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© KYODOJapan may delay COVID-19 timetable for inoculating elderly
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The vaccines are already in Japan and they are still talking about giving them out-amazing Japan!
In my opinion it is a good plan to vaccinate first medical staff at the frontline, because they are always exposed to the virus and at a high risk to get infected.
Start in March is also Ok, because march is coming in 2 weeks.
Then from April elderly people over 65 years old.
36 million. Wow! I didnt know that Japan has 36 million people over 65 years.
I know we have a lot of elderly people here, but 36 million really surprised me.
I guess the rest of the population vaccination will start around August, September.
Everything a little bit late, but that is Japan...
But all in all a good plan!
Releasing details about all side effects, regardless of whether the vaccine is the cause, will bring a quick end to the Pfizer vaccine in this country. Or at least, another long delay.
The timetable was to begin vaccinations in mid Feb.
Well, that is right now...
I wonder if it will be mandatory to have a vaccination cert so as to be allowed to board international flights.Qantas air had already mentioned that.
At this pace,I do not see any anyone going anywhere in the foreseeable future.
TV news today says it begins tomorrow, Feb 17. Hmmm
TV news today says it begins tomorrow, Feb 17.
As earlier, as better!
So front-line medical workers will be the first human guinea pigs to find out the efficacy of the vaccines. What if they all come down with side effects?
Delays delays delays. The timeline was very optimistic to also give some positive news to the public. It is like projects budgets or the Olympics budget. Low at first, very optimistic, then increasing. Timeline is optimistic then delayed and delayed for different reasons, some valid and some not. Now there is just a schedule for medical workers, elderlies and others at risk, which is ok,. But no need to reassure others from the general population not at risk when nothing can be forecasted.
There are over one million nurses in Japan, so this number is less than two percent of health care workers. It must be only staff at designated facilities people attend once it is known they definitely have C-19. Staff in regular hospitals and clinics who may still come into contact with undetected cases aren't getting vaccinated first.
Transparency generates trust and enables people to make informed decisions.
Did you actually READ the news about just how many vaccinations are IN Japan right now?
Oh wait, DOH,.... no! Because if you had, you wouldnt have made this comment in the first place, my bad!
Pray tell, how will 400,000 doses inoculate over 120,000,000 people?
This does not sound like a scientifically sound way to check the safety of the vaccine.... people self reporting anything they felt, by memory, weeks or probably months after receiving the shots. I think this will do more harm than good. The only side effects that really matter are the ones that will be picked up by the medical system.
You mean Japan should’ve known beforehand that the EU would limit export of the vaccine? I mean because that’s the only reason for the delay in elderly vaccinations.
The overpopulation of the elderly is first and foremost a liability, a financial burden in the eyes of the Japanese government which is one reason for putting pensioners to the back of the queue, like in Indonesia.
"This does not sound like a scientifically sound way to check the safety of the vaccine.... people self reporting anything they felt, by memory, weeks or probably months after receiving the shots. "
That is what's happening right here in the UK. Users report their own symptoms at their own pleasure.
"The agency published yellow card data for covid-19 vaccines given between 9 December 2020 and 24 January 2021, which comprise 22 820 reports from 7 164 387 first doses and 474 156 second doses.1 Most of the reports (16 756) are from people who received the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine, and these list 49 472 suspected reactions. Administration of the AstraZeneca-Oxford vaccine began later, on 4 January, and 6014 yellow cards were reported up to 24 January, detailing 21 032 suspected reactions. A further 50 yellow card reports did not specify the brand of vaccine."
Followed this beauty:
"The MHRA has been criticised for its lack of transparency in not publishing the data or its risk management plan for monitoring the vaccines until almost two months after they began being given."
Bjorn Tomention
"Here are 12 important questions and answers before considering getting vaccinated:
●"If I get vaccinated can I stop wearing a mask(s)?"
Goverment: "NO"
●"If I get vaccinated will the restaurants, bars, schools, fitness clubs, hair salons, etc. reopen and will people be able to get back to work like normal?
Government: "NO"
●"If I get vaccinated will I be resistant to Covid?"
Government: "Maybe. We don't know exactly, but probably not."
●"If I get vaccinated, at least I won't be contagious to others - right?"
Government: "NO. the vaccine doesn’t stop transmission."
●"If I get vaccinated, how long will the vaccine last?"
Government: "No one knows. All Covid "vaccines" are still in the experimental stage."
● "If I get vaccinated, can I stop social distancing?"
Government: "NO"
● "If my parents, grandparents and myself all get vaccinated can we hug each other again?"
Government: "NO"
● "So what's the benefit of getting vaccinated?"
Government: "Hoping that the virus won't kill you."
●"Are you sure the vaccine won't injure or kill me?"
Government: "NO"
●"If statistically the virus won't kill me (99.7% survival rate), why should I get vaccinated?"
Government: "To protect others."
●"So if I get vaccinated, I can protect 100% of people I come in contact with?"
Government: "NO"
● "If I experience a severe adverse reaction, long term effects (still unknown) or die from the vaccine will I (or my family) be compensated from the vaccine manufacture or the Government?"
Government: "NO - the government and vaccine manufactures have 100% zero liability regarding this experimental drug"
So to summarize, the Covid19 "vaccine"...
Does not provide immunity
Does not eliminate the virus
Does not prevent death
Does not guarantee you won’t get it
Does not stop you from passing it on to others
Does not eliminate the need for travel bans
Does not eliminate the need for business closures
Does not eliminate the need for lockdowns
Does not eliminate the need for masking
I think , the real problem now is can they administer vaccine they don't truly understand.
Tell us please how to read this ?
The uncertain and limited supply is now a reason to keep 380.000 doses in the fridge and wait for at least 3.000.000 to first arrive and then start the test ?
There was no timetable to begin with, just one made up by the media. Good they are focusing on health workers first though.
A study of 600,000 Israeli people with both doses of the Pfizer vaccine has found a 94% drop in infections.So to summarize, the Covid19 "vaccine"...
No, but it reduces your chance of infection by 94%.
If enough people take the vaccine, the virus will be eliminated or at least infections reduced to a point where society eventually returns to normal.
94% less infections sounds like a lot less people will be dying.
No, but again, 94% less likely.
This may or may not be true. All the more reason for everyone to have it.
Once the virus is under control, travel bans won't be necessary anymore.
Once the virus is under control, business closures won't be necessary anymore.
Once the virus is under control, lockdowns won't be necessary anymore.
I think masks are the least of our worries, but I think mask usage will also decrease as the virus comes under control.
You are already lost if you ask this question!
It's a vaccination for a virus, it will NOT prevent you from contracting COVID! It's similar (comparison only here) to getting the flu vaccination. That one doesnt stop you from getting it either!
People NEED to educate themselves about the benefits of the virus vs their own medical needs and NOT their fantasies!
Who is Government ? Japan ? LOL.
I don't think Japan has anyone,( like 0, noone ) that understand the vaccine mechanism well enough to answer at all.
These delays are immoral, no excuse at all. Delay, delay, delay - just get on with it, jabs in arms is the only way to deal with the virus. Japan will be the last G7 country to vaccinate it’s population, it will damage Japan economically and it’s reputation will be tarnished. Many countries are looking to introduce vaccination passports, who would want to do business here? How can companies here do business abroad?
As well the US military already vaccinated it's personnel in Japan including non-Japanese civilian employees.
I'm sure too a fair few of us will get it in our home countries that didn't dilly-dally around for so long. It'll be available to general populations before summer in some countries.
Every news item like this doesn't surprise me one bit.
Two things always come to my mind:
The glacial speed at which the Japanese authorities move, dragging their feet back and forth. And the conspiracy theorists who sound as if they've just come out of a SF movie.
Sven Asai
In other words, they have now only those 400,000 doses from Pfizer Belgium , start with some medical staff up to 20,000 , just to keep the announcement of mid-February, so with 2 doses each are another 360,000 doses left for any urgent other cases , let’s say the new high-aged Olympic chief on duty and such, then the survey answers from the vaccinated medical staff will or won’t bring some result and then....nobody knows, nothing fixed, no real scheduling possible for now.
No problem. All will be well. Line up for your vaccines starting January 2022
This vaccine shortage could have possibly been avoided or lessened, if countries with existing vaccine producing facilities could produce the vaccine under (open) license agreements. I believe only Moderna is willing to share their knowledge for free, but even if companies or countries have to pay to access patents, wouldn’t that alleviate the current vaccine shortage and be cheaper in the long run?
Comment, he wrote
If having the Olympics depended on the country being vaccinated, we would have all been done with it a long time ago.
January 2022
Mascot being designed now
Sounds reasonable. Health workers first in line, next the elderly. The article simply describes common sense.
J gov’t: If we just move the goal post, we never lose!
Fuzzy: "This does not sound like a scientifically sound way to check the safety of the vaccine.... people self reporting anything they felt, by memory, weeks or probably months after receiving the shots."
Welcome to Japan, where they say you can disembark off the plane or cruise ship (if Japanese) and go home of your own volition -- but oh, you should report any symptoms if you have them so you can be quarantined, bullied, alienated, and then ignored when you need help. What is more likely is that people will not report any serious side-effects, and so the government will proclaim complete success.
Give the elderly after the front line workers, I'm ok with that.
But those stubborn oyaji who refuse to wear masks or cover their mouths when they sneeze or cough, well..........they can be pushed to the side for sure.
They can wait their turns.
Yesterday, I was walking with my 2 year old son out to the park. On the way there, some old dude was just chilling by the wall. No Mask. Not doing a thing but loitering.
He says "be careful, looks like rain. You better cover your boy."
I just scoffed and told him, "how about you put on a mask or just go home? Never mind telling me how to take care of my kid."
Japan may delay COVID-19 timetable for inoculating elderly
The news titles always write word MAY. Does this mean not sure, do not wish to be accountable for, vaccinations not happening until don't know when?