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Japan to halt entry of all nonresident foreign nationals


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In addition, foreign residents who breach the 14-day quarantine rule will have their resident status revoked and be subject to deportation, Nishimura said at a separate press conference.

But lawmakers within his Liberal Democratic Party had pushed for the exemption to be suspended, arguing it was contradictory to ask Japanese people to stay home under the state of emergency while allowing nonresident foreign nationals into the country.

Punishment for foreigners can reach it's max including deportation but for Japanese, they just free to do whatever they like.



9 ( +16 / -7 )

What about doctors, nurses and other much-needed specialists?

4 ( +12 / -8 )

Japanese media including NHK 6am and 7am television news this morning omitted the word "nonresident", i.e. giving the impression that all foreigners are banned.

19 ( +21 / -2 )

"In addition, foreign residents who breach the 14-day quarantine rule will have their resident status revoked and be subject to deportation, Nishimura said at a separate press conference."

I wonder where the JT "expert" who once categorically disputed my assertion those foreigners, i.e. permanent residents can have their status revoked and expelled is right now.

2 ( +12 / -10 )

Pledges and penalties, flipping and flopping...

9 ( +11 / -2 )

Japan will suspend the entry of all nonresident foreign nationals into the country as part of its efforts to curb the spread of the novel coronavirus,

It makes sense. If you don’t live in the country, you have no business in coming here and spread God knows what.

In addition, foreign residents who breach the 14-day quarantine rule will have their resident status revoked and be subject to deportation,

Eeeasy, take it easy fellas! Why so much strictness? Are we talking about killers, rapists or robbers? Is this an excuse to get rid of those “mendokusai gaijin”? Now’s a good chance huh? Seriously, if it were for some people ( some, not all, but some ) this country would have its borders completely closed like it had centuries ago.

5 ( +14 / -9 )

In addition, foreign residents who breach the 14-day quarantine rule will have their resident status revoked and be subject to deportation, Nishimura said at a separate press conference.

Singapore was doing this last April or May however the difference is that Singapore never barred legal residents from re entering. As for Japanese they cannot be denied re entry to their own country.

I am not surprised NHK omitted saying whether or not residents can re enter. This was done last night also. As a Permanent resident I think I understand where we all stand on this as everyone else does by now. I would not be surprised if the issue of foreign residents was purposely omitted. Redirecting the issues away fromJapan to the extent possible benefits the LDP and the state run NHK is happy to oblige.

12 ( +14 / -2 )

In addition, foreign residents who breach the 14-day quarantine rule will have their resident status revoked and be subject to deportation

Wise move. Thats a punishment worse than some tiny fine. Japanese who break Quarantine should have their names published in their communities and given to their workplaces.

-8 ( +9 / -17 )

So a Japanese person who violates the self-isolation gets "named" and a permanent resident who does the same has their lives turned upside down by being booted out of the country. Seems fair.

14 ( +23 / -9 )

This is not a surprise for me.

As a foreigner who lives many years in Japan, I know and understand that we are just foreigners.

I said that already before many times. We are just guests here.

But many of you complain about what I am saying.

But now, can you see that?

But for me, I love Japan and I am very happy to live here. So I take these things easy.

Anyway I have no plan to go overseas or to visit my home country. It is much more dangerous over there than here in Japan.

And on the other side, it is good that Japan closes the borders. But of course they will not close it for their own people. (Japanese). No country in the world is doing that.

The only exception, I would agree is to let foreigners in with permanent resident status.

-5 ( +15 / -20 )

One more thing...why do you always compare us foreigners with the japanese citizens?

This is Japan!

Therefore the japanese people will always be treated in a different and probably better way than us foreigners. Because this is their country, not ours!

And dont argue with I pay tax here, I live here many years...and bla bla bla.

This situation is everywhere in the world!

In my home country, people who are even born in my home country, but with foreign parents, will always be foreigners. And they are always treated and seen in a different way. Even they are born there.

Here in Japan, it is the same.

So Guys, take these things easy!

If you love Japan and if you want to live here, you have to accept that.

-9 ( +19 / -28 )

In addition, foreign residents who breach the 14-day quarantine rule will have their resident status revoked and be subject to deportation, Nishimura said at a separate press conference.

Here is no such thing as permanent. I wonder if this applies to former foreign nationals that become Japanese citizens.

-7 ( +4 / -11 )

"I wonder if this applies to former foreign nationals that become Japanese citizens."

Technically possible, under what's called "denaturalisation".

However, it's extremely rare, as the grounds tend to be generally strict.

I don't have time to elaborate any further at this mo.

-7 ( +1 / -8 )

I’m not surprised by this two measure of treatment for a Japanese citizen and let’s say a PM resident,the first one if commit a penalty will basically have a slap on the wrist the second one his life destroyed.

Closing momentarily the borders is something that I can understand in such situation and many civilized countries are forced to do so in such times but what worries me is about Japan,it has a history of self isolation and this is a perfect excuse for the Nippon Kaigi to finalize it’s dream of reverting the country back to “beautiful Japan” in a new Edo era where all foreigners are banned.

The situation for sure doesn’t look good.

5 ( +9 / -4 )

Japanese media including NHK 6am and 7am television news this morning omitted the word "nonresident", i.e. giving the impression that all foreigners are banned.

They are keeping their options open

So a Japanese person who violates the self-isolation gets "named" and a permanent resident who does the same has their lives turned upside down by being booted out of the country. Seems fair.

Yup. welcome to japan

6 ( +12 / -6 )

I’m not surprised by this two measure of treatment for a Japanese citizen and let’s say a PM resident,the first one if commit a penalty will basically have a slap on the wrist the second one his life destroyed.

Exactly William. But what those MUPPETS conveniently forget is how many JAPANESE spouses and children will have THEIR lives destroyed when their foreign spouse or parent is deported- ESPECIALLY IF the foreigner is the primary or SOLE provider for the family.

Closing momentarily the borders is something that I can understand in such situation and many civilized countries are forced to do so in such times but what worries me is about Japan,it has a history of self isolation and this is a perfect excuse for the Nippon Kaigi to finalize it’s dream of reverting the country back to “beautiful Japan” in a new Edo era where all foreigners are banned.

Oh absolutely!

The situation for sure doesn’t look good.

For those of us that can, we should try to find somewhere else and immigrate. We are trying for Canada, but everything is upside down now.

12 ( +17 / -5 )

Stricter quarantine measures are fine but the government should not point the blame on people breaching quarantine measures when there was literally no instruction as to what we can/cannot do when entering the country other than don’t use public transportation.

My company put me in a weekly apartment that was advertised as for business persons needing to self-quarantine. It had a fridge and that was it. Not even towels or toilet paper. I am not advocating going straight to the pub with friends but what are people supposed to do when the government and businesses keep dropping the ball?

As for permanent residents, yes, you can be deported. Same for places like Singapore as well. It is what it is. If you truly love Japan and wanted to be treated as a Japanese national then consider taking up citizenship here.

4 ( +8 / -4 )

Doing all of this and they STILL haven't closed the schools... Suga is every bit as incompetent as they come.

0 ( +8 / -8 )

@Aly Rustom

For those of us that can, we should try to find somewhere else and immigrate. We are trying for Canada, but everything is upside down now.

Have you considered Malaysia? They have a very favorable policy called My Second Home Malaysia that offers unlimited renewable 10 year visas. It’s suspended at the moment, COVID of course..., but the entry barrier is quite low. Depends if you are ready to retire or can make enough money online to sustain your lifestyle there.

I am looking to move there part-time as soon as the situation settles down.

9 ( +11 / -2 )

Oh well, I guess no Olympic Athletes will be coming to Japan.

A good, unofficial, face saving way of cancelling the gsmes

11 ( +14 / -3 )

Ali my sympathies goes to you and your family and I hope you guys can achieve your goal,after many years in Japan which is over a decade and a Japanese family we were already planning to move back to my country and then the Covid came,thanks the providence me and my wife are still young enough to rebuild something there,let’s hope this pandemic will be over.

What a pity that such a beautiful country like Japan with truly nice and positive things is ruled by such backward narrow minded politicians.

9 ( +13 / -4 )

Japan will suspend the entry of all nonresident foreign nationals into the country as part of its efforts to curb the spread of the novel coronavirus, Prime Minister Yoshihide Suga said Wednesday.

What about Olympic athletes?

The government last month halted new entries worldwide, except business travelers and students from Taiwan and 10 Asian countries -- Brunei, Cambodia, China, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, Thailand, Singapore, South Korea and Vietnam -- had been exempt.

Wasn't it last month that many Olympic athletes including those from non-Asian countries entered Japan?

6 ( +8 / -2 )

Because this is their country, not ours!

As a PR myself, I also know I still have citizenship (and full rights and representation) in my home country. This is what citizenship gets.

So if I want to live with a guarentee of those rights and representation, I know that I should either go back to my country, or become a Japanese citizen.

-5 ( +8 / -13 )

Ali my sympathies goes to you and your family and I hope you guys can achieve your goal,after many years in Japan which is over a decade and a Japanese family we were already planning to move back to my country and then the Covid came,thanks the providence me and my wife are still young enough to rebuild something there,let’s hope this pandemic will be over.

Good idea William! I wish you luck!

What a pity that such a beautiful country like Japan with truly nice and positive things is ruled by such backward narrow minded politicians.

Not a day passes where I don't have the same thoughts.

Doing all of this and they STILL haven't closed the schools...

Sorry I should have added that schools, gyms, theaters and shops will stay open, BUT they will deport those who don't self isolate. GO FIGURE

2 ( +8 / -6 )

There must be something in the water in here that makes all the posters debate just like the politicians in Japan.

-5 ( +5 / -10 )

A guy coming back from UK did not respect the quarantine. He was later found to be positive and between in had a diner his friends. He contaminated two friends and it is apparently the first case of domestic contamination of the UK variant. This person was a Japanese man.

23 ( +25 / -2 )

A guy coming back from UK did not respect the quarantine. He was later found to be positive and between in had a diner his friends. He contaminated two friends and it is apparently the first case of domestic contamination of the UK variant. This person was a Japanese man.

Wow, so it was a Japanese who spread the new UK virus to and around Japan and it's foreigners who get punished by being banned from entry and being deported at will? Just wow..

17 ( +21 / -4 )

@Aly, William and all others who supports closing school...

You can imagine the impact to many many households in Japan, right?

In my case, if they close the school, my wife has to quit her job, because she has to stay home to take care of our kid.

That means half of our income will be lost!

And that will happen to millions of other households.

Many are not as lucky as others and can work from home.

Please always consider, that each persons life situation is different.

About imigration to Malaysia, Canada...yeah, I mean if you and your family feel more happy there, sure I agree with that step.

But for me, all over the years in Japan, I didnt lose my love to this country. I feel very happy here and safe!

Not only for Corona, but also for crime!

Aly, it is sad that you think bad about Japan after living here many years, but why dont you think again about it?

Now times are hard because of Corona. But these times will be over soon.

And then the nice times will come back again to Japan, and probably you and your family will be happy again here.

Think about that.

Dont make a short temper decission, just because of the Corona Situation.

In Canada or Malaysia, there is not everything Gold what shines!

-16 ( +5 / -21 )

As for Japanese they cannot be denied re entry to their own country.

This applies to most countries and makes sense. However, they should not be allowed to step on the plane if they cannot show a certificate with a negative result. I sure as hell would not want to get on a plane with people who haven't been tested. They should stay where they are until they're negative. And if they were staying in a hotel on holiday, then deal with it - they should not have been on holiday in the first place. Sick and tired seeing them come freely into my own country with no checks whatsoever and even lining up with the locals at immigration. I sure as hell wasn't given this privilege in Japan.

3 ( +9 / -6 )

I’m really not surprised at all. It just looks I won’t be able to travel abroad this year as well. The common flu is much more deadly. The world has just gone insane. I feel sorry for the kids. Having to do Zoom classrooms from home? If this keeps up the next generation of adults are going to be ill-equipped with any kind of normal social interaction and I’m not liking what I’m seeing. The world is screwed.

-13 ( +5 / -18 )

Stripping residents of residency is far too strong, given there is no equivalent for citizens. It likely violates the principle of equality before the law. I do favour the strong shaming methods to try and prevent the spread of the virus, though. Downloading and using the COCOA app should also be incentivised.

-10 ( +4 / -14 )

Relax and chill. It will soon be over with the start of vaccines next month in Japan.

Did not Suga say that?

-17 ( +1 / -18 )

@Aly, William and all others who supports closing school...

You can imagine the impact to many many households in Japan, right?

In my case, if they close the school, my wife has to quit her job, because she has to stay home to take care of our kid.

That means half of our income will be lost!

And that will happen to millions of other households.

Many are not as lucky as others and can work from home.

Please always consider, that each persons life situation is different.

I understand and appreciate that Monty. Believe me. I'm not so selfish as to think only of myself. BUT that is the job of the government to compensate parents that have to stay home and take care of their children. The gov is not compensating people enough and needs to set up legislation and measures that ensures that the situation above does not occur. The answer is not keeping the schools open where the virus can spread. Rather compensating parents who have to quit their jobs to look after their children. And for JHS and HS students, I don't really think they need as much supervision as the younger ones. Plus the children will not be sitting at home doing nothing. they will be studying online from home.

Plus, its not only the schools. The gyms, theaters and shops are all open while they threaten foreigners with deportation. That's just discrimination, since they are not even taking real measures to close these establishments while at the same time blaming foreigners coming back from overseas while neglecting the fact that spread is mainly domestic.

4 ( +8 / -4 )

I wanted to address this part of your post separately..

Aly, it is sad that you think bad about Japan after living here many years, but why dont you think again about it?

Now times are hard because of Corona. But these times will be over soon.

And then the nice times will come back again to Japan, and probably you and your family will be happy again here.

Think about that.

Dont make a short temper decission, just because of the Corona Situation.

In Canada or Malaysia, there is not everything Gold what shines!

First of all, Monty, the fact that you are taking time out to convince me to stay really touches my heart. You genuinely want us here and it is so nice and refreshing to hear words of encouragement to stay. So thank you very much for your kind and welcoming and encouraging words. Thank you.

Now times are hard because of Corona. But these times will be over soon.

And then the nice times will come back again to Japan, and probably you and your family will be happy again here.

Think about that.

I do my friend. I also wonder about the next pandemic and how it will affect us too. The fundamental point is being treated like I don't actually belong here.

I know you have said in your previous posts that we are all guests here, but I don't agree with that. I don't see myself as a guest here nor do I see you as a guest. Why? A guest must always leave. If I invite you to my house, you are a guest and I expect you to leave sometime. You and your family may stay the night or the weekend if you like, but I don't expect you to MOVE INTO my home. You are always welcome, but as a guest, you have to leave sometime. That's exactly how the j gov treats us.

This poses a problem when we get married to Japanese people and have children who are Japanese. If we are guests, then we have to leave sometime and then what happens to our families? This is the fundamental problem that the Gov and many posters here can't address. If you are married to a national and have children who are nationals, this is your home. You are no longer a guest. And the gov needs to STOP treating us as guests. YOU too Monty- you must stop referring to yourself as a guest. You are married to a Japanese, you are raising Japanese children who in the future will be tax payers and 真面目 (majime) members of society who will contribute positively to Japan. Your legacy and mine (should we end up staying) will be tied to Japan's future. By choosing to marry and sire Japanese children, we have become a part of Japan's DNA and Japan a part of ours.

This is why it is so infuriating what the J gov is doing. They not only disenfranchise us, they also do so to OUR JAPANESE families. If you or I were to get deported what would happen to them? And I know everyone says follow the rules and blah blah, but that isn't really the point. The point is that the J gov can just simply say "Yeah and whatever, we'll deport you if you don't do so and so" with such little regard to the Japanese families of these foreigners is what is truly disturbing.

8 ( +11 / -3 )

We can only have 100% equality with citizens by becoming one like the outspoken Dr. Arudou Debito.

Yeah, I don't understand foreigners complaining about being treated like foreigners. If you want to be treated like a Japanese then become a Japanese citizen. Also, when in Rome do as the Romans do. Otherwise you come across as entitled.

-13 ( +4 / -17 )

Why is everyone so worried about being deported? You do realise they are not going door to door deporting foreigners. This is about foreigners who break their pledge to quarantine and risk lives by irresponsible behaviour. Despite the inequality in this punishment I have no sympathy for any foreigner that does this.

(I do wish they would have some substantial penalties for Japanese breaking quarantine though)

Don't want to get deported simply do the right thing! One has to wonder about those wanting to leave the country, separated from their family, whatever because of this rule. Is that because they refuse and are not prepared to quarantine for 14 days if they return from overseas and are already planning to break quarantine and are upset they will have a penalty for doing that. What's the problem? Just dont break the quarantine.

For those who don't like this idea, of keeping quarantine sure go somewhere else where breaking quarantine is encouraged.

-10 ( +5 / -15 )

What's the problem? Just dont break the quarantine.

Exactly. The sense of entitlement on this message board is unreal.

-11 ( +5 / -16 )

It's ridiculous how Japan treats foreigners, temporary guests until they decide to deport us by force. If this doesn't open all expats' eyes then I don't know what will..

HUH! who is being deported by force! Simply don't break quarantine. My eyes are opened to what seems on this forum many expats who dont believe in keeping 14 day quarantine in this time of a pandemic or encourage/ sympathise with those who do not want to do it and plan on endangering people's lives, and think that is okay.

People should follow all laws and if you are a foreigner, permanent resident or not, in any country you should not be surprised if you are deported along with other punishments for breaking certain laws. It can happen in every country in the world no just Japan.

-12 ( +3 / -15 )

we remained at home for more than 90% of our time.

Your personal choice to stay in home for almost a year. I’m glad you recovered from your op.

but if local people tell me there are sharks in the water when I go Scuba diving, it is my choice.

after your op, medication, weakened immune system you made the right choice. I follow your posts so keep healthy.

But I would rather swim with sharks than stare at four walls. My choice.

-14 ( +1 / -15 )

He said the new measures will be taken from Thursday because of a recent case where a man who returned from Britain dined with multiple people during his 14-day self-isolation period and caused the spread of a new strain of the virus.

It has been reported elsewhere that this “man who returned from Britain” is a Japanese citizen. Why no mention of that? How soon until foreign residents have to wear ankle tags?

12 ( +13 / -1 )

What's with the sense of entitlement of some? This is Japan, and of course Japanese citizens should be given priority and preference over foreign nationals, it happens in every country.

I actually think Japan is being too lenient by admiting all types of residents, I think that only PR's, Spouses of Japanese Nationals, Spouses of PR's and Special Permanent Pesidents should be allowed, given the situation.

-7 ( +3 / -10 )

All is fun and fine.

Vaccine is around the corner!

-9 ( +1 / -10 )

It has been reported elsewhere that this “man who returned from Britain” is a Japanese citizen. Why no mention of that?

because like expat said this is a country with endemic ethnonationalist discrimination, and to bring that fact to light would question their whole racist policy.

13 ( +14 / -1 )

All I can add is proper hygiene and etiquette go hand in hand. Not to pick on the youngsters, but I see many of them remove their masks and open blast. hmmmmm.....yet not even the police standing nearby said a word.

7 ( +7 / -0 )

People at the moment are not really interested in Japan anyway. No big deal.

4 ( +6 / -2 )

It's actually not equality that these people want, but special treatment.

They're just too dumb to realize it.

-6 ( +0 / -6 )

Wow that is news!

0 ( +1 / -1 )

Good to be in a position to make rules for others to abide to. How about punishment

for a Welfare worker who refuses a person PCR test and the person eventually dies.

Hata the lawmaker , the professor in Tochigi springs to mind.

How about punishing those or relieving them of their who have deliberately made sure

the pledge to increase PCR tests is never carried out. Abe pledged 200,000 , Koike 60,000

now looking like they were blowing hot air.

3 ( +5 / -2 )

Japan could always do what the US did. Wait ten months, and then require that all international travelers into the country test negative for the virus.

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

People should follow all laws and if you are a foreigner, permanent resident or not, in any country you should not be surprised if you are deported along with other punishments for breaking certain laws. It can happen in every country in the world no just Japan.

The quarantine requirement isn’t a law, but a rule. Show me where it is enshrined in law. I agree anyone who deliberately ignores the quarantine rules should be punished, but deporting a foreign resident when they have not broken any laws is an abuse of power and discriminatory.

1 ( +2 / -1 )

Stop spreading the virus - otherwise, we will never get out of the virus crisis and its restrictions like here

Spreading the virus puts the kibosh on everybody's lifestyle - mine, yours, everyone's

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Same rights with tax payment but...

0 ( +1 / -1 )

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