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© KYODOMajor companies, universities apply for on-site vaccinations
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wayan Ubud
well done Japan, keep it up, we are heading in the right direction
Last week I posted here that my company will participate.
My company will vaccine all our employees.
My boss said, I will be probably fully vaccined end of August, beginning of september.
But yesterday I got already my application form for the vaccine.
And surprise, surprise...I could apply online in our company system.
No Hanko necessary!
So probably vaccine at my company starts already beginning of next month.
Things a rolling!
That is very nice to see!
Yes, my workplace will start too. But nada for my in-laws and other family members.
At least things are starting to move.
why doesn't the gov secure venues and med personnel? It's their job, that's what they're paid for
Not really. Japan's medical system is overwhelmingly owned by the private sector, with most "venues" owned by personnel employed by private groups. The govt administers the insurance system, including payment reimbursements to drug and equipment makers.
The huge private-sector role is a big reason why the rollout is so slow, inefficient and fractured.
One more thing to add to my post...
My wife can also get her vaccine at my company. Husbands, wives and children over 18th of all employees are included.
That is very very cool!
My parents in law got their first shot last week at a hospital in Tokyo.
Both are in their 70s.
And they said the procedure was very easy.
I don't know if you live in Tokyo, but my parents in law received a postcard or something per post, with their vaccine schedule, and with a hospital name close to their living place.
They went their at the appointment day and time, and within 1 hour they were finished with their first shot.
Very easy.
Probably it depends upon which area in Tokyo you live.
But I am not sure if the date for the second shot is already fixed for them.
They said in about 3 weeks or so.
Shem Lawlor
This is a smart move by the government. Most mid-sized and above companies in Japan have their own in-house nurses who manage the annual health exams (they don't do the exams themselves, but they handle the post exam consultations). My company of 450 employees in Tokyo has it's own full-time nurse. It seems large companies could relatively easily handle the administration of millions of vaccinations and thereby take a lot of pressure of the municipalities.
Excellent news @Monty. Not much to add other than finally feeling a little optimism.
My company is doing this too. We have the medical resources to vaccinate all 35k employees in a month. All we need is the vaccine.
I am (positively) surprised that so many companies are saying that they will do it.
Looking at the documents from MHLW, it certainly looks like an undertaking.
Not only in Tokyo, it really depends where you live.
Some municipalities in some provinces are really doing well, while some others are far behind with vaccinations and badly organized.
I'd absolutely hate it if my uni did it when I'm not eligible to get vaccinated yet lol
Capitalism rules!
So this is Japan when their meeting schedules have been cleared up?
Looks good to me
@Kniknaknokkaer: Same, unable to confirm, but did receive the same info last night. Hopefully true.
We can thank Kono for the vaccine and for no hanko!
It's nice to hear the system is working in Tokyo. In Osaka, no such postcard has arrive. For the in-laws, who are far from a major city, no spots are available at the nearest big hospital. It looks like big-city dwellers are getting the first shots.
The rollout nears the government's initial target of 1 million shots per day.
With more vax centers scheduled to open, skills and procedure being improved, I expect the pace to be further accelerating.
News keep getting better, great!
The universities are what I am curious about. Are the vaccine centers on campus for students? Staff? The general public? Seniors only? A combination of the above? Haven't heard anything about it as my school yet, but I work for a private uni so they may be waiting...
Finally, this is a much awaited development, the lack of people to administer the shots is still worrying and not really excusable, but at least it is becoming possible for a lot of people to finally have a relatively close date for their inoculations.
Should have done, approved and readied AGES ago.
You have to ask around and not wait for a postcard. My mother-in-law got her first shot at a clinic right near her house and will get the second shot by the end of the month.
By the way, things might be going smoother in Osaka if it were a metropolis like Tokyo.
It's not as if that idea was proposed now right?
Commodore Perry
herougouToday 01:42 pm JST
It's not a metropolis?
No, it's not. It's just a prefecture, or -fu
They had referendums in 2015 and 2020 to abolish Osaka city as a first step towards forming a metropolis, but it got voted down narrowly both times.
I have to laugh at the use of the word "mass" here! At the rate they are going it will only take about 10 years to get everyone vaccinated, at these "mass " sites!
Mass sites are not the way to go! The government must get the "stabs" to the people, and not the other way around!
Sindhoor GK
number of doses administered everyday is above 1 million for 3rd straight day.
We did a pre-registration in our company, too and will be using Moderna vaccine. Probably getting mine next month.
Finally, some good steps from JGov.
blahblah222(same opinion as almost all of JT):
Here we go. Wish I could have bet money on that.
An opposition spearheaded by organized labour, cynically bleating about the supposed threat it posed to services for residents, when what they were really afraid of was something that would surely have exposed some of the rorts, featherbedding, duplicated services, and cosy jobs for the boys sinecures that are paid for by Japan’s long suffering, overtaxed multitudes.
Steve Martin
While the narrative is beginning to unravel in the rest of the world, Japan Inc. is still desperately trying to play catch up. Where most see chaos and fear, a few see 'opportunity'. And why not? Those machiavellian opportunists are the ones who created and sustain the chaos, fear, and predictable behavior in the first place. I still don't know who bankrolls a particularly persistent shill's presence in comments, and probably never will, but he is clearly on the take.
As for the tenor of the article, whether it is just the usual, run-of-the-mill pigs lining up at the money trough, or we sheep being taught to fear the wolf — only to be eaten by the shepherd ... the critical thinking human is an increasingly rare beast in this menagerie.
So while another recent FUBAR article touts the rising market for luxury sports cars, it is austerity for most of us, along with new social norms that can't even be successfully applied to chimpanzees. Those winners with their hands deep in the pockets of the corporate nation-state, their techno-social engineers, and their trolls and shills ... seem to be having their way with us — our attentions spans at twitter length, easier to nudge and herd.
For those few 'social' primates still left among us, those with the time, critical thinking skills, and moral integrity to look at the inner workings of how the 'authorities' do it, I highly suggest Laura Dodsworth's latest book ... ''A State of Fear: How the UK government weaponised fear during the Covid-19 pandemic''. If not more fun than a barrel of monkeys, at least more valuable than a thousand tweets. Dang it. Animals everywhere.
As has become my protocol, as soon as I hit the post button, I am copying and saving the article and all comments thus far. Posts have a odd habit of unpredictably evolving and mutating with some creative editing, or disappearing as quikly as a Dodo bird. I've gained a keen interest in understanding how Japan Inc. also controls the narrative. A digital record helps. 38 years in Japan, but when I read Dodsworth's England, I thought I was looking into a mirror.
Cheers all.
Long time fan of your ‘spot on’ posts @Steve Martin 8:43pm. - Time is short! Work fast! -
Agreed. Many suspect the same: similar grammatical usages, syntax and vocab; amongst rotating usernames, immediate downvotes from ‘personal’ accounts, etc
“look at the inner workings of how the 'authorities' do it, I highly suggest Laura Dodsworth's latest book ... ''A State of Fear: How the UK government weaponised fear during the Covid-19 pandemic''.” -Will do.
Done and done. Many also particularly love the “screen-shots” of posted (yet, temporary) commentary.
Particularly, “They hate these cans!”
See you in the papers!
Sorry about that @SteveMartinn 8:43pm. From a “+1” @9:02pm to a “-4” @9:05pm. (The ‘committee’ must be keeping ‘late office hours’, having a “Zoom” conference or “out for drinks” together. (Hi! guys & girls!). Well, must stoop prodding the bull or will get the horns. Keep up the ‘good work’ - See you in the all the other places.
Ownership is one issue....
Who pays, is another.
If I were directly paying for my health care, you can have my word for it that I'd be in demand of health care providers that don't have excess admin staff on hand.
Besides who pays, the government rules and regulations are another thing again.
Yeah yeah, all the "Japan is special" rules and regulations are the fault of the private-sector... no way. If the private sector were permitted to be responsive to consumer demands, the ridiculous rules that Japan has in place to slow things down simply wouldn't exist anymore in most places.
Like we care if clinical trials have been done on Japanese people!! No - that's a govt made rule, and you can bet there are vested interests behind it.
APPLY?? why not volunteer!!! its either for the YEN but not the Yang!!
Better late than never. With its tardy rollout of the vaccines, Japan is very lucky to have avoided a deadly surge in Covid-19 cases.
Excellent news !