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© KYODOMexico considering withdrawal from 2025 World Expo in Osaka
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Mexico considering withdrawal
everyone, "not on the take" should definitely withdrawal.
I could go for some tacos right now, for sure.
No hay tacos para ti.
Rising Costs!!.........What, did the organisers want a bigger cut?
What country that doesn't have many immigrants from Mexico or is geographically adjacent to it, is good at making Mexican food?
OK, don't come...
Can't believe I'm thumbs-upping Bass.
Mexico is derided for its multiple dysfunctions, but many of these are deeply historically based, deriving from a greedy colonizer (Spain) whose sole purpose was to extract as much wealth as possible and leaving it with no legacy of self-rule.
It is also a country of multiple pre-Columbian cultures, many still very much vibrant. When (and that day may come within our lifetimes) the country does finally get its act together and take its rightful place on the global stage, the world will be much better for it.
Then who's gonna do the landscaping?
One thing Japan has never been good at was making Mexican food. I just never had it and the big sinker for me is, once you put sliced sandwich cheese inside of a taco, that’s it!
The 1986 expo in Vancouver was a huge success over 30 million people came to enjoy it.
Then you haven’t had real authentic Mexican food.
Peter Neil
Mexican food is all the same in a blender. It all depends on how you fold it.
No carne asada burritos and three rolled tacos with guacamole and cheese at this expo. Maybe we can get a Taco Bell Pavilion in there.
@Moonraker - You're right. It was started in the US in the 80s. My grandpa, who was from Arizona, loved to make his own salsa, the salsa verde type. His was the cure to cure anything.
Total waste of money and an opportunity for more Olympics style corruption and bribery.
and money !
Someone should set up a stand selling corn chips and call it the Mexican pavilion.
Marr Bourdein
Well that just upsets me that the Taco Stands will not be at the expo.
What a waste of everyones time
Salsa is not Mexican.
Don't forget about scandal after this event, just like what happened after Tokyo Olympics.
This car crash of an event is such an out-dated concept.
It's also been reported that a number of countries a considering withdrawing.
And don't forget about the mascot.
So no Salsa and Taco in Osaka expo?