Japan Today

Unseasonal flu surges across Japan


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Here we go, roll up your sleeves the jabs are on the way.

-15 ( +7 / -22 )

If you don’t want to get the flu or at least mitigate its severity get the flu jab, simples!

4 ( +14 / -10 )

All those folks cycling and driving alone wearing a face mask are safe. No need to panic.

3 ( +13 / -10 )

The number of aged is increasing so it’s hardly surprising

2 ( +9 / -7 )

Time to put on the masks.

-19 ( +1 / -20 )

Biggest rise in my area is kids, esp kindergartens.

1 ( +4 / -3 )

Insinuating exactly what @Thuban? All these cryptic comments!

3 ( +11 / -8 )

COVID vaccines have caused damage, that's what he means. I'd agree

Insinuating exactly what @Thuban? All these cryptic comments!

-6 ( +12 / -18 )

Ready to line up for a jab now! Where do I sign up?

-1 ( +4 / -5 )

The flu ...that's all ...don't panic

2 ( +7 / -5 )

Are these the common flu, or COVID downgraded to flu? Or a different strain of COVID? In any case, common sense applies: don't sneeze on cough in peoples faces, keep warm (maybe even turn off the cooler when the temperature drops below 20?), ...

-4 ( +1 / -5 )

All those folks cycling and driving alone wearing a face mask are safe. No need to panic.

You need to stop assuming people's reasons for wearing masks.

I wore one because I had to for work, plus the likely issues that would come up if I did not wear one at the store. Not wanting the thing in the first place, if I didn't keep it on my face I would forget to put it back on. I did this once and realized just before going into a store. Had to go all the way back to the car for it. Never again.

Also there are those with pollen allergies using them. And women who don't want to bother with make-up nor have their natural face seen. Probably those with chronic hallitosis performing a public service too. And people with runny noses trying to hide that. And more.

Masking in Japan predates Covid by a wide margin. Stop think you read minds. You don't.

2 ( +10 / -8 )

I can understand people against vaccinations since everyone has different response and immunity, but what’s with mask- haters? Did you buy them the masks? Japanese people wore mask during flu seasons way before Covid. Whether it’s vaccination or mask wearing, everyone has their own right to follow the due diligence as they deem as necessary.

1 ( +5 / -4 )

My wife and I have got ours on the 7th of October at our local medical centre. It's walk in jab walk out.

3 ( +8 / -5 )

General immunity in the population seems somewhat out of whack recently.

I wonder what the cause is, "experts" are baffled.

There is no problem in general with immunity, only against new variants of influenza, but that is the norm.

COVID vaccines have caused damage, that's what he means. I'd agree

Absolute nonsense, there is nothing to support this baseless claim.

Are these the common flu, or COVID downgraded to flu? 

Tests for the diagnosis of both diseases are easy and simple to perform, there is no realistic way for them to be confused by the medical institutions.

I can understand people against vaccinations since everyone has different response and immunity

Unless there is a valid contraindication for the vaccination that means that all the people with different responses and immunities are still better by being vaccinated than risking the infection.

2 ( +10 / -8 )

I'm curious what the numbers are for Covid right now. They have the numerical stats for the flu. Why not periodically for Covid?

2 ( +5 / -3 )

Big surprise given the damage to local population’s immunity from the last several years by misguided public health guidance.

-6 ( +3 / -9 )

Two-shot jab sessions around here, one of each, and they are recommending both at the same time. Hmmmm.....

-6 ( +1 / -7 )

Big surprise given the damage to local population’s immunity from the last several years by misguided public health guidance

There is no such a thing, it is simply influenza doing what it always do, making up imaginary reasons for something already expected to happen makes no sense.

Two-shot jab sessions around here, one of each, and they are recommending both at the same time. Hmmmm.....

Is it so strange to recommend people to do things in a convenient way?

-2 ( +6 / -8 )

“Is it so strange to recommend people to do things in a convenient way?”

Now you’ve got me thinking. No, not strange, but the cynic in me says that any adverse reaction might be hard to pin down as to which of the two jabs caused it.

I’ve heard the flu jab begins to lose its effectiveness after about three months, so maybe I’ll hold off on that one for a while.

3 ( +4 / -1 )

Now you’ve got me thinking. No, not strange, but the cynic in me says that any adverse reaction might be hard to pin down as to which of the two jabs caused it.

Very rare adverse reactions would be a terribly bad reason to avoid the convenience for most of the people that will get vaccinated. If there is a epidemiologically significant elevation for one of the vaccines it would be easy to detect it from the data of people that only take one vaccine for whatever reason.

I’ve heard the flu jab begins to lose its effectiveness after about three months, so maybe I’ll hold off on that one for a while.

Immunity by influenza shots begins to wane after half a year, that means that vaccinating now would protect at full efficacy for the whole season, waiting 3 months will let you be exposed during a period where it is more easily spread so you can be protected in months where there is no significative spreading happening. That would make no sense.

-1 ( +6 / -7 )

I would happily get a flu vaccine if it was free.

0 ( +4 / -4 )

People have been having flu shots for many decades.

1 ( +5 / -4 )

Never had any Covid or flu vaccine and I don’t want either thank you very much. Probably would if I was very old or in poor health.

Only had flu once in last the last 15 years and all it did was make me feel a little queer for a few days

-10 ( +2 / -12 )

The worst flu I ever had was thirty years ago I thought I was going to die. Black hands came up through the tatami pulling me down into blackness. I managed to get into a chair downstairs and spent the night upright!

Having said that, I’ve only once had a flu shot, but maybe this year I’ll just follow the nurse and virusrex’s advice.

0 ( +2 / -2 )

Its all too easy for people to say they have Influenza.

Had it ONCE in my life. I never want it again. Hence I've had FluMist for years.

@ffs: If you've REALLY had Flu, I can assure you it makes you feel worse than a 'little queer'

There are many winter viruses out there that cause 'flu-like' symptoms.

Real Flu will out you in bed or on the sofa for 2-3 days at least.

Of course @Thuban and @Raw Beer will just recommend the usual Vit D, Zinc combo. Sure, boosts your immune system, but probably won't stop you getting it if exposed.

Funny, until the Covid Vaccines and the whole 'hate' against them, no one made a fuss about flu vaccines. Nasty old agenda some people have to put people off trying to look after themselves.

2 ( +5 / -3 )


Flu is like Covid, some people can be badly effected for a couple of weeks, some for a day or two and just feel a tad off.

It also has long term affects the same, as Covid for a small amount of people yet there’s not a simplistic and childish name made up like Long Flu for it tos care people you see.

-7 ( +2 / -9 )

Flu kills people.

4 ( +7 / -3 )


Yeah, but only usually well old ones or very sick already usually due to obesity and obesity related conditions because their immune systems don’t work well

-10 ( +2 / -12 )

I still carry some old Tamiflu capsules from when the big flu scare rocked Japan many years ago. They must be well out of date.

They had headline grabbing cases of children taking Tamiflu, hallucinating, and then allegedly doing unthinkable things like jumping off apartment blocks, running onto rail tracks, etc.

-2 ( +1 / -3 )

Yeah, but only usually well old ones or very sick already usually due to obesity and obesity related conditions because their immune systems don’t work well

Healthy people without any preexisting condition can complicate and even die from influenza, it is a serious disease that can also end up causing permanent damage to the health, there is a reason why health experts around the world recommend for people to be immunized, the same way that they recommend having healthy diets and to exercise properly, all these things benefit even people that are currently healthy, not only those with health problems.

2 ( +4 / -2 )


The flu can cause severe lung damage. Flu can kill healthy young people. Guess you have forgotten the Spanish Flu. Killed 100 million and infected 500 million.


4 ( +6 / -2 )

Of course @Thuban and @Raw Beer will just recommend the usual Vit D, Zinc combo.

Yes, among other things.

Sure, boosts your immune system,

Indeed they do.

but probably won't stop you getting it if exposed.

I don't think I had the flu over the past couple of decades since I have been following this protocol. And I'm sure I've been exposed many times.

Plus, do you think the shots stop you getting it if exposed?

-4 ( +1 / -5 )

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