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© KYODOJapan to cut COVID isolation period to speed up economic recovery
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Scrap all measures and return to normal. I know it's difficult to admit you over reacted, but it would be best for the economy just to put that mistake behind you and get back to normality immediately.
If the goal is economic related, it Just means that decisions in the first place are not scientifically based.
From my own experience, five days of isolation is enough.
Aly Rustom
beat me to it. also if the whole issue is economically based, they might want to open up the country to foreign tourism normally and do away with the Kim Jong In tours.
Or cut it to the time each individual needs to feel better, which is what everyone is doing anyway.
Padraig Bohannan
Way behind everyone else and at a snail's pace.
meanwhile, more people around me are getting covid than ever. It does seem like the we are in pretend-to-do-something mode
Naisu naisu! Keep openingu up I want to go homu!
Japan to cut THE CRAP to speed up economic recovery
Hhmmmm, doubt it……….
Michael Machida
This is a no brainer.
Means the govt mandated support for those infected will be cut short less rest days also people can report for work sooner.
Japan to cut COVID isolation period to speed up economic recovery
This is a true oxymoron. Cutting the isolation time will result in even more downtime to due increased infections.
They should be focussing on reducing the amount of cases.
Seems most people favor the shortened rest periods, maybe the hardworking attitude of the Japanese has rubbed off.
Me, I don't want to get infected of course but just in case I prefer the longer rest period
"Scrap all meaures and return to normal" lol ..Attitudes and thinking like that will certain take us back to square 1 .
Kyle Bluestone
It is time to join the rest of the world and get back to normal. This is ridiculous at this point. Open up the borders so tourists can come without a VISA, which discourages anyone from coming. If we want the economy to improve let tourism return to normal. Until it does, the economy is going no where. In addition we are a signatory to the Visa Waiver Program, and presently not abiding by it. Let’s stop this nonsense and get back to normal!
I had it for 4 days, my partner 7. Just take a test after 7 days, if ok, back to work. We didn’t have to take any tests.
Big of him to decide this after the cases are going down.
Hideomi Kuze
Present Japan increases Covid19 deaths year by year unlike other area such as western countries.
"the transition to a new stage of (living) with the coronavirus and enhance our efforts to balance (preventing infection and promoting) socioeconomic activities"
But "new stage" is only word. "our efforts to balance (preventing infection and promoting) socioeconomic activities" is nowhere in Japan.
Present PM Kishida only victimized many patients to benefit economy circle.
He did nothing against worst pandemic at Japanese society since 2020, and increased domestic total deaths to over twice during 11 months under his regime since last October.
Doesn't Japan lead the world in COVID cases now?
What does that mean?
If we scrap all measures, things will go back to normal?
Hermitage Nads
Now is the time to open borders. Might as well let tourists take advantage of the JPY's current toilet paper currency status.
What square are we at now?, nothing has changed in two years. However people are finally starting to learn to live with it.
As if the government will reverse the decision if the health experts say otherwise.
And what data will health experts have in their hand, when they don't accept the infected patients.
If one is not capable to use their primal instincts, rely on other's primal instincts (science based facts are still difficult to comprehend, may be).
Anyway, when is the next committee set for "Economy Recovery Plan" ?
Yes. The government have started to move to declassifying covid in similar category as the winter influenza. If you are at risk you can stay home with an Abe mask strapped to your face, the rest of the population will resume normal life again.
People who have been inoculated have been getting sick of CoVid19 so vaccination should no longer be part of the protocol in dealing with the pandemic because it is already a proven fact that it doesn’t give immunity.
If covid is classified the same as influenza things will go back to normal just like that?
“If you are at risk you can stay home with an Abe mask strapped to your face, the rest of the population will resume normal life again.”
if you think we are going back to normal, kiss that thought goodbye because we are not. We are facing continuing hyperinflation, economic crisis, wars, food shortage and a looming global famine, energy supply shortage, disruption in supply chain, poverty, natural catastrophe, governments going bankrupt, unemployment, poverty, etc.
You can do away with vaccination if it doesn't help anymore.
get rid of those masks already ! It is a shame to let kids wear them at school even when playing outside !
El Rata
What about cutting it to 'whenever you feel better' and reclassifying the rona to the level of the common cold if not to a lesser level.
ian et. al.: Who's to say the vaccinations aren't lessening the symptoms for some if not all? Does it not make it worth it if they are? I am sure MANY people have had it that never even knew it because at worst they thought they were coming down with a cold and never got tested, and probably one reason for the lesser symptoms in at least some cases is vaccination. That isn't to say you should rush out and get more if you don't feel you need it, but if you think it will help, I don't see that as a problem either.
Anyway, I hate to say it, but I'm starting to side with those who say the virus has got to start being treated as the regular flu, with more emphasis on personal hygiene and safety being the exception, and businesses allowed their own rules on masking and enforcement of it (I mean, not serving customers who do not comply, etc.). If someone is sick, that person should stay home until they lose the symptoms -- not their whole family and everyone that has been in contact with them, and not for ten days or even a week, so long as they test negative when going back to work or what have you. We're stuck with the virus, likely forever. That doesn't mean we go back to all the previous behaviours we had, but quarantine measures have become a bit moot at this point.
The health authorities of course.
But a lot of people are imagining they know better than the health authorities
That's what the govt is aiming to do isn't it?
What does "moved on" mean? I only ask because with some posts I get the impression it means ignore, which I doubt will help at all.
And any examples of countries?
and with all the price rise of energy (=air travel will become unaffordable), food shortages and energy rationing, who will realistically plan on a holiday trip in the next 3 months ? People have aboslutely no clue what is unravelling as we speak. Better to pretend everything will return to normal I guess !
Gareth Joyce
Scotland. I have just spent two month's there. There was zero mention of it when passing through the airport, masks are a thing of the past, I didn't hear or see any mention of Covid case numbers in the news. I am starting to wonder if any of you have actually travelled abroad recently....the world certainly has moved on and Japan has a lot of catching up to do.
Whoa, didn't even realize the isolation period had been ten days. I assumed Japan had already lowered it to three because that's what all other rational countries have already done.
All the more reason I will never voluntarily take a PCR test unless trying to re-enter the country. I've had Covid a few times and every time it has been relatively mild. If I test positive, I can't work and essentially lose all my vacation time or go unpaid if my vacation days are already used up.
If Japan is not going to get with the program and drop all of the restrictions, I imagine it's time the healthy and vibrant young people of this country simply start engaging in civil disobedience and ignoring any policies that aren't written in law or being forced on them by their job!
@Gareth Joyce
That's one, if true.
It may mean the world to you but it hardly qualifies as the world.
Aly Rustom
Not me. I would prefer a longer rest period, but the problem is most Japanese companies break the law-
when you get Covid or even before that, the basic flu, they are not supposed to make you use your paid holidays if you are full time and for those that are not they still have to pay you as if you are at work. Its called shukkin teishi 出勤停止.
However, most companies DON'T do that and just either not pay their part time or temp workers, and if you are full time you have to take a paid holiday. Its against the law, but most people don't want to use their paid time off to be isolated at home.
Personally, I would love to have a lockdown and work from home. Lockdown European style NOT the Chinese style.