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© KYODOJapan to ease quarantine rule to 3 days for business travelers
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Vaccinated short-term business travelers: 3 days quarantine
Vaccinated residents: 10 days quarantine
Doesn’t make much sense.
Makes sense for Japan, where work is more important than family.
How do they know these people are "business" travelers? Is it based on visas? The people I know who take business trips to and from Japan nearly always go through the usual visa-waiver arrangement.
Mr Kipling
Again the magic word is "vaccinated". Sorry anti-vaccers.
Yeah and no mention that "returning" Japanese get the shorter quarantine period either.
Poor reporting again!
I understood it applies to Japanese “business” returnees.
Anyway, it seems to me that residents will still face the 10/14 days quarantine
Those of us who want to visit family are ignored yet again.
And the quarantine for vaccinated residents will end... never.
I have been looking into going to the UK to visit my parents. Looking at the current quarantine rules they do not look very strict.
If you cannot afford the ¥30,000 to ¥ 40,000 for a special taxi to your accommodation, there is a free shuttle bus. This bus drops you off at a handful of train stations not too far from Haneda. You then have to walk to your accommodation and can then go out shopping during quarantine. On the 9th day you have to then walk to a government approved PCR centre for a test and then to get the results.
A 3 day strict quarantine arranged by immigration as they did before sounds a lot better and meaningful. After all we would have had 3 PCR test over the last 5 to 6 days.
But why no mention of Japanese Citizens or Residents being included?
It does seem to apply to residents.
”The eased quarantine rules will apply to short-term business travelers upon their entry into or RETURN to the country…”
business trips only though… time to find some “business” to do back home while visiting the folks..
Dumb and dumber, can't make this up.
Color me shocked...not. How typical of Japan to prioritize work over family.
J @Tokyo
Ridiculous. This will get abused immiedately. I anticipate a lot of totally unnecessary "business trips" are suddenly going to be cooked up by people from all over Asia, Europe, US or wherever. Next, their family and friends will all become "coworkers" (not hard to do if you own a business). The reality is these "business people" will use this as a backdoor to enjoy Japan meanwhile Japansese citizens and permanent residents (read: second class citizens) get shafted AGAIN by the Japanese govt with never ending 10/14 day quarantine to return there. Getting PR in Japan is about as desirable as getting covid itself.
And humor me, what scientific evidence does a 3 day self quarantine in a hotel provide? What is less risky about a business person eating in packed izakaya on Day 4 vs. a vaccinated resident or citizen?
How is this anything other than an arbitrary BS to keep the business association happy while making it look to the public like they are still being vigilant. It's total bs at this point and never has been about science. Another reactive, never proactive policy from the Japanese govt which is clearly just reacting as other countries start to reopen. Shame on these people to put citizens and PRs behind business folks looking to come enjoy Japan on the company dime.
Coulda been
You are on the money. If you can't look after your own, what hope is there?
According to Japanese news outlets the 3 day period applies to Japanese and permanent residents too.
Because the virus, it knows if you are coming for business or not. Same as it knows what time it is.
J @Tokyo
@carpslidy please post a link because JT here is just not doing their job if that's true.
Its a beginning until the double vaxxed become the antivaxxers...Because they don't want a third and fourth shot...
To follow all the preceding comments, without anything new, I agree with the tones, My wife, Japanese citizen, returns to from Australia to visit her family in a few weeks and is after a long absence looking forward to that. She has made all the 10-14 day hotel accommodation arrangements. She has been fully vaccinated. The news of new standards is met with hostility. My wife's regret is that probably no one in Kazumigaseki will read this and not wake up to reality.
El Rata
For those complaining about the quarantine requirements for non-business arrivals, there is one solution: apply for citizenship (it's free by the way), travel and then simply ingnore the quarantine. A couple of friends did it already they simply erased the tracing app once cleared and ignored the calls from the MoH.
Sven Asai
No need for an explanation. It would come from the same people who made such stupid rules. lol
Very few details emerged for this kind of leak, which means the details have not been decided yet. The news may point to a resumption of "Business Track" with a revised set of conditions. If they keep the current 10- to 14-day quarantine requirements to non-Business Track travellers, the intention may be that they don't want their own nationals to travel abroad for tourism.
Take El Rata’s advice with caution. You might possibly find the MHLW spotlighting you, like it is doing to the Japanese through the below link. There are also a number of keyboard warriors who track these people down and post all the information and photos that can be found of them.
Hito Bito
Once again, political decisions based not on "science" but expediency.
Nothing in "science" says a tourist is any more or less of a risk than a business traveler. Nothing at all.
We're being constantly played by politicians who care nothing about "science" or "facts". Another fun aspect to this New Corona Normal...
Business travelers, Japanese nationals, compliance by their company. This is purely for Japanese businessmen on official trips abroad, and of course to let in the tens of thousands "trainees" and put them to work as soon as possible before god forbids the companies need to pay decent wages to local workers instead.
Because you did not read it. The 3 day applies to Japanese as well.
" The 3 day applies to Japanese as well."
If on a business trip cautioned by a Japanese company which guarantees for them upon return. Because Japanese offices are famous worldwide for the distance between workers.
and the 18,000 Japanese who died of Covid 19? Their families will never them again. Maybe it is time for those in the foreign community stop whining about Japanese travel and remember that Japan has right to impose any travel rules it deems necceary to protect the lives of Japanese citizens.
El Rata
They can't arrest you or do anything to you as it is not a crime. One of my friends appeared on that list, he was laughing and even printed and framed the PDF to brag about it; those keyboard warriors haven't done anything so far.
I'm not advising anyone to do it, I just wanted to point out that, if you are so keen to travel, there are solutions. Personally, I'm fine with not going overseas for the foreseeable future.
El Rata
Exactly! A lot of people want the perks and benefits of living here without committing to the place. If you want to be treated as equals at the bureaucratic level (society won't see you as Japanese, sorry) apply for citizenship, it's free. I couldn't be happier with my red passport tbh.
There's always a caveat when Japan is involved. Do the business travelers have to be Japanese citizens?
It does make sense. You see, business travelers have a stronger immune system and there's something in their DNA which prevents the spreading of viruses. So you see.
You honestly think most people live near Haneda Airport?
Yes, the Nikkei reported that the quarantine requirements for vaccinated returning residents (if vaccinated with Pfizer, Moderna and AZ) will be shortened to 3 days. The catch is that the daily entry cap is likely to increase only slowly from the current 3500. You need to book early if you plan to travel abroad from Japan this winter.
Ahhh, Japanese logic at work here. Where do they come up with these ignorant ideas all the time?
Not surprising.
Taki MataToday 08:39 am JST
That is where I first read about these changes in Nikkei Shinbu. This was then reported by NHK yesterday afternoon with what looks like a little more information on when this will start.
Who know what to believe sometimes which reports are going to be closer to the official announcement.
John Delaney
Does it really? Or is this just you projecting your own feelings? I doubt 99.99%++ of the "international community" is aware of or cares about this. Japan is a sovereign nation, and its government's job is to look out for the interests of its citizens. Foreign nationals are just guests here, and we're treated quite well in most regards. But I don't feel I have any right to complain about immigration policy here.
@Phil. Be careful not to spread false information. There are free shuttle buses that go for example to Shinjuku, but they are strictly only for people who have reservations to do their quarantine at specific hotels, for example the Keio plaza hotel in Shinjuku etc. If you do not do your quarantine in those hotels you cannot get on those shuttles.
There are limits on how many incoming are allowed. This will be no different. There will be a cap, definitely not a free for all.
The cap for daily international arrivals has been in place for a long time now and is just being increased to 5000 I believe from 3500. This is unrelated to the new 3 day Quarantine. Of course it will be abused. I, myself intend to abuse it and have a business trip to see my family I haven't seen in 2 years.
Lets see what happens in winter first, one of the very problematic things about Japan is that measures are most of the time delayed until they are useless or they can't be put in order
Once 3 shots becomes the norm, the 2 shot crowd will suffer the same fate.
no because majority of the 2 shot crown will get a third shot if it means they can travel more freely and get their lives back to normal
A system is being created whereby only the people who are fully compliant with the government get the "privilege" of travel.
no only people who follow the science and get a safe effective vaccines so that the majority of the population isnt at risk of serious infection and death, those that refuse are entitled to their opinion but it doesn't give them the right or the privilege to keep the pandemic prolonged.
seems like the antivaxxers wont be traveling with the ease of the vaxxed.
Exactly! A lot of people want the perks and benefits of living here without committing to the place.
wrong Im a permanent resident and have all the rights of Japanese, in business and living, owning land, except voting, and its reciprocal for the Japanese living in my home country. I can tell you there are far more Japanese living in my home country than vise versa. why would I relinquish my passport for a Japanese passport!?, id be disadvantaging myself and my family, and that goes for permanent resident Japanese national living in my home country
Correct. If these privileges require a third shot in the future, fine with me.
Don't care and I am totally unbothered by the in unvaxxed. Tough luck.
Nothing for the hired foreigners by Japan companies with a long term contract ?
... And we'll said wtfjapan. I'm PR too.
John Delaney
"the science" says that vaxed transmit the disease around and walking disease vectors, despite wanting to pretend otherwise:
Which means tons and tons of Chinese families will be visiting Japan on "business trips" for huge shopping sprees in the new year!
Approved vaccines? Don't tell me... you can't get in if you've had two doses of the AZ vaccine...
What if someone lives near these stations or the hotels that these free shuttle buses go to. When travel was easier, I would always use shuttle buses from the hotels in my area to go to and from the airport. Then I would walk, bus, or taxi to my place.
You can't take the quarantine bus then walk home if you met all the other protocols for quarantine?
They mean the Chinese and Russian vaccines will not get you in the country. In China, most people have the Sino-vaccine for political reasons, but I am sure you can pay someone (doctors) in China to get false paperwork stating they have AZ, Pfizer, or Moderna. Thus, allowing their citizens to travel the world to bring back revenue and intel from abroad.
The Chinese government will support any criminal act by its citizens that benefits the country like forgery, espionage, and hacking.
Note to all potential business travellers to Japan: Stay home and use the phone or Zoom a meeting.
Note to all potential business travellers to Japan: Stay home and use the phone or Zoom a meeting.
Why? If you're fully-vaccinated and tested negative on arrival, why would you have to behave any different to Japanese residents?
Laughing as I finish Day 9 of quarantine
John Delaney
Why would it matter if you're "fully vaccinated"? Since vaxed people still transmit the virus and are walking disease vectors.
If you believe that you have equal standing to a Japanese then you are clearly mistaken- I hope you never put your claim to a true test.
Justin Case
So much whining and complaining and resentment towards a government that is no more imperfect than any other. Japan does not want to become like the US, which has shown real stupidity as people fall for more illogical rhetoric designed only to mislead. If you all hate Japan so much, why do you give it so much of your attention and emotion? I live there three months of the year, in normal years, and while I am anxious to get back there, I do not hate the government for any imperfect response to a difficult situation.
What is the point of a three day quarantine? If you are infected between your PCR test and arrival it takes longer than three days to get symptoms or enough antibodies to test.
If you are doubled vaccinated your risk of catching and transmitting covid is greatly reduced, your chance of getting so sick you need treatment is vastly reduced. Get rid of the useless three day quarantine and concentrate on proper, 10-14 day quarantining for non vaccinated arrivals.
For those who don’t see any problems with disparity and f treatment, care to explain why the 50 researchers “exceptionally approved” to come through the Japan Foundation have to stay 15 days in strict hotel quarantine?
And the quarantine for vaccinated residents will end... never”
14( +25 / -11 )
If they are concerned about Covid (assuming for one second it REALLY exists) then every traveler regardless of vaccination status should be tested. It is not fair to judge/target someone if they are not vaccinated. Everyone’s body is different. What if someone gets the vaccine because they are fearful of being grounded from traveling and then suffer a serious side effect???!!! Then what?????????????????????????????????????
A vaccine is NOT going to make anyone safer.
It is extremely unfair fir someone who is vaccinated to get special privileges
If restrictions are lifted for tourists, it should be all tourists regardless of vaccination status.
Japan please do not turn into Australia, New Zealand, Canada or certain cities in the USA such as New York City. Grounding someone like a kid who is misbehaving because they choose not to be vaccinated is unjust and extremely tyrannical. Please Japan, you are better than such places.
@baroque1888: You will get no sympathy for your frankly ridiculous views here. I agree with Luddite - Lock the unvaccinated up in a hardcore government managed institution for 14 days (guarded at all times), Let the rest of us get on with life.
The key points to me are:
What exactly qualifies as a "business trip"?
How long is a "short" trip?
How does one prove that they were on a business trip?If my spouse and I, purely for example, were to take a trip over New Years to, let's say Bali, for the purpose of perhaps purchasing a condo for an investment, and came back in 10 days, would THAT be a business trip?
Until the details are confirmed, which they are not yet @Attilathehungry, I'm not quite sure how we are going abuse it. Guess we will find out later today or tomorrow if it is going to go in effect from next Monday. The only sure thing is that the unvaccinated won't get a look in.
If you believe that you have equal standing to a Japanese then you are clearly mistaken- I hope you never put your claim to a true test.
I know being a foreigner you can be discriminated against ive been here long enough. but it certainly hasnt stopped me running my business or owning land or property.
my reply was to a gaijin that thinks that changing their citizenship to Japanese will magically make Japanese born nationals think and treat them as Japanese and of their own, it certainly doesn't.
If there comes a day that ive had enough of Japan ive got my foreign passport so I can easily leave and take my family with me