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© KYODOJapan to ease COVID border controls, entry quarantine from March
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I have been triple jabbed, tested twice a week for my job and can happily provide a negative PCR test, yet currently if I enter Japan I have to go into a government detention centre. The current rules are silly, I am more likely to get covid in Japan at the moment, the rules need to be changed now.
No mention of us residents, right? The hassle continues.
Is Japan still going to require vaccinations with all the government data from UK, Scotland, and Israel showing the vaccinated are the overwhelming majority of cases, hospitalizations, and deaths? With all the new data coming in about the vaccines, I am surprised any country is still requiring the vaccines.
Best to require vaccine and a recent test unless they are a citizen or resident. Vaccinated are less likely to require hospital assistance if they get Covid.
As we all knew when they put out the feelers piece last week, Jgov us nothing but predictable.
So people still need to take expensive tests and a third dose!? Even though we know it does nothing to prevent the spread or contraction of the virus. Follow the UK's lead and scrap this nonsense already, not these baby steps.
Isn't this the reason people pay for travel insurance to cover potential hospital visits abroad. Just make it mandatory that all visitors have relevant travel insurance.
Bob Fosse
Thank you truckers! /s
Little by little Japan will open its borders. So wait your turn, be patient and stop whining..
“Is Japan still going to require vaccinations with all the government data from UK, Scotland, and Israel showing the vaccinated are the overwhelming majority of cases, hospitalizations, and deaths?”
Do a Google search for the baseline fallacy, it’s what you just made.
The quarantine requirement is the one that I think everyone should be looking at. Having to spend 3 or more days stuck in a business-hotel sized room with no way out is a lot to take. (Especially if it's after a lengthy international flight, or you're with kids or newborns, or both.)
Complain all you'd like, but vaccination requirements and negative tests won't be going away anytime soon (years, potentially). But if they could just get rid of that quarantine, it would make a huge difference.
Almost Good
Thank you Mr Kishida.
I consider this to be your best consideration.
Please stick with it for more than 3 weeks this time.
Best to require vaccine and a recent test unless they are a citizen or resident. Vaccinated are less likely to require hospital assistance if they get Covid.
It's not to protect the traveller. It's to avoid the burden on the hospital system. It's not an unreasonable requirement.
A lies, all lies. Why spread malicious fake nonsense like this?
FYI Scotland is in the UK.
That would be nice. The J Gov big worry is overloading the hospitals hence the up to date world best practices being employed. Like installing PCR testing machines that return the results after 90 minutes. No doubt they will insist on Hard copies of Certificates. I also wonder if restriction on Onsen will be imposed?
Quarantine is gonna be down to three days for vaccinated and returnees from low risk countries
Michael Machida
Good News! Japan can start making money again! Bring on the tax money! Yeah!
...and then a new variant will emerge that "we still don't know about" and everything will go back to "the new normal" and the cycle will repeat itself over and over. We need to learn how to live with the virus without the constant jabs, tests, and quarantines.
Where on Earth did you get that piece of information from. In any case regardless of your vaccination status the odds of you being hospitalised for the omicron variant is far less than if it was the seasonal flu. With this current variant there should be zero restrictions for anyone going anywhere. Can’t wait for the year when seasonal influenza is reported in the same way. How many tested for flu, how many positive, what their age groups were, how many were hospitalised and how many dies as a DIRECT result of flu. Oh right, that’s not going to happen.
Best to require vaccine and a recent test unless they are a citizen or resident. Vaccinated are less likely to require hospital assistance if they get Covid.
With all the uproar about whos allowed in and all, my brothers girlfriend arrived from Brazil last week. Had no fuss, no quarantine.
Makes me wonder if these rules are for real or not.
I got Omicron in Japan so I won’t be getting ‘a booster’
I guess it’ll be hotel quarantine then.
that is a good decision.
in general Japan government must allow more foreign students who desire to study in Japan to enter through a whole year.
But at the same time, it needs to inspect carefully if the students are attempting to steal a lot of technologies to make use of military after they are back to their country, such as totalitarian countries.
I don't understand why some of you are not happy. I have been the biggest critic around here, of how Japan faked the pandemic handling by blocking the borders and having close to no real measures to downsize the waves inside the country... and many people were telling me how dare I... Now we get as closest as possible to a reopening.
As a person who has a house in Japan and can visit it only on a tourist visa... I would take even a 1-month quarantine, do 3-4 PCR on my own money, and even a 4th dose if necessary.
Yet for me to get in it would take probably another 6 months at best...
But what about for residents? Japan was so slow to roll out the vaccines that I wasn’t able to get my second shot until mid-October and won’t even be eligible for a booster until spring.
huh? Aren’t the LDP and the government the same?
There is much hype around Japan 'relaxing' its entry measures from March. But the skeptic in me remains ever-present! 'Relaxation' to me, equates to how most of the EU & UK are now dealing with the pandemic; a policy of 'coexistence '
Having just returned from a 12-day business trip to Paris (with a side trip to London), and now holed up again for 6 nights in a hotel, it has really re-emphasised to me that Japan cannot possibly keep its borders shut indefinitely. With the Australian borders open, and New Zealand planning to open up from mid-April, the idea that Japan can maintain paying around 140,000 per person at the taxpayer expense is just not sustainable in the short-term, let alone the long-term.
Japan's strategy from the outset should have been free, self-testing PCR kits at home for all citizens, and infected persons and international returnees isolating at home. But it was never thus, and as such, Japan finds itself shut, and the rest of the world slowly resumes to some sort of 'normality'.
But the current process in Japan proves only that the blackhole of taxpayer money will expand apace, at least in the immediate term.
The process at the airport was for show. Nothing scientific. No social distancing between staff or 'patients', no isolating for crews or testing staff; it was simply meaningless showboating for the electorate to show them how 'safe' Japan is.
To test pax 'again' at the airport on arrival (after presenting negative at check-in), to handle a mountain of paperwork totaling 3 hours from the wheels touching the tarmac to making it onto a bus, to transport you to a hotel for 6 nights with an ADR of at least 15,000 JPY prprn incl. full board, including a further 2 PCR tests and a further transport BACK to the airport, is just lunacy at best. This will undoubtedly be expanded to those new arrivals, too.
Goodwill towards Japan is waning. Rapidly..
Kyo wa heiwa dayo ne
Easing border and quarantine requirements for entry - little by little is better than not at all.
You have to accept the Japanese way.
If a new more lethal variant pops up suddenly then you can complain about that too !
So next month... nothing changes expect allowing more Japanese and PR's in? Please allow all visa expect tourists.... why can't you allow students or working visas? ... I need to see my family!
So nothing changes...
Kei Kurono
Stop now. Stop Immigration especially workers. There is no demand in Japan, until wages double there is no need for workers. It will only reduce salary throughout Japan. Stop Immigration immediately
Add fuel to the fire…then watch as the covid numbers will rise again and number of deaths reach thousand plus daily!
Not from the new government data coming from UK, Scotland, Israel, and now Canada. Look at the real data from those governments. It shows the opposite of what you state.
Janet Shigemi Kajihiro
Does this mean you still need a negative Covid result and the 3rd booster shot even though I have taken all 3 vaccines including the booster to enter Japan? I plan to want to go to Japan not til August. I hope things loosen by that time. I live in Hawaii and are awaiting the arrival of Japanese to come here for their vacation stil.
Are vaccines required for entry to Japan?
Can you at least post a link to a report or analysis saying that?
Well this'll be a nice change of pace huh? I can't imagine quarantining in one of those business hotels that barely have room between the wall and the bed for walking. Sounds like it'll get mighty unpleasant after 2 days being holed up in there.
People may disagree but having a vaccine does not stop a person from getting or spreading covid. A pcr test does not show up covid very well (50% success if the person is newly infected). As such the restrictions only reduce the chances of people bringing it in with them.
However as people have said plenty of evidence that people who are vaccinated are less likely to get seriously ill. That is also the case of people who have had the illness whether or not that are vaccinated.
As we really do not know what the policy is trying to prevent it is hard to say if it is effective. If it is just to reduce overal numbers then it will work. It is however extremenly unfair and is basically making a commercial rather than medical evaluation of the problem.
If they really want to prevent the cost of covid on the Japanese health system I would suggest preventing anyone above the age of 60 from comming. Look at the data of any country and you will find that covid is mostly a problem of the elderly and it is them who should now be focussed on. That wont happen but it should because all data shows that to be the case. It is also the case the older you get the less effective any vaccine is on you immune system.
As it stands I will just wait until normalcy is back because travelling is already a pain and the various hoops just add to that. The industry can not function as it stands and eventually they will push because they want to make a profit.
They determined that omicron is significantly milder even for controlling for vaccination status ie. regardless of vaccination status.
Another source is this very detailed report from the French government statistical institution:
It's written in French but the relevant part is on page 17 where they show the risk of death for people aged between 20-59 years old; 60-79 years old and 80+ years old for unvaccinated people (top panel); vaccinated with two doses (middle panel) and vaccinated with three doses (bottom panel). You see that for the population under 60 years old, the risk with omicron even unvaccinated is essentially zero. The risk with delta again for unvaccinated people (which has the same pathogenicity as the ordinal strain) was also very small and mostly driven by people with comorbidities. The risk increase with age for omicron as we know with previous strains but remains significantly less than delta for older people. Of course vaccination for this vulnerable population is beneficial. For the rest of the population mass vaccination makes no sense unless for people with comorbidities.
On page 18 same plots but for the risk of hospitalization (left panels) and the risk of entering in intensive care (right panels). Here too for the 20-59 olds population very low risk and even lower with vaccination (again mainly driven by people with comorbidities) and the risk with omicron is lower across all age groups.
Similar data can be found I presume for UK, Netherlands, South Africa etc.
@Eastman - If border controls are relaxed for triple vaxxed citizens/residents which looks likely from March then the only 'restriction' to visit many countries will be no more than a PCR test prior to return to Japan. Of course if you refuse to be vaccinated it could be another year, maybe longer of hotel/home quarantine on return to here. The cap will still be 5k people a day but a simple look at tickets available in/out of Japan from the middle of March onwards this morning that people are already jumping on the bandwagon. Your reply to this topic is marred by your vax status.
Most of the non-Japanese coming in and being subjected to quarantines are residents of Japan, not people newly entering the country. These rules affect them the most, not people "on holiday" or whatever.
Many (most?) residents of Japan are currently ineligible for booster shots, because it won't be six months since their second shot. Even if six months have passed, mine was August 19 and so it will be this weekend, they will be behind a long queue of older people waiting for booster shots.
I say this because I have to head home to the UK soon to help my mother after she had an accident. I would like to avoid quarantine on the way back if at all possible. I have no access to workplace boosters and can only get one from my local authority. I could possibly get boosted in the UK, but have no health connections there, and don't even know whether the Japanese government would recognize it. In addition to personal convenience, me not going into a quarantine hotel for a week would save all of your taxpayers a lot of money. Its the government who pays, not the people flying in and out.
Exactly. And ALL governments and the WHO have known this since the beginning of this facade... Hence all the scepticism from anyone with a bout of intelligence.
John Noun
A good article in the Asahi about this, though I don't agree with this point:
At the university I work at, a fair number of students have had no problem going to Canada to study, for example. Reciprocity has been a Japan problem, only.
For all you would-be visitors waiting to enter Japan, don't expect to do so anytime soon. And your home country is part of the reason.
Actually, the only 'restriction' will be PCR tests to depart and return to Japan.
Most countries (except the UK and a few others) require a PCR test before arriving. While that may sound simple, not so in Japan. Currently, Tokyo is pretty maxed out with the tests they are doing, at about 25-30,000 per day (and less on weekends and holidays). And right now covid is as bad as it's ever been, so tests are of upmost importance. They've had 2 years to prepare, and this is the best they can apparently do.
Now think about this a second. Back in 2019, about 100,000 to 130,000 people departed Japan EVERY DAY (this includes foreign tourists returning home and Japanese residents traveling out). To test that many people every day in order for them to depart Japan (or should I say, enter another country) is currently impossible, especially when needing the results back within 24-48 hours. And no, Japan can not spread out the tests to elsewhere since people need these results just before departure, so most will probably be done in Tokyo, Osaka, or a couple other major cities with international airports.
Japan can't even handle half that number right now (again, 2 years into this) and this doesn't even consider that there will still be a domestic medical need to do PCR tests for people who are actually sick (or just fear they are) and had no plan to travel anywhere.
Now factor in how foreign tourists will be seeking to do this in any number of languages that are not Japanese. And then what happens when someone inevitably tests positive? Japan can not handle accommodating sick Japanese citizens, let alone a bunch of non-Japanese speaking gaijin who have no residence here.
Don't expect Japan to "fully open" till other countries start following the path being set by the UK and eliminate pre-arrival PCR test requirements.
Best to require vaccine and a recent test unless they are a citizen or resident. Vaccinated are less likely to require hospital assistance if they get Covid.
Scotland and the UK? That's like saying Hokkaido and Japan. No it is empirically clear, that for Omicron, you are way less likely to go to hospital if you had the vaccine and a booster. This is fact.
Check this out, and come back with evidence to contrary:
Follow the money, One side of the current quarantine requirements is the mandatory hotel stay which as pointed out in this thread is costing the government, ie taxpayer a lot of money. As stands now in Japan where omicron is everywhere it serves no useful health purpose in stopping the spread of the virus. Returning vaccinated people who tested negative are most likely to get Covid once they are released into daily life in Japan rather than ever bringing it in to the country. So whilst it may give the government a pretence of doing something to protect the country, the huge payoffs to the business hotels for the quarantine are obviously factor in its continuance. Something akin to the Abe masks which was also all about payoffs rather than health. Follow the money. Unfortunately never done in Japanese journalism
And you think that is less draconian than a simple requirement of vaccination and a PCR test? Sure that requirement isn't foolproof, but it's easy to comply with and a reasonable protection to Japan.
Arthur Brown
A step in the right direction (albeit it too late). Unfortunately, I can already lump part of what they are doing into the category of "useless and excessive Covid preventative measures".
Why is the booster shot even a requirement? If an individual were to say, for example, get their second shot a month before leaving for Japan, why wouldn't that itself be sufficient? The whole point of the booster was to "boost" the individual's immunity after an extended period of time. Instead it just looks like we are trying to help Pfizer make even more money.
I am an international student (Japanese government scholarship) who is supposed to go to Japan in April.
I just received an email telling me that, as of now, the classes will be online, which is disappointing. Either way, even if I’m in Japan, classes will still be online though.
Please Japan, open borders for international students and restart campus life to normal. I already have the two vaccines, as most students do. This is nonsense.
Kyo wa heiwa dayo ne
If you don't like Japan's way of doing things then either leave the country or don't come here.
But don't expect Japan to accommodate foreigners anymore than it already is .
Those reports show that being vaccinated reduces hospitalization and death in all cases, young and old. there is never a case of the risk being the same, or lower for unvaccinated.
I think you proved Ian's point.
Thanks for the link but what is this in response to?
My post prior asking for a link was regarding crashtestdummy's statement that the opposite is true of what 2020hindsight stated which is:
Here's the full post:
Not from the new government data coming from UK, Scotland, Israel, and now Canada. Look at the real data from those governments. It shows the opposite of what you state.
Afaik vaccinations aren't required to come into Japan, just exempts travellers from certain quarantine rules.
Anyway hope they start letting in more people soon
I wonder when my family can visit me in Japan and meet the 2 children born in Corona times for the first time ... No support from overseas possible for 2 years.
Twas your point actually.
Anyway goes to show that some very critical concepts and numbers could be really difficult to understand to some if evidence that support them are actually used to try to disprove them.
Sorry for your plight @impudicus 3:36pm and the plight of may here these last 3 years,
but for the period between ‘Pre-Corona’ and “Post-Corona’
we’re going to have to come up with a better term for ALL this government stupidity than
… “in Corona times”.
And a sincere “Congratulations!” to you both on the birth of your children. - Best to All moving forward.
Nihon Tora
Same here. My family are itching to come and visit - they've all been vaccinated 3 times and most of them have had Omicron already, but still no possibility for them to come any time soon. These border restrictions are completely ineffective and come at a massive cost to society. Unfortunately they enjoy huge support among the xenophobic voters. It's not the science that is driving these decisions, it is pandering to this ignorance and stupidity.
150 'extra' a day?? Prepare the Nobel Peace Prize! At that rate, if they are ALL exchange students who were promised placement two years ago, and those students haven't given up yet, it'll only take 1000 days to get them all in.
Yes, going from, for example, 0.003% to 0.001% is of course a reduction but both are essentially zero in the big picture. If you are under 65 with no underlying medical conditions, risk of dying from corona is 0%. Also inflating the death numbers is the fact that if you went to the hospital for a heart transplant and died, it is counted as “covid death” if the person tested positive regardless of any actual causality.
Provide a reference to prove it, else the medical consensus that completely contradicts you and recommend the vaccine for young and healthy people based on the significant reduction of risk is much more trust worthy.
Again, provide proof this is in any way significative, and that an infectious disease on people with severe preexisting conditions and under immunosupressive treatment (as in your example) can be thought to die without "causality" from said infection.
this should have been stated at the start. Shows everything else that follows can be safely disregarded