planes flying from Guam, Okinawa, or from ships and subs nearby. Without the element of surprise, US forces in S Korea will be at serious risk.
There is no chance of any attack on China, just don't make sense. The radar system is specifically to track N Korean missiles although it could be from China too.
Cortes Elijah
What I meant by my comment was this new defense system will be good for Japan. Protecting our land from foreign threats. I think Japan needs a few more as well and South Korea.
@ Cortes, there is no military threat to Japan. Making people think there is though is great for politicians with agendas and for manufacturers of military equipment.
It will benefit the U.S. to have the radar located so close to China and NK. Japan, hopefully not so much. It is still better than nothing.
The U.S. Navy has a mobile X-band radar mounted on an old oil rig that needs to be towed around. Every time NK decides to shoot another test missile, it gets towed into place. So, it would be better to have the coverage onsite to deal with China and NK.
NK acts like it wants the ability to shoot missiles at the West coast of the U.S. So, the U.S. has to treat that threat as credible, after all, who can predict what NK will do.
Mohamed Al Hashimi
Japan should seek for their full independence from United States who thrown heavy nuclear bomb in Japan cities. Also, Japan should ally with China who have historic, blood and ethnic close relations. Asia Union isn't like any union because Asia is more rich, stronger and development.
Going by what Viking said above, is this system to defend Japan... or the west coast of America?
It's good and bad at the same time. As for Japan - no questions, it's good. As for Korea - it is one more circumstance to feel distrust for two countries.
Oh how I wish there was a device that would reflect NK missiles right back at them. Having their own missile reflect back on them would be great...but I wouldn't want the citizens to get injured over the governments problems
Both, Plus Hawaii and Guam.
Once NK demonstrated the ability to put an object in orbit using a 3-stage rocket, they also demonstrated the ability to launch an ICBM and the U.S. had to take their crazy ravings a little more seriously.
If US stealth planes attacked first they would not be able to launch.
Attacking US Forces in SKorea would also be suicidal for them.
"there is no military threat to Japan”
Of course not.
"Japan should ally with China"
Has anyone consulted the Chinese on this?
What do the people of Kyoto think? I mean with all that Ordinace near by? If a reactor can fail due to tsunami and earth quake? What could happeh to a missle site? Personally, I would rather have the Osphrey, than all those Munitions.
Mohamed Al Hashimi
OssanAmerica: That's old American Air Force Imperialism. Today, China has many stealth aircrafts such as J-20 and J-31 which can hit any American military base in Asia.