Japan Today

U.S. spy drones relocated to Okinawa despite local objection


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Really! 100 staff, and a few remote control drones is considered an excessive burden! In all honesty Gov. Tamaki where would you like these bases and staff to be relocated? Hokkaido? Who is going to pay for all of these new bases? And when something happens on your doorstep, and it is your doorstep that China is threatening, who are you going to go running to? I understand that there has to be more cooperation on Okinawa regarding returning land etc. But it is so disingenuous to say just get out when you know the US military is necessary.

15 ( +22 / -7 )

You can love to hate the US, but without The US military presence, China would be out of control. The US military is probably the only thing keeping them in check. I am one who personally supports the US and its military personnel going back home to their families and out of harm's way. Especially in areas where they receive so much hostility for their presence. Okinawa for example. But who will replace the US, UK, France, European Union, Japan self-defense force? There's no alternative to deter China and or North Korea. Therein lies the problem, after you give me your thumbs down, perhaps comment on what would be your alternative.

13 ( +41 / -28 )

The relocation of the MQ-9 unit with slightly less than 100 personnel has triggered a backlash from Okinawa, home to about 70 percent of the acreage exclusively used by the U.S. military in Japan, even after its reversion in 1972 from U.S. control.

No it hasn't triggered any backlash!

It is well known that the local media is anti-military and will over exaggerate even the smallest of things, scratching the paint on a bolt, (yes it was a MAJOR incident, in the media, once!)

12 ( +24 / -12 )

What DON'T they Object to ?

Would you Object to a chinese Submarine in Naha Harbor ?

12 ( +19 / -7 )

The Military drones are clearly, over-spec designed ... which is why the Iranian drones are popular with the Russians - they're cheaper as single use "drones" ... surgical strikes using cheap drones is more cost effective than expensive Cruise Missiles... especially when you engage AI...

Different tools for different jobs. The Shahed is more of a small and very slow loitering munition with very basic guidance and minimal ISR capability. The Reaper can loiter for a far longer period of time and has a lot more sensors with the ability to provide real time imagery of the battle space to controllers thousands of kilometers away. A Shahed is not going to hang out for hours over the ocean giving controllers real time information on all the ships and fishing boats in a particular patrol area then return to base to be reused.

If you go back forty years Lockheed Aircraft build over 800 P-3 Orion series aircraft for maritime patrol. Kawasaki built another 100 for the JMSDF. That was a large four engine patrol plane with a crew of two dozen. Today you can do many of the same missions accomplished by the P-3 with an unmanned Reaper and two people at the control station ashore.

9 ( +12 / -3 )


What a disgrace..

Dear Japan, stop being Asia's US concubine..

Have more dignity and self respect..

What is your alterative? Would you prefer Japan amend its constitution and take a more aggressive proactive, stance rather than its current reactive stance with its military? Actually, I would be in agreement with that.

Or do you think that a neutered Japanese military, would be just hunky dory and china, north korea, perhaps russia would all just respect that and live harmoniously happily ever after?

8 ( +31 / -23 )

Local objections had never been of concern when the issue at stake was beyond the grasp, in the sense of knowledge and information, of the people concerned. The infinite "behind the scenes" transactions, that we commoners have not the slightest idea about. I have some knowledge of medicine, and when the doctor told me that it was necessary for an open-heart operation to save my life, I didn't object, even when the doctor told me that there was the possibility I could never wake up. It happens that, I TRUSTED the doctor. That was the only difference that stopped me from objecting or protesting. The politicians, through their history of corruption, ignorance, mismanagement, and aloofness, are in no position to deserve trust.

Mark Twain, said, "Politicians and diapers must be changed often, and for the same reason".

8 ( +10 / -2 )

I t would be foolish to ignore their usefulness in this day and age during these times.

6 ( +6 / -0 )

If one opposes this deployment, one needs to seriously oppose China's military buildup before objecting.

There is only one reason why the seas in Okinawa are so rough, and that is because of the Chinese military.

Those who do not object to China's military buildup have no right to criticize military cooperation between Japan and the United States.

The Senkaku Islands are an inherent territory of Japan and not of China.

China is said to be a country that cannot be trusted because it cannot protect its territory, airspace, and territorial waters.

It's fine for China to operate aircraft carriers and nuclear submarines, but before doing so, they should strictly follow the rules that should be followed.

By the way, if there were no threat from China, the US would not be stationed in Okinawa but would move to a base in Guam. If only China wasn't there.

5 ( +7 / -2 )

UK forces would be far more welcomed. Less arrogance.

Uh, no. One of my squadron mates lateral transferred from the US Army to the Navy. He told us about this. During the Cold War, after a major exercise in Germany as often happens a German farmer showed up at a debrief to complain about NATO armor tearing up his farm fields and ask for recompense. It was pretty much expected during REFORGER exercises and similar that a tank would clip a storefront rounding a corner in a small town, or armor would tear up farmers fields. So in this instance the US and German officers present were apologetic but one Brit officer stood up and said "well that's what you get for losing the war, eh". Absolute silence. What is the British soccer cry when they play a German team? Two world wars and two world cups, though that claim is probably out of date now. Brits can be terribly arrogant. Don't kid yourself.

5 ( +8 / -3 )

I wonder what the results of a comparison of number of smaller drone's to one Reaper by Cost Comparison, would show ?

Were it to be a matter of heavy duty weaponry deployment , then the Reaper would win, though, I think there's a place for smaller drone's in providing shielding for it, and attacking smaller targets - "swarm mode"... I'd love to get involved in such development.

If you look at the UAS inventory of the US military you see everything from small hand launched UAS designed as simple camera platforms all the way up to airliner sized UASs like Global Hawk, Triton and RQ-180. Small and cheap has its place but you need size, horsepower to carry the weight and electrical power and to operate powerful sensors. That requirement dictates a larger UAS. The US has small attack drones like Switchblade but something like a Reaper would not last five minutes in a hot war with a peer enemy like China. For "permissive environments" and / or peace time patrolling they can provide sensor persistence more economically than manned platforms and you don't cry over losing one. For a hot war against China the US has other UAS that are stealthier and more sophisticated but cost a lot more too. Something like a Shahed is useless in a naval battle against the PLAN and even if it hit a ship the warhead might start a fire but it is far from enough to disable anything but a small craft.

4 ( +4 / -0 )

And once again the current and former American military and military adjacent Americans enter the chat to tell us how Okinawans feel about the situation. It's a show that has been playing since US occupation in 1945

I wonder if you even know the difference between an Okinawan and Japanese person.

2 ( +8 / -6 )

The reality is that many Okinawans support having the military bases here. Then there are a lot of people who say they don't support it but are not against it. If you add both of those groups together you get a big majority. The people who are against the bases are actually a minority. Governor Tamaki and many politicians spend much of their time (maybe most of it) fighting the bases, missiles, surveillance drones, change in general, base relocation, etc. If the Governor did more to improve the economy, education, child poverty, and other social problems it would help the Okinawan people a lot. The national government has made a lot of money available for this purpose but it has been chased away.

2 ( +2 / -0 )

US military out of Japan. To appease China ,Japan will give them all islands south of main Okinawa island to guarantee no war or aggression.

I mean, it worked so well when Czechoslovakia surrendered the Sudetenland to Hitler. PM Chamberlain chortled "peace in our time". But then what happened? Appeasing a dictator by surrendering territory never leads to lasting peace. It is an invitation to further invasions.

2 ( +2 / -0 )

Trade is interdependence. China is just as dependent on the US as the US on China.

Definitely not accurate or correct

China doesn't need USA

Mutual trade with China composes about 2% of the US GDP. The US is emphatically not dependent on China for trade. In fact there are half a dozen nations chomping at the bit to displace Chinese firms from the US market.

However China does very much rely on global export markets to keep its factories producing and its workers employed, and the US is one of their biggest export markets. Their industries also rely on direct foreign investment, much of which in the past has come from the US. Without that investment their firms are starving for cash. China is also dependent on US technologies for their most advanced industries. We already see their microchip industry struggling now that China has lost access to the best US chip technologies. While Taiwan may be the largest producer of advanced microchips, the technology for the forges and associated software has US copyrights and the US is very much restricting access to these high end technologies.

2 ( +2 / -0 )

Go to a credible military think tank like Jane's and you'll see why what you wrote is ludicrous.

Japan's navy has about 150 vessels. China has more than 500.

Japan's air force has more than 750 aircraft. China has more than 4,000.

Japan's ground forces have about 450 tanks. China has 5,000.

Japan has about 250,000 troops. China more than 2,000,000.

Even when taking into consideration that Japan may have more technologically advanced weapons, China's modernization and military has closed the tech gap.

There's no way, Japan could handle China's military.

China would absolutely win the war to Japan from the point of view of these numbers. China is producing more advanced weapons than ever. Someday (soon) China would surpass the US in weapons. However, China will not attack/invade Japan. If China starts war, both countries' so many soldiers would die during the battle. It affects economy badly. I really doubt Xi accepts such sacrifices to win the war. Xi is not that stupid unlike Russia/Israel. China's economy is aggravating recently. To make China's economy better it badly needs a lot of investments and imports/exports from/to the US, Japan, Korea, European countries and all over the world. China doesn't invade Taiwan either. If it starts war, the US supports Taiwan, Finally China would have to fight the US. But Xi doesn't want to fight the US directly, because of incredible economy damages. If China wants to invade Taiwan/Japan, it would have done it decades ago.

1 ( +2 / -1 )

Okinawa including its citizen are treated as if military colony for US-Japan.

Let me guess? You never have actually lived here and only know from what you read here.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

Japan has every right to object to absolutely anything it doesn't agree with or to regardless of any agreement with the USA .

What too many here steadfastly refuse to acknowledge is that the government of Japan is not being forced to host US bases. They could kick the US out just as the Philippines did in 1992 and the US would dutifully leave. Rather, the government of Japan chooses to align itself with the US and does so willingly because it offers Japan protection from much larger hostile nations in its immediate region.

You might also notice that the Philippines, absent a continuous US military presence, has become a doormat for the Chinese who steal shoals and islands well inside their EEZ, ignore international rulings against China and as a result you see the Philippines inviting US forces back. There is a lesson here for Japan because like the Philippines there are small Japanese islands that China covets. I would wager that if there weren't US forces on Okinawa there would be Chinese bases on the Senkaku Islands by now, just as the Chinese built bases on Firey Reef and Mischief Reef, both inside the Philippines EEZ.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

@Aurelius LMFAO had the US not let Chinese students into their universities to study had not the US allow US companies to expand in China for the thieves to only still trade secretes CHINA and its citizens would still be riding bicycles and wearing gray Khakis. !

China would have still developed but less quickly.

You may not remember the original idea of "engagement" was the belief that by allowing China to trade with the US and host their students in US universities the Chinese would gradually democratize. Western engagement in both South Korea and Taiwan led to those nations people overthrowing their dictators and adopting what are almost model democratic governments. It was widely believed the same thing would happen in China. And you know what? During Hu Jintao's second term as CCP General Secretary and PRC President there was a debated within the People's Congress about allowing individuals and firms to own land, something that has never been legal in China. There were also experiments in some small jurisdictions with competitive elections. Engagement appeared to be bearing fruit.

But Hu was replaced by Xi Jinping and he is a Maoist true believer who has largely reversed previous economic liberalization, imposed rigid party orthodoxy and onerous security laws and who's policies make further reforms impossible. Now the world slowly turns their backs on China looking to more favorable places to do business.

But I am going to make a bet here. Like South Korea and Taiwan, the people there know the truth about the west having studied and traveled there and having family members living in the US, Canada and elsewhere. There may, like South Korea and Taiwan experienced, come a time where the CCP does something truly barbaric and the Chinese rise up and toss them out of power to establish their own democratic government. I really do not think the idea is all that far fetched. Things had to get really bad in Taiwan and South Korea before change occurred, massacres of civilians on both nations by harsh dictators. When that happens in China I suspect it will be the end of the CCP.

Now go vote me down if you wish. I'm the Desert Tortoise with a hard shell and well adapted to heat.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

These drones are used not only for surveillance but also for attacking enemy targets with missiles, etc. If a future war is fought mostly with drones and such unmanned weaponry, will bases as large as Kadena or Futenma be needed?

In a war with China something like a Reaper is not going to be survivable in contested airspace. They can employ weapons in a permissive environment where there is no or very minor air defense threat. They are not stealthy, fast or particularly high flying. They are easy pickings for any military with modern air defenses. But for peace time surveillance of uncontested areas they do the job, do it cheaply and don't risk aviators lives if there is a mishap.

In a war with China Kadena and Futenma would be front line bases. They are essential to keep the PLAN from getting past the First Island Chain and surrounding Taiwan or Japan from the east. They are irreplaceable for that purpose. Guam and Wake are much too far away.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

If you think the U.S. is also being sacrificed with so many soldiers sent and deployed here, let them pack up and go home. But I'm sure they won't so easily, because they are here to defend the U.S. for starters, not necessarily Japan nor Okinawa.

Defending Japan is very much in the US interest. That is the hard lesson learned from bot WWI and WWII that when the US withdraws into isolationism bad actors, the Tojos, Hitlers and Mussolini's of the world start chewing up other nations land like giant Pac-Man characters until a point is reached where the US is compelled to become involved. Better to be forward deployed during peace time and deter the aggressors than withdraw into isolationism until an enemy is literally attacking your land, sinking your ships and killing your people, and you have to fight your way half way across the world at great expense in lives and treasure to stop this enemy. Deterrence is vastly less costly than the wars that occur when there is no deterrence.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

It’s JSDF that has primary responsibility, anyway, to directly deal with such an emergency.

It is a fantasy to believe the JSDF on its own could withstand a Chinese attack. Ten or fifteen years ago the JMSDF was more than a match for the PLAN. Today the PLAN is larger than the US Navy and would crush Japanese forces. Taiwan is in an even more precarious position. The only thing deterring the Chinese from attacking Taiwan and Japan are US forces in the region.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

The Government of China is determined to keep the government of Japan its people in subjugation, servitude, submissive, under constant threats and intimidation, economic sanctions, whether it be Japan fishing industry, or business investments in China.

Most of all to drive a wedge between Japan/US/South Korea/Australis, any friendly regional neighbors.

The Government of China military ambitions are clear, its need to control the regions/global shipping lanes. But most importantly Taiwan, its shipping routes, and it next generation chip manufacturing sector.

So, these UAV, especially the vital need for additional surveillance role capability, is as much a deterrence, as a continued US determination to support US/Japan security cooperation.

0 ( +2 / -2 )

Okinawans still remember so many people died terribly between Japan and the US war a long time ago.

Really? Consider this, the war ended in 1945, which is nearly 80 years ago. It's history for the overwhelming majority, and the rest is just what people have "heard" not experienced themselves. The same can be said for just about any country in the region, they "remember" the horrors the Japanese inflicted on them, including the people of Okinawa.

Learning from over 80 years ago, is one thing, using it as an excuse today is just plain ignorance!

Local objections are understandable.

The "objections" by a few are based upon what others have told people! Denny never lived through, nor experienced anything with the war. His knowledge is not of his own experience.

In effect you are agreeing that if someone "tells" you to object, you do so, but you never stop and think for yourself.

0 ( +5 / -5 )

But in return, Japan didn't get split, like Korea and Germany, into North/South, East/West. Oh, wait, what about Okinawa? Well, a small piece got split off from Japan...

Let's see. Karafuto was taken over by the Soviet Union at the end of the war, and the four northern territories are still occupied by Russia, with no peace treaty signed between the USSR/Russia and Japan to end the war. Truman refused to let the Soviet Union occupy Hokkaido and thus saved any splitting of Japan. Okinawa reverted back to Japanese control in 1972 or so, over 50 years ago now. Look at history, Japan didn't get split like Korea and Germany.

I for one miss the Reaper personnel who who were here in Kagoshima, *southern Kyushu" according to the article. The personnel were good citizens, very quiet, and no burden to the local community. They engaged with the JMSDF in several community service projects and were overall a plus in the area. The movement to Kadena Air Base makes sense logistically, but they were not a burden here in Kyushu; anti-base activists were more of a nuisance in the totality of things.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

I forgot to add my disclaimer. I was in Okinawa for three years 1978-1981 and was assigned at Kadena Air Base. Sometimes I felt that the American Servicemen were subject to the whims of the Okinawa government and never the reverse.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

But it is so disingenuous to say just get out when you know the US military is necessary.

PragerU - Why America's Military Must Be Strong

0 ( +0 / -0 )

I take what you want to say is that if there is no deterrence, your antagonists would invade your country in no time just as Hitler, Mussolini and Tojo did. Is that the reason why U.S. bases must be in Japan? 

That is the lesson of history.

If your claim is correct, that is, if U.S. forces are here as a show of deterrence, can't they be dispatched from bases in the U.S. mainland or territories to help JSDF?

In the Pacific there is something we call the "tyranny of distance". Guam is some 2,300 km from Okinawa. It takes a little over four days to sail from Guam to Okinawa at the 14 knots cruising speed typical of amphibious transport ships. It take 3 weeks to sail from US west coast ports to Japan or Okinawa. Shanghai is only 823 km from Okinawa, or 36 hours by sea at the same speed. The PLANs East Sea Fleet base in Ningbo is even closer at 727 km, roughly a 32 hour trip at 14 knots. Don't ignore the number of days it would take to muster forces in west coast ports or Guam and load up ships to sail west.

By the time US forces were able to deploy to Okinawa from US bases Okinawa would be conquered and under Chinese control. Now instead of defending positions they control, US forces would be faced with another huge amphibious assault to take back Okinawa against an entrenched defending army and have to do so within easy range of land based Chinese airpower and missiles.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

Don't ignore the number of days it would take to muster forces in west coast ports or Guam and load up ships to sail west.

Well said. To some posters the belief is that things happen in a vacuum and do not consider the reality of time.

By the time anything could be mounted in response, it would be all over!

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Desert Tortoise,

You say bases in the U.S. mainland and territories won't work as deterrence because of the "tyranny of distance." But what does the idea of "tyranny of distance" mean in missile-exchanging future wars?

You also say "the JSDF on its own could (not) withstand a Chinese attack". But they can at least buy time until U.S. forces arrive for help.

In other words, this deterrence thing that you're talking about is nothing but shenanigans.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Note that the JSDF are building missile bases on the islands of Yonaguni, Ishigaki, Miyako and Tokunoshima; GSDF marines are training for littoral wars under the guidance of U.S. Marines.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

You say bases in the U.S. mainland and territories won't work as deterrence because of the "tyranny of distance." But what does the idea of "tyranny of distance" mean in missile-exchanging future wars?

If you think a war will be confined to an exchange of missiles you are not paying attention to how the PLA, PLAAF and PLAN train. The Chinese have built a large fleet of amphibious assault ships with well decks for hovercraft assault vehicles and 40,000 ton LHAs just like the US Navy operates. They are going to put division sized land forces on Okinawa or Taiwan and take cities with troops and occupy them. They train to conduct large scale landings WWII style. That means you have to have equal or greater land forces there to stop them along with the air power they need to fight off Chinese air power coming from their ships and from bases on mainland China. China has aircraft carriers now which means their naval forces now bring their own air force along with them. If their carriers can get past the First Island Chain and into blue water to the east then they can make it darned difficult to reinforce Okinawa or Taiwan. Keeping Chinese forces inside that First Island Chain is what the US Navy and Marine Corps are training for with the new Marine Littoral Regiments. They have to be ready to operate on day one with their Tilt Rotors from Futenma.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

China seems to be emulating the U.S. for everything military, even upscaling it, in no regard to a plan's superfluity.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Trader JonesToday  06:31 am JST

You can love to hate the US, but without The US military presence, China would be out of control.

I disagree. China will only ever make a lot of noise & doubt if they will get involved in any real conflict when all of their income is in trade deals with almost every country in the world. If they do anything stupid & the world stops their export income they are dead.

-1 ( +4 / -5 )

Let the objectors drone on. That's their reason for living but they need to remember why they still have the freedom to object. Freedom isn't free, it's paid for in blood.

-1 ( +3 / -4 )

 Remember you lost the war.

@kyle bluestone

I feel a little funny about it. Japan actually lost the war, not Okinawa, not Denny. Most people living now in Okinawa were not born yet in wartime. Also Denny was not born yet at that time. Japan forced Okinawans to fight as Japan soldier. Japan is bad. Okinawans are war victims so no responsibility about the war. That's why they hate war and worry about war. By the way, there is a history that Japan forced to assimilate Okinawans to Japan's culture a long time ago.

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

Burden? What burden is that? Tired of hearing Okinawa whine.

"The efficiency (of U.S. military operations) takes priority, and there has been no mention of how long they will be deployed. The excessive burden of hosting U.S. military bases on locals appears to be disregarded," Okinawa Gov Denny Tamaki told a press conference in mid-October.

Denny san, Ano ne,

Why is the military in Okinawa in the first place?

Japanese governments have allowed US bases in Okinawa in exchange for a US commitment to defend Japan from external attacks and have supported the bases on the grounds that they ostensibly enhance Japan's security. Now that reach extends to Taiwan and South Korea and a host of other nations. Be happy Okinawa and its peoples' are part of something bigger than just Okinawa. Stop your excessive habitual constant whining man.

No US forces' in Okinawa Denny, Start learning to speak Chinese with the North Korean dialect on the side.

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

It seems that the language of the people who always loudly complain about the US military stationed in Okinawa is not Japanese.

The placards and banners are written in suspicious Japanese, Chinese, or Korean.

For some South Koreans and the majority of Chinese people who believe in North Korea, the presence of the US military in Okinawa will be a huge eyesore.

The presence of American troops was approved by the majority of the Japanese people.

At least the people who can complain about it have to be Japanese citizens. Otherwise, it is nothing more than interference in internal affairs.

No matter how many weapons the Chinese military has, war is not just about quantity but quality. It doesn't matter how many Chinese tanks there are if they can't cross the sea.

Up until now, the Chinese military has only been quiet to a certain extent precisely because it has not been able to catch up with the American military in numbers or quality.

Did anyone predict that Russia would invade Ukraine?

Is there anyone in their own delusional dreams who can believe that China will not invade Taiwan or the Senkaku Islands?

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

@Aurelius LMFAO had the US not let Chinese students into their universities to study had not the US allow US companies to expand in China for the thieves to only still trade secretes CHINA and its citizens would still be riding bicycles and wearing gray Khakis. !

Trade is interdependence. China is just as dependent on the US as the US on China.

Definitely not accurate or correct

China doesn't need USA

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

Christopher Mas Osan,

If you don't like the word "burden," change it to "sacrifice."  If you think Okinawa is not being sacrificed for the sake of the U.S. and mainland Japan, you are really ignorant of the reality.

In your view, shouldering more than 70 percent of all U.S. bases planted in Japan, from which derive so many cases of crimes against locals and noise/environmental pollution.                    

If you think the U.S. is also being sacrificed with so many soldiers sent and deployed here, let them pack up and go home. But I'm sure they won't so easily, because they are here to defend the U.S. for starters, not necessarily Japan nor Okinawa.

-2 ( +0 / -2 )

Desert Tortoise,

I take what you want to say is that if there is no deterrence, your antagonists would invade your country in no time just as Hitler, Mussolini and Tojo did. Is that the reason why U.S. bases must be in Japan? 

If your claim is correct, that is, if U.S. forces are here as a show of deterrence, can't they be dispatched from bases in the U.S. mainland or territories to help JSDF?

in case a contingency should ever occur in this region, can't U.S.-located bases be deterrence against adversaries?

It’s JSDF that has primary responsibility, anyway, to directly deal with such an emergency.

-2 ( +0 / -2 )

AureliusToday 02:03 pm JST

Japan has every right to object to absolutely anything it doesn't agree with or to regardless of any agreement with the USA .

You're right: Japan can end its security treaty with the US at any time.

In the event that Japan decided to flip-flop its allegiance or servitude to the almighty USA then the tables would turn possibly in Japans favor

Not the tables against China as you yourself admit.

At this present moment in time the USA is presenting itself as a military strength however domestically weak and dysfunctional.

The backbone of what build American strength is dwindling at their own selfish imposed demise.

Stock Market Up. Dollar Strong. Troop Safe.

Japan upholds a stature of domestic cultural Unification and strives to achieve excellence and maintains structure in it's society - however the USA does not .

And how has that worked out for Japan?

It's the USA that needs to change it's stance in the region before greater stability can be achieved and the USA economy continues to thrive with the help of these Asian countries, and not the other way around !

Trade is interdependence. China is just as dependent on the US as the US on China.

-3 ( +3 / -6 )

The current objection by the Governor of Okinawa could have been avoided if back in 1972 Okinawa was not given back to Japan. After the war both Okinawa and Iwo Jima should have been made part of the U.S. as permanent U.S. military installations. Surviving citizens of Okinawa should have been moved to one of the main Japanese islands, probably Kyushu. Both Okinawa and Iwo Jima are critical to the defense of Japan and U.S. allies in the region. That move, had it been made, would negate the issue of U.S. military presence that seems to be a thorn in the side of Okinawa residents and their governors since 1972. The U.S. military is not moving so stop whining and get used to it! If they were not there think of the hit on your economy. Remember you lost the war.

-3 ( +0 / -3 )

These drones are used not only for surveillance but also for attacking enemy targets with missiles, etc. If a future war is fought mostly with drones and such unmanned weaponry, will bases as large as Kadena or Futenma be needed?

-3 ( +0 / -3 )

U.S. spy drones relocated to Okinawa despite local objection.

When did the US ever take notice of the local people?

-4 ( +7 / -11 )

Okinawans still remember so many people died terribly between Japan and the US war a long time ago. Local objections are understandable.

-4 ( +6 / -10 )

AureliusToday  08:50 am JST

That's what we keep hearing is that the US military is needed

However i believe JAPAN is more capable of defending itself from CHINA than is being recognized or appreciated

The Japanese navy is without a doubt a formidable force as history has shown .

Japanese self defense forces are not incompetent !

Go to a credible military think tank like Jane's and you'll see why what you wrote is ludicrous.

Japan's navy has about 150 vessels. China has more than 500.

Japan's air force has more than 750 aircraft. China has more than 4,000.

Japan's ground forces have about 450 tanks. China has 5,000.

Japan has about 250,000 troops. China more than 2,000,000.

Even when taking into consideration that Japan may have more technologically advanced weapons, China's modernization and military has closed the tech gap.

There's no way, Japan could handle China's military.

-4 ( +2 / -6 )

Japan has been under US military occupation since the end of WW2.

But in return, Japan didn't get split, like Korea and Germany, into North/South, East/West. Oh, wait, what about Okinawa? Well, a small piece got split off from Japan...

-5 ( +2 / -7 )

MeiyouwentiToday 08:19 am JST

If only the US allowed Japan to have effective nuclear deterrence against those rogue dictatorships, all US military personnel would be able to go back home to their families.

Ah, I see, it is all the US that keeps Japan from having nuclear weapons. Forgive me for being skeptical.

-6 ( +7 / -13 )

AureliusToday 05:11 pm JST

Trade is interdependence. China is just as dependent on the US as the US on China.

Definitely not accurate or correct

China doesn't need USA

There aren't even a dozen countries with the buying power and disposable income of the US, so yes, China does need the US.

-6 ( +2 / -8 )

US military out of Japan. To appease China ,Japan will give them all islands south of main Okinawa island to guarantee no war or aggression.

-7 ( +0 / -7 )

Trader Jones,

You can love to hate the US, but without The US military presence, China would be out of control. The US military is probably the only thing keeping them in check. I am one who personally supports the US and its military personnel going back home to their families and out of harm's way. Especially in areas where they receive so much hostility for their presence. Okinawa for example. But who will replace the US, UK, France, European Union, Japan self-defense force? There's no alternative to deter China and or North Korea. Therein lies the problem, after you give me your thumbs down, perhaps comment on what would be your alternative.

Awesome post and I totally agree with you.

The USA's presence is needed now more than ever.

-8 ( +8 / -16 )

Japan doesn't need USA presence or protection.

More trouble than it's worth

And total BS !

This can only be said in thanks to the Japan-US Security Treaty! Without which Japan would not be where it is today.

You are very welcome!

-8 ( +5 / -13 )

Okinawa including its citizen are treated as if military colony for US-Japan.

-8 ( +2 / -10 )

AureliusToday 05:08 pm JST

Japan upholds a stature of domestic cultural Unification and strives to achieve excellence and maintains structure in it's society - however the USA does not .

And how has that worked out for Japan?

Taking in consideration i lived in Japan for over a decade i would say Japan is a wonderfully safe and pleasant place to live and after living in the USA for decades can assure you the USA is a awful horrible disgusting place to live that's rapidly getting worse

So yes it's worked and working out well over here in Japan .

If you are satisfied with lower economic growth and too scared to live in the US, I guess you made the right decision. That "horrible disgusting" nature you hate so much is called individual liberty, btw.

-9 ( +1 / -10 )

U.S. bases in Okinawa are being strengthened, thus increasing the burden the locals have to shoulder. No doubt, China's missiles are trained to attack Kadena and other USFJ/JSDF bases on the island.

Will the MQ-9 unit that operates the unmanned spy drones replace the role the U-2 Dragon Ladies have played at Kadena?

-10 ( +2 / -12 )

“Dear Japan, stop being Asia's US concubine..”

Japan has been under US military occupation since the end of WW2. You can’t say no to your colonial master.

“ I am one who personally supports the US and its military personnel going back home to their families”

If only the US allowed Japan to have effective nuclear deterrence against those rogue dictatorships, all US military personnel would be able to go back home to their families.

-12 ( +7 / -19 )

And once again the current and former American military and military adjacent Americans enter the chat to tell us how Okinawans feel about the situation. It's a show that has been playing since US occupation in 1945.

-15 ( +4 / -19 )

Japan has no right to object, it's under the occupation of the RS of the USA.

-15 ( +1 / -16 )

Sounds fair considering what happened in the past.



-26 ( +0 / -26 )

Okinawa, vacation paradise for visiting Japanese and military garrison for the Japanese and American military. Okinawans are getting hosed, again.

-28 ( +8 / -36 )

What a disgrace..

Dear Japan, stop being Asia's US concubine..

Have more dignity and self respect..

-38 ( +11 / -49 )

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