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© KYODOJapan's COVID patients recovering at home top 500,000 for 1st time
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Kitchener Leslie
Yeah this mambo thing is really working. The government here is truly pathetic.
Some of them can recover at home and survive, how many people that can not survive?
Ambulance even can not send those covid patient to hopsital without being rejected by hospital
What explanation has been given for the booster program to still be in the earlier stages? When the program should have started long ago.
Could it be some decision makers were swayed by the social media trolls believing one of their Internet influencers who said, based on zero evidence I can find, that the shots cause ED. But who ignored it was Covid itself that might have done so.
Nihon Tora
Omicron should be re-classified at a similar level to the flu. At the minute, it is classified at such a serious level, that it just isn't possible for most hospitals to accept patients, and those that do can only open a few beds. Lower the classification and more hospitals can open beds. The strain on the healthcare system in Japan has been like this throughout the pandemic - it is the reason why we ran into problems here where other countries that had 10 times the caseload could just about manage.
Sheikh Yerboaby
an absolute non-story.
A statistic that means nothing other than to remind people to be fearful......garbage
Completely Overhyped!
Ruined my vacations in December! :P
Nihon Tora
As you can see its never near that level.
Can't see anything because its behind a paywall....
When will Japan start paying attention to the science?
In the far future it seems…
Raw Beer
What kind of treatment are they given, if any?
Riiiight. Meanwhile other countries are setting up plans for a 4th shot already.
As for the people recovering at home - do they have any official medical personnel coming in to check on them, make sure they're convalescencing well? I doubt it. The government really has dropped the ball and are now making people fend for themselves. Again, they have 2 years to address the bed shortage issue. What did they do with that time? Nothing apparently.
Tom Doley
First time? That would have been a year ago if Japan's testing level was on par with third world countries.
Brian William Meissner
I wanted to post on the article the other day about the Japanese lady suffering from long Covid or post Covid syndrome. If you have been diagnosed with Covid and you have problems after isolation there are clinics here in japan dedicated to recovery. Go to your GP and get a recommendation. The suffering is real.
also related to this article im pretty sure we’re closer to a million active cases right now….
Aly Rustom
exactly! and with half a million recovering at home, is the gov going to be able to keep tabs on everyone who expires. Doubtful.
And how many 100,000s are at home recovering from a cold like illness which they never tested for or even went to the doctor which probably was omicron.
And how many 100,000s had omicron with No symptoms at all.
Queensland Australia did some interesting random COVID testing. 1 in 6 found with COVID of which 80% had NO idea they had COVID - zero symptoms.
Japan supposed to be doing random testing too
Anyone has info/updates?
Have their been reputable studies done yet to determine whether there are long term problems with Omicron, and if these studies have been done, and it's determined long term issues are involved, to me that would make Omicron different from the flus I have had, which might have made me feel terrible, but from which I fully recovered, at least as far as I know.
You can directly go to the information released by the ministry of health, labor and welfare
There you can compare the number of cases reported of influenza every week so you can see the huge difference with the SARS-CoV-2 infections, or you can compare the numbers at the same week in the years previous to the pandemic and this year to see how the measures against COVID are simply much more effective against influenza
For example
The report of the last week of 2019, with about 115,000 cases
And the report of the last week of 2021, with a grand total of 69 cases.
It's an emergency but let me think about it. They don't see the irony.
Kishida, thinking he is Abe, said that it is "important" to wait six months before booster.
You know, government's random illogical rule that can't be changed.
It has never and will never happen, testing is a valuable and limited resource that cannot be
wasted on plebs.
Brian William Meissner
Honestly Medical Infrastructure needs some fast changes here. I hate seeing everyday more deaths than those in the hospital in critical condition. It is really painting a picture on how badly this is being handled.
I read an article the other day where the government wants hospitals to definitely accept those patients who have a risk of publicly shaming the hospital. So if you call the ambulance and they don’t accept you (like what happened to me) make sure to tell the EMT to tell the hospital if you die it’s on the hospital.
random testing has been done and in the news before, look for it
It’s not rocket science. Healthy young fit people stay home and rest for a few days. Old sick people go to the hospital.