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© KYODOLower house OKs bills to introduce fines for those who don't comply with anti-virus measures
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weclome to the Bio Security paradigm, where anything goes.... if the government says so
There is no need to close anything.
There is a need to partition spaces and limit the number of guests though.
If it's during a Pandemic there is a difference. Millions affected worldwide.
-You hate the government when they do nothing.
-You hate the government when they try to take measures.
We love the government when they actually take meaningful actions.
imprisonment would be best for those Who break covid rules.
Hmm... Interesting that the LDP backed down to the opposition, under Abe they never backed down on anything.
Something is going on and Edano feels it or knows it, and is looking to take advantage of it while he can!
I would love to see the opposition here FINALLY become a viable option, but sadly they really wont, until they can get more representatives voted in, from within LDP strongholds throughout the country!
With a charismatic leader, it could. Though Edano is a smart leader, he lacks charisma. Unfortunately, at the end of the day, most here will keep choosing the “stability” with LDP whatever happens , and every 10- 15 years give a chance to the opposition by condemning the LDP. The next election in fall will be one of those chances
Aly Rustom
Lower house OKs bills to introduce fines for those who don't comply with anti-virus measures
Would LOVE to see these 2 fined BUT not going to hold my breath....
Uncle Benny
Bad Boys, Bad Boys what'cha gonna do what'cha gonna do?
When they come for you?
Don't do the Crime, If You Can't do the Time... LOL
Refusing to participate in a study under .......... conditions? I suspect there are wider ranging implications to these laws proposed than just than getting data from those affected.
And deportations
How 'bout serious fines and measures for politicians and other public figures e.g. tarento)? These people set the tone for the populace. If they don't care, why should anyone else? Use the fines to support groups trying to provide meals for kids impacted by this virus.
I believe that so far, they only hospitalize those in serious conditions.
Brian Wheway
It must be hard for any government to impliment the right strategy or measures to safeguard there population, is lock down a good thing? it was implimented stringently in France, Italy and the UK had some tight restriction, some posters here on J news poke fun at the liberal urging on behalf of the government, but now in Europe there are riots and civil unrest on the streets, so do you let the public stay up and go out and save business from going bust? set of against infection rate and the death rate going up.
"...300,000 yen for those who fail to participate in epidemiological surveys by health authorities."
Nope! We need to stand up against this Medical Tyranny that is rolling out all over the world. Roughly the same number of people who died yearly in 2018 and 2019 have died in 2020. All the heart disease, cancer and other ailments have been reclassified as Covid to prop up the scare tactics narritive. Losing more of our freedoms every day...
Compared with other countries, Japan's restrictions have been very mild, and I personally like it that way. I can continue working, doing my hobbies, going for lunch, while exercising caution. And most of the people around me behave responsibly. But of course there are exceptions, and I don't understand why some people can't gaman late night drinking at a bar or hostess club for one month??
I always find this level of arrogance disgusting. That feeling that we are better than A or B, is what made us do this or not do it. We can mess up as much as we want, and still be better than everyone else.
It's mind boggling.
Alan Harrison
imprisonment would be best for those Who break covid rules.
Ironically, a Japanese prison is probably the safest place in the world from Convid-19. The Japanese prison system just loves solitary confinement.
Commonsense is right. Medical Tyranny is coming. What the hell is epidemiological surveys supposed to
mean ?
"China is now testing for the virus using anal swabs. If they decide to do that in Japan, under this new law, you could be fined 300,000 yen for refusing. Governments all over the world are taking too much power from this virus."
I remember hearing rumors about analswabs months ago thinking it was a joke, that it could never become this insane. I stand corrected, nothing suprises me now. Governments and politicians had their taste of power with lockdowns and now they keep pushing the bar. When will people say "Enough is enough!" ?
Do people really think that those in power will give up their newly accuired control?
"Show me your papers."
Lazarus Knows
Aly Rustom
That's Coumon肛門 Sense
The restaurants and bars are still open for business from 08:00-20:00, so they still have a chance to make some money and get an income, unlike some whose jobs have totally disappeared and get no income.
Still curious as to how the virus knows to lie low until 20:00, before it becomes infectious!
No problem with fining $$$ or even prison for those who refuse to be treated!?
BUT I have a problem with this ""300,000 yen for those who fail to participate in epidemiological surveys by health authorities"" never heard of such fines or even such laws!??
Many people do NOT wish to participate for personal and private reasons and they should not be punished. I would think that this law could be ILLEGAL.
But unlike other countries that have imposed serious penalties for noncompliance, Japan currently has no penalty for those refusing to cooperate with the requests.
And, as a result, the virus is still actively spreading across the country with many people and businesses ignoring the restrictions. It will be interesting to see just how many fines are dished out to those who ignore the restrictions.
I will do anything the government tells me to do. I am completely incapable of caring for myself or my family. The government cares about us and will only do what is best for us. We must be protected. We must wear 10 masks if we are told to.
Do not argue against our best interests. The government loves us all.
conspiricist we’re right after all. Now all of it is unlocking and the sleeping sheep’s shall awaken hopefully
Healthy people should not be forced to be on those lung damaging breathing machines.
yet you have no medical evidence this is so, so stop make BS claims, medical workers have been wearing them for over 100yrs, havnt heard of any widespread health risk as a result. time to give up on the lies.
We must wear 10 masks if we are told to.
no if in Japan you will wear a mask while in public during this pandemic, or you will be fined. its a pandemic and morons need not show themselves in public if their actions put others at risk
Ego Sum Lux Mundi
That is so vague and open-ended it can be used to "legalize" a whole lot of government tyranny.
It's sad that so many people are calling for their own enslavement.
That's strange. I've been able to jog outside or use the treadmill indoors while wearing a mask without suffering. And I'm not that young, either.
No country on earth is willing to accept any Japanese infected with the virus, so think again.
I was an a cafe in Ginza yesterday. Two middle-age salarymen (not eating/drinking) were chatting without masks on, despite the cafe had a sign requesting customers to put on masks if not eating/drinking.
I walked up to them showing the sign and told them to abide. They immediately did so. I think this the only way to 'punish' those who don't follow rules. Public cooperation.
Raw Beer
Strange that they would do this as the infection rate is coming down.
Once the government starts making restrictions part of the everyday life they will use their powers to restrict other activities and suppress human rights with the same excuse. Some of you here are calling for a restrictions while underestimating human rights, you cannot have it both ways. Once you give power to the government you will not get those powers back...and those who are advocating for these restrictions are the first ones who will complain once their human rights are violated. If you believe that you are high risk; then, it is your responsibility to protect yourself, it is not any other person's responsibility to protect you.
Hank standerford
It’s ok to be ok a crowded train, plane or bus but not in a bar or restaurant? If you want to get serious, close the whole country for 10 days. No travel no nothing. Give them 1 week notice to stock up on ramen and instant curry and toilet paper and lock em down. No planes moving, no incoming or outgoing travel. Piss everyone off than just a percentage of the populace.
How will they force someone to be hospitalized, when there is no hospital bed available? Build-your-own hospital?
Was it an essential and urgent outing or you just failed to refrain?
A complete stranger is going to remove my faeces from my rectum?
Err no, that ain’t gonna happen...ever!
In China, dissidents may face something much worse than a fine of 300,000 yen or any equivalent.
Your concern is also mine as people are becoming numb or submissive to a growing 1984 Orwellian society although most of us will surely survive the virus itself (despite high casualties).
I take it you’re not female and/or have never given birth and have no intention of ever giving birth?
The way I see it, if you’re on a crowded train, plane or bus it’s because you need to travel (for work, if you can’t work from home, to provide help to someone who needs it, etc) - but there is no need to be in a crowded bar or restaurant. Buy take-out, eat/drink at home - there are plenty of alternatives.
Respirators are a finite resource, no one is putting healthy people on ‘breathing machines’. Even if they wanted to (why???) there aren’t enough to go around.
Looks like some posters are confusing respirators with masks. There is no reason not to wear a mask, and wearing one will not damage your lungs. Though it may stop you infecting a vulnerable person with a potentially lethal lung-damaging virus.
So, would the LDP execs that visited hostess bars during the state of emergency get fined for breaking COVID rules?
Fines for businesses that don't comply is fine as long as the compensation if suitable.
I have friends who plan to open their bars from next week, as the local governments offer of 20,000 a day would put them out of business.
Hopefully this will be rejected by thd upper house or shot down by lawyers.
Richard Gallagher
Empowering the state to impose restrictions, fines or imprisonment due to the pandemic is a folly. It extends power to a body that has failed to undertake and perform its duty to insure the safety of the citizenry. Now, almost a year after the inception of the pandemic, somewhat draconian measures are considered or emplaced & imposed. The level of cooperation taken as a whole is genuinely impressive. Anecdotal accounts of non-conformists abound, but is a very small percentage of the entire population. Where is the vaccine? Perhaps those in charge who have failed and actually acted contrary to greater good need to be shunted aside and replaced. GoToTravel was completely insane, what other country, throughout the entire world, instituted a subsidized travel program during the height of the pandemic? None. And the consequences are obvious and measured in the increased number of infections. These are the same politicians who now want to impose penalties. Behind all their actions has been incompetence and/or an agenda wedded to the absurdist notion to hold the Olympics. You want a preview, look at the Australian Open, just magnify the scale.
Why do I get the feeling this is going to be like the normal method of law enforcement in Japan? Like, four or five officers will pull over an old man to point out his bike light's not on, while the bosozoku speed through red lights just behind them.
They want to punish people who won't be hospitalized, but won't punish the hospitals that reject them. I know that's more or less been shut down after people rightly pointed out the hypocrisy, but now they're just shifting the hypocrisy. I'm quite sure they're not going to fine companies like Panasonic if said companies force overtime on people, thereby also forcing them to pack into trains.
Richard Gallagher
Respirators are for filtering out harmful chemicals or the like, spray painters use them, gasmasks are a prime example. A ventilator is a mechanical device that pumps 'air' into the lungs. A surgical mask prevents bacteria & viruses from being breathed in or out. Throat swabs are the least effective method for detecting the virus. Nasal swabs work fairly well, Anal swabs are highly effective, but only need be used in an identified cluster of infections.
Raw Beer
The only thing that is coming down is testing and contact tracing.
Kazuaki Shimazaki
@Raw BeerToday 10:55 am JST
That's because it took so long to push it through we've gone through the apex in that time. The Japanese have actually been relatively restrained in pushing out such laws (I remember Italy had to threaten equivalating ignoring the lockdown with murder), and Japanese as a whole are partly to blame for not self-governing enough that a forced measure became necessary. You can't even completely blame the GoToTravel campaign ... you can always choose to prioritize your body over a discount coupon, can you?
Dango bong
I guess urging wasn't working anymore
The lawmakers would be like: "We got caught playing in Ginza. Now everybody won't have the chance to play anymore."
i understand your point but what is the scientific need for a rectal swab?
What will it be next?
An anal probe?
Maybe a chip under the skin or implanted in the anus?
Just how control do we have to submit to?
And that is my point...
Sven Asai
What a little cute paper Nothing will happen. The ones who open do that because they are out of money, so they won’t pay fines. And if you put them all into prisons, it’s even a lot more expensive and quite a number of virus superspreading cluster develop, how you’ve never seen before. In addition, there probably even aren’t enough prisons and necessary staff available. Forget the whole thing, that’s nothing more than a crazy unrealistic idea, maybe developed drunken at a hostess club. lol
No need to worry. Foreigners will be exempted from that surveys. I feel it...
No idea. I just thought it was funny that someone would get so het up about an enema (when necessary, of course).
And, no one seems to be calling for rectal swabs in Japan .....
Someone mentions what someone is doing somewhere else, and suddenly we're all threatened with losing our freedoms.....
Derek Grebe
Tough talk, but nothing more.
Bars and karaoke joints are still open until 5 am in night spots. The yaks don't care what Nagatacho say. They want their money, and the cops know better than to tread on any Yamaguchi-gumi toes.
And here it is.
And if people, or businesses do no heed to to the regulations? What is next?
Brute Force? Out with the baton!