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© KYODOKoike lowers virus alert; Tokyo to be included in Go To travel campaign from Oct 1
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Third wave, here we come....
July 16: Tokyo excluded from Go To Campaign.
-July 14: Tokyo new cases 143
-July 15: Tokyo new cases 165
-July 16: Tokyo new cases 286
Sept 10: Tokyo re-included in Go To Campaign
-Sept 8: Tokyo new cases 170
-Sept 9: Tokyo new cases 149
-Sept 10: Tokyo new cases 276
Freddy Freeway
Tokyo here I come!
Beto Ramirez
She should “Go To Retirement”
Why don’t we hear from a resident Tokyo virologist rather than a rich girl from Ashiya?
“On Thursday, Tokyo reported 276 additional virus cases, bringing the cumulative total in the capital to 22,444, the highest by far among Japan's 47 prefectures.”
Also the highest population of the 47 prefectures so of course it will have the highest count.
I really like this lady, she has vision and sense unlike all those old guys who are still stuck in the EDO period
I can understand if human nature allowed people to think and to continue maintaining the correct safety precautions, but unfortunately we are fools. People will misinterpret this again and revert to old behavior. Just look at the graphs, the number of new infections haven't reverted to pre-go to levels, in fact Tokyo's cumulative has not gone down. Also take a look at the nation wide cumulative for serious cases and deaths, it hasn't gone down, they've increased and are much higher than pre-go to levels and the trend is increasing. If I'm reading the graphs correctly, it means that the hospitals are dealing with very large numbers and this is not under control as Koike and Abe would have us think. They are doing this for the Olympics. News of having the Olympics for the past few days have been hot and heavy, now they want to lift this so that they can show the world that Tokyo is ready. Can't stop this already so people if you are going to travel, just please don't forget the safety precautions.
It appears the corona virus cannot be eradicated. Fortunately, mortality rate in Japan is very small. Economy is also very important for people's livelihood. We will be living with the corona carefully.
Tokyo, unlike other locations throughout Japan, has yet to get out from under the "1st Wave" of infections, and Koike is opening things up because of the hit Tokyo is taking economically.
Seems to me that people throughout the country have gotten sick and tired of hearing about the virus and have resigned themselves to having to live, or die, with it!
Personally speaking, I am choosing to LIVE, so everyone please stay the hell away from me, well at least 2 meters, and you'd better make sure you have a mask on, or else!
Aly Rustom
that's pretty much it.
If you want numbers that go down don't look at cumulative numbers, they won't.
Cumulative number of deaths, for example, can only go down if people started rising from the dead
Another step towards opening the borders.
I guess you are fine by yourself and don’t need human company.
How does she propose we stay vigilant? Wear a mask? Medical staff wear higher quality masks than everyone and still get sick.
social distance? Try telling my boss to let me catch a later train to work or let me work from home.
Please teach me how to ‘remain vigilant’?
no appreciable testing levels and open season for tourism? How is this responsible let alone possible?
Coming Soon! The Tokyo Olympics! (cough )
ManybellsToday 08:23 am JST
Quit your job if your so concerned.
Instead of making those in the tourism sector loose theirs.
Aly Rustom
Koike is a bloody fool! And her timing is impeccable. just when fall season starts and most of the experts have predicted the start of a second wave. Brilliant! What a muppet!
Third wave, here we come....
Whatever. The vast majority will recover. Stop ruining the economy over a virus.
Dan Lavender
and then Suganomics comes into play.
More tax hikes...sigh
JJ Jetplane
I'm confused. The numbers just jumped back up and it's suddenly safe again to travel there?
Ok, mission accomplished.
Ramp up the testing lets get a grip of the spread of this monster.
Stop ruining the economy over a virus.
Too late! The present dominant socioeconomic model has been busily digging its own grave since the days of "the Gipper". Covid is providing the coffin.
How do we remain vigilant ? it is not like the virus is something that is visible. Resurgence, who
is she really deceiving, she is sounding more and more like a trickster. Maybe she takes everybody
to be a fool not to know that the numbers are being regulated by the number of test performed.
711 cases from a massive 16,046 test in the whole of Japan, It is massive if compared to the previous day number of 7275 test.
Maybe Koike's masters have realized that they need the mom and pop shops to still exist if they want the olympics to be successful. Tread lightly Tokyo, you don't want to be the center of infections now that the colder days are approaching.
On another note, the grandpa in the photo has some low-key flair. Gucci bag and what looks like Grand Seiko?
Even if Japan would have the same amount of cases like Brasil or the US, my personal life has to go on. And that includes traveling.
My company already resumed business travels inside Japan and from next month also overseas. (But not for me, because I can not re-entry Japan easily). To be honest, I am against that oversea business travel plan from my company.
I guess, but I really hope I am wrong, a vaccine will not be found within the next 2-3 years.
But until a vaccine is found, we should support the people who are depend on tourism and guests for Restaurants and much as we can.
People who works in the tourism and hospitality industry also have families they need to feed and give a roof over the head. We should not ignore them, especially because many hotels, restaurants and other tourism spots are doing their best prevention against the virus.
But I am talking about Japan internal tourism only. Not from abroad!
I am still against opening the borders for tourists from abroad until a vaccine is found.
And for my personal life, it makes no difference if the cases are 100 or 1000 or 100000.
My life has to go on and that includes going to work by packed trains, stuck in a packed office, going to crowded supermarkets and so on...
Bugle Boy of Company B
I'm happy if Tokyo is left out.
It's rather simple, actually.
Watch out Okinawa!
Big increase in cases last Go to travel.
Trending down......meanwhile Japanpost is only increasing countries to its list of countries
that it doesn't accept packages for shipping. Worry about tourism, how about those whose livelihood
depend on oversea e-commerce.
Actually this is the first wave. Second will start with the seasonal flu and common cold period starting around November.
You are a perfect example of how the lockdowns and mask mandates and travel restrictions cause more harm than the effect on people infected themselves. I have almost always agreed with your point of view, but I worry your paranoia may cause you to impact strangers or statistically your own family.
There’s a vaccine for influenza...... and yet 500,000 people die a year from influenza.
There’s a vaccine for influenza...... and yet 500,000 people die a year from influenza.
Because millions of people refuse to take the Influenza vaccine.
You are the one that should be staying away from others if you feel this way..
I 100% agree with you.
@Dr. Lucifer
that it doesn't accept packages for shipping
depend on oversea e-commerce
I agree!
I was waiting for a package from my home country which was first refused by DHL.
Then I changed to FedEx and everything was fine.
Tobias J Gibson
Exactly. Any argument that people have a personal responsibility to 'save the economy' is bizarre. Roughly 46% of government revenue comes from individuals (income tax, consumption tax, various taxes on gas etc), while 12.7% comes from corporate tax. For decades the free market model has built these brittle economic structures, while companies focus on maximising profit and avoiding contributing to a safety net wherever possible. Individuals pay taxes, pensions, insurance to protect our health and welfare. Arguing that in addition we should get risk the death of our families, or illness, even mild, to save business which are unwilling to contribute to our welfare is backwards.
''I'm confused. The numbers just jumped back up...'
Nothing happened to the numbers, Covid is consistently spreading.
What changed is the number of tests performed. Up and down the Government will do this all year, and next (if no vaccine becomes available).
Just my opinion:
A few months ago daily cases below 100 were considered concerning.
Now we are all used to around 300...and it's 'normal'
That 'normal' number will slowly be increased over the coming months as long as they don't see signs of panic in the community at large.
An appropriate image would be the Frog in the constantly heated test tube. We are the Frogs.
I don't like it at all.
"How does she propose we stay vigilant?"
Her wording is stupid. What we can do is wear a mask when around others outside of home, take enough vitamin D and avoid crowds or small enclosed spaces with poor circulation.
I don't know your home so can't really comment.
DHL and Fedex are strictly private companies and have routes they are strong and some
that they are weak, but that is not the case with Japanpost though on paper it is private in
reality it isn't, despite most countries relaxing restrictions and opening up,Japanpost list of
restricted countries is instead increasing, doesn't make sense at all. Well not surprised at all,
one can't expect anything better from an organisation headed by an amakudari ex bureaucrat.
OK, I’m a bit confused by this. The inspections have only been going down for several days now, and Koike decide to drop the alert level? Don’t you think that’s jumping the gun a little bit?
I mean, I want Japan’s economy to get really back on its feet and all, as well as people to enjoy the country and everything, but I wanna make sure that we’re not jumping the gun before we do so.
Aly Rustom
Excellent excellent point!
From what I understand, the four stage system was created by the ministry of health labor and welfare. It appears that Tokyo is now in stage 3, the second highest level.
What I don't understand...
Does this mean that all of Japan is in stage 3? Do the prefectures designate for their areas? Wouldn't the ministry of health be a better source for making the designations?
Just my opinion:
maybe the government and people have had the common sense to re-evaluate the severity of the virus.
And maybe after nine months we have figured out 300 cases doesn’t mean 300 people are going to die and hospitals are going to be overflowing next week.
I would assume 600 cases a day will become normal and by a 1000 cases it won’t even make the news.
The flu never went away, we just got used to living with it.
Vanessa Carlisle
@carpslidy Its hard to tell what the person or people who down voted you really want or think. Its almost like a sort of disappointment that the panic is found to be rather unwarranted, at least in Japan.
Tobias J Gibson
Or, the 'panic' is the reason for Japans relatively low numbers. Arguing that because cases are low, people should abandon mitigation is misguided. In countries with a greater resistance to mitigation the situation is demonstrably worse. Likewise, arguing that a baseline of 1000 cases wont spiral upward if individuals change behaviours to less preventative ones is demonstrably false. Of course, we all just speculate.
No - @Ashley Shiba: Isolation and going to work on a busy train are NOT the same thing. Once again a post from you that is a total contradiction.
Next they'll be asking us to "Go back to packed Commuter trains", and "Go back to Office"....
WHY would ANYONE would listen to Ms. "Canceling the Olympics is UNTHINKABLE" despite the fact that at that time, it was pretty apparent that no one was going to risk coming, AND it was insane to start letting people come into Japan in July and August? Talk about blinders and stupidity. WHY is this pathetic woman still in politics?
Is this wise?!.
There are entire towns whose economy rely on tourism from Tokyo. If the local councils or businesses in these tourist towns are worried about Covid-19 from visitors, they can easily close their doors until there is a vaccine. Those who would like to open can profit from the campaign, maybe survive bankruptcy.
For months and months I have been going out whilst taking precautions and on this day I have not been sick once-only headaches from the mismanaged advice from the government....